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Wyszukujesz frazę "World" wg kryterium: Temat

Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
cognitive linguistics
picture of the world
the artistic picture of the world
the lingual picture of the world, the conceptual picture of the world
the conceptual picture of the world
the lingual picture of the world
lingwistyka kognitywna
obraz świata
językowy obraz świata
artystyczny obraz świata
konceptualny obraz świata
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest zbadaniu zagadnienia cech parametrycznych takich pojęć jak: językowy obraz świata, konceptualny obraz świata oraz artystyczny obraz świata. Prześledzono proces kształtowania się lingwokonceptologii jako nauki niezależnej, wyznaczono znaczenie terminu lingwokonceptologia, jej obiekt oraz przedmiot, a także cel i zadania wskazanej dziedziny nauki. Wnioskujemy, że lingwokonceptologia opiera się na identyfikacji i badaniu konceptów, a także na środkach, które je reprezentują. Obraz świata to zbiór ludzkich wyobrażeń na jego temat. Konceptualne i językowe obrazy świata są ze sobą skorelowane: pierwszy obiektywizuje wiedzę w ludzkim umyśle realizowaną poprzez językowy obraz świata, przy czym jest znacznie szerszy; drugi to sposób badania pewnych indywidualnych lub narodowych osobliwości zachowań ludzkich poprzez modelowanie pojęć. Artystyczny obraz świata różni się tym, że zbudowany jest na podstawie aktualizacji obiektywnej, ale jednocześnie subiektywnej idei świata, a także ludzkiej świadomości, która graniczy z czynnikiem nieświadomym oraz iluzjami.
The study elucidates a topical problem related to the manifestation of characteristic parametric features of such important concepts as the lingual picture of the world, the conceptual picture of the world, the artistic picture of the world. In the course of the investigation, the process of formation of linguoconceptology as an independent field of research is considered, the meaning of the term linguoconceptology is clarified, the object and subject of this approach along with its purpose and objectives are revealed. We conclude that linguoconceptology is based on the identification and study of concepts, as well as means that represent them. The picture of the world is a set of ideas of a person about the world. Conceptual and lingual pictures of the world are intertwined: the former objectifies knowledge in the human mind, which is accumulated through the lingual picture of the world, though it is much broader; the latter implies a means of studying certain individual or national characteristics of human behaviour through modelling concepts. The artistic picture of the world stands out as it is built on the basis of the actualisation of both objective and subjective representations of the world simultaneously, as well as on human consciousness, which borders on the unconscious and illusions
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia; 2020, 8, 1; 69-76
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Українська картина світу в романі Ігоря Станойоського «Перший університетський день моєї доньки»
Ukrainian language worldview in the novel of Igor Stanojoski My daughter’s first university day
Yaminska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Ukrainian picture of the world language picture of the world Macedonian perception
times realities
national identity
Ігор Станойоський – сучасний македонський письменник, який у своїх романах поєднує різні літературні жанри. Незважаючи на своє македонське походження, майже у всіх його творах присутні персонажі українці, за допомогою яких автор показує читачеві образ світу українців. У романі Перший університет-ський день моєї доньки Станойоський через призму образів головних героїв та міста Львова проектує образ самої України. Текст роману написаний македонською мовою і призначений для македонського читача, що дозволяє поглянути на такі поняття як національна самобутність одного народу (українців) під кутом зору світосприйняття іншого народу (македонців). Ключову роль у тексті відведено Чорнобилю – як не лише історичній, але й психологічній події, яка змінила хід історії та свідомість українців. Проектуючи образ України через чорнобильську трагедію на головну героїню як уособлення матері, можемо спостерігати пряму алюзію до образу цілої країни, її становлення на шляху до незалежності. Важливу роль у мовній картині світу українців, представленій у романі Станойоського, відіграють лексично-гра-матичні конструкції. Ці конструкції подані македонською мовою, але інколи мають у свої структурі українську семантику, внаслідок чого отримуємо своєрідний симбіоз мов, який створюється спеціально автором для глибшого сприйняття македонським реципієнтом мовної ідентичності українців. Українська картина світу подана під кутом македонського сприйняття, яке ментально і граматично відрізняється між собою. За рахунок такого аналізу ніби споріднених, але, все ж таки, різних мов, ми можемо виокремити особливу специфіку в сприйнятті національної самобутності одного народу за допомогою мовного сприйняття іншого народу, що ніби створює окрему категорію у розумінні картини світу та відкиває нові можливості для глиб-шого аналізу культурного та історичного образу нації вцілому.
Igor Stanojoski is a modern Macedonian writer who combines different literary genres in his novels. Despite his Macedonian origin, almost all of his works have Ukrainian characters, through whom the author shows the reader the Ukrainian view of the world. In the novel My Daughter’s First University Day, Stanojoski through the prism of the images of the main characters and the city of Lviv projects the picture of Ukraine. The text is written in Macedonian and is intended for the Macedonian reader, which allows us to look at such concepts as the national identity of one nation (Ukrainians) from the point of view of another nation (Macedonians). An important role in the text is given to Chernobyl –not only as a historical, but also a psychological event that changed the course of history and the consciousness of Ukrainians. Projecting the image of Ukraine through the Chernobyl tragedy on the main character as the personification of the mother, we can observe a direct allusion to the image of Ukraine, to its formation on the path to independence. Lexical and grammatical constructions introduced by the author in the text take on an important role in the linguistic picture of the world of Ukrainians through the prism of Macedonian perception. These constructions are presented in the Macedonian language but sometimes have Ukrainian semantics. As a result of such a combination, we get a kind of symbiosis of languages which is created specifically by the author for a deeper perception of the Macedonian recipient of the linguistic identity of Ukrainians. The Ukrainian linguistic picture of the world is presented from the angle of the Macedonian perception. They are mentally and grammatically different from each other, but due to an analysis of such seemingly related, but still different languages, we can note a specificity in the perception of national identity of one people through the linguistic perception of another people. This perception helps us to create a separate category in understanding the linguistic picture of the world and reject new opportunities for deeper analysis of the cultural and historical image of the whole nation.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2020, 2, XXV; 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Профілювання мовного образу війни в романі Доця Тамари Горіха Зерня
Linguistic profiling of the image of war in the novel “Daughter” by Tamara Gorikha Zernya
Barabasz-Rewak, Olga
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
linguistic world picture
The article was written in the vein of research into the Ukrainian national-linguistic image of the world. The nominative layers of the vocabulary for the designation of the basic opposition ‘own-alien’ were considered – as one of the profiles of the concept of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the novel Dotsya. It was found that this profile in the text of the quasi-participant in the war Tamara Gorikha Zernya is constructed on the basis of an organic combination of individual and authorial views and at the same time national worldview. The main binary dichotomy ‘own-alien’ is expressed, in particular, in the extensive system of names of a) stages of preparation for the Russian-Ukrainian war, b) its participants, c) locations of the language map of Donetsk marked by the war.
Heteroglossia- studia kulturoznawczo-filologiczne; 2023, 14; 107-120
Pojawia się w:
Heteroglossia- studia kulturoznawczo-filologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Словотвірне гніздо з вершиною Христос у мовній картині світу українців
Greshchuk, Vasyl’
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
word-formative nest
language picture of the world
categorizing the world
словотвірне гніздо
мовна картина світу
категоризація світу
The article discusses the example of a word-formative nest with the apex of Christ. It analyses the role of word-formation in the formation of the language picture of the world of Ukrainians. The word-formative nest fi xes the word-forming segment of the semantic space of the Christ concept of the sacred conceptual sphere. Despite the fact that the anthroponomies as vertices of word-formation nests do not exhibit derivational productivity in the Ukrainian language, the word-formation nest with the apex of Christ has a branched structure: in the three stages of derivation, 25 derivatives of diff erent parts of the language, created in diff erent ways, have been certifi ed. This is due to the semantics of the vertex word of the nest, the importance of the concept named by it, in the perception of Ukrainians, in their culture of belief. In the linguistic consciousness of Ukrainians, Christ – Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the God-man, the incarnate God, the Savior, the Teacher, the Creator of the new religion. Such a broad semantic spectrum determines the activation of the derivation possibilities of the base word and the verbalization of word-formative means by a number of conceptual components. An analysis of the word-formative nest with the apex of Christ has shown that the word-formative dimension in the language picture of the world of Ukrainians, along with the universal conceptual components inherent in many diverse Christians, also has a number of individual-language derivational means of categorizing the world.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2020, 8; 11-19
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Философско-идеологические особенности современного реализма
Вандышева-Ребро, Надежда В.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
socialistic realism
world view
Realism as one of methods of the philosophical mastering of the world has the protracted history. He is related to the philosophical inheritance not only ancient but also previous it east culture, as concepts «realism» are «realities» «reality» is demonstrated orientation of researcher on the searches of present in existing. Problematic of realism predominates and in the study of art, where the degree of accordance of the world is probed artistic the world to actual; accordances of the world of images to the world in which and the man of letters and artist search confirmation the appearances. Socialistic realism of epoch modern, especially period of unrestrained in the expression violent reorganization of the world, gravitated to the genre of heroic fresco. Works of writers A. Malyshkin, A. Seraphimovich, A. Veselyi is very models. In the conditions of revolution already it was not to individuality, unique and unique, because enormous the masses of «slivers» and «screws» did history. And their independent action was even encouraged. Realities and socialistic society changed attained the stage of the «developed socialism». On flight this new society which flew to nowhere, distinctly in a domestic literary process «cut» through and voice of writers-postmodernists, well-disposed to individualism and to principle of noninterference in what be going on.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2011, 2(2); 111-119
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Language picture of the Covid world: ukrainian context
Деркачова, Ольга
Data publikacji:
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
linguistic picture of the world
The article deals with the changes of Ukrainians’ linguistic picture of the world in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The peculiarities of the linguistic picture of the world and the national linguistic picture of the world are determined. Neologisms, phraseological modifications and some samples of modern folklore are analyzed. It was found that the peculiarity of COVID neologisms is the adaptation of foreign borrowings and the use of typical Ukrainian means of word formation. COVID phraseologisms are modifications of phrases already existing in the mind of the Ukrainian speaker. As for folklore, modern Christmas and New Year folklore under conditions ofCOVID-19 is a kind of transformation of traditional carols and congratulations. Anecdotes about the pandemic stand apart from previous folklore samples and reflect not only Ukrainian modern realities but also its past. Memes also serve as a source of traditions, history, culture of Ukrainian people. Understanding the verbalized picture of the COVID world is impossible without knowledge of these aspects of the nonverbal world, as well as previous experience of verbalization.
Język. Religia. Tożsamość; 2021, 1(23); 23-39
Pojawia się w:
Język. Religia. Tożsamość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Вплив ціннісної картини світу на розвиток семантики фразеологізмів
The Influence of World Values on the Development of Phraseological Semantics
Орел, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
value picture of the world
components of the value picture of the world
extra lingual factors
development of semantics of phraseology
The article is devoted to the identification of mechanisms of influence of the value picture of the world on the semantic development of phraseological units. Considered is the structure of the components of the value picture of the world. We consider the concept and image, as segments of value components, to be the basic ones based on which the objects of extra linguistic reality within a national culture are evaluated. Image / presupposition are the basis of phraseological semiosis. We consider the onomasiological basis of phrase formation not to be a holistic image / presupposition, but only their isolated features, those which have been stereotyped. Evaluated is the image in the system of cultural values. The result of the assessment depends on the location of the image on the value scale of the ethnic group. In the course of stereotyping, the distinctive features of the image are distinguished. The selected features of the image have an evaluative component and can broadcast binary evaluations. During the development of language, phraseological semantics undergoes modifications, which are associated with changes in the value picture of the world of speakers. The reasons for such changes are recognized as out‑of‑order factors. Because of extra lingual influence, transformations of the components of the value picture of the world take place, which is reflected in the structure of phraseological meaning. Semantic changes are caused by image modifications, the features of which serve as an onomasiological basis. Due to the change of the components of the value picture of the world, there is a reassessment of the whole image, or only its already categorized features, which leads to a modification of the semantics of phrases. The reflection of value in the phraseological sense provides a significant denotative component, which associatively correlates with the referent, recording and maintaining the assessment of its features. The isolated feature is the onomasiological basis of the internal form, which reflects the assessment of the object of stereotyping within the connotative component.
Slavia Orientalis; 2022, LXXI, 2; 325-341
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Orientalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Східні Креси в польській суспільно-політичній думці (1914-1925 рр.)
Kresy Wschodnie in Polish public and political opinion
Білобровець, Ольга
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
Kresy Wschodnie,
Polish public and political opinion,
World War I
The notion of Kresy Wschodnie till nowadays remains one of the most arguable matter and is not clearly determined among historians and politicians, that's why has a reflection in present and influences public and political life in modern countries. In the article the meaning of this territory is analised as well as its perception in collective conscience, use of Kresy Wschodnie in political plans by Polish parties, also in Polish public and political opinion in times of World War I and at the beginning of formation of independent Poland. Polish socio-political opinion during the World War I and at the beginning of formation of independent Poland, namely Second Polish Republic, reflected main views, concepts, plans of Polish parties and had practical value for determination of Polish borders. Kresy Wschodnie was considered by Poles as ancient Poland and according to them this native land was full of strong-willed, talented people, who glorified Poland. The Poles who lived on eastern lands and belonged to Russia after the division of Poland kept trying to restore the Polish state system. November and January uprisings in XIX century, intense work and formed political parties implied to join these lands to the future state of Poland. World War I gave hope to Poles for gaining autonomy and independence. Authority appeals to the Polish nation in Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary were referred to Poles to support ruling establishment. Different foreign policy: pro-Russia and pro-Austria-Hungary; different ideological attitudes and directions did not stop Polish political forces from joining for creating their own state after Germany and Austria-Hungary made a Declaration of Independence for Kingdom of Poland in November 5, 1916, as well as Russian Provisional Government Appeal of acknowledgement of independent united Poland in March 1917. The appearence of independent Poland after World War I forced topical issues to be solved: to define eastern borders, status of Kresy Wschodnie, political attitude towards people on these lands. This matter had two main directions. Endecja was pro-Russia and considered Russia to be an ally in future war with Germany. The National Democracy programme meant restoration of Polish lands from 1772. This included western Ukrainian lands (Kiev region, Volyn, Podil, Galicia), some part of Lithuania and Belarus. However, proclamation of new rules of international life by American President Woodrow Wilson, which were supported by Entente countries, the policy of Left governments put conditions that Endecja agreed to the part of eastern territory defined by Treaty of Riga. The policy of land incorporation was aimed at making a country nationally similar and could become an ally to Russia. This explains why Endecja did not suggest maximum territorial programmer at the east and could compromise with Russia. Lots of scientists a political figure explained such position for negotiation at international level. According to Lefts forces regarding Kresy Wschodnie, namely Polish Socialist Party, and thier leader J. Pilsudski, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Lithuanians could form their own independent states, which would become a buffer between Poland and Russia. This would make an utmost interest of Poland. One more acceptable variant would work for Lefts if Poland created a federation with Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus. Although, in theory it implied work within political parties. In practice first Left government wanted to preserve Polish state interests and provide rights for national minorities on eastern lands. Right forces that came to rule in 1923, changed the policy according to their point of view.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 261-270
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Суверенні держави перед викликами глобалізації: аналіз сучасних концепцій
Suwerenne państwa wobec wyzwań cywilizacyjnych: analiza współczesnych koncepcji
Кресіна, Ірина
Алєксєєнко, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
the nation state,
the transnational state,
world government
The authors examine the national states development scenarios on the basis of two tendencies – the world government nascence and strengthening of the nation state. The ideas about inevitable formation to the 2000 year of the «world state» in the form of conflict-free and just united society of humanism in 1990-years failed. The possibilities of passing to more humane, just and intelligent society changed to the scenarios of split to parts civilization, contradictions between which were practically impossible to solve. By the end of XX century the determinative feature in investigation of the further existence of a sovereign state investigation becomes an inconsistency of the globalization process, which, despite expectations, at one time integrates and disjoins nations. The 1990s witnessed, that within global governance of the continuous "Shift of power" from governments of nation states to some new supranational structure of international management is not observed. Rather we talk about fundamentally new tendency of world development: at the global level both states and transnational formations own “the part” of power. The capital flows, which are consistently increasing, and products crossing national borders, making them more and more transparent, demand creation of coordinating bodies at the supranational level, but not as a shape of a "world government", but as collective actions of governments of several states. This model propsed by German political scientist W. Beck, is based on the idea of transnational state, namely community of states. The process of globalization provides arguments for supporters of the traditional theory of political realism, who claim, that in future development scenarios the main parts, as previously, belong to strong states and their nation interests, strength of which will be only increasing due to economic integration. The debates are kept only about whom in XXI century the leadership belongs to - traditional Western centers of power or East which grows stronger.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 8-17
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Емма Андієвська: портрет в інтер’єрі доби
Emma Andijewska: Portrait in the Interior Epoch
Hnatiuk, Myroslava
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Emma Andijewska
world creation
aesthetic principles
The article deals with the worldview and aesthetic principles behind the creative work of Emma Andijewska, which were discussed during a telephone conversation with the author of this article. We analysed the specifics of her creative laboratory, reflections on the place, role of the writer in modern life, and peculiarities of artistic writing. The author’s individuality appears on the background of the historical era in various forms of inter-textual and intra-textual relations. The key concept of analytical discourse is autometatextuality. The unifying principle of building an image of personality and an image of reality is an aesthetic element where a fiction text and a document form a natural unity. The narrative on creative practices reveals a personal history of one of the most prominent figures of modern times, a “woman of the era” (as she is often called), writer and painter Emma Andijewska. She was born on March 19, 1931 in Stalino (now Donetsk). Due to her serious illness, the family moved to Vyshhorod (1937), and later to Kyiv (1939), where they faced the beginning of the war. In 1943, the NKVDists (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR) killed her father, a famous chemistinventor, so that the Germans could not use his inventions. Fearing reprisals against the entire family, her mother took her young children and went across the military front, under the cannonade, to the West. At the age of twelve, Emma Andijewska came to Germany, where she attended a German boys’ school. In 1957, she graduated from the Ukrainian Free University with degrees in Philosophy and Philology while defending a master’s thesis on The Causes of Fundamental Issues in the Newest Ukrainian Metric in front of Volodymyr Derzhavin. The same year, with her family, she moved to New York, where in 1959 she married a literary critic, essayist, and writer, Ivan Koshelivets, with whom she lived until his death. After the marriage, the couple returned to Munich, Germany, where Andijewska still lives. For a long time (since 1959 to 1995), she worked at Radio Liberty as an announcer, screenwriter, producer, and editor of the Ukrainian department. Despite the forced isolation from her native land and impossibility to visit Ukraine for a long time, throughout her life Emma Andijewska has preserved a devoted, fervent love for the language, culture, and history of her native people and put all her strength and energy into the self-sacrificing and faithful service to them. Thanks to her art, Ukraine is known and respected all over the world, and her paintings are stored in the leading museums across all continents. She is open to the world and the world is open to her. The literature works of the great Ukrainian have been translated into many languages and even their general list is impressive. More than forty poetry books, three novels (the fourth is being written), several books of short stories and tales, more than seventeen thousand paintings – they are all created by Emma Andijewska. The polyphonic art of the artist and writer impresses with unique energy and the discipline of mind, where every word is worth its weight in gold. Its magic relies on a deep intellectual sense arising from powerful spiritual potential.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie; 2020, 7; 123-135
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Геній i втраченa батьківщинa
Sobol, Walentyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Alexander Koshits
Sergei Rachmaninov
national musical culture
world scale
eternal theme
This ar ticle aims at presenting the fate of two brilliant musicians and composers – Alexander Koshitsa (1875–1944) and Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943). The author of this article traces historical patterns of the tragedy of these genii who were forced to emigrate, could not return to their homeland but made it famous through their phenomenal talent shown in the world. The article analyzes materials presented in the archives of Alexander and Tatiana Koshitziv in Winnipeg, as well as the latest scientifi c research. The author concludes that Alexander Koshits and his choir had a mission of propagating Ukrainian songs and spiritual music in Europe and the USA.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2018, 6; 387-396
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Відносини Угорщини з сусідніми країнами у ХХ – на початку ХХІ ст.
Hungary Relations with Neighboring Countries in the XX – early XXI Century
Перга, Т.Ю.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Угорщина. Словаччина
міжнародні відносини
етнічна меншина
Перша світова війна
Друга світова війна
international relations
ethnic minority
World War I
World War II
У статті акцентується на відносинах Угорщини зі Словаччиною та Україною. Зроблено висновок про радикалізацію зовнішньої політики Угорщини на початку ХХI ст., що проявляється в зростаючому тиску на сусідні країни, зокрема Україну, з метою надання представникам угорської етнічної меншини автономії. З’ясовано, що це відбувається в рамках впровадження ідеї «Великої Угорщини», яка полягає у забезпеченні домінування об’єднавчих і реасиміляційних процесів та інтеграції угорської нації у Східній Європі навколо Будапешта. Доведено, що передумови для її розвитку були закладені Тріанонським договором, у результаті якого країна втратила дві третини території і третину населення. Виявлено, що антогонізм, закладений у результаті неврахування етнічного принципу під час встановлення кордонів після Першої світової війни спонукав Угорщину вдатися до силового сценарію вирішення територіальних суперечностей, який домінував у першій половині ХХ ст. З’ясовано, що зміна геополітичної ситуації у другій половині ХХ ст. унеможливили його реалізацію, що привело до зміни стратегії і тактики Угорщини щодо повернення втрачених у результаті Першої і Другої світових воєн територій, що полягає у перенесенні вирішення узгодження суперечностей з сусідніми країнами у правове поле, на двосторонню основ. Угорщина зробила ставку на культурологічне та мовне об’єднання нації, засноване на збереженні національних традицій. Автор прийшов до висновку, що, не дивлячись на відмінність ситуації з угорською спільнотою в Словаччині та Україні, Угорщина використовує подібні інструменти просування своїх інтересів і тиску на країни – сусіди. Політика Угорщини створює загрозу національній безпеці України, а методи, якими вона впроваджується, призводять до періодичного втручання в політику сусідніх держав. Їх варто розглядати як один із елементів політики «м’якого приєднання» угорськомовної частини Закарпаття до Угорщини, що можна розцінити як елемент гібридних воєн початку ХХI ст., спрямованих на перегляд встановлених після Другої світової війни кордонів мирним шляхом.
The article focuses on Hungary’s relations with Slovakia and Ukraine. It is concluded that the foreign policy of Hungary is radicalized at the beginning of the XXI century, which is manifested in the growing pressure on neighboring countries, in particular Ukraine, in order to provide autonomy to members of the Hungarian ethnic minority. It was found that this policy implements the idea of “Greater Hungary”, which must ensure the dominance of the unification and re-assimilation processes and the integration of the Hungarian nation in Eastern Europe around Budapest. It is proved that the preconditions for its development established the Treaty of Trianon, as a result of which the country lost two thirds of its territory and one third of its population. It was found that the antagonism inherent in the disregard of ethnic principle during the establishment of borders after the World War I prompted Hungary to resort to a forceful scenario of resolving territorial disputes, which dominated in the first half of the XX century. It was revealed that the change in the geopolitical situation in the second half of the XX century made it impossible to implement thus scenario, which led to a change in Hungary’s strategy and tactics to return the territories lost as a result of the World War I, II,. So Hungary transfers the solving of disputes with neighboring countries in the legal field, on a bilateral basis. Hungary has relied on the cultural and linguistic unification of the nation, based on the preservation of national traditions. The author concludes that, despite the differences in the situation with the Hungarian community in Slovakia and Ukraine, Hungary uses similar tools to promote the idea of a “Greater Hungary” and pressure on neighboring countries. Hungary’s policy poses a threat to Ukraine’s national security. Its methods lead to periodic interference in the policies of neighboring countries. This should be considered as one of the elements of the policy of “soft accession” of the Hungarian-speaking part of Transcarpathia to Hungary, which can be regarded as one of the elements of hybrid wars of the early XXI century.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2021, 15; 74-91
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Пасічницькі замовляння у світоглядній традиції українців: магічна влада слова
Bee-keepers’ Spell in Ukrainians’ World-View Practice: the Magical Power of a Word
Мовна, Уляна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
folklore text
The article is exposing some results of the study in bee-keepers’ spell as a featuring trait of Ukrainians’ world-view practice; the present research is the first work of such a kind in the home ethnology. The spell belongs to that sort of ritual text that might be characterized by a vivid and most active speech with its fully evident magical strength. Spell as a genre of folklore refers to peculiar items owing to its archaic nature as well as to utilitarian functionalism, especially verbal destination, unity of sacral and profane articulation. The world-view ground of spell has been always heterogeneous as that originated and developed through the ages  with  fixing  so  prime  of  human world-consciousness  as  historically  later  (Christian) epistemological and axiological picture of the reality. In the paper the bee-keepers’ spell has been  considered  because  of  its  religious  and magical  contents  that  has  quite  significant spread so in everyday bee-keeping practice (occasional aspect), as in the contents of yearly religious  festivals  (the  calendar  one).  The  aim  of  bee-keepers’  spell  has   been  getting a concrete practical result, i.e. successful functioning of apiary. 
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2012, 3
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Українська-радянська германістика в особах: спогади проф. о. Юрія Мицика про Анатолія Зав’ялова
Soviet Ukrainian Germanistics in Personal Dimension: Memoirs of Professor Yuri Mytsyk about Anatolii Zavialov
Венгер, А.Г.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Дніпропетровський університет
German studies
Dnipropetrovsk university
department of world history
У публікації представлено спогади професора о. Юрія Мицика про українського радянського германіста Анатолія Зав’ялова. Свого часу Юрій Мицик працював на одній кафедрі разом із Анатолієм Зав’яловим у період 1974–1989 рр., а з 1975 р. виконував обов’язки його заступника. Академічне життя й викладацька кар’єра історика (1960–2000-ні рр.) були пов’язані з Дніпропетровським університетом. У цей час Зав’ялов активно вивчав сучасну йому історію Німецької Демократичної Республіки, став автором багатьох статей (зокрема і в провідних академічних журналах), навчальних посібників і видав дві монографії. Він був одним із небагатьох радянських германістів, який мав відрядження не лише до Німецької Демократичної Республіки, але й за «залізну завісу». Окрім того, історик здобув досвід викладання в зарубіжних університетах. На посаді завідувача кафедри всесвітньої історії докладав зусиль, щоб сформувати в університеті дослідницький напрям з історичної германістики. Під його керівництвом захищали дисертації переважно з німецької історії ХХ ст. Частина колишніх аспірантів-германістів залишилася працювати на кафедрі, що дозволило створити потужний осередок германських студій і перетворити кафедру всесвітньої історії на центр історичної германістики. Для забезпечення можливості публікувати дослідження з німецької історії у 1973 р. на кафедрі всесвітньої історії Дніпропетровського університету було засновано збірник «Вопросы германской истории», який згодом отримав статус між вишівського. У збірнику результати досліджень публікували історики-германісти з Радянського Союзу та Німецької Демократичної Республіки. Після падіння Берлінського муру та об’єднання Німеччини вивчення історії Німецької Демократичної Республіки фактично припинилося, і Зав’ялов спрямував свою дослідницьку увагу на історію німецької діаспори України. Він став вивчати політичну історію німецьких колоній початку ХХ ст. та питання історії колонізації у цивілізаційному вимірі. Останні роки життя історика були затьмарені різким погіршенням здоров’я, зниженням наукової активності.
The publication presents the memoirs of professor, Father Yuri Mytsyk about Soviet Ukrainian germanist Anatolii Zavialov. Yuri Mytsyk worked with Anatolii Zavialov at the same department from 1974 till 1989, and from 1975 carried out the duties of his deputy. Zavialov’s academic life and his teaching career in 1960s-2000s was connected to Dnipropetrovsk university. At that time Zavialov actively studied the contemporary history of the German Democratic Republic, he was the author of many articles, including texts in prominent scientific journals, tutorials and published two monographs. He was one of the few Soviet germanists, who had business trips not only to the German Democratic Republic, but also behind the “Iron Curtain”. Zavialov also had the experience of teaching in the universities abroad. As the head of the department of world history, Zavialov made efforts to form a research direction in historical German studies at the university. The majority of dissertations, defended under his scientific supervision, were devoted to German history of the XXth century. Some of his graduate students-germanists continued their career at the department, and it became possible to create a strong center of German studies and turn the department of world history into a center of historical germanistics. To provide the opportunities to publish research in German history, in 1973 the scientific edition “The Questions of German History” was founded at the department of world history of Dnipropetrovsk national university, later it received the status of inter-university scientific edition. Articles here were published by historians-germanists from Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany, the study of the history of the German Democratic Republic went bankrupt and Zavialov turned to the history of German diaspora in Ukraine. He focused on political history of the German colonies at the beginning of the XXth century and the questions of the history of colonization in civilizational dimension. The last years of the historian`s life were over shadowed by a sharp deterioration of health and decline in scientific activity.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2022, 17; 197-228
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Біблійність як чинник інтертекстуальності в его-текстах Тараса Шавченка
Piddubna, Nataliya
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
diary discourse
epistolary discourse
religious mapping of the world
language mapping of the world
language personality
щоденниковий дискурс
епістолярний дискурс
релігійна картина світу
мовна картина світу
мовна особистість
The article presents the analysis of the peculiar use of Biblicisms of diff erent types in T. Shevchenko’s letters and diaries. As the result, the author concludes that biblicity is one of the major features of the diary and epistolary genres of the poet. It has been shown that T. Shevchenko frequently uses lexical Biblicisms both in the direct and in the metaphoric meanings enriching their semantics. T. Shevchenko’s ego-texts usually contain Biblicisms that verbalize the theme block “person”, in particular, for self-portraying or depicting other people’s behavior, traits of character, mental and physical state. They are the means of creating expressive emphasis in the text as they are used in diff erent tropes and fi gures as well as in language play. The feature of Kobzar’s letters and diaries proves the hypothesis about the close connection of language and religion, religious and language mapping of the world, the immortality of the Holy Scripture that is a constant source of lingual creativity of prominent language personality, representing their intimate sphere of work.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2020, 8; 197-206
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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