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Культурная идентичность в контексте переводческих решений
Jóźwiak, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
cultural-backgrounds elements
Boris Akunin
cultural identity
translator responsibility
multicultural competence
Slavia Orientalis; 2018, LXVII, 1; 165-174
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Orientalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Światopogląd bohaterów powieści Ihara Babkoua „Minutka. Trzy historie“
Slivkova, Ivana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Belarusian culture, Ihar Babkov, Three Stories, literary analysis, cultural identity
kultura białoruska, Ihar Babkou, Minutka. Trzy historie, analiza literacka tożsamość kulturowa
беларуская культура, Ігар Бабкоў, тры гісторыі, літаратурны аналіз, культурная ідэнтычнасць
This article provides a literary analysis and interpretation of Ihar Babkov’s novel A Minute. Three Stories in the context of issues related to national identity and self-identification in Belarusian culture. The starting point of the author’s deliberations is the theory of intercultural communicationand the definition of cultural identity from a diachronic and contemporary point of view. The system of values presented in the novel is interpreted both in relation to the historical period and geographical area, and from the perspective of an individual involved in interpersonal relations and existing in a specific time and space. Although the dominant feature of the novel are the philosophical views and aesthetic principles professed by the protagonists, the indefinite and supranational dimension of time and space in the work allows for an interpretation in the context of cultural identity and identity in general (being a human means being...). The study is carried out using the comparative method, based on the theory of linguistic communication. The analysis proves that the plot of the novel is founded in the intertwining of different places and events, the concealing of the protagonists, and the combination of elements from both the real and the unreal. Further study showed that that one of the components of the Belarusian context in the novel is the philosophical pursuit of happiness by an individual in both a national and personal dimension.
Artykuł został poświęcony analizie literackiej oraz interpretacji powieści Ihara Babkoua Minutka. Trzy historie w kontekście zagadnień związanych z tożsamością narodową i samoidentyfikacją jednostki w kulturze białoruskiej. Punktem wyjścia rozważań autorki jest teoria komunikacji interkulturowej oraz definicja tożsamości kulturowej w ujęciu diachronicznym i współczesnym. Przedstawiony w powieści system wartości interpretowano zarówno w odniesieniu do epoki historycznej i obszaru geograficznego, jak i z perspektywy historii człowieka uwikłanego w relacje interpersonalne oraz egzystującego w określonym czasie i przestrzeni. Chociaż dominantę literacką powieści stanowią poglądy filozoficzne i zasady estetyczne wyznawane przez bohaterów, to jednak czas i przestrzeń, posiadające w utworze wymiar nieokreślony i ponadnarodowy, pozwalają interpretować tekst przez pryzmat pojęcia tożsamości kulturowej i tożsamości w ogóle (być człowiekiem znaczy być...). Badanie zostało przeprowadzone metodą porównawczą, przy wykorzystaniu teorii komunikacji językowej. W wyniku analizy udowodniono, że fabuła powieści opiera się na splocie różnych miejsc i zdarzeń, mistyfikacji bohaterów oraz łączeniu elementów świata realnego i nierealnego. Ustalono także, że jednym z komponentów kontekstu białoruskiego w powieści jest filozoficzne poszukiwanie przez jednostkę szczęścia o wymiarze narodowym oraz indywidualnym.
У артыкуле аналізуецца і інтэрпрэтуецца раман Ігара Бабкова Хвілінка. Тры гісторыі з пункту гледжання спецыфікі нацыянальнай ідэнтычнасці і самаідэнтыфікацыі ў беларускай культуры. Аўтарка зыходзіць з тэорыі міжкультурнай камунікацыі, а таксама з гістарычных ідэалогій і жыццёвых праяваў культурнай ідэнтычнасці. Ідэйная аснова аповеду інтэрпрэтуецца не толькі як характарыстыка эпохі і краіны, але таксама як гісторыя чалавека (у часе і прасторы) і запавет чалавека чалавеку. Філасофскія і эстэтычныя прынцыпы, прэзентаваныя галоўнымі персанажамі, ствараюць дамінантную частку твора. Няпэўнасць і неакрэсленасць часу і прасторы ўтварае наднацыянальную лінію тэкстуі абагульняе такім чынам прынцыпы нацыянальнай ідэнтычнасці ў напрамку ідэнтычнасці культурнай і ідэнтычнасці агульначалавечай (быць чалавекам – значыць быць...). Выкарыстоўваюцца метады: літаратурная інтэрпрэтацыя, параўнанне, прымяненне тэорыі міжкультурнай камунікацыі. Вынікам інтэрпрэтацыі, сярод іншага, з’яўляецца факт, што перапляценне месцаў і часавых падзей, містыфікацыя персанажаў, змешванне рэальнага і нерэальнага ўтварае ў аповедзе базавую лінію. Далейшы аналіз паказвае, што культурнай спецыфікай беларускага кантэксту з’яўляецца філасофская канцэпцыя імкнення данацыянальнага і асабістага шчасця.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2018, 12
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Новакович, Мирослава
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
музыкальная культура национальная идентичность «галицкий музыкальный диалект» культурная память
musical culture
national identity
“Galician musical dialect”
cultural memory
The article touches upon the problem of Ukrainian-Polish musical contacts in the context of the cultural diversity of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. It is confirmed that the complexity of the topic lies in the need to comprehend two different cultural traditions and their contexts, as well as in an attempt to discover the true structures of these relationships. It is noted that the defining feature of Ukrainian-Polish cultural relations in the first half of the nineteenth century were not professional contacts between Polish and Ukrainian music, but the connection of culture with culture and Polish music with Ukrainian culture. The result of these contacts was the use of Ukrainian folklore by Polish composers. Particular attention in the article is drawn to the fact that the Galician burgher culture formed the same lifestyle and common values, and was also a homogenizing factor among the heterogeneous population of the region. This gives grounds to speak of the existence of a layer of musical unconscious common to the peoples of Galicia, which was spontaneously used in the then composer’s practice. It was borrowed mainly from German and Polish cultures, which music, due to certain circumstances became an integral part in the system of musical thinking of Galician amateur composers. In this context, the patriotic choral works of Ukrainian music by M. Verbytsky are considered, in which he often uses intonations and rhythms borrowed from the Polish music.
Ars inter Culturas; 2018, 7; 89-102
Pojawia się w:
Ars inter Culturas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Великий Шелковый путь и тенгрианство в стратегиях культурной политики современного Казахстана
Kulsariyeva, Aktolkyn
Sultanova, Madina E.
Shaygozova, Zhanerke N.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
the Great Silk Road
cultural policy
Великий Шелковый путь
культурная политика,
In the paper, the chosen aspects of Kazakhstan’s contemporary cultural policy were examined, i.e., the new shape of the Silk Road, and the concept of Tengriism. Tengriism, being and open ideological and world-view shaping system, had an enormous influence on forming, developing and functioning of the unique and fundamental principles of peace and concord, which were recognized by the people of Kazakhstan as their political, economic, and cultural guidance. The nature of Tengriism, perceived in Central Asia, and in Kazakhstan in particular, not as a religion, but as an idiosyncratic worldview, was solidified due to tolerance principles, on which the Great Silk Road, among others factors, had a great influence throughout the years. Nowadays, the current contexts of Tengriism and the Silk Road have become essential components for the process of ethnic and cultural memory regeneration in modern Kazakhstan, thus fostering the national identity consolidation. The presented research focuses on three basic aspects: the specificity of cultural and historic landscape of the Great Steppe, conditioned by the historic presence and influence of the Silk Road; the various traces of Tengriism in modern Kazakhstan; and the potential of both Tengriism and the Silk Road evidenced in the present-day cultural policy of Kazakhstan.
Статья исследует некоторые аспекты современной казахстанской культур- ной политики: обновленный формат Шелкового пути и тенгрианства. Тен- грианство как открытая мировоззренческая система во многом повлияла на формирование, развитие и бытование уникальных принципов мира и согла- сия, избранных народом Казахстана своим политическим, экономическим и культурным ориентиром. Природа тенгрианства, воспринимаемого не ре- лигией, но особой картиной мира, в Центральной Азии и, конкретно, Казах- стане в значительной степени была закреплена принципами толерантности, сформировавшимися в том числе под влиянием Великого Шелкового пути. Сейчас в современном Казахстане акутализированный контекст тенгриан- ства и Шелкового пути стал необходимой вехой регенерации этнической и культурной памяти, что, в свою очередь, способствует укреплению иден- тичности. В фокусе настоящего исследования находится три основных момента: особенности культурно-исторического ландшафта Великой Степи, обуслов- ленного воздействием Шелкового Пути; специфика проявления тенгриан- ства в современном Казахстане; потенциал тенгрианства и Шелкового Пути в современной культурной политике Казахстана.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2017, 4(15); 96-112
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Католическое меньшинство на дону: риски сохранения конфессиональной идентичности
Socio-cultural reproduction of traditional confessional minorieties (the example of the Catholic community of Rostov region)
Biedrik, Andriej Władimirowicz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
конфессиональное меньшинство
религиозная идентичность
традиционная конфессия
социокультурное воспроизводство
confessional minority
religious identity
traditional religions
socio-cultural reproduction
The article researches the problem of preserving the identity of the traditional confessional minorities in contemporary Russian society (for example, the Catholic community of Rostov region). Authors analyze the current status of its socio-cultural reproduction. Historically, the Catholic minority was always present in the confessional portrait of the Don region. It is confirmed by the pre-revolutionary census. Soviet period and the policy of state atheism have significantly reduced the demographic set of the Catholic community. Since 1990s. Catholic parishes began to revive. But this process is accompanied by a number of endogenous and exogenous complexities. The category of endogenous risk reproduction of Don Catholic community included a reduction of ethnic groups that traditionally profess Catholicism (Poles, Germans, Lithuanians) in the regional population. At the same time under the influence of migration flows increased presence in the region, Armenian Catholics and Catholics among Ukrainians that strengthens claims of members of the religious community to change the traditional (Latin) rite in favor of the Eastern Christian (Byzantine) rite. At the level of everyday life confessional community play ethnic and racial segregation, impeding the consolidation of the group, its demographic growth due to intramarriages. The growth of the community by neophytes complicated by strict rules incorporating new members, as well as the official rejection of the Roman Catholic Church of proselytism in Russia. Exogenous factors socio-cultural reproduction of religious groups is the difficulty in resolving the legal status of the community, land and property issues in the places of worship, public perception of Catholics among the population and the authorities. Despite the convergence of the official position of the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church on a number of issues, the legal status of the Catholic community in Russia is often marginal. This is due to including with the problems of presence on the territory of the Russian Catholic clergy, mainly consisting of a number of citizens of foreign countries (Poland, Ukraine, and others.). In such circumstances, and taking into account the total secularization of Russian society can predict a further reduction in the Catholic community and the replacement of religious identity of its members, especially among young people.
В статье анализируется проблема сохранения идентичности и социокультурного воспроизводства традиционных конфессиональных меньшинств в современном российском обществе. На примере католической общины Ростовской области рассматривается процесс возрождение конфессиональной общности в постсоветский период, демографический потенциал общины, риски ее социокультурного воспроизводства, тенденции этноконфессиональной и расовой сегрегации внутри общины, проблемы общественного восприятия католиков региональным социумом.
Cywilizacja i Polityka; 2016, 14, 14; 254-268
Pojawia się w:
Cywilizacja i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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