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The problem of tracking in three-axle motor vehicles
Zagadnienie śledzenia przebiegu torów kół osi przedniej przez koła osi tylnych trzyosiowego pojazdu samochodowego
Frankowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
model pojazdu trzyosiowego
ruch po torze krzywoliniowym
three axes vehicle model
vehicle curvilinear motion
Aktualnie do realizacji zadań procesu transportowego wykorzystuje się pojazdy wieloosiowe i wieloczłonowe. Jest to spowodowane w dużej mierze wymogami ekonomicznymi. Pojazdy te w przypadku wykonywania na przykład manewrów omijania, zawracania bądź parkowania ze względu na strukturę układu jezdnego narażone są często na występowanie zjawiska poślizgu w obszarze współpracy koła ogumionego z nawierzchnią jezdni. W związku z tym wraca się do rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych kół skrętnych bądź osi skrętnych zarówno w pojazdach jak i naczepach wieloosiowych. Niniejsza praca wykorzystując model dynamiczny pojazdu trzyosiowego znacznie uproszczony, stanowi wstępną analizę problemu sterowania kołami pojazdu posiadającego możliwość skrętu kół tylnych ze względu na uniknięcie poślizgu. Sterowanie skrętem kół tylnych ma prowadzić do pokrycia bądź maksymalnego zbliżenia torów kół przednich i tylnych pojazdu. W związku z tym określone zostały zależności między kątem skrętu kół przednich wybranym przez kierującego pojazdem a kątami skrętu kół tylnych dla przyjętego modelu pojazdu trzyosiowego. Otrzymane wyniki obliczeń pokazano na załączonych rysunkach podczas realizacji przez pojazd toru krzywoliniowego - jazda przy wybranym stałym kącie skrętu kół przednich oraz przy kącie zmieniającym się w czasie według określonej funkcji sinus. Otrzymane wyniki rozważań można wykorzystać do analizy ruchu pojazdów wieloczłonowych z uwzględnieniem modelu o daleko idących uproszczeniach. W dalszej kolejności przewiduje się rozważyć podobne zagadnienia dla pojazdów wieloosiowych i wieloczłonowych z wykorzystaniem modeli o większej liczbie stopni swobody, wykorzystując sterowanie uchybowe w układzie sterowania wszystkimi kołami pojazdu.
Currently, due to economic requirements, transportation process is making use of multi-axle and multi-segment vehicles. These vehicles, owing to their suspension system structure, are exposed to a slip in the area of cooperation between a tyre and the road surface while making a turning, bypassing, reversing or parking manoeuvres. That is why designers revive the idea of steered wheels and axles both in multi-axle vehicles and trailers. The paper, with the use of a simplified dynamic model of a three-axle vehicle, contributes to a tentative analysis of wheel steering in vehicles with a possibility of rear wheels control to avoid a slip. Rear wheels steering control should lead to overlapping or keeping the maximum track of front wheels trajectories. The relationship between the front wheels steering angle chosen by a driver and rear wheels steering angle were determined for the adopted model of the three-axle vehicle. The calculation results are shown in figures depicting the vehicle curvilinear track-driving at the chosen constant steering angle of front wheels and at the angle changing in time according to determined sinus function. The obtained results can be used for an analysis of multi-segment vehicles movement, with a simplified model. Further work is projected to consider the multi-axle and multi-segment vehicles and their models with a bigger number of freedom degrees, with the use of a fault control in steering of all the wheels.
Journal of KONES; 2007, 14, 3; 163-168
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tracking front axle wheels trajectory by rear axle wheels in a log-carrying articulated vehicle on a bend
Zagadnienie śledzenia przebiegu torów kół osi przedniej przez koła osi tylnych samochodowego pojazdu członowego do przewozu dłużyc podczas ruchu na łuku drogi
Frankowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
model pojazdu członowego
ruch po torze krzywoliniowym
log-carrying articulated vehicle model
vehicle curvilinear motion
Trucks, multi-axle buses and articulated vehicles, which can only turn front wheels assembly when obviating or overtaking due to the structure of the wheels and suspension system are vulnerable to slipping in the tyres-road surface area. It is a frequent cause of accidents with such vehicles. Parking manoeuvres (handlings) of the discussed vehicles are difficult. The width of the lane the vehicle occupies during the travel along curvilinear trajectory grows with the turn angle of the tractor's front wheels and with the trailer's length. That is why designing solutions offering all wheel steering or steerable axles are gaining ground again. The current work uses a simplified dynamic model of an articulated vehicle with all wheel steering and composed of a two-axle tractor and three-axle log-carrying trailer in motion on a bend. The model helps carry out a qualitative analysis of wheel steering to avoid slipping in the pneumatics-road surface area. The control of the wheels turn angle should make the rear wheels of the trailer cover or follow most closely the path of the tractor's front wheels during travel along curvilinear trajectory. This solution results in decreased tyre abrasive wear, which considering the number of wheels, leads to the reduction of operating costs for such vehicles. To this end of the function of rear wheels turn control in relation to the front wheels turn angle chosen by a driver must be found. By solving the system of motion equations for the discussed vehicle model in curving action, relationships between front and rear turn angles, velocities of tractor's and trailer's centres of mass movement will be determined. It will also be possible to determine the articulated vehicle trajectory for its prescribed design and exploitation parameters. The results will be generalized for three-dimensional models of multi-axle vehicles and articulated vehicles with all wheel steering.
Pojazdy ciężarowe i autobusy wieloosiowe oraz pojazdy członowe posiadające jedynie możliwość skrętu kół osi przedniej w przypadku wykonywania manewru omijania przeszkody bądź wyprzedzania ze względu na strukturę układu jezdnego narażone są na wystąpienie zjawiska poślizgu w obszarze współpracy koła ogumionego z nawierzchnią jezdni. Jest to często przyczyna wypadków z udziałem tego typu pojazdów. Manewry parkowania takich pojazdów są znacznie utrudnione. Szerokość zajmowanego pasa drogi podczas ruchu po torze krzywoliniowym jest tym większa im większy jest kąt skrętu kół przednich ciągnika i im dłuższa jest naczepa. W związku z tym wraca się do rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych wszystkich kół skrętnych bądź osi skrętnych w tego typu pojazdach. Niniejsza praca wykorzystując model dynamiczny pojazdu członowego posiadający możliwość skrętu wszystkich kół, składający się z dwuosiowego ciągnika i trzyosiowej naczepy do przewozu dłużyc - znacznie uproszczony, poruszający się na łuku drogi, stanowi analizę jakościową problemu sterowania kołami ze względu na uniknięcie poślizgu w strefie współpracy pneumatyka z nawierzchnią jezdni. Sterowanie kątem skrętu wszystkich kół ma prowadzić do pokrycia bądź maksymalnego zbliżenia śladów kół osi przedniej ciągnika i śladów kół osi tylnych naczepy pojazdu członowego poruszającego się po torze krzywoliniowym. Wynikiem tego jest zmniejszenie zużycia ściernego opon, co przy dużej liczbie kół jezdnych prowadzi do obniżenia kosztów eksploatacji tego typu pojazdów. Niezbędne jest znalezienie funkcji sterowania skrętem kół tylnych w zależności od kąta skrętu kół osi przedniej, wybranego przez kierującego pojazdem. Rozwiązanie układu równań ruchu rozważanego modelu pojazdu poruszającego się na łuku drogi pozwoli na określenie zależności między kątami skrętu kół przednich i tylnych, prędkościami przemieszczania środków mas ciągnika i naczepy. Możliwe będzie wyznaczenie toru ruchu pojazdu członowego dla zadanych jego parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych. Otrzymane wyniki będą w dalszych rozważaniach uogólnione na przestrzenne modele pojazdów wieloosiowych i pojazdów członowych z możliwością skrętu wszystkich kół.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 4; 139-146
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Movement of four-axle yehicle with all wheel steering system during cornering
Zagadnienie śledzenia przebiegu torów kół osi przedniej przez koła osi tylnych czterooslowego pojazdu z kierowanymi kołami podczas ruchu na łuku drogi
Frankowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
model dynamiczny pojazdu samochodowego
ruch po torze krzywoliniowym
log-carrying articulated vehicle model
vehicle curvilinear motion
Currently most loads are carried by long, multi-axle motor vehicles of high capacity. Most of them are able to turn only front-axle wheels, which is not only a considerable impediment for a driver while passing round obstacle, over taking or parking but also a cause of accidents due to excess of lateral skid of tires in service along a curvilinear trajectory. The longer vehicle and the larger turning angle of front wheels, the wider portion of lane is occupied at curves. Therefore all wheel or axle steering system is winning attention again. The turning mechanism is either self adjusting or responds to a sign from a skid plate. The turning angle in subsequent axles is adjusted by a lever or a hydraulic system. This paper is a qualitative analysis of wheel steering focused on preventing lateral skid. For that purpose it uses a dynamic model of a four-axle vehicle with many degrees of freedom and with an ability of turning all wheels on a band. Wheel plan unbalanced loads is taken into account. All wheels angle steering should make the rear wheels follow or nearly follow the path of front wheels during cornering. This reduces abrasive wear of tires, which for lager number of wheels leads to operational costs reduction. Solving motion equation system for the discussed model will make it possible to determine relationships between turning angles of front and backs axle wheels and the velocity of vehicle 's weight centre. The vehicle trajectory for the prescribed design and operation parameters will be determined.
Aktualnie większość ładunków przewozi się pojazdami samochodowymi wieloosiowymi dużej ładowności i długości. Większość z tych pojazdów posiada jedynie możliwość skręcania kół osi przedniej, co w przypadku wykonywania manewru omijania przeszkody, wyprzedzania, parkowania jest istotnym utrudnieniem dla kierowcy a ze względu na występowanie zjawiska nadmiernego bocznego poślizgu ogumienia podczas jazdy na torze krzywoliniowym jest przyczyną wypadków drogowych z udziałem tego typu pojazdów. Szerokość zajmowanego pasa drogi podczas ruchu na łuku drogi jest tym większa im większy jest kąt skrętu kół przednich i im większa jest długość całkowita pojazdu. W związku z tym wraca się do rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych wszystkich kół skrętnych bądź osi skrętnych w tego typu pojazdach, stosując mechanizmy skrętu samonastawne bądź sterowane sygnałem od siodła lub holu ciągnika. Kąt skręcania kół w kolejnych osiach jezdnych jest ustawiany za pomocą układu dźwigniowego lub hydraulicznego. Niniejsza praca wykorzystując model dynamiczny pojazdu czteroosiowego o wielu stopniach swobody posiadający możliwość skręcania wszystkich kół, poruszający się na łuku drogi, stanowi analizę jakościową problemu sterowania kołami ze względu na uniknięcie poślizgu bocznego w strefie współpracy pneumatyka z nawierzchnią jezdni. Uwzględnione zostanie zjawisko niesymetrycznego obciążenia układu jezdnego pojazdu.. Sterowanie kątem skręcania wszystkich kół ma prowadzić do pokrycia bądź maksymalnego zbliżenia śladów kół osi przedniej i śladów kół osi tylnych pojazdu poruszającego się na łuku drogi. Wynikiem tego jest zmniejszenie zużycia ściernego opon, co przy dużej liczbie kół jezdnych prowadzi do obniżenia kosztów eksploatacji tego typu pojazdów. Rozwiązanie układu równań ruchu rozważanego modelu pojazdu pozwoli na określenie zależności między kątami skręcania kół w osi przedniej i w osiach tylnych a prędkością przemieszczania środka masy pojazdu. Możliwe będzie wyznaczenie toru ruchu pojazdu dla zadanych jego parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych.
Journal of KONES; 2009, 16, 4; 115-128
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motion of the long-haul articulated truck assembly with all wheels steered on the road curve
Frankowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
long-haul articulated vehicle dynamic model
vehicle curvilinear motion
Currently, the majority of cargo transported by multi-axle long and heavy-haul motor vehicles, most of which have possibility of front axle wheels are steering only. In the case of performing the obstacle avoidance maneuver, the overtaking maneuver or the parking maneuver, they are a significant difficulty for the driver because of the width of the occupied road lane when the vehicle moves on the road curve, lane which is wider than greater is the front wheels steering angle and greater overall vehicle length. The occurrence of the ofexcessive lateral tire slip phenomenon when driving on curved road trach is the cause of accelerated wear of tire tread, which together with a large number of wheels would lead to higher operational costs ofsuch vehicles. This work using a spatial dynamic model of the vehicle consisting of a two-axle tractor and three-axle trailer with many degrees of freedom, with the possibility of all the wheels steering, moving on a road curve, is a qualitative analysis of the wheels steering problem aimed at the avoidance ofslip in the pneumatic tire - road surface coactions area. The model of coactions of pneumatic tire with the road surface, side drift included, together with accounting the phenomenon of asymmetrical loading of the vehicle chassis and drive train was adopted. Control for all the wheels steering should lead to an overlay or the maximum approximation of the front axle wheel tracks with the rear axles wheel tracks for the of articulated long-haul truck assembly moving on the road curve. The solution of model eąuations of motion for the vehicle considered will allow for the definition of the relationship between the front axle and rear axle wheels steering angles and velocity of movement of the mass centre of articulated haul truck assembly for the given set of design and operating parameters. The designation of the vehicle track will be possible.
Journal of KONES; 2010, 17, 4; 157-168
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Design of a new engine dynamometer test stand for driving cycle simulation
Kęder, M.
Grzeszczyk, R.
Merkisz, J.
Fuć, P.
Lijewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
dynamic engine test stand
combustion engine
variable frequency drive
induction motor
vehicle model
Dynamic combustion engine test stand allows a very accurate analysis of the engine work. The prototype of such a system was developed and built in a cooperation of Poznan University of Technology with the ODIUT Automex company. The system consists of an asynchronous motor controlled by a regenerative variable-frequency drive with an ability to return braking energy back to the power system. Together they permit to set very precise work points of the combustion engine in every time moment, unlike test stands with eddy current dynamometer, which are only able to brake the engine. Measuring system is used to gather data from all sensors, especially torque sensor, which records the torque on a drive shaft. Sensors are connected to electronic boards, which provide signal processing, and data acquisition. Fuel mass flow meter with temperature and pressure control allows regulating the parameters of fuel supplied to the engine. A set of applications is used for test stand management and data presentation and visualization. Real conditions and vehicle dynamics are emulated using advanced models to allow a comprehensive research of the combustion engine on the test stand. The paper covers the description of developed system, its components, software and models adapted in emulation. Moreover, it provides schematics of the system as well as a block diagram of the vehicle dynamic model.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 217-224
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Validation process for ESP based electric steering system
Gubovits, A.
Bari, G.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
Stability problems of vehicles, especially commercial vehicles, get more and more attention with the increasing traffic load of the roads. The development of infrastructure can not follow the demands for the increasing traffic and it result in increasing number of accidents. The society can not accept this situation and it raises higher and higher demand on the active safety of the vehicles. This demand resulted that the brake system based drive stability systems are available today and in some cases are obligatory. If the driver demanded vehicle motion (which is calculated on the basis of a reference vehicle model) differs from the measured vehicle motion, the system applies a moment using the brakes to force the vehicle to move on the desired path. However the brake is activated without the direct command from the driver, the system can not be considered as an autonomous driver assistant system, because it just supports the driver to reach his demand. The driver is apart of the control hop completely. The target of the paper is to extend the drive stability system with active steering intervention. The new generation steering systems with the help of a superimposing gear can manipulate the steering angle, and so they can manipulate the acting forces of the tire contact point. So the new generation of the ESP requires the appropriate steering system. As apart of the current development the adequacy of the model is checked by a validation process with a continuous feedback.
Journal of KONES; 2009, 16, 2; 159-166
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Characteristic features of the process of growth in the mileage of hybrid vehicles
Prochowski, L..
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
hybrid vehicle
mileage of hybrid vehicle
estimation of mileage growth model
For a few years, the sales of motor vehicles with hybrid drive systems (referred to as “hybrid vehicles” or “HVs”) have been rapidly growing. However, there is a lack of information about the intensity of operation of vehicles classified in this category, which is completely new. A calculation procedure has been presented that enabled evaluation of the HV mileage growth rate. An analysis of this rate provides grounds for forecasting the changes that are likely to take place in the fleet of motor vehicles, such as the progress in the process of replacement of conventional vehicles with vehicles with alternative drive systems, and this may be a basis for predicting the reduction in fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Models of the HV mileage growth process have been defined for three different countries. They indicate high mileage growth rates in the initial period of vehicle operation, e.g. until the fourth year of operation of the Auris H cars. The highest mileage growth rates in this period were observed in the Netherlands and Poland. In Germany, this rate was lower by 41%. Significant differences in the intensity of vehicle operation have been observed between the behaviour of HV owners in the countries under analysis. A considerable drop in the annual HV mileage as early as in the fifth and sixth year of vehicle operation is an alarming signal.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 4; 361-368
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
E-REV’s hybrid vehicle range modeling
Polak, F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
simulation model
electric vehicle
Article presents the influence of battery capacity and electric generator power on a series hybrid vehicle range. Vehicles equipped with increased battery capacity and small power generator are special type of series hybrid vehicles called Extended Range Electric Vehicles – E-REV. The increasing number of hybrid and electric vehicles increases the demand for durable and efficient sources of energy storage for vehicles. The hybrid vehicle's battery driven range is increased as battery power density is increased and its cost is decreased. This is due to the battery cell cost decreasing and improvement of cell chemistry. That cause higher and higher distance driven on electric mode in hybrid vehicles. First series hybrid vehicle engine power was equal to engine powered the vehicle’s wheels. Nowadays, series hybrid vehicles are more electric vehicles with small power generator (piston or turbine engine. In such a constructions, battery is used as an energy buffer and combustion engine is used more as emergency power supply. To minimize this phenomenon, manufacturers use counteracting solutions that include mounting additional cells in the battery that are switched on when the battery controller identifies a particular battery cell’s failure or high degradation. This is due to the deep and shallow discharges of the battery, the numbers of charging and discharging cycles, and the age and technology of battery packs. AMESim software was used for the simulation of the E-REV hybrid vehicle range. The research was based on modelling the range of the vehicle with different battery capacity works with power generator of different power. By modelling different capacity of battery and power of small generator, it is possible to determine the vehicle range.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 2; 281-286
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of electrochemical battery aging process on an electric vehicle’s range
Polak, F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
simulation model
electric vehicle
model symulacyjny
pojazd elektryczny
This article presents the influence of aging processes of the electric vehicle’s electrochemical battery. The increasing number of hybrid and electric vehicles increases the demand for durable and efficient sources of energy storage for vehicles. The vehicle's declared range is reduced over time. This is due to the aging of the battery that causes loss of its capacity and loss of its power. To minimize this phenomenon, manufacturers use counteracting solutions that include mounting additional cells in the battery that are switched on when the battery controller identifies a particular battery cell’s failure or high degradation. This is due to the deep and shallow discharges of the battery, the number of charge and discharge cycles, and the age and technology of battery packs. AMESim software was used for the simulation of the electric vehicle. The research was based on modelling the range of the vehicle whose cell capacity includes processes related to aging of the battery. An aging cell algorithm causes the capacity to drop and consequently reduces the range of one full charge. By modelling aging processes, it is possible to determine the battery’s probable capacity loss during vehicle use and to estimate how these processes affect the vehicle's range.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 1; 325-331
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The research on dynamic loads and traction properties of military vehicles in the aspect of improvement of their structures
Borkowski, W.
Rybak, P.
Hryciów, Z.
Wysocki, J.
Michałowski, B.
Wiśniewski, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
military vehicle
dynamic loads
model tests
experimental tests
Since the beginning of the 90’s, a scientific team in the Motor Vehicle and Transport Institute of the Mechanical Department in the Military University of Technology, has been involved in the model and experimental tests of the existing structures of the military vehicles (tanks, combat infantry vehicles and wheeled armoured carriers) in the aspect of their modernization. A part of works is related to the military vehicles included in the army’s equipment and the other parts are related to newly designed vehicles. In both cases issues related to the behaviour of selected assemblies and the whole vehicle, structure during threats posed by the reality of contemporary battlefield or armed symmetric or asymmetric conflicts are analysed. Selected effects of the tests and analyses will be presented mostly within the qualitative scope due to the data sensitivity. Contemporary design of military vehicles requires involvement of various research methods and specialized calculation software. The results obtained during performed various experimental tests make a valuable basis for verification of numerical models used in design process and multi-option simulation calculations.
Journal of KONES; 2015, 22, 1; 37-46
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of the cannon on the combat vehicle chassis during firing
Borkowski, W.
Figurski, J.
Walentynowicz, J.
Hryciów, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
combat vehicle
dynamic loads
mathematical model
numerical simulations
In this paper the mathematical model of combat vehicle as well as mathematical models of input function generated by the cannon during firing and terrain unevenness was presented. This model enables the analysis of dynamic loads of the equipment mounted inside combat vehicle as well as analysis of dynamic loads of the crew. Parameters of the impulse forces acting on the vehicle during firing were determined on the theoretical basics of internal ballistic of cannon. The results of calculation were presented for hypothetical basic combat vehicle with a 125 mm and 73 mm calibre smoothbore gun. Firing during short stops and during combat vehicle motion at different speeds on terrain unevenness as well as angle of elevation of the gun barrel and rotation angle of the turret on the level of dynamic load were considered. A part of this paper was presented at the RTO AVT Symposium on "Functional and Mechanical Integration of Weapons and Land and Air Vehicles".
Journal of KONES; 2007, 14, 1; 49-61
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vibration transmissibility behaviour of high order biodynamic models used in vehicle seat design
Behari, N.
Noga, M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
vehicle seat
biodynamic model of higher order
vibration transmissibility
mechanical impedance
The effects of vibration transmissibility using high order biodynamic models of four, five and seven degrees of freedom that can replicate a human body exposed to vibration transmissibility while driving was investigated to identify resonant frequencies associated with injury. It was found that these models address vehicle seat deformities and represent the body hop motion when driving. The five degree of freedom models provided the best results to approximate resonant frequencies associated with the legs, lower torso, spine and whole body vibration at the seat person interface, while the driver's hands were on the steering and was supported with a backrest. The four degree of freedom model excluding the backrest was able to replicate experimental data and a sensitivity analysis of the stiffness and damping parameters indicated that this model was more robust compared to the others, and could predict whole body vibration to accommodate for intra subject variability. Non-linear damping and stiffness properties were noticed for acceleration magnitudes greater than 1g root mean square (rms) and for high order models, which provide greater anatomical description to predict injury in contrast to simple models that have large lumped masses to represent the upper and lower torso. In addition, biodynamic models greater than seven degrees of freedom can be utilised with non-linear stiffness and damping techniques to predict vibration and impedance behaviour for greater number of body ligaments applied to old seats or retrofit seat design applications.
Journal of KONES; 2016, 23, 3; 33-40
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modelling of impact strength on combat vehicles
Borkowski, W.
Rybak, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
infantry fighting vehicle
carrying structure
anti-bottom mine
model testing
In the field of threads to tracked combat vehicle on these days battle field growing importance of wide range of mines. It concern both anti- tank mines - anti-bottom, anti-track, anti-side- as well as specially prepared explosives. In the paper were presented chosen fragment of carried out experimental tests of tank exposed to impact, caused by anti-bottom mine explosion, as well as results of that effect. Methodology how to build models of tested objects was presented. Models of objects that characteristics are similar to typical combat vehicles were tested and test results were linked to publish date and authors test results, then models were loaded. As a load was applied worked out and experimentally verified model of after blast wave propagation, generated by anti-bottom mine explosion, as result of after blast wave propagated in limited space. Conclusions contain information about abilities of presented test methodology. Obtained results of model testing confirm necessity and the possibility of shaping impact strength of armoured vehicles structures. Proper selection of shapes, geometric dimensions and general parameters of structural system may be one of the means to provide proper protection.
Journal of KONES; 2007, 14, 1; 121-130
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model of vehicle electric drive system
Pawelski, Z.
Zdziennicki, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
electric vehicle
energy storage
electric drive
driving cycle
battery model
Models of electrical energy storage devices – a battery and a supercapacitor – as well as models of motor and a control system, were used to feature the work of a hybrid electric drive system. The models were adapted to simulate driving with a given driving cycle, in a quasi-static method, with the use of MATLAB-Simulink software. The advantage of this method is that calculations can be done quickly and results can be easily compared. A battery model enables determining voltage and charge level in relation to load current and temperature. The basic parameter of a battery is a nominal capacity. It is a measure of energy stored in the battery, which can be absorbed within discharge time, in conditions of temperature and current. The energy can be absorbed until the minimal voltage is reached in the clips. The article presents simulation of calculations lead that the described electric drive model. The model makes it possible to analyse different concepts of steering the whole system already in the initial phase. In particular, the article presents PMSM model and trajectories of selected parameters during a trapezoidal driving cycle.
Journal of KONES; 2017, 24, 3; 211-220
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lubricity-based estimation of the changes in the brake fluid quality
Ocena zmian jakości płynu hamulcowego według smarności
Bzura, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
model hamulca
płyn hamulcowy
warstwa graniczna
brake fluid
break model
boundary layer
As wear of most of the vehicle assemblies threatens only with a breakdown, excessive wear of the breaking system components threatens with a disaster. The brake fluid is one of the most important elements of a breaking system, fulfilling many tasks. Additional work in the ABS, ASR or ESP systems requires it to keep proper lubricity in a wide range of temperatures. The paper presents a possibility, based on the laboratory test results, of determining the value of lubricity combining the physical and chemical as well as rhelogical properties of fluids. Lubricity, determined for three brake fluids (designations reserved by the comparative test ordering company), allowed to select the best fluid, which will probably be used in the car braking systems. In particularly, the Stribeck diagram, of the wear process, example of the fluid lubricity change process, process of the mass wear changes of the T-02 tester balls in the tested brake fluids, process of the lubricity changes in the tested brake fluids are presented in the paper.
O ile zużycie większości zespołów pojazdu grozi jedynie awarią o tyle nadmierne zużycie części układu hamulcowego grozi katastrofą. Płyn hamulcowy jest jednym z najistotniejszych elementów układu hamulcowego spełniającym wiele zadań. Dodatkowa praca w układach ABS, ASR czy ESP wymaga by w szerokim zakresie temperatur zachował właściwą smarność. W artykule została przedstawiona na podstawie wyników badań laboratoryjnych możliwość określenia wartości smarności łączącej własności fizykochemiczne i reologiczne płynów. Smarność, która została określona dla trzech płynów hamulcowych (oznaczenia zastrzeżone przez firmę zlecającą porównanie ich własności), umożliwiła wybór najlepszego, który pewnie zostanie zastosowany w układach hamulcowych samochodów. W szczególności wykres Stribecka, przykład procesu zużycia, przykład zmian procesu smarności płynów, przebieg procesu zmian zużycia masowego kulek aparatu T-02 badanych płynów hamulcowych, przebieg procesu zmian smarności badanych płynów hamulcowych so przedstawione w artykule.
Journal of KONES; 2007, 14, 2; 75-80
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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