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Гностические мотивы в творчестве Владимира Набокова (на примере повести Соглядатай)
Kortus, Nadzieja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Gnostic symbols
Vladimir Nabokov
The Eye
initiation path
There are many works that discuss the prose of Vladimir Nabokov in the Gnostic context. The article is an attempt to confront the short novel The Eye of this outstanding writer with the most important determinants of the Gnostic initiation.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2019, 44, 2; 101-112
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Семантика зооморфных мифологических символов и их отражение в аграрно-магических обрядах зимних календарных праздников восточных славян
The semantic aspects of zoomorphic mythological symbols and their reflection in the agrarian and magic rites of the Eastern Slavonic winter holidays
Ангелова (Angelova), Анна (Anna)
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
mythological zoomorphism
zoomorphic symbols
animistic beliefs
cult of totem
The author of the article investigates a question of mythological zoomorphisms, their sources, features and functions. She gives a comparison between the Greek and the Eastern Slavonic representations of signs and symbols used in rituals as well as the everyday life. Key words and expressions: zoomorphic symbols, animistic beliefs, cult of totem.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica; 2011, 07; 9-13
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Символика снов и сновидений в контексте интимной психодрамы Тараса Шевченко (попытка архетипического анализа)
Betko, Iryna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Taras Shevchenko
symbols of dreams
intimate psychodrama
archetypal analysis
The motifs of dreams appear in all literary works written by Taras Shevchenko. They are present, for example, in several lyric poems and fragments of Journal, reflecting important moments in the poet’s intimate psychodrama. The archetypal analysis of their psycho-symbolic content allows one to reveal the specificities of the poet’s inner life, as well as to trace the patterns of animatic projections of his individual unconscious into external reality.
Acta Neophilologica; 2022, 1, XXIV; 149-162
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Стихотворение А. Ладинского "Аргонавты": рецепция мифа и художественная символика
Чевтаев, Аркадий
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
А. П. Ладинский
«аргонавтический» миф
лирический нарратив
художественная символика
Antonin Ladinsky
myth of the Argonauts
narrative poetry
literary symbols
В статье рассматривается поэтика еще не исследованного стихотворения Антонина Ладинского Аргонавты (1926), представляющего собой авторскую интерпретацию античного мифа. Анализ данного поэтического текста показывает, что акцентированное в его структуре совмещение реалий античности и русской действительности превращает изображаемое «аргонавтическое» плавание в символическое восхождение к духовным вершинам универсума. Художественная символика, определяющая логику нарративного развертывания стихотворения, эксплицирует оппозицию «жизнь – смерть» в их ценностном единстве и продуцирует идеологему преображения бытия. Формулируется вывод, что «аргонавтический» миф в стихотворении сопряжен с онтологическими и историософскими исканиями поэта и утверждает необходимость не только достижения идеала («золотого руна»), но и осознания его ценностной сущности.
The article deals with the poetics of Antonin Ladinsky’s under-researched poem “Argonavty” (“The Argonauts”, 1926), which represents the author’s interpretation of the ancient myth. The analysis of this poetic text shows that the emphatic combination of elements of ancient reality and Russian reality turns the depicted “Argonautic voyage” into a symbolic ascent to the spiritual heights of the universe. The artistic symbolism, which determines the logic of the narrative development in the poem, explicates the opposition between life and death in their axiological unity and produces the ideologeme of the transfiguration of being. The conclusion is that the “Argonautic” myth in the poem is associated with the poet’s enquiry in the sphere of ontology and philosophy of history; it postulates the need to achieve not only the ideal (the “golden fleece”), but also the awareness of its axiological essence.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica; 2020, 13; 29-41
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Символы и мифы мемуаристики: „Мой лунный друг” Зинаиды Гиппиус
Symbole i mity memuarystyki „Mój księżycowy przyjaciel” Zinaidy Gippius
The symbols and myths of the discipline that studies memoirs: “My Moon Friend” by Zinaida Gippius
Łucewicz, Ludmiła
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Ludmila Lutsevich’s article “The Symbols and Myths of the Discipline that Studies Memoirs: My Moon Friend by Zinaida Gippius” mentions the characteristic feature of the Russian emigrational discipline that studies memoirs. The feature combines the alloy of facts of real existence, objective characteristics and a realistic evaluation in combination with a fictional plot, subjective descriptions, predictions and talks. These combinations led to the creation of mythological concepts and interpretations. Based on one of Zinaida Gippius’ earliest memoirs, the author of the article studies her interpretation of Aleksandr Blok’s personality as a romantic myth about a poet.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2012, 37; 151-162
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Этнолингвистические и типологические параллели в фольклорном творчестве народов (на материале свадебно-обрядовых песен башкир)
Wedding-ritual songs of Bashkir: sources and typological parallels in folkloric creativity
Asfandijarovna Sultangareeva, Rozalija
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
wedding songs
folklore; motivation
word magic
transitional symbols
In Turkic (Bashkir) wedding folklore, in the heritage of world spiritual culture, centuries-old knowledge of philosophy, life-concepts and ideals, as well as language, etiquette, moral and moral values of peoples are concentrated. This article covers the wedding and ritual culture of the Turks and Slavs. Using Bashkir ritual as an example, typological features and parallels in folklore genres associated with common situations of marriage festivals, clan interests and emotions are revealed.Wedding genres of lamentations, good wishes and praise, whose origins go back to the magic of kind words, tears and crying after a complex transformation, create a picture of universal ritual codes.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2018, 1, XXIII; 65-77
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motywy i symbole biblijne w polskojęzycznej poezji Białorusi XIX wieku
Bahdanowicz, Iryna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Belarusian literature, biblical motifs, religious poetry, romanticism, Christian symbols
literatura białoruska, motywy biblijne, poezja religijna, romantyzm, symbole chrześcijańskie
беларуская літаратура, біблійныя матывы і вобразы, рэлігійная паэзія, рамантызм, хрысціянскія сімвалы
This article is devoted to the development of spiritual poetry in Polish-language literature of Belarus in the 19th century. Focus is brought to the interpretation of biblical motifs and images in the works of T. Lada-Zablotsky, Y. Chachot, G.Puzynya and V. Syrokomlya, with reference to the influence of romanticism on these writers. The poem Iyeremia’s cry by T. Lada-Zablotsky is presented as a literary paraphrase of Psalm 137 (136 in Eastern Christian tradition). Special attention is paid to the series of religious poems by Y. Chachot from the volume Songs of the Landlord, never studied before by Belarusian researchers. His works, modelled after the Epistles of Paul, have been received as a poetic interpretation of the Commandments and Christian Virtues, which in turn brought the concept of poetic “catechism” in Y. Chachot’s oeuvre. The comparison of the Biblical motifs in the works of G. Puzynya and V. Syrokomlya proves the associative closeness of the authors, seeking original metaphors and striving to give new meanings to Christian symbols, such as the bell, the cross, the church, or the cleric. The author comes to the conclusion that the interest in psalms as a genre and the biblical symbolism contained therein increased greatly in romantic literature, especially in poetry. References to biblical motifs allowed the poets to express patriotic feelings, to sacralize them, and to emphasize the ideals of freedom. Religious poetry of the period studied served didactic purposes, taking the form of a certain “secular apostleship”. We can therefore speak of poetic Christian pedagogy, whose principles of exegesis and catechesis were based on moral examples drawnfrom national history.
W artykule podjęto temat rozwoju poezji religijnej w polskojęzycznej literaturze białoruskiej XIX w. Analizie poddano sposoby interpretacji motywów biblijnych w twórczości Tadeusza Łady- Zabłockiego, Jana Czeczota, Gabrieli Puzyniny, Władysława Syrokomli, uwzględniając przy tym swoiste oddziaływanie romantyzmu na wymienionych twórców. Tekst Łady-Załockiego Żale Jeremiasza przedstawiono jako parafrazę psalmu 137 (w tradycji wschodniochrześcijańskiej – 136). Zwrócono uwagę na cykl religijnych wierszy Czeczota z tomu Pieśni ziemianina, który dotychczas nie był przedmiotem zainteresowania białoruskich naukowców. Utwory poety wzorowane na listach apostoła Pawła odczytano jako poetycką interpretację przykazań i cnót chrześcijańskich, co pozwoliło sformułować tezę o swoistym „katechizmie” poetyckim Czeczota. Porównanie motywów biblijnych w twórczości Puzyniny i Syrokomli pokazało bliskość asocjacyjną autorów, poszukujących niebanalnych metafor i dążących do nadania nowych znaczeń symbolom chrześcijańskim, takim jak: dzwon, krzyż, kościół, kleryk. Autorka artykułu dochodzi do wniosku, że w literaturze romantycznej, zwłaszcza w poezji, wzrasta zainteresowanie psalmami jako gatunkiem oraz zapisaną w nich symboliką biblijną. Odwołania do motywów biblijnych pomagają poetom wyrażać uczucia patriotyczne, sakralizować je, eksponować ideę wolności. Poezja religijna badanego okresu pełni funkcje dydaktyczne, przybierając postać swoistego „świeckiego apostolstwa”. Można zatem mówić o poetyckiej pedagogice chrześcijańskiej, której zasady egzegezy i katechezy oparte są na wzorach zaczerpniętych z historii narodowej.
Артыкул прысвечаны спецыфіцы развіцця рэлігійнай паэзіі ў польскамоўнай літаратуры Беларусі ХІХ стагоддзя. Аналізуюцца асаблівасці інтэрпрэтацыі біблійных матываў і вобразаў ў творчасці Тадэвуша Лады-Заблоцкага, Яна Чачота, Габрыэлі Пузыні, Уладзіслава Сыракомлі, адзначаецца, што зварот да іх быў абумоўлены ўплывам рамантызму. Верш Т. Лады-Заблоцкага Жаль Ераміі даследуецца як літаратурны парафраз 137 псалма (ва ўсходнехрысціянскай традыцыі – 136). Звяртаецца ўвага на цыкл рэлігійных вершаў Я.Чачо- та са зборніка Pieśni Ziemianina, які не быў дагэтуль прадметам увагі беларускіх даследчыкаў. Творы паэта, узорам для якога былі Пасланні апостала Паўла, разглядаюцца як паэтычная інтэрпрэтацыя біблійных запаведзяў і хрысціянскіх дабрачыннасцяў, што дае падставугаварыць пра своеасаблівы паэтычны “катэхізіс” Чачота. Параўнанне біблійных матываў у творчасці Г.Пузыні і У.Сыракомлі дазволіла выявіць асацыятыўную блізкасць аўтараў нашляху новай метафарызацыі і пераасэнсавання хрысціянскіх сімвалаў, такіх як: звон, крыж, святар, храм. Робяцца высновы, што ў літаратуры рамантызму, асабліва ў паэзіі, узрастае цікавасць да паэтыкі псалмоў як жанру і да біблійнай сімволікі. Зварот да біблійных матываў і вобразаў дапамагае паэтам выявіць патрыятычныя матывы, сакралізаваць іх, актуалізаваць ідэалы свабоды і змагання за вызваленне айчыны. Рэлігійная паэзія гэтага часу выконвае дыдактычна-выхаваўчую функцыю, набывае форму своеасаблівага паэтычнага “свецкага апостальства”. Таму можна гаварыць пра паэтычную хрысціянскую педагогіку, прынцыпы экзегезы і катэхезы якой грунтуюцца на маральных прыкладах з нацыянальнай гісторыі.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2018, 12
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Память о детстве как способ самореализации личности в романе И.А. Бунина Жизнь Арсеньева
Memory of childhood as a way of self-realization in the novel by Ivan Alekseevitz Bunin’s Life of Arsenyev
Пузырева, Ольга
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
memory of childhood
self-actualization of personality acmeology
“reverse perspective”
symbols of salvation
This article investigates the psychological and philosophical significance of childhood images in I.A. Bunin’s novel Life of Arsenyev, written in emigration. It is concluded that the worldview of a childhood spent in Russia and the memory of this time become the main ethical categories in the work, correlated with the author’s religious symbols of salvation – with words, the happiness of the creative process, with the actualization of the meaning of life and the self-realization of per-sonality.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2019, 4, XXIV; 85-100
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Рождество и Крещение как символы поэтического творчества: евангельские мотивы в поэзии русского метареализма
Christmas and Baptism as symbols of poetic creativity: Evangelical motifs in the poetry of Russian metarealism
Roždestvo i Kreŝenie kak simvoly poètičeskogo tvorčestva: evangelʹskie motivy v poèzii russkogo metarealizma
Severskaâ, Olʹga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Russian metarealism
Evangelical motif
poetic imagery
Christmas and Baptism as symbols of poetic creativity: Evangelical motifs in the poetry of Russian metarealism and the 21st centuries. The author considers the “Epiphany” and “Christmas” images in the lyrics of Yevgeny Daenin, Ivan Zhdanov, Alexei Parshikov, Sergey Solovyov, correlating them both with the text of the Holy Scripture and with the poetic tradition of “Christmas verses” of the 19th century and two boundary periods (the 19th-20th and the 20th-21st centuries), in which the search for the “painful and unsteady” image of God is manifested with a particular force. Traditionally, in poetry there is an intimization of Christmas and Epiphany: so, these events are not perceived as being external, but as internal, occurring in a person’s soul. This is true of all Russian contemporary poetry. And metarealism is no exception. The article sequentially explores (using the hermeneutic method, semantic, intertextual and content analysis) verbal images and motifs associated with Baptism, Epiphany and Christmas. In the interpretation of the evangelical stories, metarealists proceed from the ideas of the divine Word-Logos, embodied in words. Baptism and Epiphany are associated with the Word’s Appearance to the People, their baptism in the Speech as a River, which at the same time becomes synonymous with Christmas and Nativity, the birth of the “mortal” word and the beginning of its Way of the Cross. Poetry is perceived by metarealists as climbing Golgotha, “the crucifix of the throat”. The poet has three hypostases in their texts: the “wise Thief” who ascends to “paradise” by God’s will, but is capable of performing the sacrament of baptism with the “verb fire”; “Carpenter”, “Joseph”, stepfather of the “God-born baby”-text; builder, governor of Heavenly Jerusalem and leader of the “Heavenly Host” of words. Analyzing the concept of Speech as a “Homing,” the author comes to the conclusion that metarealists are not so much engaged in “God-seeking” as they are developing M. Heidegger’s theory of language as a “house of being” and of existing and being.
Stylistyka; 2020, 29; 329-343
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Movno-estetičnij kanon poezii Tarasa Ševcenka v ukrainskij literaturnij movi
The linguistic and aesthetic canon of Taras Shevchenko’s poetry in Ukrainian literary language
Ermolenko, Svitlana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
The linguistic and aesthetic canon of Shevchenko’s poetry
the criteria for literary norm
the depiction of society and everyday life
national and linguistic symbols
usage of folk and spoken expressions in poetry
The article confirms that Taras Shevchenko is the creator and founder of the new Ukrainian literary language. His language use promoted the establishment and advance- ment of the literary norm in the word usage, word formation, the functioning of grammatical forms and syntax constructions, as well as in the word emphasis, in the fixed tone of the intonation in the Ukrainian language, etc. One of the criteria for literary norm is the influence of a recognized writer who establishes the aesthetic content of the literary norm. Shevchenko’s writings are marked by occasional use of alternative forms, lack of spelling consistency, and differences in word usage as compared to the modern literary standards. Despite this, the forms consistent with the literary standards prevail. The linguistic and aesthetic canons of Shevchenko’s writing were definitive in promoting stability and common usage of the literary norm. The linguistic and aesthetic canons of Shevchenko’s poetry combine specific sensory means of verbalized real and idealized life in dialogues and monologues of lyrical and narrative texts. The phenomenon of addressing a third party or self actualizes lexical, phraseological, and grammar units that convey an intimate relationship to everything arising inside a poet’s imagination, provoking thought, calling for self-expression. The aesthetic process encompasses the activities of a human life, the national history symbols, the beauty of nature, humans, means of expressing the dynamics of human feelings. The author’s thoughts and emotions influence the reader not only through the depiction of society and everyday life, the usage of national and linguistic symbols, or content common to all human beings, by also through frequent usage of objective structures and linguistic forms. The law of analogy provides that these forms are valuable in the context of symbolic, ideal literary norm.The linguistic and aesthetic canon of Shevchenko’s poetry expands the function of folk and spoken elements as sources for creating poetic forms within the stylistic paradigm of the modern Ukrainian language. The spoken emotional and expressive structures elevated by the high poetry diversify poetic expression and provide detailed images for abstract notions.   511
Stylistyka; 2016, 25; 499-512
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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