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O klasyfikacji jakościowych kartograficznych form prezentacji
On qualitative classification of cartographic forms of presentation
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
Artykuł zawiera propozycję modyfikacji klasyfikacji kartograficznych form prezentacji na poziomie jakościowym, czyli nominalnym.
The author refers to his previous publication on the quantitative forms of presentation (2005). In international literature there is no single accepted classification of cartographic methods of presentation; even terminology often causes misunderstandings (eg. choropleth map - cartogram). Polish cartographers apply the classification published by L. Ratajski (1989), which resembles, although is slightly different from the classification of K.A. Saliszczew (1998) included ir the Polish version of his Kartovedenie handbook. I is, however, a classification which raises some doubt The author, therefore, proposes to modify it. Considering graphic references, L. Ratajski distinguished three qualitative methods, two of which used area reference (fig. 1). The author also proposes three methods, but with consistent reference to a point, linę and area (fig. 3). Further in the article the author argues that „movement arrows" are not an independent method of presentation.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2009, T. 41, nr 3, 3; 221-226
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o klasyfikacji ilościowych form prezentacji kartograficznej
Remarks on the classification of quantitative cartographic methods of presentation
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
skala pomiarowa
prezentacja kartograficzna
measurement scale
method of presentation
Po omówieniu wybranych właściwości form prezentacji kartograficznej, w artykule przedstawiono propozycję modyfikacji klasyfikacji L. Ratajskiego, podanej w podręczniku z 1989 roku.
Despite a number of theoretical dissertations there is still no generally accepted classification of cartographic methods of presentation. The classification proposed by L. Ratajski (1989) is used in Poland. Being developed in the early 1960s, it is almost 50 years old. The classification bases on the type of presented information. Methods are divided into quantitative (diagram map, choropleth map, isolines, dot method) and qualitative (areal method, pictoral method). This division is insufficient, because in measurement theory there also exists the ordinal level. Every quantitative method should therefore include presentation on ordinal level. I believe that a method known in Polish literature as signature method (e.g. city size in general geographical maps) should be moved to the quantitative group. All quantitative methods convey information using class division, so statistic data are transformed into classes. Diagram map is an exception - it can be used in continuous form (with size variable) as well as in its class division version. This aspect asks for more research from the point of cartoaraphic methods of presentation.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2005, T. 37, nr 2, 2; 95-100
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ilustracja kartograficzna akademickich podręczników geograficznych
Cartographic illustration of academic geographical handbook
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
map correctness
W artykule przedstawiono kilka zagadnień związanych z redagowaniem map w podręcznikach akademickich na przykładzie sześciu wybranych publikacji Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN.
The article critically discusses cartographic contents of six geography handbooks published by Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN (Polish Scientific Publishers). The publishing house, founded in 1951 specializes in academic handbooks of various disciplines. In the last few years a change of printing technology and map preparation for reproduction becomes evident. The text presents the description of some maps: its scale, projection - the cartographic graticule. It turns out that on handbook maps the scale is often omitted - linear scale is more common. Occasionally the projection chosen is a wrong one, e.g. Mercator's projection for presentation of meteorological stations in the world (fig. 3). Text explanations are often separated from the legend symbols, the relation "figure-ground" is omitted (land - water in many maps) (fig. 1) and graphic variables misapplied. The aim of the article is to present most common errors and failings, which can be easily avoided with the contemporary technology of cartographic illustration design.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2006, T. 38, nr 2, 2; 124-132
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z problematyki map kropkowych
On dot maps
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
metoda kropkowa
kartograficzne metody prezentacji
mapy tematyczne
dot method
cartographic methods of presentation
thematic maps
W artykule omówiono kilka zagadnień związanych z redagowaniem map kropkowych, a więc sposoby wyznaczania wielkości i wagi kropek, sposoby rozmieszczenia kropek na mapie oraz zarysowano problematykę relacji metody kropkowej do innych form prezentacji kartograficznej, co w przyszłości może ułatwić opracowanie poprawnej klasyfikacji kartograficznych metod i form prezentacji.
The article discusses several issues concerning the elaboration of dot maps. The dot method is difficult to digitize and requires considerable editing skill. Discussed are the following issues: range of application of the method, method of determination of dot size and value, methods of dot distribution on the map. Although the range of application of the dot method is rather broad, it is most rarely used by cartographers. Among many methods of determination of dot size and value it is worth noting the method of G. Ozerova (1973), which facilitates the establishment of these parameters on maps of population distribution (fig. 3 and 4). According to the author, on almost any map dots are distributed regularly within marked areas, but the final effect depends on the scale of size reduction of the map for reproduction. The last section of the article discusses the dot method in relation to other methods of cartographic presentation. According to the author there is some similarity between the dot method and the pictorial point symbol method (fig. 6,7), the area symbol method (fig. 8), the proportional symbols method (fig. 9), the repeated symbol method (fig. 10) and the choropleth map (fig. 11). Such analysis may aid better understanding of cartographic methods of presentation and help to prepare their proper classification.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2008, T. 40, nr 4, 4; 349-361
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kartogramy w Atlasie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Choropleth maps in Atlas of the Republic of Poland
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
atlas narodowy
metodyka kartograficzna
national atlas
cartographic methodology
choropleth map
Artykuł zawiera analizę map wykonanych metodą kartogramu zamieszczonych w narodowym atlasie zatytułowanym Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, wydawanym przez Głównego Geodetę Kraju w latach 1993-1997. W atlasie znajduje się 912 map, z czego 49% stanowią kartogramy. Mapy te omówiono krytycznie w czterech paragrafach: dane statystyczne, pole odniesienia, wyznaczanie klas oraz forma graficzna legendy. Zgodnie z ogólnie przyjętymi zasadami znakomita większość kartogramów prezentuje wartości względne odniesione do powierzchni i ludności. Kilka map zawiera dane bezwzględne, ale ich prezentacja zgodna jest z logiką mapy. W czasie opracowywania atlasu na podział administracyjny kraju składało się 49 województw i 2365 gmin. Spośród map wykonanych metodą kartogramu 56% odnosi się do województw, a 30%, czyli 140 do gmin, co jest prezentacją dość szczegółową. Pozostałe mapy opierają się na różnych podziałach przestrzennych, historycznych i organizacji wyznaniowych. Tylko na jednej mapie wykorzystano pola geometryczne. W atlasie przeważają kartogramy sześcioklasowe, a granicami klas są wartości "okrągłe". Bliższa analiza wykazała, że stosując zmienną rozpiętość klas, dążono do podobnej liczebności jednostek przestrzennych w klasie. Istotnym elementem każdej mapy jest legenda, ale kartografowie nie są zgodni, jak należy opracować legendę kartogramu. Autor artykułu we wcześniejszych swoich publikacjach zalecał legendę, która w atlasie stosowana jest rzadko. Najczęściej jest to legenda usytuowana poziomo, rzadziej pionowo, zawierająca tylko jedną wartość granic klas. Skale barwne opracowano poprawnie, unikając dość często popełnianego błędu polegającego na stosowaniu sekwencji barw właściwych skalom hipsometrycznym. Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej należy ocenić wysoko z punktu widzenia zastosowanych kartograficznych metod prezentacji. Wprawdzie nie zawiera on rozwiązań nowatorskich, a raczej tradycyjne, ale jest opracowany rzetelnie, co pozwala na poprawny odbiór map nie tylko przez specjalistów.
The article contains an analysis of choropleth maps included in Atlas of the Republic of Poland, published by the Surveyor General of Poland in the years 1993-1997. The atlas contains 912 maps, 49% of which are choropleth maps. They are critically described in four paragraphs: statistical data, space unit, class selection and legend design. In accordance with commonly accepted rules the majority of choropleth maps presents relative value in relation to area and population. Several maps present absolute value, but their presentation is logically justified (e.g. fig.1) At the time of atlas preparation the country's administrative division was into 49 voivodships and 2365 communes. 56% of all choropleth maps in the atlas concerns voivodships and 30% (or 140 maps) concerns communes, which accounts for a rather detailed presentation. Remaining maps employ other spatial divisions, e.g. historical or religious. Only one map uses geometrical units. Most of the choropleth maps in the atlas are of a six--class type (fig. 6), with class limits set at round numbers. A closer analysis showed that with varying class range there was a tendency to equalize the frequency of spatial units in every class. Legend is an important element of each map. Nevertheless cartographers are not unanimous as to how a choropleth legend should be prepared. The author in his previous papers recommended a legend which is rarely used in atlases (fig. 11). Most often it is horizontal, sometimes vertical, including only one value of class limit (fig.12). Color scale was prepared properly, avoiding a common mistake of using color sequence characteristic for hipsometric tint scale. Atlas of the Republic of Poland should be highly evaluated from the point of view of applied cartographic methods of presentations. It is not innovative, but skillfully and properly made, which makes it accessible to a wide variety of readers, not only specialists.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2007, T. 39, nr 1, 1; 19-34
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polskie adaptacje zagranicznych atlasów geograficznych na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
Polish adaptation of foreign geographical atlases for general use at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries
Konopska, B.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
atlas geograficzny
prawa autorskie
nazewnictwo geograficzne
geographical atlas
geographical names
Na tle dużej aktywności polskich wydawców w zakresie adaptacji obcych atlasów geograficznych w ostatniej dekadzie XX wieku i pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku, w artykule omówiono różne podejścia do adaptacji, podejmując próbę ich pogrupowania i nazwania. Ponadto omówiono użyteczność i poprawność kartograficzną adaptowanych publikacji z punktu widzenia polskiego użytkownika oraz podstawowe problemy związane ze stosowaniem polskiego nazewnictwa geograficznego, ale również układem, zakresem treści i symboliką, której spodziewa się polski użytkownik.
Adaptation of foreign cartographic works is the constant practice of publishing industry. Its greatest popularity dates back to the period of the Partitions of Poland (1795–1918), as well as to the time that followed the systemic transition of 1989, but the lowest popularity concerns the times of the Second Republic of Poland and the period of the Polish People Republic. Apogee of issuing the adapted works in Poland dates back to the turn of the twentieth and twenty- -first centuries. The objects of the study were the atlases of general use adapted to the Polish readers at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The main objective of this research was brought to the determination a degree of adjustment of foreign publications for the needs of a Polish customer in the context of cartographical principles, as well as to the attempt of classification and naming the kinds of adaptation. From this perspective, it was interesting to find out which elements of atlas and map content were severely changed to adapt to the Polish users and to what extent the structure of atlas and the content of maps were modified. It was also interesting to identify the substantive problems encountered by Polish cartographers and to show the errors, before which they failed to protect themselves. The paper versions of school atlases, pocket atlases and general geographic atlases were analyzed. The analysis of the collected materials pointed out the similarities in the activities of publishers. Certain compounds emerged between a range of changes made to an original work and a profile of publishing house, especially in the scope of its earlier cartographic experience and market position. In any case, regardless the type of atlas, Polish translation of a text layer, i.e. the geographical names, and explanations in legends, appeared. Two types of adaptation due to the scope of changes made by the Polish publishers were distinguished: basic and complex. A basic adaptation is the translation of a publication into Polish without any interference with the structure of a work or any correction of the substantive errors. A complex adaptation consists of the translation of the text layer and the introduction of a newly developed specific part regarding Poland and replacing the pages with presentation of a country, from which the original work is. Moreover several common mistakes that appeared in the adapted atlases were identified. Proper elaboration of geographical names was identified as the greatest difficulty in preparing the adaptations of atlases.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2015, T. 47, nr 2, 2; 105-118
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja Mapy dziedzictwa przyrodniczo-kulturowego Polski 1:50 000
Concept of a Map of the natural-cultural heritage of Poland 1:50 000
Opach, T.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
mapa środowiska
mapa topograficzna
Po określeniu pojęcia dziedzictwa przyrodniczo-kulturowego i przedstawieniu problemu redakcji mapy na podkładzie nowej Mapy topograficznej Polski 1:50 000, omówiono koncepcję treści Mapy dziedzictwa przyrodniczo-kulturowego Polski 1:50 000. Szczegółowo scharakteryzowano poszczególne wyróżnienia dziedzictwa przyrodniczego i dziedzictwa kulturowego oraz wskazano możliwości wykorzystania mapy.
The authors describe a concept of contents of a Map of the natural-cultural heritage of Poland 1:50 000. First they define the notion of natural-cultural heritage, and then characterize particular distinctions of natiral heritage and those of cultural heritage. They also indicate possible uses for such a map. The contents of Map of the heritage comprises the objects of heritage, i.e. the most valuable elements of geographic environment. In the case of natural elements of environment we can talk of "natural heritage ", that is the object and areas of exceptional aesthetic value, examples of ecological and biologic processes, as well as traces of important events in the Earth's history. In the case of objects and phenomena resulting from material and immaterial human activities, we can talk of "cultural heritage". Map of the heritage is drawn on a bases of a new Topographic map of Poland 1:50 000, with which the overprinted graphic symbols have to agree. It was assumed that the map should be accessible to general, nonspecialist public, therefore the legend distinctions should be comprehensible for any reader with at least secondary education. Map's contents is divided into two groups. The first group, "Natural heritage (fig.1) contains three topic categories: - environment protection - didactic stands - degradation of the natural environment The second group, "Cultural heritage (fig. 3) is divided as follows: - major archeological sites - historic sites - major events and non-existent objects Map of the heritage also includes elements of tourist infrastructure (fig. 2). Additionally, a hypsometric sketch has been included, with physico-geographical regionalization of the presented area (fig. 5). The map could be used in many fields, especially regional planning, education, tourism and promotion of "little homelands". Rich contents and the scale of presentation mean that the reader would gain access to previously unavailable information.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2003, T. 35, nr 1, 1; 3-11
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O Mapie poglądowej Królestwa Polskiego Jadwigi Wójcickiej z 1885 roku
On Illustrative school map of the Polish Kingdom from 1885 elaborated by Jadwiga Wójcicka
Bułatowicz, O.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
historia kartografii
wiek XIX
Królestwo Polskie
mapa szkolna
history of cartography
19th century
Polish Kingdom
school map
W artykule omówiono oryginalną mapę ścienną, genezę i okoliczności jej opracowania oraz wydania. Jest to zapewne pierwsza opublikowana polska ścienna mapa szkolna opracowana przez nauczycielkę.
The article deals with The Illustrative School Map of the Polish Kingdom published in 1885 in Warsaw. We know little about the author Jadwiga Wójcicka (1850-1933). She was most probably a self-taught woman. She taught at school, wrote for Warsaw dailies and wrote a popular book for youth. She had no training in cartography, and her foremost motive for elaborating the map was to help her sons in studying geography. J. Wójcicka finished her school map of Europe in 1880. After she sent it to Chicago to an exhibition of women's work, it got lost. In those times, the so called Polish Kingdom established at the Congress of Vienna (1815) was absolutely subordinated to Russia. After subsequent unsuccessful uprisings (1830, 1863), whose aim was to regain independence, the Russians drastically limited it for Poles. The official language was Russian, there existed Russian censorship and education was on a very low level. At the end of 19th century efforts were made to improve the level of economy and social life in Poland. The map was created with the financial help of Stanisław Szafrankiewicz, the publisher of 'Engineering and Construction' magazine, who employed an artist and paid for printing the map. The map was created in the times when economy school maps were only being devised. It is an illustrative map depicting river, settlement and communication network as well as soils (fig. 1) and forests. With realistic pictures the map shows agriculture, mining, manufacturing and various products. An originally elaborated box functions as the legend of economic symbols used on the map. The content was consulted with specialists and the known geographer and teacher W. Nałkowski (1851-1911). Economic issues are presented on the map through manufactured goods and images of specific industrial works. General notions such as cattle farming, food or textile industry were not used yet. Only several out of the published 1200 copies remained.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2013, T. 45, nr 2, 2; 131-143
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plan Warszawy dla niewidomych
Map of Warsaw for the blind
Lipska, E.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
plan miasta
blind people
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono sposoby postrzegania przestrzeni przez osoby niewidome oraz problematykę opracowywania planów i map dla niewidomych, a w drugiej części opracowany przez autorkę Plan Warszawy dla niewidomych.
Blind people use different aids to become acquainted with space. While moving in an unknown area they can use GPS technology with receivers adapted to their needs (J. and J. Kwapisz 1990, F. Mc Williams 1999). Application of these technologies leads to significant costs. Therefore tactual aids (especially maps) still play a significant role in transmission of information for blind people. Correct and optimal reading of a map by a blind person depends on a number of conditions. Among them there are: usefulness, functionality and readability (I. Badetko 1987). The article discusses the Map of Warsaw for the blind, which was prepared as an M.A. thesis in the Chair of Cartography of the Warsaw University Department of Geography and Regional Studies (E. Lipska 2001). It was meant for blind people from the Center for the Blind in Laski near Warsaw as an aid in learning the spacial organization of the city, the lacation of bigger districts, neighbourhoods and junctions. Scale limitations, for mat and contents make it suitable for blind people over the age of twelve; it can be used as an educational aid on geography lessons or at home. The map, which has the character of a reference map (in typhological sense), has been prepared in the scale of 1:30 000. To facilitate its use by blind people several solutions havbe been applied: - the North has been marked with a pointer, - top right corner of the sheet has been cut off, - the legend has been placed on the right. The map's contents has been limited due to capabilities of tactual perception, scale, format and purpose. These limitations effected in significant generalization of the source material (fig. 3). In preparation of a city map the cartographer confronts considerable difficulties because of an unusual level of generalization. The scale of difficulty can be grasped if we realize, that a structure of a city of more than 1 million inhabitants has been shown with only 14 symbols, 3 of which are surface ones. Additionally, he map has been enriched with the names of Warsaw districts and suburbs in Braille's alphabet (52names altogether). The contents of the map in 1:30 000 corresponds to a contents of atlas maps in scales between 1:150 000 and 1:200 000. Graphic form and the choice of symbols, which appear on the Map of Warsaw for the blind has been conditioned by the generalization of the source map and the technology of preparation of the matrix, from which the plan was pressed.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2002, T. 34, nr 4, 4; 286-295
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internetowy Atlas metod kartograficznych
Internet Atlas of cartographic methods
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Nowacki, T.
Opach, T.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
ilościowe metody prezentacji
atlas metod kartograficznych
metoda izolinii
metoda kropkowa
sygnatury ilościowe
quantitative methods of presentation
Atlas of cartographic methods
choropleth map
diagram map
isoline map
dot map
quantitative symbols
W artykule przedstawiono internetowy Atlas metod kartograficznych, skierowany do tych, którzy chcą poznać podstawowe zasady redagowania map statystycznych. Autorzy podjęli się analizy pięciu ilościowych metod prezentacji kartograficznej, próbując przedstawić użytkownikowi najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z ich stosowaniem i interpretacją.
The free and all accessible Atlas of cartographic methods has been available on the Internet at www. since May 2012. The atlas was elaborated by the staff of the Department of Cartography of Warsaw University in 2010-2012. Growth of computer technologies has made it possible for everyone to author a map - especially a statistical one. Thus has appeared the need to prepare and make accessible to wider public a more elaborate guide than just a handbook or a set of instructions on how to run the program. The Atlas has been made to cater to the needs of those interested in learning basic rules of statistical map editing, so - of geography students, experts in spatial economy and environmental protection, surveyors. It is educational in character and aimed at showing quantitative methods and forms of cartographic presentation and focusing attention on map interpretation. It presents five quantitative forms and methods of presentation: diagram map, choropleth map, isoline map, dot map and quantitative symbols. The Atlas of cartographic methods is composed of two main parts (Fig. 1). The first part contains three 'chapters' of texts while the second - maps along with short commentaries. The first chapter is an elaboration entitled 'From the history of presentation forms and methods' and is illustrated with old maps. The second one - 'From data to map' - describes the process of editing a statistical map. It deals with data features and the possibilities of their transformation to fulfill the requirements of a specific presentation: - method of data reference (to points, area or line), data character (absolute, relative), method of showing data (continuous, discrete). The third chapter is entitled 'Methods step by step'. Its aim is to acquaint users with basic characteristics of the five forms of cartographic presentation. The second part of the atlas - 'Maps' - is a dynamic internet application and interactive environment for generating atlas full scale drawings. The application was programmed in PHP and is linked to MySQL database. The application's interface design was aimed to support the demonstrativeness of the Atlas - available functions have been limited to a minimum. The GUS (Central Statistical Office) Bank of Local Data resources ( served as material for elaborating maps in the Atlas. For elaborating a part of the Atlas full scale drawings an earlier prepared group of raster images was used. They were put on the server and shown in accordance with the parameters selected by the user. The remaining full scale drawings were created in a more complex way. Here applications programmed in PHP play an essential part. They process spatial and attribute data and display an automatically created map together with legend. The internet Atlas of cartographic methods can be treated as the first stage of a wider elaboration including all basic forms and methods of presentation.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2012, T. 44, nr 2, 2; 105-119
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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