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Salezjański system wychowania młodzieży – możliwe wypaczenia
Salesian educational system – possible distortions
Stańkowski, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Salesian preventive system – distortions
The content of this article is related to the issues concerning Salesian educational system. The author has outlined some possible distortions of Don Bosco’s Salesian preventive system to which an educator is exposed. First of all, the educational errors which appear while working with young people concern the dimension of entertainment. Secondly, the author mentioned the instrumental treatment of the pupils. Next, the article touches the problem of paternalism as an effect of over protective love. There is a quite frequent problem of putting to much emphasis on actions according to the formal and structural requirements at schools which results in sticking to regulations. The author finishes indicating the last two distortions: leading to negligence of individual’s full development and overstressing the religious dimension at the expense of pupil’s integral education.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2011, 30; 187-194
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wspólnototwórcze elementy systemu prewencyjnego
Community forming elements in preventive system
Gocko, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
preventive system
saint John Bosco
social life
Saint John Bosco (1815-1888) always paid attention to the social aspect of his mission. The reflection, initiated during the XXIII General chapter, has as its goal renewal of the social aspect of the Salesian Charism. Hence the members of the chapter came up with the proposal of Salesian way of educating in faith and original program of Christian life: “Salesian Youth Spirituality”. The objective of this spirituality is a full growth of a young person in such a way that he/she is able to connect faith and life, immanent evaluation of his/hers own existence, participation in the life of society and finally global responsibility. This publication/reflection presents social elements of Saint John Bosco’s educational system. Its objective is to obtain the answer to the question; Is it possible to find within the preventive system, elements that can be useful in a communal formation? In order to achieve this objective/target the following community forming elements were distinguished and characterized as proposed by the Educator from Turin: oratory - as the environment of education and the experience of community; assistance - as the most appropriate educational component that included place of meeting and dialogue, as well as, family spirit which animated educational structures. There was also demonstrated the element of the educational system with leads to global responsibility for the world.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2011, 29; 203-221
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uniwersalizm miłości wychowawczej w systemie prewencyjnym Jana Bosko
Universalism of Educational Love in John Bosco’s Preventive System of Education
Chrobak, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
system prewencyjny
preventive system
System prewencyjny – jak stwierdza Jan Bosko (1815-1888) – „opiera się całkowicie na rozumie, religii i dobroci (miłości wychowawczej)”. Te trzy podstawowe zasady nie tylko wzajemnie się przenikają, ale także warunkują. Czynny charakter miłości wychowawczej w systemie prewencyjnym Jana Bosko i jej uniwersalizm ujawnia się w trosce o innego, poszanowaniu, poznaniu i odpowiedzialności i oznacza profesjonalne zorientowanie się wychowawcy, co faktycznie jest dziecku potrzebne w jego rozwoju, odkrycie w każdym wychowanku osoby rozumnej, wolnej i odpowiedzialnej, wrażliwej na dobro, prawdę i piękno, zdolnej do autorefleksji, samorealizacji, twórczości, transcendencji.
A preventive system – as Don Bosco stated (1815-1888) – “is based entirely on reason, religion and kindness (love of education)”. These three basic principles not only mutually intertwine, but also condition one another. The active nature of the love of education in the preventive system of Don Bosco and its universality is revealed in the care for the individual as well as in respect, understanding and responsibility. It also means a professional orientation of the teacher that is focused on the child and its developmental needs and in discovering in each student a rational, free and responsible person which is sensitive to goodness, truth and beauty and which is capable of self-reflection, self-fulfilment, creativity and transcendence.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2017, 38, 1; 89-100
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przykłady realizacji idei teatralnych Świętego Jana Bosko w Polsce na początku XXI wieku
Contemporary realizations of theatrical ideas of St. John Bosco in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century
Lach, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
teatr amatorski
scena salezjańska
system prewencyjny
Salesian theater scene
preventive system
amateur theater
Since the beginning of their foundation, the Salesians have placed great emphasis on educating young people by developing their passions and interests. The theater has always been present in Salesian work. Today, there are still groups that put emphasis on this form of education. This refers to schools, oratories or student theaters. It is noteworthy that, despite the socio-cultural changes, there are passionate people who can help other people develop their skills and spirituality.
Salezjanie od początku powstania zgromadzenia kładą duży nacisk na wychowanie młodych ludzi rozwijając ich pasje i zainteresowania. Teatr był zawsze obecny w dziełach salezjańskich. Dzisiaj ciągle można spotkać grupy kładące nacisk na te formę wychowania. Tak jest w przypadku teatrów szkolnych, oratoryjnych czy działających wśród studentów. Godnym uwagi jest to, że ciągle, mimo zmian społeczno-kulturowych pojawiają się pasjonaci, za których wzorem inni młodzi ludzie mogą rozwijać zarówno swe umiejętności, jak i duchowość.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2018, 39, 3; 139-148
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca salezjańska z dziećmi ulicy: Specyfika oddziaływań w perspektywie międzynarodowej – badania własne na podstawie stron internetowych
Salesian streetworking with children: The specificity of interventions in the international perspective – research on internet sites
Stańkowski, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
dzieci ulicy
system prewencyjny
badania jakościowe
street children
preventive system
empirical research
Zaangażowanie salezjanów w pracy z dziećmi ulicy jest wyraźnym przykładem kontynuacji dzieła ks. Bosko w stosunku do dzieci i młodzieży ubogiej materialnie, bez dachu nad głową oraz tej bez perspektyw na przyszłość. W artykule autor stara się przyjrzeć specyfice oddziaływań wychowawców salezjańskich na dzieci i młodzież (metody działania, założone cele). Część teoretyczna będzie wzbogacona o badania o nachyleniu jakościowym przeprowadzone w maju 2017 roku. Wyniki badań sporządzone zostały w oparciu o analizę treści dostępnych stron internetowych prowadzonych w kilkudziesięciu krajach świata.
Salesian educational work with street children has its origins in the educational practice of Fr. Bosco. Currently, hundreds of Salesians around the world are involved in education of street children. Salesians’ commitment to working with street children is a clear example of the continuation of Fr. Bosco’s practice of working with the poor and homeless children and with those without prospects for the future. In this article, the author seeks to look at the specificities of Salesian educators’ influence on children and adolescents (methods of action while working with street children, goals). The theoretical part will be enriched with qualitative research conducted in May 2017. The research results are based on an analysis of the content of the available websites in dozens of countries in the world.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2019, 40, 1; 79-89
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogika ks. Bosko w dzisiejszej szkole prowadzonej przez Zgromadzenie Salezjańskie
Educational system of Don Bosco in today’s schools run by the Salesian society
Grządziel, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Polish educational legislation
salesian style of education
Don Bosco’s Preventive System
The Salesian Society runs several schools in Poland. They represent a significant part of Catholic schools in the national educational system. The education is characterized by the preventive system of St. John Bosco. Polish educational law offers possibilities to integrate the educational objectives set out by Fr. Bosco, and pursue them in a manner appropriate to today's time and society. This article presents the main objectives of the Salesian educational pedagogy and presents the educational records of the Polish educational law, which offers space for their appropriate implementation.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2010, 27; 151-163
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierownictwo duchowe w życiu św. Jana Bosko
Spiritual Direction in the Life of St. John Bosco
Gocko, Jerzy
Centnar, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Giovanni Bosco
spiritual guidance
preventive system
Jan Bosko
kierownictwo duchowe
system prewencyjny
The subject of the article is the issue of spiritual direction in the life and activity of St. John Bosco. The first part discusses the experience of spiritual guidance received by John Bosco in his childhood. Deprived of paternal protection at the age of two, Don Bosco was himself in need of wise mentors and masters in order to become later a spiritual guide for his own pupils. Next, the article points out the specifics of Don Bosco’s spiritual direction offered to the youth of the oratory. The specific character of his methods stemmed up primarily from the type of his own spirituality as well as personal experience and moral exemplars followed by the Saint. The last part of this publication presents selected forms of Don Bosco’s spiritual direction, both at the sacramental and extra sacramental level.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2015, 36, 1; 67-78
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność edukacyjno-wychowawcza małych seminariów duchownych Towarzystwa Salezjańskiego w latach 1918-1939
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Towarzystwo Salezjańskie
działalność szkolno-wychowawcza
małe seminaria duchowe
system prewencyjny
the Salesian Society
school-education activity
small seminars
preventive system
W proces organizowania oświaty i w działalność opiekuńczo-wychowawczą po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości czynnie włączyli się salezjanie. Pierwszym obszarem działalności salezjanów były szkoły ogólnokształcące i szkoły zawodowe. Ze względu na potrzeby otwierano również domy dziecka i małe seminaria duchowe. Te ostatnie były przeznaczone dla tzw. spóźnionych powołań. Wielu wychowanków decydowało się na drogę powołania zakonnego. Większość jednak wybierała drogę życia świeckiego i kontynuowała naukę w szkołach państwowych.
After Poland regained its independence, the Salesians took an active part in the process of organizing educational and social work. Secondary modern schools and vocational schools were the first area or activity conducted by the Salesian order. In response to arising needs, the Salesians opened children’s homes and small seminars. Many of the pupils decided to follow a religious vocation. However, the majority chose secular life and continued education in state schools.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2017, 38, 2; 113-125
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ksiądz Jan Bosko wobec wykluczenia społecznego młodzieży włoskiej w XIX wieku
Saint John Bosco in relation to social exclusion of the Italian youth in the 19th century
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
social exclusion
poor and deprived youth
revolutionary movements
conditions of children and the youth
preventive system
Nowadays we use the term ‘social exclusion’. In the times of St. John Bosco the above mentioned term was not known but still the youth was affected by that fact. In the 19th century in Italy and in Piemonte in particular the fact of social exclusion was evident among the youth. This article is aimed to portray St. John Bosco as the one who helps the young socially excluded and deprived of family life. The very first reaction of John Bosco was his creation of his oratory for the young deprived of their own home. John Bosco would extend his offer of help to the young with the passage of time. He would build schools, boarding schools, junior high schools, vocational schools and other centres of education for them. He himself also created a unique method of educating of the young called “the preventive system”. He turned to religion, love and mind of the human-being who needs assistance and family atmosphere. The author also tries to highlight the social, economic and political situation of Italy of that time which contributed to the social exclusion of the young.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2011, 30; 195-207
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służcie Bogu i ojczyźnie – kardynał August Hlond do młodzieży
Serve to God and motherland – cardinal August Hlond to the youth
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
cardinal August Hlond
preventive system
significance of family
shaping his character
love of motherland
organizations unfriendly to youth
Cardinal August Hlond is a distinguished personality of the Catholic Church in Poland. His entire life and work as the priest, archbishop, apostolic administrator, Cardinal and Primate of Poland was devoted to the service of God, His Church, Salesian Society and the country. Being the spiritual son of Saint John Bosco, he was undoubtedly sensitive to the needs of the Polish youths of the time as well as their living conditions. This article is to present the issue of the youth in Cardinal’s life as three-dimensional: his growth and youth in his natural family; his beginnings as a young boy in the Salesian Society in which he decided to carry on with his priestly vocation; his spiritual growth to the point of becoming “the Good Shepherd of the Church” in Poland.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2010, 27; 137-149
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Salezjańskie harcerstwo w latach 1918-1939
Salesian scouting in years 1918-1939
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Towarzystwo Salezjańskie,
system prewencyjny
salezjańskie placówki wychowawcze
The Salesian Society
the preventive system
Boy Scouts
Salesian education institutions
In 1918, Poland after 123 years of foreign rule regained its independence. The country was recreated from three partitions. The process of restoring the statehood came across numerous problems: war damage, lack of political structures, or of one, unified legislation or education system. The situation was further complicated by the global economic crisis. The new authorities were aware that the issue of education and upbringing was a priority. The Salesians who had been present in Polish lands since 1898, actively participated in the reconstruction of the young country. They formed secondary school education, vocational schools and orphanages. One of the forms of youth work was scouting. The Salesians supported this form and were involved in organizing and running scout squads.
W 1918 r. Polska po 123 latach niewoli odzyskała niepodległość. Kraj powstał z trzech zaborów. Proces odbudowywania państwowości napotykał liczne problemy: brak struktur politycznych, zniszczenia wojenne, różne prawodawstwo, brak jednego systemu szkolnictwa. Sytuacje komplikował ponadto ogólnoświatowy kryzys ekonomiczny. Nowa władza zdawała sobie sprawę, że kwestia szkolnictwa i wychowania należy do priorytetowych. W proces odbudowy młodego kraju czynnie włączyli się salezjanie, którzy byli obecni na ziemiach polskich od 1898 r. Tworzyli szkolnictwo ogólnokształcące, szkoły zawodowe i sierocińce. Jedną z form pracy z młodzieżą było harcerstwo. Salezjanie formę tę wspierali i angażowali się w organizowanie i prowadzenie drużyn harcerskich.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2019, 40, 2; 131-144
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Towarzystwo Salezjańskie wobec potrzeb szkolnictwa zawodowego w okresie międzywojennym.
The Salesian Society in the face of the demands of vocational education in the interwar period
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
okres międzywojenny
Towarzystwo Salezjańskie
szkolnictwo zawodowe
działalność wychowawcza
system prewencyjny
the interwar period
the Salesian Society
vocational education
educational activity
preventive system
In 1918 Poland regained independence. Reconstruction of the country encountered a lot of problems. Education constituted one of the areas that required a lot of work and expenditure and which suffered from shortage in all its spheres - it lacked structures, experience, textbooks and, in the first place, competent staff. The Salesian Society, which had been present on the Polish territories of Austrian seizure from 1898, actively took part in the country’s reconstruction processes. Comprehensive secondary schools were the first object of Salesian activity. Due to a high number of war orphans, it was also a prerequisite to open orphanages and children’s homes. The Salesians realized that one of the most effective methods of bringing help to poor young people was to enable them to acquire a profession. Therefore, following the indications of their Founder, they commenced organizing vocational training. Establishment of the first vocational school in Oświęcim and consequent opening of other institutions of that type resulted in naming the Salesians as the order of “craft”.
W 1918 r. Polska odzyskała niepodległość. Odbudowa kraju napotykała na wiele trudności. Jednym z obszarów wymagającym wiele pracy i nakładów była oświata. Na tym polu brakowało wszystkiego – struktur, doświadczenia, podręczników, a przed wszystkim kompetentnej kadry. W proces odbudowy kraju czynnie włączyło się Towarzystwo Salezjańskie, obecne już na ziemiach polskich zaboru austriackiego od 1898 r. Pierwszym obszarem działalności salezjanów były szkoły ogólnokształcące. Ze względu na dużą liczbę sierot wojennych otwierano również sierocińce i domy dziecka. W pracy młodzieżowej salezjanie zdawali sobie sprawę, że jedną ze skuteczniejszych metod niesienia pomocy młodzieży biednej, będzie umożliwienie jej zdobycia zawodu. Dlatego, zgodnie ze wskazaniami swojego Założyciela, rozpoczęli organizowanie kształcenia zawodowego. Rozkwit pierwszej szkoły zawodowej w Oświęcimiu i powstawanie kolejnych, zaowocowało nazwaniem salezjanów zakonem „rzemieślniczym”.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2016, 37, 1; 39-51
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój Towarzystwa Salezjańskiego w latach 1875-1888
The development of the Salesians in the years 1875-1888
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
social exclusion
deprived youth
preventive system
the educational and social activity of Salesians in the Europe and the South America
The 19th century in the history of Italy was very difficult and unstable. On the Italian peninsula there were numerous atrocious wars, revolutionary movements and first of all its reunion movement. The above mentioned movements as well as a process of industrialization in the country caused great poverty across the country. That had a negative influence on education of the young and schools. A great number of children and youth were not in education at all. This situation was worsened by the fact of working women in industry. These circumstances led the Italian youth astray. Many people of goodwill and institutions in the country took initiative to the bad tendency on the field of education and school. Saint John Bosco is undoubtedly one of them. He initiated work with the poor and depraved children of Turin. As a young priest, from 1841 to 1844, he took the post of chaplaincy in one of prisons of Turin, where the young offenders were placed. Working as a chaplain he came to conclusion that it is absolutely important to make everything possible to keep children away from prisons where they undergo further moral degradation. Therefore, he started to set up places and youth centres suitable for young boys where free education can be provided for them and they can obtain job qualifications. Thus St. John Bosco founded oratories, schools, educational schools, boarding schools and colleges. In order to have followers of the youth work, he brought a Society of Saint Frances de Sales into being (to work for juvenile boys) and a Society of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (to work for juvenile girls). He also created his own system of education called the Preventive System based on mind, religion, love and assistance of the young, as well as family relations among the boys. From 1875 onwards one can notice an ongoing development of the Society of St. Frances de Sales. The Italian society, many European countries and numerous worldwide countries kept asking John Bosco to establish salesian enterprises for youth education in their countries. He had, nevertheless, some real obstacles to implement his ideas in the mentioned countries. Simply, the main problem was the lack of qualified personnel to go ahead with them. This article presents a development of the Society of St. Frances de Sales when the Rector Major was St. John Bosco.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2012, 32; 165-177
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Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność oratoryjna salezjanów w okresie międzywojennym
Oratorian Operations of the Salesian Order in the Interwar Period
Niewęgłowski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
Jan Bosko
Towarzystwo Salezjańskie
system prewencyjny
działalność oratoriów w Polsce
John Bosko
The Salesian Society
preventive system
activity of oratorios in Poland
In November 1918, our country regained independence after 123 years of partitions. A new state came into existence of three different statehoods (Prussia, Austria, Russia). Therefore, the process of creating the Polish statehood came across incredibly great problems. Everything was missing: political, economic, legal structures, uniform system of education. The already difficult situation was further complicated by a worldwide economic crisis. The Salesian Society, which began its activity in Poland in 1898 in Oświęcim, was actively involved in the process of creating new school and educational structures. Taking advantage of the great favour of the authorities at various levels, as well as the openness of Polish society, the Salesians opened general schools, vocational schools, boarding schools and orphanages. One of the forms of Salesian work was also an oratory. It was the primary method of working with the youth of the Salesian Founder, Fr. John Bosco. Continuing his charism in Poland, the Salesians, as far as possible, conducted oratorical work at the educational institutions and parishes.
W listopadzie 1918 r. Polska odzyskała niepodległość po 123 latach rozbiorów. Nowe państwo powstało z trzech różnych państwowości (Prusy, Austria, Rosja), dlatego tworzenie państwowości polskiej napotykało na niesamowicie wielkie trudności. Brakowało wszystkiego: struktur politycznych, ekonomicznych, prawniczych, administracyjnych, jednolitego systemu szkolnictwa. Sytuację i tak trudną, komplikował ponadto ogólnoświatowy kryzys ekonomiczny. W proces tworzenia nowych struktur szkolnych i wychowawczych czynnie włączyło się Towarzystwo Salezjańskie, które rozpoczęło swoją działalność na ziemiach polskich w 1898 r. w Oświęcimiu. Korzystając z dużej przychylności władz różnego szczebla, jak również z otwartości polskiego społeczeństwa, salezjanie otwierali szkoły ogólnokształcące, szkoły zawodowe, internaty oraz sierocińce. Jedną z form pracy salezjańskiej było również oratorium. Była to uprzywilejowana metoda pracy z młodzieżą Założyciela salezjanów ks. Jana Bosko. Kontynuując jego charyzmat w Polsce, salezjanie, w miarę swoich możliwości, prowadzili pracę oratoryjną przy powstałych placówkach wychowawczych i parafiach.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2020, 41, 2; 85-97
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogika ks. Bosko w dzisiejszej szkole prowadzonej przez Zgromadzenie Salezjańskie. Część II
Educational system of Don Bosco in today’s schools run by the Salesian Society
Grządziel, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
teachers’ professional skills and competencies
teachers’ professional formation
Polish educational legislation
salesian style of education
Don Bosco’s Preventive System
The preventive system of St. John Bosco implemented in the Salesian schools offers both educative aims and methodology for real educational processes. It is possible to affirm that such an approach is a real part of education in its methodological and practical meaning. Methodological, because it contains knowledge that helps teachers and educators to organize their actions a consistent process oriented toward an educational goal. It also allows educators to reflect on that their actions and to evaluate them according to inner criteria. It is practical because it is not a discipline with a goal to organize knowledge in a theoretical system, but rather it is oriented as a whole towards a concrete intervention and looks for results. This article presents the role of the teacher and educator in the light of the preventive system as it is implemented in schools, and the ethical and professional skills that they should acquire. The paper highlights the possibilities that the professional practice community offers educators for their own professional development.
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2011, 29; 223-235
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
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Biblioteka Nauki

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