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Ekstremalne zdarzenia meteorologiczne, hydrologiczne i geomorfologiczne w Polsce
Extreme meteorological, hydrological and geomorphological events in Poland
Jania, J. A.
Zwoliński, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
zjawiska ekstremalne
ekstremalne zjawiska geomorfologiczne
regiony Polski
extreme phenomena
extreme geomorphological phenomena
regions of Poland
W niniejszym opracowaniu omówiono charakterystyki ekstremalnych zjawisk geomorfologicznych dla du- żych regionów morfogenetycznych Polski lub konkretnych przypadków studialnych, co wynika z różnego przebiegu i skutków procesów geomorfologicznych w zależności od ich skali przestrzennej. Zatem prezentowany opis tych zjawisk jest zróżnicowany pod względem szczegółowości. Stąd nacisk położono na geomorfologiczne zjawiska ekstremalne, natomiast ekstremalne zjawiska meteorologiczne i hydrologiczne przywołano skrótowo jedynie w tych przypadkach, kiedy wynikały z nich zdarzenia geomorfologiczne. Główny okres analityczny obejmuje lata 1951–2000, ale często uwzględniano także spostrzeżenia wcześniejsze oraz z początku XXI w. Za ekstremalne zjawisko geomorfologiczne w polskich warunkach morfoklimatycznych uznano każdy proces, który przez swoje duże natężenie albo czas trwania prowadzi do usuwania, przemieszczania (transportu) oraz depozycji dużych ilości substancji mineralnych. Procesy takie wywołują istotne zmiany w ukształtowaniu terenu, czy to w postaci przekształceń istniejących form terenu lub powstania nowych form erozyjnych i denudacyjnych, czy to w postaci form akumulacyjnych. Podano katalog ekstremalnych zjawisk geomorfologicznych (G-1 do G-9). W wyniku analizy ekstremalnych zjawisk geomorfologicznych na obszarze Polski uzyskano rozpoznanie głównych rodzajów tych zdarzeń w poszczególnych regionach oraz, w wielu przypadkach, ich natężenia. Generalnie ujmując zmienność przestrzenną, można stwierdzić, że różnice w natężeniu i rodzajach ekstremów geomorfologicznych występują w malejącym gradiencie południkowym z południa na północ, z najmniejszymi zagrożeniami w pasie pojezierzy i ponownym niewielkim ich wzrostem na wybrzeżu. Występuje także drugorzędny gradient równoleżnikowy z zachodu na wschód, w tym przypadku bardziej zmienia się rodzaj najczęstszych zdarzeń ekstremalnych. Ze względu na ciągłe ocieplanie się klimatu w skali globalnej, odnotowane obserwacyjnie również w Polsce, należy spodziewać się wzrostu częstości oraz intensywności meteorologicznych, hydrologicznych, a w konsekwencji też geomorfologicznych zdarzeń ekstremalnych.
:In present article the attention has been paid on discussion about characteristic of extreme geomorphologic phenomena for big morphogenetic regions of Poland or for specific case study, what results from diverse course and effects of geomorphic processes depending on their spatial scales. Therefore presented description of these phenomena is diversified according to details. Hence in the article the emphasis has been put on extreme geomorphic phenomenon, whereas extreme meteorological and hydrological phenomena were mentioned shortly, only there when they were the reason of geomorphologic events. The main analytical period comprise years between 1951 and 2000 year, however, earlier observations and also from the beginning of XXI century were taken into consideration. As an extreme geomorphologic phenomena in Polish morphoclimatic conditions was recognized every process that, because of its intensity or duration, leads to removing, displacement (transportation) or deposition of huge amounts of mineral matter. Such processes can produce substantial changes of relief, in the form of transformation of existing landforms or can lead to form new erosion and denudation landforms and also accumulation landforms. The extreme geomorphologic phenomena catalogue has been given (G-1 to G-9). As a result of analysis of extreme geomorphologic phenomena on the territory of Poland the main types of these events of individuals regions were gained and, in many cases, their intensity. Express in general spatial diversity, we can verify that differences in the intensity and types of extreme geomorphologic phenomena appear in decreasing longitudinal gradient from the South to the North, with smaller threat in the lake district belt and again small their growth along the seaside. There is also the secondary parallel gradient from the West to the East. In this case the type of the most frequently extreme event changes. With regard to global warming, recorded also in Poland, we can expect an increase of frequency and intensity of meteorological, hydrological, and as a result of them also geomorphologic extreme events.
Landform Analysis; 2011, 15; 51-64
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The geomorphological effectiveness of extreme meteorological phenomena on flysch slopes
Gorczyca, E.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
extreme events
heavy rainfall
flysch slopes
Beskid Wyspowy
Bieszczady Niskie
Extreme events tend to cause large-scale slope system changes. During the last ten years, a series of extreme meteorological events caused considerable transformation of the slopes and valleys in various parts of the Carpathian Mountains. This paper presents the geomorphological effects of extreme rainfall and thaw events on the slopes of two catchments: the lososina catchment (Beskid Wyspowy) and the Hoczewka catchment with an area around the Solinskie Lake (Bieszczady Niskie). The bulk of the discussion concerns a study carried out in the Lososina catchment after three separate extreme events that were followed by a considerable transformation of the slopes due to landsliding. The studies carried out in the Range, where a single extreme event produced only spatially limited effects, were mainly used for comparison. '[he disparity between the responses of the two slope systems was a result of differences between the systems themselves, including their geology, geomorphology and landslide record, and of the difference in the scale of the extreme events.
Landform Analysis; 2008, 6; 15-27
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conditions and rate of extreme dunes abrasion at the Pomeranian Bay
Tylkowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
abrasion of dunes
extreme geomorphological events
Baltic Sea coast
storm surges
atmospheric circulation
This paper presents the temporal and spatial variability of the abrasion dynamics of the dunes located on the coast of the Southern Baltic Sea within the Polish section of the Pomeranian Bay between 1986 and 2008. The study presents long-term tendencies and daily dynamics of coastal dunes abrasion, being the consequence of intensive storm surges. Systematic, quantitative measurements of the abrasion of dunes were performed by the Maritime Offices in Szczecin, Słupsk and Gdynia within the sections of the dune coast most severely affected by abrasion. To determine the origin of the abrasion of dunes, the key hydro-meteorological conditions that determine the geomorphological changes of coastal sea areas, such as types of atmospheric circulation and the maximal sea levels during storm surges, were reviewed. The study also shows the maximal sea level thresholds that can determine the potential dynamics of coastal dunes abrasion at the Pomeranian Bay.
Landform Analysis; 2014, 27; 45-54
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Globalne zmiany klimatu i ich implikacje dla rzeźby Polski
Global climate change and their implications for landforms of Poland
Zwoliński, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
globalne ocieplenie
zmiany rzeźby terenu
zjawiska ekstremalne
global warming
landform changes
extreme phenomena
Artykuł jest wprowadzeniem do czterech artykułów zawartych w niniejszym tomie. Omówiono w nim tło głównego tematu sympozjum SGP "Globalne zmiany klimatu i ich implikacje dla rzeźby Polski" oraz zarysowano problematykę prezentowaną przez referentów na sympozjum oraz na sesji posterowej. W końcowej części artykułu ustosunkowano się do zagadnienia roli zjawisk ekstremalnych we współczesnym kształtowaniu rzeźby oraz ich sekwencji kaskadowych w środowisku geograficznym Polski. Wskazano najczęściej pojawiające się sekwencje zjawisk ekstremalnych w Polsce.
The article is an introduction to four articles in the present volume. It discusses the main background of the APG workshop "Global climatic changes and their implication for landforms in Poland" and outlines problems presented by ordered authors on workshop and on poster session. In the final part the paper takes an attitude towards problems of the extreme events in contemporary relief formation and their cascade sequences in geographical environment of Poland. There was indicated the most often appearance of extreme events sequences in Poland.
Landform Analysis; 2011, 15; 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Złożoność czasowa i przestrzenna opadów ekstremalnych : ich efekty geomorfologiczne i drogi przeciwdziałania im
Temporal and spatial complexity of extreme rainfalls : their geomorphological effects and ways of counteract them
Starkel, L.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
typy opadów ekstremalnych
czasowa złożoność
przestrzenna złożoność
efekty geomorfologiczne
types of extreme rainfalls
temporal complexity
spatial complexity
geomorphological effects
W ocenie geomorfologicznych efektów ekstremalnych opadów istotne są zarówno złożoność czasowa, jak i rozkład przestrzenny opadów i obiegu wody. Trzy podstawowe typy opadów ekstremalnych: krótkotrwałe ulewy, opady rozlewne i pory opadowe różnią się nie tylko czasem trwania i wysokością, ale szczególnie natężeniem. Poznanie tych parametrów i ich związku z cechami podłoża (przepuszczalność, tempo infiltracji i retencji gruntowej) pozwala na wyznaczenie wartości progowych procesów erozyjnych i grawitacyjnych. Znajomość wysokości opadów dobowych i litologii głębszego podłoża jest niewystarczająca. Równie istotne jest określenie zasięgu przestrzennego ekstremalnego opadu, co przy braku gęstej sieci stacji możliwe jest poprzez rejestrację naziemną skutków ulewy. Autor ilustruje powyższe zagadnienia przykładami z ostatnich kilkunastu lat. Przeciwdziałanie skutkom ulew i powodzi zależy od wielu zmiennych i wymaga stosowania różnych środków. Na zakończenie autor proponuje wydzielenie kilku typów wezbrań, które może być użyteczne przy wyznaczaniu kierunków przeciwdziałania i przy prognozowaniu.
In the evaluation of geomorphic effects of extreme rainfalls equally important are their temporal diversity and spatial distribution of rainfall and water circulation. Three main types of extreme rainfalls (heavy downpours, continuous rains and rainy seasons differ not only in the duration and totals but especially in their intensity. The recognition of these parameters and their relation to features of substratum (permeability, infiltration rate, groundwater storage) help to calculate the thresholds for erosional and gravitational processes. The recognition of only daily rainfall and lithology of deeper substratum is not enough. The equally important is the delimitation of spatial extend of extreme rainfall, what in case of very sparsly distributed raingauge network is possible to reconstruct by a ground survey of geomorphic effects. These questions are examplied by events from last decades. The counteraction to the effects of heavy rains and floods depend on various parameters and different measures may be undertaken. In closing chapter the author propose typology of floods which may have practical value in counteractions and forecasting.
Landform Analysis; 2011, 15; 65-80
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Próba oszacowania maksymalnych przepływów wód lodowcowych lądolodu Wisły na Pomorzu
Attempt of the calculation of the Pomeranian ice sheet maximum meltwater discharges
Szafraniec, J.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
szarża lodowcowa
odpływ wód lodowcowych
przepływy ekstremalne
wskaźnik urzeźbienia
glacier surge
meltwater runoff
extreme discharges
relief intensity factor
Zgodnie z zasadą aktualizmu geologicznego, postawiono hipotezę, że początek formowania się wielu powierzchni sandrowych Pomorza był związany z fazą aktywną szarży lodowcowej. Istotnym etapem tego procesu było nacinanie wału moren czołowych i powstawanie przełomów. Dla 168 takich miejsc na bazie cyfrowego modelu wysokościowego opracowano profile poprzeczne, dla których pomierzono i obliczono różne parametry hydrauliczne, prędkość płynięcia wody oraz wielkość przepływu. Obliczenia te wskazują, że ekstremalne przepływy wód lodowcowych na Pomorzu podczas buchnięcia spowodowanego przejściem niestabilnego drenażu subglacjalnego z powrotem w system tunelowy mogły być rzędu 5×103 do 1×105 m3 /s.
According to the concept of uniformity in geological processes it was assumed a hypothesis that the beginning of the Pomeranian outwash fans accumulation was controlled by the active phase of the glacier surge when processes of the end moraine ridges incision and the canyon formation started. There were prepared cross sections used for different hydraulic parameters measurements and calculations (e.g. flow velocity and discharges) for 168 canyons on the basis of the DEM. The transition of the instability subglacial drainage system into the tunnel drainage caused violent outburst floods. Estimations suggest the extreme character of the Pomeranian meltwater discharges with a scale of 5×103 to 1×105 m 3 /s.
Landform Analysis; 2010, 13; 107-115
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sekularne i ekstremalne procesy erozji wodnej gleb na Pojezierzu Drawskim
Secular and extreme soil erosion processes in the Drawskie Lakeland
Majewski, Mikołaj
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
erozja wodna
proces sekularny
proces ekstremalny
Pojezierze Drawskie
warunki meteorologiczne
rzeźba terenu
temperatura powietrza
opady atmosferyczne
pokrywa śnieżna
przemarznięcie gruntu
water erosion
secular process
extreme process
Drawskie Lakeland
meteorological conditions
relief of the terrain
air temperature
ice sheets
Soil erosion by water is one of the most important factors affecting contemporary landscape changes within the lowland geoecosystems in Central Europe. Soil erosion by water mainly depends on: rainfalls (especially its intensity and erosivity), length of slope and its inclination, type of cultivation and usage of land, anti-erosion treatments and susceptibility of soils to erosion. The aim of conducted research was to evaluate conditioning and magnitude of secular and extreme soil erosion processes in the Drawsko Lakeland with special considering of rainfall erosivity index (EI30). The main goal was realised through several research tasks. The first task involved examination of surface runoff and slope wash conditionings, course and quantity in the testing plot located within the Chwalimski Potok catchment. The second task was related to evaluate rainfall impact to soil erosion by water processes. It was realised by computation rainfall characteristics: intensity, kinetic energy and erosivity. In order to assess secular and extreme soil erosion impact to land relief changes, research were provided with additional details by conducting three field experiments with simulated rainfall. Stationary observation and quantitative researches of soil erosion (at testing plots) have been conducting within the Chwalimski Brook catchment for three hydrological years (2012–2014). The slope with the test area is located within the 1st order catchment being a subsystem of the Młynski Brook catchment and then followed by the upper Parsęta catchment. This area covers 4.8 hectares and is characterised by short slopes with small height variances up to 10 meters. Historically, the area was covered with agricultural crops, currently they cover about 10% of the area. The slope is covered with gleyic retisols and its average inclination is about 4 degrees with its south-east exposure. The measuring system of soil erosion covered 5 testing plots with different agricultural use (bare fallow, meadow, potatoes, spring and winter crops). Plots are 42 metres long and 4 metres width. In the bottom edge of each plot catchers with volume of 800 dm3 were installed. In this research, only data from black fallow were considered. Such tillage is recognised as a standard in soil erosion studies. Two experiments have been conducted in this testing plot. The third one has been conducted on slope located within an area of undulated morainic plateau in the Kłuda catchment. The slope is characterised by greater height variances than in Chwalimski Brook catchment. The slope, where the experiment has been conducted, is situated within local closed depression and is covered by sands underlain by boulder clay. Its average slope is about 10° with its southwest exposure. Although annual precipitation in the three-year measurement period was comparable with mean value from multi-year period (1987–2014), its intensity and erosivity were distinguishably lower. Such rainfall conditions are not favourable for extreme soil erosion by water processes, thus any relief forms from such geomorphological processes were not observed in the Drawsko Lakeland. Due to lack of that kind of forms, in 2013 and 2014, three field experiments were conducted. The main aim of experiments was to evaluate the impact of high intensity rainfall on soil surface. The first experiment consisted of 5, the second and the third of 4 rainfall simulations. The rainfall was created by using a purpose-built rain simulator, consisting of 3 and 6 sprinklers placed around the testing plot. Despite the slope inclination in the Kłuda catchment was 2.5 times steeper than Chwalimski Potok’s slope, surface runoff attained smaller volume, because of remarkably higher infiltration rate. In 2012–2014, surface runoff and soil loss has occurred 8 times each year. The maximal monthly surface runoff volume was registered in February 2012, and it equalled 10.1 dm3 m−2 and the maximal soil loss value was registered in May 2013 and equalled 3,198 kg ha−1. Annual runoff volumes were between 31.2 dm3 m−2 in 2012 and 38.8 dm3 m−2 in 2013, whereas annual soil loss values ranged from 740 kg ha−1 in 2012 to 5,700 kg ha−1 in 2013. Soil erosion values caused by simulated rainfall during field experiments were similar or significantly higher than annual values. Surface runoff was between 31.2 dm3 m−2 in the first experiment and 34.2 dm3 m−2 in the second one, whilst soil loss was between 4,632 kg ha−1 and 8,637 kg ha−1. The achieved experiment results have been compared with soil erosion rate achieved from stationary observations. The results show that runoff and soil loss considerably increase during rainfalls with high amount, intensity and erosivity. Furthermore, individual extreme erosive events may exceed annual (secular) soil erosion processes. Conducted stationary research indicates that annual soil erosion primarily depends on individual rainfall and erosive events, which considerably exceed mean values. In order to evaluate the soil susceptibility to erosion by water in the Drawsko Lakeland, high resolution potential and actual soil erosion risk maps were prepared. The qualitative assessment of soil erosion risk was based on geoinformation technologies. The model considers following conditions affecting the size of soil erosion: slope steepness and aspect, topographic factor LS (unit upslope contributing area), lithology, rainfall erosivity (Modified Fournier Index calculated from monthly and annual precipitation data) and land use and land cover from Corine Land Cover 2006. To prepare the map of potential soil erosion risk, land use from Corine Land Cover was not considered. Thematic maps have been reclassified into a 4-degree division. The results of the soil erosion risk assessment in the Drawsko Lakeland reveal the fact that a majority of its area is characterized by moderate or low erosion risk levels. Areas with high erosion risk are mostly located in the northern part of the Lakeland. The achieved results from stationary observations and field experiments may indicate that the soil loss magnitude significantly increases during rainfall with higher intensity, greater totals and accumulated in time rainfall events. This may confirm the high potential of soil erosion by water processes of above- -average magnitude and intensity in the discharge of material from agricultural used slopes.
Landform Analysis; 2020, 39; 1-106
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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