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Zastosowanie lokomotywy dwunapędowej typu 111DE w transporcie intermodalnym
Application of locomotive dual mode type 111de for intermodal transport
Pietrzkiewicz, Hubert
Domagała, Radomir
Michalak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
dual mode
W ramach artykułu przedstawiono główne założenia Krajowego Programu Kolejowego i stan taborowy lokomotyw spalinowych i elektrycznych w Polsce. Artykuł zawiera opis rozwoju transportu intermodalnego w kraju oraz lokalizację największych terminali intermodalnych na terenie Polski. Zaprezentowany został również rozkład linii kolejowych w Polsce z podziałem na zelektryfikowane i niezelektryfikowane. Przedstawiono dwunapędową lokomotywę typu 111DE zaprojektowaną na potrzeby przewozów intermodalnych i pasażerskich wraz z jej podstawowymi danymi technicznymi i charakterystykami trakcyjnymi. Opisana lokomotywa dwunapędowa zbudowana została podczas realizacji projektu w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój nr POIR. 01.02.00-00-0191/16-00 pt. „Platforma lokomotyw z zaawansowanymi spalinowo-elektrycznymi (wielosystemowymi) układami napędowymi”, dofinansowywanego przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju. Wykonawcą powyższego projektu są Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz S.A. i Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Pojazdów Szynowych „TABOR” w Poznaniu.
The article presents the main assumptions of the National Railway Program and the rolling stock status of diesel and electric locomotives in Poland. The article describes the development of intermodal transport in the country and the location of the largest intermodal terminals in Poland. The dual-drive locomotive type 111DE designed for intermodal and passenger transport, along with its basic technical data and traction characteristics was presented as a part of the article. The described dual mode locomotive was realized within the Operational Program Intelligent Development No. POIR. 01.02.00-00-0191/16-00 entitled “Locomotive platform with advanced diesel-electric (multi-system) driving systems”, co-funded by the National Center for Research and Development. The contractor of the project is PESA Bydgoszcz S.A. Railroad Vehicles. and the Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Rail Vehicles „TABOR” in Poznań.
Zeszyty Naukowo-Techniczne Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji w Krakowie. Seria: Materiały Konferencyjne; 2021, 2 (123); 305--314
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowo-Techniczne Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji w Krakowie. Seria: Materiały Konferencyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wstrząs septyczny w przebiegu ropnia wątroby leczonego drenażem przezskórnym – przegląd piśmiennictwa i opis przypadku
Snarska, Jadwiga
Michalak, Maciej
Masiulaniec, Piotr
Jacyna, Krzysztof
Zalewski, Artur
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
ropień wątroby
wstrząs septyczny
drenaż przezskórny
Celem pracy była prezentacja wstrząsu septycznego o piorunującym przebiegu w trakcie drenażu przezskórnego dużego ropnia wątroby u 18-letniej chorej po przebytej przed 3 miesiącami appendektomii techniką laparoskopową z powodu jego ropowiczo-zgorzelinowego zapalenia. Przebieg pooperacyjny powikłany był nasilonym ropieniem miejsc po trokarach. Po wdrożeniu antybiotykoterapii do- żylnej, pod kontrolą USG, wykonano drenaż przezskórny ropnia. W trakcie wycofywania prowadnicy z zestawu drenującego wystąpiły objawy wstrząsu septycznego. Wdrożono leczenie farmakologiczne i kontynuowano antybiotykoterapię do uzyskania ujemnego wyniku badania mikrobiologicznego i normalizacji parametrów życiowych. Chora nie została zakwalifikowana do leczenia na OIT. W stanie ogólnym dobrym w 24 dobie hospitalizacji została wypisana do domu. U prezentowanej chorej mogło dojść do kontaktu drenu pokrytego zawartością ropnia z okolicznymi drobnymi naczyniami krwiono- śnymi, co przyczyniło się do rozwoju ogólnoustrojowej reakcji zapalnej połączonej z szybko rozwijającym się wstrząsem septycznym.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2016, 88, 5; 496-503
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wzroku na złożoność regulacji balansu ciała
Michalak, Krzysztof Piotr
Przekoracka-Krawczyk, Anna
Data publikacji:
M2 Media
balans ciała
wymiar korelacyjny
body balance
correlation dimension
Balans ciała w trakcie spokojnego stania jest złożonym, chaotycznym układem regulacyjnym, a wzrok to jedna z głównych informacji wejściowych dla tej regulacji. Parametrem opisującym tę złożoność jest wymiar korelacyjny d. W grupie 30 zdrowych, młodych osób zbadano wymiar korelacyjny składowej CoPM sygnałów posturograficznych reprezentującej oscylacje środka nacisku stóp wokół rzutu środka masy na płaszczyznę podstawy. Pomiar powtórzono przy oczach otwartych i zamkniętych. Badanie wykazało, że złożoność regulacji balansu ciała jest wysoka i wynosi około d=5–7. Wymiar korelacyjny przy oczach zamkniętych jest nieco niższy niż przy oczach otwartych, szczególnie dla składowej przód–tył balansu ciała. Oznacza to, że wskutek zamknięcia oczu regulacja staje się nieco prostsza, przez co też nieco mniej precyzyjna. Analiza metodą tasowania sygnałów wykazała również, że chaotyczne sygnały CoPM posiadają ukryte, niewidoczne gołym okiem uporządkowanie.
The balance of the body during a calm stand is a complex, chaotic regulation system, and sight is one of the main input information for this regulation. The parameter describing this complexity is, among others, correlation dimension d. In the group of 30 healthy, young people, the correlation dimension of the CoPM component of posturographic signals representing the oscillation of the center of pressure of the feet around the projection of the center of mass on the plane of the base was examined. The measurement was repeated with eyes open and closed. The research showed that the complexity of the body balance regulation is high and amounts to about d=5–7. The correlation dimension with eyes closed is slightly lower than with the eyes open, especially for the front–back component of the body balance. This means that due to the closing of the eyes, the adjustment becomes slightly simpler, which is also slightly less precise. The signal shuffling analysis also showed that the CoPM’s chaotic signals have hidden, invisible to the naked eye, order.
Optyka; 2019, 1; 66-69
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wczesnośredniowieczna broń obuchowa z terenu Polski w dorobku Andrzeja Nadolskiego z perspektywy kolejnych lat badań
Early medieval blunt weapon from the territory of Poland in Andrzej Nadolski’s studies, from the perspective of further years of research
Kotowicz, Piotr
Michalak, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
wczesne średniowiecze
broń obuchowa
Andrzej Nadolski is regarded as one of the most distinguished arms and armor specialist in Europe. Studies over Polish weaponry taken just after World War II provided in 1954 a first in our continent monograph in this subject. Much contribution in this work was done in the field of knowing early medieval blunt weapon – hammer axes, battle axes and maces. Studies of early medieval arms and armor, taken by A. Nadolski, were a huge challenge, also because he included sparse information from the written, iconographic as well ethnological and linguistic sources. The main contribution of this research was however typo-chronological classification of collection of 172 hammer- and battle axes from the territory of Piast state. This system, used by Author in all of his further works, was widely accepted by many Polish archeologists, and is being employed, sometimes uncritically, until today. Due to the fact that the total number of known artefacts increase a lot (Fig. 1), and this classification cannot be developed, it seems that it is not possible to use this typology to all known materials from the territory of Poland. In the consequence of only 5 known artefacts, Author did not propose any classification for maces. From that time, known number of this kind of objects increased almost 10 times (Fig. 2), but most of them are chance finds, without any proper archeological context. Besides typo-chronological aspects, Author discussed also many other problems concerning this kind of weapon, including the presence of small holes in the axe and hammer-axe heads, their decoration, length of the shafts, distribution of particular forms. Nadolski demystify also claims of German researchers, who treated many forms of axes as so-called „Viking”, but having in fact their roots in the territory of Central Europe, and could have been produced by local blacksmiths, what was proven by metallographic examinations. Last years caused increase of interest also in the field of mace manufacturing, especially in technological context. This survey showed enormous meaning of Nadolski’s monograph for Polish arms and armour studies, and some ideas were developed also in further papers – eg. in the article concerned of symbolic destination of clubs. However, state of research caused that many aspects of blunt weapon was, for scholar from Łódź, unavailable. In case of all categories of blunt weapon a major step forward was made recently, thanks to the increase of number of known artefacts, as well as development of research in the neighboring countries. During the archaeological excavations conducted in the last 60-years, large collections of this kind of weapon were obtained, sometimes, like in the case of water finds, preserved in whole. This fact encouraged scholars for detailed specialist analysis. Due to discovering of wooden and leather cases, as well as relicts of textiles on the axe heads, some studies concerning the problem of preserving blunt weapon have been also recently taken. From today point of view crucial issue, caused by analogy of forms of some of the specimens regarded as heads of war flails and maces, is appropriate identification of artefacts. Increase of data caused also that it was possible to specify some aspects or make new hypothesis about origin and chronology of some of types of hammer axes, battle axes and maces, as well as decoration and symbolic meaning of these artefacts. It was also noted that maces were used not only in a hand to hand combat, but also as a throwing weapon. The only category of early medieval blunt weapon which was not included in any of A. Nadolski’s works, are war flails (kistens). Significant progress in case of these artefacts was made just at the beginning of 21st c. (Fig. 3). As most of the war flails were discovered in south-eastern territories of Poland, they were regarded as a result of contact with Rus mielieu, where they were most popular in the 12th-13th c. Specimens from the Piast’s state were found in important centers of ducal power and there are no proves whether they came there thanks to a trade or presence of duke’s mercenaries. The presented above review of early medieval blunt weapon clearly shows A. Nadolski’s significant contribution in specify of many of its problems. The monograph of early Polish weaponry, published in 1954, was a breakthrough work, which became, for many years, a „manual” for archeologists interested in arms and armour in Poland. However, the enlargement of number of known artefacts and increase of our knowledge about early medieval weaponry, caused that indiscriminate use of conclusions from this book is luckily impossible today. After almost 60 years since the „Studies...” was published, it is probably time for another attempt to recapitulate our knowledge in this subject.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2013, 59; 47-62
Pojawia się w:
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Ekonomiczne determinanty decyzji o pozostaniu w Polsce ukraińskich migrantów zagranicznych
In search of a better life. Economic determinants of the decision to stay in Poland by Ukrainian foreign migrants
Michalak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
labour migrations
neoclassical migration theory
sociology ofthe labour market
migration projections
Ukrainian migrations to Poland
migracje zarobkowe
neoklasyczna teoria migracji
socjologia rynku pracy
projekcje migracyjne
Ukraińskie migracje doPolski
Nadrzędnym celem opracowania jest identyfikacja determinant decyzji migracyjnych zarobkowych imigrantów z Ukrainy w kontekście możliwości ich pozostania w Polsce. Ze względu na charakter samych tymczasowych migracji zarobkowych za szczególnie istotne uznaję te uwarunkowania decyzji migracyjnych, które są ulokowane w czynnikach ekonomicznych, związanych z funkcjonowaniem na rynku pracy. Tym samym rozważania lokuję w ramach neoklasycznych ekonomicznych teorii migracji. Moją intencją jest odtworzenie katalogu barier, które mogą stanowić czynnik odpychający dla kolejnych, czy trwalszych decyzji migracyjnych. Pracy towarzyszy założenie, że brak zaspokojenia potrzeb i niższy niż zakładany poziom oczekiwań Ukraińskich migrantów, związane z podjętą pracą zawodową stanowią czynnik hamujący, destymulujący ich do podjęcia decyzji o pozostaniu w Polsce. Analiza materiału zgromadzonego w trakcie wywiadów jakościowych z migrantami z Ukrainy (IDI, N = 36) pozwoliła stworzyć typologię tych barier i dokonać egzemplifikacji tych, które powiązane są z rynkiem pracy. Opracowanie ma też charakter praktyczny – jego wyniki w formie rekomendacji mogą przełożyć się na konstruowanie takich warunków pracy dla migrantów, które pozwolą im pozostać w Polsce na dłużej i przyczynić się do lepszego funkcjonowania polskiego rynku pracy.
The main goal of the study is to identify the determinants of economic migration decisions of Ukrainian immigrants in the context of their possible stay in Poland. Due to the nature of temporary labour migrations, the author considers as particularly important those determinants of migrationdecisions which are related to economic factors, connected with functioning on the labour market. Thus, the considerations are located within the framework of neoclassical economic theories of migration. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct a catalogue of barriers that may constitute a deterrent for subsequent or more permanent migration decisions. It is assumed that failure to meet the needs and lower than anticipated level of expectations of Ukrainian migrants, related to their professional work,constitute a factor inhibiting and destimulating their decision to stay in Poland. The analysis of the data collected during qualitative interviews with Ukrainian migrants (IDI, N = 36) allowed to create a typology of these barriers and to exemplify those related to the labour market. The study is also of practical nature – its results presented as recommendations may be used to design such working conditions for migrants which will allow them to stay in Poland longer and contribute to better functioning of the Polish labour market.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2021, 47, 2; 201-214
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ventilation heat loss in a multifamily building under varying air density
Michalak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
air density
heat capacity
dry air
volumetric heat capacity
ventilation heat loss
EN ISO 13790
monthly method
gęstość powietrza
pojemność cieplna
suche powietrze
objętościowa pojemność cieplna
wentylacyjna strata ciepła
Standards related to calculation methods used in building energy performance simulation tools usually impose constant volumetric heat capacity of air. However, this simplification may result in errors if the actual conditions differ from the assumptions made. The paper presents the problem of dry air density and specific heat capacity variation and their influence on calculated energy use for space heating in a multifamily building. The monthly calculation method of PN-EN ISO 13790 was used. Simulations were performed in five cities, each in one climatic zone according to PN-EN 12831. Variation of the air density caused by air temperature and elevation resulted in differences in calculated heating demand from -4.5% to 4.5% in relation to that at constant volumetric heat capacity assumed in PN-EN ISO 13790.
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering; 2020, 4, 1; 97-102
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thermal - electrical analogy in dynamic simulations of buildings: comparison of four numerical solution methods
Michalak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
thermal-electrical analogy
RC network
lumped capacitance
Euler method
Heun's method
analogia termiczna
analogia elektryczna
metoda Eulera
The lumped capacitance method is widely used in dynamic modelling of buildings. Models differ in complexity, solution methods and ability to simulate transient behaviour of described objects. The paper presents a mathematical description of a simple 1R1C thermal network model of a building zone. Four numerical methods were applied to solve differential equation describing its dynamics. For validation purposes two test cases (600 and 900) from the BESTEST procedure were used. In both cases detailed results were given. Better ability of the simulation model to reproduce transient behaviour of the modelled buildings was noticed in case of the lightweight object (case 600). Annual heating and cooling demand was within the reference range for heavyweight one (case 900). The kind of the computation method had no significant effect on simulation results.
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering; 2020, 4, 2; 179--188
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The selection of the engine unit - main engine generator during the modernization of the 19D/TEM2 locomotive
Michalak, Piotr
Merkisz, Jerzy
Stawecki, Włodzimierz
Andrzejewski, Maciej
Daszkiewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
diesel locomotive
CFD simulation
exhaust emission
lokomotywa spalinowa
symulacja CFD
emisja spalin
The paper aims to present a generating set selection methodology for a modernized diesel locomotive. An analysis of the number of rolling stock, with particular emphasis on the number of diesel locomotives owned by national carriers was performed. Based on the popularity of the locomotives operated on Polish railways, the TEM2 locomotive was chosen to be the base reference for the modernized 19D locomotive described in the paper. The scope of the locomotive's modernization was described. Modernization included: replacement of the internal combustion engine, replacement of the generator set, installation of a new braking system with a pneumatic board and air preparation and treatment system, application of a modern control and diagnostics system with anti-slip system at start-up and braking, and the installation of railway traffic safety devices.
Combustion Engines; 2020, 59, 3; 38--46
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Temperature efficiency of heat exchangers in air handling units
Michalak, Piotr
Grygierczyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
heat recovery
rotary heat exchanger
cross-flow heat exchanger
temperature efficiency
PN-EN 308
odzysk ciepła
obrotowy wymiennik ciepła
krzyżowy wymiennik ciepła
sprawność temperaturowa
In order to reduce ventilation heat loss and improve energy efficiency of low-energy buildings air-handling units (AHUs) with heat recovery are used. The article presents results of surveys performed in a passive building located in Katowice concerning the temperature efficiency of heat and cold recovery of two selected AHUs, with different heat exchangers. For this purpose the measurement data from the Building Management System (BMS) for the period 1.08.2015-31.07.2016 were used. The first unit was equipped with a rotary heat exchanger. Its average annual temperature efficiency of heat recovery was 47.2% annually. The efficiency of cold recovery amounted 52.9% on average for the warm half year. The second unit had a cross-flow exchanger. The average annual temperature efficiency of heat recovery in this device was 80.1%. The efficiency of cold recovery amounted 57.2% on average for the warm half year. Additional remarks concerning the temperature measurement in analysed units were also given.
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering; 2019, 3, 3; 267-272
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Septic shock in the course of liver abscess rescued with percutaneous drainage – a literature review and case report
Snarska, Jadwiga
Michalak, Maciej
Masiulaniec, Piotr
Jacyna, Krzysztof
Zalewski, Artur
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
liver abscess
septic shock
percutaneous drainage
This study presented a septic shock occurring with striking speed during the percutaneous drainage of a large abscess of the liver in an 18-year-old female patient after an appendectomy performed 3 months earlier using the laparoscopic method because of its phlegmonous and gangraenosus inflammation. The post-operative course was complicated by increased suppuration in places after removal of the trocars. After including the intravenous antibiotic therapy and under the USG control, the percutaneous drainage of the abscess was performed. While withdrawing the guide of the drainage catheter set, the symptoms of septic shock occurred. The pharmacological treatment was applied with continuation of the antibiotic therapy till a negative result of microbiological tests was obtained and the normalization of life parameters. The patient was not qualified for treatment in the ICU. She was discharged in a generally good condition after 24 days of hospitalization. In the case of this patient, the drain covered with the content of the abscess may have contact with the adjacent tiny blood vessels, which may have contributed to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome that was linked with fast-developing sceptic shock.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2016, 88, 5; 496-503
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Purine metabolism in the light of aerobic and anaerobic capacity of female boxers
Domaszewska, Katarzyna
Szewczyk, Piotr
Kryściak, Jakub
Michalak, Edyta
Podgórski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Acid-Base Balance (ABB)
Wingate anaerobic test
anaerobic threshold (AT)
maximal oxygen uptake
purine nucleotides
uric acid
The aim of the work was to assess the intensity of purine nucleotide degradation during maximum physical exercise. 5 elite female boxers were the subject of the study. Each of them underwent two exercise stress tests in order to evaluate the level of V̊O2peak and the level of anaerobic capacity during a Wingate test. The study involved collecting capillary and venous blood samples at rest and after the exercise test to determine the Acid-Base Balance (ABB), concentration of lactic acid (LA) and purine metabolism nucleotides. The average value of V̊O2peak was 40.92 (SD = 4.087) ml/kg/min, the average anaerobic capacity Ppeak was 7.57 (SD = 0.380) Watt/kg. The workload resulted in significant changes in the level of ABB and LA after both of the exercise stress tests (p < 0.001). Concentrations of hypoxanthine (Hx), xanthine (X) and uric acid (UA) in the blood increased significantly after the Wingate test (p < 0.05). The level of plasma purine nucleotides at rest and after standard exercise may be a useful tool for monitoring the adaptation of energetic processes in different training phases and support the overload diagnosis.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2020, 30, 2; 97-106
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Protection of valuable areas of local cultural heritage in sustainable development. Cultural parks in the Lodz Region
Boryczka, Ewa M.
Michalak, Justyna
Rzeńca, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
dziedzictwo kulturowe
park kulturowy
kompleksowa ochrona
krajobraz kulturowy
rozwój zrównoważony
cultural heritage
cultural park
comprehensive protection
cultural landscape
sustainable development
Cultural park is one of the forms, in which valuable areas and historical establishments are protected under the Polish law. Protection covers “space” in its entirety with elements of wild nature and man-made structures. Such spaces have been shaped by the history of human interventions into a unique and original cultural landscape, a complex spatial structure consisting of: passages (rivers, channels, roads, and borders), plains (meadows, fields, water reservoirs, and forests), and objects (natural objects and monuments). They ensure sustainability of development processes. In circumstances created by globalisation, investment pressure, and seeking short-term benefits, comprehensive protection of valuable cultural areas acquires special importance from the point of view of sustainable growth. The paper aims to identify valuable areas of local cultural heritage in the context of sustainable development on the example of cultural parks established in the Lodz voivodeship.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2019, 1; 225-240
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proces projektowania zmodernizowanej lokomotywy 19D
Design process of modernized lokomotive 19D
Czerwiński, Jarosław
Jakuszko, Wojciech
Michalak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Poznański Instytut Technologiczny
locomotive 19D
design process
lokomotywa 19D
proces projektowania
W artykule przedstawiono główne etapy procesu projektowania lokomotywy na przykładzie zmodernizowanej lokomotywy 19D. Opisano założenia projektu lokomotywy, etapy realizacji projektu konstrukcyjnego od koncepcji po ostateczną dokumentację wykonawczą. Artykuł powstał w ramach realizowanego projektu Programu Badań Stosowanych 3 nr PBS3/B6/33/2015 pt.: „Platforma zmodernizowanych spalinowych lokomotyw 6-osiowych spełniających wymagania Unii Europejskiej z wykorzystaniem lokomotyw eksploatowanych w kraju” wykonywanego przez Instytut Pojazdów Szynowych TABOR w Poznaniu i Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz S.A.
The article presents the main stages of the locomotive design process on the example of modernized locomotive 19D. The objectives of the locomotive design, and locomotive construction stages from concept to final executive documentation were described. This article is part of the project Applied Research Programme 3 No. PBS3/B6/33/2015 titled: "Platform of modernized 6-axis internal combustion engines that meet the requirements of the European Union regarding locomotives operating in the country" performed by the Rail Vehicles Institute TABOR in Poznan and Rail Vehicles PESA Bydgoszcz S.A.
Rail Vehicles/Pojazdy Szynowe; 2016, Nr 3; 48-55
Pojawia się w:
Rail Vehicles/Pojazdy Szynowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Possibility to use a dual-drive locomotive type 111DE for passenger transport in the territory of Poland
Michalak, Piotr
Urbański, Patryk
Podziński, Mateusz
Dobrowolski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Transportu
passenger transport
dual-drive locomotive
rail transport
transport pasażerów
lokomotywa z podwójnym napędem
transport kolejowy
The vast majority of passenger rail transport in Poland is carried out by vehicles powered by electric traction. In case when a train needs to pass through a non-electrified section of the line, it is necessary to use an electric traction-independent vehicle, which, translated into the current situation, means using a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. The authors propose using a dual-drive 111DE locomotive for passenger rail transport, which can move on electrified and non-electrified railway lines. The article also presents data on the railway infrastructure and statistics on passenger rail transport in Poland. Considerations and justification for the use of a dual-drive vehicle are presented.
WUT Journal of Transportation Engineering; 2023, 136; 35-47
Pojawia się w:
WUT Journal of Transportation Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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