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Christoph Klessmann, Polnische Bergarbeiter im Ruhrgebiet 1870-1945. Soziale Integration und nationale Subkultur einer Minderheit in der deutschen Industriegesellschaft
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Studia Polonijne; 1982, 5; 321-325
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowni jako przywódcy grupy etnicznej na przykładzie działalności ks. Franciszka Lissa w Zagłębiu Ruhry w latach 1890-1894
Clergymen as ethnical group leaders as exemplified by the activity of priest Franciszek Liss acting in Ruhrgebiet (German coal basin) in years 1890-1894
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Polish economical emigration to Ruhrgebiet began after 1871 together with the development of mining industry and industry at all in that region. Emigrants were basically coming from the four eastern provinces of Prussian State: province of Poznań, maritime province of Gdańsk (Western Prussia), Upper Silesia and Eastern Prussia. All of them, with the exception for Mazurian people (in Eastern Prussia), were Catholics. Because their knowledge of German language was poor or none at all, it was necessary to organize for them their own Polish ministry. For a short period 1872/73 in Bottrop and neighbourhood its leader was priest Antoni Kantecki. In the time of Kulturkampf Polish emigrants were deprived of their own ministry. In spite of that some priests from Poznań prowince and maritime provinces were occasionally coming to see their former parish. Priest Józef Szotowski became the first Polish priest in Ruhrgebiet for good. In the time of his five years activity (1885-1890) beside priesthood, he carried on welfare work in Polish organizations. The result of his hard work was the rise of 20 new Polish - Catholic societies. His successor was priest dr Franciszek Liss, also coming from diocese of Chetmno, excellent organizer, social worker, publicist and a most zealous priest. He founded a Scientific Aid Society (Towarzystwo Pomocy Naukowej) under the invocation of St. Jozafat (commonly called Swiętojozafacie). The main task of this society was to create native intellectuals and to educate priests coming from Polish emigrants. Apart from his ministerial activity priest Liss carried also a welfare work in Polish organizations where he held the dignity of a patron. When he left Westfalen in 1894 there were about 60 Polish organizations there. In order to raise the standard of efficiency of the ministry and central control over Polish organizations, priest Liss set up the first Polish magazine of Westfalen and Rheinland - „Polish Old Campaigner” („Wiarus Polski”) (since 1 of January 1891) and a religious weekly „Catholic Messenger” (Catholic Education) i.e. „Poslaniec Katolicki” (Nauka Katolicka) Priest Liss also exerted his strong influence upon Polish emigrants trying to make them realize their nation consciousness which at that time was still feeble, he was also encouraging them to make savings and to come back to the mother country. He laid a strong emphasis on work in the field of culture and education. Thanks to his authority and his organizational powers together with a full commitment to the task he entered upon, priest Liss was for four years a real and the only leader in all spheres of life and he laid the foundations for future energetic development of Polish centre in the west of Germany.
Studia Polonijne; 1982, 5; 127-144
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inspektorat Nauki Religii dla Szkół Polskich w Niemczech Zachodnich (1945-1950)
The Inspectorate of Religious Instruction for Polish Schools in West Germany (1945-1950)
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Among over two million Poles deported to the German Reich during the Second World War there were about 100-130 thousand children and young people of school age. Not all of them could return to their own country immediately after the war ended. Those people, waiting either for properly organized repatriation or emigration were brought together in international or Polish refugee camps. Not only was it necessary to provide for them proper living conditions (the matter was taken over by such international organizations as U. N. R. R. A. and I. R. O.), but also to organize their social, educational and cultural life as well as religious care. Under those singular circumstances a particular role was played by Polish clergy and teachers. The priests set up Polish pastoral care with the Ordinary, Diocesan Chancery and „normal” pastoral network all over West Germany, while the teachers who numbered nearly four thousand provided Polish schooling for children and young people. The education was controlled by the Central Office for Polish Education in Germany, and since the middle of 1946 by the Central Committee for School and Educational Affairs. To coordinate religious instruction at schools and extra-school catechization the Polish Diocesan Chancery in Germany set up in September 1945 the Ispentorate of Religious Instruction for Polish Schools in Germany. Until the middle of 1946 it was a part of the Central Office for Polish Education at Püsselbüren-Lemförde as the Department of Religious Education. Later it became an independent agency of the Diocesan Chancery by the Representation of the Polish Red Cross in Germany (Lemförde-Quakenbrück-Badbergen-Oerlinghausen). The Head of the Inspectorate was Father Pawel Kajka (the Polish pastor in Munich since 1952). The tasks of the Inspectorate of Religious Instruction included: (1) control of the teaching staff and level of religious instruction at schools and extra-school catechization; (2) representation of the interests of religious education at central educational authorities as well at teaching and ecclesiastical conferences; (3) development on instructions and curricula of religious instruction and their subsequent implementation; (4) inspections of religious instruction at schools and extra-school catechization; (5) ministering to Polish students; (6) providing textbooks and other catechetical and pastoral aids produced by the own publishing house or bought in Germany as well as distribution of publications sent from abroad. It should be mentioned that the Inspectorate published a set of textbooks for religious instruction in primary and secondary schools and the New Testament. It also distributed 105 hundred books. After the Inspectorate of Religious Instruction had been dissolved (November 1950), Polish pastoral care at schools was controlled directly by the Diocesan Chancery for Poles in Frankfort on Main.
Studia Polonijne; 1979, 3; 203-229
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jagła Bronisław Andrzej ps. "Andrzej Lewandowski", "Kazimierz" (1904-1976), dziekan Okręgu AK Pomorze
Nadolny, Anastazy.
Słownik biograficzny konspiracji pomorskiej 1939-1945. Cz.1 / pod red. Hanny Maciejewskiej-Marcinkowskiej i Elżbiety Zawackiej Toruń, 1994 S. 92
Maciejewska-Marcinkowska, Hanna. Redakcja
Zawacka, Elżbieta (1909-2009). Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Jagła Bronisław A. (1904-1976) biografia słownik
Jagła, Bronisław A.
Armia Krajowa. Okręg Warszawa. Samodzielny Pluton Specjalny biografie
Szpital Przemienienia Pańskiego (Warszawa) biografie
Słownik biograficzny
W Powstaniu Warszawskim w Samodzielnym Plutonie Specjalnym AK w Szpitalu Przemienienia Pańskiego na Pradze.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Organizacja duszpasterstwa polskiego na terenie Niemiec Zachodnich (1945-1975)
Organization of the Polish Pastorship in West Germany Area (1945-1975)
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The paper is part of a more extensive work entitled „The Polish pastorship in West Germany after 1945”. It aims at presenting organizational and legal matters concerning the Polish pastorate in Germany. At the end of the war, in May 1945, in the former Third Reich area the Polish population counted approximately 2 mln with about 850 priests. These clergymen, before returning to Poland or emigrating to other countries, took up pastoral work among the liberated compatriots. First of all, they created organizational frames for the pastorship. In the first period (April-June 1945)' they were organizing the pastorship on jurisdiction obtained from the ordinaries. In the American zone almost all the priests were aggregated in the concentration camp Dachau. After tits liberation, Rev. Franciszek Jedwabski (later Bishop Auxiliary of Poznań) organized, as a temporary central agency, the Polish Pastorship Headquarters situated in Freimann nearby Munich. In the British zone the pastorship was organized by Rev. Col. Franciszek Tomczak, dean of the First Armoured Division, Rev. Lt.-Col. Jan Wojciechowski SJ, Rev. Maj. Walerian Pączek SAC, and others. Very helpful were the chaplains of the Polish Armed Forces in-the-exile. The proper organization could, however, come only after nomination of an ordinary. The Apostolic See, well acquainted with the demographic situation of the displaced population in the former Reich area, created on 5 June 1945 Rev. Dr. Józef Gawlina, The Field Bishop of the Polish Armed Forces in-the- -exile, an ordinary for Poles in Germany and Austria, giving him all plenipotencies. This function he performed till his death, i. e. till 21 Sept. 1964. Bishop Gawlina came to Germany on 25 June 1945. There he started canonical visitations of Polish centres and brought into being a diocesan chaneefy for Poles in Germany, at first in Freimann and from September 1945 in Frankfurt/M. As vicar general and chancery director he appointed Rev. Jedwabski and, after 13 Nov. 1945, Rev. Edward Lubowiecki. The whole West Germany area, according to ecclesiastic practice was devided into more than ten deaneries, directed by dean-priests appointed by him. Now (1975) there exist 4 deaneries: Bavarian, Stuttgartian (Wurtembergian), Ba- denian and Northern. A separate deanery was set up for the pastoral care over the American Army’s guard-services. After bishop Gawlina’s death the Holy, See, on 20 Nov. 1964, created Rev. Edward Lubowiecki the ordinary and canonical supervisor for Poles in Germany. The office was performed by him till his death on 12 Dec. 1975. In December 1945 the Polish pastorate in West Germany counted 502 priests, while in 1975 — 37.
Studia Polonijne; 1977, 2; 279-306
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pączek Walerian ps. "Germen" (1909- ) kapelan AK, wicedziekan Okręgu AK Pomorze
Nadolny, Anastazy.
Słownik biograficzny konspiracji pomorskiej 1939-1945. Cz.1 / pod red. Hanny Maciejewskiej-Marcinkowskiej i Elżbiety Zawackiej Toruń, 1994 S. 166
Maciejewska-Marcinkowska, Hanna. Redakcja
Zawacka, Elżbieta (1909-2009). Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Pączek, Walerian (1909-2001)
Armia Krajowa. Grupa Północ duszpasterstwo
Obozy jenieckie duszpasterstwo Niemcy
Powstanie warszawskie (1944)
Kapelani wojskowi
Słownik biograficzny
Kapelan łącznikowy Departamentu Wyznań Delegatury Rządu RP. W powstaniu warszawskim mianowany dziekanem kapelanów Grupy Północ. Kapelan w obozach jenieckich, a następnie w oddziałach polskich przy armii brytyjskiej w Niemczech.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Pelplińska figura Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
The Statue of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pelplin
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Bernardinum
Wayside statues and shrines
Cult of Our Lady
Pelplin’s monuments
figury i kapliczki przydrożne
Kult Matki Bożej
pelplińskie pomniki
Przedmiotem artykułu są losy pelplińskiej figury Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny (NMP), usytuowanej na Placu Katedralnym w Pelplinie. Decyzję o jej ustawieniu podjęto w związku z nominacją i konsekracją biskupa Jana Marwicza w 1857 roku oraz dla uhonorowania ogłoszonego w 1854 roku dogmatu o Niepokalanym Poczęciu NMP. Propozycja wzniesienia pomnika wyszła z grona kapituły katedralnej chełmińskiej, zaś organizacją zajął się wyłoniony z niej Komitet Budowy Figury. Na zamówienie komitetu projekt wykonał słynny architekt z Kolonii nad Renem, Vincenz Statz, jeden z budowniczych tamtejszej katedry w latach 1840-1880 i architekt ponad stu kościołów i kaplic, wznoszonych w stylu neogotyckim w Nadrenii, natomiast samą figurę wykonał, również działający w Kolonii, artysta rzeźbiarz Peter Fuchs. Uroczystego poświęcenia dokonał biskup Marwicz w dniu 8 X 1858. Jesienią 1939 roku Niemcy figurę zburzyli wraz z innymi pomnikami, zdobiącymi miasto. Po wojnie uszkodzoną statuę odkopano i po restauracji, ale już w skromniejszej postaci wizualnej, ustawiono na dawnym miejscu w 1954 roku. Stanowi on najpiękniejszą ozdobę Placu Katedralnego, dziś noszącego nawę Placu Mariackiego, i miejsce niektórych nabożeństw maryjnych.
The paper tells the story of the statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception situated on the Cathedral Square in Pelplin. The decision to set it up was made in connection with the nomination and consecration of Bishop Jan Marwicz in 1857 and to honour the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary announced in 1854. The proposal to erect the monument was initiated by the Chelmno Cathedral Chapter and the task was taken over by the Figure Building Committee selected by the chapter. At the request of the Committee the design was prepared by a famous architect from Cologne, Vincenz Statz, one of the constructors of the Cologne cathedral during the years 1840–1880 and the architect of over a hundred neo-Gothic churches and chapels in the Rhineland. The statue itself was made by a sculptor, Peter Fuchs, also active in Cologne. Bishop Marwicz officially consecrated the figure on October 8, 1858. In the fall of 1939 the Germans demolished the statue together with other monuments decorating the town. After the war the damaged statue was unearthed and restored but in a more modest visual form. It was put back in its former place in 1954. It is the most beautiful decoration of the Cathedral piazza which today bears the name of the Marian Square and certain Marian services are celebrated there.
Studia Pelplińskie; 2022, 56; 301-322
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pelplińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polonia holenderska
Polish Emigrants in Holland
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The aim this article is to show in short the most important problems' connected with the life of the Polish emigrants in Holland since the beginning of their existence up to the present, moment with a special regard to religious and priestly matters. This paper is based only on printed materials. The Polish earning emigrants appeared in Holland at the beginning of this century. Towards the end of the first world war the Polish colony numbered about two thousand people employed chiefly in mining industry in the southern part of Limburgia. The Polish people set then up a system of well acting social, cultural, professional, religious and athletic organizations. In 1931 the Polish colony numbered almost seven thousand people united in more than twenty associations. The Polish people had their own school, „the Polish Home” in Brunssum, some libraries, their own periodical „Polak w Holandii” („A Pole in Holland”). In the years 1928-1940 the priest Wilhelm Hoffmann had the cure of souls. Beside the teachers he had special contributions to the Polish colony of Limburgia. During the second war there led across Holland the fighting route of the First Armoured Division of General Stanislaw Maczek and of the Independent Parachute Brigade. After the end of the war many of those soldiers, the participants of the battles for liberation of Holland, settled in those regions. Their number was increased by the Poles who came there from Germany. The Polish colony numbers about five thousand people now. The Polish cultural and social life concentrates upon a dozen organizations and artistic sets. The cure of souls among the Polish emigrants is fulfilled by Polish priests within the Polish Catholic Mission of Benelux. The Catholic Mission in Holland is divided in four ministry regions: Limburgia (Bruns- sum), Amsterdam, Breda and Utrecht. The Polish emigrants in Holland maintain an intense connection with their Homeland.
Studia Polonijne; 1976, 1; 109-138
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polonia w Luksemburgu (1918-1985)
Poles in Luxembourg (1918-1985)
Nadolny, Anastazy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The article presents the history of the Polish ethnic group in the Great Dutchy of Luxemburg in 1918-1985. The Polish immigrant flow to the Dutchy has started after World War I. The first groups arrived from Westphalia, Belgium and France as well as from Poland particularly in 1937-1939. In the inter-war period about 5000 Poles lived in Luxemburg, there were the largest centres of Polish immigrants in the southern, industrial part of the Dutchy particularly in Esch-sur-Alzette. The emigrants were mainly employed in the mining industry. The immigrants arriving from Poland in 1937-1939 found jobs in agriculture in the northen part of the country. They set up a few socio-cultural and labour organizations: eg. The Catholic Union of Polish Workers and the Union of Polish Workers (Union Polonaise). Besides, in 1933 a school for Polish children was opened. Pastoral care was performed by the Polish priests from Belgium and eastern France. Only in a short period of September 15, 1930 till June 1, 1931 Rev. H. Majkowski lived and worked in Luxemburg. After World War II the Polonia in Luxemburg consisted of 3000 people. As a consequence of repatriation and emigration 1500 Poles remained there in 1950 and finally 1000 in 1970. New labour organizations came to existence: the Union of Polish Christian Workers and the Polish Union. There were two Polish schools and a group of Polish folk singers and dancers. The following priests worked in Luxemburg then: W. Kotowski SVD, A. Müller OMI, J. Thiel OMI and J. Adamczyk OMI.
Studia Polonijne; 1984, 8; 93-118
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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