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The ‘leges libitinariae’ and legal regulations for Roman funeral rites
Kuryłowicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
prawo rzymskie; pogrzeby; regulacje prawne.
Roman law; funeral order; legal regulation.
Pierwotne podstawy prawne rzymskiego porządku pogrzebowego tworzyły normy sakralne, ustawy królewskie (leges regiae) oraz ustawa XII tablic (tab. 10). Ważną rolę odgrywały zawsze obyczaje przodków (mores maiorum). Ponadto edykty pretorskie oraz konstytucje i ustawy cesarskie (D. 11,7; D. 11,8; D. 47,12; C. 3,44). Znaczenie miały również inskrypcje nagrobkowe jako indywidualny akt prawny, tworzący uprawnienia dla fundatora grobowca i oznaczonych w inskrypcji osób (jako tzw. leges datae). Osobne miejsce zajmują leges libitinariae. Nazwa pochodzi od Libitiny – rzymskiej bogini związanej z pogrzebami. Historycznie pierwsza poświadczona jest lex Lucerina z lat 314-250 r. p.n.e., najlepiej znane są lex Puteolana libitinaria oraz lex Cumana libitinaria (z czasów cesarza Augusta). Zawierają one lokalne przepisy, dotyczące zamówień na usługi pogrzebowe oraz wykonywanie wyroków śmierci. Ponadto nakazywały usuwanie porzuconych zwłok z miejsc publicznych. Kontrolę nad przestrzeganiem przepisów ustawowych sprawowali głównie edylowie. Z badań wynika, że prawne regulacje porządków pogrzebowych były już od początku republiki dobrze znane w samym Rzymie i w miastach municypalnych.
Originally, the legal grounds for Roman funeral rites were formulated by religious provisions, royal laws (leges regiae) and the Twelve Tables. Another important set of practices were ancestral customs (mores maiorum), as well as the praetorian edicts and imperial constitutions and laws which came in force later (D. 11,7; D. 11,8; D. 47,12; C. 3,44). Tomb inscriptions were important as well, because they were regarded as the legal acts creating the rights (leges datae) of the tomb’s founder and the persons mentioned in the inscription. Te Leges Libitinariae hold a special position. The name is derived from Libitina, the Roman goddess associated with funerals. Historically, the first of these laws on record is lex Lucerina, dated to 314-250 BC, but the best known are lex Puteolana Libitinaria and lex Cumana Libitinaria, which are dated to the reign of Augustus. They contain local regulations on undertakers’ services and the execution of death sentences. They also contain orders for the disposal of corpses abandoned in public places. Usually, the magistrates responsible for seeing to the observation of provisions relating to burials were the aediles. This research shows that the legal regulations governing funerals were well established in the city of Rome and the municipalities already by the early Republic.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2022, 22, 2; 121-140
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pochówek w Galicji. Wybrane zagadnienia administracyjno-prawne. Część I
Kotliński, Tomasz J.
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
taksy pogrzebowe
prawo cmentarne
burial fees
Druga połowa XVIII w. to okres odchodzenia w wielu państwach europejskich od dotychczasowych zasad pochówku, opartych na grzebaniu zwłok w kościołach i na cmentarzach zlokalizowanych w ich bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie. Dokonywane zmiany motywowane były przede wszystkim względami zdrowotnymi, ale również ograniczonymi możliwościami pochówków w obrębie samych miast. W przypadku Austrii decyzja o przeniesieniu cmentarzy poza obręb miejscowości podjęta została przez cesarza Józefa II końcem 1783 r. Jej konsekwencją było niemal powszechne zakładanie na terenie państwa, w tym także w Galicji, nowych cmentarzy, z których część funkcjonuje do dziś. Jednocześnie w Austrii z biegiem kolejnych lat wydawano szereg aktów prawnych, które szczegółowo regulowały kwestie związane z organizacją cmentarzy i pogrzebów. W opracowaniu przedstawiono wybrane rozwiązania prawne i administracyjne, które na przestrzeni lat obowiązywały w monarchii habsburskiej w zakresie szeroko rozumianego prawa cmentarnego. Uwzględniono przy tym również te akty prawne, które bezpośrednio dotyczyły Galicji i tylko w niej były stosowane. Tym samym w kolejnych rozdziałach przedstawiono w szczególności zagadnienia związane z zakładaniem nowych cmentarzy poza obrębem miejscowości, poszerzania ich terenu, likwidowania oraz ich statusu prawnego. Opracowanie przedstawia także regulacje prawne w zakresie przewożenia zwłok, zasad, na jakich organizowano pogrzeby, i pobieranych od tego obrzędu opłat. Przy okazji zwrócona została uwaga na szczególne formy pochówku, które obowiązywały choćby w przypadku pojawiających się w Galicji epidemii cholery. Warto przy tym nadmienić, że wiele z przyjętych w okresie galicyjskim rozwiązań z zakresu prawa cmentarnego obowiązywało jeszcze w odrodzonej Polsce i miało bezpośredni wpływ nie tylko na współczesny wygląd cmentarzy założonych w tamtym okresie, ale też na pewne zwyczaje pogrzebowe.
The second half of 18th century brought the era of change in existing burial procedures in many European countries, where corpses were buried in churches and adjacent cemeteries. The changes were implemented due to health related aspects, but also through limited burial capabilities within the town administrative borders. In Austria, the decision to move cemeteries outside the town administrative borders, was made by Emperor Franz Joseph II before the end of 1783. As a consequence, numerous new cemeteries were commonly established within the territory of the State, including Galicia, many of which exist to the present day. Concurrently with time, there were a number of legal acts issued in Austria, that precisely governed issues relating to organization of cemeteries and funerals. The study presents selected legal and administrative solutions, being in force throughout the years on the territory of Habsburg Monarchy in the broadly understood area of cemetery regulations. The legal acts directly relating to and only being in force in Galicia were also included in the study. Thus, in the subsequent parts of the study, the specific issues related to establishing new cemeteries outside the town administrative borders, enlarging their areas, closing them and legal status were presented. The study presents the legal regulations concerning the transportation of the corpse, rules of organizing burials and related fees. Concurrently, the special attention was drawn to specific forms of burials, which were in force during cholera epidemic, occurring in Galicia. It is well worth mentioning, that many solutions of cemetery law implemented during Galician times were still biding in Reborn Poland and had direct influence not only on the modern appearance of the cemeteries established during that time, but also on certain burial practices.
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego; 2020, 23; 229-253
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dęte orkiestry i zespoły w tradycyjnej kulturze Żmudzi, Litwa
Žarskienė, Rūta
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
brass ensembles
brass bands
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
church feasts
Samogitian Calvary
Catholic hymns
orkiestry dęte
zespoły dęte
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
święta kościelne
kalwaria żmudzińska
pieśni katolickie
In this article, the primary focus is the tradition of brass bands and orchestras in the lifestyles of Samogitia’s towns and villages in the 20th–21st century. This music-making fromLithuania’s western region (Lith. Žemaitija) is no doubt related to the development of Lithuania’s musical culture as a whole. Therefore, on the basis of historical sources, the author briefly covers the development of ensembles in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The formation of brass ensembles’ tradition was particularly impacted by the celebrations of Catholic Church holidays and solemn processions (particularly in the 17th–18th century), and later – manor orchestras and music schools (end of the 18th–19th century). It was in Samogitia that music-making with brass instruments thrived until the very beginning of the 21st century. The author, on the basis of data collected mainly during fieldworks, reveals the role of brass bands in this region’s folk piety, family and community customs, this tradition’s changes.
W artykule główny nacisk położono na tradycję zespołów i orkiestr dętych w życiu miast i wiosek Żmudzi w XX i XXI wieku. Muzyka z zachodniego regionu Litwy jest niewątpliwiezwiązana z rozwojem litewskiej kultury muzycznej jako całości. Dlatego też, sięgając do źródeł historycznych, autorka w skrócie opisuje rozwój orkiestr w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim. Na powstanie tradycji orkiestr dętych szczególnie wpłynęły obchody świąt katolickich i uroczyste procesje (zwłaszcza w XVII I XVIII wieku), później także funkcjonowanie dworskich orkiestr i szkół muzycznych (koniec XVIII I XIX wiek). Na Żmudzi muzyka instrumentów z mosiądzu rozwijała się do samego początku XXI wieku. Autorka, na podstawie danych zebranych głównie podczas prac terenowych, ujawnia rolę orkiestr dętych w religiności ludowej tego regionu, zwyczajerodzinne i wspólnotowe oraz zmiany zachodzące w tradycji.
Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne; 2018, 57
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Królewskie egzekwie w warszawskim kościele kapucynów w XVIII wieku
Royal Exequies in the Warsaw Capuchin Church in the 18th Century
Osiecka-Samsonowicz, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Maria Kazimiera D’Arquien Sobieska
Jan III Sobieski
August II Mocny
Joachim Daniel Jauch
Alessandro Galli-Bibiena
kościół kapucynów w Warszawie
uroczystości egzekwialne
pogrzeby serc w Rzeczypospolitej XVIII w.
castrum doloris
Marie Casimire D’Arquein Sobieska
John III Sobieski
Augustus II the Strong
Joachim Daniel von Jauch
Capuchin Church in Warsaw
burials of hearts in the 18th-cetury Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
W artykule omówiono plastyczną oprawę egzekwii odprawionych z inicjatywy Augusta II Mocnego za Marię Kazimierę Sobieską w 1717 r. oraz uroczystości związanych z wystawieniem trumien królowej, Jana III Sobieskiego i ich wnuka, zorganizowanych przez królewicza Jakuba Sobieskiego w 1733 r. Analiza rysunków Joachima Daniela Jaucha ze zbiorów Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv w Dreźnie, wsparta źródłami archiwalnymi, pozwoliła na próbę usystematyzowania bogatego materiału ikonograficznego dotyczącego projektów artysty z okazji pochówku serca Augusta II Mocnego w Kapicy Królewskiej w 1736 r., jej dekoracji oraz wystroju kościoła w czasie egzekwii za monarchę, odprawianych w rocznice jego śmierci na polecenie Augusta III przez blisko dwadzieścia pięć lat. Uroczystości te, celebrowane w jednej z najważniejszych sakralnych fundacji Jana III, były ważnym elementem saskiej propagandy politycznej.
The Capuchin Church in Warsaw was one of the major sacral foundations of John III Sobieski who passed away in 1696. Owing to a complex political situation, the King’s remains were not buried then at the Wawel, but only in 1697, following a modest ceremony, they were deposited at the Capuchin Monastery, while his heart was placed in the Order’s archives. In 1700, the body of his grandson John, son of James Sobieski, was deposited next to the monarch’s coffin, while in 1717, the coffin of Marie Casimire Sobieski who passed away in France, was added there. In March that year, as instructed and financed by Augustus II the Strong, exequies were performed to pray for the Queen. The ceremony had an important propaganda undertone. Not only did the bier feature inscriptions exposing the merits of Augustus II who made sure the late Queen would rest in peace, but also thanks to the resolution of the so-called Silent Seym in session merely a fortnight before, he had made an attempt at reforming the state’s political system, and introduced the long-awaited peace to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. At least as of 1731, James Sobieski was trying in vain to organize a dignified burial of the remains of his parents which were decaying in the Warsaw Monastery. However, the indebted Prince could not afford their costly exportation to the Cracow Cathedral and the funeral there. It is likely that he was the one who decided to have exequies performed in the Capuchin Church on the 50thanniversary of the Relief of Vienna, with his parents’ coffins lying in state. It seems likely that precisely this planned ceremony has to be connected with the drawing of the castrum doloris found at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC attributed to Alessandro Galli-Bibiena, and, according to the inscription, executed for the victor from Vienna and his spouse (Fig. 1). From around 1716 Alessandro worked as an architect at the court of James Sobieski’s brother-in- law Charles III Philip Pfalz-Neuburg who may have commissioned the design of the catafalque from the artist coming from a famous family of decorators. Nonetheless, the design, not mentioned in any studies dedicated to the Galli-Bibiena workshop, was never implemented. When on 1 February 1733 Augustus II died in Warsaw, the issue of the remains of John III and Marie Casimire awaiting their burial at the Wawel returned to the fore; the decision was made for their remains together with Wettin’s body to be transported to Cracow, which took place in August that year. On the instruction of James Sobieski the coffins of John III, Marie Casimire, and of their grandson lay in state in the Capuchin Church already on 15 May. The description of the church’s funerary decoration is rendered in a hand-written Latin report published also in the Polish translation. In front of the chancel a castrum doloris was raised containing the coffins of the royal couple and their grandson, before which the box with the heart of John III was exposed. Above, a velvet canopy was suspended, while in the corners four plinths crowned with globes and eagles holding laurel twigs of which silver candle holders grew were placed. The catafalque and the coffins, the high altar and the Church’s walls were decorated with crimson cloths, while the ceiling featured al fresco compositions related to the idea of the ceremony and the King's reign. The body of Augustus II was transported to the Warsaw Castle, and the monarch’s heart was sent to Dresden; meanwhile, his viscera were deposited ‘de mandato Reipublicae’ in the crypt of the Capuchin Church. It was only on 31 January 1736 that the ceremony of the transfer of the vessel containing the royal viscera to a marble urn raised in the middle of the ‘oratory’ adjacent to the Church took place; the oratory’s remodelling into a chapel, later called ‘Royal’, had been commissioned by Augustus III the year before, however, works on its decoration had not been completed. Thanks to the Latin hand-written account of the event and a press note it is known that in the Church as such only a plinth crowned with regalia was placed before the high altar. During the exequies held in the Capuchin Church on the King’s death anniversary in 1737, an analogical plinth was surrounded by eight pillars-guéridons resembling herms in shape, adorned with fruit and plant garlands: four lower ones culminated in crowns, while the higher ones featured eagles perched on globes. It may have been this very composition (or its version) that was rendered in the drawing by Joachim Daniel von Jauch (Figs. 5–7) preserved in the Dresden Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; he was the designer of the decoration for royal exequies and also of the Royal Chapel and its furnishing completed after 1737 (Figs. 8–9). Other drawings by Jauch from the Dresden archives register the designs of the Church’s decor on the occasion of subsequent death anniversaries of Augustus II. The explanation featured in the drawings suggests that the illustrated elements were reused annually with only minor modifications. Interestingly, the composition of eight pillars-guéridons, was almost identical with the ones visible in the above-mentioned design, with the only difference that the four lower ones were interconnected with ogees forming a richly decorated canopy over the plinths with the regalia (Figs. 10–13). Similar pillars-guéridons were placed on the catafalque corners in the Collegiate Church of St John in Warsaw during the exequies for Augustus II in 1735; the decoration for that ceremony had also been the artist’s work (Figs. 14a–15). Eclectic designs by Jauch suggest that in the case of pillars-guéridons he was inspired by French print pattern books (Figs. 16a–b, 17). The traditional elements, serving mainly the décor of royal and magnate residences, were, however, given by him a new function in the funerary arrangement, and they  in a way constituted his trademark in this domain of his art. Therefore, it can be assumed that the decoration of the Capuchin Church for the exequies for the Sobieskis in 1733 with the four pillars with the globes and eagles on the top, known from the descriptions, were also the artist’s work. In the concept of the canopy Jauch resorted to the tradition of the Roman Baroque, though this may have also happened through the mediation of French art present at the court of the House of Wettin. The finial in the form of four converging volutes at the top, echoing Bernini’s canopy in the Vatican Basilica was frequent in France in altar structures popularized thanks to prints, beginning with that in the Paris Notre-Dame du Val-de-Grâce Church (1665) almost until the end of the 18th century (Figs. 23–25). Wettin’s viscera were placed in the Capuchin Church in order to benefit from the legend of John III, but also to reduce the latter’s importance in order to serve the Saxon political propaganda initiated by Augustus II with the exequies for Marie Casimire. The tradition of commemorating the anniversary of the death of Augustus II cultivated for over twenty-five years, until the end of the reign of Augustus III (1763), recorded in the press, led to the fact that Augustus II overshadowed the figure of the Church’s founder. It was only in 1830 that the box with the heart of John III was transferred to the Royal Chapel rebuilt then. In 1919, the first mass after Poland had regained independence was celebrated there: it was dedicated to John III. Thanks to the preserved photographs there is no doubt that from the elements kept in the monastery it was the catafalque with a wood-carved volute canopy designed for Augustus II (Figs. 27, 28a–f, 29), and not the castrum doloris of John III and Marie Casimire from 1733 that was recreated. The structure from 1919 was raised again in 1924 in St John’s Cathedral in Warsaw for the funeral of Henryk Sienkiewicz (Fig. 30), and for the last time, again as a historic monument connected with John III, at an exhibition mounted at the National Museum in Warsaw in 1933.
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki; 2021, 83, 3; 569-615
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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