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Wyszukujesz frazę "(P-P)." wg kryterium: Autor

Zintegrowany model kompetencji
Czapla, Tomasz P
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In the paper it was discussed understanding of the idea of competences, taking into ac- count its ambiguity and the diversified semantic scope. The second part of the study presented an integrated model of competence that linking into the cohesive whole rational and emotional elements of the competence.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2010, 234
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teoretyczne aspekty partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego – zalety, wady, bariery rozwoju w Polsce oraz związek z ideą nowego zarządzania publicznego, prywatyzacji i zamówień publicznych
Mikołajczyk, Dariusz P
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne
bariery rozwoju
During last years cooperation between private and public sectors became more popular. It’s the effect of visible results of this process. That is why we should think more about potential of public-private partnership, which is not made the most of. We have to remember, that public infrastructure in Poland also is not developed and this favour PPP development. There are many definitions of PPP, but their common thing is statement that they concern projects realize common by public and private sectors. Such activities can bring advantages to both sites. That can be financial costs division on all years of the investment or risk division. What is more, it can also raise quality level of public services. Moreover private firms are more term in opposition to the public sector. Besides more projects can be realized by this way, as financial outsources are taken into account. However the cooperation of this two sectors can give also some disadvantages. The most important threat is high risk of corruption. Additionally, the way of projects prepare are very long and can affect public services quality. We are able to distinguish many barriers of PPP development. The most important are law barriers, lack of public services and PPP contracts standardization. Also procedures of private partner choice are not regulated in a proper way. This form of cooperation is also promoted insufficiently. Partly that is the reason why public sector is unprepared for gain european funds. In addition, society is not interested with public matters. Next problem is high level of private policy in public partner units and serve one term in majority of cases. Furthermore, in society eyes PPP process seems to be very mysterious. That is way public-private partnership can be mistaken by a society with public orders. The differences between them should be shown. We have to remember that PPP should be connected in people minds with New Public Management and not mistaken with privatization process. Concluding, the most important issue is to educate society and show possibilities as well as aims which can be reached by using private-public partnership.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2010, 243
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowywanie jako spotkanie osób w świecie wartości
Upbringing as a meeting of humans in the world of values
Glinkowski, Witold P.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
experiencing values
human being
doświadczenie wartości
osoba ludzka
Presentation’s title indicates two obviousnesses. First one is that upbringing refers to persons – they are animators and receivers of this process. Second one is that this process goes on in daily “human” life, therefore eo ipso axiological world. Above obviousnesses tend to be omitted, or at least marginalized. It is worth posing a question about the reason for that. At the same time it is worth noting what are the conditions, in which upbringing process takes place, and which attest to its ‘not-everydayness’. Despite being fundamental and unprecedented, those conditions are often veiled by other – the ones pertaining to the ‘everydayness’ of this process. They designate educational-didactic perspective and apply to tactical-strategical aspects of upbringing. Whereas the other apply to primary principles, which should determine this process. Among primary principles we can distinguish the question about human and the question about values. In the everydayness of upbringing those principles are sometimes hidden behind casual, particular tasks or utilitarian aims, which we tend to perceive as fundamental reasons for pursuing educational activities. However, without devoting some time for theoretical refl ection, the process of upbringing can not be fulfilled implicitly. What we should reflect upon is the human being understood as a subject of meeting, together with his or her values, which create the realm, in which meeting is being conducted.
Tytuł tekstu sygnalizuje dwie oczywistości. Po pierwsze tę, że wychowywanie dotyczy osób – są one animatorami oraz adresatami tego procesu. Po drugie, proces ten przebiega w codzienności świata „ludzkiego”, a więc eo ipso świata zaksjologizowanego. Powyższe oczywistości bywają przeoczane, a przynajmniej są marginalizowane. Warto jednak postawić pytanie o przyczynę takiego stanu rzeczy. Jednocześnie warto zwrócić uwagę na warunki, w jakich przebiega proces wychowawczy, a które świadczą o jego „niecodzienności”. I chociaż są to warunki fundamentalne i bezprecedensowe, bywają one przesłaniane przez inne warunki, należące do „codzienności” tego procesu. Te ostatnie wyznaczają perspektywę edukacyjno-dydaktyczną i dotyczą „taktyczno-strategicznych” uwarunkowań wychowania. Z kolei te pierwsze dotyczą podstawowych pryncypiów, które powinny określać ten proces. Do owych podstawowych pryncypiów należą: pytanie o osobę oraz pytanie o wartości. W codzienności wychowania te pryncypia bywają ukryte, przesłonięte doraźnymi, partykularnymi zadaniami bądź utylitarnie pojmowanymi celami, w których upatruje się zasadniczych racji podejmowania i prowadzenia działań wychowawczych. Stawiam jednak tezę, że bez poddania odpowiedniej teoretycznej refleksji, proces wychowawczy może być realizowany jedynie połowicznie i nie może przynieść optymalnych rezultatów. Czynnikami, których nie wolno tu przeoczyć są: osoba ludzka, rozumiana jako podmiot spotkania oraz wartości przez nią postrzegane i przeżywane, jako realia, w których spotkanie się dokonuje.
Studia z Teorii Wychowania; 2018, 1 (22); 49-61
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Teorii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Minimal Sequent Calculi for Łukasiewicz’s Finitely-Valued Logics
Pynko, Alexej P
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
sequent calculus
Łukasiewicz’s logics
The primary objective of this paper, which is an addendum to the author’s [8], is to apply the general study of the latter to Łukasiewicz’s n-valued logics [4]. The paper provides an analytical expression of a 2(n−1)-place sequent calculus (in the sense of [10, 9]) with the cut-elimination property and a strong completeness with respect to the logic involved which is most compact among similar calculi in the sense of a complexity of systems of premises of introduction rules. This together with a quite effective procedure of construction of an equality determinant (in the sense of [5]) for the logics involved to be extracted from the constructive proof of Proposition 6.10 of [6] yields an equally effective procedure of construction of both Gentzen-style [2] (i.e., 2-place) and Tait-style [11] (i.e., 1-place) minimal sequent calculi following the method of translations described in Subsection 4.2 of [7].
Bulletin of the Section of Logic; 2015, 44, 3-4
Pojawia się w:
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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