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Storying the Good Life: Selfhood and Morality Through the Biographical Narrative Storyline
Bernasconi, Oriana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Life Stories
Narrative Analysis
Cultural Change
Moral Motives
The connection between personal story and morality has been long enunciated, but remains under-researched. Combining moral and narrative theory, this article approaches this relation by introducing a line of narrative inquiry oriented towards the exploration of how ethical intentions with regard to the good life manifest in and shape the biographical storyline and the self narratively assembled. The analysis encompasses a first case-based stage focused on the examination of the main motive of the personal story and its effects upon the organization of both self and narrative, followed by a comparative phase in which storylines and moral motives that work as reference of a set of biographical accounts belonging to different social positions, temporalities, or geographies are contrasted in order to establish linkages, breaks, and transformations in the relation between identity and morality across cases. This line of inquiry is applied into a research about intergenerational changes and continuities in the relation between selfhood and morality, based on life stories conducted with Chilean people of successive generations. In the conclusions, this strategy of narrative analysis is assessed in the light of current development of this field of qualitative social research.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2015, 11, 4; 82-100
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Suicide from the joint perspective of canon law and Polish law
Grudecki, Michał
Sajkowski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
moral teaching of the Church
canon law
criminal law
right to life and human dignity
The purpose of this paper was to show how the ecclesiastical and secular societies protect human life against a specific danger posed by one’s own hand. The authors, basing on the formal-dogmatic approach, researching literature and analysing appropriate norms of canon and Polish law, demonstrate that both canon and Polish criminal law provisions on suicide protect human life only circumstantially. In the first part, we present the issue of suicide from the point of view of moral teachings of the Catholic Church, which are a fundamen- tal law-making factor for the ecclesiastical community. Reception of the ethical doctrine by canon law was reflected in two Codes of Canon Law, those of 1917 and 1983. In these codi- fications, we traced gradual reduction of prohibitions or sanctions for suicides (especially regarding right to Christian burial), which however does not refer to all self-killers, because of the need for protecting other spiritual goods (suicide attempt as irregularity in the case of receiving or exercising holy orders). In the second part, we presented the problem of suicide in the context of Polish law, with special emphasis on the significance of human life as a le- gal interest subject to strong protection and as a conflict between life and dignity. We also analysed the question of the unlawfulness of suicide attempts. In the end, we point to legal measures intended to prevent this phenomenon, which is unfavourable to the society.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2020, 31, 3; 23-39
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Troska o ład moralny życia społecznego w nauczaniu papieża Benedykta XVI
The Care for the Moral Order of the Social Life in the Teachings of Pope Benedict XVI
Kluz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Benedict XVI
social life
moral renewal
Jesus Christ
Social issues have played an important role in the overall teaching of Pope Benedict XVI. Being aware of the existence of many disturbing threats to social life in all its dimensions, the Pope tried to indicate the direction of the solutions to some growing dilemmas. Trying to remedy evil, he pointed to Christ, who strengthens human hearts to overcome threats, inspired by the action of an evil spirit. In his teachings, the Pope raised awareness that a man following Christ is a hope for solving urgent social problems. His goal was not to consider the problems theoretically, but to shape the moral consciousness of a man and constantly appeal to his conscience. In this way, the teaching of Benedict XVI is an expression of the prophetic mission of the Church; is a call to repair the social life.
Studia Ełckie; 2021, 23, 1; 41-58
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczestnictwo w polityce jako moralna powinność obywatela
The Participation in Politics as a Moral Duty of a Citizen
Sobuś, Paweł Bogumił
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
political engagement
moral duty
social life
According to the Aristotelian definition, politics is a co-formation of social life within human capacity in the conditions of freedom and equality, while under specific authority. In a more narrow sense, it is understood as the art of administration. In a broader sense, it denotes any care for public life. Every citizen, as a member of a community, takes advantage of goods it has produced. Their participation cannot resemble the situation of a person subjected to a transfusion; instead, it must manifest itself in their contribution to the development of society. One of the aspects of the commitment to social life is political activity. It should not limit itself to the activity of politicians themselves, but, to a greater or lesser extent, it should engage all citizens. It is by their participation in political elections that citizens undertake an effort of shaping reality. The formation of the young generation’s attitudes is another manner in which parents and teachers manifest their care for social life.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2008, 11, 2; 217-224
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiara w życiu i postawie moralnej człowieka w świetle encykliki Lumen fidei papieża Franciszka
Kluz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Jesus Christ
the Church
moral life
życie moralne
Faith is one of fundamental attitudes in man’s life. Thus, authentic faith cannot be separated in any way from man’s ethos understood as all his moral actions and attitudes. It cannot be isolated as well from an accepted hierarchy of moral values and one’s own vision as a man. Pope Francis’ encyclical Lumen fidei clearly speaks about the value of faith. For the pope faith is a personal meeting with God as Person. It gives the right meaning of human life and it determines a significant scale of values. On its deepest level, faith is an important element having an influence on the whole moral life. It transforms the hearts of men shaping the community of the Church and thus it becomes a school of true Christian moral life labelled with man’s attitudes and behaviour. Only such a faith, nurtured from childhood in the family can become the centre of man’s existence and can affect the life reaching a high moral level.
Faith is one of fundamental attitudes in man’s life. Thus, authentic faith cannot be separated in any way from man’s ethos understood as all his moral actions and attitudes. It cannot be isolated as well from an accepted hierarchy of moral values and one’s own vision as a man. Pope Francis’ encyclical Lumen fidei clearly speaks about the value of faith. For the pope faith is a personal meeting with God as Person. It gives the right meaning of human life and it determines a significant scale of values. On its deepest level, faith is an important element having an influence on the whole moral life. It transforms the hearts of men shaping the community of the Church and thus it becomes a school of true Christian moral life labelled with man’s attitudes and behaviour. Only such a faith, nurtured from childhood in the family can become the centre of man’s existence and can affect the life reaching a high moral level.
Polonia Sacra; 2013, 17, 2
Pojawia się w:
Polonia Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaufanie ukryte w solidarności
Drożdż, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
trust, gift, destruction of life, drama, moral standards, solidarity, values
destrukcja życia
normy moralne
The personal experience of trust and solidarity indicates a deep interpenetration of the content contained in these terms. The main research assumption of this article (above all axiological) is the claim that we can not talk about of solidarity in isolation from authentic trust between a person and a person. We trust only reliable people. We trust people with clear moral principles and people who recognize and profess the true values necessary to build a meaningful life. It is known that it is very difficult to give someone trust, who is morally unstable, who fails, who is not faithful to constant and universally binding moral norms. The author of the article tries to justify the thesis that the ethics of solidarity is based on the ethics of trust and that trust and solidarity are basic values in social life, constituting the basis for building a genuine community.
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia; 2017, 9, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socialia Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie i potrzeba posłuszeństwa prawu Bożemu w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
The importance and need of obedience to the God’s law in the teaching of John Paul II
Król, Remigiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydział Teologiczny
the God’s law
social justice
moral good
moral norm
God the Creator and Redeemer
own life
disciples of Christ
prawo Boże
sprawiedliwość społeczna
dobro moralne
norma moralna
Bóg Stwórca i Odkupiciel
uczniowie Chrystusa
własne życie
The author of this publication draws attention to the fact that in the face of the spread of dangerous forms of social and economic injustice and political corruption, currently there is an urgent need for a radical renewal of individuals and societies that could provide and ensure justice, solidarity, honesty and transparency. According to the autor, the most complex problems can be solved only on the foundation of the truth where: the highest Good and moral good are present and confronted, as this is the place where a human being, by obeying the transcendent truth, acquires his/her full identity. To the author, this dimension emphasizes the argument that modern totalitarianism is born as a result of negating the transcendent dignity of the human being, which is a visible image of invisible God and hence, by its very nature, the subject of laws that cannot be broken or ignored by individuals, groups, classes, nations or states. Therefore, according to the author, a human being should obey the moral norm in every even the most dificult life situation „in order to obey the God's holy commandment and act in accordance with his/her personal dignity. Moreover, Król emphasizes the fact of obedience to the God's law, which, by presenting the attitude of a number of holy men and women, who proclaimed the moral truth and defended it as martyrs or chose death over committing one mortal sin, shows the Church to the faithful and all people of good will. Noteworthy is the fact that, in the opinion of the author, the Church canonized so many people and thus, confirmed the testimonies of their lives, by publicly recognizing their conviction that „God's love requires us to obey His commandments unconditionally even in the most difficult circumstances and breaking them even to save one’s own life is not allowed”.
Autor niniejszej publikacji zwraca uwagę na fakt, że wobec szerzenia się groźnych form niesprawiedliwości społecznej i gospodarczej oraz korupcji politycznej, w naszych czasach jawi się pilna potrzeba radykalnej odnowy jednostek i społeczeństw, która byłaby zdolna zapewnić sprawiedliwość, solidarność, uczciwość i jawność. Rozwiązanie najbardziej złożonych problemów może się dokonać tylko na fundamencie prawdy w której się spotykają: najwyższe Dobro i dobro moralne. Na tej to płaszczyźnie człowiek zdobywa swą pełną tożsamość przez posłuszeństwo prawdzie transcendentnej. W tym wymiarze autor eksponuje argument, że nowoczesny totalitaryzm rodzi się z negacji transcendentnej godności osoby ludzkiej, która jest widzialnym obrazem Boga niewidzialnego i stąd, z samej swej natury, podmiotem praw, których nie może łamać i lekceważyć jednostka, grupa, klasa, naród czy państwo. Dlatego też człowiek powinien przestrzegać normy moralnej w każdej nawet najtrudniejszej sytuacji życia, „aby okazać posłuszeństwo świętemu przykazaniu Bożemu i postąpić zgodnie ze swą osobową godnością”. Ponadto autor podkreśla fakt posłuszeństwa prawu Bożemu, które ukazuje Kościół swoim wiernym oraz wszystkim ludziom dobrej woli w postawie licznych świętych mężczyzn i kobiet, którzy głosili prawdę moralną i bronili jej aż do męczeństwa bądź też woleli umrzeć niż popełnić choćby jeden grzech śmiertelny. Godnym uwagi jest fakt, że Kościół wyniósł tak wielu ludzi do chwały ołtarzy, potwierdzając tym samym ich świadectwo życia i publicznie uznając za słuszne ich przekonanie, „że miłość Boga każe bezwarunkowo przestrzegać Jego przykazań nawet w najtrudniejszych okolicznościach i nie pozwala ich łamać nawet dla ratowania własnego życia”.
Studia Paradyskie; 2021, 31; 47-70
Pojawia się w:
Studia Paradyskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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