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Oblicza nekropolii – Cmentarz Wojskowy na Powązkach w Warszawie
Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw
Wodnicka-Kasprzak, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
Cmentarz Wojskowy na Powązkach
Powązki Military Cemetery
To miejsce jedyne w swoim rodzaju. Jego tożsamość wyznaczyły polskie dzieje i człowiek jako twórca form materialnych we współpracy z procesami natury. Jest dziełem zbiorowym, kształtowanym wciąż od ponad stulecia. Wizerunek kreowany przez kolejne pokolenia nieustannie na nowo daje się czytać – jako całość lub wycinkowo – poprzez pojedyncze nagrobki i pomniki, szczególnie te o wartości artystycznej. A są na Wojskowych Powązkach ślady działalności uznanych twórców, których nazwiska i same dzieła w przestrzeni cmentarza zwyczajnie pozostają nieeksponowane. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu zatrzymanie uwagi na niektórych realizacjach, by pozbawić je anonimowości co do autora, aby mogły być również odbierane w pełniejszym kontekście kultury i czasu, w którym powstały. Artykuł jest efektem wielokrotnych wycieczek po cmentarzu z aparatem w ręku, trudu kadrowania możliwie wyizolowanych z otoczenia ujęć interesujących form pomników oraz poszukiwań danych dotyczących ich autorów. Rdzeń założenia cmentarza określono w pierwszych latach po I wojnie światowej. Powązki Wojskowe kształtowane były wówczas przez polskie państwo jako panteon pamięci o ofiarach walk narodowowyzwoleńczych (powstanie styczniowe), bitew I wojny światowej i wojny polsko-bolszewickiej. Następne, masowe pochówki nastąpiły w 1939 r. i po ekshumacjach poległych powstańców warszawskich i ludności cywilnej Warszawy w 1945 r. Władze komunistyczne nie były zainteresowane kontynuowaniem narodowych i katolickich treści w kulturze, dlatego decyzją z 1964 r. postanowiono nadać nekropolii bardziej świecki charakter, zmieniono wtedy nazwę na „Cmentarz Komunalny dawny Wojskowy”. Utworzona została Aleja Zasłużonych z monumentalnymi grobowcami Bieruta i Marchlewskiego oraz grobami wielu osób ze świata elity, wśród nich artystów. Pomijając ograniczenia wynikające z ówczesnej ideologii patronat państwowy w okresie PRL-u miał pozytywny wpływ na poziom artystyczny realizowanych upamiętnień przez organizowane konkursy. Ze względu na ograniczoną dostępność informacji o autorach realizacje z tego czasu (lata 60. i 70. XX w.) stanowią większość prezentowanych w pracy przykładów.
The place is unique. Its identity has been determined by Polish history, human as the creator of material forms supported by the nature. It is a collective work, continuously shaped for over a century. “Cemeteries are not for the dead, but for the living” – as Wiktor Zin stated. The image, created by successive generations, still can be reinterpreted – as a whole or selectively as individual tombstones and monuments of exceptional artistic value. In Powązki Military Cemetery there can be found traces of activities of recognized artists, whose names and work remain undisplayed in the cemetery. This study aims to highlight some of monuments in order to remove author’s anonymity and to show their work in broader cultural and historical context. The article is a result of numerous visits to the cemetery with a camera in an effort to frame images of monuments. In addition, the paper shows effects of research for data on monuments’ authors. The core cemetery structures were settled in the first years after the First World War. The Polish state established Powązki Military Cemetery as a memorial for the victims of national liberation struggles (January Uprising), the battles of the First World War and the Polish-Soviet War. Subsequent mass burials took place in 1939 and after exhumations of Warsaw Uprising insurgents and civilians in 1945. The communist authorities were not interested in preserving national and Catholic content in culture, therefore in 1964 the necropolis was given more secular character. Its name was changed to “Municipal Former Military Cemetery”. The Lane of Honor was established with the monumental tombs of Bierut, Marchlewski and graves of many members of the contemporary elite, including artists. Leaving aside the limitations imposed by the ideology of the time, state patronage during PRL (Polish People's Republic) period had a positive influence on an artistic quality of projects carried out in the cemetery, for example through the organised competitions. Due to limited accessibility of information about the authors, projects from this period (1960s and 1970s) constitute the majority of examples presented in this article.
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne; 2023, 46; 97-116
Pojawia się w:
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia nagrobka Adolfa Dygasińskiego na Starych Powązkach – kradzież i restauracja
The story of Adolf Dygasiński’s gravestone in the Stare Powązki cemetery – its theft and restoration
Cegliński, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Adolf Dygasiński
cmentarz Powązkowski
XIX wiek
sztuka sepulkralna
Powązki cemetery
nineteenth century
sepulchral art
Praca opisuje historię pomnika nagrobnego wykonanego przez słynnego warszawskiego rzeźbiarza i portrecistę Czesława Makowskiego. Nagrobek został wystawiony Adolfowi Dygasińskiemu, dziewiętnastowiecznemu pisarzowi i pedagogowi, na cmentarzu Powązkowskim w Warszawie. Artykuł skupia się przede wszystkim na powstaniu pomnika, kradzieży z niego elementów metalowych w 2000 roku oraz jego restauracji, która nastąpiła kilkanaście lat później. Zwraca też uwagę na proceder, który od dziesiątków lat zagraża zabytkowym cmentarzom w Polsce. W tekście przedstawione zostały dwie inicjatywy społeczne w postaci zbiórek na rzecz pomnika Dygasińskiego, jedna z początku XX wieku, zorganizowana przez jego najbliższych, gdy stawiano nagrobek. Druga zaś z ostatnich lat, kiedy z inicjatywy podmiotów związanych ze słynnym literatem dokonywano renowacji pomnika. Publikacja porusza również wątek kierunku, jaki obrano w trakcie restauracji nagrobka Dygasińskiego, oraz zadaje pytania o jego słuszność. Z jednej strony bowiem zrekonstruowano część skradzionych elementów, używając surowców, które nie są tak narażone na kradzież jak brąz, z drugiej zaś zatracono wymiar artystyczny, jakim nagrobek szczycił się przed dewastacją.
This work recounts the history of the gravestone monument made by the famous Warsaw sculptor and portraitist Czesław Makowski. The tombstone was erected for Adolf Dygasiński, a nineteenth-century writer and educator, at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw. The article focuses primarily on the creation of the monument, the theft of its metal elements in 2000 and its restoration which took place several years later. It also draws attention to a malpractice that has been threatening historic cemeteries in Poland for decades. The text describes two social initiatives in the form of collections for Dygasiński’s monument, one dating from the beginning of the twentieth century, organized by his relatives when the tombstone was being erected. The other is more recent and was undertaken when the monument was renovated on the initiative of entities connected with the famous novelist. Furthermore, this article also addresses the approach which was taken during the restoration of Dygasiński’s tombstone, and asks questions about its appropriateness. On the one hand, some of the stolen elements were reconstructed using materials that are not as susceptible to theft as bronze, whereas on the other hand, this led to the loss of the tombstone’s artistic value before its vandalization.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2023, 2; 165-177
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie publikacji francuskich przy realizacji nagrobków na cmentarzach Warszawy w latach 1840-1860. Wzornik Josepha Marty’ego
The use of French templates during the execution of tombstones for the cemeteries of Warsaw from 1840 to 1860. Joseph Marty template
Wiraszka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw
Evangelical Cemeteries in Warsaw
Louis Marie Normand
Ferdinand Quaglia and Joseph Marty templates
The article in question is a continuity of the subject brought up in the magazine ”Ar-tifex Novus” published in October 2017. Its first part referred to the tombstones created on the ground of works printed in Paris in 1832 on the pages of two illustrated magazines whose authors were Ferdinando Quaglia and Louis-Marie Normand respectively. The other part was dedicated to the pattern book by Joseph Mart and the objects performed on its ground. Collected pieces of information enable us to conclude that between 1840 and 1860 on the premises of the necropoleis of Warsaw a minimum of 20 tombstones, with the forms fol-lowing those published in the above mentioned magazines, were raised. The vast majority of preserved examples, as many as 14, can be found on the premises of the Powązki Cemetery, another three were discovered at the Evangelical Augsburg Cemetery and two at the Evan-gelical Reformed Cemetery. Moreover, it has been stated that such tombstones happen to be funded on the premises of necropolies located outside the boundaries of the capital e.g. in Lublin, Pułtusk, Radom etc. Even though none of the tombstones was signed, it can be con-cluded the center of production and distribution was Warsaw and the stonework manufactures in operation in the city. Among others, attention was drawn to two manufactures: the one of Jan Ścisłowski (1805-1847) located at 6 Powązkowska Street, inherited and led by his two sons-in-law: Antoni Messing (1821-1867) and Jan Bernard Sikorski (1832-1906), and the other belonging to the Mantzl family, Jan Józef senior – the father (1806-1875) and Józef Jan junior, – the son (1834-1906), the manufacture previously located at 19 Chłodna Street. The tombstones funded and co-funded by relatives and friends were copings to graves of the wealthy, high officials, militaries, real estate and factory owners, entrepreneurs, mer-chants as well as craftsmen. The offer of the stonework manufactures in Warsaw reflected the taste of the elite, in the vast majority of Catholics of aristocratic descendance willing to show pro-French likeness and respect to the culture in question, having it as more sophisticated than the one dating back to the monarchy of Louis the XIV, and in particular, forming bonds with the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte the I.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2018, 25; 284-311
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludwik Norwid w świetle poszukiwania miejsca pochówku
Ludwik Norwid and the mystery of his burial place
Borzęcka, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ludwik Norwid
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności
miejsce pochówku
Cmentarz Powązkowski
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności [Warsaw Charity Society]
burial place
Powązki Cemetery
Celem pracy jest odtworzenie okoliczności pochówku Ludwika Norwida, które do dzisiaj pozostają niejasne. Autorka stopniowo zwęża obszar poszukiwań, aby stwierdzić ostatecznie, że – podobnie jak w wypadku jego brata Cypriana – nie sposób precyzyjnie określić lokalizacji grobu. Niemniej, nieomal pewne pozostaje, że znajdował się on na Cmentarzu Powązkowskim, który – choćby w postaci obecnego grobowca rodzinnego – mógłby pełnić rolę symbolicznego miejsca pamięci.
The aim of this article is to reconstruct the circumstances of the funeral of Ludwik Norwid, which are still shrouded in mystery. The author gradually narrows down the area of her search to finally observe that – in a way parallel to the fate of Ludwik’s brother Cyprian – it is not possible to precisely locate the grave. Irrespective of the above, the grave is almost certain to be located in the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw, which could play the role of a symbolic place of remembrance, also in its current function of the family tomb.
Studia Norwidiana; 2016, 34; 155-168
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludwik Norwid and the mystery of his burial place
Borzęcka, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ludwik Norwid
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności [Warsaw Charity Society]
burial place
Powązki Cemetery
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności
miejsce pochówku
Cmentarz Powązkowski
The aim of this article is to reconstruct the circumstances of the funeral of Ludwik Norwid, which are still shrouded in mystery. The author gradually narrows down the area of her search to finally observe that – in a way parallel to the fate of Ludwik’s brother Cyprian – it is not possible to precisely locate the grave. Irrespective of the above, the grave is almost certain to be located in the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw, which could play the role of a symbolic place of remembrance, also in its current function of the family tomb.
Studia Norwidiana; 2016, 34 English Version; 155-168
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomniki smoleńskie w Warszawie – lokalizacje, dzieła, kontrowersje
Smoleńsk monuments in Warsaw – locations, works, controversies
Halina, Taborska
Data publikacji:
Polski Uniwersytet na Obczyźnie w Londynie
Commemorative public art
Smoleńsk catastrophe
Monument at Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw
Monument for The Victims of the Smoleńsk Tragedy 2010
Marshall Piłsudski Square
The national mourning and trauma caused by the tragic crash of the Polish airplane Tu- 154 on landing at the Smoleńsk Sieverny Airport, which claimed the lives of 96 people – all its passengers and crew, has had profound ezects on the political and social azairs of Poland. Countless debates and disagreements concerning the causes and possible consequences of the catastrophe followed. Among them, there has been a heated, politically and socially disruptive discussion concerning monuments which should be erected to commemorate the victims, and where they should be placed in the capital of Poland. The author briemy considers the monument planned at the site of the catastrophe, which was to be erected on the initiative of the Polish and Russian presidents, Bronisław Komorowski and Dmitry Medvedev. Regardless of the well-organised competition that took place at the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, and the Jury’s selection of a project of considerable artistic merit, its construction was not approved by the Russians. Two monuments, planned for Warsaw, are presented in the article within a broader theoretical discourse on the nature of commemorative public art, its materials, and expectations of the public. The first monument, designed by Marek Moderau and unveiled on 10th November 2010, is located in Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw, and positioned in the K-II quarter of the cemetery. It consists of a huge block of reinforced concrete clad in white granite, broken into two parts of unequal length (12 and 10 metres), linked with 28 graves of the victims; it also shelters under is massive ‘wing’ 12 urns with ashes of unidentified persons. Reminiscent of a broken plane thrust into the ground, it carries two inscriptions: one listing victims’ names and dates of birth, their military ranks or political and social standing, the other honouring the lives lost on the journey to a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Katyń massacre. The second monument, dedicated to the Victims of the Smolensk Tragedy 2010, was unveiled on 10th April 2018. After an acrimonious dispute between two main political parties, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) and the opposition’s Civic Platform (PO), it was placed on the Marshall Piłsudski Square, one of Warsaw’s most important open public spaces, steeped in history, and hosting over the centuries some of the country’s best known memorials, among them the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Made from black granite, it has a stepped shape prompting associations with the stairs to an aircraft, enriched by a symbolic „reading” proposed by its sculptor Jerzy Kalina, who called his work „the stairway to heaven”. The monument also has a second, underground component, visible through a reinforced glass moor, described as an „exhumation pit”, with a reference to Katyń and to many unknown burial sites of Poles murdered in Soviet Russia. It houses 96 commemoratives „lights” – remectors which are to provide night-time illumination for the monument. The controversies concerning the aesthetic merits and political significance of both monuments continue.
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO; 2019; 15-44
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza artystyczna pomnika nagrobnego Józefa Frageta na Starych Powązkach
Artistic genesis of the history of the mausoleum of Józef Fraget at Old Powązki Cementary in Warsaw
Wiraszka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Józef Fraget
Leonard Marconi
Johann August Borsig
Johann Heinrich Strack
Christian Daniel Rauch
Thomas Evans
Family Brand
Neoclassical mausoleum of Józef Fraget (1797-1867) commemorating a French industrial entrepreneur and the founder of the first factory of clad goods in Poland was constructed at Old Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw between 1867 and 1869 (quarter A, row I). The author of the torso is Leonard Marconi, and the mold is believed to have been made by the “Lilpop, Rau i Loewenstein” factory in Warsaw. The original project embraced only the top, cast iron part of the tomb in the form of Doric aedicule with entablature and triangular pediment as well as the marble torso placed on prism pedestal located among four columns. The bottom, stone part, was executed later, approximately in 1913 in Władysław Tuszyński stone enterprise. The Mausoleum of Fraget is a replica of the monument situated in Berlin at St. Doro-thy’s Cemetery commemorating Johann August Borsig (1804-1854), the owner of the well-established metal factory in Europe. Its designer was an architect from Berlin, an appren-tice of Schinkl, Johann Heinrich Strack, and the maker of the bronze torso mold was a sculp-tor Christian Daniel Rauch. Three other mausoleums originated from the same model: the Brand family mausoleum at the Metallurgical Cemetery in Gliwice, (between 1865 and 1890), Tomas Evans mausoleum at the Evangelical Reformed Cemetery in Warsaw (second half of the 60s. the XIX century, currently non-existent) and in its slightly modified form, the tomb of the architect J. H. Strack at the St Dorothy’s Cemetery in Berlin (1880-1882). All the above-mentioned mausoleums except the monument decorating the tomb of the architect Strack, commemorated personalities from metallurgical industry. The particularity of the mausoleum of Józef Fraget consists in the use of cast iron as the main constructing element. It is a distinctive feature differing the mausoleum in question from the remaining exemplary monuments made of stone.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2015, 22; 229-240
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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