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Role of health literacy in an information society
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
information society
health literacy
factors influencing the level of health literacy
The paper addresses the role of health literacy in a contemporary information society. Specifically, the paper defines the concept of health literacy, not only from a WHO perspective but also according to various authors. The paper also analyses the factors influencing the level of health literacy in a population. One of the conclusions of the paper is the need for continuous improvement of people’s health literacy, which nowadays cannot do without institutional and lifelong learning and also efficient use of information technologies.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2014, 5, 1; 401-406
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coronavirus-Related Health Literacy of Polish School Principals: A Cross-Sectional Study
Leksy, Karina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
health literacy
coronavirus-related health literacy
Polish school principals
This study aimed to evaluate Polish school principals’ coronavirus-related health literacy (HL) level and explore the respondents’ feelings in the context of the pandemic media information overload. The survey was conducted in 8 out of 16 provinces in Poland between June 2021 and December 2021 using an online questionnaire. Research revealed that the most challenging for Polish school principals was judging the reliability of the media-based information about COVID-19. Moreover, respondents’ coronavirus-related HL was positively associated with feeling well-informed about the pandemic and less confused concerning media information about coronavirus. Enhancing school principals’ HL is recommended, as it can positively affect the entire school community through health-oriented leadership behaviour and prevent an infodemic, facilitating school management and making the right decisions.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 36-49
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Functional, communicative and critical health literacy among older Polish citizens
Mirczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
health education
chronic diseases
validation studies
older adults
health literacy
functional health literacy
Background: The level of health literacy possessed by an individual (functional, communicative, critical) determines their ability to effectively self-manage a chronic disease. The aim of the study was to assess the level and functional, communicative, and critical determinants of health literacy in the group of chronically ill older adults. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on a representative sample of chronically ill people (N = 400) aged ≥65 years, living in Poland. Three levels of health literacy were measured on the basis of the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale (FCCHL), employed in Polish social research for the first time. Results: The conducted research showed that the average health literacy score of the surveyed older adults, measured on the basis of the FCCHL scale, was 2.81±0.71 (M±SD), whereas for the functional subscale of health literacy it was 3.06±0.58 (M±SD), for communicative health literacy it was 2.82±0.86 (M±SD), and for critical health literacy – 2.71±0.92 (M±SD). In terms of functional health literacy, the surveyed seniors most frequently reported problems with reading health-related information, resulting from the use of inadequate font size in information leaflets and brochures. Questions included in the subscale representing communicative health literacy revealed that the majority of the respondents understood the provided information about diseases, nevertheless they were reluctant to share thoughts about their health with other people. Within the framework of critical health literacy, one-third of the respondents did not search for any additional information, trusting that the information obtained was accurate and reliable. Conclusions: The surveyed elderly people rated worse their level of communicative and critical health literacy compared to the functional level. As a consequence of the low level of communicative and critical health literacy of the surveyed older adults, a certain deficit in their self-managing a disease entity is forecast.
Medycyna Pracy; 2022, 73, 3; 191-199
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nierówności w health literacy – aspekty przestrzenne i edukacyjne
Inequalities in health literacy – spatial and educational aspects
Korporowicz-Żmichowska, Violetta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
health literacy
Health literacy (literacy) jest to zdolność jednostki do „odczytywania zdrowia” przez uzyskiwanie dostępu do informacji oraz efektywnego wykorzystywania jej w celu utrzymania dobrego stanu zdrowia. Przejawia się to przez: rozumienie treści przekazywanych w informacjach medycznych, umiejętności korzystania z usług medycznych, a następnie respektowanie zaleceń profesjonalistów. Występują tutaj jednak liczne nierówności. Nierówności te związane są zarówno z typem kształcenia (różnice między uczniami uczącymi się w różnych typach szkół), jak i przestrzenią, i to nie tylko między regionami, ale też wewnątrz regionów, czyli między młodzieżą mieszkającą w miastach i mieszkającą na wsiach.Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na nierówności dotyczące health literacy dorosłej, uczącej się młodzieży województwa mazowieckiego, biorąc pod uwagę typ kształcenia: licea ogólnokształcące, technika i szkoły branżowe i układ przestrzenny (miasto – wieś) oraz prezentacja sondażu diagnostycznego (badania) „Młodzież Mazowsza”. Tezą badania jest stwierdzenie, że nierówności w zachowaniach zdrowotnych zależne są od typu kształcenia i od zróżnicowań przestrzennych. Sondaż był realizowany wśród młodzieży uczącej się w szkołach ponadpodstawowych w roku szkolnym 2017/2018. Narzędziem badawczym jest tu skonstruowany na potrzeby badania autorski kwestionariusz ankiety do przeprowadzenia wywiadu audytoryjnego. Na podstawie sondażu z zakresu health literacy oceniano, w jaki sposób typ kształcenia wpływa na ocenę własnego zdrowia oraz na świadomość możliwości jego kształtowania przez własne zachowania, gdzie pod uwagę brano poszczególne wytypowane zachowania, a następnie zróżnicowania tych zachowań między miastem a wsią. W świetle badania „Młodzież Mazowsza” można zaobserwować wśród respondentów województwa mazowieckiego szczególnie ze szkół branżowych ogólną, stosunkowo niższą w stosunku do pozostałej badanej młodzieży ocenę własnego zdrowia i zachowań zdrowotnych. Natomiast brak jest istotnych zróżnicowań między miastem a wsią.
Health literacy is the ability of an individual to “read health” by accessing information and using it effectively to maintain good health. This is manifested by understanding the content provided in medical information, the ability to use medical services and then respecting the recommendations of professionals. However, there are numerous inequalities here. These inequalities are related both to the type of education (differences between students studying in different types of schools) and space, and not only between regions, but also within regions, i.e. between young people living in cities and those living in rural areas.The aim of the article is to indicate the inequalities regarding the health literacy of adult learning youths in the Mazowieckie voivodeship, taking into account the type of education: general secondary schools, technical and industry schools, as well as the spatial arrangement (urban – rural) and the presentation of the diagnostic (research) survey: “Youth of Mazowsze”. The thesis of the study is the statement that inequalities in health behaviours depend on the type of education and on spatial differences. The study was carried out among young people studying in secondary schools in 2017/2018. The research tool here is the author’s questionnaire designed for the purpose of the research, to be used in an auditorium interview. Based on the study in the field of health literacy, it was assessed how the type of education affects the assessment of one’s own health and the awareness of the possibility of shaping it by one’s own behaviour, where individual selected behaviours were taken into account, and then the differentiation of these behaviours between the city and the countryside.In the light of the “Youth of Mazowsze” study, one can observe among the respondents of the Mazowieckie Voivodship, especially from trade schools, a general, relatively lower assessment of their own health and health behaviours compared to the rest of the surveyed youth. However, there were no differences between the city and the countryside.
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy; 2023, 73; 75-91
Pojawia się w:
Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cyberchondria as a by-product of extensive use of health-related information on the Internet
Cyberchondria jako produkt uboczny intensywnego wykorzystywania informacji na temat zdrowia w Internecie
Kobryn, Mateusz
Duplaga, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie
informacje na temat zdrowia w Internecie
health-related online information
health literacy
e health literacy
Cyberchondria jest definiowana jako anormalne zachowanie charakteryzujące się niekontrolowanym dostępem do informacji dotyczących zdrowia znajdujących się w Internecie, co powoduje niepokój i obawy. U osób cierpiących na cyberchondrię wzmaga się strach przed możliwymi poważnymi konsekwencjami medycznymi nawet w przypadku łagodnych objawów. Co więcej, wpadają w błędne koło niepokoju i wielokrotnych poszukiwań w Internecie w celu samodzielnego zdiagnozowania swojego stanu zdrowia. Skala cyberchondrii w społeczeństwie nie jest do końca poznana. Wykorzystanie informacji dotyczących zdrowia dostępnych w Internecie może mieć pozytywny wpływ na świadomość zdrowotną i zdolność efektywnego korzystania z zasobów opieki zdrowotnej. Nie jest jasne, jakie są warunki wstępne skłaniające użytkowników Internetu do cyberchondrii zamiast do racjonalnego działania. Chociaż pojęcie wiedzy o zdrowiu i e-zdrowiu są znane co najmniej od około 20 lat, ich rola w rozwoju cyberchondrii nie została dokładnie zbadana. Oczekuje się, że mogą działać ochronnie, ale taka teza wymaga potwierdzenia.
Cyberchondria is defined as abnormal behaviour characterised by uncontrolled accessing health-related information available online resulting in distress and anxiety. People suffering from cyberchondria escalate their fear about possible severe medical consequences even in the presence of mild symptoms. Further, they fall into a vicious circle of anxiety and repeated search activities on the Internet in order to self-diagnose their medical conditions. The dimensions of cyberchondria in the society are not fully understood. The use of health-related information available online may have positive effect on health awareness and the ability of efficient use of healthcare resources. It is not clear what are the preconditions driving Internet users to cyberchondria instead of rationale use. Although, the concept of health and e health literacy are known at least from about 20 years, their role in the development of cyberchondria has not been studied thoroughly. There are expectations that they could exert a protective effect, but this needs to be confirmed.
Zeszyt Naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie; 2021, 58; 26-39
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyt Naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Importance of Selected Criteria for Assessing the Credibility of Information on the Internet from the Perspective of Users Searching Health and Disease Information Websites
Rusová, Jitka
Michková, Adéla
Pleskot, Ondřej
Podeszwa, Ondřej
Hlaváčková, Eva
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
health literacy
information literacy
online health information
quality assessment criteria
Aim. The aim of the survey was to find out how and why users of websites containing health information searched for information, how they feel about selected criteria for assessing the credibility of information, and what they are more likely to trust when they encounter a discrepancy between information from the website and from a doctor. Methods. An online survey of users of 4 health information websites, two of which are listed as trusted sites on MedLike. The respondents assessed 10 criteria for determining the trustworthiness of online information and websites by assigning a number of stars (5 stars = important). Results. The questionnaire was answered by 32,428 respondents (79.5% women, average age 47 years). The most frequently cited reasons for seeking information were their own health or illness (49%). Most respondents searched for information through an Internet search engine (66%). The importance of the criteria for selecting information did not differ significantly. The respondents gave the highest score (2.29) to the criterion of ease (I can easily find what I need). This was followed by consistency with information from the doctor (2.28). Conclusion. The respondents searched for information in the way described in the literature as most common (using a search engine) and tended towards a heuristic evaluation of online information and its sources (ease of information retrieval) and also appreciated if the information found concurred with information from a healthcare professional.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2022, 13, 2; 565-586
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship between knowledge levels of HPV and health literacy in youth – an example from Türkiye
Ali Şen, Mehmet
Yakıt Ak, Eda
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
health education
health literacy
sexually transmitted infections
Introduction and aim. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common infection responsible for many cancers. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the knowledge level of HPV and the health literacy of youth living in Türkiye. Material and methods. The study sample comprised 543 youth aged 18 and 30 living in Türkiye. The data were assessed with a questionnaire, the human papilloma virus knowledge scale (HPV-KS), and the health literacy scale (HLS) and the correlation between them. Results. 50.6% of the youth informed that they are aware of HPV, and 54% of the youth know about the transmission mode of HPV. It was determined that knowing HPV increased 1.839 times by being a woman, 1.949 times by being married, and 14.339 times by knowing STIs. The HPV-KS total score average of the youth was low at 14.26±7.04, and the total score average of HLS was high at 107.91±16.81. A positive and significant correlation was found between HPV-KS total score, all sub-factor scores, HLS total score, and all sub-factors total score (p<0.001). Conclusion. Information studies on HPV should be increased by taking advantage of the generality of health literacy.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2024, 22, 2; 279-285
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praktyczne wykorzystanie health literacy - alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego, jako narzędzia osiągania celów zdrowotnych = Practical use of health-literacy as a tool for achieving health goals
Olejniczak, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej. Katedra Kultury Fizycznej
alfabetyzm zdrowotny, edukacja zdrowotna, promocja zdrowia, health literacy, health education, health promotion.
Olejniczak Dominik. Praktyczne wykorzystanie health literacy - alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego, jako narzędzia osiągania celów zdrowotnych = Practical use of health-literacy as a tool for achieving health goals. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(2):238-243. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI  The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.01.2016. Revised 12.02.2016. Accepted: 21.02.2016.  Praktyczne wykorzystanie health literacy - alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego, jako narzędzia osiągania celów zdrowotnychPractical use of health-literacy as a tool for achieving health goals Dominik Olejniczak Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny    dr n. med. Dominik OlejniczakZakład Zdrowia PublicznegoWarszawski Uniwersytet Medycznyul. Banacha 1a, blok F02-097 WarszawaTel: 22 599 21 80   Streszczenie Alfabetyzm zdrowotny jest to stosunkowo nowy termin we współczesnej promocji zdrowia. Powstał on w wyniku zapotrzebowania na nazwanie pewnego zbioru uwarunkowań i kompetencji, determinujących zdrowie jednostek i populacji. Można go definiować jako zbiór kompetencji i umiejętności, w zakresie szeroko rozumianego zdrowia, pozyskanych na drodze właściwego wykorzystania źródeł informacji, pozwalający na minimalizowanie występowania i wpływu czynników ryzyka zdrowotnego na jednostkę i środowisko, w którym funkcjonuje, w celu poprawy i utrzymania dobrego stanu zdrowiaBudowanie tej kompetencji stanowić winno jedno z podstawowych zadań promocji zdrowia. Wysoki poziom alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego wiąże się z większym potencjałem zdrowotnym, co znacznie zwiększa szanse na poprawę stanu zdrowia jednostek i populacji. Słowa kluczowe: alfabetyzm zdrowotny, edukacja zdrowotna, promocja zdrowia. Abstract Health literacy is a relatively new term in contemporary health promotion. It was created as a result of the demand for naming a set of conditions and competencies that determine the health of individuals and populations. It can be defined as a set of competencies and skills, in terms of the wider health, obtained through the proper use of sources of information, allowing you to minimize the occurrence and impact of risk factors on individual health and the environment in which it operates, in order to improve and maintain good health.              Building health literacy should be the one of the fundamental tasks of health promotion. The high level of health literacy is associated with greater potential for health, which greatly increases the chances of improving the health of individuals and population. Key words: health literacy, health education, health promotion.
Journal of Education, Health and Sport; 2016, 6, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education, Health and Sport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samoocena zdrowotnych kompetencji informacyjnych Polaków w świetle koncepcji samoskuteczności. Analiza wybranych wyników polskiej części Europejskiego Sondażu Kompetencji Zdrowotnych [HLS-EU]
Self- assessment of health information literacy by Polish population, in light of the self-efficacy concept. Analysis of the selected results of Polish part of Health Literacy Survey EU
Niedźwiedzka, Barbara
Słońska, Zofia
Taran, Yuryi
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
health information literacy
health literacy
information behaviour
kompetencje zdrowotne
zachowania informacyjne
zdrowotne kompetencje informacyjne
Health information literacy allows people to find, evaluate and apply information regarding health and health services utilisation. The goal of this analysis is to present: the self-assessment of health information literacy done by Poles, socio-demographic determinants of this assessment, and to discuss its possible consequences in light of self-efficacy concept. This knowledge highlights certain aspect of society’s’ health literacy, and can be useful in designing pro-health educational interventions in such a way so they meet the needs and capabilities of target groups. Method. Direct questionnaire survey with randomly selected, stratified by age and gender group of respondents (+15, n10000, what was 67% of the sample). The study design and the survey questionnaire were developed by the HLS-EU researchers. The survey was conducted by TNS Opinion in July and August 2011 in 8 European countries including Poland. Among 47 questions in HLS-EU questionnaire, 30 questions were selected as those that can serve as indicators of health information competency, 10 question for each of 3 areas of information skills: seeking, evaluation and application. In this study only data regarding Polish population was analysed. Results. Approximately 38% of Polish population assess their health information literacy as low. Respondents claim that they have difficulty in finding, evaluating and applying health information. Low level of self-assessment can be observed more often among men, elderly and people with low level of education, and also among respondents who see their health status as bad or suffer from at least one chronic illness, and also among these who are in economically difficult situation. Among tasks connected with seeking information most difficult for the respondents were: finding information about political changes that may affect health, information regarding coping with stress or depression, information about vaccinations and health screenings and information on symptoms and treatments of illnesses that concern them. As most difficult to evaluate Polish respondents find the reliability of information about diseases and health risks provided by mass media. In area of application, most difficult to apply is information regarding activities that improve health and well-being in community. Conclusions. Low assessment of self-efficacy in looking for and using health information by one third of Polish respondents may indicate real deficiency of skills, may demotivate them to undertake such activities, and may hinder educational interventions. Elderly, low educated, ill or assessing their health as bad persons should be in first place the aim of educational interventions to raise their information literacy. This can be beneficial for improving their health
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie; 2012, 10, 3; 210-218
Pojawia się w:
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality of health information on websites with the greatest potential to influence users in the Czech Republic
Rusová, Jitka
Pleskot, Ondřej
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
The Internet, Quality assessment criteria, Online information, Health information, Health literacy
Aim. To determine which websites most influenced Internet users in the Czech Republic in health matters, to assess the quality of these websites according to predetermined criteria, and to analyse the impact of the project MedLike. Methods. The points assigned to individual websites displayed when searching 734 terms (diseases and symptoms) were summed up to obtain a list of the most viewed websites. The quality of the websites was assessed according to predetermined criteria. Results. The websites with the greatest potential to influence Internet users in terms of health information (the most viewed websites) are,, Most of them lack links to resources, information about the authors and dates of publication/updates. The articles are not easy to understand and contain unexplained medical terms. A vast majority of websites lacked updated information. Conclusion. Incorrect, misleading, and not up to date information was found in the articles. This can lead to the harm to the user.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2020, 11, 1; 281-299
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interdyscyplinarna szkoła promocji zdrowia seniorów
Interdisciplinary school of health promotion for seniors
Szymborski, Janusz
Przewoźniak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Alfabetyzacja zdrowotna
Starzenie się
Health literacy
Edukacja zdrowotna, promocja zdrowia i prewencja chorób przyczyniają się do poprawy zdrowia u osób starszych i zwiększają ich społeczną aktywność. W Polsce o zdrowie osób starszych dba głównie medycyna kuratywna, a działania promujące zdrowie nie są prowadzone na szeroką skalę i nie mają kompleksowego charakteru. Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Promocji Zdrowia Seniorów jest innowacyjną inicjatywą edukacyjną mającą na celu zwiększenie świadomości zdrowotnej i zmianę zachowań zdrowotnych jej słuchaczy. Słuchacze Szkoły poszerzają wiedzę i umiejętności na temat zagadnień i metod promocji zdrowia w starszym wieku, uczą się, jak zwiększyć stopień integracji z ich opiekunami, mają szanse zwiększyć swoją aktywność zdrowotną i społeczną oraz dokonać zmiany zachowań zdrowotnych. Wiedza o zdrowiu uwzględnia wyniki najnowszych badań o stanie zdrowia osób starszych, obecną sytuację w tym zakresie w Polsce oraz założenia polskiej i unijnej polityki senioralnej. Jest przekazywana w wielu, nie tylko medycznych, wymiarach, także na zajęciach praktycznych i w formie kształcenia partycypacyjnego. Rezultatem programu ma być modelowy program edukacyjny z zakresu promocji zdrowia dla osób starszych, który mógłby zostać wykorzystany na szeroką skalę w przyszłych programach kształcenia i aktywizacji społecznej seniorów.
Health education and promotion as well as illness prevention contributes to activity of old people. In Poland, the health of old people is mainly under care of curative medicine and health promotion activities are not comprehensive and continued on large scale. The Interdisciplinary School of Health Promotion for Seniors is an innovative educational initiative aimed at raising the awareness of health among the School attendees and changing their health behaviors. Participants raise the knowledge and skills on the importance and methods of health promotion in old age, learn how to improve the level of social integrity with their care givers, have a chance to increase health and social activity, and to change their health behaviors. The knowledge on health in School refers to results of recent studies on health and ageing, current situation in Poland, and assumptions of anti-ageing policy in Poland and European Union. It will be shared in multidimensional way, not only in medical terms, tought at workshops and provided through participating education. Result of the program might be a model educational program in health promotion for old people that would be used in large scale in future programs of education and social activity for seniors.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2017, 309; 201-210
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Differential impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity in younger and older adolescents – prospective study
Geets Kesic, Marijana
Gilic, Barbara
Cerkez Zovko, Ivana
Drid, Patrik
Korovljev, Darinka
Sekulic, Damir
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
sport participation
familial factors
physical activity
health literacy
BackgroundInsufficient physical activity levels (PAL) during adolescence is a major public health concern, which is even more pronounced during the COVID-19 pandemic due to restricting movement opportunities. This study aimed to identify PAL changes and examine the age-specific determinants of PAL in younger and older adolescents during the COVID-19 lockdown.Material and MethodsThis study included 859 high-school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina stratified into 2 age groups: younger (N = 420, 14–16 years of age), and older adolescents (N = 439, 16–18 years of age). Participants were tested over 2 testing waves: before the COVID-19 lockdown (January 2020) and during the COVID-19 lockdown (April 2020). Variables included PAL assessed by the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents, sports factors, and parental factors.ResultsThe PAL significantly declined as a result of lockdown measures in the total sample (from 2.76±0.79 to 2.50±0.82). Larger absolute and relative decline of PAL was evidenced in younger adolescents. Sport participation positively influenced PAL before lockdown, with no significant influence during the lockdown. Older adolescents whose mothers were better educated were less likely to be in high risk group with regard to a large decline of PAL as a result of COVID lockdown (OR = 0.50, 95% CI: 0.21–0.84).ConclusionsResults of the study suggest that parental education influences health-related behaviors and that parental education is a protective factor against a decrease in PAL during the COVID-19 pandemic. Main educational agents (i.e., school and parents) should pay more attention to provide children and adolescents adequate information and develop their health literacy, which will hopefully positively impact children’s PAL even in challenging situations similar to COVID-19 lockdown. Med Pr. 2021;72(6):633–43
Medycyna Pracy; 2021, 72, 6; 633-643
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie stosunku do edukacji zdrowotnej a wykształcenie. Polacy na tle pracowników z Hiszpanii, Łotwy i Słowenii
Diversification of the attitude towards health education according to the education status. Poles in relation to the employees in Spain, Latvia and Slovenia
Puchalski, Krzysztof
Korzeniowska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
health awareness
health literacy
This article presents a problem of diversification of the attitudes towards health education of Polish employees in relation to those who work in Spain, Latvia and Slovenia. The empirical base are the study conducted in 2009 (questionnaire interview) in sample of the employees population (1691 people: 400 respondents per country), ages 25-54. Analysis were conducted by comparison of low (primary, lower secondary, basic vocational) and higher educated (secondary or post secondary, tertiary) employees. There is a lack of basic dichotomy between different educated employees in Poland according to the acquisition of knowledge about health, however at the same time it was diagnosed some detailed differences. There were also observed significant differences between employees from countries under the survey, especially in the group of the low educated employees. The attention was called on the need to take into account cultural differences in the international projects concerning health education.
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie; 2011, 9, 2; 85-96
Pojawia się w:
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teachers’ Opinions on Health Education Implementation in Polish Lower and Upper Secondary Schools
Borzucka-Sitkiewicz, Katarzyna
Kowalczewska-Grabowska, Katarzyna
Gawlik, Dorota
Lamczyk, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
health education
physical education teachers
health literacy
school practice
core curriculum
teacher training
The article presents the findings of the research conducted in order to learn physical education teachers’ opinions on the implementation of the health edu- cation content. The study was carried out in lower and upper secondary schools located in the region of Upper Silesia (Poland). A quantitative method was used to gather and analyse data. The survey was conducted with a specially designed questionnaire including 17 items. The research was based on the analysis of core curriculum concerning the objectives and content of health education planned to be implemented during physical education classes in lower and upper secondary schools. The research allowed for identifying potential gaps and good practices in school-based health education and health promotion in the Polish socio-cultural conditions.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 47; 151-161
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachowania informacyjne Polaków dotyczące zdrowego odżywiania się. Wyniki badania EATWELL
Information behaviour of Poles in area of healthy eating. Results of EATWELL survey
Niedźwiedzka, Barbara
Mazzocchi, Mario
Modugno, Lucia
Piórecka, Beata
Kozioł-Kozakowska, Agnieszka
Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica
Gennaro, Laura
Verbeke, Wim
Traill, W. Bruce
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
healthy eating
health information behavior
health information literacy
health information seeking
health literacy
kompetencje zdrowotne
poszukiwanie zdrowotnej informacji
zdrowe odżywianie
zdrowotne kompetencje informacyjne
zdrowotne zachowania informacyjne
The rate of obesity in Poland increases rapidly, especially fast among children and adolescents. An important and also fully accepted by the society ways of fighting this phenomenon are social marketing and educational interventions. To make these activities effective they have to keep pace with changes in information behavior of target groups. But the importance of raising information competency of consumers is not fully understood by those who design and implement health programs and health Information behavior and literacy rarely are the subject of research. The goal of this study is to find where and how Polish citizens look for diet related information, what barriers they encounter, and whether they behave differently in comparison with citizens of other European countries. Method: A survey administered through computer-assisted on-line web-interviewing to a probabilistic, stratified by age and gender, sample of respondents in Poland (n = 600). Comparison sample – same number of respondents in Belgium, Denmark, Italy and UK. Results: 49% of surveyed Poles do not know where to look for healthy diet related information and have bigger problems with this task then the respondents in other surveyed countries. In comparison with Danish, a probability that a Pole knows where to look for such information decreases twice. Individual and environmental determinants strongly affect information knowledge and behavior. Men, educated, poorer and sicker persons have bigger problems with finding information and are less likely to attempt to look for it. Majority of respondents uses Internet and Google to look for healthy diet information. Only 23% of Polish respondents would turn to their GPs for healthy eating advice.
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie; 2012, 10, 2; 57-64
Pojawia się w:
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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