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Wyszukujesz frazę "Gródek" wg kryterium: Temat

Inwestorzy i ich odkrycia - muzeum archeologiczne na Gródku
Szlezynger, P.
Data publikacji:
nakł. Maciej Pawlikowski
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering; 2007, T. 3 spec. ed.; 1-15
Pojawia się w:
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some Issues Related to the Problem of Heritage Conservation of Archaeological Complexes in Czermno (Tomaszów Lubelski County) and Gródek (Hrubieszów County)
Florek, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
heritage conservation
Cherven’ Towns
This paper discusses some problems related to the conservation of two archaeological complexes in Czermno and Gródek in the Lublin Voivodeship. Their characteristics and research history are described in detail, along with their preservation state, ownership status, risks, and current heritage conservation activities. The conclusions presented in the paper are related to the need for further scientific, interdisciplinary research, conservation efforts, and changing their protection status as defined by law. Finally, a proposal is made to found a Czermno-Gródek open-air museum, which would make these tasks easier.
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia; 2018, 13; 357-376
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ks. prob. Paweł Mikulski w Międzyrzeczu (1947-1960) – kapłan niezłomny
Chmielewski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Agencja Wydawnicza “PDN”
ksiądz Paweł Mikulski
Gródek jagielloński
Priest Paweł Mikulski was born on 16 August 1896 in Plebanówka in the Borderlands. After graduating from the Faculty of Theology at the Theological Seminary in Lviv, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop Józef Bilczewski. In the years 1921-1945, he ministered to three parishes in the Stanisławów province. Together with parishioners, he left for the Regained Territories in the Opole diocese. He was then transferred to the bishop’s curia in Gorzów Wlkp. In the years 1947-1960, he was the administrator and parish priest of the parish of Saint John the Baptist in Międzyrzecz. On 22 August 1960, he retired at the age of 64. He settled as a resident priest in Chojna, where he died on 20 June 1977. The pastoral service of Rev. Paweł Mikulski coincided with the most difficult period of growing tensions and open repression of the communist authorities against the Church and him. The Department for Denominational Affairs of the State Security Office constantly kept Rev. Mikulski under surveillance. He is remembered by the inhabitants of Międzyrzecz as a committed priest who understood his parishioners.
Adhibenda; 2021, 8; 13-21
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kompleksy archeologiczne w Czermnie, pow. Tomaszów Lubelski i Gródku, pow. Hrubieszów. Stan aktualny i perspektywy ochrony
Archaeological complexes in Czermno, Tomaszów Lubelski District and Gródek, Hrubieszów District. Current status and protection perspectives
Florek, Marek
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
protection of archaeological heritage
Cherven Cities
The paper presents two important complexes of archaeological sites in Czermno and Gródek in Lublin Voivodeship. Their character, research history, state of preservation, ownership status, threats, state of archaeological research and current forms of heritage protection are discussed. The conclusions of the study indicate the need for further archaeological research of an interdisciplinary nature as well as the necessary actions related to preventing further destruction, including changes in the scope of legal protection. The paper ends with the postulate of establishing the “Czermno-Gródek Archeological Open-air Museum” an organizational unit, which would be responsible for the protection and preservation of both archaeological complexes, and would coordinate further research focusing on these sites.
Raport; 2018, 13; 97-112
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi w gminie Gródek n. Dunajcem
Municipal waste management in the Grodek nad Dunajcem commune
Kwapisz, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
ochrona srodowiska
gmina Grodek nad Dunajcem
odpady komunalne
gospodarka odpadami
Gospodarka odpadami to jeden z działów infrastruktury technicznej, często określanej mianem gospodarki komunalnej, decydującej o poziomie sanitarnym i ekologicznym obszarów wiejskich. Odpady pojawiają się wszędzie – na terenach nieużytków, przy drogach polnych, w rowach przydrożnych i melioracyjnych, w parkach i okolicznych lasach, a często również w zagrodach wiejskich. Narastające tempo powstawania odpadów, szczególnie tych nierozkładalnych, stawia przed władzami samorządowymi w gminie dwa podstawowe problemy do rozwiązania: opracowanie systemu zbierania odpadów i sposobów ich unieszkodliwienia. Pierwszy z nich jest powiązany z problemami natury edukacyjnej i organizacyjnej. Rozwiązanie drugiego problemu jest o wiele trudniejsze, gdyż należy wybrać metodę lub metody unieszkodliwiania odpadów komunalnych. Najbardziej powszechną metodą, której stosowanie jest konieczne w każdych warunkach, to składowanie na zorganizowanym wysypisku odpadów. W artykule przedstawiono stan gospodarki odpadami na terenie gminy Gródek nad Dunajcem oraz podjęto próbę jego udoskonalenia. Przedstawiając rozwiązania, które zastosowała gmina, zwrócono uwagę na korzyści ekologiczne i ekonomiczne związane z doskonaleniem istniejącego programu gospodarowania odpadami. Na podstawie obowiązujących aktów normatywnych, dotyczących opracowywania programów gospodarowania odpadami stałymi, dokonano oceny stanu systemu istniejącego, sporządzono bilans ilości i składu grupowego odpadów komunalnych obecnie i w perspektywie dziesięcioletniej. Obliczenia te posłużyły do zaprojektowania zmian w istniejącym systemie: gromadzenia, transportu i unieszkodliwiania odpadów. Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi została przedstawiona na tle takich elementów, jak: położenie geograficzne gminy, sytuacja demograficzna i gospodarcza oraz warunki glebowe, hydrologiczne i hydrogeologiczne. W pierwszej kolejności przeprowadzono analizę stanu obecnego gospodarowania odpadami, a następnie opracowano prognozy zmian w zakresie wytwarzanych odpadów oraz wyznaczono cele i kierunki działań dla poszczególnych grup odpadów.
Waste management is a section of technical infrastructure which is often called public utilities determining the sanitary and ecological level of rural areas. Wastes appear everywhere – on wastelands, by field roads, in the roadside ditches and drainage ditches, in parks and forests, and often also in the farmsteads. Growing rate of waste production, particularly indecomposable ones, poses two basic problems which must be solved by the self-government authorities in the commune: developing a system of waste collection and methods of their disposal. The first involves educational and organizational issues. The second problem is far more difficult to solve because a method or methods should be selected for managing municipal wastes. A most common method which must be usually applied in any conditions is waste deposition on controlled landfill site. The article presents the state of waste management in the Gródek nad Dunajcem commune and suggests some improvements to the situation. While presenting solutions applied by the commune attention was focused on ecological and economic advantages connected with upgrading the existing programme of waste management. The present system was evaluated on the basis of legal acts currently in force on developing solid waste management programmes, the amount and composition of municipal waste groups was prepared for the present state and in the ten-year perspective. The calculations served to plan changes in the existing system of collection, transport and disposal of wastes. Waste management was presented against the background of such elements as: geographical location of the commune, demographic and economic situation, and also soil, hydrological and hydrogeological conditions. Firstly the current state of waste management was analyzed and subsequently forecasts concerning development of predicted changes concerning produced wastes were made. Objectives and directions of activities for individual groups of wastes were determined.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2005, 3
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z kart parafii unickiej p.w. Wniebowstąpienia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Gródku w świetle osiemnastowiecznych wizytacji kościelnych
The history of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Uniate parish in Gródek in the light of 18th century church visitations
Frykowski, Janusz Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Uniate parish
Orthodox church
paroch (parish priest)
Gródek is a country village whose origin dates back to at least the fifteen century. The first written record of the village dates from 1409. In it is found acknowledgment of Wołczko Rekutowicz from Gródek as one of the founders and a supplier of furnishings to the local church. Originally belonging to the Duchy of Belz, the village together with the Duchy, was incorporated into the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland in 1462. After the first partition of Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth, Gródek was annexed by the Habsburg Empire, then it became part of the Duchy of Warsaw and following the joint resolutions of the Congress of Vienna it was given to Russia. Today the village situated at the Huczwa river administratively belongs to Jarczow gmina (commune) as part of Tomaszów poviat in Lubelskie Province. During the period the piece of research covers, Gródek was mostly inhabited by Russian people and was an Orthodox parish. It in turn became a Greek Catholic parish following the Union of Brest. The first written record of an Orthodox Church comes from 1507 while 17th century documents confirm the existence of a Uniate parish. Having analyzed post- visitation protocols, it might be deduced that it was a wooden church poorly equipped with ecclesiastical utensils. There was also a bell tower and a cemetery alongside the church. It has been determined a paroch (parish priest) had some arable land as well as grassland at his disposal to support himself. Furthermore, he collected various ecclesiastical fees from his parishioners. From the period of time this research is focused on, personal information of 4 parochs as well as the approximate number of parishioners that varied between 14 and 70 has been established. Furthermore, the church is known to have been functioning in 1772 but it fell into ruin before 1798 after which the parishioners from Gródek attended the branch church in Podlodów.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2015, 22; 157-171
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
History of some antiquities from the collection of Michał Tyszkiewicz in Gródek
SnitkuvienĖ, Aldona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Count Michał Tyszkiewicz
palace in Gródek
King Augustus II
Tsar Alexander
The palace in Gródek, one of the palaces built by the Tyszkiewicz family in Lithuania, was located in present-day Belarus, a dozen kilometres from Minsk. The founder of the building was Count Michał Tyszkiewicz. Built in 1855, the palace remained in the hands of the family until 1918. Among the antique pieces of furniture documented on photographs and paintings are a table and a mirror, today kept in Lithuanian museums. The mirror, decorated with tusks of wild pigs, was offered to King Augustus II on the occasion of his coronation in 1697. In the middle of the 19th century it was purchased by Michał Tyszkiewicz, who then added it to the furnishings of a tent offered as a resting place for Tsar Alexander during a hunting trip organised by Michał Tyszkiewicz and his brother in 1858 near Vilnius. This event was recorded by journalists and artists on some lithographs.
Światowit; 2018, 57; 259-263
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy rzeczywiście najstarsze – weryfikacyjne badania najwcześniej datowanych gródków stożkowatych
Are they the oldest indeed – verification tests of the earliest dated motte-and-bailey castles
Marciniak-Kajzer, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dwór rycerski
gródek stożkowaty
Middle Ages
knight’s manor
Motte and bailey
The aim of the presented research is to verify the correctness of the dating of the motte structures which, as a result of earlier excavations, were considered the earliest defensive knight’s seats in Poland – that is, they were dated to the 13th century. So far, the absolute dates were obtained for scarcely a few/a few dozen(?) such structures. However, they were not considered the oldest features. As a result of the literature research, several sites representing typical motte- and-bailey castles which in the previous excavations were dated to the 13th century, were selected. Three of the sites in question were located in the Masovia region: Kiełbów Stary, Stara Błotnica commune; Orszymowo, Mała Wieś commune and Wilkanowo (formerly Nakwasin), also located in the Mała Wieś commune. The next two sites are located in the Łódzkie region – Witów, Burzenin commune and Małków, Warta commune. A further study was conducted in Sędziszów (now in the territory of the village of Piła) in the Świętokrzyskie region, in Piekary – Greater Poland, Dobra commune and in Szczekociny, Silesia. A new geodetic surveying showed some changes in the state of preservation of the study features. Unfortunately, most of them reveal some traces of deepening destruction. The excavations undertaken at six sites yielded samples for the dating studies. The only sites whose excavations provided no materials that could be subjected to laboratory dating tests were in Witów and Sędziszów. Attempts were made to collect samples for dendrochronological, radiocarbon (14C) and thermoluminescence tests. No wood for dendrological research was found at any of the study sites. The samples obtained from six sites were used to measure the 14C radioactive isotope. A series of dating was performed for the study sites. As a result, 4 dates were obtained for Kiełbów Stary and Małkowo, 6 – for Piekary and 5 – for Szczekociny. The highest number – 9 dates – were obtained for Orszymowo, whereas for Wilkanowo only 2 dates were produced. The results showed that only in the case of two sites the obtained dates confirm their functioning in the 13th century – they are Małkowo and Orszymowo. Another two sites – Szczekociny and Kiełbów Stary – can be dated back to the 14th century, while the dates obtained for the materials from Piekary justify placing the functioning of the feature in the 15th century. In the case of Wilkanowo, the standard calibration calculations produced dates which suggest that the sites represent the modern times. One of the samples, however, may be dated to the 15th century (probability: 91%). Nonetheless, these dates are rather controversial, because Wilkanowo and Orszymowo are the sites situated several kilometres away from each other whilst the excavated pottery materials seem to be very similar. A solution to this problem requires further scrutiny. The attempt to verify the dates produced for the earliest defensive knight’s seats succeeded in part. Only two of the researched sites can in fact be considered to be the 13th century manors. Ipso facto we confirmed that such early dates may be correct, and that already in the thirteenth century, the nobles founded defensive motte-and-bailey castles. Our study clearly shows that the chronology of the earliest Polish knight’s manors, determined on the basis of the previous excavations, should be verified. The results of our work prove that the traditional dating methods used for archaeological artefacts are not precise enough to be used in modern science. We need to put more emphasis on the matter of collecting samples for dating and providing adequate financial resources necessary to perform laboratory tests.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2018, 33; 93-111
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologiczny wymiar programu ikonograficznego Adama Stalony-Dobrzańskiego w cerkwiach w Gródku i Michałowie
The Theological Dimension of Adam Stalony-Dobrzański’s Iconographic Program in the Churches in Gródek and Michałowo
Naumow, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Stalony-Dobrzański Adam
Nowosielski Jerzy
Polski Autokefaliczny Kościół Prawosławny
Powiat białostocki: Gródek
sztuka cerkiewna: polichromie
teologia prawosławna
Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church
Białystok County: Gródek
Orthodox art: polychromes
stained glass
Orthodox theology
The article is an analysis of the theological program contained in the polychromy and stained glass windows of two Orthodox churches in Podlasie – Gródek and Michałowo, made in the 1950s by Adam StalonyDobrzański (partly with the participation of Jerzy Nowosielski). At the center of the program is soteriology, expressed through Eucharistic, Mariological and apostolic themes. The extraordinary significance of Stalony Dobrzański’s artistic achievements lies in the close combination of ideas, iconography and the written word, as well as the best traditions of the Christian East and West, including the folk tradition.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2021, Obraz - Słowo - Litera, 12; 243-264
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieje parafii pw. św. Stanisława – Biskupa i Męczennika w Gródku Podolskim w latach 1941-1991
История прихода св. Станислава - Епископа и Мученика в Городке на Подолье в 1941-1991 гг.
Rozhkov, Vladyslav
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Gródek Podolski;
diecezja kamieniecko-podolska
ks. Franciszek Oleń
bp Jan Olszański
ks. Franciszek Karasiewicz
ks. Władysław Wanags
Od końca XVIII wieku w Gródku Podolskim funkcjonowały dwa kościoły – jeden pw. św. Anny i św. Antoniego, drugi pw. św. Stanisława – Biskupa i Męczennika. W 1935 roku świątynie te zostały zamknięte przez władze sowieckie, a wkrótce zdewastowane. Zamknięto także kaplicę wybudowaną w 1845 roku na cmentarzu. Katolicy z Gródka zostali pozbawieni opieki duszpasterskiej. Odrodzenie życia religijnego na Ukrainie Sowieckiej nastąpiło w okresie okupacji niemieckiej. Wierni odzyskali świątynie i mogli swobodnie sprawować nabożeństwa. W roku 1943, dzięki staraniom katolików gródeckich, zaczął do nich przyjeżdżać ks. Franciszek Oleń z diecezji łuckiej, który odprawiał w kaplicy cmentarnej Msze św. oraz udzielał sakramentów. Pod koniec 1944 roku funkcję proboszcza parafii w Gródku objął 25-letni kapłan z archidiecezji lwowskiej ks. Jan Olszański, przyszły biskup diecezji kamieniecko-podolskiej. Prowadzona przez niego katechizacja dzieci, która była w ZSRS zakazana, spowodowała, że w 1959 roku został on wydalony do wioski Manikowce. W ciągu wielu lat opiekę duszpasterską nad katolikami z Gródka sprawowali dojeżdżający kapłani. Dopiero w 1970 roku do parafii św. Stanisława skierowano ks. Franciszka Karasiewicza, który pełnił tam funkcję proboszcza do 1977 roku. Z powodu pogarszającego się stanu zdrowia, spowodowanego nieustannym nękaniem ze strony lokalnych władz, duchowny opuścił Gródek Podolski, a na jego miejsce wyznaczono ks. Władysława Wanagsa MIC. Już na początku swojej pracy w Gródku nowy proboszcz miał zamiar w miejsce małej kapliczki zbudować nowy kościół, zachowując dotychczasowe wezwanie św. Stanisława – Biskupa i Męczennika. W 1988 roku pomimo sprzeciwu władz państwowych ks. W. Wanags zdecydował się na rozpoczęcie budowy kościoła. W dniu 17 września 1988 roku bp Vilhelms Ņukšs poświęcił nowy kościół w Gródku Podolskim. Była to pierwsza świątynia katolicka powstała na Ukrainie Sowieckiej.    
As of the end of the 18th century there were two churches in Horodok, one under the invocation of St Anne and St Anthony, and the other of St Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr. In 1935, these temples were closed by the Soviet authorities and soon devastated, including the chapel built in 1845 in the cemetery part. Catholics in Horodok were deprived of pastoral care. The revival of religious life in Soviet Ukraine occurred during the German occupation period. The faithful regained their temples and were able to worship freely. In 1943, thanks to the efforts of the Catholics of Horodok, Rev. Franciszek Oleń from the Diocese of Lutsk began to visit the cemetery, where he celebrated Mass and administered the sacraments. Toward the end of 1944, Rev. Jan Olszański, a 25-year-old priest from the Lviv archdiocese and future bishop of the Kamianets-Podilskyi Diocese, assumed the post of parish priest in Horodok. His catechization of children, which was forbidden in the USSR, caused him to be expelled to the village of Manikowce in 1959. Over the years, pastoral care for the Catholics of Horodok was provided by commuting priests. It was not until 1970 that Rev. Franciszek Karasiewicz was assigned to St Stanislaus Parish and served there as pastor until 1977. Due to his deteriorating health, caused by constant harassment from the local authorities, the clergyman left Horodok Podilskyi and was replaced by Rev. Wladyslaw Wanags, M.I.C. At the outset of his work in Horodok, the new pastor intended to build a new church in place of the small chapel, retaining the former name of St Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr. In 1988, despite opposition from state authorities, Rev. W. Wanags decided to begin construction of the church. On 17 September 1988 Bishop Vilhelms Ņukšs consecrated the new church in Horodok. It was the first Catholic temple established in Soviet Ukraine.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2022, 118; 291-334
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Straty żołnierzy armii rosyjskiej pochodzących z gminy Gródek powiatu białostockiego guberni grodzieńskiej podczas I wojny światowej
Losses of Russian Army Soldiers from the Gródek Commune in the Białystok County of the Grodno Guberniya during the First World War
Dmitruk, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
First World War
Russian Army
Grodno guberniya
I wojna światowa
armia rosyjska
gubernia grodzieńska
Straty w armii rosyjskiej z I wojny światowej dotknęły ok. 55% wszystkich walczących w niej żołnierzy. Wśród ofiar byli rekruci pochodzący z gminy Gródek powiatu białostockiego guberni grodzieńskiej, czyli terenów wchodzących obecnie w skład województwa podlaskiego. Ubytki żołnierzy wpływały na życie społeczne po Wielkiej Wojnie – szczególnie na Białostocczyźnie dotkniętej działaniami wojennymi i ewakuacją z 1915 r. Problem strat z wymienionego obszaru nie został kompleksowo zbadany w polskiej historiografii. Autor analizuje straty żołnierzy i podoficerów walczących w mundurze armii rosyjskiej w latach 1914–1918, pochodzących z rejonu Gródka.
Losses in the Russian army fighting in the First World War affected approximately 55 per cent of all soldiers who fought in it. Among the casualties were recruits from the Gródek commune in the Białystok district of the Grodno Guberniya, an area now belonging to the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Losses of soldiers impacted social life after the Great War – especially in the Białystok region affected by the warfare and evacuation of 1915. The problem of losses from the mentioned area has not been comprehensively studied in Polish historiography. The author analyses the losses of soldiers and non-commissioned officers who fought in the Russian army uniform between 1914 and 1918 and came from the Gródek area.
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej; 2023, 58, 2; 107-142
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z badań nad historią muzyki w klasztorze sióstr dominikanek na Gródku w Krakowie
From the research on the history of music in the Dominican Convent at Gródek, Cracow
Matoga, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
Dominikanki na Gródku
Dominicans in Gródek
Artykuł jest pierwszym opracowaniem dotyczącym muzyki w klasztorze dominikanek Na Gródku w Krakowie. Autor koncentruje się na historii organów w kościele klasztornym. W 1820 r. w świątyni notowano dwa pozytywy (małe organy): większy pod chórem zakonnym i mniejszy na chórze. W 1838 r. instrument z chóru zakonnego został sprzedany, natomiast w latach 1838-1839 powstały w kościele nowe organy, umieszczone zapewne pod chórem. Po 1864 r. ich stan ulegał pogorszeniu, w związku z czym podjęto decyzję o zakupie nowych organów. W 1870 r. klasztor otrzymał na ten cel pieniądze od cesarza Ferdynanda, jednak przedsięwzięcie nie doczekało się realizacji. Ostatecznie rolę instrumentu akompaniującego podczas liturgii przejęła fisharmonia, a zdezelowane organy zostały usunięte. W drugiej połowie XIX w. zainstalowano organy elektroniczne. Od 2010 r. dominikanki zbierały pieniądze na zakup organów piszczałkowych. Ostatecznie zakupiony został używany instrument firmy Walcker z 1970 r., sprowadzony z Niemiec, a następnie zamontowany w kościele w 2011 r. Na przestrzeni kilku stuleci w kościele grali organiści. Były nimi zarówno osoby świeckie, jak i siostry zakonne
The present article is the first one concerning music in the Dominican Convent at Gródek in Cracow. The author concentrates on the history of organs in the convent church. In 1820 the church had two positives (small organs): a larger one under the convent choir and a smaller one on the choir. In 1838 the instrument from the choir was sold, while in the years 1838-1839 new organ was installed in the church, supposedly under the choir. After 1864 the organ’s condition worsened gradually, that is why a decision was made to buy a new one. In 1870 the Convent received money from Emperor Ferdinand for this purpose, however the plan was not realised. Eventually the role of an accompanying instrument during the service was taken over by the harmonium and the dilapidated organ was removed. In the second half of the 19th century electronic organ was installed. Since 2010 the Dominican Sisters had collected money to buy a pipe organ. Finally a second-hand Walker organ was bought, brought from Germany and installed in 2011. In the course of several ages both lay persons and Dominican Sisters performed as church organists.
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2016, 126; 251-264
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polichromie cerkwi Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Gródku. Próba rozpoznania
Polychromes of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gródek. Recognition Attempt
Tomalska-Więcek, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
cerkwie na Podlasiu
Adam Stalony-Dobrzański
Orthodox Churches in Podlasie
Byzantine temples were richly equipped with polychromes, mosaics and frescoes, constituting a very carefully thought-out ideological complement to the church. In each artistic era, they were an expression of their times. In the modern era, sometimes there were polychromes referring to Byzantine works or – in Uniate churches – corresponding to the spirit of the era, as in the church in Czyże in Podlasie. In the mid-twentieth century, Adam Stalony-Dobrzański, an artist associated with Krakow, undertook the creation of new polychromes in new Orthodox churches in Podlasie, corresponding to the challenges of contemporary art. The content of the article is, above all, an attempt to introduce this masterpiece in the first place.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2021, Obraz - Słowo - Litera, 12; 283-291
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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