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Dissens in der Interaktion: methodologischer Rahmen der Analyse
Pędzisz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
verbal interaction
Conflict, quarrel, dissens – these terms are often used synonymously in the specialist literature. They are associated with chaotic activities of the participants of interaction and are regarded as a factor which disrupts communication among them. However, it needs to be taken into account that the dissolution of conflict is one of the aims of the interaction participants and achieving that necessitates following a particular path. The purpose of the present paper is, thus, presenting the methodological framework for analysis of the structure of dissens as a pattern of activity in a particular communicative model. The discussion is based on the theory of sequentiality of dissens activities (see Gruber 1993, 1996), which proves their integrity and purposeful character.
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature; 2010, 34; 51-65
Pojawia się w:
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Za zamkniętymi drzwiami klasy szkolnej – przemoc werbalna w komunikacji nauczyciela z dziećmi
Behind the closed doors of the classroom – verbal violence in teachers’ communication with pupils
Karoń, Janina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
early education
verbal violence
verbal interaction
interaction in classroom
During communication in early childhood education, the teacher may adopt a fully dominant role in speaking in the classroom. He manages verbal space by agreeing to or refusing the possibility of speaking up, therefore socializing children to function in a structure of power and control. In order to verify the above statement I observed classes in the grades of early education in 3 public elementary schools in a large provincial town in the school year 2013/2014. The observation was aimed at the use of language situations that bore signs of teacher verbal violence against children. The aim of my research was to find out what means of verbal violence teachers of early education use in their communication with pupils and in what situations they do it. On the basis of observations, I singled out several kinds of situations, where a teacher used language to prepare children to function in a reality of subordination to authority, such as: teacher drill, action “in the school way”, the cult of formal correctness, the cult of silence, and the facade of appearances.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2014, 27, 4; 121-137
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perturbation du cadre temporel et participatif de l’interaction sur les forums de discussion en ligne
Perturbation of the Time and Participation Framework of the Interaction on Online Discussion Forums
Zaburzenie czasowych i aktancyjnych parametrów interakcji słownej na forach dyskusyjnych w Internecie
Wołowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
interakcja słowna
forum dyskusyjne
model komunikacji językowej
verbal interaction
discussion forum
model of verbal communication
Perturbation du cadre temporel et participatif de l’interaction sur les forums de discussion en ligneL’article a pour but de décrire quelques perturbations du modèle traditionnel de l’interaction verbale dans le contexte des forum de discussion en ligne. L’analyse concerne les topics relevés sur des forums français, où l’interaction, une fois terminée, est reprise et poursuivie après une longue période (parfois après plusieurs mois ou années). Ce relancement est possible puisque le topic est ouvert indéfiniment, ce qui permet de se référer à n’importe quel post et à tout moment. Du point de vue théorique, cela affecte les paramètres de base de l’interaction traditionnellement comprise : son cadre temporel (extension de la durée de la discussion), sa structure (manque de formules de clôture) et sa configuration actantielle. Cette pratique, bien qu’évitable dans les interactions face-to-face, est naturelle et fréquente dans les discussions sur les forums en ligne.
The aim of this paper is to describe some disturbances of the traditional model of verbal in interactions developed on online discussion forums. The analysis focuses on the description of topics raised on French forums, where the interaction, once completed, is continued after a long period. The discussion can be restarted since the topic is open indefinitely, which allows to refer to any post at any time. From a theoretical point of view, this affects the basic parameters of the traditionally understood verbal interaction, namely its time frame (extension of the duration of the discussion), its structure (lack of closing formulas), as well as its participation framework. This practice, although unusual in face-to-face interactions, is quite natural and frequent in discussions on online forums.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest opisanie kilku zaburzeń tradycyjnego modelu interakcji słownej w dyskusjach prowadzonych na forach internetowych. Analiza skupia się na opisie przypadków wątków dyskusyjnych prowadzonych na forach francuskojęzycznych, gdzie raz zakończona interakcja zostaje wznowiona i kontynuowana po dłuższym czasie (niekiedy po kilku miesiącach lub latach). Podjęcie dyskusji jest możliwe dzięki temu, że wątek jest bezterminowo otwarty, co pozwala na nawiązanie do dowolnej wypowiedzi w dowolnej chwili. Z punktu widzenia teoretycznego wpływa to na podstawowe parametry tradycyjnie rozumianej interakcji słownej, mianowicie na jej ramy czasowe (rozszerzenie czasu trwania dyskusji), strukturę (brak formuł zamykających dyskusję), a także na konfigurację aktancyjną uczestników dyskusji. Praktyka ta, choć niespotykana w interakcji bezpośredniej (face-to-face), jest całkowicie naturalna i często używana w dyskusjach na forach internetowych.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2020, 68, 5; 193-203
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Un fait linguistique propre à l’oral : La répétition de mot dans l’interaction verbale
A specific linguistic fact in spoken language: The word repetition in verbal interaction
Yilmaz, Selim
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
fait discursif
français oral
interaction verbale
mots outils
functional words
spoken French
verbal interaction
discursive fact
Dans cette recherche, nous nous proposons d’étudier le phénomène de ”répétition de mot” qui se réalise au cours d’un échange discursif en français contemporain. Ce dont il est question ici, ce sont les répétitions de mots grammaticaux que Morel et Danon-Boileau (1998) appellent “mots outils” dans le cadre de l’oral spontané en français. L’objectif principal de notre étude est de pouvoir répondre aux questions suivantes en vue de mettre en lumière le fait discursif concernant la répétition de ces mots fonctionnels dits “mots-outils” : a) Quel est le statut énonciatif (valeur et fonction) du phénomène de répétition dans l’interaction verbale ? b) Dans quelle situation d’énonciation le sujet parlant (le locuteur-énonciateur) recourt-il à la répétition ?
In this research, we propose to analyze the phenomenon of “word repetition” which is realized in the discursive exchange in contemporary spoken French. This will involve the repetitions of grammatical words that Morel and Danon-Boileau (1998) define as “functional words” (fr. mots outils) under the spontaneous oral French. The main objective of this research is to find answers to the following questions, and thus to highlight the salient points of this discursive fact which is repetition of functional words (word tools): a) What is the enunciative status of the phenomenon of repetition in verbal interaction? b) In which situation of enunciation the speaker uses the repetition?
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2015, 15; 469-476
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słabowidzący aktywnym uczestnikiem komunikacji. Możliwości wsparcia ucznia w przestrzeni ogólnodostępnej szkoły średniej
A Visually Impaired Student – an Active Communicator. Possibilities of Supporting the Student in the Public High School Space
Kaźmierczak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne
niepełnosprawność wzroku
uczeń słabowidzący
szkoła średnia
edukacja włączająca
interakcja językowa
visual impairment
pupil with visual impairment
secondary school
inclusive education
verbal interaction
W artykule zaprezentowano możliwości wsparcia słabowidzącego ucznia w przestrzeni ogólnodostępnej szkoły średniej. Uwzględnione zostały specyficzne dla osób z niepełnosprawnością wzroku trudności w komunikacji, wynikające z barier fizycznych w przestrzeni publicznej, prywatnej i intymnej szkoły. Wskazane zostały dostosowania w zakresie metod, form pracy i pomocy dydaktycznych, niezbędne dla komfortowej codziennej pracy oraz aktywizacji ucznia w sytuacjach lekcyjnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem interakcji językowej (w układzie symetrycznym: uczeń–uczeń i asymetrycznym: nauczyciel–uczeń). Egzemplifikację stanowi opis przypadku słabowidzącego maturzysty, uczęszczającego do jednego z publicznych łódzkich liceów.
This article presents the possibilities of supporting the visually impaired student-communicator in the public space of a secondary school. The difficulties of communication specific to people with disabilities are taken into account, resulting from physical barriers in the public, private and intimate space of the school. Adaptations in the field of methods, forms of work and didactic aids were indispensable for comfortable everyday work and activation of a young communicator in the classroom, with particular emphasis on linguistic interaction (in a symmetrical system: student – student and asymmetrical: teacher – student). The exemplification is a case study of a partially sighted high school graduate attending one of the public high schools in Łódź.
Logopedia; 2019, 48, 1; 419-437
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza konwersacyjna jako metoda badań logopedycznych w zakresie bilingwizmu polsko-obcego
Młyński, Rafał
Majewska-Tworek, Anna
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
badanie jakościowe
metodologia badań
interakcja werbalna
dziecko bilingwalne
przełączanie kodów
analiza konwersacyjna
qualitative research
research methodology
verbal interaction
bilingual child
code switching
conversation analysis
Artykuł dotyczy analizy konwersacyjnej (AK) jako metody wywodzącej się z socjologii, a stosowanej i rozwijanej także w psychologii, językoznawstwie oraz logopedii. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie możliwości metody w opisie interakcji werbalnych różnego typu. W tekście zaprezentowano zastosowanie AK w badaniu zdolności dialogowych dzieci bilingwalnych. Badano, jakie wzorce przełączania kodu (CS) występują w mowie dzieci dwujęzycznych, jakie są ich cechy wzorców oraz jakie strategie konwersacyjne występują w wywiadach z dziećmi. Stwierdzono, że CS ściśle wiąże się z brakami leksykalnymi w języku polskim. Zauważono cechy negocjacji konwersacyjnej w momentach użycia języka angielskiego. Poza tym wobec braków w polskim repertuarze językowym odnotowano u mówców stosowanie napraw, a także nakładanie się wypowiedzi interlokutorów.
The article concerns conversation analysis (CA) as a method derived from sociology, and also used and developed in psychology, linguistics, and speech and language therapy. The article aims at presenting the potential of the method in describing various types of verbal interactions. The text presents the use of CA to explore the dialogic abilities of bilingual children. The authors study code switching (CS) patterns occurring in bilingual children’s speech, the features of these patterns, and conversational strategies that appear in interviews with children. It was found that CS is closely linked to lexical deficits in Polish. The features of conversational negotiation were noticed when using English. Moreover, due to deficiencies in the Polish linguistic repertoire, the speakers used repairs, and the statements of the interlocutors would often overlap.
Poradnik Językowy; 2024, 813, 4; 78-91
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychological peculiarities in children with the autistic spectrum disorder
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
autistic spectrum disorder, symptom, syndrome, social interaction, imita-tion, verbal communication, non-verbal communication
The psychological peculiarities of symptom occurrence in children with autistic spec-trum disorder are outlined in this article. The views of different authors on this topic were analyzed and the direct correlation connections between the separate symptom occurren-ces were described in the article. A qualitative analysis of autistic disorder appearance in children with different levels of autism was conducted.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2013, 4, 2; 162-171
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategie komunikacyjne minimalnie werbalnych dzieci rozpoczynających edukację przedszkolną
Communication strategies of minimally verbal children entering preschool education
Kaźmierczak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
strategic competence
communication strategies
minimally verbal
preschool children
In the so-called minimally verbal, a negligible degree of expressing communication behavior is diagnosed, which significantly reduces participation in interaction and reduces the effectiveness of communication. The minimal-verbal communication behaviors of preschool children in interaction are characterized by: sub-competence and transitional competence. With a shortage of linguistic resources, the child has specific communication behaviors, i.e. strategies that involve participation in interaction, the process of receiving and decoding meanings, and to a large extent the production and transmission of a message that is as understandable to the environment as possible. With limited language tools, children entering preschool education either withdraw from communicating or look for any possible means of interaction –both strategies can be observed in both natural and simulated pedagogical situations. The minimum verbosity of pre-school children does not exclude the possibility of interaction with other communication partners. The gradual transition from the level of sub-competency and transitional competence to a higher level requires early therapeutic and pedagogical activities, incentives to use achievement strategies more often, and to build bridges between communicative, linguistic and cultural competences. Without therapy, the strategies used may lead to fossilization, i.e. inhibit communication and the development of linguistic competence.
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej; 2021, 33; 49-64
Pojawia się w:
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Problem of Symbolic Interaction and of Constructing Self
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
symbolic interaction
non – verbal communication
In the article we make an analysis of a thesis that verbal symbolic interaction is a necessary condition of constructing self. The main concepts used in the paper are: symbolic interaction, self and corporality. The aforementioned thesis and the concept of symbolic interaction originate from G.H Mead, who set the trend of thinking about interaction in human society in sociology and social psychology. This influence is noticeable up to this day. Symbolic interaction as a tool of understanding others actions and informing partners about our intensions is clearly visible in “languagecentred” and anthropocentrically oriented analyses of interactions as well as in the concentration on linguistic conditions of creating a self. Self is understood as an interpreted concept of a person but mainly in a process of social perception of a human by others occurring in interactions based on verbal language. In the article we want to develop a thesis about “nonlinguistic” possibilities of constructing interactions and self. The aforementioned thesis has been many times elaborated so far together with critical analyses of G. H. Mead (Irvin, 2004, Sanders, 1993, 1999, 2003; Myers, 1999, 2003). We want to integrate these elaborations, including our empirical experiences from a research on “The Social World of Pet’s Owners’ (research done in 2001-2005) on theoretical level and concentrate more on corporality and emotions issues and their relations to symbolic interaction and self. G.H. Mead’s views on this topic are analysed with regard to their methodological consistency and adequacy. In the article there is another thesis proposed, that interactions between animals also have meanings and, sometimes, symbolic nature, or sometimes, non symbolic one, and not necessarily related to use of a verbal language. The creation of self is connected with issues of corporality that includes: 1. nonverbal communication, 2. a relation of bodies in physical space, 3. the so called “kinesthetic empathy”, 4. emotions connected with body, mind and self processes. These elements of corporality may be the basis for taking the role of other. Researches and analyses of many sociologists (beginning from Ch. H. Cooley) show that self is often pre-verbal and that exclusion of an individual from her/his surroundings takes place also with the aid of the body and emotions tightly connected with functioning of self. The analysis of interactions between humans and animals provides us with much methodological and theoretical inspiration. Those researches and analyses obviously face a problem of “anthropomorphization of human behaviour”, which is of frequent occurrence both among researchers and ordinary people. New sociological sub-discipline called the sociology of human - non-human animals relationships adds a lot of new threads to the abovementioned deliberations on conditions of constructing self.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2005, 1, 1; 68-89
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The necessity of Intercultural Communication for a peaceful world
Scannavini, Katia
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
intercultural communication
social relation
non-verbal communication
interpersonal interaction
interpersonal communication
Our times are often referred to as the new world order with its new economy. What this means is that capitalism has been restructured on a global scale, and people of widely different cultural and linguistic backgrounds have been thrown into contact more than ever before. Cultural contact may occur in the flows of information and mass media, as well as in the flows of actual people in migration. Given the ubiquity of cultural contact, mergers and hybrids, it is unsurprising that there should be a strong interest in intercultural communication. If intercultural communication is an exchange of stimuli, data and information through an interaction between individuals came from different local communication contexts, we can daily come across this type of communication process. Sociology as a discipline makes an important contribution to the study of intercultural communication: it is the key contribution of discourse analysis to take culture as empirical and cultural identity, difference and similarity as discursive constructions. Moreover, to investigate whether it is possible to avoid any of the problems of intercultural communication, it is suitable to start with the communication situation itself and analyze why misunderstanding and conflict arise. Today a new form of communication is necessary; it should take itself away from the temptation of merging, tolerating and joining together different cultural realities. Intercultural communication today moves towards an horizon much more complex, which offers a new interpretation: in fact it is necessary to promote cultural coordination and cooperation.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2013, 08; 172-188
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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