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Łacińskie i greckie nienormatywne zapożyczenia w polszczyźnie XIX wieku, a ich żywot w polszczyźnie drugiej połowy XX wieku
Latin and Greek non-standard borrowings in the Polish language of the 19th century, and their functioning in the Polish language of the second half of the 20th century
Kupidura, Daria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
polszczyzna historyczna
leksyka nienormatywna
zapożyczenia łacińskie i greckie
the historical Polish language
non-standard lexis
borrowings from Latin and Greek
Celem niniejszego artykułu była analiza i interpretacja zapożyczeń łacińskich i greckich, uznanychza nienormatywne na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, a reaktywowanych do polszczyznyw wieku XX. Wyekscerpowane ze Słownika warszawskiego słownictwo, nieakceptowane przezówczesną normę językową, zostało porównane z zasobem Słownika języka polskiego pod redakcjąMieczysława Szymczaka. W ten sposób wykazano, że spośród 696 wyrazów na litery A-N,oznaczonych w Słowniku warszawskim p arakwalifikatorem w postaci ostrzegawczego wykrzyknika,136 zostało reaktywowanych do polszczyzny współczesnej, z czego aż 76 stanowiąpożyczki łacińskie i greckie. Większość z nich to terminy specjalistyczne z zakresu medycyny,nauki i techniki.Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że obecność licznych zapożyczeń w polszczyźnie tamtegookresu znacząco wpływała na zasób słownikowy języka. Niekiedy był to wpływ ujemny,gdyż powodował nadmierną wariantywność w języku, innym razem były to wpływy dodatnie,ponieważ rozbudowywały system leksykalny języka polskiego, pozwalając, by formy zapożyczonei swojskie różnicowały się pod względem odcienia semantycznego czy przynależnoścido różnych rejestrów języka. Dzięki reaktywowaniu wielu zapożyczeń, zanegowanych przezXIX-wiecznych kodyfikatorów, zasób XX-wiecznej polszczyzny stał się bogatszy o wiele form,które mają odmienne nacechowania emocjonalne lub wyrażają bardzo precyzyjne treści.
The objective of the article has been to analyse and interpret the borrowings from Latin andGreek, which at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries were defined as non-prescriptive (nonstandard),and which were reactivated in the 20th century. Excerpted from Słownik warszawski[Warsaw Dictionary] the vocabulary not accepted by the linguistic norm of the time has beencompared to the contents of Słownik języka polskiego [Dictionary of the Polish Language] editedby Mieczysław Szymczak. The research has revealed that 696 words in Słownik warszawski– in its part from letter A to N – were marked with an admonitory exclamation sign, but 136 outof those 696 have been reactivated to the present-day Polish language; the 76 reactivated wordsare borrowings from Latin and Greek. Most of them are terms from the sphere of medicine, scienceand technology.According to the analysis the presence of numerous borrowings in the Polish language of thattime significantly affected the vocabulary of the language. In some cases it had a negative effect, as it caused excessive variableness of the language, in other cases it had a positive effect,because thanks to it the lexical system was extended as the borrowings and the native formskept diversifying semantically or stylistically. To sum up, the reactivation of many borrowings,rejected in the 19th century, made the Polish lexis become wealthier, and thanks to it there appearedforms which are emotionally different or have a very precise meaning.
Studia Językoznawcze; 2016, 15; 195-210
Pojawia się w:
Studia Językoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geszeft i landara: o przyczynach pejoratywizacji zapożyczeń
Geszeft and landara: on the causes of giving pejorative meaning to loanwords
Bańko, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
lexical borrowings
historical evolution of the Polish language
pejorative influence on word meaning
In evolution of a language, words, occasionally, are affected by a more pejorative or ameliorated effect on their meaning, i.e. deterioration or improvement of their content. The mechanism of these phenomena is not completely clear, and their causes have not been explained in sufficient detail. This article focuses on several words whose meaning has become significantly more pejorative under the influence of factors which were both external or internal with respect to the language. Among the latter ones attention was predominantly paid to the effect of words of similar structure carrying negative features.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2020, 20; 33-43
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O frazeologii w słownikach historycznych języka polskiego z XIX i początku XX wieku
About phraseology in Polish language dictionaries of the 19th and early 20th century
Piela, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
historyczne słowniki języka polskiego
historical dictionaries of the Polish language
W polskiej lingwistyce od kilkudziesięciu lat obserwuje się marginalność studiów poświęconych dawnej warstwie frazeologicznej. Wpływ na ograniczone badania frazeologii historycznej wywierają różne czynniki. Jednym z nich są źródła leksykograficzne. Okazuje się, że w diachronicznym opisie frazeologii zmuszeni jesteśmy korzystać z historycznych słowników ogólnych (też gwarowych) polszczyzny. Niniejsze rozważania poświęcone zostały charakterystyce rejestracji frazeologii w wybranych słownikach języka polskiego, tj. w Słowniku języka polskiego S.B. Lindego oraz w tak zwanym Słowniku wileńskim i Słowniku warszawskim.
Polish linguistic studies have shown marginal interest in the old phraseological stratum for the last few decades. Various factors contribute to the limited research into historical phraseology. Lexicographic sources seem to be one of these factors. Owing to the absence of various types of sources exclusively dedicated to old word combinations, vital for the diachronic description of phraseology, we are limited to the use of universal historical dictionaries of Polish language. The considerations of this article are dedicated to the characteristics of how phraseology has been registered in the selected Polish language dictionaries such as: The Dictionary of Polish Language by Samuel Boguslaw Linde, the so-called Vilnius Dictionary and The Warsaw Dictionary.
Rozprawy Komisji Językowej ŁTN; 2018, 65; 137-153
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Komisji Językowej ŁTN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oddziaływanie spółgłosek płynnych na poprzedzaj ące je samogłoski wąskie nietylne (na materiale listów polskich z I połowy XVI wieku)
Osiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
history of the Polish language
Polish language of the 16th century
historical phonetics
This article attempts to prove the hypothesis on the “processual homogeneity” of the changes iR (*ŕ̥ *ir *yr) ≥ eR i iL ≥ eL. The source material for the following analysis has been excerpted from letters written in Polish between 1525–1550. Within the specified time brackets, the most dynamic is the process of the extension of the groups iR ≤ *ŕ̥ , whereas the extended combinations eR ≤ *ir *yr are characterized by far lower intensity. The extensions within the groups of the type eL are not numerous and rare. Textual extensions of the combinations eR and eL show a significant convergence: forms with eL are to be found mostly in those letters that consistently demonstrate and provide evidence of the occurrence of the group eR; while they are virtually non-existent in the texts that document exclusively the combination iR. This fact confirms the hypothesis that combines both types of change into one process. The author does not associate the dependencies in the different pace of both phenomena and their different outcome with phonetic factors, but with the sensitivity to phonotactic and phonostatistical provisions and patterns, as well as with the morphological placement of the dyads under scrutiny. This interpretation, in turn, provides a new insight into the nature of the process of shaping linguistic norms: all the contributing processes have random (non-purposeful) origins, and their constraints involve a necessity to retain the necessary minimum of the internal balance.
Slavia Occidentalis; 2012, 69; 185-198
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Occidentalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dawna ROZKOSZ – o rozumieniu i wartościowaniu pojęcia na podstawie użyć leksemu "rozkosz"
The Historical ROZKOSZ (PLEASURE, DELIGHT): On the Understanding and Evaluation of the Concept on the Basis of the Use of the Lexeme rozkosz
Raszewska-Żurek, Beata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
history of the Polish language
historical semantics
rozkosz 'pleasure, delight'
This article is devoted to the reconstruction of the manner of understanding and evaluation of the concept ROZKOSZ (PLEASURE, DELIGHT) in the Old, Middle and subsequent periods of the development of the Polish language, until the early twentieth century, when the modern understanding of this concept was established. The analysis focuses on the contextual uses of the lexeme rozkosz and reveals the dichotomous nature of the early concept: from the Old Polish period until the breakthrough of the Enlightenment there was the ROZKOSZ DUCHOWA (SPIRITUAL DELIGHT), motivated in a religious way and evaluated positively, and the ROZKOSZ CIELESNA (CARNAL, SENSUAL PLEASURE), reduced to sin and burdened with a negative evaluation. From the Renaissance period the concept slowly expanded to cover various spheres of life, and after the breakthrough period of the Enlightenment it became more marked: rozkosz came to refer to the social, aesthetic and intellectual sphere and it began to lose its religious basis. This process was accompanied by the decline of the evaluation and the dichotomy of the concept.
Artykuł poświęcony jest rekonstrukcji sposobu pojmowania i wartościowania pojęcia ROZKOSZ w dobie staro- i średniopolskiej i później, do początków XX w., kiedy ustaliło się jego współczesne rozumienie. Analiza skupia się na kontekstowych użyciach leksemu rozkosz. Ujawniła ona dychotomiczny charakter dawnego pojęcia – od staropolszczyzny aż do przełomu oświeceniowego istniała ROZKOSZ DUCHOWA – motywowana religijnie i wartościowana pozytywnie oraz ROZKOSZ CIELESNA, zmysłowa, sprowadzana do grzechu i obarczona negatywną oceną. Od renesansu pojęcie powoli rozszerzało się na różne sfery życia, co po przełomie oświeceniowym stało się wyraźniejsze – rozkosz zaczęła dotyczyć sfery społecznej, estetycznej, intelektualnej i traciła umocowanie religijne – wraz z tym procesem zanika wartościowanie i dychotomia pojęcia.
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej; 2021, 56
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie ekstensji tekstowej fonetycznych form obocznych w Księgach o gospodarstwie z 1549 roku (oboczność biał- || białł- oraz wariantywność w zakresie kontynuantów grup *sŕ, *zŕ, *žŕ, *(s)tьc i *(z)dьc)
Osiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
history of language
Polish language of the 16th century
historical phonetics
A material basis for the study is the first Polish language edition of Księgi o gospodarstwie by Piotr Krescentyn from 1549 (Cracow, Helena Unglerowa). The study led to the formulation of the following conclusions: 1) the variancy biał- // białł- is most likely of Great Polish origin; 2) the variancy miestce // miesce confirmed in the prints from the 16th century has a graphical character motivated by technical factors (typesetting); 3) the distribution of the analysed phonetic variants in Księgi… is not equal; 4) the supreme degree of normalization of the studied variancies has been confirmed in the combinations R–Cc; 5) variant conditions, non-normalized, appeared in the parts: Cresc293–384 and CrescDd–[0]C; 6) a greater part of the textual space of the historical text–from the combination A to the combination Cc– reveals Great Polish features; the remaining part–the combination Dd–Ii and the initial chapters–reveal evident Little Polish features.
Slavia Occidentalis; 2014, 71/1; 55-78
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Occidentalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z historii określników czasu. Doba w opisie szesnastowiecznych pamiętnikarzy
Janowska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
modifiers of time
the history of a language
the Polish language in the 16th century
historical vocabulary
A contribution to the history of modifiers of time. The 24-hour span of time in the description of 16th-century memoirists The present article is devoted to the selected determiners of time in the early Polish language. The author studies the indication of time within a 24-hour span of time, documented in 16th-century memoirs. In the analysis one may distinguish two groups of temporal constructions. The first one is associated with the ways in which a point of time is indicated (przed godziną wtórą a dwudziestą; raniuczko, skoro ze dniem; trzy godziny po miesiącu); another one is associated with the indication of the duration of an action/state (np. pół ćwierci godziny). In the evolution of the perception of the world it is above all the changes imposed by the development of science and technology that are relevant – in this case the means of measuring time and space. A prominent feature of 16th-century texts is associated with the diversity of description associated with the class of the anteriorly prevailing perception of time with the new systems of keeping time. One is struck not only by the diversity but also the richness of the ways of expressing temporal relations, which enable a subtle modelling of description.
Świat i Słowo; 2022, 39, 2; 75-89
Pojawia się w:
Świat i Słowo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia polskich nazw roślin występujących w poradniku P. Krescencjusza
The History of Polish Names of Plants Appearing in P. Crescentiuss Manual
Kamper-Warejko, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
History of the Polish language
the Polish language of the 16th century
historical fitonyms
Polish vocabulary concerning plant in the reference manual by P. Crescentius
The material presented in the article comes from the second edition (1571) of the Polish translation of the reference manual by Peturs de Crescentius. To the extent posiible, it was identified and confronted with the historical botanic vocabulary. The aim of the analysis is to trace the mechanism of naming plants described in the manual and to research how the fitonyms functioned in the historical Polish language at that time as well as in the subsequent centuries. It has been noticed that most names of the pre-Slavic and pre-Indo_European origin fossilize and do not alter throughout the history of the Polish language. Words of younger origin frequently illustrate the phonetic changes which took place in order to simplify articulation. Examples of secondary nominalization, taken from the text, other hand, they manifest the use of word-formative mechanisms. Some of the names have disappeared, while others have survived and appear in the botanic nomenclature of the 18th century (in K. Kluk). Moreover, the material analyzed shows the creative input of the translator of the work, who evinced good intuition in choosing the terms which have stood the test of time (e.g. faseol, lubczyk, por).
Linguistica Copernicana; 2014, 11; 143-158
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poznańska szkoła językoznawstwa historycznego
Poznań School of Historical Linguistics
Migdał, Jolanta
Piotrowska-Wojaczyk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
school of research
historical linguistics
history of the Polish language
scholars studying diachrony
The article presents Poznań school of historical linguistics. The founder of the school is Władysław Kuraszkiewicz. The schools’ central idea is a scholarly attitude which is based on respect for material, philological akribeia (accuracy) and caution in drawing conclusions. The representatives of this school are characterised by aspiration for measurability of research results and understanding of the role of statistics. Research is conducted on the carefully selected, very extensive material taking into account numerous variable features: chronological, geographic, generic, stylistic or formal. Among the scholars who must be included in this school are the disciples of Professor Kuraszkiewicz: Zdzisława Krążyńska, Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz, Leszek Moszyński, Wojciech Ryszard Rzepka, Tadeusz Skulina, Bogdan Walczak and Tadeusz Zdancewicz. Nowadays, their disciples form another generation of scholars connected with Poznań school of historical linguistics.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2015, 22, 1; 153-168
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gramatyka języka polskiego Jana Otrębskiego
Gramatyka języka polskiego (Polish grammar) by Jan Otrębski
Jasińska, Katarzyna
Piwowarczyk, Dariusz R.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
history of linguistics
historical phonetics and inflection of the Polish language
Jan Otrębski
This paper describes a forgotten historical grammar book of Polish, which was published in the form of a multiplied typescript as a compilation of notes from the lectures delivered by Jan Otrębski at the Stefan Batory University of Vilnius in the 1930s. The notes were compiled by Otrębski’s student, Józef Trypućko. The study was published in 1933 and 1934 in two parts: one and three. Part two probably remained in the form of a manuscript. In the opinion of the authors, the study, although incomplete, provides an insight in the content of Otrębski’s lectures and the teaching of the historical grammar of Polish in Vilnius in the 1930s. It presents also the scholar’s innovative hypotheses, which cannot be found in the historical grammar books of that time.
Poradnik Językowy; 2021, 789, 10; 77-89
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie ekstensji tekstowej fonetycznych form obocznych w Księgach o gospodarstwie Piotra Krescentyna z 1549 roku
Different Textual Scope of Phonetic Variant Forms in Księgi o gospodarstwie by Piotr Krescentyn from 1549
Osiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish language of the 16th century
16th-century printed material
linguistic variance
language norm
historical phonetics
The article is a continuation of studies concerning textual differences in distribution of variant phonetic forms. The analysis covers the forms being a part of four variances: jestli // jesli, -mdl- // -mgl-, miedzy // między and -mieszk- // -mięszk-. Different textual distribution of the studied forms proved to be significant – not only revealed the segmentation of text known from previous analysis (graphical and phonetic), but also 3 new, previously unknown text boundaries extending between the columns 510/511, 591/592 and 612/613. The strongest relationship with the job of a compositor is indicated by textual repartition of forms belonging to two variances: miedzy // między i jestli // jesli. With regard to the analysed forms the central part Cresc is most standardized, contained in the columns 138-384, whereas the most progressive (containing the greatest number of progressive variants) – is the section of text including the columns 381a–R10v. The completed study has also demonstrated that the boundary between the cluster Q and R established by Kazimierz Piekarski on the basis of a typographical analysis is also the boundary of occurrence of certain phonetic phenomena.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2014, 21, 1; 75-94
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oboczność ir || er (≤*ir, yr) w Księgach o gospodarstwie (Kraków 1549, Helena Unglerowi)
Osiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Polish language of the 16th century
16th century prints
linguistic variance
linguistic norm
historical phonetics
This article presents a subsequent stage of research into the textual variability of alterations of the phonetic forms in the first Polish edition of Księgi o gospodarstwie by Piotr Krescentyn (Krakow 1549). The ir || er group has been analysed as continuants of the Proto-Slavic conjunctions *ir, yr. The status of the discussed phonetic alternation depends on the core location and the textual distribution. It has been established that within the specific cores, the status of the alternation attested in Cresc is related to the status identified in other printed texts of that time and is considerably progressive. The second part of the text (CrescII) tends to be much more normalized where the innovative forms are preferred. However, this part of the text also tends to be most diversified with respect to the analysed phonetic alternation. A differentiation of the textual distribution of the opposite forms has also revealed two new text boundaries stretching between columns 409/410 and 524/525.
Slavia Occidentalis; 2015, 72/1; 159-176
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Occidentalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wtórna nosowość antycypacyjna w Księgach o gospodarstwie Piotra Krescentyna z 1549 roku
Secondary Anticipatory Nasality in Księgi o gospodarstwie by Piotr Krescentyn from 1549
Osiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish language of the 16th century
16th-century prints
linguistic variance
linguistic norm
historical graphy
historical phonetics
The article is a continuation of research concerning textual differences of the distribution of variant graphic and phonetic forms in the first Polish-language edition of Księgi o gospodarstwie by Piotr Krescentyn (Helena Unglerowa, 1549). The analysis comprised the markings of the secondary anticipatory nasality. The article proposes a graphic interpretation of this phenomenon. Such interpretation results from the recognition as common a phenomenon of nasalization of labial vowels before nasal consonants. Different distribution of the studied forms in the text proved significant – it revealed not only the segmentation of text already known from previous analyses (graphic and phonetic – boundaries 429/430 and 485/486), but also three new, previously unknown text boundaries running between columns 477/478, 501/502 and 531/532. The convergence of the separated boundaries with a division of text into typesets was confirmed three times. This attests to a strong dependence of the discussed phenomenon on the type-setting factor. A comparative analysis demonstrated that as far as marking the secondary nasality is concerned, Księgi bear witness of the condition unknown in other prints from this period, which is closer to some 16th-century manuscripts, especially the letters of Stanisław Koszucki.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2014, 21, 2; 71-92
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inwentarze skarbca katedry ormiańskiej we Lwowie z XVIII wieku jako źródło do leksykologii historycznej
The inventories of treasury of Armenian cathedral in Lviv from the eighteenth century as a source for historical lexicology
Żuraszek-Ryś, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Polish language in the 18th century
historical lexicology
osiemnastowieczna polszczyzna
leksykologia historyczna
This article relates to methods for the determination of certain elements of reality – sacral objects (in this case, the mobile elements of the equipment of the Armenian Cathedral in Lviv, which are liturgical appliances and other valuables that were stored in it). The presented vocabulary can provide very valuable source for historical lexicology.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica; 2015, 049
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwalifikatory w słowniku Jerzego Samuela Bandtkiego – rodzaje, funkcje, frekwencja
Usage notes and labelling practicies in J.S. Bandtkie’s dictionary – types, functions and frequency
Kaszewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie
dictionary of the Polish language
historical lexicography
style and usage labelling
grammatical information
The present text discusses the issues related to the phenomenon that is enormously important for the study of historical lexicography, namely the issue of usage notes and labelling practices used in dictionaries. The author focuses on the types of stylistic and context markers used in the dictionary compiled by J.S. Bandtkie, their differentiation and estimated frequency of application (frequency of occurrence of given markers against others), and the consistency in the application of specific solutions by the author of the dictionary. Special attention is given to some of the aspects of the use of grammatical information in J.S. Bandtkie’s work and to the consistency in using given adopted solutions. The article also includes some general remarks on the scientific merit of the dictionary, one of the most extensive, as far as the lexical resources are concerned, historical dictionaries of the Polish language.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2011, 18, 2; 77-90
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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