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Zmiany biegu koryta Krasnej (Świętokrzyskie) w oparciu o dane kartograficzne i geologiczne
Channel changes of the Krasna riverbed (Holy Cross Mts. region) based on cartographic and geological data
Kalicki, Tomasz
Fularczyk, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Staropolski Okręg Przemysłowy
zmiany koryta
Old Polish Industrial District
channel changes
The aim of the study was to identify riverbed changes of the Krasna river along its entire length in recent centuries, based on archival cartographic materials. Additionally, in the roughly 2-km long estuary section, where the largest riverbed changes were noticed in the maps, cartographic changes were verified by geomorphological and geological mapping of Quaternary sediments. The Krasna River is located in the northern part of the Świętokrzyskie Province in the Polish Uplands area. The Krasna River is a left-side tributary of the Czarna Konecka, with the length of 28 km. The basin area is about 121 km2. It was located in the Old Polish Industrial District. Krasna was one of the most industrialized rivers of the Old Polish Industrial District in 19th c. The waters of the lower section of Krasna were used to power forges and water mills. The activity of the forges and water mills contributed to changes in the course of the Krasna riverbed, visible on cartographic materials as well as in sediments. In early 1930s, old forges were transformed into water mills. In later years, the mill buildings were transformed into sawmills, which existed until the middle of the 20th c. On the flood plain, remnants of the iron metallurgy have survived in such forms as shafts and channels as well as in sediments as slags or bricks. With the fall of industrial activity, renaturalization processes started in the Krasna River valley and the river bed itself. This led to the restoration of a natural environment and the river came back to its natural course.
Celem opracowania jest rozpoznanie zmian koryta Krasnej na całej długości w ostatnich stuleciach w oparciu o dostępne materiały kartograficzne. Dodatkowo, w ujściowym odcinku (około 2 km), w którym stwierdzono na mapach największe zmiany, zweryfikowano zmiany kartograficzne wykonując tu kartowanie geomorfologiczne i geologiczne osadów czwartorzędowych. Krasna położona jest w północnej części województwa świętokrzyskiego na obszarze Wyżyn Polskich. Jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Czarnej Koneckiej o długości 28 km. Jej zlewnia o powierzchni 121 km2 znajdowała się w Staropolskim Okręgu Przemysłowym. W przeszłości, a zwłaszcza od XIX wieku, Krasna była jedną z najbardziej „pracowitych” rzek SOP-u. Wody dolnego odcinka Krasnej napędzały koła wodne urządzeń przemysłowych od Krasnej do Starej Wsi. Działalność kuźnic i młynów przyczyniła się do zmian biegu koryta rzeki Krasnej, widocznych na materiałach kartograficznych, jak i w morfologii i osadach. Na początku lat 30. XX wieku pozostałości po fabrykach zostały przekształcone w młyny wodne. W późniejszych latach budynki młynów przekształcono w tartaki istniejące do połowy XX wieku. Na równinie zalewowej zachowały się pozostałości po hutnictwie żelaza, jak kanały i wały, a w osadach żużle czy fragmenty cegieł. W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach, wraz z upadkiem przemysłowej aktywności, rozpoczęły się w obrębie doliny i w korycie Krasnej procesy renaturalizacji, a rzeka powróciła do swego naturalnego biegu.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2018, 17; 15-23
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany koryta dolnej i środkowej Wiernej Rzeki od XVIII wieku
Channel changes of lower and middle courses of the Wierna Rzeka River since the 18th century
Chrabąszcz, Mariusz
Kalicki, Tomasz
Przepióra, Paweł
Frączek, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
młyny wodne
Wierna Rzeka
anastomoza antropogeniczna
zmiany koryta
Water mills
Wierna Rzeka River
anthropogenic anastomosis
river channel changes
The aim of this work is to show the influence human activity on small retention and channel changes of the Wierna Rzeka River in last centuries. The Wierna Rzeka River is located in the south-western part of the Holy Cross Mts. region in the Polish Uplands. The Wierna Rzeka River is left tributary of the Biała Nida River. It is classified as a 35.7 km long upland river with an 2.32‰ average slope. The 313.8 km2 large basin has an elongated shape with a meridional extension. The catchment area was located in the south-western part of the Old Polish Industrial District. From the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century there were at least four forges on the Wierna Rzeka River. There were also water mills built on the former forges infrastructure. The most of mills on the Wierna Rzeka River was built in the second half of the 19th c. and at the beginning of the 20th c. The activity of the forges and mills led to changes in the development of the riverbed and created a pattern of anthropogenic anastomosis. Those changes are documented in archival and cartographic materials. In the second half of the 20th c. the water mills activity was stopped. On the floodplain many remains of metallurgy and mills infrastructure facilities have survived, embankments, canals, mill ponds. Currently, on the Wierna Rzeka River in the abandoned mills area, there are sections of anastomosing channel pattern. As a result of the renaturalization process, many anthropogenic forms disappeared and the drained water reservoirs became part of the floodplain.
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie wpływu działalności człowieka na zmiany małej retencji i koryta Wiernej Rzeki w ostatnich stuleciach. Wierna Rzeka położona jest w południowo-zachodniej części regionu świętokrzyskiego na obszarze Wyżyn Polskich. Rzeka jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Białej Nidy. Sklasyfikowana jest jako rzeka wyżynna o długości 35,7 km ze średnim spadkiem 2,32‰. Zlewnia o powierzchni 313,8 km2 ma podłużny kształt o rozciągłości południkowej. Obszar zlewni znajdował się w południowo-zachodniej części Staropolskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego. Od średniowiecza do końca XIX wieku, na Wiernej Rzece funkcjonowały co najmniej cztery kuźnice. Działały tu także młyny, które budowano na dawnej infrastrukturze kuźnic. Najwięcej młynów na Wiernej Rzece wzniesiono w drugiej połowie XIX wieku oraz na początku XX wieku. Działalność kuźnic i młynów przyczyniła się do zmian w rozwinięciu koryta, doprowadzając do powstania anastomoz antropogenicznych. Zmiany te zostały udokumentowane w materiałach archiwalnych i kartograficznych. W drugiej połowie XX wieku działalność młynów została wstrzymana. Na równinie zalewowej zachowały się liczne pozostałości infrastruktury zakładów hutniczych i młynarskich (wały, kanały, stawy młyńskie). Współcześnie na Wiernej Rzece, w miejscu porzuconych młynów, występują odcinki wielokorytowe. W wyniku procesu renaturalizacji wiele form antropogenicznych zostało zatartych, a zdrenowane zbiorniki wodne stały się częścią równiny zalewowej.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2017, 16
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany morfologiczne koryta Pilicy między Domaniewicami a Nowym Miastem nad Pilicą na podstawie analizy kartograficznej
Jędrzejczyk, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Dno doliny rzecznej
typy koryt rzecznych
zmiany biegu koryt
interpretacja zdjęć lotniczych
Valley bottom
types of river beds
channel changes
oxbow lakes
interpretation of aerial photographs
W artykule przedstawiono w ujęciu morfologicznym zmiany dawnych, postglacjalnych koryt Pilicy między Domaniewicami a Nowym Miastem nad Pilicą w oparciu o materiały kartograficzne z lat 1802–2017. Celem artykułu było również przypisanie Pilicy do określonego typu koryta na podstawie jej charakterystycznych cech morfologicznych. Wykazano, że na charakter dna doliny rzecznej, jak również samego koryta Pilicy, w znacznym stopniu wpłynęło wybudowanie Zbiornika Sulejowskiego.
The article presents the morphological changes of the former, post-glacial riverbeds of the Pilica River between Domaniewice and Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą on the basis of cartographic materials from 1802–2017. The aim of the article was also to assign the Pilica to a specific type of bed based on its characteristic morphological features. It has been shown that the nature of the river valley bottom, as well as the Pilica bed itself, was largely influenced by the construction of the Sulejowski Reservoir.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica; 2020, 19; 31-39
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany w kanale agencyjnym na rynku ubezpieczeniowym w Polsce
Lisowski, Jacek
Zieniewicz, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
insurance agent
insurance distribution channel
insurance market
changes in the agency channel
agent ubezpieczeniowy
kanał dystrybucji
rynek ubezpieczeniowy
The purpose of this article is to answer the question: what are the major changes in the agency channel on the Polish insurance market and the factors shaping it? The agency channel in Poland awaits a number of important changes that will influence its development. In legal terms, the most important change will be the new EU directive IDD (IMD2) and changes in Polish law that will be implemented under its influence. Among the socio-economic factors, insurance awareness and low confidence in the insurance sector, and to the agent itself are particulary important. New technologies but will require expenditures adaptive agents and agents will force the use of the new facilities available in contact with clients and insurance companies. A significant impact on the activities of insurance agents in Poland will also have the situation in the insurance industry in Poland and in the world, because the agent’s commission depends on the contribution paid by the customer. There are also anticipated the changes in terms of the agent skill profile.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytania: jakie są najważniejsze zmiany w kanale agencyjnym na polskim rynku ubezpieczeń i jakie czynniki je kształtują? Kanał agencyjny w Polsce czeka szereg istotnych zmian, które będą wpływać na jego rozwój. Pod względem prawnym najważniejszą zmianą będzie nowa dyrektywa unijna IDD (IMD2) i zmiany w prawie polskim, jakie zostaną wdrożone pod jej wpływem. Wśród czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych szczególne znaczenie ma świadomość ubezpieczeniowa i niskie zaufanie do sektora ubezpieczeniowego oraz do samego agenta. Nowe technologie natomiast będą wymagały od agentów nakładów adaptacyjnych oraz wymuszą na nich korzystanie z nowych, dostępnych ułatwień kontaktu z klientami i zakładami ubezpieczeń. Istotny wpływ na działalność agentów ubezpieczeniowych w Polsce będzie mieć również sytuacja w branży ubezpieczeniowej w Polsce i na świecie, gdyż wynagrodzenie agenta zależy od składki płaconej przez klienta. Przewiduje się też zmiany pod względem profilu specjalizacji agenta.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia; 2015, 49, 4
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Floodway design affected by land use changes in an urbanized area
Suharyanto, Agus
Devia, Yatnanta P.
Wijatmiko, Indradi
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
channel dimensions
channel normalization
land cover changes
land use
runoff coefficient
A flood occurs for many reasons, such as excessive rainfall, runoff coefficient, or an insufficient river channel capacity. The discharge flowing through the floodway depends on the maximum main river dimension that can be normalized. LU/LC changes are affected by runoff discharge, and runoff discharge is affected by the floodway design. The study discusses the effect of land use (LU) or land cover (LC) changes and the design of floodway channel dimensions in the Kali Kemuning watershed, East Java Province, Indonesia. The Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph has been used to analyse the runoff discharge, and the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System software analysed the hydraulic properties of river and floodway channels. Results show that the floodway channel design is determined by LU/LC conditions, and the river channel is normalized toward its maximum dimensions. Normalized channel depths and widths vary from 4 to 7 m and 16 to 46 m, respectively. The floodway channel is rectangular, with a bottom width of 10 m and depth of 4.5 m. With the runoff coefficient equal to 0.75, these normalized channel and floodway dimensions are suitable for the flood up to the 100-year return period runoff discharge.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2021, 49; 259-266
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność układu koryt rzecznych w dolinie Narwi na odcinku między Łapami a Żółtkami w II połowie XX wieku
River channel changes in the River Narew valley between Łapy and Żółtki in the second half of the twentieth century
Tobiasz, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
koryto rzeczne
river channel
Narew river
The water conditions in the River Narew valley began to change in the 1970s and 1980s owing to anthropogenic and natural factors. The former included the regulation of a part of the river valley below the village of Rzędziany. As a result of these measures, the river course was shortened and its gradient increased, leading to lower water levels, shortened surface flooding periods and a gradual lowering of the groundwater level in the whole of the valley. In consequence, many active river channels are disappearing due to their overgrowing and silting. The impact of the natural factors is slower and can be observed in the whole of the valley. From 1981 onwards, precipitation levels gradually fell. Mild winters and shorter snow cover periods resulted in reduced spring floodings. The water flow can also be significantly affected by the vegetation. Due to the overgrown banks plants can obstruct the water flow, leading to the damming of the river and consequently to the overgrowing of the river channel or avulsion. The existing vegetation also gradually leads to the narrowing of the river channels. The paper analyses the changes in the river channel network which took place in the River Narew valley between the villages of Łapy and Zółtki in the second half of the 20th century. It also describes how the natural and anthropogenic factors have influenced the channel network and characteristics of the River Narew. The research period covers the years 1966- 1997; the analysis was made using maps of the river channel network. The first map, developed on the basis of a series of panchromatic aerial photographs, shows the situation in 1966, while the second map, prepared on the basis of a spectrozonal orthophotomap, shows the location of the river channels in 1997. These maps were compared to illustrate the extent and directions of the changes that took place in the river channel network in the researched area over the past 31 years. To this end, two differential maps were prepared using ESRI’s ArcGIS 10.0 Two river channel types were distinguished: active and cut off. The first map shows all potential river channel transformations and those channels which did not undergo any changes in the researched area. This helped identify the overall maximum area occupied by the river channels in the period in question and the extent of the unchanged river channels. The second map shows six directions of changes, excluding the channels where no changes could be detected. In 1966 the natural River Narew network was very well developed, with the channels occupying the larger part of the river valley. In 1997 the river channels had changed considerably in comparison to 1966. A part of the researched area lying within the boundaries of the River Narew National Park had a relatively well-developed river channel network, although with a visible increase of cut-off channels. At the same time, in the section below Kurowo, it was found that the number of active channels had decreased, resulting in the dominance of the single-channel system, particularly well visible in the artificially created channel in the vicinity of the village of Rzędziany, reaching as far as the village of Żółtki. Changes in the river channel network could be observed in about 50 per cent of the area of the researched River Narew 16 valley floor. The dominant direction of change (50 per cent) has been the disappearance of active channels, mainly found in the southern part of the area in question. The year 1966 saw many floodings here. In the northern part of the researched area, strong vegetation growth could be observed, which led to the overgrowing of the river channels. The other significant direction of change (observable in 25 per cent of the researched area) has been the transformation of active channels into cutoff ones. Such changes were found mostly in the northern part of the area in question, between the villages of Radule and Żółtki. The third change type, covering about 17 per cent of the researched area, has been the formation of active channels, also found in the northern part of the area in question, in the so-called buffer zone of the Narew National Park. Similar changes were also observed in the vicinity of Waniewo and Radule, with few changes found in the remaining river channel categories. To sum up, it should be concluded that the changes which took place in the area in question were both varied and significant. Most notably, they included the disappearance of active channels in the southern part of the area in question and the transformation of active channels into cut-off ones in the northern part. The extent of the changes was the smallest in the latitudinal section of the valley, between Topilec and Waniewo; this is an area with a well-developed water network, characterised by stable river channels. Since 1996, work has been under way to restore the River Narew valley and recreate the water conditions existing here before the land drain age.
Teledetekcja Środowiska; 2012, 47; 15-31
Pojawia się w:
Teledetekcja Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Calculating steady-state probabilities of single-channel queueing systems with changes of service times depending on the queue length
Zhernovyi, Yuriy
Kopytko, Bohdan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
single-channel queueing system
service times changes depending of the queue length
hyperexponential approximation
rozkład hiperesponencjalny
czas obsługi
system kolejkowania jednokanałowy
długość kolejki
In this paper, we propose a method for calculating steady-state probabilities of the G/G/1/m and M/G/1/m queueing systems with service times changes depending of the number of customers in the system. The method is based on the use of fictitious phases and hyperexponential approximations with parameters of the paradoxical and complex type. A change in the service mode can only occur at the moment the service is started. We verified the obtained numerical results using the potential method and simulation models, constructed by means of GPSS World.
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics; 2019, 18, 3; 107-117
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Mathematical Model of Membrane Gas Separation with Energy Transfer by Molecules of Gas Flowing in a Channel to Molecules Penetrating this Channel from the Adjacent Channel
Szwast, M.
Szwast, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
membrane module
reciprocal transfer of energy between gas molecules
changes of the pressure of gas along the length of flow channel
wzajemne przekazywanie energii między cząsteczkami gazu
zmiany ciśnienia gazu na długości kanału przepływowego
The paper presents the mathematical modelling of selected isothermal separation processes of gaseous mixtures, taking place in plants using membranes, in particular nonporous polymer membranes. The modelling concerns membrane modules consisting of two channels – the feeding and the permeate channels. Different shapes of the channels cross-section were taken into account. Consideration was given to co-current and counter-current flows, for feeding and permeate streams, respectively, flowing together with the inert gas receiving permeate. In the proposed mathematical model it was considered that pressure of gas changes along the length of flow channels was the result of both – the drop of pressure connected with flow resistance, and energy transfer by molecules of gas flowing in a given channel to molecules which penetrate this channel from the adjacent channel. The literature on membrane technology takes into account only the drop of pressure connected with flow resistance. Consideration given to energy transfer by molecules of gas flowing in a given channel to molecules which penetrate this channel from the adjacent channel constitute the essential novelty in the current study. The paper also presents results of calculationsobtained by means of a computer program which used equations of the derived model. Physicochemical data concerning separation of the CO2/CH4 mixture with He as the sweep gas and data concerning properties of the membrane made of PDMS were assumed for calculations.
Chemical and Process Engineering; 2015, 36, 2; 151-169
Pojawia się w:
Chemical and Process Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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