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Testing the Acoustic Silencers
Pierchała, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
aerodynamic noise
noise reduction
ventilation systems
numerical tests
acoustic field
sound absorbing cassettes
dispersing component
Problems associated with designing silencers are presented. Results of direct tests of silencers for cooperation with systems of axial fans, as well as results of numerical tests of a two stage acoustic silencer, are given. The numerical tests enabled determining the distribution of acoustic field inside the silencer and in the surrounding area. In those tests A sound insertion losses for different variants of installation inside the silencer, as well as for two different types of absorbing material used to fill the silencer walls, were determined. Impact of design features of silencers on effectiveness of noise reduction is described. Also, a technical sketch of a universal silencer with significant noise reduction (DipS = 39:1 dB) which can be successfully used in many ventilation systems is presented.
Archives of Acoustics; 2018, 43, 2; 313-321
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tłumiki torowe i przyszynowe jako innowacyjne rozwiązania dla ochrony ludzi i środowiska przed hałasem od ruchu kolejowego
Innovative solutions in people and environmental protection against rail traffic noise – dampers of the rails and track suppressors
Brzeziński, K.
Kraśkiewicz, C.
Oleksiewicz, W.
Płudowska-Zagrajek, M.
Wasilewski, K.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
tłumiki przyszynowe
tłumiki torowe
ochrona przed hałasem
hałas komunikacyjny
redukcja hałasu
dampers of the rails
track suppressors
protection against rail traffic noise
traffic noise
noise reduction
Wzrost prędkości pojazdów szynowych, poza skróceniem czasów przejazdu, powoduje również zwiększoną emisję hałasu, który negatywnie oddziałuje na ludzi i środowisko. Aby zminimalizować ten negatywny efekt, stosuje się różnorodne metody ograniczające poziom emisji hałasu do otoczenia, jednak nie zawsze tradycyjne metody przynoszą zadowalające efekty lub są możliwe do zastosowania. Zwiększenie skuteczności tych metod można osiągnąć przez dodatkowe, innowacyjne rozwiązania określane mianem tłumików przyszynowych i tłumików torowych, będące przedmiotem grantu badawczego „Innowacyjne rozwiązania w zakresie ochrony ludzi i środowiska przed hałasem od ruchu kolejowego – InRaNoS”.
The increase in the speed of rail vehicles causes an increased noise emission, what may have a negative effect on people and environment. To minimize this negative impact, various methods are used to reduce noise emission to the environment. However, not always traditional methods bring satisfactory results or are possible to apply. The alternative to them are innovative solutions, such as dampers of the rails and track suppressors, being the subject of the research grant “Innovative solutions of people and the environment protection against rail traffic noise - InRaNoS”
Zeszyty Naukowo-Techniczne Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji w Krakowie. Seria: Materiały Konferencyjne; 2018, 1(115); 33-46
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowo-Techniczne Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji w Krakowie. Seria: Materiały Konferencyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Проектирование выпускных систем тракторных двигателей
Design of exhaust systems of tractor engines
Bezruchko, A. F.
Szymanek, M.
Tanaś, W.
Sprawka, M.
Tanaś, J.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych
metody redukcji hałasu
projektowanie układów wydechowych
methods of noise reduction
noise exhaust
design of exhaust systems
The article describes: design methods for exhaust systems, calculation of the noise characteristics of a silencer, optimization of the technical characteristics of the exhaust system.
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering; 2018, 63, 1; 5-7
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noise reduction at the shooting range by means of level-dependent hearing protectors
Młyński, Rafał
Kozłowski, Emil
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
impulse noise
noise reduction
level-dependent hearing protectors
Background The aim of the tests was to establish the possibilities of reducing impulse noise by using level-dependent hearing protectors at a shooting range. The tests included 9 models of level-dependent earmuffs and 2 models of level-dependent earplugs. They were conducted in the presence of impulse noise generated by 7 types of firearms (pistols, a submachine gun, rifles, a shotgun). Material and Methods The tests were conducted at an outdoor shooting range, using an acoustic test fixture that meets the requirements of the ANSI/ASA S12.42-2010 standard. Noise parameters were established for the noise reaching the microphones installed in the ear simulators of the acoustic test fixture: uncovered and protected by the tested hearing protectors. Results All 11 tested level-dependent hearing protectors allow to satisfactorily (below the exposure limit values) reduce the C-weighted peak sound pressure level and A-weighted maximum sound pressure level parameters of noise produced during shots from the 7 types of firearms included in the study. Moreover, in the most unfavorable case, the permissible number of impulses due to the value of the A-weighted noise exposure level normalized to an 8-h working day parameter exceeds 5000 per day. Conclusions Level-dependent hearing protectors constitute the appropriate means to protect the hearing of people at a shooting range, while maintaining the functionality of these protection devices to transmit speech signals. Med Pr. 2019;70(3):265–73
Medycyna Pracy; 2019, 70, 3; 265-273
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
3E - A new paradigm for the development of civil aviation
Orkisz, Marek
Kuźniar, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
electric propulsion
hybrid propulsion
distributed propulsion
reduction of emission exhaust
reduction of noise
decrease of fuel consumption
napęd elektryczny
napęd hybrydowy
napęd rozproszony
redukcja emisji spalin
redukcja hałasu
zmniejszenie zużycia paliwa
Nowadays, in civil aviation, issues related to improving efficiency, reducing the costs of air operations as well as the negative impact of air transport on the environment are of increasing importance. These ideas allow the formulation of the paradigm relating to the development of air transport - ‘more Efficiently, more Economically, more Eco-friendly - 3E’. The article presents in a cross-sectional and synthetic way research conducted by leading scientific centres around the world as well as prototype aviation constructions designed by companies from the aviation industry. Benefits and disadvantages of future propulsions, such as purely electric, hybrid and distributed propulsions, were presented. Conclusions were formulated regarding further possible directions of civil aviation development, taking into account the improvement of its efficiency as well as economic and ecological indicators.
Combustion Engines; 2020, 59, 2; 3--10
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Attenuation Characteristics of Vibration in a Locally Resonant Phononic Crystal Frame Structure
Wang, Yukun
Qian, Denghui
Wu, Jinghong
He, Feiyang
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
LRPC frame structure
high-rise building
finite element method
vibration insulation
noise reduction
In this paper, a frame structure based on the locally resonant (LR) mechanism of phononic crystals (PCs) is designed on account of the wide application of frame structures in high-rise buildings, and the band structures, displacement fields of eigenmodes, and transmission power spectrums of corresponding finite structure are calculated by finite element (FE) method. Numerical results and further analysis demonstrate that a full band gap with low starting frequency can be opened by the frame structure formed by periodically combining soft and hard materials, and the starting frequency can be further lowered with the adjustment of corresponding geometric parameters, which provides a theoretical basis for the studies on vibration insulation and noise reduction of high-rise buildings.
Archives of Acoustics; 2020, 45, 3; 557-562
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody redukcji hałasu w świetle wymagań środowiskowych oraz uregulowań prawnych
Noise Reduction Methods in the Light of Environmental Requirements and Legal Regulations
Leśniak, Tomasz
Kustra, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Przeróbki Kopalin
aktywna redukcja hałasu
hałas przemysłowy
opłacalność inwestycji
wymagania środowiskowe
active noise reduction
industrial noise
investment profitability
environmental requirements
Głównym celem publikacji było przedstawienie metod redukcji hałasu w świetle decyzji środowiskowych, prawnych oraz ekonomicznych. Realizując cel wykorzystano badania literatury. W ramach rozważań teoretycznych skupiono się na zdefiniowaniu problemu hałasu przemysłowego jako jednego z głównych rodzajów hałasu. Przedstawiono w jakim stopniu hałas wpływa zarówno na środowisko wewnętrzne przedsiębiorstwa jak i środowisko naturalne, zakłócając naturalny stan zwany ciszą. Wyszczególniono najważniejsze uregulowania prawne w postaci dyrektyw, ustaw oraz rozporządzeń, które mają na celu unormowanie warunków pracy i środowiska. W dalszej części publikacji przedstawiono i pogrupowano metody redukcji hałasu, klasyfikując tym samym metody redukcji do konkretnych problemów przemysłowych. W ostatniej części publikacji skupiono się na ekonomicznym wymiarze problemu hałasu. Wyodrębniono obszary odpowiedzialne za generowanie kosztów w związku z utrzymywaniem się wysokiego poziomu hałasu oraz kosztami związanymi z inwestycją w metody redukcji hałasu. Niniejsza publikacja stanowi podstawę do dalszych rozważań na temat ekonomicznej zasadności inwestowania w metody walki z uciążliwym hałasem przemysłowym.
The main purpose of the scientific publication was to present noise reduction methods in the light of environmental, legal and economic decisions. To achieve this goal, literature research was used. Theoretical considerations focused on defining the problem of industrial noise as one of the main types of noise. It is presented to what extent noise affects both, the internal and natural environment, disrupting the natural condition called silence. The most important regulations were specified in the form of directives, acts and ordinances which aim at normalizing working and environmental conditions. The following section of publication presents and grouped noise reduction methods, thus classifying those methods for specific industrial problems. Last part of the publication focuses on the economic dimension of the noise problem. Areas responsible for generating costs in connection with the persistence of high noise levels and costs related to investment in noise reduction methods have been identified. This specific publication is the basis for further considerations on the economic legitimacy of investing in methods to countermeasures disturbing, industrial noise.
Inżynieria Mineralna; 2020, 1, 1; 273-279
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Mineralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use of Acoustic Camera for Noise Sources Localization and Noise Reduction in the Industrial Plant
Fiebig, Wiesław
Dąbrowski, Damian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
noise source localization
noise reduction
industrial noise control
acoustic camera
The paper presents results of the localization of main noise sources in the industrial plant. Identification of main noise sources was made with an acoustic camera using Beamforming Method. Parallel to the measurements by means of the acoustic camera, sound level measurements on the main noise sources have been performed. Based on the calculations, prediction regarding the noise emission at residential buildings located near to the plant has been determined. Acoustic noise maps have been performed with LEQ Professional software, which includes the 3D geometry of the buildings inside the plant. It has been established that, after introduction of noise reduction measures in the plant, the noise levels at the observation points in the residential area meets the limit values.
Archives of Acoustics; 2020, 45, 1; 111-117
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Active system for reduction of noise parameters of car muffler with the use of pressure sensors based on silicon microcrystals
Zinko, R.V.
Kutrakov, A.P.
Shybanov, S.V.
Zashchepkina, N.M.
Markina, O.M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materiałach i Inżynierii Powierzchni w Gliwicach
active noise damping
car mufflers
noise reduction
high-temperature pressure sensors
filamentary crystals
aktywne tłumienie hałasu
tłumiki samochodowe
redukcja hałasu
wysokotemperaturowe czujniki ciśnienia
kryształy włókniste
Purpose: The article contains the results of research and development of a system for active noise damping of an automobile engine. The proposed system of active noise suppression can significantly reduce the sound pressure level in the frequency band up to 500 Hz. The robotic principle of the developed system is based on the addition of an additional buffer tank with a variable volume in the silencer system. The use of high-temperature sensors with strain gauges based on silicon microcrystals to obtain information on the parameters of sound vibrations arising during the exhaust gas outflow made it possible to create a control system for changing the volume of the buffer tank. The results of testing the proposed system of active noise suppression of an internal combustion engine are presented. Design/methodology/approach: The active noise suppression system based on the Helmholtz resonator used tools to control general noise levels, experimental tests, complex mathematical modelling of acoustic processes in Solidworks, taking into account the conditions of propagation and attenuation of sound energy by intermediate closed volumes. Findings: The use of an additional resonator chamber with variable volume in the exhaust muffler of the internal combustion engine allowed to reduce the resonant phenomena in the zone of low-frequency pulsations of exhaust gas pressure from 57 Hz to 43 Hz at frequency drift in the range of 310… 350 Hz, which significantly improved its noise characteristics. Research limitations/implications: For further research, to improve the characteristics of the active noise suppression system, it is advisable to consider the use of several in in transient modes of engine operation. Practical implications: The developed design of active noise reduction is simpler in comparison with analogs and allows reducing the noise of exhaust gases in a low-frequency range. Originality/value: To reduce the noise, a variable-volume Helmholtz resonator was used, the efficiency of which is provided by high-temperature sensors of the original design.
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering; 2021, 109, 1; 35--41
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nonlinear Nonlocal Algorithm for Video Filtering
El Ouafdi, Ahmed Fouad
El Houari, Hassan
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
video filter
noise reduction
nonlocal filter
Bayesian filtering
nonlinear filter
filtr wideo
redukcja szumów
filtr nielokalny
filtrowanie bayesowskie
filtr nieliniowy
Video sequences are frequently contaminated by noise throughout the acquisition process, resulting in considerable degradation of video display quality. In this paper, we present a novel method of video filtering. The proposed filter is developed from an optimization problem in which a Bayesian term and a noisy video sequence prior distribution are combined. The method begins by segmenting the video sequence into space-time blocks and then substituting each noisy block by a weighted average of non-local neighbor blocks. Gradient-based weights are used to dynamically adjust the edge preservation and smoothness of the reference block. The obtained formulation enables nonlinear filtering and, hence, preserving key features such as edges and corners while using the intrinsic Bayesian filtering framework. Experiments on different video sequences with varying degrees of noise show that the proposed method performs better than state-of-the-art video filtering approaches.
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal; 2021, 15, 4; 243-252
Pojawia się w:
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sound Field Modelling and Noise Reduction for a Forklift Power Compartment Based on Perfectly Matched Layer and Acoustic Packaging Design
Zhang, Enlai
Liu, Zhiqi
Zhang, Jingjing
Lin, Jiahe
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
forklift power compartment
sound field modelling
perfectly matched layer
acoustic packaging design
noise reduction
The core goal of this paper is to put forward a feasible scheme of noise reduction for a target forklift on the basis of solving the problem of vibration and acoustic radiation from complex structures in infinite domain. Based on the previous report and vibration acceleration tests, the acoustic virtual wind tunnel model of forklift power compartment was established using finite element method and boundary element method, in which the perfectly matched layer was first applied to simulate the attenuation propagation of sound waves in air. In addition, according to the distribution characteristics of sound pressure field with different frequencies, the acoustic energy mainly radiated through the bottom and right side, and concentrated in the low frequency. Consequently, the acoustic packaging design for the whole forklift power compartment was presented, and a satisfying noise reduction effect was achieved.
Archives of Acoustics; 2021, 46, 3; 491-498
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Business plan concept for the production of rubber-based noise reduction walls in slovakia for the potential of worn tires material recovery
Potkány, Marek
Krajčírová, Lucia
Osvaldová, Mária
Data publikacji:
circular economy
noise reduction wall
The automotive industry is one of the fastest growing sectors and therefore places demand on many other sectors and increases the need for cooperation. With the development of the automotive industry, tires have become an integral part of society and the everyday life of the individual. As a result of the company's development as a connection of transport, the demand for tires is increasing and the production of waste tires is also related to this. The use of end-of-life tires is almost endless and that is why tires are good to use in the circular economy. The circular economy is an economic system that aims to keep products and materials in use for longer, thus increasing their productivity and reducing waste. The paper presents a methodical concept of the plan for the extension of production capacities of rubber-based pressed products with the intention to produce noise reduction panels. The investment consists of the acquisition of the pressing machine and respective mould in the amount of € 180,000. Based on the selected assessment methods it can be stated that the NPV reaches + 69,360 €, Profitability index is 1.38, Internal Rate of Return is 23.8% and the payback period is estimated for 4 years and 4 months, at the considered production capacity of 14,000 m2/year.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2022, 2 (30); 140--145
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noise analysis and reduction methods in sanitation facilities and equipment
Kalda, Galyna
Paździorny, Tomasz
Pietrucha-Urbanik, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza. Oficyna Wydawnicza
sanitation facilities
sanitation equipment
noise reduction method
sprzęt sanitarny
metody redukcji hałasu
The article presents an analysis of noise in sanitary devices, and the described methods of reducing noise in places where noise occurs. The given results of noise tests of sanitary facilities and workplaces concerns one of the municipal company. Described sources of noise in water supply, sewage as well as ventilation and air conditioning systems. It has been shown that the noises occurring in residential buildings may be caused by excessively high pressure inside the installation, where, for example, when closing the valve, a water hammer phenomenon arises, causing audible noises, especially when the installation is made of metal materials. The article analyzes noise in sanitary facilities, describes the methods of reducing noise in places where noise occurs. The given results of noise tests of sanitary facilities and workplaces in one of the municipal companies of the city of the Subcarpathian province. Described sources of noise in water supply, sewage as well as ventilation and air conditioning systems. It has been shown that the noises occurring in residential buildings may be caused by excessively high pressure inside the installation, where, for example, when closing the valve, a water hammer phenomenon arises, causing audible noises, especially when the installation is made of metal materials. It has been shown that the main causes of noise in plumbing systems can be rigid pipe fittings. Noises in the sewage system are related to the outflow of used water in vertical and horizontal sections. The phenomenon most often occurs in places connecting vertical pipes with horizontal pipes, as well as the use of too small diameters of pipes. Material noise reduction in sewage systems can be ensured thanks to a properly designed system of fastening pipes to fixed elements. An important step is to use appropriate sound insulation to stop unwanted sounds. The reason for noise in the air-conditioning and ventilation system are changes in the velocity of the flowing air mass and the occurrence of turbulences during the change of the air flow direction. This causes the ducts to resonate and the air flow noise through the diffusers. The most common noise problem in the central heating installation is the use of a solid fuel boiler, the maintenance work of the device is a problem, as it requires cleaning the furnace, which is related to the noise that is transmitted through the installation pipes to the rooms. Based on the analysis of workstations at the municipal company plant, it has been shown that the highest conformity deviation level is in the drying room in the position of a machine and device operator.
Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury; 2022, 39, 69; 17--26
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Field Experiment as a Tool to Verify The Effectiveness of Prototype Track Structure Components Aimed at Reducing Railway Noise Nuisance
Kraśkiewicz, Cezary
Klekot, Grzegorz
Książka, Piotr
Zbiciak, Artur
Mossakowski, Przemysław
Chacińska, Patrycja
Al Sabouni-Zawadzka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
vibroacoustic isolator
ballasted track structure
ballastless track structure
noise reduction
field test.
The almost unlimited possibilities of modern computational tools create the temptation to study phenomena related to the operation of engineering objects exclusively using complex numerical simulations. However, the fascination with multi-parametric complex computational models, whose solutions are obtained using iterative techniques, may result in qualitative discrepancies between reality and virtual simulations. The need to verify on real objects the conclusions obtained from numerical calculations is therefore indisputable. The enormous cost and uniqueness of large-scale test stands significantly limit the possibility of conducting tests under real conditions. The solution may be an experiment focused on testing features relevant to the given task, while minimising the dimensions of the objects under consideration. Such conditions led to the concept of conducting a series of field experiments to verify the effectiveness of prototype track components, which were developed using numerical simulations to reduce the noise caused by passing trains. The main aim of this study is to examine the acoustic efficiency of prototype porous concrete sound absorbing panels, in relation to the ballasted and ballastless track structures. Presented results of the proposed unconventional experiments carried out on an improvised test stand using the recorded acoustic signals confirm the effectiveness of the developed vibroacoustic isolators.
Archives of Acoustics; 2024, 49, 1; 61-71
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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