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Melchizedek i egzegeza Rdz 14, 18-20 w pismach Filona Aleksandryjskiego
Melchizedek and exegesis Gen 14, 18-20 in Philo of Alexandrias writtings
Zarzeczny, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Filon Aleksandryjski
Philo of Alexandria
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Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 2; 1301-1322
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jill E. Marshall, Women Praying and Prophesying in Corinth. Gender and Inspired Speech in First Corinthians (WUNT 2/448 Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017)
Rambiert-Kwaśniewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1 List do Koryntian
Book review Jill E. Marshall, Women Praying and Prophesying in Corinth. Gender and Inspired Speech in First Corinthians (WUNT 2/448 Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017)
The Biblical Annals; 2018, 8, 4; 635-638
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The Biblical Annals
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Biblioteka Nauki
Inspiracje judeohelleńską egzegezą Filona Aleksandryjskiego w pismach św. Hieronima
Inspirations by the Judeohellenic exegesis of Philo of Alexandria in the writings of st. Jerome
Szram, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Filon z Aleksandrii
Philo of Alexandria
Jerome, like most of the early Christian exegetes (Origen, Didymus the Blind, Hilarius of Poitiers, Ambrose, Augustine), respected Philo of Alexandria as a specialist in the field of spiritual exegesis of the Old Testament and called him vir doctissimus Iudaeorum. In his letters and biblical commentaries Jerome used the knowledge on the liturgical vestments of the high priest and their symbolism that can be found in the writings of Philo. However, Jerome probably didn’t use directly his biblical commentaries, but took their content through the works of Origen, in which Philo's ideas have been christianized. The admiration for the person and work of Philo, which can be compared only to that showed in the East by Didymus the Blind, resulted in St. Jerome a certain lack of criticism. In De viris inlustribus Jerome too hastily considered Philo as a thinker deserved for the development of Christianity and attributed to him the works of which he was not the author.
Vox Patrum; 2012, 57; 659-665
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Vox Patrum
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Biblioteka Nauki
Terapeuci – żydowscy prekursorzy monastycyzmu chrześcijańskiego w De vita contemplativa Filona z Aleksandrii
The Therapeutae – Jewish precursors of Christian monasticism in De vita contemplativa Philo of Alexandria
Misiarczyk, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Filon Aleksandryjski
De vita contemplativa
Philo of Alexandria
The article analyzes the most important aspects of the life of therapists, the Jewish precursors of Christian monasticism. The author advocates the datation of the De vita contemplativa for the years 40-41 of the first century and presents arguments for the authorship of Philo. Then he emphasizes the apologetic nature of the text and its content. The author is in favor of the hypothesis that therapists were not essenes, but a separate group of ascetics in Judaism of the 1st century AD. He is not convinced by the hypothesis that the Philo’s treaty is a literary fiction and the presentation of an ideal community. Too many details in the text contradict this opinion and even indicate that Philo himself knew the life of therapists from autopsy. Direct influence of therapists on Christian monastic life is impossible to demonstrate, while indirect influence manifests itself in the following elements poor clothing, modest meals: bread, salt and water, devoting little attention to the needs of the body - only as much as necessary for life, getting rid of ownership by giving it to the closest relatives, praying at sunrise, praying with hands raised to heaven, practicing allegorical exegesis of the Old Testament, living in continence. In the case of cenobites: common life under the direction of the superior, shared meals, common prayers, houses divided into a residential part and a monastery as a place of prayer.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 9-23
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Vox Patrum
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ślady egzegezy Filona Aleksandryjskiego w De monastica exercitatione Nila z Ancyry
Traces of Philo of Alexandria’s exegesis in Nil of Ancyra’s De monastica exercitatione
Nieścior, Leon
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Nil z Ancyry
De monastica exercitatione
Filon Aleksandryjski
egzegeza alegoryczna
monastycyzm starożytny
Nil of Ancyra
Philo of Alexandria
allegorical exegesis
ancient monasticism
We encounter in the Nil of Ancyra’s writing De monastica exercitatione at least a dozen instances of the allegorical interpretation of certain places in the Old Testament, where Nil of Ancyra’s exegesis seems to refer to the Philo of Alexandria’s interpretation. In a few places there are significant differences in interpretation, but Nil decisively continues or repeats exegetical ideas of Philo. In two cases, in a longer allegory about Joseph who seeks his brothers and about the ritual washing of the sacrificial calf (De monastica exercitatione 44-45 and 56), the dependence on Philo becomes verbal. The borrowings come most often from Legum allegoriarum libri, which seem to be especially close to Nil. However, the traces of Philo’s exegesis from other writings of the Alexandrian seem to show a wider knowledge of his works by the monk of Ancyra. There is a probability of indirect borrowing and indirect knowledge of Philo’s exegesis by Nil, by other authors, but we find no evidence of such medium. However, for example, Origen’s relationship with Philo in the exegesis of the concerned places is quite loose and does not give grounds for the seeking such medium. The Philo’s ascetic orientation to exegesis, his connection to Greek ethical philosophy, willingness to use the biblical allegory, these and other factors may have influenced Nil to seek inspiration by the Jewish philosopher. The predicted borrowings had also their consequences. The copying Philonian thought led to take over the ideas borrowed by others, including the elements of Platonism and Stoicism.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 25-44
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Vox Patrum
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Biblioteka Nauki
Klęska Heliodora według Drugiej Księgi Machabejskiej a przybytek Miki w interpretacji Pseudo-Filona
The Defeat of Heliodorus according to 2 Macc in Relation to Micah Sanctuary Interpreted by Pseudo-Philo
Laskowski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
2 Mch
sanktuarium Miki
Liber antiquitatum biblicarum
2 Macc
Micah’s sanctuary
Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum
The story of Heliodorus' defeat in 2 Macc depicts God's extraordinary victory over His enemies. The defeat of Heliodorus and his troops described as a personal work of God is an event which happened without any direct human intervention. The present article analyzes this issue in light of ancient heroes' fights with a deity. These heroes paid the penalty not so much as a consequence of their fight, but because of their revelation of a supernatural power. The juxtaposition of many ancient sources, in which we find both the fights of heroes against gods and 'crime and punishment' themes, reveals the conventionality of literary forms used by hagiographers. Pseudo-Philo's LAB is one of the works in which this tradition is present. The story about Mica's idolatrous sanctuary contains some threads which are analogous to 2 Macc, and can be examined from two perspectives. The fi rst one concerns a detailed description of punishment, whereas the second one focuses on an ironic dimension of the story. The analysis proposed in this research presents the composition of 2 Macc 3 as a certain literary convention. At the same time, it connects the rules of interpretation of this text with those relating to historical legends about theomachoi.
The Biblical Annals; 2011, 1, 1; 131-141
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The Biblical Annals
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Biblioteka Nauki
Dlaczego Mojżesz, Homer i Platon nie pisali wprost? Strategia interpretacji tekstów kanonicznych u Filona, Maksyma z Tyru i Numeniusza z Apamei
Why Did Not Moses, Homer and Plato Write Clearly? The Strategy for Interpreting the Canonical Texts Employed by Philo, Maximus of Tyre, and Numenius of Apamea
Bednarek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Filon z Aleksandrii
Maksym z Tyru
Numeniusz z Apamei
interpretacja alegoryczna
Philo of Alexandria
Maximus of Tyre
Numenius of Apamea
allegorical interpretation
Interpretacja alegoryczna była narzędziem hermeneutycznym często stosowanym w pismach myślicieli z kręgu medioplatonizmu. Pierwotnie powstała w dyskusjach nad spuścizną Homera alegoreza była wykorzystywana także przez interpretatorów Biblii oraz pism filozoficznych. Alegoreci, dostrzegający w interpretowanych tekstach wyrażenia figuratywne, byli świadomi, że przy ich dosłownym odczytaniu, są one niejasne, a czasami nawet nieprawdziwe. Celem artykułu jest analiza strategii obrony wyrażeń figuratywnych (głównie antropomorfizmów i alegorii), podjętej w utworach wybranych myślicieli medioplatońskich: Filona z Aleksandrii (Quod Deus immutabilis sit, De somniis oraz De sacrificiis Abeli et Caini), Maksyma z Tyru (Mowa IV, XVII i XXVI) oraz Numeniusza z Apamei (Fragment 23 i 24). Historyczno-filozoficzna analiza poszczególnych utworów, zawierających interpretacje pism Mojżesza, Homera i Platona, dowodzi, że obrona pism uznawanych za kanoniczne stanowiła ważny element interpretacji przeprowadzanej przez medioplatoników. Zastosowanie metody porównawczej pozwala zaś na dostrzeżenie w argumentacji medioplatońskich interpretatorów zarówno cech specyficznych dla każdego z nich, jak i elementów wspólnych, takich jak sceptyczne podejście do kompetencji intelektualnych i filozoficznych większości ludzi w poszczególnych społeczeństwach oraz przekonanie o pedagogicznej wartości języka figuratywnego i konieczności jego stosowania w komunikacji.
Allegorical interpretation was a hermeneutical tool often used in the writings of Medioplatonist thinkers. Originally developed in discussions of the legacy of Homer, allegoresis was used also by interpreters of the Bible and philosophical writings. The allegorists, recognizing figurative expressions in the texts they interpreted, were aware that those texts, when read literally, were obscure and sometimes even false. The aim of this paper is to analyze the strategies used to defend figurative expressions (mainly anthropomorphisms and allegories), as employed in the works of selected Medioplatonic thinkers: Philo of Alexandria (Quod Deus immutabilis sit, De somniis and De sacrificiis Abeli et Caini); Maximus of Tyre (Oration IV, XVII and XXVI); and Numenius of Apamea (Fragment 23 and 24). A historical-philosophical analysis of particular works, including interpretations of the writings of Moses, Homer and Plato, demonstrates that the defense of writings considered canonical was an important part of the interpretation carried out by the Medioplatonists. Using the comparative method, we also show that the arguments of the Medioplatonic writers contained certain interpretive features common to all of them, as well as others specific to each individually. The shared views included a skeptical approach to the intellectual and philosophical powers of the average person and, thus, a belief in the pedagogical value of figurative language and the necessity of its use in communication.
Verbum Vitae; 2021, 39, 3; 959-977
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Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bóg niezdolny do gniewu. Obrona apathei Boga w teologii aleksandryjskiej: Filon, Klemens i Orygenes
A God Incapable of Anger. Defending the Apatheia of God in Alexandrian Theology: Philo, Clement and Origen
Mrugalski, Damian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
gniew Boga
biblijne antropomorfizmy
wpływ greckiej filozofii na teologię chrześcijańską
Filon Aleksandryjski
Klemens Aleksandryjski
anger of God
biblical anthropomorphisms
influence of Greek philosophy on Christian theology
Philo of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria
Starożytna Aleksandria to miejsce spotkania filozofii greckiej z Biblią. To tam powstało greckie tłumaczenie Biblii hebrajskiej zwane Septuagintą i to tam pojawiły się pierwsze filozoficzne komentarze do greckiego Pięcioksięgu. Wykształceni filozoficznie komentatorzy tekstu natchnionego natrafiali w nim jednak na wiele antropomorficznych przedstawień Boga, których nie mogli zaakceptować – właśnie ze względu na swe wykształcenie i kulturę filozoficzną, którą cenili tak samo jak swoją wiarę. Stwierdzenie, iż Bóg nie może posiadać ciała, gdyż jest transcendentny, oraz że nie może się gniewać, gdyż jest niecierpiętliwy, nie wyjaśnia kwestii, dlaczego w ogóle antropomorfizmy pojawiają się w tekście, który jest natchniony. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie, w jaki sposób aleksandryjscy myśliciele, żydowscy i chrześcijańscy, trzech pierwszych wieków naszej ery wyjaśniali fakt pojawienia się w Biblii antropomorficznych przedstawień Boga oraz jakie funkcje im przypisywali.
Ancient Alexandria was the locus of an encounter between Greek philosophy and the Bible. It is where the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, came into being, and also there that the first philosophical commentaries on the Greek Pentateuch appeared. The trained philosophers who examined this inspired text came across many anthropomorphic representations of God that they could not accept – precisely because of their education and their philosophical culture, which they valued as much as their faith. Yet insisting, for example, that God cannot have a body because He is transcendent, or that God cannot be angry because He is impassible, does nothing to explain why anthropomorphism occurs in the Bible. This article explores how the Alexandrian thinkers of the first three centuries CE, whether Jewish or Christian, explained the appearance of anthropomorphic representations of God in the sacred text, and the important functions they attributed to these controversial images.
Verbum Vitae; 2018, 33; 279-314
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Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stwarzanie wieczne i poza czasem. Filozoficzne źródła koncepcji "generatio aeterna" Orygenesa
Eternal and Timeless Creation: The Philosophical Sources of Origens Concept of "Generatio Aeterna"
Mrugalski, Damian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
odwieczne stwarzanie świata
odwieczne rodzenie Logosu
filozofia patrystyczna
Filon z Aleksandrii
eternal creation of the world
eternal generation of the Logos
patristic philosphy
Middle Platonism
influence of Greek philosophy on Christianity
Philo of Alexandria
Dialog Platona Timajos, uznawany przez uczonych za „Biblię Platoników”, był interpretowany alegorycznie już w Starej Akademii (IV w. przed Chr.). W epoce hellenistycznej (I–III w. po Chr.) natomiast, w kręgach filozofów zwanych medioplatonikami, toczyła się poważna dyskusja na temat tez, które w nim się pojawiają. Zasadnicza kwestia dotyczyła tego, czy świat powstał w czasie, czy też istnieje ab aeterno. Większość filozofów medioplatońskich uważała, że świat musi być odwieczny. W dyskusji tej, począwszy od I w. po Chr., uczestniczyli również platonicy żydowscy i chrześcijańscy, tacy jak Filon Aleksandryjski, Klemens Aleksandryjski i Orygenes. W ich opinii Bóg, ponieważ jest niezmienny a zarazem dobry, nie zaczął działać dopiero w momencie stworzenia świata. Pismo Święte stwierdza jednak, że świat zaczął istnieć w czasie. W związku z tym, postulowani oni odwieczne rodzenie świata idei (kosmos noetos), który jako świat myśli Boga, istnieje ab aeterno w Boskim Logosie. Koncepcja generatio aeterna (czyli odwiecznego rodzenia Syna przez Ojca), którą znajdujemy w dziełach Orygenesa, jest związana z prowadzoną w tym czasie dyskusją na temat wieczności świata. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie tej dyskusji i uwypuklenie zależności, jakie zachodzą między argumentami stawianymi przez medioplatoników, a tymi, które znajdujemy w różnych hipotezach Orygenesa.
Timaeus, a dialogue of Plato regarded by scholars as “the Platonists’ Bible”, was interpreted allegorically even in the time of the Old Academy (4th century BCE). In the Hellenistic period (1st-3rd centuries CE), especially among the philosophers known as Middle Platonists, there was great debate over the theses that appear in it. The main question was whether the world was created in time or ab aeterno, and most of the Middle Platonic philosophers believed that the world must be eternal. By the first century CE, this discussion had also been joined by Jewish and Christian Platonists such as Philo of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria and Origen. In their opinion, God, because he is unchanging but at the same time good, must not have started to operate only at the moment of the creation of the world, but before. Yet the Scriptures state that the world began to exist at a particular point in time. Therefore, Christian Platonists postulated the eternal generation or production of the world of ideas (kosmos noetos), which, since it is the world of God’s thoughts, exists ab aeterno in the Divine Logos. The concept of generatio aeterna (that is, the eternal generation of the Son by the Father), which we find in Origen’s works, is related to this ongoing discussion about the eternal nature of the world. This article aims to present the facets of this ancient debate while emphasizing the links between the arguments advanced by the Middle Platonists and those found in the various hypotheses of Origen.  
Verbum Vitae; 2019, 35; 373-418
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Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potentia dei absoluta et potentia dei ordinata u Orygenesa? Nowa próba wyjaśnienia kontrowersyjnych fragmentów De principiis
Potentia dei absoluta et potentia dei ordinata in Origen? A new attempt to explain the controversial fragments of De principiis
Mrugalski, Damian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
moc Boga
potentia Dei absoluta
potentia Dei ordinata
nieskończoność Boga
transcendencja Boga
niepoznawalność Boga
mądrość Boga
Filon z Aleksandrii
filozofia patrystyczna
wpływy filozoficzne na doktrynę chrześcijańską
power of God
infinity of God
transcendence of God
unknowability of God
wisdom of God
Philo of Alexandria
patristic philosophy
philosophical influences on Christian doctrine
The medieval dispute over the absolute and the ordered, power of God (potentia Dei absoluta et potentia Dei ordinata) began with a tract by Peter Damian entitled De divina omnipotentia. One of the questions posed in this work was whether God could indeed do everything, including those things that God did not in fact do. The same question, and a similar answer, appears in Origen’s work Contra Celsum: God can do everything except that which is evil. The impossibility of doing evil, however, does not diminish the omnipotence of God, because evil, is by its very nature, non-being. Beyond that, Origen, in numerous statements appearing in his exegetical works, distinguishes between the absolute power of God, which is infinite, and the power of God that creates the world and operates within it, which has a certain God-given limit – that is, this power is adapted to the abilities of the creatures who receive it. The purpose of this article is to show that, in the light of the distinction of the potentia Dei absoluta and the potentia Dei ordinata, fragments of De principiis (II 9.1 and IV 4.8), in which a finite world and finite power of God are posited, can be interpreted in a new way. Many contemporary scholars, on the basis of these fragments, conclude that Origen inherited from the Greek philosophers a negative understanding of infinity as something imperfect, but the analysis carried out in this article shows something different. In talking about a certain range of God’s power, which is available to creatures, or in which creatures participate only partially, Origen does not actually exclude the proposition that, in God himself, power – existing in an absolute way – can be infinite.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 69; 493-526
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieskończoność Boga u Orygenesa: przyczyna wielkiego nieporozumienia
The infiniteness of God in Origen: a great misunderstanding
Mrugalski, Damian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
nieskończoność Boga
moc Boga
wiedza Boga
filozofia patrystyczna
Filon z Aleksandrii
Klemens z Aleksandrii
wpływ greckiej filozofii na chrześcijaństwo
the infiniteness of God
the power of God
the knowledge of God
patristic philosophy
Philo of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria
the influence of Greek philosophy on Christianity
Many historians of ideas – philosophers and theologians – believe that the first thinker to introduce the concept of a positive understanding of the infiniteness of God was Plotinus. In Greek philosophy, however, something infinite was understood as “unfinished” and therefore “imperfect”. All the same, according to many scholars, Christianity took the concept of the infiniteness of God precisely from the founder of neo-Platonism. One of the reasons for which researchers of the doctrines of the ancient world persist in this thesis even today is the fact that, in the writings of Origen – who lived at the time of Plotinus – we find the expressions which might give readers the impression that God’s power is finite, since God brought into existence a finite number of created beings. This article argues that this widely-held interpretation is wrong. Philo and Clement, a Jewish and a Christian thinker, both of Alexandria – from whose doctrines Origen borrowed abundantly – wrote of an infinite God before Origen did. In the surviving works of Origen, moreover, he nowhere states explicitly that God’s power is finite, although it is true that, according to him, God created a finite number of creatures. The controversial thesis of a finite God is found only in fragments written by ancient critics of Origen’s teaching. A detailed analysis of Origen’s own original pronouncements on the nature, power and knowledge of God leads one to the conclusion that the fragments that have led many historians of ideas into confusion, either do not represent the views of Origen himself or present Origen’s teachings inaccurately. Moreover, in Origen’s surviving Greek writings, we find the term ¥peiron used in reference to God. This is precisely the term used by Greek philosophers to designate infinity. We may posit, then, that the concept of the infiniteness of God, positively understood, was born of the encounter of Greek philosophy with the Bible – that is, with the Jewish and Christian doctrines of the first centuries of the common era. Origen, who came slightly later, continued the thought of his predecessors and does not contradict them anywhere in his surviving works. What remains to be examined is the question of whether Plotinus himself made use of the work of Jewish and Christian thinkers in forming his doctrine of an infinite God, rather than those thinkers leaning on Plotinus, as is usually assumed.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 437-475
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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