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Ocena właściwości ochronnych środków ochrony indywidualnej w warunkach użytkowania oraz reprezentatywności metod badań
The assessment of the real protective properties of personal protective equipment and
Mayer, A.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
środki ochrony indywidualnej
ochrona słuchu
personal protective equipment
hearing protection
Ocena laboratoryjna właściwości ochronnych i użytkowych środków ochrony indywidualnej w wielu przypadkach pozostaje raczej teoretyczna. Znormalizowane metody badań, przyjęte i wykorzystane jako podstawa oceny, bardzo często mają charakter empiryczny i uproszczony. Często był to jedyny sposób umożliwiający przeprowadzenie powtarzalnych, odtwarzalnych i niepotrzebnie kosztownych badań. Pomimo to, często dają one zawyżone wyniki, Środki ochrony indywidualnej, które uzyskały pozytywne wyniki wszystkich badań laboratoryjnych, mogą w rzeczywistych warunkach użytkowania wydawać się mniej skuteczne i wygodne niż oczekiwano. Aby ograniczyć te rozbieżności, należy starać się skorelować wyniki uzyskane w laboratorium z wynikami uzyskanymi w warunkach użytkowania. Różnice powstają głównie wtedy, kiedy właściwości środków ochrony indywidualnej są ściśle powiązane z morfologicznymi i psychofizjologicznymi cechami przyszłych użytkowników oraz bardzo zróżnicowanym charakterem zadań, jakie mogą wykonywać. W artykule omówiono wyniki badań skuteczności środków ochrony indywidualnej słuchu, tzw. ochronników słuchu. Rezultatem tych badań jest zalecenie udoskonalenia procedury badania lub wprowadzenia współczynników korygujących wyniki podawane przez producentów.
The assessment in a laboratory of the efficiency and comfort of PPE remains, in many cases, rather theoretical. The standardized test methods adopted and used as a basis for this assessment are very often empirical and simplistic. This has often been the only way for standardizers to get repeatable, reproducible and unnecessarily expensive tests. Nevertheless they often give overestimated results; PPE having satisfied all the tests in a laboratory may sometimes appear in real conditions of use less efficient and comfortable than expected. To reduce these discrepancies as much as possible, it is always advisable to try to correlate the results obtained in a laboratory with the reality of work places by conducting assessment in a real situation. These differences mainly exist when real PPE performance is closely linked to the morphological and psycho-physiological characteristics of future users and to the nature of the very diversified tasks they may have to perform. The article discusses the results of studies of the efficiency of hearing protectors. These studies resulted in recommending a substantial improvement of the test procedures or an introduction of significant correction factors to the performance claimed by the manufacturers.
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka; 2007, 5; 4-7
Pojawia się w:
Bezpieczeństwo Pracy : nauka i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the Protection Efficiency and Comfort of Personal Protective Equipment in Real Conditions of Use
Mayer, A.
Korhonen, E.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
personal protective equipment
sprzęt ochrony osobistej
The lack of scientific and technical knowledge in certain complex fields, together with schedule constraints, have lead to adopting in EN standards insufficiently validated tests, relying sometimes on an empirical approach. Thus, even personal protective equipment (PPE) with positive results in tests required by the standards can nevertheless prove to be unsatisfactory when used at work. Several research projects have already been carried out on equipment, fail arresting systems, protective clothing, and gloves by several health and safety institutes in Europe. The results would suggest practical solutions to improve the representative of several European Committee for Standardization (CEN) test methods and to focus more on informing and training workers on the manner of wearing PPE, in particular respiratory protective equipment or hearing protectors.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 1999, 5, 3; 347-360
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Green propulsion research at TNO the Netherlands
Badania nad ekonapędem w TNO w Holandii
Mayer, A.
Wieling, W.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Lotnictwa
green propulsion
hydrogen peroxide
napęd ekologiczny
nadtlenek wodoru
This paper describes the recent theoretical and experimental research by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) into green replacements for hydrazine, hydrazine derivatives and nitrogen tetroxide, as propellants for inspace propulsion. The goal of the study was to identify propellants that are capable of outperforming the current propellants for space propulsion and are significantly less hazardous for humans and the environment. Two types of propellants were investigated, being monopropellants and bipropellants. The first section of the paper discusses the propellant selection. Nitromethane was found to be the most promising monopropellant. As bipropellant, a combination of hydrogen peroxide (HP) and ethanol was selected, where the ethanol is rendered hypergolic with hydrogen peroxide. The second part of the paper describes the experimental verification of these propellants by means of engine testing. Initiation of the decomposition of nitromethane was found to be problematic, hypergolic ignition of the hydrogen peroxide and ethanol bipropellant however was successfully demonstrated.
W niniejszym artykule opisano wyniki najnowszych teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych badań Holenderskiej Organizacji Stosowanych Badań Naukowych (TNO) na rzecz ekologicznych zamienników hydrazyny, pochodnych hydrazyny i tetratlenku diazotu, jako materiałów do napędu rakietowego. Celem badań była identyfikacja materiałów napędowych, mogących osiągnąć lepsze wyniki niż obecne paliwa rakietowe i będąc jednocześnie mniej niebezpiecznymi dla ludzi i środowiska. Zadano dwa typy materiałów pędnych, tak zwane „monopropellant” i „bipropellant”. W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono wybór materiału pędnego. Nitrometan okazał się najbardziej obiecującym materiałem typu „monopropellant”. Jako „bipropellant” wybrano połączenie nadtlenku wodoru (HP) i etanolu, w którym etanol zmodyfikowano hypergolicznie nadtlenkiem wodoru. W drugiej część artykułu opisano eksperymentalną weryfikację zastosowania materiałów napędowych za pomocą testów silnika. Pomimo początkowych problemów z rozkładem nitrometanu, udowodniono hipergoliczny zapłon nadtlenku wodoru i zademonstrowano „bipropellant” etanolowy.
Transactions on Aerospace Research; 2018, 4 (253); 5-32
Pojawia się w:
Transactions on Aerospace Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of fuel tracing on nanoparticles from a Diesel engine
Czerwinski, J.
Mayer, A.
Wischer, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
size distribution
composition of particles
silnik spalinowy
rozkład wielkości
skład cząstek
Nanoparticles from a HD-Diesel engine and their composition were investigated in the present paper. Three variants of fuel additivities were applied to allow the balances of certain tracer-substances after the tests: 2% of additives-free lube oil; 2% of market lube oil with additive package and Fe-based regeneration additive (FBC) with 40 ppm Fe. The analysed SMPS particle size distributions indicated that by blending of the market lube oil to the fuel the combined effects of metals or metal oxides from the additive packages and of the heavy HC’s from the lube oil matrix contribute the most to the increase of nuclei mode. From the masses of Fe, Zn and Ca, which were introduced with the fuel, only parts were found as integral masses at all ELPI-stages – Fe 43.5%, Zn 36.6%, Ca 65.5%. The majority of mass of some metals, or metal oxides emissions on ELPI-stages (up to 80%) is in the size ranges below 100 nm.
Combustion Engines; 2015, 54, 1; 3-10
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nanoparticle research on four gasoline cars
Czerwinski, J.
Comte, P.
Mayer, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
gasoline cars
combustion engine
nanoparticles measurements (NP)
NP fluctuation
The invisible nanoparticles (NP) from combustion processes penetrate easily into the human body through the respiratory and olfactory ways and carry numerous harmful health effects potentials. NP count concentrations are limited in EU for Diesel passenger cars since 2013 and for gasoline cars with direct injection (GDI) since 2014. The limit for GDI was temporary extended to 6 x 1012 #/km. Nuclei of metals as well as organics are suspected to significantly contribute especially to the ultrafine particle size fractions, and thus to the particle number concentration. In the present paper, some results of investigations of nanoparticles from four gasoline cars – an older one with MPI and three never with DI – are represented. The measurements were performed at vehicle tailpipe and in CVS-tunnel. The results show that the older vehicle with MPI emits high particle count concentrations. The size distributions of this vehicle are decisively bimodal with high numbers in nuclei mode. The emissions of the newer vehicles with DI show sometimes no typical uniform shape of particle size distributions and are at lower level, than for the older vehicle. There is no visible nuclei mode and the ultrafine particle concentrations below 10 nm are insignificant. Some of the newer, low-emitting vehicles show at constant speed operation a periodical fluctuation of the NPemissions. Increased NP-emissions at cold start were confirmed.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 1; 49-57
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigations of nanoparticle emissions of two gasoline cars MPI & DI at stationary part load operation
Emisja nanocząstek z dwóch pojazdów wyposażonych w silniki ZI – MPI i DI w warunkach stacjonarnych przy częściowym obciążeniu
Czerwiński, J.
Comte, P.
Keller, A.
Mayer, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
emission standards
ambient air limits
health benefits
limity emisji
normy jakości powietrza
korzyści zdrowotne
Starting from Euro 6 not only for diesel but also for gasoline vehicles, with direct injection technology (GDI) a solid particle number emissions limit of 6 × 1011#/km becomes effective. The limit was temporary extended for GDI to 6 x 1012#/km. Nuclei of metals as well as organics are suspected to significantly contribute especially to the ultrafine particle size fractions, and thus to the particle number concentration. In the project GasOMeP (Gasoline Organic & Metal Particulates) metal-nanoparticles (including sub 20 nm) from gasoline cars are investigated for different engine technologies. In the present paper some results of basic investigations of nanoparticles from two gasoline cars – an older one with MPI and a never one with DI – are represented. The measurements were performed at vehicle tailpipe, with varying sampling conditions and with different SMPS-systems, which enabled the mobility scanning in different size ranges. The results show that the older vehicle with MPI emits high particle count concentrations. The size distributions are decisively bimodal with high numbers in nuclei mode. In this case, the particle counting below 10 nm yields important information. The emissions of the newer vehicle with DI show no typical uniform shape of particle size distributions and are at lower level, than for the older vehicle. There is no visible nuclei mode and the ultrafine particle concentrations below 10 nm are insignificant. A sampling with a strongly increased primary dilution has a clear influence on the indicated (higher) particle concentrations.
Począwszy od normy Euro 6 wprowadzone zostanie ograniczenie emisji cząstek stałych do 6 × 1011#/km nie tylko dla pojazdów wyposażonych w silniki ZS, ale także dla pojazdów z silnikami ZI z bezpośrednim wtryskiem paliwa (GDI). Dopuszczalna liczba cząstek stałych emitowanych przez pojazdy wyposażone w silniki GDI była tymczasowo zwiększona do 6 × 1012#/km. Cząstki metali, jak również substancje organiczne prawdopodobnie są powodem emisji bardzo małych cząstek stałych, przyczyniając się do zwiększenia liczby emitowanych cząstek stałych. W projekcie GasOMeP (cząstki organiczne i metalowe z silników benzynowych) badana jest emisja nanocząstek metali (również o średnicy < 20 nm) z samochodów wyposażonych w silniki benzynowe różnych generacji. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań emisji nanocząstek z dwóch samochodów wyposażonych w silniki benzynowe – starszy z wtryskiem MPI i nowszy z wtryskiem DI. Spaliny pobierano z układu wylotowego pojazdu przy różnych warunkach pomiarowych i z wykorzystaniem urządzeń do pomiaru emisji cząstek stałych o różnych zakresach pomiarowych. Wyniki badań wskazują, że stężenie cząstek stałych w spalinach starszego pojazdu z wtryskiem MPI jest duże. Rozkłady wielkości mają charakter bimodalny z dużymi wartościami w fazie nukleacji. Wtedy istotny jest pomiar liczby cząstek stałych o średnicy mniejszej niż 10 nm. Emisja z pojazdu z wtryskiem typu DI nie wykazuje typowego jednolitego kształtu rozkładu wymiarowego, również liczba cząstek stałych jest mniejsza niż z pojazdu starszego. Nie zauważono znaczącej emisji cząstek w fazie nukleacji, a stężenia cząstek najmniejszych o średnicy poniżej 10 nm są nieznaczne. Pobór próbki spalin przy zastosowaniu dużego współczynnika rozcieńczenia ma zauważalny wpływ na zwiększenie stężenia cząstek stałych.
Combustion Engines; 2014, 53, 3; 3-11
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes of the 2-stroke aerosol in the exhaust sampling system
Czerwinski, J.
Comte, P.
Mayer, A.
Reutimann, F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
two-stroke direct injection
2-stroke aerosol
nanoparticulate emissions
Nanoparticle emissions of two 2-stroke scooters were investigated along the exhaust- and CVS-system (Constant Volume Sampling) with closed and with open line (cone). Due to their technology, the scooters produce different kind of aerosol (state of oxidation & SOF-content) and in addition to that they were operated with and without oxidation catalyst. The scooters represent a modern technology with direct injection TSDI* ) (two stroke direct injection) and with carburettor. The tests were performed at two constant speeds of the vehicles (20 km/h & 40 km/h) according to the measuring procedures, which were established in the previous research in the Swiss Scooter Network. The nanoparticulate emissions were measured by means of SMPS (CPC) and NanoMet (abbreviations see at the end of this paper). The most important results are: - the changes of the PSD's of the aerosol along the exhaust and CVS-system are connected to the average gas temperature and PC-concentration, which result after the different dilution steps and cooling down in the connecting pipe, - in the "open" variant of exhaust gas extraction there is a dilution step with unfiltered ambient air directly after tailpipe. This causes a stop of agglomeration, reduction of diffusion loses and increased background NPconcentration. There is also lower post oxidation of CO & HC. In some cases spontaneous condensates due to the temperature drop are supposed, - with the "closed" variant there is a stronger reduction of SMPS PC's along the gas way, than with the open variant. This is to explain with the higher temperatures and concentrations in the closed system, which enable more intense thermophoresis - and diffusion losses, - the NP-concentrations measured with "open" variant are always higher, - most intense oxidation is observed with Peugeot Carb: due to the SAS, rich tuning and a relatively high temperature level there are oxidation effects already without catalyst (temp. approx. 350 centigrade). With catalyst the temperature is in the range of 400centigrade and the oxidation is so intense, that the particles are nearly eliminated. The type of sampling: "open", or "closed" as well as the sampling position in the exhaust installation have significant influence on the measured nanoparticles emission results.
Journal of KONES; 2012, 19, 2; 109-119
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
PN-emissions with increased lube oil consumption of GDI car with/without GPF
Czerwinski, J.
Comte, P.
Güdel, M.
Kurzwart, M.
Mayer, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
road transport
combustion engine
air pollution
environmental protection
normy emisji
transport drogowy
silnik spalinowy
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
ochrona środowiska
The particle number (PN) emissions are increasingly considered in the progressing exhaust gas legislation for onand off- road vehicles. The invisible nanoparticles penetrate like a gas into the living organisms and cause several health hazards. The present paper shows how the PN- and gaseous emissions of a modern GDI (Abbreviations see at the end of this paper) vehicle change, when there is an in-creased lube oil consumption. What are the potentials of a gasoline particle filter to reduce the emissions? The lube oil consumption was simulated by mixing 2% vol. lube oil into the fuel. A non-coated GPF was mounted at tailpipe, so only the filtration effects were indicated. The tests were performed at transient (WLTC) and at stationary (SSC) operating conditions. It has been shown that the increased lube oil consumption significantly increases the PN-emissions and the applied high quality GPF eliminates these emissions very efficiently.
Journal of KONES; 2017, 24, 1; 102-112
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Improvement of air quality in vehicle cabins by nanoparticle filtration
Burtscher, H.
Mayer, A.
Loretz, S.
Keller, A.
Kasper, M.
Czerwinski, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
filtration system
A filter system is presented which allows the reduction of the concentration of ultrafine particles in vehicle cabins to very low levels. The original ventilation system is switched to the recirculation mode and all cabin intake air is supplied via a retrofitted filter system. Tests with a variety of different vehicles (from passenger cars to coaches) show the efficiency of the system. Filters incorporated in present ventilation systems remove large particles, for example pollen, but usually are inefficient for removing very small particles. This is demonstrated by Fig. l, where the particle number concentration outside and inside a car is plotted during a journey near Zurich. It is obvious that the concentrations inside and outside are more or less identical. All windows were closed during this measurement. Tests with a number ofdifferent all cars showed similar results. The filters included in today 's ventilation systems usually cannot remove nanoparticles, and so vehicle cabin indoor and outdoor nanoparticle concentrations are more or less identical. The nanocleaner, consisting of a very effident filter and a high performance blower, allows reduction of the particle concentration in the cabin from several hundreds of thousands or millions per cc. to a few thousand per cc., equivalent to remote woodland, the total exposed dose being reduced by some two orders of magnitude.
Journal of KONES; 2010, 17, 4; 79-88
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Air quality filtration in vehicle cabins
Burtscher, H.
Mayer, A.
Loretz, S.
Keller, A.
Kasper, M.
Czerwinski, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
cabine filtration
A filter system is presented which allows the reduction of the concentration of ultrafine particles in vehicle cabins to very low levels. The original ventilation system is switched to the recirculation mode and all cabin intake air is supplied via a retro fitted filter system. Tests with a variety of different vehicles (from passenger cars to coaches) show the efficiency of the system. Number concentration of particles inside and outside a car, the nanoparticle filtration system, fllter-efficiency: transmission for the new filter and for the filter loaded to apressure drop of 2.9 mbar, setup of the filter with integrated prefilter for course particles and blower, prototype of the filter system, main filter, prefilter and blower are included the system operated by an external control box, containing the drive electronics for the blower and displays for filter pressure drop and time meter, filter pressure drop as function of operating time in a highly polluted road tunnel, a possible solution to mount the filter system, particle concentration inside and outside the car (passenger car), concentration drops to very low levels, particle concentration inside and outside a passenger car with the filter turned on, two nanocleaner filter systems mounted in a school bus, filter system for buses installed in the luggage compartment are presented in the paper.
Journal of KONES; 2009, 16, 2; 59-69
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
NOX-reduction on HD-vehicles-low cost quality check
Czerwinski, J.
Zimmerli, Y.
Mayer, A.
Heeb, N.
Berger, H.
D‘Urbano, G.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
Diesel particle filter
regeneration of DPF
non-legislated emissions
selective catalytic reduction SCR
SCR-quality testing
on vehicle testing
The NOx reduction of recent HD-vehicle is performed mostly by means of the selective catalytic reduction SCR. There are some manufactures and some applications of SCR as retrofit systems (mostly for the low emission zones LEZ and in combination with a DPF). In charge of Swiss authorities AFHB investigated several SCR-systems, or (DPF+SCR)-systems on HD-vehicles and proposed a simplified quality test procedure of those systems. This procedure can especially be useful for the admission of retrofit systems but it can also be helpful for the quality check of OEM-systems. In the present paper the test procedures will be described and some examples of specific results will be presented. As general conclusions it can be stated: – the foundations for the quality verification procedures of SCR-systems are established, – the SCR-systems are not active at lower temperatures < 200°C, – SCR-testing on vehicle is a simple & low-cost tool for quality check, – the overall average NOx reduction rate depends on the operating profile of the vehicle – for low-load, for cold operation and for interrupted operation (HEV) there are lower NOx reduction efficiencies.
Journal of KONES; 2013, 20, 2; 61-68
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Particle filter test procedure and quality standard for diesel engines
Mayer, A.
Czerwinski, J.
Kasper, M.
Leutert, G.
Heeb, N.
Ulrich, A.
Jaussi, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
combustion engines
diesel engines
particle filters
quality air standards
air pollution
A new approach is needed to test particle filters for retrofitting Diesel engines. Considering the toxicity of the particles as also the physical and chemical attributes of particle filters, the optimal scheme is to test the components themselves independent of the deployment. That scheme ensures the highest effectiveness with least effort. It also enables evaluation of worst-case situations and assesses the hazards of secondary emissions. The Swiss standard SNR 277 205, which mandates the VERT test procedure, is a first step in that direction. Occupational health specialists have studied the toxicity of ultraflne particles for more than 100 years. Extremely toxic are the particles intruding into the lung. Larger particles, which are always naturally present, are intercepted in the upper respiratory paths. The body then expels these larger particles rapidly via the mucus and cilia. The new manmade particles less-than l mi m, however massively intrude into the fine pulmonary alveoli, which do not have the cleansing mechanism. The targeted efficiencies for evaluating modern filters are evident from the progress achieved. Many filters have filtration rates exceeding 99.9%, albeit the directives [4] only require 97%.
Journal of KONES; 2009, 16, 2; 305-314
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Combined DPF+SCR systems for retrofitting in the VERT quality verification tests
Czerwinski, J.
Zimmerli, Y.
Mayer, A.
Bunge, R.
Heeb, N.
Lemaire, J.
Jauss, F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
diesel emission reduction
diesel particle filter
limited and unlimited emissions
New Diesel exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, with DPF*) and deNOx (mostly SCR) inline application are very important step towards zero emission Diesel fleet. Solid quality standards of those quite complex systems are urgently necessary to enable decisions by several authorities. The Swiss Federal Office of the Environment BAFU and the Swiss Federal Roads Office ASTRA decided to support further activities of VERT to develop appropriate testing procedures and to define the quality criteria. The present report informs about the international network project VERT *) dePN (de-activation, de-contamination, disposal of particles & NOx), which was started in Nov. 2006 with the objective to introduce the SCR-, or (DPF+SCR)-systems in the VERT verification procedure. Examples of results with some investigated systems are given. The most important statements are: - the investigated combined aftertreatment systems (DPF+SCR) for dynamic engine application efficiently reduce the target emissions with deNOx-efficiency up to 92% (if operated in the right temperature window) and filtration efficiency based on particle count up to 100%, - the average NOx conversion rate at transient operation (ETC) depends strongly on the exhaust gas temperature profile and the resulting urea dosing control, - the NP filtration efficiency, which is verified at stationary engine operation is perfectly valid also at the transient operation. The present results will be confirmed in the further project activities with other systems and with different testing cycles. A special attention will be paid to the operational profiles, which are representative for low emissions zones LEZ.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 3; 89-101
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vert particle filter test procedure and quality standard for new and in-use diesel engines
Mayer, A.
Czerwinski, J.
Kasper, M.
Leutert, G.
Heeb, N. V.
Ulrich, A.
Jaussi, F.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
internal combustion engines
diesel engines
A new approach is needed to test particle filters for retrofitting Diesel engines. Considering the toxicity of the particles as also the physical and chemical attributes of particle filters, the optimal scheme is to test the components themselves independent of the deployment. That scheme ensures the highest effectiveness with least effort. It also enables evaluation of worst-case situations and assesses the hazards of secondary emissions. The Swiss standard SNR 277 205, which mandates the VERT test procedure, is a first step in that direction. The solution is derived from the physics of the filter media. The filtration of fine particles essentially depends on the particle size and the space velocity. The attributes of the emitting engine are only insignificantly relevant. Hence the physics and chemistry of particle filters can be investigated independent of the engine and its deployment duty. This concept facilitates a very thorough investigation of the size-dependent filtration, aging susceptibility, secondary emissions and extreme situations. Filter systems, which pass this detailed test, perform equally well in every retrofit configuration. This filter test concept was implemented 1998 in the VERT project and is successful for assessing retrofltting [4]. VERT approved fllter systems are already deployed in the Low Emission Zones of Europe, North and South America.
Journal of KONES; 2010, 17, 4; 313-322
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigations of emissions of reactive substances NO2 and NH3 from passenger cars
Czerwinski, J.
Comte, P.
Güdel, M.
Lemaire, J.
Mayer, A.
Heeb, N.
Berger, H.
Reutimann, F.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
exhaust emissions
reactive substances
emisje spalin
substancje reaktywne
Public concern and complaints regarding ambient air in zones of dense traffic pertains to two compounds of nitrogen, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3); both are toxic and strongly irritant, such that legal limitations are under discussion. This paper contributes to measuring methods as already in part proposed by GRPE subgroup WLTP-DTP (Worldwide Light Duty Test Procedures – Diesel Test Procedures) for NO2. Despite legally lowered NOx emission levels, lumping both, NO2 and NO, levels of NO2 have risen in cities and agglomerations as a result of both, deployed catalytic exhaust after-treatment devices and low sulphur Diesel fuels. In present tests two different combinations of NO2 measuring methods as proposed by WLTP were checked on Diesel cars for practicability in handling and accuracy. These integral, indirect methods (NO2 = NOx – NO) have been found as useful tools for estimate of NO2 and with use of appropriate analyzers a satisfactory accuracy was attained. Furthermore, attention was brought to ammonia (NH3) emitted by gasoline engines with three way catalysts (TWC) which ought not to be ignored while on the other hand SCR systems for Diesel engines are strictly regulated. Emission levels of more recent TWC turned out to be mostly below 20 ppm NH3. Vehicle of older technology exhibited significantly higher levels, about 10 times more. As chemical reactions depend on pressure and temperature (= i.e. flow condition in CVS-tunnel) as well as concentrations, doubts need to be considered on accuracy of results based on chemical reactive substances. Nevertheless, clear tendencies regarding changes of concentrations of NO2 and NH3 along the path-way could not be observed.
Combustion Engines; 2016, 55, 3; 24-33
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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