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Wyszukujesz frazę ""Społeczności lokalne"" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

Wielogłos – małe społeczności lokalne o integracji cudzoziemców
Goszczyński, Wojciech
Stankowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
społeczności lokalne
ośrodki recepcyjne
W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badania nad relacjami mieszkańców małych społeczności lokalnych z obcokrajowcami mieszkającymi w ośrodkach recepcyjnych dla cudzoziemców. Projekt objął trzy odmienne miejscowości: wiejską, peryferyjną Grupę, małomiejską, elitarną Podkowę Leśną oraz Słupsk traktowany w badaniu jako grupa kontrolna. Stosując technikę wywiadów kwestionariuszowych, zespół badawczy starał się odpowiedzieć na pytania o charakter relacji, ocenę codziennych doświadczeń, społeczny dystans oraz wpływ specyfiki wspólnoty na kontakty z obcokrajowcami mieszkającymi w ośrodkach. Wyniki badania wskazują na to, że proces integracji cudzoziemców jest trudny i wywołuje negatywne reakcje mieszkańców. Jednocześnie paradoksem jest to, że lepiej przebiega on w społeczności małej, peryferyjnej, w której istnieje przestrzeń wspólnych styczności, relacji, działań różnych grup.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2018, 534; 102-115
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Horyzonty tożsamości”. Buriackie społeczności lokalne w Mongolii
Połeć, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
społeczności lokalne
wierzenia religijne
local communities
religious beliefs
W niniejszym artykule skupiam się na buriackich społecznościach lokalnych we wschodniej Mongolii. Poruszam kwestię roli społeczności lokalnych i lokalnych miejsc kultu dla budowania tożsamości na poziomie mezostrukturalnym, który można uznać za podstawowy poziom odniesień tożsamościowych. Podstawą niniejszych rozważań są badania o charakterze jakościowym przeprowadzone w lipcu i sierpniu 2019 r. w mongolskim ajmaku wschodnim w czterech buriackich społecznościach lokalnych. W moich rozważaniach staram się pokazać, że zastosowanie kategorii społeczności lokalnych jako punktu wyjścia analiz jest owocną strategią w przypadku analiz umiejscawiających badane społeczności w szerszych kontekstach społecznych, kulturowych i politycznych. Artykuł jest próbą zastosowania kategorii związanych z pojęciem społeczności lokalnych do opisu buriackich społeczności w Mongolii i wskazania, w jaki sposób pozaeuropejskie przykłady społeczności lokalnych mogą wzbogacić socjologiczną refleksję nad tego rodzaju grupami i różnymi poziomami tożsamości. Tytułowe „horyzonty tożsamości” są nawiązaniem do dorobku antropologii krajobrazu, której perspektywa stała się inspiracją w przygotowaniu tej pracy.
The article is focusing on the Buryat local communities in eastern Mongolia and raises the issue of the role of local communities and local places of worship in building identity at the mesostructural level, which may be considered to be the basic level of identity references. These considerations are based on qualitative research conducted in July and August 2019 in eastern Mongolia in four Buryat local communities. The author tries to show that the use of the category of local communities as a starting point for analyses is a fruitful strategy for placing the studied communities in wider social, cultural and political contexts. The article is an attempt to use the categories related to the notion of local communities to describe Buryat local communities in Mongolia and to show how non-European examples of local communities can enrich sociological reflection on local communities and different types of identities. The title “Horizons of Identity” refers to the achievements of landscape anthropology, which inspired the author in the preparation of this work.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica; 2021, 77; 55-74
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół i społeczności lokalne w Białorusi w obliczu wyzwań społecznych
Church and local Communities in Belarus in the face of social challenges
Burko, Vitali
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Misyjne Księży Sercanów
wyznania religijne
społeczności lokalne
wyzwania społeczne
religious denominations
local communities
public difficulties
Artykuł omawia specyfikę funkcjonowania Kościoła i społeczności lokalnych w Białorusi w obliczu wyzwań społecznych, prezentuje statystyki wyznań religijnych, nakreśla strukturę „społeczności lokalnej” w jej aspektach naukowych, teoretycznych i praktycznych, pokazuje rolę Kościoła i lokalnych społeczności w realizacji obrony cywilnej oraz określa używany do tego arsenał środków samoobrony powszechnej.
This article discusses the specifics of the functioning of the Church and local communities in Belarus in the face of social challenges. It presents the statistics of religious confessions, outlines the structure of the „local community” in its scientific, theoretical and practical aspects, shows the role of the Church and local communities in the implementation of civil defense and defines arsenal of general self-defense.
Sympozjum; 2018, 2(35); 249-265
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między społeczeństwem szlacheckim a władzą: problemy komunikacji społeczności lokalne – władza w epoce Jana Kazimierza
Choińska-Mika, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Neriton
The times of rule of John Casimir (1648–1668) put the people of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, its political nation, elites and state institutions, in the face of new, unknown so far (at least not to such extent) challenges and difficulties. The most severe were wars that along with the Rebellion of Bohdan Chmielnicki and then the Deluge entered far into the territory of the Commonwealth, reaching lands which for decades had enjoyed peace. The subsequent war campaigns not only brought about territorial losses but also upset socio–economic state foundations. They also came as a great psychological shock to people and produced damaging effects in the sphere of widely understood social consciousness. A serious problem was caused by heightening of internal tension in which one party was the Court and king and which led to a grave crisis and finally to a civil war. It was accompanied by growing inefficiency of the Sejm. – a Sejm floor became an arena for current political fight which engaged even a parliamentary procedure. All these factors consistently led to a change of position of the most important institution of the noble democracy. The Polish-Lithuanian parliament was systematically losing its legislative and decisive significance (a symptom of which was dissolutions of consecutive sessions without any resolutions and victory of the Liberum Veto principle), becoming a strictly political body. Another vital element of the crisis of ruling system was a collapse of the relations between the king and the political nation. This fact, which is not questioned by historians, had a very complex origins. The king himself missed his chances to come to agreement with the political nation, pursuing mainly a policy of agreements or fight with individual magnate factions over the heads of the noble public. In general, relations between the ruling and the subjects in the historiography were depicted from a perspective of the ‘centre’. In my work I tried to look on the problem in different dimension and from another, issuing from the rank and file, perspective. To begin with, I would like to explain that, unlike many authors, under the term of ‘centre’, ‘central rule’ I understand not only the king and the court but also the Sejm Walny (General). In the then political reality of the Commonwealth, where the policy of the king was restricted by acceptance of the Sejm, the Sejm performed a key role, not only political but also in social consciousness. Local community was a ‘communitas terme’ – land community of specific dietine. The most frequently I used this term in its narrow sense – a community of the local nobility. A state of the source materials does not allow to depict in satisfactory way the actions of other estates. I put into the background the questions of big politics (although they never fade completely). The work focuses on several plots. First of all, I am interested in opportunity of local communities for passing over their opinions and problems, in a word, in the ways of communication with the centre which were open for local communities in such difficult times of almost permanent external threat and internal crisis. To which extent the new challenges and difficulties were modifying existing working mechanisms and what was direction of an evolution? Taking up this theme we are entering a subject of widely understood social communication in the modern times. Due to deficiency of the source materials we cannot apply in full form a notional and methodological apparatus used in contemporary theories of communication by scholars of other disciplines: sociology, social psychology, political science, economics or management. Therefore I made use of selected elements present in any process of communication, both individual and collective. I focused my attention on participants of communication processes (recipients and senders of particular message, regardless of its importance), the problems of functioning of the communication channels and return message. In historical reality described in the text the (collective) sender was a local community, and collective recipient was the Sejm; quite often there was a distinct individual recipient – the king. On the local level a function of the transfer channel was performed by the dietine, while on the higher stage, the channel between the local and central level was formed by the envoys and regional senators. In the next chapters I described the way in which these separate links were functioning in actual situations and realities of John Casimir’s times. The mechanisms formed in the 15th and 16th centuries, based on idiosyncratic communication chain: local communities – dietines – envoys and senators – centre (Sejm and king), were still quite efficient in the first decades of the 17th century. The crisis of the centre visible in the times of John Casimir forces us to analyse the changing role and situations of the other elements. Reactions of local communities to the current needs and difficulties were fairly flexible. Immediate threat stimulated them to better organize themselves which was reflected in much increased number of diverse assembles of the nobility. There was little attention paid to formal divisions of individual dietines. First and foremost care was taken to secure legality for the assembly. And every dietine after having accomplished its purpose (sometimes only in part) considered all matters that currently needed to be decided on. In the face of less and less efficient Sejm the dietines were taking over some of its authority, which, on the one hand, showed the adaptation abilities of local communities and dietines, on the other hand contributed to the weakness of this most important institution of the Commonwealth. In the whole system an important role was played by information circulation that on local level was performed in two ways: official and unofficial. An access to information depended on individual opportunities of each member of the community. The key role in the communication between the locality and centre was played by the envoys and that is why importance was attached to their election and ‘quality’, that is personal virtues. In the sphere of pledges emphasis was placed on ethical values and qualifications of the envoys. However, the practice often deviated from the ideal. Local communities were gradually losing their influence on appointment of seats in favour of growing in strength political factions. The conduct of an envoy in session depended on many factors. Although local communities attempted to restrict the leeway of their representatives obliging them (occasionally under oath) to strictly obey the instructions, in practice the envoys could treat these orders fairly flexibly. It depended mostly on actual arrangement of power in the Sejm. In the instructions much space was taken by local matters, but in quality dominated nationwide issues, concerning the condition of the state, internal and external security, financial situation of the Commonwealth and functioning of system of justice. The envoys performed a double role: a representative of the local community and participant of the decision-making processes on the central level (Sejm). Similar function was performed by the senators, although on different rules. The experiences of the two decades of John Casimir reign revealed the obstructions of institutional informative channels; the senators were not performing their informative function, an effectiveness of the envoys was decreasing. Even the biggest flexibility of the local communities and dietines (i.e. on the local level) could not help to make permeable the whole system. It frustrated the local communities and triggered the tendencies to seek direct communication with the centre with the omission of existing links. Was there a possibility of setting back or adverting the crisis of communication mechanisms of John Casimir times? The solutions were possible, at least in theory, either by strict observation of the principle of ‘mixt monarchy’ (although the subtle balance between its elements had been upset in earlier times, and short-sightedness and lack of strategic thinking of last Vasa led in the opposite direction) or by blending faction system into political structure of the Commonwealth. It would have had to be accompanied, however, by an evolution of faction, based on personal relations with a patron, into a group (party or section) which would be united by common (for longer period) political stance or programme. translated by Grażyna Waluga
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyroda wyzwaniem dla kultury Społeczności lokalne wobec obszarów chronionych Sprawozdanie z XIII ogólnopolskiej konferencji z cyklu „Ekologia Humanistyczna”
Sadowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne; 2019, 31; 185-186
Pojawia się w:
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymiar bezpieczeństwa lokalnego : wybrane zagadnienia
Babiński, Aleksander.
Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP 2020, nr 75, s. 133-151
Data publikacji:
Bezpieczeństwo publiczne
Podział administracyjny
Społeczności lokalne
Artykuł problemowy
Artykuł z czasopisma naukowego
Artykuł dotyczy wybranych zagadnień odnoszących się do współczesnego wymiaru bezpieczeństwa lokalnego. Przybliżono granice lokalności determinujące sprawy środowiska lokalnego. Omówiono przykłady zagrożeń, jakie mogą kształtować poczucie bezpieczeństwa mieszkańców tego środowiska. Przedstawiono także możliwości przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom środowiska lokalnego przez stanowienie norm obowiązującego porządku prawnego. Wskazano potrzebę inicjowania aktywności mieszkańców społeczności lokalnych oraz konieczność budowania świadomości wspólnotowej.
Bibliografia na stronach 146-150.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Epidemie w dawnym Krakowie
Danowska, Ewa.
Mówią Wieki 2020, nr 8, s. 35-38
Data publikacji:
Choroby zakaźne ludzi
Społeczności lokalne
Artykuł z czasopisma historycznego
Artykuł problemowy
Artykuł opisuje różne przypadki epidemii chorób zakaźnych, które występowały w Krakowie między XVI a XVIII wiekiem. Autor przywołuje historyczne teksty, w których zawarto teorie wytłumaczenia epidemii, opisano obrzędy religijne i pochody o wstawiennictwo świętych w czasach zarazy, omówiono jak władze miasta próbowały sobie radzić z zapobieganiem rozprzestrzeniania się choroby, jak pracowali ówcześni grabarze. Wspomniano o epidemii dżumy w latach 1590-1592 oraz o zniszczeniach, jakie ta choroba poczyniła na krakowskiej ludności.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Business involvement in activities for the benefit of local communities
Murawska, Daria
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
local communities
business involvement
społeczności lokalne
zaangażowanie biznesu
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyse if and how companies engage in activities for the benefit of local communities in Poland. Design/methodology/approach. The article analyses the available literature on the subject, data and reports on this issue, and presents a case study of companies and their cooperation with local communities. Findings. By implementing Corporate Social Responsibility assumptions and recognizing the importance of Sustainable Development Goals, companies are increasingly more and more consciously involved in activities for the benefit of local communities. Companies’ environment and local communities are beginning to be perceived as one of the key stakeholders for companies. Practical implications. As the data show, more and more companies are undertaking activities for the benefit of local communities, not only establishing a dialogue with them, but implementing specific projects and initiatives with their participation and for the common good. The growing involvement of business has a positive impact on the development of these communities. Social implications. Business support for local communities is an opportunity for their development. Local activities and communities are key if we want to consider the further development of society. It is important to indicate what this collaboration can look like, and to highlight the benefits for each partner. Originality/value. The article presents the business commitment of local communities, not only taking into account the perspective of a business partner, but also showing the benefits of this involvement for local communities and the entire society.
Organizacja i Zarządzanie : kwartalnik naukowy; 2020, nr 2; 133-150
Pojawia się w:
Organizacja i Zarządzanie : kwartalnik naukowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geografia wyborcza Polski : interpretacje postaw i zachowań obywateli
Koziełło, Tomasz (1978- ). Redakcja
Szczepański, Dominik. Redakcja
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Wydawca
Data publikacji:
Rzeszów : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Społeczności lokalne
Na stronie redakcyjnej napis: "1486".
Bibliografia po rozdziałach. Indeks.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Organizacje pozarządowe i społeczności lokalne a skuteczne działanie dla rozwoju lokalnego
Non-Governmental Organisations and Local Communities and Successful Operation for Local Development
Mempel-Śnieżyk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The changes which takes place in contemporary economy does not reduce interest in locality. On the contrary, it shows that a spatial unit at the local level is often left to itself in the context of changes and the problems resulting from them. It is at the local level that these changes are felt most. Experiences connected with the role of local authorities in local development confirm their importance in this process. It needs to be mentioned, however, that local authorities are not the only actors of local development. Entrepreneurs, local society, or non-government organizations also influence the direction of local development. Nowadays, there is a great focus on the effects of cooperation between local actors for local development. That is why the paper focuses on the role of other actors of local development. The significance of local actors in the process of local development is discussed in the context of their proximity to entrepreneurial environment and their awareness of the local potential.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2013, 289
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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