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Metodologiczne implikacje modeli eklezjologicznych w teologii moralnej społecznej
Methodological Implications of Ecclesiological Models in Social Moral Theology
Gocko, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
modele eklezjologiczne
posłannictwo Kościoła w świecie
ecclesiological models
Church's mission in the world
The article presents a characteristic of defined ecclesiological models and it subjects to analysis their possible influence on some methodological questions in social moral theology, especially on the issue of the relation between the Church and the world. The dynamic changes within the Catholic ecclesiology during the recent century have resulted, inter alia, in working out several models of the relation between the Church and the world, sometimes ones excluding each other. The most important ones include models conventionally defined as theories of incarnationism (indirect participation), polarization (correlation), secularization (exclusivism), integral participation, critical participation, inglobalization (global absorption) and some trends of eschatologism. Analysis of the most important aspects of these theories or trends allows a better comprehension of the great vitality and significance of the problem of relation to the world in the life of the whole Church, having also controversial elements and ones that may give rise to misunderstandings.
Roczniki Teologii Moralnej; 2010, 2; 153-166
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Moralnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Duch, który przekonywa świat o grzechu” (DeV 27). Pneumatologiczna reinterpretacja profetyczno-krytycznej misji Kościoła w świecie
“The Spirit who convinces the world of sin” (DeV 27). The Pneumatological Reinterpretation of the Prophetic and Critical Mission of the Church in the World
Gocko, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Duch Święty
posłannictwo Kościoła w świecie
encyklika Dominum et Vivificantem
nauka społeczna Kościoła
grzech społeczny
The Holy Spirit
the Church
the mission of the Church in the world
the encyclical letter Dominum et Vivificantem
social teaching of the Church
social sin
Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na rolę Ducha Świętego w posłannictwie Kościoła w świecie. Duch Święty nie tylko wskazuje konkretne kierunki i środki tego posłannictwa, ale jest nade wszystko źródłem tego posłannictwa, a więc także źródłem jego owocności (1). Duch Święty jako ożywcza moc i światło napotyka jednak w tym świecie na opór i sprzeciw, w pierwszej kolejności w wymiarze wewnętrznym i podmiotowym poprzez grzech, a następnie w zobiektywizowanym kształcie kultury i cywilizacji, co we współczesnej teologii znalazło wyraz w koncepcji „grzechu społecznego” i „struktur grzechu” (2). Jeśli Kościół chce rozpoznać i urzeczywistnić swoją posługę wobec świata wedle mandatu otrzymanego od Chrystusa, musi ciągle otwierać się na Ducha Świętego, który „przekonuje świat o grzechu, sprawiedliwości i sądzie” (J 16, 8). Dziś to zadanie przekonywania świata o grzechu podejmuje Kościół przede wszystkim na płaszczyźnie doktrynalnej. W odniesieniu do sfery społecznej rolę tę pełni nauka społeczna Kościoła poprzez swój profetyczno-krytyczny wymiar (3).
The paper is aimed at highlighting the role of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the Church in the world. (1) Besides indicating the specific directions and means of this mission, the Holy Spirit is, first and foremost, its source and consequently the source of its fruitfulness. (2) In this world, however, the Holy Spirit, as the invigorating power and light, encounters resistance and opposition, first in the internal and subjective dimension through sin, and then in the objectified shape of culture and civilization, which in modern theology found its expression in the concept of “social sin” and “structures of sin”. (3) If the Church wants to recognize and realize its ministry to the world according to the mandate received from Christ, it must be constantly open to the Holy Spirit, who “convinces the world of sin, justice and judgment” (Jn 16: 8). Today, the task of convincing the world of sin is undertaken by the Church primarily on the doctrinal level. In relation to the social sphere, this role is played by the Church’s social teaching through its prophetic and critical dimension.
Verbum Vitae; 2020, 37, 1; 241-256
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Plenary Council in the Czech Republic (1997—2005)
Synode plénier en République tchèque (1997—2005)
Sinodo plenario nella Repubblica Ceca (1997—2005)
Menke, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Plenary Council in the Czech Republic
pastoral care
Commission for the Particular Law
Czech Bishops’ Conference
the life and mission of Christians in the Church and the world
This article analyses the preparation, process and conclusions of the Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic held in 1997—2005. The Plenary Council was one of the few manifestations of the collegiality of the Czech Church, because the diocesan synods are not used here as a tool. The Decree on convocation of the Assembly was announced by the Czech and Moravian bishops on 5 July 1997 in Velehrad. The council was also an opportunity for priests and laity in the country to realise their responsibility for the Church and the co-responsibility of the Church for the condition of society. The Council had a preparatory phase (1997—2003), a stage of the 1st Session (July 2003), and a second phase of the Session (July 2005) where the project was completed and followed by the process of post-conciliar steps. Three final messages were the immediate output from the Second Plenary Session: the Message of the Council to the Public; the Message of the Council to the Believers of the Catholic Church and the Message of the Council to Christians in the Czech Republic. The resulting document was published in 2007 under the title The Life and Mission of Christians in the Church and the World. It was a document of a pastoral nature, in no way of a normative nature (no rules were actually adopted despite the work of the commission and the proposals). The Czech situation is described as “post-Christian missionary territory” there and — estimated the course of the conciliar process and of the Council itself — as an introduction of more intensive implementation of synodality in the Czech Church.
In questo articolo tratterò la preparazione, il percorso e le conclusioni del Sinodo Plenario nella Repubblica Ceca, tenutosi negli anni 1997—2005. Il Sinodo Plenario è stato una delle poche manifestazioni della collegialità della Chiesa ceca, perché i sinodi diocesani non vengono indetti. Il decreto sulla convocazione del Sinodo Plenario è stato annunciato dai vescovi il 5 luglio 1997 a Velehrad. Il Sinodo doveva anche dare occa sione ai sacerdoti e laici di prendere coscienza della loro responsabilità per la Chiesa e della corresponsabilità della Chiesa per lo stato della società. Il Sinodo ha avuto una fase preparatoria (1997—2003), la prima fase della sessione (luglio 2003), seguita dalla seconda fase (luglio 2005), durante la quale si è concluso il progetto, e infine le fasi post-sinodali. Tre messaggi finali della 2a fase del Sinodo Plenario sono: il Messaggio del Sinodo alla società, il Messaggio ai fedeli della Chiesa cattolica e il Messaggio ai cristiani nella Repubblica Ceca. Il documento finale, intitolato La vita e la missione dei cristiani nella Chiesa e nel mondo, è stato pubblicato nel 2007 e. Era un documento di carattere pastorale, per nulla normativo (contrariamente all’operato del Comitato di diritto particolare e alle sue proposte, nessuna norma è stata infine adottata). La situazione ceca è stata definita come «un territorio di missione post-cristiana», e il percorso del processo sinodale è stato valutato come un’introduzione a una sinodalità più completa nella Chiesa ceca.
Dans le présent article, je traite de la préparation, du déroulement et des conclusions du Synode Plénier en République Tchèque, qui a eu lieu dans les années 1997—2005. Le Synode Plénier a été l’une des rares manifestations de la collégialité dans l’Église tchèque, car il n’y a pas de tradition de synodes diocésains en Tchéquie. Le décret sur la convocation du Synode Plénier a été annoncé par les évêques le 5 juillet 1997 à Velehrad. Le Synode devait aussi donner l’occasion aux prêtres et aux laïcs de prendre conscience de leur responsabilité envers l’Église et de la coresponsabilité de l’Église pour l’état de la société. Le Synode a eu une phase préparatoire (1997—2003), la première phase de la session (juillet 2003) a été suivie d’une deuxième phase de la session (juillet 2005), lors de laquelle le projet a été achevé, et enfin la phase d’étapes post-synodales. Les trois messages finaux de la deuxième phase du Synode Plénier sont : le Message du Synode à la Société, le Message aux Fidèles de l’Église catholique et le Message aux Chrétiens de la République tchèque. Le document final a été publié en 2007 sous le titre La vie et la mission des chrétiens dans l’Église et dans le monde. C’était un document à caractère pastoral, nullement normatif (contrairement aux travaux de la Commission du droit particulier et de ses propositions, aucune norme n’a finalement été adoptée). La situation tchèque a été décrite comme «un territoire de mission postchrétienne» et le déroulement du processus synodal a été vu comme une introduction à une synodalité plus complète dans l’Église tchèque.
Ecumeny and Law; 2020, 8; 73-93
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lutheran service to the migrants. Global and Polish experiences
Servizio luterano ai migranti. Esperienze polacche e globali
Service luthérien aux migrants. Expériences en Pologne et au niveau mondial
Sojka, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Lutheran World Federation
mission of the Church
Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Poland
Federazione Luterana Mondiale
la missione della Chiesa
la Chiesa evangelico-augusta in Polonia
Fédération luthérienne mondiale
mission de l’Église
Église évangélique-Augsbourg en Pologne
The article presents Lutheran engagement for migrants, using the examples of activities undertaken by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, as well as by the Lutheran World Federation, which is the biggest global organisation of Lutheran Churches all over the world. In case of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession the text provides an overview of the initiatives undertaken since 2015 in service to the migrants on the parish and Church levels, as well as in cooperation with ecumenical partners (including the activities within the Polish Ecumenical Council and in cooperation with the Catholic Church). In case of the Lutheran World Federation, the first step was to present the theological justification for the Federation’s engagement in the work for migrants, and the next one — to outline the characteristics of the work of the Department for World Service (Federation’s humanitarian agency) in 2018.
L’articolo presenta l’impegno luterano nei confronti dei migranti sull’esempio delle attività intraprese dalla Chiesa evangelico-augusta in Polonia, nonché dalla Federazione luterana mondiale, ovvero la più grande organizzazione mondiale di Chiese luterane nel mondo. Relativamente alla Chiesa evangelica di Augusta, nel presente testo si passa in rassegna le iniziative intraprese dal 2015 per servire i migranti a livello parrocchiale e ecclesiale, nonché in collaborazione con i partner ecumenici (anche all’interno del Consiglio ecumenico polacco e in cooperazione con la Chiesa cattolica). Nel caso della Federazione Luterana Mondiale, in una prima fase del discorso, è stata presentata la giustificazione teologica del coinvolgimento della Federazione nel lavoro a favore dei migranti, e nella successiva, si è delineato il lavoro del Dipartimento dei servizi mondiali (agenda umanitaria della Federazione) nel 2018.
L’article présente l’engagement luthérien en faveur des migrants sur l’exemple des activités entreprises par l’Église évangélique d’Augsbourg en Pologne, ainsi que la Fédération luthérienne mondiale, c’est-à-dire la plus grande organisation mondiale d’Églises luthériennes dans le monde. Dans le cas de l’Église évangélique d’Augsbourg, le texte passe en revue les initiatives entreprises depuis 2015 pour aider les migrants au niveau paroissial et ecclésial, ainsi qu’en coopération avec des partenaires oecuméniques (y compris au sein du Conseil oecuménique polonais et de la coopération avec l’Église catholique). En ce qui concerne la Fédération luthérienne mondiale, dans un premier temps, le ette a présenté la justification théologique de l’engagement de la Fédération dans le travail en faveur des migrants, et dans un second temps, on a décrit le travail du Département des services mondiaux (agenda humanitaire de la Fédération) en 2018.
Ecumeny and Law; 2021, 9; 67-88
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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