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Procedury badania stanu maszyn w przeszłości
The procedures of condition machines investigation in past
Tylicki, H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
stan techniczny
genezowanie stanu maszyn
algorytmy procedur genezowania
machine technical condition
algorithms of genesis procedures
W opracowaniu przedstawiono problematykę wyznaczania procedur badania stanu maszyn w przeszłości oraz algorytm wyznaczania tych procedur.
The problems of marking in past as well as algorithm the procedures of condition machine investigation of marking these procedures in study was introduced.
Diagnostyka; 2006, 3(39); 35-40
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozpoznawanie stanu w obsługiwaniu maszyn
Identification of a Condition in Machinery Maintenance
Tylicki, H.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
machinery maintenance
forecasting and genesis of machine state
W artykule przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystaniaprocedur rozpoznawania stanu w obsługiwaniu maszyn. Rozpatrzono także algorytm optymalizacji procedur dla przyjętych kryteriów jakości rozwiązania zadania optymalizacyjnego.
The article deals with possible applications of procedures for the identification. The algorithm of procedures optimization for assumed quality criteria of optimization task solution is considered.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2005, 5 (77); 465-474
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Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The estimation of the cause of the machines damages
Szacowanie przyczyny uszkodzenia maszyn
Tylicki, H.
Żółtowski, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Technicznej PAN
genezowanie stanu maszyn
algorytmizacja procedur
reguły wnioskowania
machine state genesis
procedure algorithmization
conclusion rules
In this paper we introduce problem of determining algorithms for state genesis which is the basis for rules creating of machine state estimation in the past.
W artykule przedstawiono problemy związane z określeniem algorytmów genezowania stanu, które są podstawą do wyznaczania reguł wnioskowania dla oszacowania stanu maszyny w przeszłości.
Diagnostyka; 2012, 1(61); 31-38
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontrowersje wokół powstania człowieka - wstępna analiza ankiet studentów
Controversies about human origins - Preliminary analysis of a students questionnaire
Tomczyk, Jacek
Bugajak, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Księga Rodzaju
powstanie człowieka
human origin
The paper presents the results of the research which was carried out as a part of the project: Current controversies about human origins. Between anthropology and the Bible, this project was focused on the supposed conflict between natural sciences and theology (or religious beliefs) with regard to the origin of man. The research was aimed at finding out whether such a conflict really exits. For we cannot exclude the possibility that these controversies have no factual ground and their significance is inflated by American popular literature. If, on the other hand, we assume that the conflict is real, it should be worthwhile examining its sources. Such an approach may prove helpful in systematize the highly emotional debates about the origin of man. One of the ways of tackling the issue was a questionnaire which was distributed among students, teachers and university professors. Our respondents represented three disciplines: theology, philosophy and natural sciences, t t e paper presents selected results of the questionnaire which was addressed to a group of students, they were asked to fill in the form consisting of eleven questions, these questions concerned the following issues: the existence of the conflict between evolutionism and creationism, the definitions of creation and evolution, the existence of the spiritual element in man, and the ways of interpreting the Bible (esp. the first chapters of the Book of Genesis).
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2007, 5, 1; 43-59
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmental genesis of Alzheimer’s disease: A proposed role of air pollution and insecticides in AD pathogenesis
Tegowska, E.
Wosinska, A.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Przemysłu Organicznego
environmental genesis
air pollution
Alzheimer's disease
pathological change
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cerebral deposition of extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. However, these neuropathological changes are final symptoms and the earliest manifestation of pathological changes is an increase in the level of cellular oxidation caused by free radicals. As our environment is abundant in factors promoting this process, the paper presents the facts concerning the relations between air (i.e. smog and pesticides) and soil pollution (i.e. pesticides) and AD prevalence.
Pestycydy; 2011, 1-4
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Франкова концепція походження паремій: міжжанровий перехід
Koncepcja Iwana Franki dotycząca pochodzenia paremii: przejście międzygatunkowe
Franko’s concept of the origin of paremia: inter-genre transition
Szymkiw, Jaryna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
inter-genre transition
genre genesis
proverb fund
proverbs and sayings
przejście międzygatunkowe
geneza gatunku
fundusz przysłów
przysłowia i porzekadła
W artykule została przeanalizowana geneza przysłów i porzekadeł – jedno z naj- mniej zbadanych zagadnień paremiologii. Podkreślono, że przedstawiony problem rzadko pojawia się w polu naukowych zainteresowań folklorystów ukraińskich i zagranicznych. Jednak największy wkład w rozwiązanie tajemnicy pochodzenia paremii miał Iwan Franko, który w podstawowym trzy- tomowym korpusie Galicyjsko-ruskie przypowieści ludowe (ukr. Галицько-руські народні приповідки) najpełniej przedstawił sposoby uzupełniania funduszu przysłów. Według koncepcji badacza jednym z najbardziej wydajnych sposobów jest tzw. przejście międzygatunkowe, kiedy obszerniejsze gatunki zostają zredukowane do lakonicznej formuły słownej przypowieści (ukr. приповідки). Praca ujawnia, że Iwan Franko udowodnił ścisłe połączenie przysłów i porzekadeł z dowcipem, baśnią i opowiada- niem ludowym. Na podstawie konkretnych przykładów odzwierciedla się trudną pracę analityczną, jaką wykonał autor zbioru aforyzmów ludowych, starając się prześledzić pochodzenie każdego egzem- plarza. Dzięki systematycznej pracy Iwana Franki w zakresie genezy paremii udało się uwypuklić ten aspekt badań folklorystycznych na nowym poziomie i potwierdzać ścisłe korelacje międzygatunkowe, poprzez które ujawnia się niewidzialna substancja mądrości ludowej.
The article analyses the genesis of proverbs and sayings – one of the least researched issues in paremiology. It emphasizes that the specified problem only sometimes fell into the field of scientific interests of Ukrainian and foreign folklorists. However, the greatest contribution to solving the mystery of the origin of paremia was made by Ivan Franko, who, in the fundamental three-volume corpus Galician-Russian Folk proverbs, most fully presented the ways of replenishing the proverb fund. According to the researcher’s concept, one of the most productive ways is so-called “inter-genre transi- tion”, when larger genres are reduced to the concise verbal formula of the proverb. This work reveals that Ivan Franko proved a close connection between proverbs and sayings and anecdotes, fairy tales, and folk tales. The specific examples show the complex analytical work carried out by the compiler of the collection of folk aphorisms as they tried to trace the origin of each individual sample. Thanks to the systematic work of Ivan Franko in the field of the genesis of paremias, it was possible to bring this aspect of folkloristic studies to a new level and testify to the close inter-genre relationships through which the invisible substance of folk wisdom is revealed.
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia; 2022, 10, 2; 57-71
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kiev-Moscow Crimea conflict
Szymankiewicz, R.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
genesis of conflict
Crimea conflict
European Union
strategic objectives
Security is understood as a certain state of confidence, the lack of threat and the awareness that the fundamental values of the state, including, among others, existence, survival and development, are preserved and represent the objective of the security policy of each government and state. The lack of these values may exert an adverse impact on its development. The activities of the competent organs of the state, creating such policy, should be purposeful and aimed at its implementation and they should also contribute to its formulation on the international arena. The security of Ukraine, as a result of actions taken by the separatist forces, was put to a great test and the annexation of Crimea slightly redefined the European security environment and resulted only in the imposition of sanctions and diplomatic pressure on Russia. Today, it is difficult to predict the scenario for future developments in Ukraine. It would seem that the chances are 50/50 that the conflict will be resolved. So, the question remains, what will Vladimir V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, do? Will the pressure exerted by almost the entire world lead to the stabilisation of the situation in Donbass or will it result in the escalation of the conflict and the seizure of further areas, with, perhaps, Kiev included? However, the escalation of the conflict seems to be very unlikely, although it certainly would arouse nationalistic euphoria in the Russian society, as the imposed sanctions, the economic situation and losses that would be suffered by the Russians will prevent such escalation. If Putin decided to go war with Ukraine, he would have to take account of the determined opposition of the world superpowers and even greater sanctions, which the Russian economy might not be able to cope with. The paper contains the information about the genesis of the conflict in Ukraine and attempts to present the objectives of operations in the Kiev-Moscow conflict.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2017, 2; 98-110
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La nouvelle loi sur les inventions (genèse et caractéristique générale)
Szomański, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
new act
general characteristics
Droit Polonais Contemporain; 1975, 1 (25); 5-14
Pojawia się w:
Droit Polonais Contemporain
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marian Grabowski, Pierwociny stworzenia. Pomiędzy filozofią a fizyką, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2019 (rec.)
Świeżyński, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Marian Grabowski
filozofia biblijna
Księga Rodzaju
biblical philosophy
Book of Genesis
Najnowsza książka Mariana Grabowskiego może zostać zakwalifikowana do tzw. filozofii biblijnej, czyli nurtu filozoficznego odczytywania tekstu biblijnego i interpretowania jego znaczenia przy użyciu kategorii filozoficznych. Jednocześnie publikacja ta podejmuje także problematykę z zakresu filozofii przyrody z racji wyraźnie obecnych w niej prób filozoficznego uchwycenia i przedstawienia istoty rzeczywistości materialnej. Autor pracy w ten właśnie sposób zmierzył się z początkowym fragmentem biblijnej Księgi Rodzaju (Rdz 1,1–10), chcąc ustalić i ukazać głębię znaczenia tego tekstu, jego filozoficzne konotacje, a także dokonać jego reinterpretacji w świetle kategorii filozoficznych wyodrębnionych na gruncie matematyczno-fizykalnego obrazu świata.
The latest book by Marian Grabowski may be classified as biblical philosophy, i.e. the philosophical current of reading the biblical text and interpreting its meaning using philosophical categories. At the same time, this publication also deals with the issues of the philosophy of nature due to the clearly present attempts at philosophical grasping and presentation of the essence of material reality. This is how the author of the work dealt with the initial fragment of the biblical Book of Genesis (Genesis 1: 1-10), wanting to establish and show the depth of the meaning of this text, its philosophical connotations, and to reinterpret it in the light of philosophical categories distinguished on the basis of mathematics and physical image of the world.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2020, 56, 1; 135-142
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The crust structure of the Morasko meteorite – a preliminary hypothesis
Stankowski, W. T. J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
sintered crust
fusion crust
A small piece of the Morasko meteorite, weighing 970 g, yields traces of its journey through the Earth’s atmosphere and of its impact into a mineral substrate, such as reflected in the meteorite’s crust. This is seen in the crust structure in the form of sintered as well as fusion and semi-fusion layers for which ablative niches are optimum sites. Subsequent weathering processes have resulted in significant mineralogical changes in the crusts. The meteorite crusts originated during polygenetic processes.
Geologos; 2017, 23, 1; 53-56
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metaphysical Principles of Genesis
Metafizyczne zasady genezy
Stanciene, Dalia Marija
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kategoria genezy
category of genesis
Analiza historii filozofii i nauki starożytnej Grecji pokazuje, iż problemem matematycznym było stworzenie nauki przyrodniczej. Wszelkie wysiłki w celu uczynienia z matematyki, w której centrum znajdujemy statyczne formy geometryczne, nauki wyjaśniającej zasady ruchu, zmiany, stawania się i zanikania rzeczy nie przyniosły spodziewanych rezultatów. Badacze doszli do wniosku, że widzialny świat jest raczej przedmiotem różnych poglądów, ale nie nauki (zob. np. Platon, Timajos, 29). Niemniej jednak myśl, że matematyka jest istotna dla nauk przyrodniczych, była słuszna. Księga przyrody została napisana językiem matematyki − takie jest motto fizyki New Age. Trzeba by teraz pokazać konkretnie, jak język matematyki potrafi opisać zmiany. Matematyka starożytnej Grecji nie była gotowa do wypełnienia tego zadania. Grecy mieli do wyboru albo zrezygnować z projektu tworzenia nauki przyrody, albo zbudować ją na czymś innym. Arystoteles wybrał tę drugą możliwość. Oparł fizykę na metafizyce zamiast na matematyce i stworzył pierwszą naukową teorię przyrody, która obowiązywała przez stulecia, dopóki nie została zastąpiona (i to niezupełnie w sposób pokojowy) przez bardziej naukową fizykę matematyczną. Newtona ostrzeżenie brzmi: fizyka odrzuca metafizykę, odzwierciedla kolizję pomiędzy fizyką Arystotelesowską i fizyką New Age. Powstaje pytanie, czy fizyka Arystotelesa stymulowała, czy też hamowała rozwój nauk przyrodniczych. Odpowiedź na tę kwestię winna zainteresować myślicieli katolickich ze względu na bezpośrednie powiązanie z tomizmem.
An analysis of the history of philosophy and science in ancient Greece shows that the mathematical problem was to create natural science. All efforts to make mathematics at the center of which we find static geometric form, a science explaining the principles of things moving, changing, becoming, and disappearing have failed to produce the expected results. The researchers concluded that the visible world is the subject of different views rather than science (see, e.g., Plato, Timajos, 29). Nevertheless, it was correct to think that mathematics was essential to the natural sciences. The Book of Nature was written in the language of mathematics, and this is the motto of New Age physics. Now it would be necessary to show specifically how the language of mathematics can describe changes. Ancient Greek mathematics was not ready for this task. The Greeks had the choice of either giving up the project of creating a natural science or building it on something else. Aristotle chose the latter. He based physics on metaphysics instead of mathematics and created the first scientific theory of nature that was valid for centuries until it was replaced (and not entirely peacefully) by more scientific mathematical physics. Newton warns: physics rejects metaphysics; it reflects the collision between Aristotle's physics and New Age physics. The question arises whether Aristotle's physics stimulated or hindered the development of natural sciences. The answer to this question should be of interest to Catholic thinkers because of its direct connection with Thomism.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2002, 50, 3; 41-46
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Global Geodetic Observing System in Poland 2019–2022
Sosnica, Krzysztof
Zajdel, Radosław
Bosy, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
Globalny System Obserwacji Geodezyjnej
nawigacja satelitarna
technika geodezyjna
space ties
This paper summarizes the contribution of Polish scientific units to the development of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) in recent years. We discuss the issues related to the integration of space geodetic techniques and co-location in space onboard Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS) and Low Earth Orbiters (LEO), as well as perspectives introduced by the new European Space Agency’s (ESA) mission GENESIS. We summarize recent developments in terms of the European Galileo system and its contribution to satellite geodesy and general relativity, as well as ESA’s recent initiative – Moonlight to establish a satellite navigation and communication system for the Moon. Recent progress in troposphere delay modeling in Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) allowed for better handling of systematic errors in SLR, such as range biases and tropospheric biases. We discuss enhanced tropospheric delay models for SLR based on numerical weather models with empirical corrections, which improve the consistency between space geodetic parameters derived using different techniques, such as SLR, GNSS, and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). Finally, we review recent progress in the development of Polish GGOS scientific infrastructure in the framework of the European Plate Observing System project EPOS-PL.
Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation; 2023, 72, 1; art. no. e38, 2023
Pojawia się w:
Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary i uwarunkowania zachowań dewiacyjnych młodzieży wiejskiej
Extent and Causes of Deviant Behaviour in the Rural Youth
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
klasa społeczna
geneza przestępczości
youth deviations
social class
genesis of crime
In the years 1978-1979, a study of the extent and causes of deviant behaviour in older schoolchildren was carried out in Warsaw which included three thousand persons. boys and girls. Since there was a lack of comprehensive studies of the extent and causes of social maladjustment of the rural, youth in Poland' it was decided that this study should be repeated in typically agricultural regions. The study, carried out in late l981, was aimed at the following: to construct a Polish version of the self-report delinquency scale, to estimate the extent of deviant behaviour in the analyzed populations, and to determine the variables particularly closely related to deviant behaviour. The stratified random sample consisted of 2,144 persons (1,7O2 boys and 429 girls). They were students of 86 different grades of various secondary schools, and were aged 14- 19. The study was carried out by an anonymous questionnaire which contained 124 questions; among them. there were 42 questions - about the various types of deviant behaviour, while the remaining ones concerned the separate groups of independent  variables. The data on the following groups of independent variables were collected:1. the attitudes towards the family, the past and present and future family situation, and the character of interactions within the family; 2. deviance in the environment; 3. the attitudes towards friends, the character of interactions with friends and the intensity of bonds with the reference groups; 4. the attitudes towards school and the learning progress; 5. attitudes towards the legal norms; 6. the appraisal of life prospects and of the chances for fulfilment of aims and aspirations by means of legitimate methods; 7. the system of values, outlook on life and attitude towards moral norms; 8. engagement in social, cultural and sports activities and the like. A distinct  group were the so-called alcohol variables, analyzed separately and the socio-demographic variables. Moreover, the questionnaire contained a ninc-question lye scale. The dependent variable was an index of 42 questions about various types of deviant behaviour. The possible answers to all the questions were indentical: "never", "once or twice", "several times", "a dozen or more times" and "more often". The sum of the respondents' affirmative answers to the questions about deviant behaviour formed the so-called variety scale. The frequency scale resulted from summing up all types of answers to each of the questions. Since the correlation between the scales of variety and frequency exceeded r :0.90, the variety scale was used in the analysis. This was due to its simplicity and a greater easiness of statistical interpretation. Three groups of deviant behaviour were distinguished for the purposes of the analysis. The first of them were manifestations of behaviour given a working term of insubordination. Though not forbidden by the law, such behaviour is improper in consideration of age or represents a challenge to the authority of the parents" guardians. teachers etc. For instance. the following types of behaviour were included here: staying away from home all night without the parents' consent. running away from home, or smoking before the age of 14. The second group were acts of "dishonesty" also not penalized as a rule– e.g. failure to give a lost thing back to its owner, or steadling rides. The third and most important group were acts that bore the character of transgressions or offences. Among others, this category included brawls. beatings and other offences against person. robbery thefts. breaking and entering, receiving stolen property, and other offences against property. The examined young persons committed the following acts, most frequently: smoking before the age of 14. stealing rides. failure to give the change left from shopping back-to the parents (over 80f of affirmative answers), failure to give the change back to a shopkeeper, failure to give back a found object (over 70% of affirmatie answers). misdemeanour at school. beating. participation in a brawl (over 50% of affirmative answers). Most seldom they admited taking drugs, picking public telephones and slipping out of a pub without paying the bill (less than 10%, of the examined persons). Generally, about 35% of the examined boys (i.e. 583 persons) admitted having committed at least once a half of the, 42 acts included in the questionnaire. over 20% of boys had a high, and 7.7% a Very high level of deviance. In the Warsaw study. a very high level of deviance was found in 6.1%, of boys. Therefore, the percentage of boys with a high level of deviance is similar in both studies and nearing other Polish estimates of the extent of social maladjustment of the school youth. In the present study, hypotheses were verified which were derived from some of the most popular theories of deviance: i.a., Sutherland's theory of differential associations, Hirschi's control theory, Merton's aims – means theory, (and the related conceptions of Cloward and Ohlin), Sykes and Matza's theory of neutralization. Also certain hypotheses were verified indirectly that were derived from the Gluecks' multifactor conception and the labeling theory: The major findings were as follows: Family situation Four items of the questionnaire made together the scale of ties with the family. These were the following questions: "Do your parents try to understand your problems?'', "Do your parents trust you?,  ,,Do you generally like to discuss your plans with your parents?", "Do you trust your parents?". The scale of family ties revealed a rather high negative correlation with the deviance scale (r = -0.34 for boys and. R = -0.28 for girls). It appeared that the lesser the sense of ties with the parents. the higher the tendency to deviant behaviour. Two questions concerned the general apprasal of the atmosphere at home and the degree of the respondents' identification with their families. A strong interdependence was found between the way of defining the atmosphere- at home and the level of deviance. .The respondents who scored highest on the deviance scale, defined their atmosphere at home as bad several times more frequently, and much more seldom as good or very good, as compared with the others. As regards the question whether the respondents would like their own future families to be similar to their parental homes,  the distribution of answers was alike. Among the respondents who would not like it at all or rather would not like it, there were nearly three times more of those who scored highest on the deviance scale. The global index of the attitude towards the family (constructed with the answers to all questions concerning the ties and identification with the family) revealed a negative and rather high correlation with the deviance scale, both in the case of boys (r = -0.30) and of girls (r = -0.26). Thus it appeared that deviant behaviour is inversely related to family ties and identification. Those of the examined persons who revealed a nelative attitude towards their families scored significantly higher on the scale of deviance as compared with those whose appraisal of their homes was favourable. Deviance of the environment and attitudes towards friends There were four questions that concerned deviance in the environment, one of which ("Has any member of your closest family ever been convicted by the court?'') concerned the perceived intensity of deviance in the family. Both the boys and the girls whose family member had a criminal record had the highest level of deviance. This finding is of a great theoretical as well as practical value since it demonstrates the groundlessness of the frequently accepted assumption that the family is always the source of pro-social patterns of behaviour. Three questions concerned deviance of the environment, their construction aimed at reflecting various aspects of the problem both as regards the subjective and the objective point of view: the different intensity of deviance and range of environment. The questions were: "Did you ever happened to have problems at school, boarding-school or at home because of your friends?'', "Did any of your acquaintances have a case in a juveni1e court or court of general criminal jurisdiction?", "Are there many young persons in your environment who have troubles with the police?". The distribution of answers to these questions markedly differentiated the examined populations in respect to deviance. In the groups distinguished according to their level of deviance significant differences could be found as far as the deviance of the environment is concerned. The respondents whose level of deviance was the highest appeared to move significantly more often with decidedly negative circles. A scale of deviance in the environment was constructed of the above questions. Of all the scales included in the study, this one showed the highest correlation with deviant behaviour, both in the case of boys (r = 0.56) and of girls (r = 0.36). Instead, the distribution of answers to the questions about emotional ties with the reference groups, the degree of identification with these groups and the emotional stability failed to differentiate the examined populations in respect of the degree of deviance; this finding was a surprise. Attitudes towards the law  There were three items in the questionnaire that concerned the attitude towards the law: "The law should be observed"; "Most of the acts people term offences actually cause no harm at all to anybody''' and "In order to get a position in life, lawless behaviour is indispensable"; the latter two were at the same time an operationalization of the Sykes and Matza's techniques of neutralization. Opinions denying or aggreeing with the statement concerning the harmlessness of offences were the 1east important in the differentiation of the examined populations in respect to the level of deviance. This variable was also least correlated with the general scale of altitudes towards the law. On the other hand, the remaining two variables of this groups did differentiate the respondents well in respect of the level of deviant behaviour. The most discriminating was the question in what situations the law should be observed. The respondents who were\of opinion that "law should always be observed irrespective of the situation'' appeared to reveal the lowest level of deviance. Instead, among the resolute legal nonconformists (,,you can break the law whenever you are certain that you will escape punishment"), those prevailed who scored highest on the deviance scale. The scale of attitudes towards the law was moderately but significantly correlated with the deviance scale, though the relationship of the presently discussed scale with that of deviance was less marked than it was the case with the scales of deviance of environmental and of the attitudes towards the family. The perceived life-chances and material situation Two of the questions concerned the perceived life prospects that can be fulfilled by legitimate means: "what is your estimation of your life prospects as compared with those of the others?", and "Will you be able to get a good job after school?". The differences in the distributions of answers to the above questions in respect of the level of deviance were not great; however. they were significant. The "worst" respondents somewhatimore often had pessimistic, and the "best" ones - optimistic views. However, the constructed index of legitimate opportunities (which consisted of the above two questions failed to reveal a significant relation to deviant behaviour. This means that the sense of blocked opportunities for promotion and success (operationalized as above) is not related to deviant behaviour. The more so as the question about the respondents' estimation of their family material standing - though it differentiated the answers in respect of the level of deviance - also revealed a very small correlation with the scale of deviance (about 0.10). Perception of life prospects and opportunities was also analyzed from a somewhat different point of view. Namely, the respondents were asked whether in their opinion connections were necessary to get a god job. and whether it was possible to succeed in life through good honest work. These questions composed the variable "illegitimate opportunities". Constructed so as to make it complementary in relation to the variable "legitimate opportunities". An attempt was also made to ascertain to what degree this variable was correlated with the attitude towards the law. The questions about the chances of fulfilment of success goals through illegitimate means differentiated the examined populations in respect of the level of deviance. The "worst" respondents stated significantly more frequently that honest work did not lead to success in life. and that connections were necessary to get a good job. It was interesting to find that the variable "illegitimate opportunities'' was moderately correlated both with the attitude towards the law and with the "legitimate opportunities''. It was a moderately good predictor of deviant behaviour since it was correlated with the deviance scale at about 0.20 for boys as well as for girls. Values, moral principles and outlook on life Values treasured most frequently (love, friendship. happy home - over 75% (of all choices) failed to differentiate the examined populations in respect of their deviance. Of the remaining ten values, deep religious faith was chosen most frequently by the "best'' respondents, and acquiring individuality as well as learning to "be oneself' - by the ,,worst'' ones. The question about the stability of moral principles (three "types" of morality were distinguished: strict, situational and nihilistic) completely failed to differentiate the group of respondents Separated according to their Scores on the scale of deviance. There were among the moral nihilist as many of the "worst" as of the "best" respondents. The possible answers concerning the attitude towards religion ranged from: "I 'm a decided adherent of secular views" to: "I'm deeply religious". Generally speaking. This question provided but a poor differentiation in respect of the level of deviance. Since nearly 90%  of the examined persons were at least "not-Church-going believers". Those of the examined persons who were deeply religious were an exception. In this group, the level of deviance of this group was decidedly the lowest. Involvement in conventional activities Of the three questions about activities consistent with the norms (active participation in youth organizations, hobbies, participation in organized leisure activities), none appeared to differentiate the examined group in respect of the level of deviance. Instead, the questions about school achievements ("Are you a good, bad or average student?") and about learning motivation ("What is for you the importance of being a good student?") were strongly related to deviance. The "worst" respondents much more often declared themselves to be bad students and admitted not caring about learning. At the same time, the variable of motivation was a much better predictor of deviance (r=  -0.27) than the actual learning achievements (r= -0.11). Of the considered models of deviance, the most strongly confirmed was the theory of differential associations. This may be concluded from the following premises. Firstly, the variable of "devince of the environment'' and its separate elements revealed the highest correlation with the deviance scale. The test of significance of the differences of the value of correlation coefficients justifies the rejection of the null hypothesis as to their random character. Both the question about deviance among the closest friends, and those about deviance in a broader surroundings. revealed a much stronger correlation with deviant behaviour than the remaining variables. Also the question about deviance in the family appeared relate to deviant behaviour. In the light of the results obtained, not only a deviant peer group, but also a deviance in the family seem to be conducive to deviance. The adherents of the opinion that deviance precedes deviant associations would find it difficult to argue that it was the deviance in the examined persons that led to deviance in their families. Also the way in which the variable ,, deviance of the environment" is correlated with other variables speaks against the opinion that deviance precedes deviant associations since this variable a also revealed rather high correlation with deviant attitudes, the attitude towards learning at school and towards the family. Moreover, the relationship between the  variable "deviance of environment" and ,,deviant behavior” was found to increase with age which is consistent with the known of importance of peer groups in the life of youths and their growing effect. On the other hand the result in question is difficult to interpret in the terms of alternative hypotheses: the "criminal tendencies" or ,.deviant impulses’’ should after all be constant and do not change with time. Still another finding should be mentioned here. In spite of the fact that girls generally have stronger ties with their parents as compared with boys, the correlation of the attitudes towards the family with deviant behaviour was found to be smaller in the group of girls than in the group of boys. Instead, against expectations, the deviance of the environment also revealed the highest correlation with deviant behaviour in the group of girls. Hirschi's control theory was much less confirmed by the findings of the present study. Of the four elements of bonds only the  attachment to the, parents were rather strongly supported. On the other hand, hypotheses derived from the remaining elements of Hirschi.s conception were not confirmed at all (e.g. no confirmation at all was found of Hirsci’s argument that high degree of involvement in conventional types of activity is negatively related to deviance) or confirmed but to a small extent (e.g. the relationship between the school achievements and deviance). Besides the attitudes towards the family, only the attitude towards learning at school proved to be consistent with Hirschi's theory. On the other hand, in spite o| the principal hypothesis of the control theory the most isolated respondents failed to reveal a significantly higher level of deviance. Thus the conception of a solitary deviant promoted by Hirschi appears not tanable in the light of the obtained results. To sump up, if one had to decide basing on the findings of the present study which of the discussed theories was confirmed to a greater degree, it could be concluded that the theory of  differential associations was confirmed to greater extent than Hirschi's control theory. On the other had, the results of the study do not seem to speak for Merton’s aims-means theory or the conception of differential opportunities of Cloward and Ohlin. Also some of the statements of the labelling approach failed to find confirmation.
In the years 1978-1979, a study of the extent and causes of deviant behaviour in older schoolchildren was carried out in Warsaw which included three thousand persons. boys and girls. Since there was a lack of comprehensive studies of the extent and causes of social maladjustment of the rural, youth in Poland' it was decided that this study should be repeated in typically agricultural regions. The study, carried out in late l981, was aimed at the following: to construct a Polish version of the self-report delinquency scale, to estimate the extent of deviant behaviour in the analyzed populations, and to determine the variables particularly closely related to deviant behaviour. The stratified random sample consisted of 2,144 persons (1,7O2 boys and 429 girls). They were students of 86 different grades of various secondary schools, and were aged 14- 19. The study was carried out by an anonymous questionnaire which contained 124 questions; among them. there were 42 questions - about the various types of deviant behaviour, while the remaining ones concerned the separate groups of independent  variables. The data on the following groups of independent variables were collected:1. the attitudes towards the family, the past and present and future family situation, and the character of interactions within the family; 2. deviance in the environment; 3. the attitudes towards friends, the character of interactions with friends and the intensity of bonds with the reference groups; 4. the attitudes towards school and the learning progress; 5. attitudes towards the legal norms; 6. the appraisal of life prospects and of the chances for fulfilment of aims and aspirations by means of legitimate methods; 7. the system of values, outlook on life and attitude towards moral norms; 8. engagement in social, cultural and sports activities and the like. A distinct  group were the so-called alcohol variables, analyzed separately and the socio-demographic variables. Moreover, the questionnaire contained a ninc-question lye scale. The dependent variable was an index of 42 questions about various types of deviant behaviour. The possible answers to all the questions were indentical: "never", "once or twice", "several times", "a dozen or more times" and "more often". The sum of the respondents' affirmative answers to the questions about deviant behaviour formed the so-called variety scale. The frequency scale resulted from summing up all types of answers to each of the questions. Since the correlation between the scales of variety and frequency exceeded r :0.90, the variety scale was used in the analysis. This was due to its simplicity and a greater easiness of statistical interpretation. Three groups of deviant behaviour were distinguished for the purposes of the analysis. The first of them were manifestations of behaviour given a working term of insubordination. Though not forbidden by the law, such behaviour is improper in consideration of age or represents a challenge to the authority of the parents" guardians. teachers etc. For instance. the following types of behaviour were included here: staying away from home all night without the parents' consent. running away from home, or smoking before the age of 14. The second group were acts of "dishonesty" also not penalized as a rule– e.g. failure to give a lost thing back to its owner, or steadling rides. The third and most important group were acts that bore the character of transgressions or offences. Among others, this category included brawls. beatings and other offences against person. robbery thefts. breaking and entering, receiving stolen property, and other offences against property. The examined young persons committed the following acts, most frequently: smoking before the age of 14. stealing rides. failure to give the change left from shopping back-to the parents (over 80f of affirmative answers), failure to give the change back to a shopkeeper, failure to give back a found object (over 70% of affirmatie answers). misdemeanour at school. beating. participation in a brawl (over 50% of affirmative answers). Most seldom they admited taking drugs, picking public telephones and slipping out of a pub without paying the bill (less than 10%, of the examined persons). Generally, about 35% of the examined boys (i.e. 583 persons) admitted having committed at least once a half of the, 42 acts included in the questionnaire. over 20% of boys had a high, and 7.7% a Very high level of deviance. In the Warsaw study. a very high level of deviance was found in 6.1%, of boys. Therefore, the percentage of boys with a high level of deviance is similar in both studies and nearing other Polish estimates of the extent of social maladjustment of the school youth. In the present study, hypotheses were verified which were derived from some of the most popular theories of deviance: i.a., Sutherland's theory of differential associations, Hirschi's control theory, Merton's aims – means theory, (and the related conceptions of Cloward and Ohlin), Sykes and Matza's theory of neutralization. Also certain hypotheses were verified indirectly that were derived from the Gluecks' multifactor conception and the labeling theory: The major findings were as follows: Family situation Four items of the questionnaire made together the scale of ties with the family. These were the following questions: "Do your parents try to understand your problems?'', "Do your parents trust you?,  ,,Do you generally like to discuss your plans with your parents?", "Do you trust your parents?". The scale of family ties revealed a rather high negative correlation with the deviance scale (r = -0.34 for boys and. R = -0.28 for girls). It appeared that the lesser the sense of ties with the parents. the higher the tendency to deviant behaviour. Two questions concerned the general apprasal of the atmosphere at home and the degree of the respondents' identification with their families. A strong interdependence was found between the way of defining the atmosphere- at home and the level of deviance. .The respondents who scored highest on the deviance scale, defined their atmosphere at home as bad several times more frequently, and much more seldom as good or very good, as compared with the others. As regards the question whether the respondents would like their own future families to be similar to their parental homes,  the distribution of answers was alike. Among the respondents who would not like it at all or rather would not like it, there were nearly three times more of those who scored highest on the deviance scale. The global index of the attitude towards the family (constructed with the answers to all questions concerning the ties and identification with the family) revealed a negative and rather high correlation with the deviance scale, both in the case of boys (r = -0.30) and of girls (r = -0.26). Thus it appeared that deviant behaviour is inversely related to family ties and identification. Those of the examined persons who revealed a nelative attitude towards their families scored significantly higher on the scale of deviance as compared with those whose appraisal of their homes was favourable. Deviance of the environment and attitudes towards friends There were four questions that concerned deviance in the environment, one of which ("Has any member of your closest family ever been convicted by the court?'') concerned the perceived intensity of deviance in the family. Both the boys and the girls whose family member had a criminal record had the highest level of deviance. This finding is of a great theoretical as well as practical value since it demonstrates the groundlessness of the frequently accepted assumption that the family is always the source of pro-social patterns of behaviour. Three questions concerned deviance of the environment, their construction aimed at reflecting various aspects of the problem both as regards the subjective and the objective point of view: the different intensity of deviance and range of environment. The questions were: "Did you ever happened to have problems at school, boarding-school or at home because of your friends?'', "Did any of your acquaintances have a case in a juveni1e court or court of general criminal jurisdiction?", "Are there many young persons in your environment who have troubles with the police?". The distribution of answers to these questions markedly differentiated the examined populations in respect to deviance. In the groups distinguished according to their level of deviance significant differences could be found as far as the deviance of the environment is concerned. The respondents whose level of deviance was the highest appeared to move significantly more often with decidedly negative circles. A scale of deviance in the environment was constructed of the above questions. Of all the scales included in the study, this one showed the highest correlation with deviant behaviour, both in the case of boys (r = 0.56) and of girls (r = 0.36). Instead, the distribution of answers to the questions about emotional ties with the reference groups, the degree of identification with these groups and the emotional stability failed to differentiate the examined populations in respect of the degree of deviance; this finding was a surprise. Attitudes towards the law  There were three items in the questionnaire that concerned the attitude towards the law: "The law should be observed"; "Most of the acts people term offences actually cause no harm at all to anybody''' and "In order to get a position in life, lawless behaviour is indispensable"; the latter two were at the same time an operationalization of the Sykes and Matza's techniques of neutralization. Opinions denying or aggreeing with the statement concerning the harmlessness of offences were the 1east important in the differentiation of the examined populations in respect to the level of deviance. This variable was also least correlated with the general scale of altitudes towards the law. On the other hand, the remaining two variables of this groups did differentiate the respondents well in respect of the level of deviant behaviour. The most discriminating was the question in what situations the law should be observed. The respondents who were\of opinion that "law should always be observed irrespective of the situation'' appeared to reveal the lowest level of deviance. Instead, among the resolute legal nonconformists (,,you can break the law whenever you are certain that you will escape punishment"), those prevailed who scored highest on the deviance scale. The scale of attitudes towards the law was moderately but significantly correlated with the deviance scale, though the relationship of the presently discussed scale with that of deviance was less marked than it was the case with the scales of deviance of environmental and of the attitudes towards the family. The perceived life-chances and material situation Two of the questions concerned the perceived life prospects that can be fulfilled by legitimate means: "what is your estimation of your life prospects as compared with those of the others?", and "Will you be able to get a good job after school?". The differences in the distributions of answers to the above questions in respect of the level of deviance were not great; however. they were significant. The "worst" respondents somewhatimore often had pessimistic, and the "best" ones - optimistic views. However, the constructed index of legitimate opportunities (which consisted of the above two questions failed to reveal a significant relation to deviant behaviour. This means that the sense of blocked opportunities for promotion and success (operationalized as above) is not related to deviant behaviour. The more so as the question about the respondents' estimation of their family material standing - though it differentiated the answers in respect of the level of deviance - also revealed a very small correlation with the scale of deviance (about 0.10). Perception of life prospects and opportunities was also analyzed from a somewhat different point of view. Namely, the respondents were asked whether in their opinion connections were necessary to get a god job. and whether it was possible to succeed in life through good honest work. These questions composed the variable "illegitimate opportunities". Constructed so as to make it complementary in relation to the variable "legitimate opportunities". An attempt was also made to ascertain to what degree this variable was correlated with the attitude towards the law. The questions about the chances of fulfilment of success goals through illegitimate means differentiated the examined populations in respect of the level of deviance. The "worst" respondents stated significantly more frequently that honest work did not lead to success in life. and that connections were necessary to get a good job. It was interesting to find that the variable "illegitimate opportunities'' was moderately correlated both with the attitude towards the law and with the "legitimate opportunities''. It was a moderately good predictor of deviant behaviour since it was correlated with the deviance scale at about 0.20 for boys as well as for girls. Values, moral principles and outlook on life. Values treasured most frequently (love, friendship. happy home - over 75% (of all choices) failed to differentiate the examined populations in respect of their deviance. Of the remaining ten values, deep religious faith was chosen most frequently by the "best'' respondents, and acquiring individuality as well as learning to "be oneself' - by the ,,worst'' ones. The question about the stability of moral principles (three "types" of morality were distinguished: strict, situational and nihilistic) completely failed to differentiate the group of respondents Separated according to their Scores on the scale of deviance. There were among the moral nihilist as many of the "worst" as of the "best" respondents. The possible answers concerning the attitude towards religion ranged from: "I 'm a decided adherent of secular views" to: "I'm deeply religious". Generally speaking. This question provided but a poor differentiation in respect of the level of deviance. Since nearly 90%  of the examined persons were at least "not-Church-going believers". Those of the examined persons who were deeply religious were an exception. In this group, the level of deviance of this group was decidedly the lowest. Involvement in conventional activities Of the three questions about activities consistent with the norms (active participation in youth organizations, hobbies, participation in organized leisure activities), none appeared to differentiate the examined group in respect of the level of deviance. Instead, the questions about school achievements ("Are you a good, bad or average student?") and about learning motivation ("What is for you the importance of being a good student?") were strongly related to deviance. The "worst" respondents much more often declared themselves to be bad students and admitted not caring about learning. At the same time, the variable of motivation was a much better predictor of deviance (r=  -0.27) than the actual learning achievements (r= -0.11). Of the considered models of deviance, the most strongly confirmed was the theory of differential associations. This may be concluded from the following premises. Firstly, the variable of "devince of the environment'' and its separate elements revealed the highest correlation with the deviance scale. The test of significance of the differences of the value of correlation coefficients justifies the rejection of the null hypothesis as to their random character. Both the question about deviance among the closest friends, and those about deviance in a broader surroundings. revealed a much stronger correlation with deviant behaviour than the remaining variables. Also the question about deviance in the family appeared relate to deviant behaviour. In the light of the results obtained, not only a deviant peer group, but also a deviance in the family seem to be conducive to deviance. The adherents of the opinion that deviance precedes deviant associations would find it difficult to argue that it was the deviance in the examined persons that led to deviance in their families. Also the way in which the variable ,, deviance of the environment" is correlated with other variables speaks against the opinion that deviance precedes deviant associations since this variable a also revealed rather high correlation with deviant attitudes, the attitude towards learning at school and towards the family. Moreover, the relationship between the  variable "deviance of environment" and ,,deviant behavior” was found to increase with age which is consistent with the known of importance of peer groups in the life of youths and their growing effect. On the other hand the result in question is difficult to interpret in the terms of alternative hypotheses: the "criminal tendencies" or ,.deviant impulses’’ should after all be constant and do not change with time. Still another finding should be mentioned here. In spite of the fact that girls generally have stronger ties with their parents as compared with boys, the correlation of the attitudes towards the family with deviant behaviour was found to be smaller in the group of girls than in the group of boys. Instead, against expectations, the deviance of the environment also revealed the highest correlation with deviant behaviour in the group of girls. Hirschi's control theory was much less confirmed by the findings of the present study. Of the four elements of bonds only the  attachment to the, parents were rather strongly supported. On the other hand, hypotheses derived from the remaining elements of Hirschi.s conception were not confirmed at all (e.g. no confirmation at all was found of Hirsci’s argument that high degree of involvement in conventional types of activity is negatively related to deviance) or confirmed but to a small extent (e.g. the relationship between the school achievements and deviance). Besides the attitudes towards the family, only the attitude towards learning at school proved to be consistent with Hirschi's theory. On the other hand, in spite o| the principal hypothesis of the control theory the most isolated respondents failed to reveal a significantly higher level of deviance. Thus the conception of a solitary deviant promoted by Hirschi appears not tanable in the light of the obtained results. To sump up, if one had to decide basing on the findings of the present study which of the discussed theories was confirmed to a greater degree, it could be concluded that the theory of  differential associations was confirmed to greater extent than Hirschi's control theory. On the other had, the results of the study do not seem to speak for Merton’s aims-means theory or the conception of differential opportunities of Cloward and Ohlin. Also some of the statements of the labelling approach failed to find confirmation.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1986, XIII; 7-108
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza ustrojowa ziem naddniestrzańskich
The genesis of the Nation and State at the Transnistria Land
Serzhanova, Viktoriya
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
geneza i ewolucja ustrojowa
historia polityczna
państwa nieuznawane Naddniestrzańska Republika Mołdawska
the genesis and evolution of government and politics
political history
unrecognized states
Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
Obecny status prawny Naddniestrza nie jest jednoznaczny, a jego ocena w kontekście posiadania odrębnej państwowości stanowi przedmiot sporów badaczy zajmujących się problematyką teorii państwa, prawa międzynarodowego, stosunków międzynarodowych i nauk politycznych. Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi pewien początkowy etap badań nad statusem prawnym ziem naddniestrzańskich i ma na celu wywiedzenie genezy ustrojowej regionu. Stanowi cząstkowe wyniki szerzej zakrojonych badań nad statusem Naddniestrza, które z pewnością przyczynią się do wiarygodnych wniosków w tym zakresie w późniejszych stadiach badawczych. Przedmiotem opracowania jest analiza historyczna początków kształtowania się narodu, a później również państwa na ziemiach naddniestrzańskich, sięgająca czasów staro- żytnych, ewoluująca w okresie średniowiecza, poprzez przynależność tych terenów do Rusi Kijowskiej, później zaś do państwa mołdawskiego oraz częściowo również do Korony Polskiej. Analiza obejmuje ponadto badanie statusu tych ziem w okresie dominacji tureckiej i rosyjskiej. Szczególnie ważnym okresem dla kształtowania się państwowości regionu bez wątpienia pozostaje wiek XX i XXI oraz jego historia najnowsza, zwłaszcza proces tworzenia i ewolucja niepodległego państwa, które po 25 latach istnienia wciąż plasuje się wśród nielicznych tworów powszechnie nieuznawanych przez społeczność międzynarodową.
Nowadays the legal status of Transnistria neither seems to be obvious nor distinctly determined, and its estimation in the context of the region’s statehood has been a subject of disputes of the theorists of state, international lawyers, experts in international relations and political sciences. The hereby paper is a starting phase of the research over the region’s legal status and aims at deriving the genesis of Transnistria’s government and politics. It is the fragmentary result of a wider research over Transdniester’s status, which will by all means contribute to the reliable conclusions in this scope on the further re- search stages. The subject of the work is the historical analysis of the beginnings of shaping the nation and later also a state in Transnistria, dating back to the Ancient Times, through the Middle Ages, including its belonging to Kievan Rus’, later to the Moldavian state, and partly also to the Polish Crown. The analysis also contains the examining of its status during the Turkish and Russian dominations. 20 th and 21 st centuries, being its newest history, are undoubtedly particularly important periods of Transnistria’s political history, especially the process of forming and development of the independent state which, despite existing for over 25 years, is still placed among a group of few creatures unrecognized by the international community.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2016, 5 (33); 203-221
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Genesis and Evolution of the Finland’s Parliament Eduskunta
Serzhanova, Viktoriya
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
genesis and evolution
the Basic Law
internal structure
constitutional position
geneza i ewolucja
ustawa zasadnicza
organizacja wewnętrzna
pozycja ustrojowa
The hereby paper undertakes the analysis of the genesis and evolution of the Finland’s Parliament Eduskunta from the moment of its establishment till nowadays, including the characteristics of its present constitutional position, being a result of its development during the centuries, with paying special attention to the current normative state and made on the basis of the hitherto constitutional practice. The article aims at deriving the origin and presenting the development of this organ in Finland, which in consequence leads to reliable conclusions in the field of determining its current constitutional position in the system of the supreme state authorities of Finland. The subject of the paper particularly focuses mostly on the analysis of the beginnings of Eduskunta’s formation and Finnish parliamentarianism, as well as its further evolution during different periods of its history, i.e. the time when Finland was included into the Kingdom of Sweden, the period when it was incorporated into the Russian Imperium and after it gained independence in 1917. The work also concentrates on the analysis of Eduskunta’s current constitutional position, its composition, internal structure, functions and competences presented on the basis of the exegesis of the provisions of the binding Basic Law of 1999 and the Parliament’s Rules of Procedure. The constitutional principles referring to the Parliament also seem to be of particular significance in this context, for they contribute to a more precise definition of Eduskunta’s constitutional position, as well as to pointing out its originality and dissimilarity regarding parliaments of other contemporary democratic states.
W niniejszym opracowaniu przeprowadzono analizę genezy i ewolucji parlamentu finlandzkiego – Eduskunty: od chwili jego ustanowienia do czasów współczesnych, w tym – na podstawie dotychczasowej praktyki ustrojowej – dokonano charakterystyki obecnej pozycji ustrojowej tego parlamentu, będącej wynikiem jego rozwoju na przestrzeni wieków, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aktualnego stanu normatywnego. Artykuł ma na celu ustalenie źródeł powstania oraz przedstawienie rozwoju tego organu w Finlandii, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do wiarygodnych wniosków w zakresie określenia jego obecnej pozycji ustrojowej w systemie naczelnych organów państwowych Finlandii. Przedmiot pracy koncentruje się przede wszystkim na analizie początków Eduskunty i parlamentaryzmu fińskiego, a także dalszej ewolucji Eduskunty w różnych okresach, tj. w czasach, gdy Finlandia była włączona do Królestwa Szwecji, funkcjonowała w obrębie Imperium Rosyjskiego oraz po uzyskaniu przez nią niepodległości w 1917 r. Opracowanie koncentruje się też na analizie obecnej pozycji ustrojowej Eduskunty, jej składu, organizacji wewnętrznej, funkcjach oraz kompetencjach przedstawionych na podstawie egzegezy postanowień obowiązującej ustawy zasadniczej z 1999 r. oraz regulaminu parlamentu. Zasady konstytucyjne odnoszące się do parlamentu również wydają się mieć w tym kontekście szczególne znaczenie, ponieważ przyczyniają się one do dokładniejszego zdeterminowania pozycji ustrojowej Eduskunty, a także wskazują na jej oryginalność i odmienność w stosunku do parlamentów innych współczesnych państw demokratycznych.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2020, 29, 5; 265-281
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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