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Spór o filozofię moralną św. Tomasza z Akwinu. Próba wskazania na źródła odmiennych stanowisk É. Gilsona i F. van Steenberghena. Na marginesie dyskusji M. Prokopa z artykułem W. Golonki
Andrzejuk, Izabella
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
É. Gilson
F. van Steenberghen
filozofa moralna
moral philosophy
The attitude to Thomas’ moral philosophy notably determined opinions of two well-known historians of philosophy: Étienne Gilson and Fernand van Steenberghen. The positions of the two scholars about the issue where Thomas has entered more complete his moral philosophy are divergent. Van Steenberghen claimed that ethics of Thomas we can find in his ‘Commentarry to Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle’ but Gilson claimed that it is in Summa Theologiae and Summa contra gentiles. In Gilson’s opinion these two composition are sources of whole and mature ethical thought of Thomas Aquinas. It seems really interesting that so far no one has hold a position in these two different opinions. The discussion between Gilson and van Steenberghen has not been solv and both scholars had got their own views. It seems that a lack of any continuation of this ‘dispute’ is a gap in a discourse about the value of commentaries of St. Thomas to Aristotle’s compositions. That is why it is important to show behind-the-scenes of this dispute and indicate possible reasons which caused that opinions of two eminent historians of philosophy had got so different views about this issue.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 397-409
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Józef M. Bocheński jako tomista
Zembrzuski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
J.M. Bocheński
filozofia tomistyczna w Polsce
The aim of the paper is to present the following, how Thomism was understood by Bocheński, next, path of Thomistic inspirations he had followed, and finally we show Thomism Bocheński had explored when teaching his own philosophical abbreviation (ABC tomizmu). Analysis based on these issues would allow to identify the specific features of Thomism studied and explored by Bocheński. Hence, the question we might pose does not to regard the fact whether Bocheński was a Thomist or not but, what sort of Thomism he represented. Bocheński should rather be considered to be a traditional Thomist than existential one because in his philosophical work he barely treated the problem of act of existence and importance of this particular problem. However, he refrained from adopting the method fundamental for traditional Thomism, which is strict adherence (fidelity) to source texts of Aquinas. Bocheński, in being open to achievements of contemporary philosophy, especially logic, was closer to Louvain Thomism. But, he never decided to implement modern scientific trends to philosophy of Aquinas, the tendency which was foreign to the very essence of philosophy, at least in its shape understood by Bocheński. In his philosophical views Bocheński was closer to Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition. And because he preferred to follow Aristotelian realism he consequently kept that stance. His interest in analysis the utterances of Thomism from a perspective of logic allow to classify Bocheński to analytical Thomism, but we should remember that in times contemporary to Bocheński, the very notion of analytical Thomism had not been coined. The aforementioned conclusions allow to recognize originality of Thomistic thought represented by Bocheński and also, to admit that Bocheński’s thought cannot be classified univocally to a particular school of Thomism.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2020, 1, 9; 265-289
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tożsamość płciowa na tle dwugłosu teorii płci Judith Butler i tomistycznej metafzyki człowieka
Gender identity in the background of discord in Judith Butler’s gender theory and Thomistic metaphysic of human
Gadamer, Damian
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
tożsamość płciowa
Judith Butler
gender identity
Temat ludzkiej płciowości prawdopodobnie nie był w historii tak szeroko omawiany, jak to ma miejsce we współczesnej debacie. Fakt bycia mężczyzną czy kobietą raczej nie był też kontesto¬wany na taką skalę. Kwestia tożsamości człowieka pojawia się zatem jako szczególnie aktualny problem antropologiczny. Tożsamość płciowa jest drugą tożsamością odkrywaną w życiu ludz¬kim, której identyfikacja następuje już po odkryciu tożsamości siebie jako człowieka. Współcze¬sny człowiek otrzymuje obecnie wiele informacji na temat płciowości. Informacje te są jednak tylko pewnymi hipotezami, które on uważa często za bezsporne. Niniejszy artykuł wpisuje się w tę współczesną refleksję nad problemem tożsamości płciowej istoty ludzkiej. Przedstawia on z jednej strony poglądy Judith Butler, jednej z najważniejszych postaci we współczesnej dyskusji dotyczącej płci. Z drugiej strony prezentuje tomistyczną myśl na ten temat. Może się wydawać, że tomizm nie ma wiele wspólnego ze współczesnymi teoriami na temat płciowości. Zważywszy jednak, że myśl filozoficzna, oparta na dorobku św. Tomasza z Akwinu, dąży do wyjaśnienia całej rzeczywistości, może stanowić ona podstawę dla adekwatnej koncepcji tożsamości płciowej. Wydaje się to o tyle zasadne, że upowszechniana dziś tzw. teoria gender powinna być skonfrontowana z alternatywnym rozwiązaniem, nawiązującym do realistycznej perspektywy, charakterystycznej dla klasycznej filozofii człowieka.
The theme of gender identity is one of the most current topics in anthropology. Nowadays there are two terms concerning this human reality: sex (biological phenomenon) and gender (social construct). Judith Butler in her theory identifed sex and gender. She showed that human body is a subject of cultural and political interpretation. Tus there isn’t something like fact of body. Because of hetero normative paradigm the society believes that there are only two genders: male and female. Two philosophical assumptions cause this impoverishment: substantialism and performativity of language. Butler’s theory seems to be sex antirealism. Tomistic metaphysics is the opposite view to such kind of idea. According to Tomism human is substation which manifests itself in variable features. Human gender belongs to its being properties. Tese properties are invariable features of substance. Tomism claims that gender is one of such invariable modifcators. Tus each human being in accordance with its nature is consistently human-man or human-woman. Tere is no change of gender regardless of outside signs of sex changing. Te gender depends on metaphysical dimension of human. Butler’s theory is a consequence of rejecting the argument about substantial character of human existence and its unity and identity.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2020, XVII/17; 128-138
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etyka w ujęciu Józefa M. Bocheńskiego
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Józef Bocheński
filozofia analityczna
analytic philosophy
The notion of ethics has been developed by Bocheński in four areas: 1. Ethics is a normative science regarding human behaviour. Its scientific character means a „systematic research on a particular part of reality”. In the result of its normativity it „not only describes object but also indicates what this object should be like”. When speaks of human behaviour it „makes research on this set of acts who derive consciously (voluntarily) from human free will”. 2. Ethics as a normative science makes research and establishes general goal of human activity and then it considers, from the psychological point of view, a nature of human act which should be an act of realisation of a goal. In this way ethics works out the problem of ethical norm, a principle which should be followed to fulfill human act in order to achieve a goal proper to human being. Additionally, when ethics is grounded in Christian Revelation we may apply the matter of grace as supernatural support from God in fulfilling ethically good human act. 3. „There are two areas of each properly constructed ethics”. The first, in a theoretical way considers five sets of problems: the general goal of human act, the structure of human act, the problem of moral norms, the theory of character and the subject of God’s grace. The aim of the second area is practical analysis of particular features of human character, we understand them as „steady dispo-sition toward proceeding human act easily and energetic” according to a moral norm. 4. Ethics understood in that way can be atrributed to each human being. Hence, each men should adopt and cultivate in himself all properties and ethical norms. „Each human being should posses entirely human and Christian character”. 5. Individual human life shows that a teacher suppose to be equippped in some properties more than a merchant. For that reason, even there exists unity in ethics in general, we may speak of particular ethics. They consists of general ethics and on that ground they develop further principles in particular domains. In the result there may exist business ethics, academic ethics, ethics of prie-sthood, political ethics and military one.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2020, 1, 9; 385-391
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola wartości w dążeniu do zrozumienia miłości. Wokół filozofii Mieczysława Gogacza
Listkowska, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
consistent Thomism
Gogacz Mieczysław
tomizm konsekwentny
Mieczysław Gogacz dąży do uprawiania filozofii maksymalnie realistycznej. Wartości uważa za wytwory umysłu, a nie realne byty. Stąd nie zajmuje się nimi w swojej filozofii. Twierdzi, że budowanie etyki i pedagogiki w oparciu o wartości prowadzi do koncepcji idealistycznych, stawiania wymagań niemożliwych do spełnienia. W artykule argumentuje się, że wartości odgrywają ważną rolę w życiu człowieka. Wewnętrzny świat człowieka jest światem zorientowanym na wartości. Również miłość jest zjawiskiem ściśle związanym z wartościami. Jest ona odpowiedzią na wartości. Hierarchia wartości, którą kierują się osoby, jest wspólnym horyzontem, w którym rodzi się ich miłość.
Mieczysław Gogacz pursues a maximally realistic philosophy. He considers values to be products of the mind, not real beings. Hence, he does not work on them in his philosophy. He claims that building pedagogy based on values leads to idealistic conceptions, imposing requirements which are impossible to fulfil. The article argues that values play a major role in human life. The inner world of a human being is a value-oriented world. Love is also a phenomenon closely related to values. It is a response to values. The hierarchy of values that people follow is a common horizon in which their love is born.
Logos i Ethos; 2020, 53, 1; 31-35
Pojawia się w:
Logos i Ethos
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aleksandra Usowicza wkład do badań nad dziejami filozofii krakowskiej
Trombik, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Konstanty Michalski
Polish philosophy
filozofia polska
The article attempts to justify the thesis that Aleksander Usowicz has made contribution to the research on Cracow philosophy, which was developed in two periods: a) between the 15th and 17th centuries, b) at the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Usowicz was one of the pioneers in post-war history of Polish philosophy, publishing between 1946 and 1949 several important articles, concerning Cracow philosophy (from 15th to 19th centuries). In addition, Usowicz was the leading commentator and interpreter of the philosophical thought of Konstanty Michalski – undoubtedly one of the most important catholic philosophers in the first half of the 20th century.
W artykule podjęto próbę uzasadnienia tezy o wkładzie ks. Aleksandra Usowicza CM w badania nad krakowską filozofią, rozwijaną w dwóch okresach: a) między XV a XVII wiekiem, b) u schyłku XIX i w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. W świetle przeprowadzonych analiz ks. Usowicz jawi się jako jeden z pionierów powojennej historii filozofii polskiej, publikując w latach 1946–1949 kilka znaczących artykułów dotyczących myśli filozoficznej środowiska krakowskiego z wieków XV–XVII i XIX–XX. Ponadto ks. Usowicz zasługuje na miano czołowego komentatora myśli Konstantego Michalskiego, niewątpliwie jednego z najważniejszych krakowskich myślicieli katolickich pierwszej połowy XX wieku.
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne; 2017, 36, 2
Pojawia się w:
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skąd pochodzą nowe formy substancjalne? – Polemika z teistycznym ewolucjonizmem w ujęciu Mariusza Tabaczka
Where do the Substantial Forms Come From?—A Polemic with the Theistic Evolutionism of Mariusz Tabaczek
Chaberek, Michał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ewolucja teistyczna
forma substancjalna
theistic evolution
substantial form
Współcześni tomiści usiłują wykazać zgodność metafizyki arystotelesowsko-tomistycznej z teorią makroewolucji biologicznej. W ostatnim czasie stanowisko takie poparł Dr Mariusz Tabaczek. Jednak przyznaje on, że naukę Tomasza należy zmodyfikować w istotny sposób, aby można ją było pogodzić z teistycznym ewolucjonizmem. W jego ujęciu główny punkt takiej modyfikacji stanowi kwestia tego, czy stworzenie się zakończyło, czy nadal powstają nowe gatunki. W istocie ewolucyjny postulat powstawania nowych gatunków uderza nie tylko w naukę Tomasza, ale klasyczne chrześcijańskie rozumienie stworzenia. Tomistyczni ewolucjoniści nie potrafią wyjaśnić pochodzenia nowych form substancjalnych. Odwołują się do zmian przypadłościowych, takich jak przypadkowe mutacje genetyczne, których kumulacja miałaby prowadzić do powstania nowych gatunków. To jednak nie jest możliwe w świetle metafizyki tomistycznej, ponieważ zmiana przypadłościowa nie tworzy nowej substancji. Dodatkowo koncepcja tomistycznych ewolucjonistów nie harmonizuje z wieloma faktami odkrywanymi przez współczesną biologię. Tomistyczni ewolucjoniści muszą porzucić fundamentalne pojęcia filozofii św. Tomasza, takie jak złożenie bytowe substancja-przypadłości czy umiarkowany realizm. Nie da się więc pogodzić makroewolucji biologicznej z nauką Akwinaty.
Contemporary Thomists strive to demonstrate a compatibility between Aristotelian-Thomistic metaphysics and the theory of biological macroevolution. Recently such positions have been promoted by Dr Mariusz Tabaczek. However, he admits that Aquinas’s teachings need to be substantially modified to make them compatible with theistic evolution. On his view, the main point of controversy is whether the creation of the world has been completed (as Aquinas maintains) or it continues (as it is required by theistic evolution). But the evolutionary postulate of continual creation understood as emergence of totally new substantial forms contradicts not only Aquinas’s doctrine but the classic Christian understanding of creation. Thomistic evolutionists cannot explain the origin of new substantial forms; they refer to accidental changes, such as random genetic mutations, whose accumulation over time would produce new species. This, however, is not possible in the light of Thomistic metaphysics because an accidental change does not produce a substantial change. Additionally, the Thomistic evolutionist concept does not tally with many facts discovered by contemporary science. Thomistic evolutionists abandon the fundamental concepts of Aquinas’s philosophy such as the substance-accidents fold and moderate realism as a cognitive attitude. Hence the conclusion that it is not possible to reconcile biological macroevolution with Aquinas’s teachings.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2020, 68, 4; 199-215
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Karol Wojtyła – teatr osoby
Karol Wojtyła – the Theatre of the Person
Kaczmarek, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
osoba; personalizm
theatrum Dei
Theatrum Dei
W koncepcji personalizmu Karola Wojtyły osoba rozumiana jest jako podmiot i relacja. Człowiek jest więc istotą relacyjną, jego ciało jest predysponowane, by angażował się w dialog z drugą osobą. Spotkanie osób i ich wzajemne relacje tworzą w efekcie podstawę teatru i na tej przesłance Wojtyła stworzył swój teatr personalistyczny, w którym połączył mostem tomizm i fenomenologię przedstawiając człowieka jako aktora na scenie w relacji do drugiego. W Bracie naszego Boga Wojtyła próbował „przeniknąć” człowieka, by dotrzeć do źródeł jego człowieczeństwa. Kluczem była relacja „ja”, rozumianego jako podmiot poznający, do „ja” drugiego człowieka. Oryginalność dramatów Wojtyły polega na tym, że autor odwołując się do natury osoby, ukazuje jej pełnię w perspektywie theatrum Dei. Najmocniej jest ona wyrażona w trylogii: Brat naszego Boga, Przed sklepem jubilera i Promieniowanie ojcostwa. Analiza wnętrza osoby, jaka jest tam przeprowadzona, pozwala określić te dramaty jako teatr osoby.
According to Karol Wojtyła’s personalism, a person is both a subject and a relationship. A person is a relational being whose body predisposes him or her to engage in dialogue. The meeting of people, and their relationships as a result of this event, lie at the core of theatre. In his personalistic theatre, Wojtyła created a bridge between Thomism and Phenomenology, exploring the human person as an actor. In Our God’s Brother (Brat naszego Boga, 1945–1950), Wojtyła attempts to “penetrate man,” so as to be able to arrive at the sources of his humanity. What allows one to penetrate man’s nature is the revelation of the relationship between his “I,” understood as the subject which comes to know, and the “you” of the other, recognised in personal experience as a second “I.” The originality of Wojtyła’s drama is contained in its literary and theatrical nature, but its full sense is only revealed in the perspective of Theatrum Dei (especially in Wojtyła’s dramatic trilogy: Our God’s Brother – Brat naszego Boga; In front of the Jeweller’s Shop – Przed sklepem jubilera, 1960; The Radiance of Fatherhood – Promieniowanie ojcostwa, 1967). We could call Wojtyła’s drama of the inner Self the Theatre of the Person.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2020, 68, 1 Special Issue; 123-136
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Józefa M. Bocheńskiego elementarz etyki wojskowej
Niepsuj, Jerzy
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Józef Bocheński
etyka wojskowa
military ethics
Military ethics as one of a „special ethics” is built, according to Bocheński, on morally obvious right to self-defense and obligation to defend the closest people. It is related to patriotism understood as love of the country, love is a prominent value in defense of which man is willing to sacrifice his life. With regard to characteristics of a soldier Bocheński suggests the following shape of skills and virtues proper for a military job: of prime importance is bravery, connected rather with heroism and honour than with patience and persistence. Also, virtues demanded for the process of taking decision are, as Bocheński claims, key for all militaries regardless their rank, because even the lowest, a private soldier has to decide. When it comes to taking decision, the most essential is a set of skills and values which enable its accurate conduct. Apart from suitable knowledge and skills there are wisdom and prudence as the most important virtues in taking decision. The most significant virtues of superiors, according to Bocheński, are integrity and justice, generosity and humility. Integrity means respect for law. Justice regulates all human relations. Generosity is related to a task of being a superior, and always to some socially important good, furthermore, it is a task of a superior to guide toward that important good. Humility, hence, is a condition to judge themselves and the others properly, what is indispensable for managing people. Taking decisions and superiority are related to a question of military obedience. Ethical fundament of that obedience is common good, to which army is subordinated. That common good is a principle which joins efforts of both, superiors and subordinates. The first condition of obedience is conviction that all members of community serve the same common goal. Order received from a su-perior can be a decision held at one of its stage. There are situations when an order speaks only about the task of planned activity, or it can indicate a set of means available or it may just order so-me action. The virtue of obedience means that we do not question and ponder on particular stages of a process of decision performed by superior but proceed as effectively as possible until the task is fulfilled. In his military ethics Józef Bocheński promotes the ethos of Polish soldier as a knight, hence the spiritual culture is a matter of prime importance in the army. It is crucial to develop this culture within a proper, which is humanist, frame. Advanced development of military technology must be accompanied by a care for advanced moral development.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2020, 1, 9; 393-404
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klasyczne ujęcia problemu prawdy w „post-świecie”
The Classic Approaches to the Problem of Truth in the “Post-World”
Pawlikowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
filozofia współczesna
Contemporary Philosophy
1. For many people, the contemporary culture seems to be something different from modernity, it is something resembling a special period of “post-”. At the same time, different trends are present in current culture. Some reach the genesis of nearly two and a half thousand years back, others have about half a century. Perhaps also breaks some modern belief that in every culture, “newer” means “better”. 2. Representatives of the philosophical and theological trend of “Radical Orthodoxy” noticed in this the approach of postmodernism to the pre-modern tradition. Therefore, we can say that we live and operate in a “post-world”, without leading currents of thought. On the other hand, is the current culture very different from the others when you look at it from the perspective of centuries? 3. For many philosophers, it is still important to reach to the great traditional approaches to the problem of truth. These are above all three concepts related to three great philosophical syntheses created by Plato, Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas. This is also evident among the basic contemporary trends critical of the classics and philosophical tradition. 4. M. Heidegger created a certain idea of being reduced to the time determinant. For the supporters of his views, it became the overcoming of Aquinas’s theory. The German thinker also formulated a specific interpretation of Plato's views on truth. He contrasted it with Thomas's concept, especially with the definition of truth as the adequacy of thing to intellect. 5. T. Bartoś – Polish author of the new attempt to read the essence of the concept – believes, in turn, that the statements of the Angelic Doctor can be found close to the characteristics of post-modernity. He points to a certain incoherence and fragmentary nature of the problem, anthropocentrism and pragmatism of the approach, and a rejection of the unity of truth. It seems, however, that there is a lot of exaggeration in this interpretation. De facto, we are dealing here with radical criticism of Thomism as a trend that develops the views of Saint Thomas Aquinas, because none of the known Thomists do not even come close in their deliberations to the view that T. Bartoś formulated. 6. Finally, a group of philosophers using in the method of reflection the achievements of contemporary logic, representatives of analytic philosophy, generally seems to be aimed at getting rid of the term “truth” from his vocabulary. The idea of reaching their assumptions of logical positivism is difficult to discuss with his followers because of the difference in approach to the practice of philosophy itself between the “analysts” and “non-analysts”. The classic concept of philosophy, under which situates itself Platonism, Aristotelianism and Thomism, is different from the concept of linguistic or neo-positivist, which locates to analytic philosophy. 7. The classical approach to truth, especially the definition developed in the final shape in the Middle Ages, indicating the adequacy of things and the intellect as the essence of truth, therefore meets with criticism from various directions. This does not mean that they should go into oblivion, that they have been replaced by newer and better concepts, or simply refuted. The proclamation of the slogans such as “The End of the Era ...”, “The End of Truth ...” sounds propaganda. 8. The classical approach to the problem of truth has lost nothing in its argumentation. In fact, the current forms of criticism do not rely on any discussion, but on the rejection of the principles on which it is based. Heidegger proclaimed his vision of being and truth, supporting it with a hermeneutic analysis of ancient works. He claimed that this vision is contained in the properly read outlooks of ancient Greek thinkers. The current of philosophy practiced with the use of modern logic tools considers reality only in so far as it can be translated into a “language fact”. This is the analysis of language and not reality. The proposal to read the theory of truth contained in the works of Aquinas, submitted by T. Bartoś to be a projection of some interpretative grid on the expression Thomas's interpretation, wherein the radically differs from the recognized positions. 9. It seems that in the whirlwind of ideologies present in philosophy, science and culture in general, it remains to preserve the classical approach to the problem of truth and develop them according to their essential elements. Compilation with principles that are not appropriate to them will not result in the presentation of their authentic content. They are permanent achievements of culture, philosophically justified. Recourse to reality, confrontation with it, makes the classic approaches open in terms of development. None of them provides a closed system also adopted a priori or received by the conversion performed according to a specified number of regulations. The development of the classical approaches to the problem of truth is theoretically interesting for the whole field of philosophy and as such should be supported.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 313-344
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spór o koncepcję życia. Polemika Mieczysława A. Krąpca z Kazimierzem Kłósakiem
A dispute about the concept of life. Discussion of Mieczysław A. Krąpiec with Kazimierz Kłósak
Sakowicz, Kacper K.
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
This paper presents a philosophical dispute on the nature and the origin of life. At the beginning author analyzes the central philosopical concepts of life which appeared in the history of philosophy and examines a main manifestations of life in its action. This inquiry leads to recogniton of a living substance as different from matter. Than author recalls the discussion between K. Kłósak and M. A. Krąpiec on the philosophical explanation of life and its genesis. Kłósak postulated a concept in which God have established such laws of nature, so the matter could yield life on its own. Krąpiec rejected Kłósak's concept of an indirect creation of life and argued that the only rational explanation of life is the special, direct act of God's creation. Krąpiec, relying on St. Thomas Aquinas, argued that God cannot use matter (or any other intermediary tools) in creation of a substance. Author concludes that reductionism in explanation of life bears ethical consequences, because cannot set any barriers to the artificial modifications of living organism.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2019, 8; 257-274
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy relacja – najsłabszy rodzaj bytowości w metafizyce św. Tomasza – może stanowić fundament realnego bytu narodu?
Can relation that has the weakest kind of being in St. Thomas’ metaphysics constitute a foundation for the real being of a nation?.
Grzybowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Relation is defined by St. Thomas as ordo unius ad aliud, in which three elements – the subject (the thing that is referred), object (the thing to which the subject is referred) and finally the cause of this referring (ground or fundament) – can be distinguished. Though relations are real, they are dependent in the order of existence upon their elements and, in a similar way as accidental properties, are forms of being secondarily added to a substance. Being of a relation is added to that of a substance and connected with it. Relation existing by virtue of its subject is the most imperfect being (imperfectissimum esse). It is the weakest form of beingness (esse) because it requires not only previous existence of a substance but also existence of other accidents that are causing relations. However, relations are the least perfect beings because a proper principle of relation presupposes its referring to something else (since its existence implies the reference to its opposed terms). Relation is an accident, because it inheres in the being of its subject. Furthermore, it depends for its being on the existence (esse) of something else besides this subject. A nation thus is a relation- based community that has an accidental character. It means that it does not exist in its own right, but always has existence due to individuals creating a community as a collective. The very idea of nation is based on social dimension of an individual, as well as on pursuit of the common good. A nation is a specific organism composed of individuals united by blood ties, common ancestry, territory, history, and broadly understood culture intricately connected through various relations.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2016, 5; 247-262
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metodologia historii filozofii w ujęciu wybranych tomistów
Thomistic account of methodology of history of philosophy
Nowik, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
metodologia historii filozofii
Etienne Gilson
methodology of history of philosophy
Etienne Gilson relied his concept of doing history of philosophy on Thomistic metaphysics, so it enable him to distinguish between the proper history of philosophy and history of philosophical texts or history of philosophical doctrine; the former concerns philosophical problems disregarding their historical contexts. He referred to the way of studying history of philosophy, which was worked out by St. Thomas Aquinas as well as Aristotle and Alexandrian scholars before him, who were distinguishing between publication, understanding, interpretation and valuation of the text in text studying. Such history of philosophy allows not only to make synthesis within its framework, but also to pose a question on the adequacy of historical solutions of philosophical problems to real being; in that way history of philosophy becomes auxiliary and supporting science.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2012, 1; 173-181
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wprowadzenie do arysto-tomizmu
An Introduction to Aristo-Thomism
Piotrowski, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Instytut Filozofii
filozofia przyrody
philosophy of nature
Recenzja książki: Piotr LENARTOWICZ i Jolanta KOSZTEYN, Wprowadzenie do filozofii, wyd. 4., Petrus, Kraków 2012, s. 184.
Review of: Piotr LENARTOWICZ i Jolanta KOSZTEYN, Wprowadzenie do filozofii, wyd. 4., Petrus, Kraków 2012, s. 184.
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy; 2013, 10; 267-269
Pojawia się w:
Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tomizm analityczny
Analytical Thomism
Japola, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
filozofia analityczna
tomistyczna teoria poznania
analytical philosophy
Thomistic theory of knowledge
The term „analytical Thomism” was coined by John Haldane of the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). Haldane characterizes analytical Thomism as „a broad philosophical approach that brings into mutual relationship the styles and preoccupations of recent English-speaking philosophy and the concepts and concerns shared by Aquinas and his followers.” In addition to Haldane, the most prominent philosophers, whose philosophical training and general philosophical perspective are rooted in English-speaking analytical philosophy but who are very much interested in the thought of Thomas Aquinas include: Peter Geach, Elisabeth Anscombe, Anthony Kenny, Norman Kretzmann, Brian Davies, Scott MacDonald, Eleonore Stump, and Christopher Martin. In the first part of the paper I consider the question whether it is possible to be both a Thomist and an analytic philosopher. I set forth reasons why the alliance between the two views does not seem to be possible and I try to make clear that such impressions are often based on misconceptions. In fact, I try to show in the paper that the alliance between Thomism and analytic philosophy may prove beneficial for both sides. The goal of the second part of the paper is to present some specific problems characteristic of contemporary analytic philosophy and to show how they are approached from a Thomistic perspective. First of all, I present Robert Pasnau's analysis of Aquinas' position on the nature of human thinking. I also argue that Aquinas' account of our knowledge of our own mental states can be an attractive alternative to currently still popular models of self-knowledge as a type of perception. On the latter accounts, introspection, which is a very special type of causal mechanism, reliably produces corresponding second-level beliefs or judgments about our first-level mental states. In this special type of observation no intermediate and fallible organ of perception is involved, and this is what guarantees the truth of second-level statements. The principal problem facing such inner sense accounts of self-knowledge is that they do not provide us with a satisfactory explanation of why a causal mechanism should always produce true statements in the case of knowledge of mental states where similar mechanisms sometimes fail in the case of external perception. It is exactly at this point, as we shall see, that Aquinas' reflective model of self-knowledge turns out to be attractive.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2003, 51, 1; 321-347
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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