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Central Actors and Groups in Political Elite: Advantages of Network Approach
Kostiuchenko, Tetiana
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
political elites
affiliation networks
central actors
post-Soviet countries
Studies conducted inCEEstates by a number of social and political scientists within the elite theory paradigm focus mainly on issues concerning elite circulation and recruitment, struggles between governing and non-governing (contra-) elites. Although, it is still an open question what relational structures, or networks, exist within power elites. This issue becomes even more important when ‘interest groups’ become the basis for creation of internally circulating ‘ruling class’ whose members periodically seize key positions in different institutions and collectively capture the decision-making process at the state level. In order to define how elite members co-operate, to identify central individuals and key decisionmakers, one needs to understand the structure of political elite network. This paper contains an attempt to explore political elite networks formation and functioning in Ukraine 20 years after the regime change. Main research questions are: what ties and to what extent are important for political elite members; what clusters exist within Ukrainian political elite network; to what extent the concepts of social capital and interpersonal trust can be employed to explain the formation of joint legislative initiatives. In addition, model of elite network functioning allows the depiction and verification of the role of central players taking into account their relational patterns. Sample included members of the Parliament,Government, and the Presidential Secretariat (almost 500 biographies). Biographical method and in-depth interviews were applied for collecting both quantitative and qualitative network data. Specific software enabled applying various SNA tools and procedures for hypotheses testing and network modeling.
Polish Sociological Review; 2011, 174, 2; 195-204
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Empowerment through religion: religion’s survival strategies in democratic politics
Potz, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
religion and politics in Poland
religion and politics in USA
political science of religion
political movements
religious political actors in liberal democracy
religia i polityka w Polsce
religia i polityka w USA
politologia religii
ruchy polityczne
religijni aktorzy polityczni w demokracji liberalnej
Utraciwszy status dominującej formuły legitymizacyjnej w świecie zachodnim, religia została też instytucjonalnie oddzielona od państwa i, w myśl ideologii liberalnej, zepchnięta na margines życia publicznego. Pomimo tych niesprzyjających okoliczności, religia – zarówno jako system idei i norm, jak i w wymiarze instytucjonalnym – zdołała obronić się przed marginalizacją, zapewniając sobie szczególny status wśród innych ideologii. W nauce objawia się to swego rodzaju metodologicznym agnostycyzmem, nakazującym traktować twierdzenia religijne jako niewspółmierne z naukowymi, a zatem niepodlegające krytyce. W polityce, organizacje religijne uzyskały w wielu państwach zachodnich szczególną pozycję, a wolność religijna została ukonstytuowana jako szczególny przypadek swobody wypowiedzi. W swej działalności politycznej organizacje religijne stosują zarówno metody identyczne z innymi aktorami politycznymi (lobbying, masowa mobilizacja itp.) – co nadaje im legitymację w ramach demokratycznych systemów politycznych – jak i specyficzne strategie religijne. Działania te są w artykule analizowane głównie na przykładach polskich i amerykańskich. Uzbrojone w takie narzędzia, religijne podmioty polityczne mogą wywierać znaczący wpływ na demokratyczne systemy polityczne.
In contemporary Western world religion has long lost its status of a default legitimating formula and has been relegated, in liberal political philosophy, to the private sphere. Institutionally, religious organizations have been largely separated from government institutions. Despite these adverse circumstances, religion – both as a system of ideas, values and norms and in its institutional expression – has adopted effective survival strategies guarding it from social and political marginalization. Religion has been accorded special status among other ideologies. In science, it results in a sort of methodological agnosticism, which treats religious and scientific statements as belonging to two incommensurable spheres. In politics, religious organizations are often granted special legal status among other political actors and religious freedom has been constitutionalized as a special case of general freedom of expression. As judicature and political practice show, religious arguments can often trump non-religious claims when fundamental value conflicts arise. In their political activity, religious organizations have used strategies characteristic for other political actors (lobbying, mass mobilization etc.), thereby gaining democratic legitimacy, as well as unique, religion-specific strategies. Armed with these and other empowering tools, religion can continue to influence democratic political systems in significant ways.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2016, 4; 93-106
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konflikt chińsko-tajwański w ujęciu paradygmatu realistycznego – trzy poziomy analizy Kennetha Waltza
The Chinese-Taiwanese conflict in realist paradigm – three levels of Kenneth Waltz’s analysis
Сино-тайваньский конфликт в реалистической парадигме – три уровня анализа Кеннета Уолтца
Sienko, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
levels of analysis
international system
political realism
уровни анализа
международная система
политический реализм
This article attempts to systematize the possible sources and causes of the Chinese-Taiwanese conflict based on the three levels of analysis presented by Kenneth Waltz. The author discusses the assumptions of realism theory (structural realism) on the basis of the modes of functioning of the individual, state, and international system. Through this analysis, it will be possible to assess the location of the various elements (forces) driving the war in the international system.
В этой статье делается попытка систематизировать возможные источники и причины конфликта между Китаем и Тайванем на основе трех уровней анализа, представленных через Кеннета Уолтца. Автор обсудит предположения теории структурного реализма на основе способов функционирования уровня индивида, государства и международной системы. Благодаря этому анализу можно будет оценить местоположение различных элементов (сил), ускорящих войну в международной системе.
Studia Orientalne; 2017, 2(12); 59-78
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postawy polskich dziennikarzy wobec aktorów politycznych: badania empiryczne
Polish Journalists’ Attitudes Towards Political Actors: Empirical Studies
Stępińska, Agnieszka
Jurga-Wosik, Ewa
Adamczewska, Kinga
Secler, Bartłomiej
Narożna, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
political actors
political orientations
watchdog model
aktorzy polityczni
poglądy polityczne
model watchdoga
The aim of the paper is to compare the findings of selected surveys conducted among Polish journalists with the findings of a newspaper content analysis. The findings of the surveys showed differences between different generations of journalists. Specifically, those who entered the profession right after the political transition in the early 1990s seem more interested in playing the role of watchdog than those who have recently graduated from universities. Although the youngest generation of Polish journalists believes that the media should monitor political actors, they do not seem very interested in playing that role. The findings of the content analysis showed that Polish journalists pay significant attention to monitoring the policy and performance of political actors. The study supports previous observations on the high level of political parallelism of the Polish media system.
Celem artykułu jest zestawienie postaw polskich dziennikarzy wobec aktorów politycznych deklarowanych w ankietach (role perception) z faktycznymi działaniami podejmowanymi przez dziennikarzy wobec polityków w przygotowywanych przez nich materiałach informacyjnych (role performance). Wyniki badań ankietowych ujawniają istotne różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi pokoleniami polskich dziennikarzy. Z rolą watchodoga utożsamia się przede wszystkim pokolenie podejmujące pracę w okresie zmiany ustrojowej, podczas gdy najmłodsze pokolenie – choć uważa tę rolę mediów za ważną – samo nie jest zainteresowane jej pełnieniem. Analiza zawartości mediów potwierdza dużą wagę przywiązywaną przez polskich dziennikarzy do monitorowania działalności prowadzonej przez aktorów politycznych. Badania dostarczają jednocześnie danych potwierdzających wysoki poziom paralelizmu politycznego polskiego systemu medialnego.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2017, 1; 127-142
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Концепт «публічна політика» у міждисциплінарному науковому дискурсі
Concept "public policy" in a cross-disciplinary scientific discourse
Чальцева, Олена
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
public policy,
public actors,
civil society,
political networks institutionalization,
political process,
state, civil society
The public policy is a modern concept of political science which has appeared in the middle of the XX century and there is in a condition of continuous updating that specifications. In search of the universal definition of public policy authors are guided generally by philosophical and axiological, spatial and functional options of a scientific explanation of this phenomenon. Philosophical and axiological definition of public policy since Renaissance defined key problems which became the subject of the analysis for modern researchers of this direction. Philosophical reflections on a concept of the fact what is "public", "private", "sphere" and so on. have laid the foundation of a meta-analysis of studying of public policy and have defined conceptual borders for further theoretical searches. Functional interpretation of category "public policy" is rather wide and versatile it is provided in works of researchers of many methodological approaches and theories which connect it with the decision-making process and political and managerial processes. Managerial measurement of public policy allows determining intuitional and technological capabilities of actors of the political process in making public decisions. Close connection of a policy and the state conformable with the ideas of representatives of institutional and neoinstitutional approaches that considered a public policy both as dependent and as independent variable at the same time at the center of scientific research permanently there was an analysis of communication of institutes and society. The criticism of neoinstitutionalism led to a defensive line of authors of this direction and, as a result, before the appearance of new theories in 90's of the XX century, which explain a concept of a public policy taking into account the current trends. First of all, it concerned a study of new institutes and a new role of traditional political institutes in formation of a public policy. The system theory has brought adjustments in essence of the characteristic of public policy. According to the logic of system approach, the modern public policy is complete, dynamic system which is independently updates, organizes and develops. It consists of the interconnected and interacting elements which unite in steady unity with the external environment by means of many factors and conditions of interaction with external. Inclusion by scientists of different schools in the analysis of public policy of such actors as groups of interests, civil society, expert-analytical communities, political parties, has allowed to detail the considered concept. Display in a concept of public policy of not hierarchical communications and structures has become possible because of coalition approach and the theory of political networks. The public policy by means of the theory of networks is considered as concrete types of mediation of interests of different actors (state і non-state) and as the specific form of government. Use of reality of public policy by means of a spatial concept gives the chance to analyse different types of interactions of the individual and collective actors both institutionalized, and not institutionalized in the course of implementation of the power and influence on it in specific political environment which is a complicated developing system with it's ow laws and borders. The public space at all levels (global, regional, national) is constantly changeable structure which is formalized and filled with meanings under the influence of actors. As a result of the retrospective analysis of approaches which operationalize public policy was provided the author's vision of this phenomenon. Public policy is understood as the reasonable interaction of the public actors (institutionalized and not institutionalized, formal and informal) which by means of own resources, functional mechanisms, cultural and valuable and precepts of law, have an opportunity to reveal, implement, analyze and control valid socio-political problems. Since 90's of the XX century, scientists adapt conceptual sense of public policy of the national contexts on the basis of that experience of the state and cultural and valuable changes. The main problem, in this case, is that the above-stated categories not always answer the contents, especially in the conditions of transitional systems. For formation of idea of essence of public policy in the transformed countries it is necessary to use such explanations of these categories which would consider absence of full-fledged civil society and communication between all actors of political process. Specification of categories according to political reality can be the way out. So, the concept public policy is permanently transformed because of changeable political reality that puts representatives of different schools of sciences before a problem of fixed search of new explanations of its content. For the objective reasons, the methodology of political science appeared incapable of giving the answer to a question independently: what is public policy? This opportunity appears only on condition of participation of such sciences as economy, sociology, managing sciences, state administration, systemology, etc.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 182-193
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Media and Political Communication
Podkowińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
komunikacja polityczna
aktorzy polityczni
political communication
political actors
Media i komunikacja polityczna Artykuł prezentuje znaczenie mediów w sferze komunikacji politycznej. Obecnie jednak trudno mówić o komunikacji politycznej, nie zwracając uwagi na rolę, jaką w sferze wymiany informacji między aktorami politycznymi a obywatelami odgrywają media, zwłaszcza Internet, który znacząco zmienił charakter komunikacji politycznej. Nowe media zapewniają obywatelom możliwości w zakresie komentowania i dostarczania natychmiastowych informacji zwrotnych do nadawców przekazów politycznych.
The article presented the significance of the media in the sphere of political communication. Currently, it is difficult to talk about the political communication, without paying attention to the role, which in the sphere if information exchange between the political actors and citizens is played by the media, especially the Internet, which has significantly changed the character of the political communication. The new media provide the citizens with the possibilities in terms of commenting and providing the immediate feedback to the senders of the political messages.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2018, 46, 3; 109-121
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intergovernmental Coordination in Portugal
Koordynacja działalności jednostek władzy publicznej w Portugalii
Ruel, Teresa
Bessa Vilela, Noémia
Jesus Silva, Natacha
Oplotnik, Zan Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
intergovernmental coordination
political actors
fiscal autonomy
koordynacja działalności jednostek władzy publicznej
aktorzy polityczni
autonomia finansowa
Relations between political units – levels of government – in a multilevel structure can be organized according to a range of institutions and processes. Intergovernmental relations suggest that the different levels of government interact with their political actors, namely executives, parliaments, or political parties. The research studies on this topic have concentrated attention on federal systems, and unitarian systems have been neglected. Next to that it must be stressed, that to exercise the competences of the decentralised levels there must be some sort of fiscal autonomy. Without fiscal autonomy, there can be no autonomy for subnational level of governments. Portugal illuminates this landscape. The intergovernmental relation or coordination between the Portugal mainland and the regional governments (Azores and Madeira) are mainly informal, so far. In this paper, we intend to explore and understand the role of political actors in such intergovernmental coordination and the institutional mechanisms they promote to that coordination.
Relacje pomiędzy jednostkami politycznymi – poziomami władzy publicznej – w strukturze wielopoziomowej mogą być zorganizowane według szeregu instytucji i procesów. Stosunki między podmiotami władzy publicznej oznaczają, że różne poziomy władzy publicznej wchodzą w interakcje ze swoimi aktorami politycznymi, tzn. organami wykonawczymi, parlamentami czy partiami politycznymi. Badania w tym zakresie zwykle dotyczą ustrojów federalnych, a pomijane są systemy unitarne. Należy przy tym stwierdzić, że realizacja kompetencji na poziomach zdecentralizowanych wymaga pewnego stopnia autonomii finansowej. Bez niej trudno jest mówić o samodzielności jednostek władzy publicznej na poziomie niższym od krajowego. Portugalia jest tego przykładem. Relacja czy koordynacja jednostek władzy publicznej pomiędzy zasadniczą częścią Portugalii a rządami regionalnymi (Azory i Madera) ma jak dotąd charakter głównie nieformalny. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu zbadanie i zrozumienie roli aktorów politycznych w ramach takiej koordynacji działań władz publicznych oraz wspieranych przez nie mechanizmów instytucjonalnych.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2023, 32, 5; 31-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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