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Nadzieje i obawy studentów ukraińskich podejmujących studia w Polsce
Hopes and Fears Ukrainian Students in Tertiary in Poland
Łukasiewicz, Jacek
Paśnikowska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
student zagraniczny
foreign student
Coraz większa liczba studentów ukraińskich na polskich uczelniach skłania do przyjrzenia się ich oczekiwaniom i postawom. W tym celu zostały przeprowadzone badania za pomocą ankiety skonstruowanej przez autorów artykułu. Dotyczyła ona nadziei i obaw studentów ukraińskich rozpoczynających naukę w Polsce w odniesieniu do zdobywanego wykształcenia, relacji z innymi osobami – większości obcokrajowcami, deklarowanych wartości, stopnia opanowania języka polskiego oraz bardziej odległych planów życiowych. W artykule starano się również uwypuklić psychologiczny aspekt nadziei i obaw oraz zwrócić uwagę na wychowawcze i edukacyjne znaczenie nadziei.
A growing number of Ukrainian students at Polish universities encourages to look at their expectations and attitudes. For this purpose, some studies were performed using a questionnaire constructed by the authors of the article. It concerned the hopes and fears of Ukrainian students entering education in Poland in relation to their gained education, relationships with others in the majority – foreigners, declared values, the degree of mastery of Polish language and the more distant life plans. The article also attempts to emphasize the psychological aspect of hopes and fears, and to draw attention to the educative and educational importance of hope.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2016, 63, 11; 235-248
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An analysis of foreign students’ expenses while studying at universities: Interstate comparison
Alieksieiev, Ihor
Mazur, Andriana
Alieksieiev, Vladyslav
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
study period
foreign student
annual student’s costs of studying
Theoretical background: The focus of this article is to study and compare the indicators that are implemented to evaluate the quality of the educational activities of universities in Poland, Germany and Ukraine. The investigation is exercised, in particular, by the proposed indicator of comparing the annual students’ costs during their studies for a bachelor’s degree with the average annual incomes of these services for consumers in related countries. Because of the differences in remuneration across the regions of each country, the authors used statistical data from these regions. Regarding average annual incomes, the authors used the average wage level in the provinces of Poland, the federal lands of Germany, and the regions of Ukraine.Purpose of the article: The research objective of the article is a substantiation of methodological and applied recommendations for interstate comparisons of foreign students’ expenses while studying at universities based on the experience of Poland, Germany and Ukraine. The object of this paper is the analysis of annual costs of a foreign student while studying at domestic and foreign universities.Research methods: During the research, the following methods were used: the dialectical method and methods of analysis and synthesis – to study the features of the comparison of educational activities of domestic and foreign universities, the characteristics to compare the costs of the training period within universities of different countries; statistical method – to analyse the average annual wage and the costs of international students during the training period at universities in Poland, Germany and Ukraine; structural and logical analysis – to develop theoretical and methodological principles to determine the indicator for "the ratio of the student’s annual expenses while studying at the university to the average wage in the region".Main findings: The ratio of the annual costs of students during the studying period and average annual wages allows different categories of stakeholders to determine the real level of expenses. For applicants, primarily Ukrainians, such an indicator will allow them to navigate, not only the absolute amount of annual expenses, but also the comparison of costs with the remuneration for possible part-time work that is allowed to students in Germany and Poland. Moreover, the part-time work allowed for students correlates to a certain extent with the level of average wages. For university authorities, the proposed indicator may allow a comparison of the competitiveness of their higher education institutions, taking into account the solvency of educational services users. For business circles and local governments (in the provinces of Poland, the federal lands of Germany and regions of Ukraine), this indicator can be useful in assessing the competitiveness of their territories to attract students. Student youth and local residents act as consumers of goods and services, contribute to the development of local business and, thus, can be a source of filling local budgets.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2019, 53, 3; 7-23
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Percepción de los estudiantes suramericanos hacia ciudadanos extranjeros: Un estudio vinculante sobre inmigración y educación
Perception of South American students towards foreign citizens: A binding study on immigration and xenophobia
Briceño Núñez, Chess Emmanuel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
estudiante extranjero
estudiante de secundaria
foreign student
high school student
South America
Este documento contiene una investigación que presenta resultados asociados con las actitudes de los estudiantes suramericanos hacia compañeros extranjeros, presentando datos informativos en relación a xenofobia, inmigración y educación. La población estuvo compuesta por estudiantes activos de educación secundaria de 6 ciudades representativas de países suramericanos (Buenos Aires Argentina, São Paulo Brasil, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá Colombia, Guayaquil Ecuador y Lima Perú) y una muestra de 1440 estudiantes (240 por país) con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 17 años de edad. Se aplicó de manera asincrónica un instrumento llamado “Test de Percepción Sociocultural” contentivo de 20 ítems presentados en una escala Likert agrupados en ítems de valoración positiva y valoración negativa. Los datos se procesaron con el Paquete Estadístico para las ciencias sociales (SPSS). Los resultados demuestran que en la mayoría de los países suramericanos existen entre la población escolar joven actitudes xenófobas hacia los inmigrantes suramericanos. Los resultados demuestran que en la mayoría de los países suramericanos participantes hay un grado de percepción positiva hacia los inmigrantes por parte de la población escolar joven, sin embargo hay casos puntales en los que se observa un grado de rechazo hacia los extranjeros.
This document contains an investigation that presents results associated with the attitudes of South American students towards foreign colleagues, presenting informative data in relation to xenophobia, immigration and education. The population was structured by active high school students from 6 representative cities of South American countries (Buenos Aires Argentina, São Paulo Brazil, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá Colombia, Guayaquil Ecuador and Lima Peru) and a sample of 1440 students (240 per country) with ages between 12 and 17 years of age. An instrument called "Sociocultural Perception Test" was applied asynchronously, containing 20 items presented on a Likert scale grouped into positive and negative assessment items. The data were processed with the Statistical Package for the social sciences (SPSS). The results show that in most of the participating South American countries, there is a degree of positive acceptance of immigrants by the young school population; however, there are key cases in which a degree of rejection of foreigners is observed.
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2021, 28; 311-334
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Early Childhood Education of the Foreign Child/ Student – A Normative Approach
Wczesna edukacja dziecka/ucznia cudzoziemskiego – ujęcie normatywne
Samborska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
early childhood education
foreign child
foreign student
foreigner in education
wczesna edukacja
dziecko cudzoziemskie
cudzoziemiec w edukacji
Introduction: The aim of the article is to discuss legal solutions concerning the functioning of a foreign child in the space of elementary education. The object of analysis is the legal norms included in the texts of legal acts in the system of universally binding national law in the area of education and care of foreign children in primary education. Research Aim: The research objective is to analyse, interpret and evaluate the formal-legal basis of the functioning of the child/student – foreigner in the space of elementary education. Evidence-based Facts:In studies on the legal empowerment of the foreign child/student in the Polish education system, there is a lack of analyses focusing on the initial stages of education. What is missing in this respect is a thorough analysis of the legal regulations constituting the basis for activities in the area of early childhood education. Summary: The article identifies and discusses the current legal solutions constituting the basis for the functioning of a foreign child/student in the space of elementary education. It analyses and interprets the legal regulations in the system of internal (national) generally applicable law concerning education and care of foreign children. Legal institutions serving the realisation of the right to education and integration were presented. The scopes of legislative shortcomings and directions of necessary changes to improve the functioning of foreigners in the are a of early childhood education are indicated.
Wprowadzenie: Celem artykułu jest omówienie rozwiązań prawnych dotyczących funkcjonowania dziecka cudzoziemskiego w przestrzeni edukacji elementarnej. Przedmiotem analiz są normy prawne ujęte w tekstach aktów prawnych w systemie prawa krajowego powszechnie obowiązującego w zakresie dotyczącym nauki i opieki dzieci cudzoziemców na etapie edukacji elementarnej. Cel badań: Celem badań jest dokonanie analizy, interpretacji oraz oceny formalno-prawnych podstaw funkcjonowania dziecka/ucznia-cudzoziemca w przestrzeni edukacji elementarnej. Stan wiedzy: W opracowaniach dotyczących prawnego umocowania dziecka/ucznia – cudzoziemca w polskim systemie edukacji brakuje analiz koncentrujących się na początkowych etapach edukacji. Brakuje w tym zakresie wnikliwej analizy regulacji prawnych stanowiących podstawę działań w obszarze wczesnej edukacji dziecka. Podsumowanie: W artykule wskazano oraz omówiono obowiązujące rozwiązania prawne stanowiące podstawę funkcjonowania dziecka/ucznia-cudzoziemca w przestrzeni edukacji elementarnej. Dokonano analizy i interpretacji regulacji prawnych w systemie prawa wewnętrznego (krajowego) powszechnie obowiązującego dotyczących nauki i opieki dzieci cudzoziemców. Przedstawiono służące realizacji prawa do edukacji i integracji instytucje prawne. Zidentyfikowano przejawy uchybień legislacyjnych oraz kierunki koniecznych zmian służących poprawie funkcjonowania cudzoziemców w obszarze wczesnej edukacji.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2023, 42, 2; 47-62
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jak uczyć języka? Piosenka w pracy na lektoracie języka polskiego jako obcego
How to Teach a Foreign Language? The Use Songs in Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language
Kaczmarek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
utwór muzyczny
materiał dydaktyczny
piece of music
foreign student
didactic materials
topicality/ popularity
Na efektywne nauczania języków, w tym polskiego jako obcego, ma wpływ wiele czynników. Przygotowując zajęcia, lektor każdorazowo musi więc dopasowywać materiały do celów, jakie sobie założy, poziomu studentów, ich potrzeb i ogólnie pojętych kompetencji. Powszechnie wiadomo, że dziś standardowy podręcznik jest niewystarczający, aby nie tylko nauczyć obcokrajowca polskiego, ale zainteresować go konkretnymi zagadnieniami, pokazać mu użyteczność form czy struktur gramatycznych. Wydaje się, że wykorzystanie piosenki na lektoracie wychodzi naprzeciw tym oczekiwaniom. W literaturze przedmiotu wyróżnia się najróżniejsze role utworów muzycznych w procesie dydaktycznym, wymienia się warunki, jakie owy utwór powinien spełniać, aby być wartościowym narzędziem glottodydaktycznym, proponuje się wiele ćwiczeń, które można zaproponować cudzoziemcom, podporządkowując je odrębnym celom i potrzebom. Poza wieloma kryteriami wyboru piosenki, jej aktualność powinna być jednym z warunków podstawowych. Niestety, w nauczaniu polskiego jako obcego można dostrzec, że to element drugorzędny, na który autorzy podręczników czy nauczyciele nie zwracają uwagi. Zwykle proponuje się utwory starsze, a tym samym obce tekstowo i muzycznie studentom, przyzwyczajonym do muzyki nowoczesnej. Warto więc każdorazowo na zajęcia przygotować, to co jest w danym momencie popularne wśród młodych ludzie, czego słuchają na co dzień i co da, cudzoziemcowi, poczucie, że język polski przyda mu się w codziennym życiu. Oczywiście, często są to utwory mało wartościowe pod względem muzycznym czy językowym, ale przy odpowiednim ich opracowaniu mogą stać się dobrym materiałem dydaktycznym. Na poziomach najniższych można zrezygnować z piosenek ambitnych, reprezentujących trudne nurty muzyczne, a zaproponować coś aktualnego, nawet jeśli będzie odbiegać to od gustu i poczucia estetyki samego lektora.
The effective language teaching, Polish language teaching included, depends on a number of factors. Each time a teacher prepares his or her classes, he or she must adjust the teaching resources to the objectives, students’ proficiency level, their needs and general competencies. It is a common knowledge that a standard coursebook is not sufficient a tool to teach a foreigner Polish language and arouse his or her interest in particular issues, or to show the usefulness of grammar forms or structures. It seems that the use of songs in a language class is something that may do the trick. The specialist literature regarding the subject describes various roles of music in the learning process, enumerates the conditions which should be met by a piece of music to be a worthy language teaching tool, introduces a number of exercises for foreign students, adjusting them for different goals and needs. Apart from a vast number of criteria for the selection of a song, its topicality should be one of the most pertinent prerequisites. Unfortunately, as may be observed in Polish as a foreign language teaching, it is an element of lesser importance, overlooked by coursebook authors and teachers. Students used to modern music have to listen to older songs, which are obsolete in the manner of lyrics and musical styles. Thus it is worthwhile to select each time the music currently popular among the young students, the kind of which they usually listen to, which will assure them that Polish will be useful for them in everyday life. Obviously, such songs have often little artistic or linguistic value, however, with proper elaboration of exercises, they could prove themselves a worthy didactic tool. At the lower course levels a teacher may introduce current and well-known songs instead of numbers with ambitious lyrics and complex melodies, even though it may not agree with the teacher’s taste or the concept of aesthetics.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2014, 62, 10; 45-54
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integracja językowo-kulturowa ucznia z doświadczeniem migracji w szkole podstawowej
Language and cultural integration of the student with the experience of migration in primary school
Grudzińska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
foreign student
linguistic and cultural education
uczeń cudzoziemski
edukacja kulturalna i językowa
The intensification of migration processes observed throughout Europe poses new tasks also to the Polish educational system. The growing number of foreign students is a challenging multi-aspect challenge that modern education must and must face. The effective and full functioning of the foreign child at school is determined by the effectiveness of various activities: educational, educational, pedagogical and psychological. The main goal, of course, is to master the basics of the Polish language, first of all in the field of communicative competence and mastering the language of schooling (JES). However, taking into account the aspect of full integration of a foreign child with the school environment, it should also be included in the praxeological assumptions of action in the field of cultural education. After mastering the language of schooling, and maybe even in parallel with it, there should be training of the linguistic and non-linguistic competences needed by the child to function in the time of school and also free from school. It becomes necessary then to have a cultural code, thanks to which it will be able to communicate with peers. The aim would be to enable a child with experience of migrating participation in a shared cultural experience.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia; 2019, 10, 285; 277-288
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy i wyzwania nauczycieli uczących dzieci cudzoziemskie we wrocławskich szkołach
Problems and Challenges of Teachers Teaching Foreign Children in Schools of Wrocław
Majewska, Agnieszka
Northeast, Kathryn
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego; uczeń cudzoziemski w szkole; wyzwania nauczycieli
teaching Polish as a foreign language; foreign student at school; teachers’ challenges
W ciągu ostatnich lat możemy zaobserwować wzrastającą liczbę uczniów cudzoziemskich w polskich szkołach. Ten wzrost wiąże się zarówno z powrotem rodzin polskich z emigracji zarobkowej, jak również z podjęciem pracy przez obcokrajowców w Polsce. Artykuł stanowi próbę omówienia wyzwań nauczycieli pracujących z cudzoziemcami we wrocławskich szkołach. Na podstawie ankiety przeprowadzonej w szkołach w 2018 r. autorki tekstu wyodrębniły najważniejsze wyzwania przywołane przez nauczycieli: problem porozumienia się z uczniem wskutek bariery językowej, niedoskonałość organizacji dodatkowych zajęć językowych, poświęcanie dodatkowego czasu i uwagi uczniom cudzoziemskim podczas innych lekcji, brak przygotowania merytorycznego nauczycieli, ograniczony kontakt z rodzicami uczniów, trudności związane z obiektywną oceną pracy ucznia oraz trudności komunikacyjne, emocjonalne i merytoryczne samego ucznia.
‘In recent years, we can observe an increasing number of foreign students in Polish schools. This phenomenon is connected both to the return of Polish families from economic emigration as well as to foreigners coming to work in Poland. The paper is an attempt to discuss the challenges of teachers working with foreigners in schools in Wrocław. On the basis of a survey conducted in schools in 2018, the authors identified the most important challenges raised by teachers: the problem of communicating with the pupil due to language issues, faulty organization of additional language classes, dedicating additional time and attention to foreign students during different subjects, lack of teaching materials, limited contact with the pupils’ parents, difficulties related to an objective assessment of the pupil’s work and emotional and substantive and communication-based difficulties of the students themselves.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 10; 83-98
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mindfulness: jak oswoić lęk językowy studentów języków obcych i zachęcić ich do uważnego życia?
Blachowska-Szmigiel, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
mindful life
language anxiety
student of foreign languages
This article focuses on the possibilities of employing mindfulness in order to support a foreign language student in developing the competence to deal with language anxiety and to strengthen a sense of psychological well-being in the face of the contra-dictory challenges of modern times. First, the author describes the difficult situation of a contemporary student of foreign languages who functions in two axiologically contradictory realities: fluid modernity and crystallized university reality. Then the issue of language anxiety is discussed, and finally the author presents the concepts of the mindfulness program in foreign philology.
Acta Neophilologica; 2021, 2, XXIII; 103-114
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
L’anxiété nuisible chez les apprenants du FLE. Le cas des étudiants de la philologie romane en cycle de licence
Blachowska-Szmigiel, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
debilitating language anxiety, teaching French as a foreign language, student
anxiété langagière débilitante, français langue étrangère, étudiant
Language anxiety is the feeling of tension and apprehension associated with second / foreign language learning. It manifests itself in two types of emotional reactions: positive (positiveanxiety) and negative (debilitating anxiety). The focus of this article is to explore the debilitating language anxiety of students learning French as a foreign language and to find out its level in thefirst, second and third years of undergraduate studies in Romance philology. The main research problem concerns the need to develop their ability to manage debilitating language anxiety. Forthis purpose, the findings of a FLCAS questionnaire are presented
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2020, 47, 1; 7-21
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Double responsibility of foreign language teachers: Primary student-teachers’ perceptions of linguistic and cultural content
Sanchez-Sanchez, Gabriel
Krawiec, Marek
Ibañez-Lopez, Francisco Javier
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
double responsibility; communication skills; (inter-)cultural education; foreign language instruction; student-teacher; teaching and training
Scholars all over the world have been arguing for foreign language instruction which combines linguistic and cultural content. Eliminating the cultural side results in a deficient process. This study explored prospective teachers’ perceptions of both constituents, since they will ultimately be responsible for their implementation in the foreign language classroom. To this end, 137 students from three European universities were chosen and asked to fill out an online questionnaire with Likert scale items. Data was collected and interpreted using the free statistics software package R (R Core Team, 2019). The findings confirmed that the relevance of linguistic / cultural issues was unanimously acknowledged (98,5%), speaking was appointed as the most desired target skill (97,1%), interpersonal relations (88,3%) as the most important aspect of socio-cultural knowledge, and lessons with native speakers (94,2%) as the most relevant classroom resource
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics; 2020, 47, 1; 137-159
Pojawia się w:
Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The anxiety-proficiency relationship and the stability of anxiety: The case of Chinese university learners of English and Japanese.
Jin, Yinxing
de Bot, Kees
Keijzer, Merel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
foreign language anxiety
foreign language proficiency
Chinese university student
Adopting a longitudinal design, this study investigates the effects of foreign language anxiety on foreign language proficiency over time within English and Japanese learning contexts. It also explores the stability of anxiety in English and Japanese over time and the stability of anxiety across English and Japanese. Chinese university students (N=146), who were simultaneously learning Japanese and English, participated in this study. Data were collected twice over a 2-month interval, using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, the English Proficiency Scale, and the Japanese Proficiency Scale. Results showed that anxiety changes had a significantly negative, but weak, correlation with the development of overall proficiency and the proficiency in sub- skills such as reading or speaking, for both English and Japanese, suggesting the interference of anxiety with proficiency levels. Anxiety in Japanese tended to decrease significantly over time, but no significant change was found for English. Furthermore, no significant difference between anxiety in Japanese and English was found at either testing time.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2015, 5, 1; 41-63
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Affective and situational correlates of foreign language proficiency: A study of Chinese university learners of English and Japanese
Jin, Yinxing
de Bot, Kees
Keijzer, Merel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teacher support
student affiliation
foreign language anxiety
foreign language proficiency
The study explores the effects of teacher support and student cohesiveness on foreign language (FL) learning outcomes and compares their effect with that of FL anxiety. One hundred and forty-six first-year Chinese undergraduates of Japanese, who were also learning English, participated in two surveys that were administered over a 2-month interval. Data were collected using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986), the Teacher Support Scale (Trickett & Moos, 2002), the Affiliation Scale (Trickett & Moos, 2002), the English Proficiency Scale, and the Japanese Proficiency Scale. It was found that (a) student cohesiveness was a positive predictor of FL proficiency, (b) teacher support, which was positively related to student cohesiveness and negatively to FL anxiety, did not show a direct relationship with FL proficiency, and (c) FL anxiety, which was negatively associated with FL proficiency, showed a better predictive power than student cohesiveness and teacher support.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2017, 7, 1; 105-125
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Réduction De L’anxiété De Production Orale
Reducing Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety
Kalińska, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu
language anxiety
authentic communication
foreign language
Research has consistently shown that anxious language students suffer significantly during oral activities and that anxiety has a negative impact on students’ attitudes toward language study. The purpose of this article is to help practitioners better understand some of the variables related to anxiety and oral skills and to offer teachers methods to lower the levels of stress in their classroom through the use of anxiety-management tools and activities that encourage authentic communication within a warm and supportive community of learners.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2023, 19; 129-147
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogical Technology of Student Cross-Cultural Communication Formation by Studying Foreign Languages
Oleksenko, Olena
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Foreign languages
cross-cultural communication
pedagogical technology
The article is stipulated by the necessity to improve the pedagogic process in terms of forming cross-cultural communication by studying foreign languages. The problem is solved through outlining the gradual stages of the pedagogical technology as one of the main vectors of the pedagogic process. The stages of the pedagogical technology are based on the invariable stages of any person's activity. They are orientating and motivating, cognitive and informative, transformational and analytical, reflexive and estimating. The efficiency of the proposed pedagogical technology is proved by the pedagogical experiment.
World Scientific News; 2017, 67, 2; 277-290
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pupils’ approach to teachers’ role as motivating factor in foreign language classes
Pukeviciute, Virginija Jurate
Antaneliene, Migle
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
teachers’ competencies
pupils’ approach
teacher-student relationships
The article researches the pupils’ attitude towards the role of the teacher in the educational process which is revealed through the students-teacher relationships. The study showed that the students appreciate the professional pedagogical and special pedagogical competencies of the foreign language teachers the highest talking of learning and training objectives formulation, the interpretation of training material, the incentive of improvement. Also, students usually appreciate teachers’ personal characteristics positively, emphasizing tactful teacher’ behaviour, patience, objectivity, sense of humour and appropriate speaking tone. Moreover, it turned out that the schoolchildren feel less secure talking of interaction with teachers: they usually turn to the teachers only for subject matters; they do not always feel free in the classroom. Because of a fear to make a mistake the students do not want to express their views openly as they are not always sure that their opinion is important for their teachers.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2017, 36, 1; 101-111
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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