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Суверенні держави перед викликами глобалізації: аналіз сучасних концепцій
Suwerenne państwa wobec wyzwań cywilizacyjnych: analiza współczesnych koncepcji
Кресіна, Ірина
Алєксєєнко, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
the nation state,
the transnational state,
world government
The authors examine the national states development scenarios on the basis of two tendencies – the world government nascence and strengthening of the nation state. The ideas about inevitable formation to the 2000 year of the «world state» in the form of conflict-free and just united society of humanism in 1990-years failed. The possibilities of passing to more humane, just and intelligent society changed to the scenarios of split to parts civilization, contradictions between which were practically impossible to solve. By the end of XX century the determinative feature in investigation of the further existence of a sovereign state investigation becomes an inconsistency of the globalization process, which, despite expectations, at one time integrates and disjoins nations. The 1990s witnessed, that within global governance of the continuous "Shift of power" from governments of nation states to some new supranational structure of international management is not observed. Rather we talk about fundamentally new tendency of world development: at the global level both states and transnational formations own “the part” of power. The capital flows, which are consistently increasing, and products crossing national borders, making them more and more transparent, demand creation of coordinating bodies at the supranational level, but not as a shape of a "world government", but as collective actions of governments of several states. This model propsed by German political scientist W. Beck, is based on the idea of transnational state, namely community of states. The process of globalization provides arguments for supporters of the traditional theory of political realism, who claim, that in future development scenarios the main parts, as previously, belong to strong states and their nation interests, strength of which will be only increasing due to economic integration. The debates are kept only about whom in XXI century the leadership belongs to - traditional Western centers of power or East which grows stronger.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 8-17
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Концепція «людини політичної» в античному дискурсі
Conception of «Political Person» in Ancient Discourse
Леськів, Марія
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
«political person»
ancient discourse
policy state
political discourse
Key theoretical and methodological approaches of foreign and national scholars towards the understanding of the essence of «political person» in the ancient discourse are investigated in this article. The role of the politics in the process of the ancient state building and its influence on the formation of the notion of «political person» is analyzed. It is defined that the development of the political organization of the society, human pursuit of collectivity and sociality contributed to the participation of people in the politics. The definition context of the human problem in the age of antiquity outlines the importance of such categories as «spirituality» and «morality» as the key principles of social life conceptualization and the regulators of human behavior, which is governed by rational and irrational norms. The notion essence of «political person» and characteristic aspects of the meaning formation are studied. Human participation in political affairs of the ancient Greece and ancient Rome states is described separately. Various interpretations of the concept of political person are presented. Much attention is paid to the anthropocentric world view of Aristotle, especially his concept of man as a «political animal». The key role of the state in the process of the formation of a political person that became the main actor of the political arena of the polis life is emphasized. It is shown that outside of the family unit there is political space, which is formed with the «spirit» of liberty and publicity. The article researches in details the peculiarities of democratic form of government of the ancient Greece as well as reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the purposive involvement of the citizens into political life. It is stated that such political process on one side formed an active political actor and on the other – political career of the Athenian citizen took all of his life space. The reasons and process of the state building concentrating on the social part of human nature are studied and analyzed. The main features of anthropocentric conception of the ancient thinkers are studied; the key criteria for distinction of an animal and a human being are highlighted. The article defines and analyzes three main characteristic features that distinguish a human being from living creatures: sociality, intellect and language. The influence of the latter on the development of the state as an «institutional reality» built with words and symbols is proved. The article emphasizes the considerable significance of the communication and political discourse as crucial characteristics of a citizen that determine his political activity. The language is viewed as an art of relations and inseparable method of nonviolent political actions. In modern politological discourse there formed a tendency to define Athenian democracy as «the most conversable» state form. «Language» and «action» as two forms with political status are described separately. The article formulates synthetic definition of the concept of political person, considering the peculiarities of human essence interpretation in ancient discourse. The factors directly or indirectly influencing the definition of the notion «political person» has been described. It is emphasized that the interpretation of the essence of the human of the ancient times is based upon the definition of a person as a social, governmental and political being. In the process of the research it is defined that the notion of «political person» is a complex conceptual model that is formed with such essential features as «socializing person», «ideal citizen», «personality of law», «friendly being».
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 306-311
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Актуальньіе проблемьі государственного регулирования предпринимательской деятельности
Actual problems of state business regulation
Рьібчак, В. И.
Data publikacji:
Mazowiecka Uczelnia Publiczna w Płocku
state regulation
small business
The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of the formation mechanism of state regulation of business. We studied the factors that affect entrepreneurial activity. Substantiated proposals to improve the efficiency of business regulation.
Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Płocku. Nauki Ekonomiczne; 2015, 1(21); 221-226
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Płocku. Nauki Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Серія «The Foreign Relations of the United States» (FRUS) як приклад офіційної документальної історії
The Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) Series as an Example of Official Documentary History
Klynina, Тetiana
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Institute of History of Ukraine
Державний департамент
Державний секретар
зовнішня політика
State Department
Secretary of State
foreign policy
Мета статті полягає в розкритті ідеї виникнення та еволюції видання FRUS як золотого стандарту офіційної документальної історії, аналізі основних періодів розвитку збірки, акцентуванні уваги на законодавчому підґрунті видання серії та проблемах розуміння серії FRUS як прикладу прозорості американського уряду. Аналізуючи науковий доробок із теми дослідження, авторка звертає увагу на два аспекти: відсутність інтересу до цієї збірки в українській історіографії та достатньо обмежену зацікавленість серед світової наукової спільноти. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на принципах історизму, об’єктивності, системному підході й відповідних загальнонаукових методах, таких як проблемно-хронологічний і метод інформаційного аналізу. Наукова новизна визначається розкриттям еволюції збірки, її функціональної спрямованості, а також пропонується періодизація розвитку видання. Висновки: Видання збірки розпочалося в 1861 році й розцінювалося Конгресом не лише як засіб інформування громадськості, але й як інструмент контролю над виконавчою владою. Також не було оприлюднено жодних чітких критеріїв для видання, вилучення матеріалів, хоча загальний консенсус підтримувався щодо того, які матеріали не слід оприлюднювати, а саме ті, «які погано вплинуть на суспільне благо». Видання періоду 1861 – 1905 років не брали до уваги факт незручності для іноземних урядів, американських дипломатів або президентів США. Наголошується, що видання періоду 1920 – 1945 років зазнали глибоких змін у меті, виробництві, процедурах оформлення та цільовій аудиторії. Цей період пов'язаний із появою першого офіційного наказу, який передбачав обов’язкову історичну «об’єктивність» і слугував статутом для серії (із незначними змінами) до 1991 року. Вказується, що зміст збірки та швидкість її появи розцінювалися як прямий доказ дотримання урядом США політики прозорості й підзвітності. Як результат, між 1920 і 1945 роками Державний департамент випустив 56 томів, що охоплювали період між 1913 і 1930 роками. Зазначається, що поступово баланс між прозорістю та національною безпекою ставав дедалі складнішим. Серія FRUS була й залишається життєво важливим ресурсом для громадськості, наукової спільноти, політологів, тощо. Після закінчення Другої світової війни Державний департамент переосмислив парадигми прозорості ХХ століття. З 1950-х до 1980-х років імперативи «холодної війни» вплинули на своєчасність видання, а також на ухвалення рішень щодо розсекречення документів уряду США. З початком «холодної війни» видання серії FRUS відставало в середньому на 15 років; до 1980-х років це відставання подвоїлося приблизно до 30 років. Перед оприлюдненням томи також піддавалися більшій перевірці в уряді США. Частково це було наслідком розширення бюрократичних рамок, частково – наслідком «холодної війни». Видання другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століття відійшли від функціональної складової ХІХ століття, й натомість стали засобом певної історичної прозорості. Видання FRUS дозволять проаналізувати не лише еволюцію дипломатичної майстерності США, а й політики відкритості як ключового елемента демократичного розвитку.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the idea of the emergence and evolution of the FRUS publication as the gold standard of official documentary history, to analyze the main periods of the collection's development, focus on the legislative basis for the publication of the series and the problems of understanding the FRUS series as an example of the transparency of the American government. Analyzing the scientific work on the topic of the study, the author draws attention to two aspects: the lack of interest in this collection in the Ukrainian scientific community and the rather limited interest among the world scientific community. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, a systematic approach, and relevant general scientific methods such as problem-chronological and information analysis. The scientific novelty is determined by showing the evolution of the collection, its functional orientation, and the proposed periodization of the publication's development. Conclusions: The publication of the collection began in 1861 and was viewed by Congress not only as a means of informing the public but also as a tool to control the executive branch. No clear criteria for publishing or removing materials were made public, although there was a consensus on which materials should not be published, namely those “that would be detrimental to the public good”. The publications of the period 1861-1905 did not take into account the fact of inconvenience to foreign governments, American diplomats, or US presidents. It is emphasized that the publications of the period 1920-1945 underwent profound changes in purpose, production, design procedures, and target audience. This period is associated with the appearance of the first official order that provided for mandatory historical “objectivity” and served as a charter for the series (with minor changes) until 1991. It is pointed out that the content of the collection and the speed of its appearance were seen as direct evidence of the US government's adherence to the policy of transparency and accountability. As a result, between 1920 and 1945, the State Department released 56 volumes, covering the years between 1913 and 1930. It is noted that gradually the balance between transparency and national security became increasingly difficult. The FRUS series has been and remains a vital resource for the public, academia, political scientists, and others. After the end of World War II, the State Department redefined the transparency paradigms of the 20th century. From the 1950s to the 1980s, the imperatives of the Cold War affected the timeliness of publication, as well as the decision-making process for declassifying U.S. government documents. At the beginning of the Cold War, the FRUS series was 15 years behind on average; by the 1980s, this gap had doubled to about 30 years. The volumes were also subjected to greater scrutiny by the U.S. government before being released. This was partly a result of expanding bureaucratic frameworks and partly a consequence of the Cold War. The publications of the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries moved away from the functional component of the nineteenth century and instead became a means of a certain historical transparency. The FRUS publications will allow us to analyze not only the evolution of US diplomatic skill but also the policy of openness as a key element of democratic development.
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings; 2023, 32; 262-280
Pojawia się w:
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vidnyanskyj, Stepan
Olashyn, Mykola
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Institute of History of Ukraine
Mykola Vehesh
Carpathian Ukraine
Ukrainian state-building
The article highlights the biography and scholarly work of a member of our yearbook editorial board, Doctor of History, Professor Mykola Vehesh
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings; 2022, 31; 331-338
Pojawia się w:
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Вплив постмодерних реалій на процес трансформації політичних цінностей у світі і в Україні
Wpływ realiów postmodernistycznych na proces transformacji wartości politycznych w świecie i na Ukrainie
Меньшеніна, Анна
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political values
nation state
This article analyzes political values of the contemporary world and Ukraine in connection with conception of postmodernism. The article has focus on political science analysis of axiology like a determinant of the political life. Postmodern epoch has emerged after disillusionment with modernism ideals and its optimism. The person`s alienation from his/her origin, the change of industrial conditions, the senseless of revolutions, humanity`s self-destruction in world wars constituted an epoch of Postmodernism. The notion of postmodernism is described by philosophers as a new cultural tendency of Western societies. It can be characterized through the basic features such as openness and readiness for perception sociopolitical and cultural changes, freedom of self-expression, improvement of quality of life, care for ecology etc. For instance J.F. Lyotard used the concept of postmodernism to describe the condition of knowledge in the most highly developed societies. The emergence of the phenomenon of postmodern caused by the crisis of modernism`s metaphysical philosophy. According to J.F. Lyotard, modernism is losing its functors, great hero, great dangers, great voyages and great goal. In contrast postmodernism denies any kind of ideology, dominance, violence or war for the sake of peace and agreement. It contradicts monism, unification, totalitarianism and necessity of utopias. Also it approves the idea of diversity, the competition of paradigms and coexistence of diverse elements. Otherwise the conception of pluralism is the one of the main postmodernism feature. Postmodernism was emerged to explain the global conditions of the last decades of twentieth century. In consequence, it is intended for explaining the contemporary crisis phenomena and processes, finding new priorities, aims and tasks for humanity. That is why the transformation of social, cultural and economic lives tends to form the new basis of modern societies which faces a task of changing orientations and revaluation basic social and political values. A lot of philosophers agree to main idea of dominance the value consciousness over the ideological one. Nowadays axiological systems of the groups, societies or states become similar to each other. Political values can be considered like core and universal. They are characterized as rule of law, sovereignty, observation of human rights, individualism, freedom, equity, tolerance, peace, consensus, pluralism etc. These political values are basic for contemporary postmodern country. Despite the certain set of state`s political values postmodern nation state suffer from the tendencies of globalization which minimize the guide role of the nation state. That is why modern country needs to be rethought according to postmodern paradigm. Ukraine also needs to rethink the current and future status of its values and its place in the world`s order. On the one hand, declared by Ukraine its euro integration vector requires acceptance universal European political values such as dominance individual values over national ones, diversity of political behavior and prevailing role of global axiology over national. On the other hand, having a system crisis inherited from Soviet Union, Ukraine should form its own national identity on basis of national idea and then implement political and national values like responsibility, justice, dignity etc. After Ukrainian achieving independence from Soviet Union new values emerged such as democracy, freedom, constitutional state, observing human rights, justice and national patriotism. They were declared as the course of Ukrainian development but the implementation had faced some difficulties like reactionaries and oligarchic groups. To O. Babkina`s mind, the actual problem of modern Ukraine is both unity of Ukraine and its contradiction from external threat of its sovereignty. Moreover the dire threat of national integrity influenced over social consolidation, invoked forming sociopolitical values and determined geopolitical vector for Ukraine. Positive factors for Ukrainian axiological system are consolidation of national idea, overcoming the value cleavage among political elites and citizens, growing patriotism of financial groups and authority. To sum up, Ukraine is building its own Postmodern to be a competitive and perspective actor of foreign policy due to its efforts of overcoming the value cleavage of Ukrainian society and strengthen first positive achievements.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2018, 8; 199-204
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Практиче аспектьі информационного обеспечения процесса государственного регулирования
Practical aspects of state regulation information process
Курмаев, П. Ю.
Data publikacji:
Mazowiecka Uczelnia Publiczna w Płocku
state regulation
system of information-analytical support
This paper investigates material and program support of informatization process of state regulation. The author has analyzed the structure of the system of information-analytical support of state regulation. The main stages of informatization of state regulation are determined.
Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Płocku. Nauki Ekonomiczne; 2015, 1(21); 195-201
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Płocku. Nauki Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Дитина в українському історичному наративі ХVІІІ ст.
The Child in 18th‑century Ukrainian Historical Narrative
Сердюк, Ігор
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
childhood history
Hetman State
historical myth
Slavia Orientalis; 2021, LXX, 1; 23-42
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Orientalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Державно-церковні відносини пізньопротестантських течій у Польщі (1918 1939 рр.)
Галуха, Любов
Бородинська, Ліна
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Poland (1918-1939)
late Protestants
state and church relations
The article deals with state and church relations of late Protestant movements in interwar Poland that provided the right recognition for activities of religious communities, the legalization of community and religious communities, ensuring civil rights and duties of the faithful.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2012, 2(4); 215-226
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Державна політика України: між цивілізаційними і національними викликами
Polityka państwowa Ukrainy: pomiędzy cywilizacyjnymi i narodowymi wezwaniami
Газізов, Михайло
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
state policy
political class
national safety
The key aspects of the state policy of Ukraine are considered in the context of the development of the civilizational challenges of the present day and the requirements of ensuring national safety. Separate attention applies on determination of role of national political class in realization of public policy in area of modernisation transformations. After all, the readiness of the national political class to implement the reform program of the systemic transformation of the state and society is one of the determining factors of the success of the state policy. The author argues that the emergence of a consolidated political class, which clearly recognizes national priorities and is able to defend and defend national interests, is an urgent need for the present and future for Ukraine. In the context of the coverage of the studied issues, the peculiarities of the institutional design of the Ukrainian state and its influence on state policy were determined. It is stressed that despite the tangible democratic progress of recent decades, the threat of an increase in autocratic and authoritarian tendencies in state policy, on the one hand, and the weakening of those already shaky germs of forms of direct democracy (for example, participation democracy, self-governing forms of organization citizens), without the development of which it makes no sense to speak about the modernization potential of the state policy of modern Ukraine. For example, the real political state of the basic state and social institutions, the domination of informal rules of the game on the political field, allows us to characterize the state of the political system of Ukraine today and its separate political institutions as hybrid. One of the examples of successful implementation of the state policy of modernization of the Ukrainian state can be considered a gradual transition to the e-governance system. E-Governance refers to innovative state policy and government technologies that are designed to ensure the effective implementation of the three functions of public policy - information, communication and participation. Therefore, the active introduction of e-governance is not just time requirements; it is the approximation of state policy to modern standards of democratic, modernized state-political control. However, it should be noted that the proliferation of e-governance entails tangible threats to the national state and national security. Let’s say the threat of violation of sovereignty. In a geopolitical situation in which Ukraine emerged after 2014, such a threat is not only virtual, but quite tangible, which puts forward special requirements to the system of state policy both at the personalized and institutionalized levels of functioning. Under such conditions, one of the main tasks of state policy is to create a reliable system of cybernetic protection of state sovereignty and national security of the country, which would maximally protect the Ukrainian state and Ukrainian citizens on the institutional and personal levels, respectively. On the other hand, an e-governance system that would be able to organically integrate into the system of global e-communication should be developed, pushing the Ukrainian state into a group of countries - pioneers of the total internetisation of the state and society. Further research on this issue should be concentrated, among other things, as the author believes, in the development of models for reviewing the principles of state policy in Ukraine in the context of the deployment of the integration of the national state into a globalized world political process.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2018, 8; 103-107
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Публічна політика та вплив її суб’єктів на безпеку держави
Public policy and Influence of its Subjects on State Security
Кукуруз, Оксана
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
public policy
subjects of public policy
external and internal subjects
policy of
Russian Federation
conflicts in Ukraine
state security
ways reducing state security
The situation in the east of Ukraine actualized issues of the state security. The attempts to identify subjects of public policy, who influenced on reduce level of national security of Ukraine, are made in this article. The author considered different approaches to the definition of public policy, kinds of its subjects. Scientists understand public policy as a state policy; as society policy, which protects the society interests; associate it with transparent policy; define it as statements and activities of politicians who were promulgated. Different definitions of the public policy research showed that it depends on scientific interests of the researcher. For example, specialists of administrative law usually identify public policy with state policy, and therefore understand it as a program and activities of the state authorities. In the same time political scientists consider public policy widely, as programs, activities, power struggle of different political and social actors, whose ideas are promulgated and it can become part of state policy. Public policy is a very dynamic phenomenon in the modern world and has many features in each country. Transformation processes in different spheres of social life are still occurring in Ukraine. There are still no established mechanisms through which state policy can be formed and realized. Social and political forces use different ways of influence on decision-making by state authorities. Thus public policy in Ukraine do not need to be identified only with the state policy («American tradition»), but it need to be understood as a purposeful activity of active representatives of state authorities, social and political forces that have a clear goal, spread their ideas in society and try to implement it through legislation («European tradition»). The author offers subjects of public policy to divide into external and internal. Representatives of power of another state (states) and international political and social forces are external subjects of public policy. Representatives of state power, political and social forces of the same state (or one political union) are internal subjects of public policy. Expressions, statements, activities of representatives of Russian Federation (external subjects of public policy), which influenced on reducing level of national security of Ukraine, are given in this article. Also there are showed the list of subjects, who according to Ukrainian legislation, should detect and prevent threats to national security. Instead of this internal subjects of public policy made statements and accepted the legal acts that contained threats to the national security of Ukraine. The author noted the problems that became public reasons for conflicts in Ukraine. External and internal subjects of public policy mostly used the ethnic, linguistic and religious contradictions of Ukrainian society to reduce the security of t he state. Influence external and internal subjects of public policy on Ukraine security were powerful. Deliberate and well organized their activity was conducted in several directions and contained different ways: 1) forming of anti-Ukrainian ideology; 2) creating organizational structures which must spread this ideology (political parties, associations, and even religious organizations); 3) searching supporters of this ideology among representatives of state authorities; 4) implementation of main provisions of ideology in state policy; 5) adoption of legislation corresponding to this policy. This practice, according to the author, suggests that public policy is neutral notion. It doesn’t mean that this policy is created and implemented for benefit of society. This qualitative characteristic can be used only for some kinds of public policy, when its aim really is provide interests of society.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 217-227
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The state role evolution in preventing and overcoming of the economic crisis
Zmieniająca się rola państwa w zapobieganiu i zwalczaniu kryzysu gospodarczego
Бурдяк, Олег
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
state functions evolution
economy and society globalization the integration process
state running model economy
ewolucja funkcji państwowych globalizacja gospodarki i społeczeństwa
proces integracji
kryzysy gospodarcze
The author argues that in all economically independent states, as well as in Ukraine, the mechanisms of optimization of the state economic role and private economic initiatives are being searched. However, the optimal combination of the market mechanism forces and state regulation in the long-term perspective failed to be reached almost anywhere, that leads to a permanent review of the economic and political forces impact, science impact on the relations between economy and state, entails a transition from the current, state running model to liberal economic policy or vice versa.
Autor udowadnia, że w każdym gospodarczo niepodległym państwie, również na Ukrainie, trwa poszukiwanie mechanizmu optymizacji roli gospodarczej państwa oraz inicjatyw prywatnych. Jednak w trwałej perspektywie nie osiągnięto optymalnego połączenia wysiłków mechanizmu rynkowego i regulacji rządowych. Wpływanie państwa na gospodarkę pociąga za sobą szereg zmian, przejście od modelu centralizacji gospodarki do modelu liberalnego lub odwrotnie.
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne; 2013, 1; 81-100
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Теоретико-методологічні аспекти поняття міжнародний імідж держави
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects the Concept of International Image of the State
Єремєєва, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
nation branding
political marketing
international state image-making
international relations
національний брендинг
політичний маркетинг
зовнішня політика
міжнародний державний іміджмейкінг
міжнародні відносини
The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of the international image of the state through: analysis of conceptual approaches to the concept of international image of the state; identification of factors influencing the formation of an effective image of the state in the international arena; formulation of essential features of the state image and determination of their influence on the international competitiveness of the state; defining criteria for assessing the international image; analysis of areas of international state image-making. The international image of the state is a strategic tool for strengthening the status of the state in the international arena and the main criterion for its effectiveness. The international image is formed under the influence of natural factors and purposeful activity of state and other actors. The author identifies specific features of the international image of the state: compliance with the level of political, socio-economic and cultural development of the state; emphasis on the brightest and specific characteristics of the state; the presence of significant emotional and psychological composition; easy to display object; symbolization of some aspects of state life. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the state image is to strengthen the status of the state in the international arena. The result of the analysis of the main directions of international state image-making is the allocation of three areas: geopolitical direction forms the idea of geographical space as a territory for domestic and foreign policy; marketing direction provides promotion of economic processes of the state on the world stage; branding direction based on the recognizability of formal and informal symbols of the state contributes to the recognizability of the state on the world stage. Thus, the international image is a manageable category that can be built according to the political or economic demands of the state.
У статті розглядаються теоретичні та методологічні аспекти формування міжнародного іміджу держави через вирішення наступних завдань: аналіз концептуальних підходів до визначення державного іміджу; визначення чинників, що впливають на формування ефективного іміджу держави на міжнародній арені; формулювання основних особливостей державного іміджу та визначення їх впливу на міжнародну конкурентоспроможність держави; визначення критеріїв оцінки та аналіз структури міжнародного іміджу. Імідж є стратегічним інструментом зміцнення позицій і статусу держави та основним критерієм ефективності її діяльності на міжнародній арені. Міжнародний імідж формується під впливом об’єктивних чинників та цілеспрямованої діяльності державних та інших акторів. Автор визначає наступні особливості міжнародного іміджу держави: відображення рівня політичного, соціально-економічного та культурного розвитку держави; акцент на найяскравіших та специфічних характеристиках держави; наявність вагомої емоційної та психологічної складової; символізація деяких аспектів державного життя. Результатом змістовної характеристики іміджу держави є виділення трьох напрямків його формування: геополітичний напрям розглядає географічний простір як територію внутрішньої та зовнішньої політики; маркетинговий напрям забезпечує підтримку зовнішньоекономічної діяльності держави; брендинг сприяє розвитку формальних та неформальних символів держави та її пізнаваності у світі. Таким чином, міжнародний імідж є керованою категорією, що побудована відповідно до національних інтересів держави.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2022, 4(36); 61-77
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Комунікативний вимір формування і просування публічного іміджу держави
Communicative Dimension of Formation and Promotion of the State`s Public Image
Нагорняк (Nagornyak), Тетяна (Tetyana)
Польовий (Polovyi), Микола (Mykola)
Бондаренко (Bondarenko), Сергій (Sergii)
Осмоловська (Osmolovska), Анна (Anna)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
інформаційний простір
політика формування іміджу держави
інтегральна модель формування іміджу держави
комунікаційні моделі
держав світу
імідж держави
image of the state
information space
integral model of state’s image
communication models of the states of the world
policy of state’s image formation
Within the framework of the author’s scientific research, three types of communicative models of the world’s states were identified, which reflect the basic principles of building state information policy and reflect the key characteristics of the political system. Among them are subsidiary, vertical, and transitional models. The institutional method was used to prove the specifics of the state as a political institution that is the bearer of national images, as well as the role and degree of influence of public policy on the formation of ideas about the state in the external information space, on the policy of promoting and transforming these images, with an emphasis on the actions of those states that shape the global political discourse of today. The authors propose an integral model of state’s public image formation, which provides for the synergy of actors of public diplomacy. The result of its implementation is the formation of the components of the state image (regional, multicultural, culinary, educational, expert) together with official products (national symbols, reputation characteristics, socio-economic development indicators, rating indicators and e-diplomacy products) «from below». Both the central government and local communities in the context of the implementation of «bottom-up» policy should be involved in the realization of a successful image formation policy. The authors emphasize that the policy of state’s image formation in the external information space should be considered as a multifaceted component of the foreign policy of the state. The tools, channels and subjects of formation and adjustment of the stateʼs image should be embedded in each of the vectors of foreign policy- in security, diplomatic, economic, social, legal, and directly information vectors.
У рамках авторських наукових пошуків виділено три типи комунікативних моделей держав світу, що відображають базові принципи побудови державної інформаційної політики та віддзеркалюють найважливіші характеристики політичної системи. Серед них – субсидіарна, вертикальна та перехідна моделі. За допомогою інституційного методу проаналізовано специфіку держави як політичного інституту, що є носієм загальнонаціональних образів, а також роль і ступінь впливу саме державної політики на формування уявлень про державу в зовнішньому інформаційному просторі, на політику просування і трансформації цих іміджів з акцентом на дії тих держав, які формують глобальний політичний дискурс сучасності. Автори пропонують інтегральну модель формування публічного іміджу держави, що передбачає синергію суб’єктів публічної дипломатії. Результатом її має стати формування «знизу» частини складових іміджу держави (регіональних, полікультурних, кулінарних, освітніх, експертних) разом з офіційними продуктами (державними символами, репутаційними характеристиками, соціально-економічними показниками розвитку, рейтинговими індикаторами та продуктами цифрової дипломатії). Для реалізації успішної політики формування іміджу слід залучати і центральну владу, і локальні громади в контексті впровадження політики «знизу». Автори наголошують на тому, що політику формування іміджу держави в зовнішньому інформаційному просторі слід розглядати як багатоаспектний складник зовнішньополітичного курсу держави. Інструменти, канали та суб’єкти формування і коригування іміджу держави мають бути закладені в кожному з векторів зовнішньої політики, а саме в безпековому, дипломатичному, економічному, соціальному, правовому та безпосередньо інформаційному.
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies; 2022, 1; 14-27
Pojawia się w:
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Взаємодія державної влади та громадянського суспільства в Україні в умовах системних викликів сучасності (кратологічно-управлінський і антропологічний дискурси)
The interaction of government and civil society in Ukraine in conditions of systemic challenges (kratalogical, management analysis and anthropological discourses)
Бульбенюк, Світлана
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political power,
civil society,
the state,
the ruling class,
«opinion leaders»,
We consider the issues of interaction between government and civil society in modern Ukraine in terms of system calls through the prism kratological and management analysis and anthropological discourses. These discourses are concentrated in the kratological domain of research, because the issues of power in the domestic space forever are key in the theoretical and practical plane. Nowadays, the kratological discourse is complemented by the problem of studying the network of civil society and the E-state, which causes a qualitatively different view of political power - as a disperse phenomenon, a set of political alternatives known and equal to all rules. The author draws attention to the importance of lighting latent internal mechanisms for the implementation of political and / or power state for a deeper understanding of trends, implications and possible prospects of implementation of the strategy of systemic transformation of the Ukrainian state and society. At the same time, special attention is paid to the formation of a de facto semi-political confrontation between political and social actors of two types - representatives of the establishment and "opinion leaders" of the traditional and networked civil society. If the former are mainly representatives of the domestic political class of the post-Soviet period, then the latter are activists, intellectuals, artists, public, and eventually also potential statesmen (say, the young generation of people's deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation), who came to the political and social advance during or after the revolutionary events of autumn 2013 - the winter of 2014. It is proved that in the conditions of those splits that occur now in Ukraine, the key social and political actors of socio-political shifts should be updated representatives of the ruling class, on the one hand, and «opinion leaders» from among the traditional and the network of civil society, on the other hand. Substantiates the view that the expression of an effective and truly democratic interaction of the state and civil society should be to ensure transparent competitive environment and creating a realm where it becomes possible political dialogue between the government and citizens, which the state is ready to negotiate with its citizens about the important issues of social development. After all, the main problems of the national state building in Ukraine in the last two and a half decades are related precisely to the fact that the domestic ruling class has not managed to conduct a permanent public dialogue with citizens, and those attempts to formulate and put forward relevant projects of social agreements that were carried out by social actors from the civil society, did not find an adequate response from the political actors on the part of the state. Thus, it can be argued that while the attempts to "conventionalisation" Ukrainian political life are a model of "one-gates", when only one side of a potential public-public dialogue and the conclusion of a social contract on its basis is interested in such a process. Moreover, the representatives of the establishment of various ideological and ideological and geopolitical directions, from the conventionally "pro-Moscow" to the conditionally "pro-American" and "pro-European" ones, have shown their disinterest. The basis of such a political dialogue should be symbolic of the conclusion convene social contract between senior representatives of the state and civil society on the basis of a political and social compromise. The importance of achieving a political and social compromise is due not only to the fact that without its achievement it is impossible to speak about the further political and socio-economic progress of our state in the conditions of a long Russian-Ukrainian military conflict and the unsolved numerous splits (intergenerational, value, structural-institutional, geopolitical And others) within the domestic society, but also because in recent decades, under the influence of the deployment and deepening of the processes of informatization and globalization in a substantial way the understanding of political and / or state power has changed - its essence, purpose, features of interaction with society and citizens. A true "conventionalisation" of domestic political life is possible only on condition of recognition of the equality of both subjects in the conclusion of such a symbolic pact - and the leading figures of the political class and civil society actors, with their circle to be expanded as much as possible, including through the involvement of representatives of the network civil society, various communities of so-called "grassroots" public initiatives.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 163-171
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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