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Polityka regionalna Unii Europejskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii
Regional Policy of the European Union in the United Kingdom
Kowalski, Arkadiusz M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
Declining industry regions and declining rural areas are the main types of troubled regions in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In a spatial perspective, considerable socio-economic inequalities between the poor North and the rich and developed South are the case in the UK. Regional inequalities enforce a regional policy involving application of a set of instruments in order to arrive at a higher convergence of incomes and to stimulate economic activity in the underdeveloped areas. The United Kingdom had been conducting an active regional policy since as early as 1928, but over that entire period its purposes were based on a single indicator, namely the rate of unemployment. A more comprehensive approach, involving support for regional development, has developed after joining the European Community. In 1975-1988, the United Kingdom obtained ECU 5,103.25 million worth of aid and was the second-largest, to Italy, beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund. After the 1988 regional policy reform, the United Kingdom obtained aid from structural funds within the framework of all the separated objectives. The United Kingdom is cone of the most centralised states in the European Union. It has not developed a nation-wide system of local governments, and the key role in pursuit of the regional policy is played by the central government and its regional agencies. The scope of sovereignty of regional government agencies in the field of structural funds management is different in the case of regions located in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK’s experience in the field of drafting financial programmes of structural funds is vast and diversified. Poland and the remaining acceding countries can draw practical conclusions from the United Kingdom’s experience, to be used as guidance for implementation of structural funds’ programmes.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2003, 185, 7-8; 98-119
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kooperacja w ramach klastrów jako czynnik zwiększenia innowacyjności i konkurencyjności regionów
Industrial Clusters as a Factor Behind the Innovativeness and Competitiveness of Regions
Kowalski, Arkadiusz M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
The article examines the conditions underlying the establishment and development of industrial clusters and analyzes the impact of clusters on the competitiveness of regional economies, especially in the context of business innovation. Industrial clusters are one of the most researched methods for stimulating horizontal cooperation in the economy, according to the author. They play an important role in generating and accelerating innovation processes and can act as “growth poles” for both regional and national economies, Kowalski says. Industrial clusters fit into the latest generation of innovation process and policy models, which underline the role of cooperation among enterprises and the significance of ties between companies and research centers. Cluster structures contribute to the diffusion of knowledge and capital in the modern economy. Businesses operating as part of clusters can pursue innovative projects on the basis of both their own resources and expertise and skills provided by other market players, institutions, industries and scientific disciplines. Cooperation as part of clusters is beneficial for individual companies (micro level), regional economies (meso level), and the country as a whole (macroeconomic level), Kowalski says.He pays special attention to the regional aspects of clustering, such as proximity, cultural community, tacit knowledge, trust, and social capital. The article highlights the guidelines of Polish cluster policy, which Kowalski says is an important component of innovation and regional and industrial policies. Cluster initiatives are usually launched at the regional level, the author notes. In the article, he focuses on measures carried out in various provinces in Poland, mainly by analyzing regional operational programs for 2007-2013. There are different models of supporting clusters in different regions in Poland, Kowalski says, but all these models make it possible to develop cluster structures with strong development potential.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2010, 240, 5-6; 1-17
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka regionalna Unii Europejskiej w Irlandii
The Regional Policy of the European Union in Ireland
Kowalski, Arkadiusz M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
Until the early 1990s, Ireland was one of the least developed member states of the European Union. It was beset with major structural problems, high unemployment, low exports, a huge budget deficit and foreign debt. In the second half of the decade, the country’s macroeconomic indicators improved markedly and Ireland became one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This was due to a combination of several factors, including the country’s skillful use of EU funds and pro-growth government policy, which encouraged increased business activity and foreign direct investment. The main goal of the EU’s regional policy in Ireland was external convergence based on equalizing economic growth and incomes between Ireland and the rest of the EU. In connection with that approach, the economic boom deepened socioeconomic differences between individual regions of the country. Today, Irish politicians face two basic priorities. They are hard pressed to maintain their country’s fast economic growth of the late ‘90s and bring about greater convergence in regional incomes. In connection with this, experts recommend that the main goal of regional policy in Ireland should be to improve the competitiveness of regional economies, and thus keep the country on a sustainable growth path.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2005, 199, 4; 73-98
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współpraca w ramach działalności innowacyjnej inicjatyw klastrowych w Polsce
Cooperation in innovation activities within cluster initiatives in Poland
Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
cluster policy
cluster initiatives in Poland
cooperation in clusters
innovation activities in Poland
This article focuses on clusters and the role they play in the innovation system in Poland. The first section examines theoretical background of the concept of clusters and cluster policy, which is emerging as an important element of governmental actions. Next, the author explores the role of clusters in innovativeness of the economy. From that perspective, cluster structures, understood as elements of innovation systems based on knowledge flows, create conditions that facilitate the development and transfer of technology, enabled by intense and constant co-operation between the creators and the beneficiaries of innovative solutions. Empirical part of the article examines the level of innovativeness of Polish clusters on the basis of data obtained from the surveys on innovation activity of industrial and service enterprises conducted by the Central Statistical Office.
Studia BAS; 2020, 1(61); 87-102
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena niezawodności zespołu napędowego samochodu STAR 266
Kowalski, Arkadiusz J.
W: Alternatywne paliwa pochodzenia roślinnego do silników wozów bojowych : problemy eksploatacji zespołów napędowych pojazdów wojskowych : KONSSPAL 2000 / red. nauk. Mieczysław Struś ; Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki Wrocław : WSO s. 130-135
Struś, Mieczysław. Redakcja
Data publikacji:
Star 266 (samochód) napęd niezawodność materiały konferencyjne
Samochody ciężarowe napęd niezawodność materiały konferencyjne
Pojazdy wojskowe napęd materiały konferencyjne
Rys., tab.; Bibliogr.; Streszcz.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Struktury klastrowe jako bieguny wzrostu gospodarki – przykład Bawarskiego Klastra Biotechnologicznego
Clusters as Economic Growth Poles: The Case of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster
Kowalski, Arkadiusz M.
Marcinkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
bieguny wzrostu
rozwój regionalny
growth poles
regional development
The article focuses on business clusters, which have become a popular method for organizing business operations, based on the geographical and sectoral concentration of enterprises. Business clusters are analyzed primarily in the context of the growth pole theory formulated by French economist François Perroux. Under this approach, sectoral polarization, or the rapid development of some sectors of the economy, influences spatial polarization, which means the emergence of locations (referred to as growth poles) characterized by a higher growth rate than other areas. This article aims to validate the hypothesis that clusters can act as growth poles for the economy because they represent an effective mechanism for concentrating resources and stimulating cooperation, conducive to the further development of the sector. This hypothesis is validated on the basis of an analysis of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster, which is one of the strongest biotechnology centers in Europe. This cluster acts as a growth pole for Germany’s Bavaria region, influencing the development of the biotechnology sector, one of the most advanced sectors of the regional economy. The Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster also helps disseminate knowledge and innovation, thus contributing to greater innovation and competitiveness of the regional economy. The growing popularity of clustering and the concept of cluster-based development policies have encouraged the Bavarian authorities to take action to support this form of cooperation in the economy. These measures cover the biotechnology sector, one of the key sectors of the Bavarian economy.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest tematyka klastrów, które stanowią obecnie popularną metodę organizowania działalności gospodarczej, opierającą się na koncentracji geograficznej i sektorowej przedsiębiorstw. Koncepcja ta jest analizowana przede wszystkim w kontekście teorii biegunów wzrostu, sformułowanej przez F. Perroux. Zgodnie z tym podejściem, polaryzacja sektorowa, czyli dynamiczny rozwój niektórych branż gospodarczych, wpływa na polaryzację przestrzenną, a więc wyłonienie się takich lokalizacji (zwanych biegunami wzrostu), które charakteryzują się szybszym tempem rozwoju niż pozostałe obszary. Celem artykułu jest weryfikacja hipotezy, że klastry mogą pełnić funkcję biegunów wzrostu, ponieważ stanowią one skuteczny mechanizm koncentrowania zasobów oraz stymulowania współpracy, sprzyjających dalszemu rozwojowi danego sektora. Weryfikacji powyższej hipotezy służy analiza Bawarskiego Klastra Biotechnologicznego, który jest jednym z najsilniejszych ośrodków biotechnologicznych w Europie. Klaster ten pełni funkcję bieguna wzrostu dla Bawarii, wpływając na rozwój jednego z najnowocześniejszych sektorów, jakim jest sektor biotechnologiczny, a także poprzez efekty rozprzestrzeniania wiedzy i innowacji przyczyniając się do wyższej innowacyjności i konkurencyjności całej gospodarki regionalnej. Rosnąca popularność klasteringu i koncepcji polityki rozwoju opartej o klastry spowodowała aktywne podjęcie przez władze Bawarii działań na rzecz wspierania tej formy współpracy w gospodarce, co objęło sektor biotechnologiczny, stanowiący jeden z kluczowych sektorów dla gospodarki tego landu.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2012, 258, 9; 61-78
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współpraca polskich przedsiębiorstw w sferze innowacji a wsparcie z funduszy unijnych
The Cooperation of Polish Enterprises in Innovation and EU Financial Support
Lewandowska, Małgorzata S.
Kowalski, Arkadiusz M.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
współpraca w innowacjach
efekt dodatkowy
Community Innovation Survey (CIS)
Community Innovation Survey
The paper aims to assess how Polish enterprises work together on innovative projects as part of business clusters and otherwise, and it also evaluates the impact that this cooperation has on the overall performance of Polish enterprises in terms of innovation. Additionally, the authors seek to identify the impact of European Union funds intended for innovative projects on the cooperation of Polish enterprises in innovation. The data comes from the 2008–2010 Community Innovation Survey conducted by Poland’s Central Statistical Office (GUS) in 2011. The sample covers 7,783 medium-sized and large manufacturing firms, with n=80 big cluster-based firms singled out for the final study. The results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), with an additional analysis of the distribution of the estimation errors with multiple sampling with replacement from the sample (non-parametric bootstrap method), show a statistically significant relationship between “non-cluster innovation cooperation with international partners” (suppliers, customers, competitors, capital group members and institutional partners) and innovation performance measured by the log of fraction of sales of innovative products in total sales, the authors say. They add that a statistically significant relationship also exists in the case of “cluster innovation cooperation with domestic partners.” Moreover, the authors argue that the relationship between cluster innovation cooperation, with both domestic and international partners, and non-cluster innovation cooperation demonstrates a “cooperation learning effect.” The impact of European Union funds is visible only in the case of cluster cooperation, testifying to “the existence of cluster cooperation additionality,” the authors conclude.
Celem artykułu jest ocena wpływu współpracy w projektach innowacyjnych podejmowanej przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa w ramach klastrów oraz poza klastrami na ich sprawność innowacyjną, jak i określenie znaczenia wsparcia z funduszy unijnych dla stymulowania tejże współpracy. Analiza prowadzona jest na danych z polskiej wersji badania Community Innovation Survey (CIS) za lata 2008–2010, przeprowadzonego przez GUS w 2011 roku. Próba to 7783 średnie i duże przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowe, z których ostatecznie do dalszych analiz wyodrębniono n=80 dużych firm deklarujących członkostwo w klastrze. Na podstawie wyników modelu równań strukturalnych (Structural Equation Modelling), przy dodatkowym szacowaniu rozkładu błędów estymacji dokonanego za pomocą wielokrotnego losowania ze zwracaniem z próby (nieparametryczna metoda bootstrap), stwierdzono statystycznie istotny związek między współpracą w zakresie działalności innowacyjnej z partnerami zagranicznymi (dostawcami, klientami, konkurentami, innymi członkami grupy kapitałowej oraz partnerami instytucjonalnymi), jak i partnerami krajowymi z klastrów, a sprawnością innowacyjną badanych podmiotów, mierzoną zlogarytmizowanym udziałem procentowym sprzedaży produktów innowacyjnych w sprzedaży ogółem. Stwierdzono również statystycznie istotny związek między współpracą w klastrze a współpracą z partnerami spoza klastra, co potwierdza istnienie efektu uczenia się współpracy (coopertion learning effect). Dowiedziono także istnienia wpływu interwencji publicznej na skłonność firm do współpracy w ramach klastrów (cluster cooperation additionality).
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2015, 278, 4; 69-89
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of the Foreign Trade in Germany Based on the Assumptions of the Gravity Model of Trade – a Federal and Federal State Level Perspective
Wilczewski, Natalia
Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał
Napiórkowski, Tomasz M.
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
Główny wątek monografii stanowi handel zagraniczny, który jest elementem ekonomii międzynarodowej. Pierwsza część przedstawia ideę handlu, historię jego rozwoju oraz omawia założenia modelu grawitacyjnego handlu stworzonego przez Jana Tinbergena. W drugiej części autorka skupia się na handlu zagranicznym Niemiec, poruszając problematykę rozwoju gospodarczego Niemiec w ostatnim stulecie oraz badając, czy założenia modelu grawitacyjnego można zastosować do niemieckiego handlu zagranicznego zarówno na poziomie kraju, jak i poszczególnych landów.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of physiotherapy on spinal alignment in children with postural defects
Zmyślna, Anna
Kiebzak, Wojciech
Żurawski, Arkadiusz
Pogorzelska, Justyna
Kotela, Ireneusz
Kowalski, Tomasz J.
Śliwiński, Zbigniew
Śliwiński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
postural defects
Objectives This paper assesses the effect of neurophysiological rehabilitation in children with postural defects on the depth of thoracic kyphosis, lateral spinal deviation and rotation of spinal motor segments. Material and Methods A total of 201 patients aged 8–15 years old with a postural defect diagnosed by medical examination were enrolled. The analyzed parameters were determined using the DIERS system before the first therapeutic session and after 4 weeks of therapy. The angle of thoracic kyphosis, lateral deviation of the spine and spinal rotation were assessed. The therapy employed techniques associated with the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and Vojta’s approaches. The results were analyzed separately for both sexes and for patients rehabilitated solely with Vojta’s techniques vs. patients rehabilitated according to combined Vojta’s and PNF techniques. The χ² test was used for statistical analyses, at p < 0.05. Results There was improvement in the angle of thoracic kyphosis, ranging from 0.14 (among boys with kyphosis < 42°) to 5.47 (among girls with kyphosis ≥ 42°), spinal rotation, from 0.37 (among boys with kyphosis ≥ 42°) to 4.33 (among patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° rehabilitated solely according to Vojta’s method), and lateral deviations, ranging from 1.32 mm (among boys with kyphosis < 42°) to 2.99 mm (among patients with kyphosis ≥ 42° rehabilitated solely according to Vojta’s method). Conclusions Neurophysiological rehabilitation of patients with postural defects produced positive effects by improving the angle of thoracic kyphosis, spinal rotation and lateral deviation of the spine. Children with reduced thoracic kyphosis achieved less improvement in the kyphosis angle, lateral spinal deviation and spinal rotation than children with kyphosis ≥ 42°. The DIERS Formetric System enables precise monitoring of therapeutic outcomes. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(1):25–32
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2019, 32, 1; 25-32
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efficacy of the use of the McKenzie and Vojta methods to treat discopathy-associated syndromes in the pediatric population
Żurawski, Arkadiusz
Kiebzak, Wojciech
Zmyślna, Anna
Pogożelska, Justyna
Kotela, Ireneusz
Kowalski, Tomasz J.
Śliwiński, Zbigniew
Śliwiński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
back pain
Objectives This paper evaluates the efficacy of using the McKenzie and Vojta methods for patients with low back pain and the use of the DIERS Formetric 4D system as an objective diagnostic tool. Material and Methods The study enrolled 28 patients aged 15–17 years old. The patients were hospitalized at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Świętokrzyskie Center for Pediatrics in Kielce with a diagnosis of back pain associated with a discopathy. The patients were rehabilitated according to the McKenzie and Vojta methods. Assessment by means of the DIERS Formetric system had taken place before the first therapy session and on the day that pain was eliminated to evaluate trunk inclination, angle of thoracic kyphosis, angle of lumbar lordosis, lateral deviation, trunk torsion, surface rotation and pelvic obliquity. Pain intensity and change in pain intensity over time were assessed by means of a numerical rating scale. Results Pain intensity was reduced to 0 over 3–12 days. The study participants demonstrated reduction in anterior trunk inclination of the mean value at 1.83°. The angle of thoracic kyphosis was also reduced by 7.95°. The angle of lordosis increased by 7.6°. The lateral spinal curvature was reduced by 8.92 mm. There was a reduction of 4.64° in trunk torsion. Surface rotation was reduced by 1.61° and pelvic obliquity was reduced by 3.78°. Conclusions In discopathic patients, postural parameters comprising trunk inclination, angle of thoracic kyphosis, angle of lumbar lordosis, lateral deviation, trunk torsion, vertebral rotation and pelvic obliquity fail to reach Hartzmann’s physiological reference ranges. A therapeutic intervention based on the Vojta and McKenzie methods may normalize the posture to physiological reference ranges and is effective in the treatment of patients with back pain. The DIERS system is an objective tool for tracing the effects of therapy in patients with back pain. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(1):33–41
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2019, 32, 1; 33-41
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-16 z 16

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