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Nowe materiały ze schyłku okresu wpływów rzymskich i początków okresu wędrówek ludów z okolic Wyszogrodu, w pow. płockim
New Materials from the End of the Roman Period and the Beginning of the Migration Period from the Vicinity of Wyszogród, Płock County
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie
kultura wielbarska
późny okres wpływów rzymskich
okres wędrówek ludów
okucie końca pasa
Wielbark Culture
Late Roman Period
Migration Period
belt buckle
The collection of the Muzeum Wisły Środkowej i Ziemi Wyszogrodzkiej (Vistula River and Wyszogród Land Museum) in Wyszogród contains hitherto unknown artefacts from the end of the Roman Period and the early phase of the Migration Period. These include: a late brooch with returned foot of Almgren VI,2 series (Fig. 2:1), fragment of a plate-headed brooch (Fig. 2:2), and a beak-shaped strap-end (Fig. 2:3), discovered at Rębowo, Płock County (Fig. 1), and a belt buckle with a thickened frame (Fig. 3) from Wyszogród, Płock County (Fig. 1). All artefacts are made of copper alloy. These forms are typical of the latest phase of the Wielbark Culture in the area of Mazovia on the right bank of the Vistula and in Podlachia. Of particular importance is the fact that they were discovered in an area that, to a large extent, has not been archaeologically explored and which – in light of the material known so far – was devoid of settlement at the end of the Roman Period and at the beginning of the Migration Period.
Wiadomości Archeologiczne; 2020, LXX, 70; 246-249
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Archeologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relikty cmentarzyska kultury przeworskiej z Błonia, pow. warszawski zachodni
Relics of a Przeworsk Culture Cemetery in Błonie, Warsaw West County
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie
kultura przeworska
okres wpływów rzymskich
Mazowieckie Centrum Metalurgiczne
Przeworsk Culture
Roman Period
Mazovian Centre of Metallurgy
In the middle of April 1969, an urn cremation grave from the Roman Period (Fig. 2) was discovered by accident in Błonie, now Warsaw West County (Fig. 1). Several days later, a rescue excavation was carried out in the area of the find, during which four trenches with a total surface area of 130 square metres were opened. Another burial from the Roman Period, two settlement features from the Neolithic and the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, and three modern graves were registered within their limits (Fig. 3). In 1974, 1985, and 2015, fieldwalking surveys took place in the vicinity of the site. The material discovered at this time was interpreted as traces of a multicultural settlement and, in the Roman Period, also a place of iron production. These assumptions were confirmed by excavations that took place in recent years and were prompted by the intense residential development in the area of the site. However, no Przeworsk Culture graves were found during the excavations. The accidently discovered grave 1 is an urn cremation burial of an individual at the age of infans II/iuvenis. In addition to burnt bones, an iron axe (Fig. 4:1), fragments of a melted glass vessel (Fig. 5), and pieces of a burnt multilayer antler comb (Fig. 4:2) were found inside the urn. The clay vessel that served as a cinerary urn was made on a potter’s wheel (Fig. 4:3). Specimens of similar morphology are known from other Przeworsk Culture sites occupied in the Late Roman Period. The closest analogies, both territorially and stylistically, come from sites located not far from Błonie, on the Middle and Lower Bzura River. The iron axe corresponds to the Żarnowiec type. Objects of a similar shape are found in different parts of barbarian Europe, where they are dated within the range of the Late Roman Period. The slender specimen from Błonie, with a rectangular shaft-hole, finds its best parallels in the territory of the Przeworsk Culture in central Poland. It is not easy to date grave 1 based on local artefact forms. The destroyed glass vessel is the most problematic. The better preserved fragments suggest that it was a mould-blown cup decorated with vertical and fairly shallow grooves (Fig. 5). I am not aware of any such specimen found in the territory of Poland. The most similar vessels are found mainly at Roman cemeteries in the area of present-day Cologne, where they were also most likely made. They are usually dated to the 4th century AD. They are quite diverse – some differ from the specimen from Błonie by having narrower grooves; all have concave bottoms. Out of these specimens, the closest analogies are finds from the vicinity of Hambach, Lkr. Düren (Fig. 6:1), Cologne-Neußer Straße (Fig. 6:2), and Krefeld-Gellep, Lkr. Krefeld (Fig. 6:3), characterised by grooves of a similar size. Vessels with vertically ribbed bodies could have also been made in other regions, e.g. in the late Roman (phases C2–C3) glass workshop in Komarìv, Černìvcì Province, on the Dniester River. Unfortunately, we do not know of any glasses from that workshop that are decorated in the same manner as the preserved fragment from Błonie. In conclusion, grave 1 from Błonie should be dated to no earlier than phase C2, and most probably to phases C2–D. Grave 4 (Fig. 7) is a destroyed urn burial. Burnt bones of a child at the age of infans I, sherds of two smaller clay vessels, and a lump of melted glass were found inside the urn. Burnt bones, a fragment of a glass bead, and a spindle whorl (Fig. 7:1), all scattered by ploughing, were found within a 25 cm radius of the urn. The clay vessels found in grave 4 (Fig. 7:2–4) are forms typical of the Przeworsk Culture. They appear in phase B2 and are most often encountered in assemblages from the Late Roman Period. The assemblage from Błonie should most probably be dated to that later stage. The cemetery in Błonie together with neighbouring settlements formed a settlement complex (Fig. 1). A settlement, located several hundred metres to the east and registered at site AZP 57-63/1, was in use at the same time. The complex is a part of the Przeworsk Culture settlement cluster, where signs of intense iron production have been registered (The Mazovian Centre of Metallurgy). Only a small number of cemeteries is known from this region, which led to a theory that local iron production was isolated to the settlement base usually placed within the Przeworsk Culture settlement clusters situated several dozen kilometres to the west, on the Lower and Middle Bzura River. However, this hypothesis resulted from research focused on examination of the local metallurgy. Over a dozen cemeteries are known from the area of the metallurgical centre; they are usually poorly explored and unpublished. An analysis of the material from these sites is necessary to better understand the character of the local settlement of the Przeworsk Culture population. The cemetery in Błonie is also relevant to another research aspect, i.e. the nature of the late Roman settlement of the Przeworsk Culture in the area in question. In light of established findings, at the end of the Early Roman Period and the beginning of the Late Roman Period, the local settlement structures underwent a kind of regression, which is believed to be associated with a decline in large-scale iron production. The results of the latest archaeological research only partly support these findings. Some of the settlements were in fact abandoned at the beginning of the Late Roman Period. On the other hand, the well-examined sites founded near the end of the Early Roman Period do not demonstrate symptoms of a settlement crisis in phases C and D. What is different is the nature of these sites, as they do not show signs of the intense metallurgical activity known from the Early Roman Period.
Wiadomości Archeologiczne; 2020, LXX, 70; 225-238
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Archeologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
search and matching models
labour market policy
modele poszukiwań i połączeń
cykl gospodarczy
polityka rynku pracy
The aim of this paper is to explain the principles of operation of search and matching models and illustrate their research capabilities for the analysis of labour markets. The first part of the paper is a short historical review of the two models, and a presentation of the oldest, but also most frequently referred to in literature sequential job search model. The second part describes in detail the basic Mortensen-Pissarides (MP) model operating in a frictional environment. It begins with some theoretical assumptions, followed by a presentation of the matching technology, job creation and job destruction conditions and related to them wage determination mechanisms (Nash Bargaining Solution). Finally, a steady-state equilibrium is determined. In the third part, possible applications of the MP model to labour market analysis is presented. The main focus is put on the real business cycle (RBC) and the labour market policy (LMP). Weaknesses in performance of the MP model in those two aspects (RBS, LMP) are also discussed.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie zagadnień związanych z modelami poszukiwań i dopasowań oraz zobrazowanie ich potencjalnych możliwości w zakresie analizy rynków pracy. W sekcji pierwszej tekstu skrótowo przedstawiono rys historyczny wspomnianych modeli oraz dwa ich główne kierunki rozwoju. Następnie zaprezentowano jeden z najstarszych, lecz i najszerzej w literaturze omawianych modeli: model sekwencyjnego poszukiwania pracy. W drugiej sekcji tekstu szczegółowo przedstawiono podstawowy model Mortensena i Pissaridesa. Najpierw omówione są założenia teoretyczne, następnie mechanizm poszukiwań i dopasowań, warunki tworzenia i destrukcji miejsc pracy oraz powiązane z nimi ustalenie płac na rynku (Nash Bargaining Solution – NBS), co w efekcie prowadzi do ustalenia stanu stacjonarnego modelu (steady-state equilibrium). W kolejnej części tekstu, na podstawie literatury, zostaje omówione i przedstawione zastosowanie modelu w analizach rynku pracy. Autor zwraca uwagę na zagadnienia najbliższe jego zainteresowaniom badawczym – na modelowaniu cyklu gospodarczego i polityki rynku pracy. W tych dwóch aspektach omówione zostają również potencjalne problemy i krytyka, z jaką model Mortensena i Pissaridesa się spotkał.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2012, 74, 4; 219-237
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Virtualising Space – New Directions for Applications of Agent-Based Modelling in Spatial Economics
Wirtualizacja przestrzeni – nowe kierunki aplikacji modelowania wieloagentowego w ekonomii przestrzennej
Wozniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
modelowanie wieloagentowe
systemy informacji geograficznej
ekonomia miast
ekonomia przestrzenna
agent‑based modelling
geographical information systems
urban economics
spatial economics
W związku z ogromnym postępem technologicznym przed naukami społeczno‑ekonomicznymi otworzyły się nowe płaszczyzny badań złożonych i nie do końca poznanych zjawisk. Jednym z podejść badawczych w tych obszarach jest tzw. modelowanie wieloagentowe (Agent‑Based Modeling) w połączeniu z danymi geograficznymi (GIS). Modelowanie wieloagentowe to metoda, w której budowane są złożone systemy składające się z autonomicznych jednostek (agentów). Między agentami zachodzą interakcje na poziomie mikro, których rezultatem jest ewolucja całego systemu na poziomie makro. Jednym z interesujących trendów modelowania wieloagentowego jest geosymulacja, czyli symulacja wieloagentowa osadzona w świecie wirtualnym, będącym odpowiednikiem realnej, fizycznej przestrzeni. Geosymulacja umożliwia zaawansowane i bardziej realistyczne badania na gruncie ekonomii przestrzennej, socjologii czy psychologii. Niniejszy artykuł pogłębia tę problematykę. Dokonano w nim identyfikacji i porównania dostępnych platform do symulacji wieloagentowej i wybrano trzy, które posiadają wsparcie dla danych geograficznych (GIS). Na tych platformach zaimplementowano dane GIS o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym dla jednej z dzielnic Poznania. Dokonano również porównania funkcjonalności oprogramowania pod kątem trzech kryteriów: trudności programowania, funkcjonalności i współpracy z danymi GIS oraz dostępności materiałów szkoleniowych. Badania te stanowią wstępny etap opracowania złożonego, społeczno‑ekonomicznego systemu miejskiego, osadzonego w paradygmacie modelowania wieloagentowego.
Due to enormous technological progress, socio‑economic science has gained new possibilities of investigating complex and not well‑known socio‑economic phenomena. One of the recent promising research approaches is agent‑based modelling (ABM) with connection to geographical (GIS) data. ABM is a bottom‑up research method concerning individuals that live and interact in the artificial environment. In this type of simulation, evolution of the whole system and macro‑level patterns results from individual behaviour of autonomous entities. Combining ABM with GIS data moves the simulation into the real geographical space. Applying this approach provides powerful possibilities of more realistic socio‑economic simulations concerning urban and spatial economics, sociology and psychology. Geosimulation also helps to answer questions about dependencies between geographical space and economic performances of modern cities. In this paper, a closer look at this topic is presented. We deal with the problem of implementation of GIS data into agent‑based modelling software. In the first step of our research procedure, we compare ABM programming platforms, then we chose three of them which provide GIS data support. In the second step, we implement OpenStreetMap GIS data for one of the districts of Poznań into these programming platforms. Finally, we compare the performance of ABM platforms regarding three major criteria: difficulty of programming, GIS data compatibility and available technical support. Our research is the first step in developing a comple Xsocio‑economic urban system under the ABM paradigm.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2020, 1, 346; 7-26
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja i ewaluacja polityki rynku pracy w Polsce
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
polityka rynku pracy
ewaluacja netto i brutto
metody ilościowe
Duża dynamika przeobrażeń gospodarczych niesie ze sobą wyzwania, które nie istniały jeszcze pod koniec ubiegłego wieku. Szczególne piętno owe przemiany odciskają na rynku pracy i uwidaczniają się chociażby w powstawaniu nowych zawodów, upadku tradycyjnego modelu pracy czy przeniesieniu wielu aktywności zawodowych w sferę wirtualną. W takich warunkach kreowanie efektywnej polityki rynku pracy stanowi nie lada wyzwanie dla współczesnych krajów Europy i świata. Kluczowym problemem staje się dopasowanie interwencji państwa do rzeczywistości rynków pracy. Polityka państwa na rynku pracy niesie ze sobą jednak szereg trudno uchwytnych efektów ubocznych, których trafne rozpoznanie może przyczynić się do optymalizacji alokacji środków oraz poprawy dobrostanu społecznego. Artykuł nakreśla powyższy problem, który wciąż jest niedostatecznie rozpoznany na gruncie nauk społeczno-ekonomicznych w Polsce. W tekście omówiono również najważniejsze wyniki badania efektywności polityki rynku pracy w Polsce, przeprowadzone w latach 2014–2016 przez autora niniejszego artykułu.
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna; 2018, 41; 71-81
Pojawia się w:
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bilateral teleoperation system for a mini crane
Herbin, Paweł
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
human robot interface
machine control
mechatronic system
hydraulic crane
feedforward control
In this paper, two automatic mini-crane control systems have been compared; utilizing feedback as well as both feedback and feedforward structures. The proposed control systems were implemented in a Master-Slave system to provide intuitive control for a mini-crane by human muscles. The control systems that have been designed were tested on constructions with similar structures i.e. an upper limb exoskeleton and a mini-crane with two joints, but using different actuation systems. The mini-crane had hydraulic actuators, whereas the exoskeleton was equipped with electrical actuators.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2019, 57 (129); 63-69
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cmentarzysko kultury przeworskiej w Kurkach, pow. działdowski, stan. III
Przeworsk Culture Cemetery at Kurki, Działdowo County, Site III
Woźniak, Marcin
Grabarek, Artur
Data publikacji:
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie
kultura przeworska
okres wpływów rzymskich
północne Mazowsze
Przeworsk Culture
Roman Period
northern Mazovia
In 2009 and 2011, artefacts from destroyed graves from the Roman Period (Fig. 3) were accidentally discovered in the village of Kurki, Działdowo County (Fig. 1, 2). Archaeological excavations at the site took place in 2009 and 2011. They covered an area of about 500 m2 (Fig. 4, 5). A total of 33 archaeological features were discovered, including five graves from the Roman Period. The graves discovered at Kurki can be attributed to the Przeworsk Culture. They are all cremation burials. Feature 1 (Fig. 6) is a pit cremation burial with remains of a funeral pyre and several vessels (whole or in fragments) lying close to an urn covered (?) with another vessel. Such graves are commonly encountered in the region. Features 23 (Fig. 10, 11), 30 (Fig. 12) and presumably 10a (Fig. 9) are pit graves, with bone material scattered in the pits together with remnants of a funeral pyre. In feature 2 (Fig. 7, 8), human remains were located at the bottom of the pit and covered with three vessels placed upside down. Such an arrangement is characteristic of the graves of the Przeworsk Culture from northern Mazovia. Adult individuals were buried in features 1 and 2, and an older child or adolescent (9–15 years) was interred in feature 23; the sex and age of the person from feature 30 could not be determined. In the case of one grave (10a), osteological material could not be classified. Burnt animal bones were also recorded in two graves (2, 23). Grave goods were fairly modest. Clay vessels (whole or in fragments), usually secondarily burnt, were found in all graves. They mostly represent forms typical of the early Roman, northern Mazovian pottery of the Przeworsk Culture. They find numerous analogies at neighbouring cemeteries, e.g. at Niedanowo, Nidzica County, and Gródki, Działdowo County. Among the less typical forms, a footed cup (Fig. 6:3), a bowl with a low shoulder (Fig. 6:5), and a ribbed bowl imitating Roman glass vessels (Fig. 10:3) are worth mentioning. Other artefacts were registered in two graves only: lumps of melted glass, most probably from a melted glass vessel (Fig. 6:7), were found in the cinerary urn from feature 1, and an iron handle of an organic container was discovered in feature 30 (Fig. 12:4). The examined graves come from phases B1b–B2. The cemetery at Kurki belongs to the local Nidzica-Działdowo settlement cluster of the Przeworsk Culture (Fig. 13). Several sites of this group, most often cemeteries, are known in the vicinity. Most of them are poorly explored archaeologically or studied on a small scale; some are purely accidental discoveries (Kurki – Fig. 14; Rutkowice – Fig. 15).
Wiadomości Archeologiczne; 2020, LXXI, 71; 369-383
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Archeologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grodzisk Mazowiecki, stan. X – cmentarzysko kultury grobów kloszowych i kultury przeworskiej
Grodzisk Mazowiecki, site X – a Cemetery of the Cloche Grave and Przeworsk Cultures
Kaczyński, Bartłomiej
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w Warszawie
wczesna epoka żelaza
okres halsztacki
okres wpływów rzymskich
kultura grobów kloszowych
kultura przeworska
Early Iron Age
Hallstatt Period
Roman Period
Cloche Grave Culture
Przeworsk Culture
Site X, located in the centre of present-day Grodzisk Mazowiecki, was discovered at the beginning of 1959 during construction works carried out in the area of a former Jewish cemetery (Fig. 1, 2). As a result of accidental discoveries and one-day rescue excavations, a total of nine ancient graves (1–5, 7–10) were registered. Another one (6), located in a secondary deposit, was discovered about 50 m to the east in 1988 during earthworks at one of the factory buildings (Fig. 2). Artefacts from the cemetery are currently stored in three institutions, i.e. the Grodzisk Mazowiecki Cultural Centre, the Museum of Ancient Mazovian Metallurgy in Pruszków and the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw. Due to the accidental nature of the discoveries, their only documentation are notes from archaeological interventions and entries on the artefact inventory cards drawn in 1959 (Fig. 4). The lack of sketches and field descriptions does not make it possible to reconstruct the location of the graves and significantly hinders analysis of the funeral rite. The long-term storage of the unstudied material negatively affected its condition – some of the artefacts and documents were lost. This study covers those artefacts that could be identified and combined into grave assemblages. The phase of use of the cemetery in the Early Iron Age is represented by six features: two cloche graves (Fig. 7, 10), three cloche or urn graves (Fig. 5, 6, 8) and one urn grave (Fig. 9). In most cases, the graves contained only pottery. Among the remains of at least 22 vessels, 18 could be typologically identified per the classification of T. Węgrzynowicz30, including ten pots (A1), representing four types and/or variants: I var. b (Fig. 10:2), III var. c (Fig. 7:2), III (Fig. 19:5), V var. c (Fig. 5:1, 6:2, 9:1, 10:1), V (Fig. 6:1, 8:2) VI var. c (Fig. 19:6). Seven bowls (B1) were classified as types: I var. c (Fig. 7:3, 8:4, 9:2, 10:3, 19:4), I var. d (Fig. 8:1), V var. c (Fig. 7:1). There was also one mug (B2) of type I var. b (Fig. 19:3). The vessels represent forms commonly found at Cloche Grave Culture cemeteries in Mazovia and Podlachia. The vessels with quite rare stamped impressions with a marked centre, made with a straw (Fig. 20), stand out in terms of ornamentation. Decoration on the urn from grave 6, made with polygonal stamps with a marked centre (Fig. 10:2), is completely unique. It was presumably made with lignified stems of field plants. Non-ceramic artefacts: bronze lumps, bronze wire and a fragment of a corroded iron sheet (Fig. 7:4.5), originally probably small items of adornment or tools, were only recorded in three graves (3, 5, 6). Skeletal remains were only preserved in three graves. Anthropological analysis showed that the bones of an adult man were interred in grave 2, of a seven-year-old child and an adult in grave 3, and of an adult woman (?) in ‘grave’ 6. The cloche graves cemetery at site X in Grodzisk Mazowiecki is located in the eastern part of the Łowicz-Błonie Plain – an area distinguished by intense settlement of the Pomeranian Cloche Grave circle45. Features of the pottery indicate that the cemetery functioned mainly in phase Ib after M. Andrzejowska53, i.e. approximately at the end of Ha D – the beginning of the so-called older Pre-Roman Period. Four graves are associated with the use of the cemetery in the Roman Period – most likely one pit (grave 7) and three urn burials, including one (grave 9) in which the cinerary urn was covered with another vessel (Fig. 13). The remains of a woman were deposited in grave 8; bones from other graves were not preserved or could not be identified. Grave-goods consisted of 24 non-ceramic objects, including: a bronze brooch (Fig. 13:3), probably a strongly profiled one of the Mazovian variety55; two iron buckles (Fig. 14:3.4.4a), including type D1 after R. Madyda-Legutko57; a bronze strap-end (Fig. 13:4), similar to type 1/6 of group I after R. Madyda-Legutko64; a rectangular bronze belt fitting (Fig. 19:1); remains of an iron razor (Fig. 15:6); three straight iron knives (Fig. 15:3–5); a one-piece antler comb, type Thomas AI68 (Fig. 12:1); (Fig. 12:2); a sandstone whetstone (Fig. 14:5); a double-edged iron sword (Fig. 18:1.1a) of the Canterbury-Kopki72 type or the Canterbury-Mainz variant of the Lauriacum-Hromówka73 type; two iron shield bosses and a bronze shield fitting (lost); four spearheads of types: L/2 (Fig. 18:6.6a), V/2 (Fig. 18:3), II/2 (Fig. 18:2) and XIII (Fig. 18:7) after P. Kaczanowski85–87; aa bow-shaped spur (Fig. 18:5) of type C1b after J. Ginalski95; a chair-shaped spur (Fig. 18:4.4a), similar to type IIc after E. Roman97; remains of a bronze bucket with iron handle of the Östland/Eggers 39–40107 type (Fig. 15:1.2, 16, 17). Of the six clay vessels, five can be typologically identified; they belong to types I/2 (Fig. 14:1), II/1 (Fig. 11:1, 14:2), III (Fig. 13:2) and V (Fig. 12:1) in the classification of T. Liana113. The richest burial at the cemetery, as well as in the area between the Bzura, the Rawka and the Vistula, is grave 10 (Fig. 14–18). It is distinguished by an imported bronze vessel and an exceptionally large number of elements of weaponry (two bosses, four spearheads), testifying to the above-average social position of the deceased. A. Niewęgłowski134 suggested that two warriors were buried in the grave; however, the thesis cannot be verified due to the inability to identify burned bones from this feature. Although isolated graves with larger than standard weaponry sets, including ones containing two shield bosses or several spearheads, are known from Przeworsk Culture cemeteries, they are not frequent. Östland-type vessels are among the Roman bronze vessels most frequently encountered in barbarian Europe. In western Mazovia, imported bronze vessels are relatively rare. The burials from the Przeworsk Culture cemetery are from the Early Roman Period. Grave 10 is dated to stage B2a, grave 9 to phases B2b–B2/C1, grave 8 to phases B2b–C1a, and grave 7 only broadly to phases B1–B2. The cemetery is located within a dense, west-Masovian cluster of Przeworsk Culture settlement, which also included an iron metallurgy centre142. The cemetery at site X in Grodzisk Mazowiecki is one of the many Masovian necropoles used by the population of the Cloche Grave and Przeworsk Cultures152. Even though the mutual chronological relations of the Cloche Grave and Przeworsk assemblages exclude a hypothesis about continuous use of the cemetery by the population of both cultures, it should be remembered that the site has only been partially explored. Unfortunately, the area of the cemetery is currently heavily urbanised and partly overlaps with a former Jewish cemetery, where excavations are forbidden (Fig. 3). This prevents any archaeological research, and thus possible determination of the original range of the cemetery and examination of its structure.
Wiadomości Archeologiczne; 2020, LXXI, 71; 289-318
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Archeologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crane control system using exoskeleton based on programmable logic technology
Ziętek, Ryszard
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
master-slave control
field-programmable logic cascade regulation
mechatronic system
manipulator kinematics
In this paper, a mini-crane control system using an exoskeleton based on programmable logic technology is presented. The first stage was to identify the parameters of the mini-crane and exoskeleton sub-assemblies. Then, individual crane and exoskeleton control subsystems were designed based on cascade regulation. The final stage was to connect these subsystems into the master-slave control system using the manipulator’s kinematics equations. Parallel processing was used to minimize delays in the control system. Analysis of the results showed that the difference between the set and measured crane position was small.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2020, 63 (135); 77-83
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Exploring bike-sharing systems in Poland co-financed from the European Union funds
Badanie systemów rowerów miejskich w Polsce dofinansowanych z funduszy Unii Europejskiej
Dzięcielski, Michał
Woźniak, Marcin
Radzimski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Komisja Geografii Komunikacji Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
bike sharing
European Union funds
współdzielenie rowerów
fundusze Unii Europejskiej
jazda rowerem
In recent years, numerous Polish cities and municipalities have become involved in the creation of bike-sharing systems. Although the contribution of bike-sharing to creating sustainable transport caused some controversy in the literature, the positive role of cycling in promoting low-emission mobility and a healthy lifestyle is widely acknowledged. As part of the European Union’s sustainable transport agenda, some Polish local governments have obtained funding from structural funds for the implementation of bicycle-sharing schemes. This article presents an overview of selected systems, as well as a preliminary analysis of their users’ activity based on data obtained through a Web API. Although the scope of the data was limited in time due to the shutdown of the systems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shortly after their spring reactivation, some patterns could be observed. In particular, users activity was more evenly distributed over time in larger cities (over 300 thousand of residents), whereas in smaller cities alternating periods of high and low activity was observed.
Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG; 2020, 23(4); 7-18
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bike-sharing system in Poznan – what will Web API data tell us?
System rowerów miejskich w Poznaniu - co nam powiedzą dane z Web API?
Dzięcielski, Michał
Radzimski, Adam
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Komisja Geografii Komunikacji Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
big data
system rowerów miejskich
zbiór danych duży
Bike-sharing systems, also known as public bicycles, are among the most dynamically developing mobility solutions in contemporary cities. In the past decade, numerous Polish cities hoping to increase the modal share of cycling have also adopted bike-sharing. Such systems continuously register user movements through installed sensors. The resulting database allows a highly detailed representation of this segment of urban mobility. This article illustrates how a database accessed via a Web API (Web Application Programming Interface) could be used to investigate the spatial distribution of trips, using the case study of Poznań, the fifth-largest city in Poland. Using geographical information systems, we identify the hot spots of bike-sharing as well as areas with low usage. The research procedure outlined in the paper provides knowledge that allows better responding to users’ needs.
Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG; 2020, 23(3); 29-40
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the frequency of the transforming growth factor beta-1 sequence polymorphisms in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome
Augustyńska, Beata
Araszkiewicz, Aleksander
Woźniak, Marcin
Grzybowski, Tomasz
Skonieczna, Katarzyna
Woźniak, Alina
Żyła, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
transforming growth factor TGFβ-1
alcohol dependence syndrome
TGF-β1 gene
Alcohol abuse is one of the most significant factors in the development of liver fibrosis. The pathomechanism of liver fibrosis is the same regardless of its etiology. Fibrosis is a sign of an imbalance between the synthesis of the extracellular matrix components and their degradation. Among the many cytokines that affect hepatic stellate cell activation it seems that transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is the most significant, either as the direct factor stimulating polymerase chain reaction (HSC) proliferation and transformation into myofibroblasts, or as the direct factor causing an increase in the activity of genes responsible for the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. The aim of the study was to reveal possible dependencies and differences between the presence of certain alleles of the TGF-β1 gene and its blood level in the study and control group. Blood samples were obtained from 39 patients, the control group consisted of 21 patients. The results obtained in the course of this study showed no statistically significant differences between the frequencies of particular polymorphisms. In the case of haplotype frequencies, insignificant differences were found for the algorithm Excoffier-Laval-Balding predicted haplotypes while one significant difference between the study and control groups was detected in case of the TC haplotype frequency predicted using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. However, the difference in frequency of TC haplotype predicted by both algorithms was not significant. Genetic analysis of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon I of the TGF-β1 gene did not show significant differences between the occurrence of particular polymorphisms and haplotypes in the populations under study.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2015, 62, 1; 63-67
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosity in breast cancer with the use of a well characterized multiplex system.
Powierska-Czarny, Jolanta
Miścicka-Śliwka, Danuta
Czarny, Jakub
Grzybowski, Tomasz
Woźniak, Marcin
Drewa, Gerard
Czechowicz, Włodzimierz
Sir, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
microsatellite instability
short tandem repeats
multiplex DNA typing
breast cancer
Analysis of microsatellite instability (MI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is recommended for screening patients with sporadic and hereditary malignancies. This study shows an application of a fluorescent hexaplex PCR system for microsatellite typing on A.L.F. DNA Sequencer (Pharmacia Biotech). This technique detects changes in microsatellites providing a time-efficient, reliable and accurate method for MI and LOH analyses. The Fragment Manager software was used for automated size calculation and quantitation of DNA fragments, enabling rapid and precise measurement of allelic ratios. We examined 70 breast cancer and 70 control DNA specimens, classified all the patterns of microsatellite alterations, and set up MI and LOH assessment criteria for the automated multiplex fluorescent method.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2003, 50, 4; 1195-1203
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne przemiany czynników rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego
Konecka-Szydłowska, Barbara
Churski, Paweł
Dolata, Michał
Dominiak, Joanna
Hauke, Jan
Herodowicz, Tomasz
Nowak, Adam
Perdał, Robert
Woźniak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
socio-economic development factor
human capital
social capital
material capital
financial capital
Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne
Studia komitetu przestrzennego zagospodarowania kraju PAN; 2018, 183; 67-88
Pojawia się w:
Studia komitetu przestrzennego zagospodarowania kraju PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inflammatory response to a marathon run in amateur athletes
Kaleta-Duss, Anna Maria
Lewicka-Potocka, Zuzanna
Dąbrowska-Kugacka, Alicja
Raczak, Grzegorz
Siekierzycka, Anna
Woźniak, Marcin
Kalinowski, Leszek
Lewicka, Ewa Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
amateur runners
Background: While moderate physical exercise has positive effects on the cardiovascular system, the data regarding intensive endurance sports is biased with studies suggesting that the inflammatory response to strenuous exercise may act proarrhythmogenic. In amateurs, the effects of intensive endurance exercise on the cardiovascular system have not been studied. Analysis of the effects of a marathon on the kinetics of inflammatory biomarkers may bring new insights into this issue. Material and methods: We studied the effect of a marathon on the kinetics of inflammatory biomarkers: Endothelin-1 (ET-1), Pentraxin-3 (PTX-3), Neopterin and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the population of 35 amateur male marathoners. The study was divided into 3 stages: two weeks prior to the marathon (S1), at the finish line (S2) and two weeks after (S3). Blood analyses for biomarkers were performed at each stage. Results: The concentrations of ET-1 (3.20 ± 0.90 vs. 1.30 ±0.34 pg/ml, p <0,001), PTX-3 (441.09 ± 295.64 vs. 279.99 ± 125.68 pg/ml, p < 0,001), Neopterin (9.97 ± 2.17 vs. 8.36 ± 2.68 nmol/l, p < 0,05) and IL-6 (32.5 ± 13.90 vs. 0.97 ± 0.77 pg/ml, p < 0,001) were significantly higher at S2 compared to S1. Conclusions: Running a marathon causes an acute rise in concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers. Further research is needed on the long-term effects of intensive endurance exercise on the cardiovascular system.
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine; 2021, 4, 1; 43-49
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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