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Исковость: в поисках утраченного?
Zaskarżalność – w poszukiwaniu utraconego?
Сахнова, Татьяна Владимировна
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
procedural law
Russian law
prawo procesowe
prawo rosyjskie
Since the 19th c. Actionability is traditional category that serves to explain the origin of the action from the one side and to explain the concept of the procedural protection in general from the another one. Modern science of procedural law in Russia as well as the Russian legislator virtually do not recognise it. In the opinion of the author such conduct is improper. Actionability and its understanding are the key prerequisites that enable the creation of the fully efficient legal solutions. The methodology of the actionability is simultaneously the methodology of mutual cooperation of the substantive and procedural laws, the methodology of understanding the essence of the court procedure. For that reason the actionability is necessary condition of the legislative moves and their systematisation. This assumption was analysed in the article both in a historical aspect and from the perspective of the contemporary Russian law and the projects of its amendment.
Zaskarżalność jest od XIX wieku tradycyjną kategorią, która służy wyjaśnieniu z jednej strony powstania actio, a z drugiej, ochrony procesowej w ogóle. W Rosji współczesna doktryna prawa procesowego oraz ustawodawca prawie jej nie uwzględniają. Taka postawa jest zdaniem autorki niewłaściwa. Zaskarżalność i jej rozumienie są jednymi z przesłanek stworzenia w pełni efektywnych rozwiązań prawnych. Metodologia zaskarżalności jest metodologią wzajemnego współdziałania prawa materialnego i procesowego, rozumienia istoty procedury sądowej. Z tego powodu uwzględnienie kwestii zaskarżalności jest koniecznym warunkiem działań ustawodawczych, a także ich systematyzacji. To założenie zostało w artykule zanalizowane zarówno w aspekcie historycznym, jak i z uwzględnieniem współczesnych rosyjskich rozwiązań prawnych oraz projektów ich nowelizacji.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2016, XCIX; 75-88
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozstrzygnięcia sądowe w przedmiocie wniosku oskarżyciela publicznego o zobowiązanie podmiotu z art. 52 k.k. i art. 24 § 5 k.k.s. do zwrotu korzyści majątkowej uzyskanej z przestępstwa (przestępstwa skarbowego) innej osoby.
The judicial decisions in the object of the public prosecutor’s conclusion about obligation of the subject from article 52 of the Polish Penal Code and article 24, paragraph 4 of the Polish Treasury Penal Code to return of the property advantage achieved with crime (the treasury crime) of different person
Siewierska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo karne
Prawo karne skarbowe
Criminal Law
Penal revenue Law
To begin with, I raise the question, that on the sixth of June 1997, the legislator firstly in article 52 introduced to the Polish Penal Code the institution of obligation to repay the property advantage by a physical person, a juristic one or an organizational unit without a legal status, for the benefit of the State Treasury. The aforementioned advantage was achieved by the person in the crime, committed by the delinquent, who acted in behalf of this person name or interest. The similar regulation is contained in the Polish Treasury Penal Code from 1999, where article 24, paragraph 5 provides that independently from putting on auxiliary responsibility, the court will oblige the subject, which achieved property advantage, to return it in the full or in part for the benefit of the State Treasury or the territorial self-government unit; it does not relate to the property advantage subjected to return in full or in part for the benefit of the different subject. In order to usage of the aforementioned jurisprudential constructions from article 52 of the Polish Penal Code and article 24, paragraph 4 of the Polish Treasury Penal Code in action penal proceeding (penal treasury proceeding), the public prosecutor should attach an application in accordance with article 333, paragraph 4 of the Penal Proceeding Code (article 155 paragraph 5 of the Treasury Penal Code) to indictment. In object of this application the court gives decision of the defined content, conditioned by the proceeding’s situation. The article under the title “The judicial decisions in the object of the public prosecutor’s conclusion about obligation of the subject from article 52 of the Polish Penal Code and article 24, paragraph 4 of the Polish Treasury Penal Code to return of the property advantage achieved with crime (the treasury crime) of different person” presents the matter in detail. This article describes in the first order possible judgments of the court of first instance in the matter. Next, this article refers to the decision of the court of second instance in this range. It is unquestionable, that the judgments of first instance court in the matter of the public prosecutor’s conclusion from article 333, paragraph 4 of the Penal Proceeding Code (article 155 paragraph 5 of the Treasury Penal Code) can be subjected to the review by means of appeal and in this case it is liable (amenable) to be inspected by the higher instance in the court of the second instance. The results of this inspection can be different with regard to that who takes revocation centre (lodges an appeal) and what pleadings and appellate conclusions he notified. Their discussion occurred in this article from here. In judicial practice we cannot exclude that, despite validation, the judgment of court including decision about obligation of the subject from article 52 of the Polish Penal Code and the article 24 paragraph 4 of the Polish Treasury Penal Code to return of the property advantage in full or in part for the benefit of the State Treasury (or territorial self-government in Polish Penal Code), will be inconsistent with law. This inconsistency will be detected in legal proceeding initiated as the result of extraordinary remedies at law. Therefore this article discusses also the kinds of judicial judgments which were given just as the result of extraordinary remedies of law. In the article it is necessary to be related to the results on the basis of the decisions referring to the subject who is obliged to return of the property advantage achieved in the crime (the treasury crime) by the delinquent.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2009, LXXIX (79); 139-161
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozszerzająca interpretacja zasady Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) a dogmatyczna niespójność koncepcji odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej z § 311a (2) BGB
The extending interpretation of the rule Impossibilium nulla obligation est (D. 50,17,185) and the luck of doctrinal consistency in the concept of damage liability from § 311a (2) BGB
Skrzywanek-Jaworska, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo zobowiązań
Regulacje prawne
Prawo cywilne
Obligation law
Legal regulations
Civil law
This article is directly connected with the issues presented in the article “The historical background for the legal expression of the rule Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) in the German Civil Code”. The mentioned article criticizes, from historical point of view, the enlargement of the application of the Celsus’s rule to the cases of initial subjective and subsequent – both objective and subjective, impossibility of performance. The following article shows some of doctrinal consequences of such an enlargement interpretation. One of them concerns the § 311a (2) BGB, which contains the separate liability regime for the initial impediments of performance. This paragraph entitles the creditor to claim damages in lieu of performance, unless the debtor did know of the impediment when the contract was concluded, and was not responsible for not having known about it. The debtor held liable for the positive interest. This regulations is firstly presented in relation to its doctrinal inconsistency. Afterwards, it is presented in relation to the proposition of the analogy application of § 122 BGB when the debtor is not responsible for not knowing about the impediment, to make him liable at least for the negative interest. Finally this regulation was evaluated in relation to the demand of staying in the line with the Principles of European Contract Law and the UNIDROIT-Principles.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 125-156
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne tło ustawowego sformułowania zasady Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) w niemieckim kodeksie cywilnym
The historical background for the legal expression of the rule Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) in the German civil code
Skrzywanek-Jaworska, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo zobowiązań
Regulacje prawne
Prawo cywilne
Obligation law
Legal regulations
Civil law
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 93-123
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkice z zakresu rzymskiego prawa karnego – skazanie do szkoły gladiatorów (damnatio in ludum)
Sketches about Roman Criminal Law – damnation to gladiatorial school (damnation in ludum)
Kubiak, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
prawo rzymskie
szkoły glagiatorów
Condemnation to the school of gladiators (damnatio in ludum) was one of the most intriguing penalties in Roman Criminal Law. Condemned were sent to ludus to train gladiatorial skills and fight during the games. Of course, its existence was closely connected with ludus, and thus it appeared in public law in I century b.C., after the gladiatorial schools were widely built (at least from 105 b.C. – Val. Max. 2, 3, 2; Cic. Tusc. 2, 41; Plin. Nat. 33, 16). From I century A.D. on, it was definitely quite common penalty (Plin. Epist. 31; lex Petronia de servis). The most important thing however is, that it was not a death penalty – it deprived condemned of liberty, they became slaves, and also they had to stay in ludus, as in the prison (D. 48, 19, 8, 11; P. S. 5, 17, 2), but they did not have to die during the games. Even more, after three years of service they could be liberated from the penalty, and after another two years – regain their freedom (Coll. 11, 7, 4). As it was a general rule in Roman Criminal Law, slaves and humiliores could be condemned in such a way (D. 48, 19, 8, 12; P. S. 5, 23, 4). Damnatio in ludum was very similar to damnatio ad metallum, so one can draw some conclusion on such comparison. Some authors suggest, that criminals were condemned to ludus in cases of sacrilege, arson, homicide, robbery and desertion (thesis based probably on Quint. Decl. Mai. 9, 21 and Flor. 2, 8, 8), but closer analysis of Roman legal regulations shows, that it was a penalty of lesser crimes or mitigation of punishments (D. 48, 13, 7; P. S. 5, 20, 2 and 5; P. S. 5, 23, 4; D. 49, 16, 3, 1; D. 48, 19, 28, 15). Though from one point of view it was a severe penalty, resulting in death sometimes, in general it may be compared with damnatio ad metallum and other non-lethal penalties. The discipline in ludus might have been cruel and hard, but there was also a chance to survive the time of punishment (according to some even in case of loss during games - missio) and regain freedom, not to mention quite good physical care like attention of doctors or massages. Its close connection with gladiatorial games was also the reason of its disappearance from Roman Criminal Law, as late as the end of IV century A.D. (C. Th. 15, 12, 1; C. Th. 9, 40, 8; C. Th. 15, 12, 3).
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXV (85); 85-112
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hadrian wobec dzieci żołnierzy – uwagi na tle epistula hadriani de bonorum possesione liberis militium danda
Epistula hadriani de bonorum possesione liberis militium danda. The Epistle of Emperor Hadrian on the Inheritance Rights of Soldiers’ Children
Świętoń, Adam
Tadajczyk, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Roman law; inheritance law; Roman army
prawo rzymskie; prawo spadkowe; armia rzymska
Starting from the 1st century AD, Roman soldiers were banned from getting married in order to maintain military discipline. Consequently, the union between soldiers and women (mostly peregrine but also Roman citizens) was legally ineffective. The effects of the ban mainly applied to private law and one of its most severe consequences was the illegitimacy of the soldiers’ offspring. Liberi illegitimi were not in the potestas of their fathers and had no inheritance rights. However, in the case of soldiers’ children, a concession was made: the soldier had a possibility to include a Latin or a peregrine in his will (testamentum militis), so his child – as a son of a peregrine woman – could inherit ex testamento. However, it was not possible to inherit when the soldier died intestate. In his epistula issued in 119 AD, Emperor Hadrian allowed the soldiers’ liberi illegitimi to inherit ab intestato. In the case of bonorum possessio, they were appointed heirs among other cognates (unde cognati). The article presents the circumstances of issuing the epistula and its legal effects.
Opracowanie poświęcone jest analizie przywileju nadanego żołnierzom armii rzymskiej przez cesarza Hadriana w odniesieniu do prawa dziedziczenia przez ich dzieci pochodzące ze związków pozamałżeńskich. Począwszy od I w. n.e., żołnierze służący w legionach nie mogli zawrzeć ważnego małżeństwa. Wprowadzenie takiego uregulowania tłumaczy się najczęściej troską o utrzymanie disciplina militaris. W konsekwencji związki żołnierzy posiadających obywatelstwo rzymskie z obywatelkami rzymskimi lub peregrynkami nie rodziły żadnych skutków prawnych, nawet mimo potencjalnego istnienia conubium pomiędzy partnerami. Dzieci pochodzące z takich związków (liberi illegitimi) nie wchodziły pod władzę swoich ojców ani nie nabywały praw spadkowych w jego rodzinie. Żołnierz mógł jedynie powołać do dziedziczenia pozamałżeńskie dziecko, mające status prawny Latyna lub peregryna, sporządzając testament żołnierski (testamentum militis). W liście wydanym w 119 r. n.e. cesarz Hadrian usunął tę niedogodność, pozwalając dziedziczyć żołnierskim liberi illegitimi także wówczas, gdy żołnierz nie pozostawił testamentu. Byli oni powoływani do spadkobrania w klasie unde cognati. Autorzy przybliżają okoliczności ogłoszenia przywileju i omawiają skutki, jakie wywołał on na gruncie rzymskiego prawa spadkowego.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2019, 111; 97-116
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nazwisko po rozwodzie w ujęciu historyczno-prawnym – uwagi de lege lata oraz postulaty de lege ferenda
Surname after the divorce in terms of historical and legal perspective – de lege lata remarks and de lege ferenda postulates
Szczygieł, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
family law; personal rights; surname; divorce law
prawo rodzinne; dobra osobiste; nazwisko; prawo rozwodowe
The work concerns the issue of the surname of the spouses after the divorce. The conducted historical analysis has shown that the responsibility for divorce should be significant in the context of the possibility of preserving the name of a former spouse. Current legal regulations do not foresee such situations at all, often causing consequences which are difficult to accept from a legal and social point of view. The author gives examples from the practice that prove the need for amending the law.
Praca dotyczy problematyki nazwiska małżonków po rozwodzie. Przeprowadzona analiza historyczna wykazała, że odpowiedzialność za rozwód powinna być znacząca w kontekście możliwości zachowania nazwiska byłego małżonka. Obecne regulacje prawne w ogóle nie przewidują takich sytuacji, często powodując konsekwencje trudne do zaakceptowania z prawnego i społecznego punktu widzenia. Autor podaje przykłady z praktyki, które dowodzą potrzeby zmiany obowiązującego prawa.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2019, 112
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Tendencies and Issues of Transposing EU Law to the General Part of Lithuanian Criminal Code
Tendencje i problemy związane z wdrożeniem prawa unijnego do Części ogólnej litewskiego Kodeksu Karnego
Švedas, Gintaras
Veršekys, Paulius
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
EU law
criminal law
Lithuanian Criminal Code
prawo Unii Europejskiej
prawo karne
litewski Kodeks Karny
This article deals with the theoretical and practical issues of transposing European Union law to the General Part of the Lithuanian Criminal Code, as well as certain aspects of the European Union criminal law that make serious influence on the Lithuanian criminal law and may create problems in the future.
Artykuł dotyczy teoretycznych i praktycznych kwestii związanych z wdrożeniem prawa unijnego do Części ogólnej litewskiego Kodeksu Karnego, jak również niektórych aspektów unijnego prawa karnego. Prawo to w istotny sposób wpływa na litewskie prawo karne, co może wywołać określone problemy w przyszłości.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2016, XCIX; 89-115
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakter prawny pracowniczego programu emerytalnego
The legal nature of the occupational pension scheme
Krajewski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo pracy
Prawo emerytalne
Pracowniczy program emerytalny
Labour Law
Pension Law
Occupational pension scheme
Occupational pension schemes (PPE) and retirement accounts (IKE, IKZE) constitute the third pillar of the pension system in Poland. What we should understand under the term occupational pension scheme is the program established with the consent of the employee, through a conclusion of a company pension agreement and a management agreement with a financial institution authorized to collect contributions, funded by the employer and supervised by the national supervisory authority (Financial Supervision Commission). Such a program is created in a specified form in order to accumulate resources that come from the contributions, on the basis of the capital, which are intended to be paid to the beneficiary after reaching the age specified in the Act. In the Polish legal system, PPE are not financed from social insurance contributions. Programs can operate solely on the basis of the method of a defined contribution and do not guarantee lifelong benefits. It is a fundamental difference when compared to the PPE in most countries in the world. The solutions adopted in Poland placed PPE outside the term of “social security” and “social insurance”.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2011, LXXXIII (83); 103-131
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Behemot i Lewiatan w oceanie polityczności. Carl Schmitt: przestrzeń, prawo, polityka. Część I
Behemoth and Leviathan in the ocean of the political. Carl Schmitt: space, law, politics. Part 1
Tulejski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
prawo międzynarodowe
rewolucja przestrzenna
prawo wojny
international law
spatial revolution
law of war
Autor analizuje koncepcję Carla Schmitta o opozycji pomiędzy lądem i morzem jako uniwersalnym prawie historii. Według autora Nomos der Erde historia świata jest historią wojen toczonych przez potęgi morskie przeciwko potęgom lądowym lub kontynentalnym oraz wojen potęg lądowych przeciwko potęgom morskim lub oceanicznym. Używa przy tym symboli biblijnych, by opisać ten historyczny konflikt: potęgi lądowe są symbolicznie reprezentowane przez Behemota, bestię lądową, podczas gdy potęgi morskie są przedstawiane jako Lewiatan, potwór morski. Autor argumentuje, że epoka wielkich odkryć geograficznych dała początek nowej erze wojen pomiędzy talassokracją i telurokracją. Według Schmitta ta przestrzenna rewolucja wyzwoliła fundamentalne siły historii wprowadzając nowe ziemie i nowe morza w obszar ludzkiej świadomości. Proces kolonizacji Nowego Świata wywołał konflikt pomiędzy lądowym katolicyzmem, a morskim protestantyzmem, pomiędzy państwem suwerennym i państwem liberalnym oraz dwiema wizjami prawa międzynarodowego.
The Author analyses Carl Schmitt’s concept of the opposition between land and sea as a universal historical construct. According to the author of Nomos der Erde world history is the history of wars waged by maritime powers against land or continental powers and by land powers against sea or maritime powers. He uses biblical symbols to denote this historical conflict: a land power is symbolically represented as a giant land beast Behemoth, while a maritime power is portrayed as a giant sea beast Leviathan. The Author argues that the Age of Discovery marked the beginning of a new era of war between talassocracy and telurocracy. According to Schmitt, this spatial revolution constituted a part of the fundamental forces of history, which bring new lands and new seas into human awareness. The process of the colonization of the New World by Europeans included a struggle between terrestrial Catholicism and maritime Protestantism, between the sovereign state and the liberal state as well as two kinds of international law.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2016, XCVIII; 131-143
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane przepisy kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego jako źródła obowiązku gwaranta
Selected articles of family law as a bases of criminal responsibility of guarantor
Kucwaj, Monika
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo rodzinne
Prawo karne
Odpowiedzialność karna gwaranta
Family Law
Criminal Law
Criminal responsibility of guarantor
Polish legislator in the 2nd article of the Polish Penal Code, introduced the establishment which is called institution of the guarantor. This function is legal basis to punish for consequences of somebody’s omission. Generally, failure in act does not attract criminal liability but statute intervenes to create offences of omission. By extension, the criminality of certain omissions may be contingent on a result or outcome. For this to be the case a person needs to be under a positive duty to act. This person, who is legally obligated to discharge one’s duty, is the guarantor. This institution is based on penal liability of person who is obligated to protect some goods. To bring the guarantor to account for his omission it is necessary to find a base in a civil law. Under the Polish law there are a lot of sources of obligations, which we can connect with criminal responsibility. The most important source is situated in the Family Code, where articles 87, 95 and 96 provides that parents are legally responsible for protecting their children. They have to preserve their children from every kind of danger, including self-endargement. Failure in these duties entails penal responsibility for consequences of the guarantor’s behaviour like death or severe disability. Another source of guarantor’s penal liability in the Family Code is the 23rd article. This regulation lays a duty upon a marriage couple. A husband and a wife are obligated to help and to support each other. When one of them is in a situation of endangerment, the other one ought to render assistance. If they fail their essential duties, they will incur the criminal responsibility for their omissions. It seems that institution of guarantor is indispensible in the criminal law, because it protects weighty relationships like family ties and the most important values, like life and health. Moreover owing to enforcement to the Polish Penal Code the 2nd article, Polish criminal law coplies with golden rule: Latin maxim Nullum crimen sine lege.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2010, LXXXII (82); 125-148
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza prawnoporównawcza regulacji dotyczących organizmów genetycznie zmodyfikowanych w prawie polskim i hiszpańskim
Legal-comparative analysis of genetically modified organisms regulations according to Polish and Spanish law
Kempa-Dymińska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
organizmy genetycznie zmodyfikowane
Unia Europejska
prawo żywnościowe
prawo ochrony środowiska
genetically modified organisms
European Union
food law
environmental law
This article is a contribution to the reflection on the issue of genetically modified organisms. The use of transgenic organisms in agriculture and food industry is the subject of unceasing discussion between supporters and opponents of GMOs. The aim of the article is to present Polish and Spanish legislation on genetically modified organisms. The analysis of Polish and Spanish legislation may allow to demonstrate how different is a direction in which the Polish and Spanish model of regulations on GMOs goes. The attention is also paid to the EU law, which serves to choose a model that more meets the EU requirements. The first part of the article presents the definition of genetically modified organisms and the axiological basis. Secondly, are presented the most important EU regulations on GM organisms. The next part of the article describes Polish and Spanish legal acts on genetically modified organisms which allows to compare both legislations at the end of the article.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2013, LXXXIX (89); 99-119
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
U zarania prawa zobowiązań. Sposoby zabezpieczenia niepodważalności umów w prawie starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu
At dawn of contract law. Means of securing the irrevocability of contracts in ancient Near Eastern law
Fijałkowska, Lena
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Historia prawa
Prawo umów
Prawo starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu
History of Law
Contract Law
Ancient Near Eastern Law
The aim of the article is to present ways of securing the irrevocability of a contract, used in ancient Near Eastern law. They can be analyzed mostly on the basis of sale documents, which are the most numerous extant contracts. Usually, claims by the parties themselves, their kilth and kin, as well as by third persons are forbidden by so-called irrevocability clauses. Oath, corporal and financial penalties are used separately or jointly to protect the agreement. Although the penalties are sometimes extremely harsh, it does not mean that they were not enforced; in this was the case, they would very quickly lose their preventive force.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2011, LXXXIV (84); 117-129
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Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Behemot i Lewiatan w oceanie polityczności. Carl Schmitt: przestrzeń, prawo, polityka. Część II
Behemoth and Leviathan in the Ocean of the Political. Carl Schmitt: Space, Law, Politics. Part 2
Tulejski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
prawo międzynarodowe
rewolucja przestrzenna
prawo wojny
international law
spatial revolution
law of war
Autor analizuje koncepcję Carla Schmitta o opozycji pomiędzy lądem i morzem jako uniwersalnym prawie historii. Według autora Nomos der Erde historia świata jest historią wojen toczonych przez potęgi morskie przeciwko potęgom lądowym lub kontynentalnym oraz wojen potęg lądowych przeciwko potęgom morskim lub oceanicznym. Używa przy tym symboli biblijnych, by opisać ten historyczny konflikt: potęgi lądowe są symbolicznie reprezentowane przez Behemota, bestię lądową, podczas gdy potęgi morskie są przedstawiane jako Lewiatan, potwór morski. Autor argumentuje, że epoka wielkich odkryć geograficznych dała początek nowej erze wojen pomiędzy talassokracją i telurokracją. Według Schmitta ta przestrzenna rewolucja wyzwoliła fundamentalne siły historii wprowadzając nowe ziemie i nowe morza w obszar ludzkiej świadomości. Proces kolonizacji Nowego Świata wywołał konflikt pomiędzy lądowym katolicyzmem, a morskim protestantyzmem, pomiędzy państwem suwerennym i państwem liberalnym oraz dwiema wizjami prawa międzynarodowego.
The Author analyses Carl Schmitt’s concept of the opposition between land and sea as a universal historical construct. According to the author of Nomos der Erde world history is the history of wars waged by maritime powers against land or continental powers and by land powers against sea or maritime powers. He uses biblical symbols to denote this historical conflict: a land power is symbolically represented as a giant land beast Behemoth, while a maritime power is portrayed as a giant sea beast Leviathan. The Author argues that the Age of Discovery marked the beginning of a new era of war between talassocracy and telurocracy. According to Schmitt, this spatial revolution constituted a part of the fundamental forces of history, which bring new lands and new seas into human awareness. The process of the colonization of the New World by Europeans included a struggle between terrestrial Catholicism and maritime Protestantism, between the sovereign state and the liberal state as well as two kinds of international law.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2016, XCIX; 137-156
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procedura ustawodawcza w Księstwie Monako
The Legislative Procedure in the Principality of Monaco
Kubacki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
legislation process; constitutional law; parliamentary law; monarchy; microstate
stanowienie prawa; prawo konstytucyjne; prawo parlamentarne; monarchia; mikropaństwo
The article contains a description and analysis of the procedure of passing laws in the Principality of Monaco. The starting point is to present the constitutional context of this issue – the author characterizes the place of the law in the system of sources of law and the relationships between the participants of the procedure of passing a law. The unique regulation of this procedure in the Principality of Monaco is a consequence of the constitutional system established there, in which the predominant role was foreseen for the head of state. In this context, the successive stages of the procedure of passing a law have been the subject of analysis, i.e. the preparation of draft laws, the legislative initiative of the Prince, proceedings in the National Council, sanction laws and promulgation. The aim of this article is to evaluate whether the solutions adopted by the Principality of Monaco guarantee the democratic character of the legislative procedure.
Artykuł zawiera opis i analizę procedury stanowienia ustaw w Księstwie Monako. Punktem wyjścia jest przedstawienie kontekstu ustrojowego tego zagadnienia – autor charakteryzuje pozycję ustawy w systemie źródeł prawa oraz relacje między uczestnikami procedury ustawodawczej. Unikatowa regulacja tej procedury w Księstwie Monako jest konsekwencją ustanowionego w państwie systemu konstytucyjnego, w którym dominująca rola została przewidziana dla głowy państwa. W tym kontekście analizie zostały poddane kolejne etapy powstawania ustawy – przygotowanie projektu ustawy, inicjatywa ustawodawcza księcia, postępowanie w Radzie Narodowej, nadanie ustawie sankcji oraz promulgacja ustawy. Celem pracy jest ocena, czy przyjęte w Księstwie Monako rozwiązania gwarantują demokratyczny charakter procedury ustawodawczej.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2019, 110; 71-94
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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