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Консультативна модель інформаційної демократії
Consultative Model of Information Democracy
Mytko, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
consultative model of democracy
information democracy
participatory democracy
information technology
demokracja uczestnicząca
technologia informacyjna
W modelu informacyjnym demokracji można zidentyfikować pozytywne i negatywne tendencje, które kojarzą się z nowym podejściem do zrozumienia znaczenia informacji i władzy, szczególnie gdy informacja staje się narzędziem i metodą tak technologii informacyjnej jak i demokracji. Zaprezentowane analizy mają wykazać, że model konsultacyjny demokracji oparty jest na interakcjach między społeczeństwem obywatelskim i systemem politycznym.
We can identify positive and negative trends in the model of information democracy that associate with a new approach to understanding the importance of in- formation and power, especially when the information becomes a tool and method of information technology and democracy. This paper proves that the consultative model is based on the interaction between civil society and political system.
Facta Simonidis; 2014, 7, 1; 65-84
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Практичні виклики та реальні потенції е-демократії: український варіант
Practical challenges and real potential of e-democracy: Ukrainian variant
Денисюк, Світлана
Корнієнко, Валерій
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
digital inequality,
information-communication technologies
The article analyzes the peculiarities and problems of introducing e-democracy in Ukraine. It is noted that separate e-democracy tools, namely, e-reception of the mayor, possibility to submit e-appeals, holding on-line polls etc. have been introduced in many cities of Ukraine. A common e-appeal portal, “e-parliament” have been created, the system of e-petitions has been introduced. The article looks into the development of e-democracy in the context of four components: transparency, accountability, civic education and e-participation. Attention is drawn to the fact that under certain circumstances e democracy may become an imitation of democracy, a technology for manipulation. It is stated that introduction of e-participation tools alone does not guarantee their wide usage by the population, and what is most important – their usage with the aim of causing quality changes in governance. That is why a very important task is to raise the level of civic education with regard to e-democracy. This may be proved by the results of the first year after the introduction of the system of e-petitions to the central bodies of executive power and the single system of local petitions in Ukraine. Many of the submitted petitions either contradicted the norms of Ukrainian legislation or were sent to those bodies of power, which are not competent to solve the issue. The article draws attention to the problem of digital inequality, i.e. the level of Internet access among the citizens of Ukraine. According to different evaluations, form 14 to 26 million people are active Internet users in Ukraine, and from21% to 29% of those constantly visit the sites of the bodies of power and local self-governing. Even though a mass introduction of various electronic services may be observed, it is also necessary to increase the popularity and the level of trust to electronic systems of the society in general as it is one of the least computerized ones in Europe. According to Google data, a bit more than 60% of Ukrainians are Internet-users. The authors insist that for effective e-democracy functioning, it is necessary to strengthen the infrastructural component. The existence of the material and technical base is the necessary condition for the development e-literacy among the population, which, in its turn, will lead to their active participation in e-democracy processes. It is obvious that the citizens of Ukraine cannot effectively use the existing and potential possibilities in the sphere of e-governance unless they have the sufficient competence level and have the access to the information-communication technologies. The article analyzes the situation in which the paradox of creating a “false democracy” arouses, meaning the situation when specialists make an effort to form e-democracy tools and the target group does not know about them, people do not have the necessary competence level for using these resources, there is no interest in using the concrete instruments. So it becomes understandable that attention should be focused on using effective practices of e-democracy functioning, on raising citizen competence and on encouraging them to actively participate in state building through e-democracy, e-participation etc. It has been determined that in case of uniting the efforts of IT-specialists, public activists and representatives of the authorities and business, a complex evaluation of the needs of modern society and effective mechanisms of e-democracy introduction will be received. Internet-technologies have unbelievable possibilities, and searching for like-minded people online and attracting people to common activity (“crowdsourcing”) may become one of effective mechanisms of introduction of e-democracy instruments. One of the best examples of its usage in Ukraine was the so-called “e-Maydan”. A conclusion has been made that the existence of considerable restrictions in Internet access (electronic inequality), low level of interest in e-communication the public bodies of power among Internet-users, lack of competence in e-governance and e-democracy, low level of interest among the citizens to e-communication in general; absence of Internet-platforms for mass deliberation and selection of acute sociopolitical issues etc. are all among the problems of implementation of e-democracy. Transparency, decrease of bureaucracy levels, increasing the efficiency of state institutions etc. should be the results of e-democracy introduction.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 194-200
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Завдання України на шляху до впровадження інформаційної демократії
Ukraine objectives in the implementation of information democracy
Mytko, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
information democracy
information and communication technologies
information space improvements
інформаційна демократія
інформаційно-комунікаційні технології
інформаційний простір
У статті розглянуто завдання для органів влади та місцевого самоврядування на шляху добудови інформаційної демократії. Зазначено які першочергові кроки необхідно вжити. Серед них: надавати населенню інтегровані інформаційно-комунікаційні послуги; перебудувати відносини з громадськістю; побороти інформаційне відставання та цифрову нерівність; забезпечити громадянам можливість навчатися протягом усього життя; розробляти ефективні нормативно-правові акти; створити форми управління з активним залученням громадськості й ін.
The article considers the problem of ensuring information democracy in Ukraine by both the government and local authorities. It is indicated that immediate steps should be taken. Among them: providing people with integrated information and communication services, rebuilding relations with the public, overcoming the backlog information and digital division, developing effective regulations.
Facta Simonidis; 2016, 9, 1; 203-213
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Демократія i Демократизація: парадокси глобального поширення
Democracy and democratization: paradoxes of global enlargement
Кононенко (Kononenko), Сергій (Serhij)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The article deals with global democratization as one of a few key processes for postbipolar world to be shaped. The relativistic view of democracy is elaborated. According to this view democracy and authoritarianism are proved to be two main forms of political existence of mankind all its history long. It is also said that any real political system consists of both democratic and authoritarian elements, which are combined in a different structural proportion and keep this system from falling to extremes – totalitarianism or anarchism. Liberal democracy as a special form of democracy born by historical world in which totalitarianism was one of the main phenomenons is regarded as well.
Artykuł omawia globalną demokratyzację jako jeden z kluczowych czynników kształtujących post-dwubiegunowy świat. Rozwinięty zostaje relatywistyczny pogląd na demokrację, według którego demokracja oraz rządy autorytarne to dwie główne formy życia politycznego w historii ludzkości. Mówi się także, że każdy prawdziwy system polityczny składa się z elementów zarówno demokratycznych, jak i autorytarnych, które powiązane są w różnych strukturalnych proporcjach tak, by system ten nie popadł w skrajności – totalitaryzm lub anarchię. Liberalna demokracja to szczególna forma demokracji, narodzona w świecie, w którym totalitaryzm był znaczącym fenomenem.
Studia Orientalne; 2013, 1(3); 15-28
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Типологізація чинників демократичних перетворень
Typologizacja czynników przekształceń demokratycznych
Стойко, Олена
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
social capital,
The first wave of researches on democratic transition appeared during the Cold War, which were too ideological and over-optimistic about the victory of capitalism over its ideological adversary – communism. Till the beginning of 1990-s the researchers had a great confidence, that democracy and market economy can be crafted following the certain set of rules. But some setbacks in democratic transitions force to pay more attention to the causes of their initiations and their impact on further development of democratic institutions. Despite of plenty approaches to definition of the democratic transformation drivers, they can be divided into five groups: social, economic, personal (elitists), international and institutional. The social approach uses such terms as civil political culture, civil values (R. Patnam), social capital, trust and cooperation, which promote the democratic practice in society. But some empirical studies proved that democratic transformation can occur in conditions, when civil values are less common. Early arguments that Islam can not be combined with democratic institutions were contradicted by the recent Arab revolutions (see, for example, L. Diamond). S. Lipset was the first, who pointed out the relations between the level of economic development and stability of democratic institutions. The later researches mentioned the importance of the middle classes, economic disparity, availability of natural resources and so on. The role of the agreement between new and old politicians, especially on the early stages of transformation, is examined in the context of elitist approach. The international factors are presented by foreign countries and international organizations (EU, NATO, World Bank, IMF). The institutionalists are convinced that election system, political parties, parliament, constitution agreements are the key to successful democratization.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 123-129
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Націоналізм і демократія: суспільство національне чи суспільство громадянське?
Nationalism and democracy: national society or civil society?
Беззуб’як (Bezzubiak), Мирослав (Mirosław)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
The article deals with the theoretical aspects of correlation between national society and civil society and based on historical experience of the NIS, which geopolitically and stratificationally located in the Eastern European semi-periphery. The priority of a nation and state building over the development of civil society is declared. In the case of the NIS of Eastern European semi-periphery powerful national state, which is based on a strong national society, is regarded as the main foundation of developed civil society. Nation and nation-state are proved to be the results of long term integration and the historical processes. It is stressed that national community is much more integrated and rooted in history than regional integration communities. Civil society is regarded as a source of some threat forthe national security of NIS.
Artykuł omawia teoretyczne aspekty korelacji pomiędzy społeczeństwem narodowym a obywatelskim w oparciu o doświadczenia NIS, położonym geopolitycznie oraz układowo na obrzeżach Europy Wschodniej. Sformułowano tezę o pierwszeństwie narodu oraz formowania państwa przed rozwojem społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. W przypadku mocnego państwa narodowego Europy Wschodniej silne narodowe społeczeństwo jest podstawą rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Udowodniono, że naród i państwo narodowe są wynikiem długiego, historycznego procesu integracji. Podkreślono, że wspólnota narodowa jest o wiele bardziej zakorzeniona w historii niż regionalnie zintegrowana społeczność. Społeczeństwo obywatelskie jest widziane jako zagrożenie dla narodowego bezpieczeństwa.
Studia Orientalne; 2013, 2(4); 204-217
Pojawia się w:
Studia Orientalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ефективність Східного партнерства у поширенні демократії в країнах Східної Європи і Південного Кавказу
Skuteczność Partnerstwa Wschodniego w promowaniu demokracji w Europie Wschodniej i na Kaukazie Południowym
The Eastern Partnership Efficiency at democracy spreading in Eastern Europe and South Caucuses countries
Dobrzhanska, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Unia Europejska
inicjatywa Partnerstwo Wschodnie
European Union
the Eastern Partnership Initiative
Autorka analizuje działania krajów-partnerów Partnerstwa Wschodniego na rzecz demokracji. Bada mechanizmy wdrażania oferowanych przez Partnerstwo Wschodnie do zasad demokracji i wyniki 2009 i 2012 roku w światowym rankingu - Freedom House i Іndeks demokracji. Autorka omawia możliwe przyczyny wyników - wpływ czynników wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych na osiągnięcia każdego z państw uczestniczących w tej inicjatywie.
The results of the Eastern Partnership’s actions at member-countries in the sphere of democracy are analyzed. The authoress researches the interconnection of mechanisms offered by the Eastern Partnership for spreading democratic principles and results at 2009 and 2012 in the world rankings such as Freedom House and Index of democracy. The authoress discusses the possible reasons for such results – the impact of internal and external factors on the results of each country participating in the initiative.
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne; 2013, 1; 129-150
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Україна: від конфлікту демократії та ринку до конфлікту громадянського суспільства та олігархів
Ukraine: From conflict of democracy and market to conflict of civil society and oligarchs
Ukraina - od konfliktu demokracji i rynku do konfliktu społeczeństwa obywatelskiego i oligarchów
Pankevych, Ivan
Semkiv, Vitalyi
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
elita gospodarcza
civil society
economic elite
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the newest Ukrainian state and market economy, which are directly related to the democratic tradition of the Ukrainian people. The struggle for democracy in Western Europe was facilitated by the development of private property and liberal thought, which resulted in the adoption of such core values as freedom and equality of opportunity. It is also about guaranteeing private property as an inalienable basis for the freedom of the individual, introducing a system of separation of powers, developing the idea of a rule of law, equality of all citizens before the law, tolerance towards minorities. It is also about guaranteeing private property as an inalienable basis for the freedom of the individual, establishment of the system of separation of powers, developing the idea of law-based state, equality of all citizens before the law, tolerance towards minorities. The situation of domination in Ukraine of the economic elite causes tensions between this elite and not enough formed and organized middle class. It is unlikely that in the short-term, this will lead to a restructuring of the political- party system. But outside the formal and increasingly ritual arena of the election, new types of social associations are formed. The fourth power in the form of civil society may not be as weak as it seems at first sight. However, whether it is in the power of the most important task of Ukrainian society - the gradual and peaceful change of political and economic elites, remains an open question.
Artykuł dotyczy dylematów w procesie kształtowania się nowoczesnego państwa ukraińskiego i gospodarki rynkowej. Walce o demokrację w Europie Zachodniej towarzyszył rozwój myśli liberalnej, skutkiem czego stało się przyjęcie takich podstawowych wartości jak wolność i równość szans. Chodziło także o zagwarantowanie własności prywatnej jako nieodłączalnej zasady wolności jednostki, wprowadzenie systemu podziału władzy, rozwój idei państwa rządów prawa, równość wszystkich obywateli wobec prawa, tolerancję w stosunku do mniejszości. Na Ukrainie dominacja elity gospodarczej wywołuje napięcia między nią a niedostatecznie ukształtowaną i zorganizowaną klasą średnią. Istnieje więc małe prawdopodobieństwo, że w krótkotrwałej perspektywie doprowadzi to do przebudowy systemu politycznego. Jednocześnie poza sferą formalną, w tym coraz bardziej rytualną areną wyborów powszechnych, rozwijają się nowe rodzaje stowarzyszeń obywatelskich. Czwarta siła – społeczeństwo obywatelskie, może okazać się silniejsze niż się wydaje. Jednak nadal otwartym pozostaje pytanie, czy ukraińskie społeczeństwo sprosta najważniejszemu wyzwaniu – pokojowej wymianie elit politycznych i gospodarczych.
Facta Simonidis; 2018, 11, 1; 201-214
Pojawia się w:
Facta Simonidis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Формування нової ідеології політичної участі українців
Kształtowanie się nowej ideologii partycypacji politycznej Ukraińców
Новакова, Олена
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political participation,
protest activity,
ideology of political participation
The article is devoted the analysis of ideological principles and essence descriptions of political participation of the Ukrainian citizens in the process of democratic transformation of society. The articles of analysis are the newest tendencies of forming of protest activity of citizens and directions of its bringing in to the processes of state building. The specific of the democratic mode of political power consists in that it cannot be created only efforts of political elite. Therefore a problem of forming of structural political participation, creation of the real mechanisms of bringing in of citizens, to acceptance and realization of political decisions is very important for Ukrainian society which tries to carry out scale democratic transformations. Progresses of the political participating trends in Ukraine are contradictory enough and demonstrate a wave dynamics. Under act of revolutionary events of 2013-2014 new ideology of political participation — ideology and culture of resistance which is based on the awareness of the involvement and responsibility for own life and life of people is formed. In order that ideology of resistance acquired unconflict forms gradually, it is necessary actively to use energy of people for the real changes in society. Therefore exactly balance of institucionalizacii and political participation certainly as an urgent condition of success of democratic reforms. In achievement of political order returning of trust needs to public, adjusting of collaboration of power and civil society authorities.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 194-200
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Концепція «людини політичної» в античному дискурсі
Conception of «Political Person» in Ancient Discourse
Леськів, Марія
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
«political person»
ancient discourse
policy state
political discourse
Key theoretical and methodological approaches of foreign and national scholars towards the understanding of the essence of «political person» in the ancient discourse are investigated in this article. The role of the politics in the process of the ancient state building and its influence on the formation of the notion of «political person» is analyzed. It is defined that the development of the political organization of the society, human pursuit of collectivity and sociality contributed to the participation of people in the politics. The definition context of the human problem in the age of antiquity outlines the importance of such categories as «spirituality» and «morality» as the key principles of social life conceptualization and the regulators of human behavior, which is governed by rational and irrational norms. The notion essence of «political person» and characteristic aspects of the meaning formation are studied. Human participation in political affairs of the ancient Greece and ancient Rome states is described separately. Various interpretations of the concept of political person are presented. Much attention is paid to the anthropocentric world view of Aristotle, especially his concept of man as a «political animal». The key role of the state in the process of the formation of a political person that became the main actor of the political arena of the polis life is emphasized. It is shown that outside of the family unit there is political space, which is formed with the «spirit» of liberty and publicity. The article researches in details the peculiarities of democratic form of government of the ancient Greece as well as reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the purposive involvement of the citizens into political life. It is stated that such political process on one side formed an active political actor and on the other – political career of the Athenian citizen took all of his life space. The reasons and process of the state building concentrating on the social part of human nature are studied and analyzed. The main features of anthropocentric conception of the ancient thinkers are studied; the key criteria for distinction of an animal and a human being are highlighted. The article defines and analyzes three main characteristic features that distinguish a human being from living creatures: sociality, intellect and language. The influence of the latter on the development of the state as an «institutional reality» built with words and symbols is proved. The article emphasizes the considerable significance of the communication and political discourse as crucial characteristics of a citizen that determine his political activity. The language is viewed as an art of relations and inseparable method of nonviolent political actions. In modern politological discourse there formed a tendency to define Athenian democracy as «the most conversable» state form. «Language» and «action» as two forms with political status are described separately. The article formulates synthetic definition of the concept of political person, considering the peculiarities of human essence interpretation in ancient discourse. The factors directly or indirectly influencing the definition of the notion «political person» has been described. It is emphasized that the interpretation of the essence of the human of the ancient times is based upon the definition of a person as a social, governmental and political being. In the process of the research it is defined that the notion of «political person» is a complex conceptual model that is formed with such essential features as «socializing person», «ideal citizen», «personality of law», «friendly being».
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 306-311
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Громадянська участь як детермінанта демократичних трансформацій в сучасній Україні
Partycypacja obywatelska jako determinanta transformacji demokratycznej na współczesnej Urainie
Макух, Оксана
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
public participation,
communicative potential,
The issues of civic participation in configurations of movements, associations, organizations and associations as a potential catalyst of democratic transformation of democratic processes in modern Ukraine are examined in the article. Civic participation is understood as the methods and means of communication in the form of exchanges outlined by institutional and value ordering system. It is studied that an important incentive for a citizen’s participation in social and political life is trust/distrust, which acts as a catalyst, a specific type of communication links that makes development of socio-political sphere more dynamic. Distrust is the special type of communication links, which creates political control and demand of accountability from institutions of political power. It was investigated that civic participation through displays of communication capacity, has an ability to implement the national practice of the three-phase model of socio-political transformation, liberalization, democratization, democratic consolidation. Unfortunately, in modern terms this process is reduced to the functions of «mass suggestion ritual», which aims to «convince citizens in their involvement» in the political process.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 116-121
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Особливості політичної комунікації у етнополітичному конфлікті
Specyfika komunikacji politycznej w konflikcie etniczno-politycznym
Родик, Габріелла
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political communication,
mediatization of the political communication,
ethnopolitical conflict,
representative democracy,
civil society
The article analyzes the main features of the crisis political communication and the peculiarities of political communication impact on the multiethnic society during the ethnopolitical conflict. The key aim of the article is to discover the circumstances under which political communication serves as a hinder of ethnopolitical conflict intensification or as a mechanism of conflict regulation. It was taken into consideration that modern political communication is proceed its mediatization stage where the transmission of information and communication is based on using media channels, information and communicative technologies. Conditions under which political communication obtains crisis characteristics are defined. The basic manipulative techniques of modern mass media in ethnopolitical sphere that can be used for the purposeful influence on emotional and perceptual sphere of human’s feelings are determined. A theoretical analysis of the basic features of propaganda in ethnopolitical conflict is performed. Specific recommendations for optimizing the communicative space in the interethnic interaction are given. The mechanisms of the crisis political communication rationalization, based on the concept of representative democracy and civil society are proposed.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 292-296
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cena wolności: konflikt na Ukrainie i jego skutki geopolityczne
Климончук, Василь
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
freedom, geopolitics, democracy, conflict, international security
wolność, geopolityka, demokracja, konflikt, bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe
свобода, геополітика, демократія, конфлікт, міжнародна безпека
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the conflict in Ukraine, its preconditions and geopolitical consequences. It provides the examples and numbers, which show the low level of trust to government institutions, law enforcement agencies, judicial system and a much higher level of trust to non-governmental organizations. It covers the issue of democracy condition or, to be more precise, the lack of democracy, which causes the society’s tendency to protest. It is stated that the public’s discontent was with the oligarchs’ influence on the country, with the corruption on all the levels of social relations, with the pressure on small and medium enterprises, and ambiguity about the strategic course of the state’s development (European Union, Customs Union). The article defines the issues connected with the beginning and reasons, which made the people go out to the Maidan. The most prevailing causes include the severe beating of the demonstrators on the Maidan overnight into November 30, repressions, Viktor Yanukovych’s refusal to sign an EU association agreement, and the desire to change life in Ukraine. There was also a great wish to change the authorities in Ukraine. The article analyzes the Russian Federation’s armed aggression against Ukraine, which became a long-term factor of influence on the Ukrainian political, economical, military and social reality. It is stated that due to the RF actions within 2014-2015, the system of global and regional security and the current system of international law have been deformed. Almost all international security assurances for Ukraine (the Budapest Memorandum, in particular) proved to be deprived of legal capacity in conditions when the aggressor is one of the guarantors – Russian Federation. It is demonstrated that the Russian invasion and seizure of the part of the Eastern-Ukrainian region, the Crimea became a direct challenge both to the European system of security and Ukraine.
W artykule przeanalizowano сechy konfliktu na Ukrainie, jego uwarunkowania oraz konsekwencje geopolityczne. Autor podaje przykłady, dane, które wskazują na niski poziom zaufania do instytucji rządowych, sił bezpieczeństwa, wymiaru sprawiedliwości i znacznie wyższy poziom zaufania do instytucji pozarządowych. Rozważane jest pytanie o stan demokracji, a raczej jej braku, co tworzy w społeczeństwie tendencję do protestu. Powszechne niezadowolenie ludności skierowane było przeciwko rosnącemu wpływowi oligarchów w kraju, korupcji na wszystkich poziomach relacji społecznych, naciskowi na małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, niepewności kursu strategicznego państwa (Unia Europejska, Euroazjatycka Unia Celna). Autor określa zagadnienia związane z początkiem i motywami, które doprowadziły ludzi do Rewolucji godności. Główne przyczyny niezadowolenia: ciężkie pobicie demonstrantów na Placu Niepodległości w noc na 30 listopada, represje, odmowa Wiktora Janukowycza podpisania umowy stowarzyszeniowej z UE oraz pragnienie zmiany stanu życia na Ukrainie.Również dość wyraźne było pragnienie zmiany władzy na Ukrainie. Przeanalizowano zbrojną agresję Rosji przeciwko Ukrainie, która stała się długoterminowym czynnikiem wpływającym na rzeczywistość polityczną, gospodarczą, wojskową i społeczną. Z powodu działań Federacji Rosyjskiej w latach 2014–2015 był zniekształcony system globalnego i regionalnego bezpieczeństwa oraz obecny system prawa międzynarodowego. Prawie wszystkie międzynarodowe gwarancje bezpieczeństwa dla Ukrainy (w tym w ramach Memorandum Budapesztańskiego) okazały się niezdolne w sytuacji, gdy agresorem został jeden z gwarantów – Federacja Rosyjska. Udowodniono, że rosyjska inwazja i zajęcie części wschodniego regionu Ukrainy oraz Krymu było bezpośrednim wyzwaniem dla bezpieczeństwa europejskiego i państwa ukraińskiego.
Проаналізовано особливості конфлікту в Україні, його передумови та геополітичні наслідки. Наводяться приклади, цифри, які свідчать про низький рівень довіри до інститутів влади, силових структур, судової системи і значно вищий рівень довіри до недержавних інституцій. Розглядаються питання стану демократії, а точніше її відсутність, що породжує у суспільстві схильність до протестних акцій. Стверджується, що невдоволення населення було спрямоване проти посилення впливу олігархів у країні, корупції на всіх рівнях суспільних взаємовідносин, тиск на малий і середній бізнес, невизначеність із стратегічним курсом розвитку держави (Європейський Союз, Митний Союз). Окреслюються питання, пов’язані з початком і мотивами, що спонукали людей вийти на Майдан, серед яких найбільш поширеними виявилися: жорстоке побиття демонстрантів на Майдані у ніч на 30 листопада, репресії, відмова Віктора Януковича від підписання Угоди про асоціацію з Євросоюзом та прагнення змінити життя в Україні. Достатньо вираженими виявилися також прагнення змінити владу в Україні. Здійснено аналіз збройної агресії Російської Федерації проти України, яка стала довгостроковим чинником впливу на українську політичну, економічну, військову та соціальну реальність. Зазначено, що внаслідок дій РФ впродовж 2014–2015 рр. було деформовано систему глобальної та регіональної безпеки, а також чинну систему міжнародного права. Майже всі міжнародні гарантії безпеки для України (зокрема в межах Будапештського меморандуму) виявилися недієздатними в умовах, коли агресором виступив один із гарантів - Російська Федерація. Доведено, що російське вторгнення Ціна свободи: конфлікт в Україні та його геополітичні наслідки 99 та захоплення частини Східноукраїнського регіону, Криму, стало безпосереднім викликом і європейській системі безпеки, і українській державі.
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne; 2016, 2, 1
Pojawia się w:
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Президентська Росія перед викликами модернізації: соціально-політичний аспект
Prezydencka Rosja wobec wyzwań modernizacji: aspekt społeczno-polityczny
Піляєв, Ігор
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
socio-political modernization,
post-Communist Russia,
political transit,
“guided democracy”,
The article investigates the historical background of Russia’s socio-political transformation in the age of presidential republic, the Russian society’s present state and modernization prospects. Since the Horde Russia would be effected by the oriental despotism. The Russian modernization historically took place under the Western civilization’s influence but its instruments were mostly despotic and essentially anti-European. The Russian historical drama is that the social base of its modernization had been exterminated during the Bolshevik Revolution and Stalin’s dictatorship, and by now, in the train of the ongoing post-communist transformations, is still in germ. In contrast to the American Great Power doctrine where democracy serves as an important tool, Putin’s Russia has chosen the absolute priority of state and corporate interests over rights, freedoms and interests of its citizens. The author concludes that the fundamental problems and challenges, which had confronted the Russian modernization a quarter century ago, have remained unresolved. The most important of them are the key political actors’ unwillingness to act within the democratic rules, the values foundation friability, the lack of democratic consciousness and political culture. Since the annexation of Crimea and the start of the hybrid war in Donbas Russia’s socio-political transformation has found clear imperial meanings and would rely henceforth on the Eurasian space’ resource self-sufficiency with the strictly authoritarian state ideology and elements of the mobilization economy.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 14-23
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Інституційні чинники пропорційності парламентського представництва українських політичних партій
Institutional Aspects of Proportionate Parliamentary Representation of Ukrainian Political Parties
Чабанна, Маргарита
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political party
parliamentary representation
electoral system
indices of disproportionality
In political science the assessment of institutional development is an important criterion for determining the level of democratic governance. Therefore, the role of formal political institutions is significant for the functioning of the political system. It concerns the functioning of the executive, legislative, judiciary, and has expression in the mechanisms of mediation between public authorities and citizens. In the article the participation of political parties as such mediators is shown. Political parties, in this context, perform the numbers of functions in order to promote the principle of political representation through elections and parliamentarism. Therefore, political elections aimed at the expression of public opinion may apply as a tool for representative government. Thus, democratic elections and the formation of the parliament can be evaluated according to the criteria of transparency and proportionality of political representation. The implementation of these principles in a democratic political system depends on several factors related to the type of electoral system and those political institutions that affect the electoral process. For instance the representation of political parties in elected bodies depends on the threshold for parties or blocks (in the case of a proportional system), voter turnout and the method of determining electoral quota; as well the number of political parties participating in the elections; and the rights of voters to vote «against all». The article examines the impact of the electoral system on proportionate representation of political parties in parliament during the elections to the Ukrainian parliament (2002-2014). As for the constitutional amendments and electoral legislation in 2004-2014 years, we focus on the type of electoral system, the methods for calculating the electoral quota, threshold for political parties, the number of political parties-participants of the election process, as well as indicators of voter turnout. In order to analyse the proportionality of parliamentary representation of political parties we consider the indices of disproportionality. Overall, the disproportionate representation of political party as a phenomenon is caused by the existence of threshold (in the case of a proportional electoral system) and single-member constituencies (in the case of the majority electoral system). The level of proportional parliamentary representation of political parties in Ukraine is moderate. At the same time, the downward trend of proportional representation is obvious. This is due to the increase in unrepresented voters who vote for political parties that do not win seats. In this regard, we can state that a high threshold helps large parties in the election competition. However, as a result, the disproportionate representation of political parties may rise because of the high percentage of voters whose interests are not represented in parliament. In other words, the essential electoral support for non-influential parties, their overall percentage and dispersion of voters who support political parties that do not pass in parliament, is a factor of disproportionate representation. That is, the level of proportionate representation refers to the total number of political parties that compete in elections.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 238-249
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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