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Jak mówił Cyprian Norwid? W poszukiwaniu głosu poety
How did Cyprian Norwid speak? In search of the poet’s voice
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
idiolekt Cypriana
język pisarza
życiorys językowy
Cyprian Norwid’s idiolect
writer’s language
linguistic biography
Artykuł omawia te elementy fonetyki Cypriana Norwida, które udało się zrekonstruować na podstawie graficznych cech jego rękopisów, a także na podstawie informacji o życiorysie językowym poety, przede wszystkim o czasie jego życia oraz mazowieckim pochodzeniu. Na wymowę Norwida składały się prawdopodobnie następujące cechy charakterystyczne dla polszczyzny XIX wieku: obecność samogłosek pochylonych é i ó, synchroniczna wymowa i inna niż dziś dystrybucja nosówek, przedniojęzykowa artykulacja ł, dźwięczność h, synchroniczna realizacja spółgłosek zmiękczonych wargowych, brak wyrównania dźwięczności w grupach typu kw, sw, św, cw, ćw, tw, chw oraz szerszy od współczesnego zakres proparoksytonezy. Do obecnych w idiolekcie Norwida mazowizmów brzmieniowych należały natomiast: formy bez przegłosu, stosowanie połączeń kie, gie w miejsce ogólnopolskich ke, ge oraz ubezdźwięczniająca fonetyka międzywyrazowa. Z kolei z wpływami kresowymi można powiązać częstsze niż w polszczyźnie ogólnej stosowanie o zamiast ó, jak również zastępowanie spółgłosek twardych miękkimi. Zaprezentowany obraz tworzą własności, które autor Vade-mecum dzielił z innymi użytkownikami polszczyzny swojego czasu i środowiska. O ściśle indywidualnych cechach jego wymowy, a także o charakterystycznych dla niego zachowaniach parajęzykowych można wnioskować jedynie pośrednio, odwołując się do relacji osób, które miały z nim kontakt. Z przeglądu takich świadectw wyłania się wizerunek rozmówcy obdarzonego pięknym tembrem głosu, posługującego się wyrazistą intonacją i gestami trafnie zespolonym z wypowiedzią.
This article discusses those elements of Cyprian Norwid’s pronunciation that could be reconstructed on the basis of the graphic features of his manuscripts, as well as on the basis of information about the poet’s linguistic biography, especially about the period of his lifetime and his Masovian origin. Norwid’s pronunciation probably had the following features characteristic of 19th-century Polish: the presence of the raised vowels é and ó, the synchronic pronunciation and different distribution of nasal sounds than today, the fronting of ł, the sonority of h, the synchronic realisation of palatalised labial consonants, the lack of alignment of sonority in clusters such as kw, sw, św, cw, ćw, tw, chw, and a wider distribution of proparoxytone stress than today. On the other hand, the Masovian influences in Norwid’s idiolect included: forms without apophony, the use of kie, gie in place of standard Polish ke, ge, and devoicing at the word boundaries. Furthermore, the Eastern Borderlands influence can be attributed to the more frequent use of o instead of ó, as well as the replacement of hard consonants with soft time, living in that environment. Strictly individual features of his pronunciation as well as para-linguistic behaviour characteristic of him can only be inferred indirectly by referring to the accounts of people who had contact with him. From a review of such testimonies, an image emerges of an interlocutor endowed with a beautiful timbre of voice, using expressive intonation and gestures aptly combined with speech.
Studia Norwidiana; 2023, 41; 29-44
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O perspektywach perspektywizmu
About the perspectives of perspectivism
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Arent van Nieukerken
twórczość Cypriana Norwida
sacrum w twórczości Norwida
Cyprian Norwid’s works
sacrum in Norwid's work
The article is a critical discussion of Arent van Nieukerken's work entitled The perspective character of the sacrum. Sketches about Norwid's Romanticism (Warszawa 2007). The work tries to reconstruct and describe the structure of the human experience of transcendence, the experience which, according to van Nieukerken, the author of Vade-mecum often makes the subject of his work. In this way the book introduces into Norwidology the category of “perspectiveness” understood both as a feature of man's existence, and as an idea regulating human cognition. The first three chapters of the work are devoted to the study of this category in Norwid's writings (in Quidam, Assunta and other poems), and the last two ones mainly discuss determinants of “the feeling of the world” in selected representatives of Polish Romanticism, and against this background they show how original the author of Promethidion was.
Studia Norwidiana; 2011, 29; 229-243
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o archaicznych elementach składniowych w tekstach Cypriana Norwida
A few remarks on archaic syntactic elements in Cyprian Norwid’s texts
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
składnia Cypriana Norwida
składnia XIX wieku
archaizmy składniowe
konstrukcje przestarzałe
język Cypriana Norwida
Cyprian Norwid’s language
Cyprian Norwid’s syntax
19th century syntax
syntactic archaisms
obsolete constructions
The article discusses the main types of obsolete syntactic structures that are present in Cyprian Norwid's writings: a lack of identity of the agent of a participle elliptical sentence and of a super-ordinate clause (in this case the archaic character is only one of hypotheses explaining Norwid's practice of building sentences); non-agent constructions with verbs containing się (reflexive verbs) fulfilling the function of predicate connected with the nominative case by the relation of concord; harmonizing relations of quantity ad sensum; gender discordances in a sentence's main relation; a nominal predicative word in the nominative case; the presence of the accusativus cum infinitive construction; numerous peculiarities of the rection (especially the predilection for synthetic constructions) and the use of old functions of grammatical cases; obsolete conjunctions, personal forms of the predicate in clauses of purpose and other subordinate utterances starting with the conjunctions by, aby, żeby, ażeby, iżby, byle. The feature that connects Norwid's language with the old Polish language is also the multitude of component utterances in a compound sentence that is accompanied by a relatively loose connection between syntactic elements. Some of Norwid's uses of obsolete constructions result from an intentional stylization that is first of all supposed to lead to obtaining a certain hieratical character of the text; however, most old forms show the peculiar character of the idiolect typical of the author of Vade-mecum himself; he used archaic structures probably under the influence of his readings, of foreign languages and regional variants of Polish, because of the rhythm of the text, and sometimes also because of his own carelessness, or even his lack of proper abilities to build sentences.
Studia Norwidiana; 2011, 29; 99-117
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duch Święty w pismach Cypriana Norwida
The Holy Spirit in the Writings of Cyprian Norwid
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Cyprian Norwid
Duch Święty
język religijny
język Cypriana Norwida
nazwy Boga
the Holy Spirit
religious languae
Cyprian Norwid’s language
names of God
The paper seeks to describe the image of the Holy Spirit in the writings of Cyprian Norwid. The description has been based principally on the analysis of Norwidian names of the Holy Spirit and their uses. In Norwid’s texts thatere four description of the Third Person of God (the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of History-Paraclete, and the Comforter), altogether 89 contexts. The Third Person of the Trinity is at the same time the Divine Person most rarely referred to by the author of the Vade-mecum. The Holy Spirit, revealed in secret, hidden under His manifestations, plays an important role in Norwid’s vision of reality. He is the maker of human fellowships, guardian of history, foundation of man’s improvement, giver of moral attributes, such as valour, love, and obedience, guarantor and pattern of freedom that ensures unification with God’s plans. He is also the agent of any activity and creative action.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 6; 89-103
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topikalizacja w tekstach Cypriana Norwida. Rekonesans
Topicalization in Cyprian Norwid. a Reconaissance
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Cyprian Norwid
thematic-rhematic structure
struktura tematyczno-rematyczna
Topikalizacja, rozumiana jako uwydatnienie tematu wypowiedzenia, ma w twórczości Cypriana Norwida rozmaite wykładniki syntaktyczne, leksykalne i graficzne – te ostatnie, specyficzne dla wypowiedzi autora Vade-mecum, stanowią swoisty ekwiwalent suprasegmentalnych wykładników struktury tematyczno-rematycznej w tekście pisanym. Omawiana operacja wprowadza do wypowiedzi ukryty kontrast, wskazując, że mowa w niej właśnie o X, a nie o jakimkolwiek innym możliwym do pomyślenia temacie ani też nie o obiekcie, który można by wybrać z jakiejś sygnalizowanej wcześniej klasy. Towarzyszy jej następująca intencja: ‘mówię o X, a nie o Y, Z... itp.’. Zaciera ona wyrazistość podziału na część tematyczną i rematyczną i tym samym wpisuje się w charakterystyczną dla Norwida strategię mówienia, w której zarówno główny temat, jak i remat wypowiedzenia wydają się równie ważne.
Topicalization, understood as highlighting the topic of an utterance, has different syntactic, lexical, and punctuational exponents. Punctuational exponents are specific to Norwid, constituting a peculiar equivalent of suprasegmental exponents of the thematic-thematic structure in a written text. The discussed operation introduces a hidden contrast, indicating that the topic of an utterance is X rather than any other conceivable topic, or an object which could be selected from a previously signaled class. This is accompanied by the following intention: ‘I am talking about X, not about Y, Z… etc.’, This blurs the clear distinction into the thematic and rhematic part, and hence represents Norwid’s characteristic strategy of speaking, in which the main topic and rhemat seem equally important.
Forum Poetyki; 2021, 26; 18-31
Pojawia się w:
Forum Poetyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oddziaływanie mass mediów
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podatek bankowy w krajach UE – wybrane aspekty
Selected aspects of the bank tax in the EU countries
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Bank tax
European Union
podatek bankowy
Unia Europejska
The article discusses the manners of implementing the bank tax in the selected EU countries and analyses the changes concerning the financial resilience of banks and the level of risk incurred by them. The research conducted is to verify the thesis whether a significant change of the financial condition of the banking sector has occurred after introduction of the bank tax in the EU countries. The study covered the financial resilience, understood as the ability of the banks to absorb the loses and the level of risk of the bank’s exposure.
W artykule zostały omówione sposoby wdrażania podatku bankowego w wybranych krajach UE oraz dokonana analiza zmian dotyczących odporności finansowej banków i poziomu ryzyka przez nie ponoszonego. Przeprowadzone badanie ma na celu weryfikację tezy, czy po wprowadzeniu podatku bankowego w krajach UE nastąpiła istotna zmiana kondycji finansowej sektora bankowego. Badanie dotyczyło odporności finansowej, rozumianej jako zdolność banków do absorbowania strat oraz poziomu ryzyka ekspozycji banku.
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie; 2017, 43, 2; 88-100
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reklama w procesie budowania lojalności konsumenta: ujęcie modelowe
Advertising in the process of building consumer loyalty: a model approach
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
the aim of the article is to develop a new conceptual framework for examining the role of advertising in forming consumer attitudes. The author assumes that consumer attitudes mediate the process of making the decision to purchase a product. Existing advertising models are not sufficient for understanding the impact of advertising on a consumer. The identification of factors mediating in this interaction, such as the level of commitment to purchase (High-Mid-Low), the motive of purchase (cognitive-emotional) allow for the identification of at least nine different advertising strategies. The author presents her own concept of how advertising builds interest in the product mediating conceptual approach to the creation of the product, possibly contributing to the experience of the test (e.g. test drive car) and, consequently inducing the purchasing decision. It also shows that, depending on the product category, an ad after purchase (and experience with the product) reinforces the sense of fairness and the selection of the product and/or reminds of the existence of the brand on the market. The informative advertising (1) is for products that generate a high level of risk purchasing: such as white goods (refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers), expensive electronic appliances (microwave ovens) and financial services (loans, mortgages, investment policies). Advertising should first of all make a demonstration of the basic features of the product. In case of advertising reducing the risk of purchasing (2), referring to such products as cars and some financial services, advertising will be primarily urged to trial experience or argued that the purchasing process is easy, simple and enjoyable. Advertising reducing emotional distortion (3) will highlight the fact that the purchase of a luxury version of the product (eg. clothing or cosmetics) offers greater guarantees to meet the needs (in line with the higher price − higher quality). At the same time advertising should emphasize the emotional reasons to purchase. It is different in case of the ad reducing information overload (4), where brand appeal should be built either by brand awareness (due to increased exposure) or by highlighting the specific attributes of this brand. Advertising building repeated behavior (5), relies primarily on the rational benefits, but providing specific knowledge about these products is not necessary in this case. In advertising building the routine behavior (6), and referring to such products as water, food, everyday use cosmetics, emotional charge quality, health, as well as a striking impression emotional arguments, such as shiny hair are more important. In case of advertising building the impulse behavior (7), it is vital to pay attention to the information about the possible immediate satisfaction from the use of the product. In an ad building the membership of the group (8), we find such products as coffee, soft drinks and beer. You need to highlight the fact
Ekonomia XXI Wieku; 2014, 1(1); 168-184
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia XXI Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miejsce badań nad idiolektem w obrębie językoznawstwa
The situation of studies on the idiolect within the field of linguistics
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
language of an individual
concept of the language
The article attempts to portray transformations of the research on the idiolect in Polish linguistic studies of the last two centuries. In this research some distinct tendencies can be observed: inscreasing number of works devoted to different idiolects, widening circle of described individuals, as well as new theoretical approaches to the problem, closely related to main paradigms of contemporary linguistics: above all the concept of the idiolect as an individual communication competence or as a structure containing the individual worldview. The evolution of understanding the idiolect is still involving new phenomena considered as idiolect components into the field of research. Some linguistic currents regard the idiolect as more primal than the common language, which is treated as the overlap of many idiolects. Because of all these the research on idiolects are clearly put forward from margins of linguistics towards its centre. It seems there are new currents and linguistic disciplines that influence discovering the value of the idiolect as an object of linguistics. Focusing on the idiolect results also from tendencies present in other disciplines as well as from the individualistic aspect of the contemporary culture.
Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze; 2015, 30
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instrumenty komunikowania marketingowego w dobie globalizacji
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Globalization, Marketing communication, Public awareness, Consumer awareness
A global market necessitates including the evolution of consumer awareness  and the growing importance of consumers in marketing activities. This process  including utilizing existing instruments of marketing communication along with  a new look at consumer motivations (and at information about products). Among  the major changes in consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide are the following  phenomena: more negative attitudes toward advertising, increasing consumer  attention to ethical aspects of business, greater environmental awareness, and  growing consumer product expectations. Th e study shows a close relationship  between social and technological changes. New information technology provides  new opportunities for contact with consumers and between consumers.  It is expected that the current traditional model of communication with the  market, based on information derived from opinion leaders (from athletes, experts,  celebrities), in the interactive communication model will be lead to horizontal  influence derived from individual consumers. Consumers become not only active  seekers of market information, but also creators and relayers of this information  rather than defenseless recipients. Furthermore the responsible consumer is a person  who not only knows his or her rights, but also supports a particular producer  through purchases. Access to information about companies (and their products)  through new media (mobile, internet) allows the consumer to control activities  of commercial organizations (particularly multinational corporations) without  geographic limitations.  Not so long ago, the most important goal was to provide products conveniently  to consumers at an attractive price. Now it seems that brand imaging is increasingly  created by consumers themselves, who in turn create brand history among  themselves. New patterns of consumer behavior give rise to new marketing (and  communication) strategies. Of course, many consumers do passively participate  in the process of marketing communication. However, we must assume that this  new generation of responsible consumers determines a clear direction of changes  in business -consumer relationships.  
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2010, 1; 151-173
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizerunek kobiety dojrzałej w reklamie prasowej kosmetyków
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Press advertising; Woman; Advertising technique; Cosmetics
The paper shows the world of the elderly through the eyes of the creators' advertising messages. The author assumes that advertising leads to the formation, strengthen and reinforce the stereotypical thinking about social groups and roles. Advertising as mass communication at the moment is treated as an extension of the socialization process, aligning and strengthening the existing cultural patterns. The results of qualitative researches go beyond the current approach to the image of older people in advertising. Exploratory analysis were subjected to advertising messages, in which the woman's age has been an important promotional message. It is assumed that the age is a matter of particular importance from the point of view of shaping the identity of the conteporary woman. It's important that image of elderly people in advertising is associated not only with its perception by the individual, but also by others. Advertising has great interest and willingness to reflect on the natural process of human aging. This mass message displays, which is characteristic of a particular sex, as falls do in a given age, as one should look at the situation. Characteristics and behaviors ascribed to a particular sex or age, in@uence, either positive or negative response to a person, both by themselves and by the others. Certain image of the elderly has an impact on our level of optimism, mood and actions of people of all ages.
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace; 2011, 2; 189-210
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Produkt gastronomiczny w hotelach w Łodzi
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
produkt gastronomiczny hotelu
restauracja hotelowa
gastronomia hotelowa
Restauracje oraz inne obiekty świadczące usługi gastronomiczne stanowią istotną część hoteli, mogą być ich wizytówką lub decydować o ich niepowtarzalności. Zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Ministra Gospodarki i Pracy z dnia 19 sierpnia 2004 r. w sprawie obiektów hotelarskich i innych obiektów, w których są świadczone usługi hotelarskie gestorzy mają obowiązek świadczenia usług gastronomicznych w hotelu. Jednak mimo dynamicznego rozwoju gastronomii w XXI w. prowadzenie obiektów znajdujących się w hotelach jest często dla gestorów obowiązkiem, a nie źródłem dodatkowego dochodu. W niniejszym artykule został zaprezentowany produkt gastronomiczny w łódzkich hotelach, rozumiany jako wszystkie usługi w hotelu związane z gastronomią. Analiza została przeprowadzona pod kątem marki obiektów, oferty związanej z lokalną kuchnią oraz dostępności gastronomii hotelowej dla potencjalnych gości. Ponadto wyróżniono czynniki, które mogą ułatwić dostęp do gastronomii hotelowej, przełamując jej stereotyp jako uznawanej za dostępną tylko dla osób korzystających z noclegu, oraz przedstawiono zalety dobrego wykorzystania możliwości produktu gastronomicznego hotelu.
Turyzm; 2019, 29, 1; 37-45
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The gastronomic product of Łódź hotels
Kozłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
gastronomic product of a hotel
hotel restaurant
hotel gastronomy
Restaurants and other facilities providing catering services are an important part of hotels, can be their flagship product or make them unique. The obligation to provide restaurant services was imposed by the Ordinance of the Minister of Economy and Labour of 19th August 2004, concerning hotel and other facilities where hotel services are provided. Despite the dynamic development of gastronomy in the 21st century, running catering facilities in hotels is often an obligation which does not bring additional income. The aim of the research is to present the gastronomic product in Lodz hotels, understood as all the services related to gastronomy that are provided. The analysis was conducted with respect to the brand of the facilities, references to local cuisine and the availability of hotel gastronomy to potential guests. The work also presents factors that may facilitate access to hotel gastronomy, breaking the stereotype of ‘available only for hotel guests’, as well as the advantages of using the hotel's gastronomic product in a proper way.
Turyzm; 2019, 29, 1; 35-42
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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