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Old polish Christmas carols by contemplative nuns (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)
Gwioździk, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Christmas carols
contemplative orders
Benedictine nuns
Carmelite nuns
Poor Clares
Republic of Poland
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Old Polish Christmas carols in the contemplative female orders of Benedictine nuns, Poor Clares and Carmelite nuns were written and functioned at the junction of traditions - Polish and European, lay and religious, noble and elite, monastic and folk - and also in the Polish borderlands, which exhibited great diversification in terms of nationalities, religious denominations and cultures. The numerous versions of carols confirm not only their popularity, but also the fact that they functioned in specific environments, with the mutual influence of various motives, particularly noticeable in this genre, which was susceptible to all sorts of interference. The singing of carols, including those types which were characteristic of the monastic environment, such as lullabies, religious carols, songs of the nativity and of adoration and New Year carols, was a traditional part of Christmas celebrations. Performed both as part of the liturgy and outside it, they constituted a sort of a paratheatrical spectacle, characteristic of the Baroque mentality and of the spirituality of a specific order.
Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology; 2012, 11; 169-186
Pojawia się w:
Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tympanon portalu północnego ponorbertańskiego kościoła św. Trójcy w Strzelnie
The Tympanum of the Northern Portal in Former Premonstratensians Nuns ’Church in Strzelno
Szczęsna, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Prem onstratensian nuns
Tympanon portalu północnego ponorbertańskiego kościoła św. Trójcy w Strzelnie został odkryty w 1953 roku i znajduje się in situ. Datowany jest na około 1216 rok. Na uwagę zasługuje zarówno jego forma jak i treść. Wyróżnia go trójlistny kształt i bogactwo środków rzeźbiarskich użytych dla osiągnięcia maksymalnych efektów plastycznych i światłocieniowych. Płaskorzeźba przedstawia Chrystusa w mandorli zasiadającego na łuku tęczy, z gołębicą Ducha Świętego nad głową, depczącego lwa i smoka. Otacza go dwóch aniołów, dwa symbole Ewangelistów i dwóch Apostołów. Dla ikonografii kluczowe jest przedstawienie dwóch antropozoomorficznych symboli Ewangelistów – Marka i Łukasza zamiast czterech, co jest najczęstsze w tego typu przedstawieniach oraz dwóch Apostołów Piotra i Pawła. Ich osoby łączy zależność opisana w II wieku przez chrześcijańskiego pisarza Ireneusza z Lyonu w traktacie Adversus Haereses. Jednocześnie, w oparciu o jego słowa, Ewangeliści Marek i Łukasz symbolizują odpowiednio Królewskość i Kapłaństwo Chrystusa. Czynność deptania smoka i lwa (tradycyjnie poza tymi dwoma przedstawiane są bazyliszek i aspiskus) w których można się domyślać symbolicznego przedstawienia szatana i Antychrysta, wskazuje na władzę Chrystusa nad tymi siłami zła. Ptak interpretowany jako gołębica Ducha Świętego bądź nawiązuje do wezwania kościoła, bądź też wskazuje na stałą obecność Ducha Świętego demonstrującą najwyższy majestat Chrystusa. Elementem uzupełniającym przedstawienie jest wić roślinna wychodząca z ust masek, która obiega archiwoltę tympanonu. Jest to ilustracja popularnego w średniowieczu tematu Psychomachii. W szerszym kontekście kościelno – politycznym przedstawienie może odnosić się do roli zakonu norbertanów we wprowadzaniu reformy Kościoła w Polsce oraz do instytucji papiestwa. W tym czasie papieżem był Innocenty III. Za jego pontyfikatu papiestwo przeżywało apogeum swojego znaczenia. Innocenty III wysunął koncepcję podwójnego wikariatu Chrystusa oraz ideę samego papieża. Papież, jako namiestnik Chrystusa na ziemi miał dzierżyć w swoich rękach zarówno władzę duchową (Christus Sacerdos) jak i świecką (Christus Rex). Tak więc przedstawienie z tympanonu północnego ukazujące majestat Chrystusa zaakcentowany przez umieszczenie przy nim omówionych symboli może być ilustracją tej idei. Nie jest również wykluczone, że portal północny był głównym wejściem do kościoła.
The tympanum of the northern portal in former Premonstratensians nuns' church of the Holy Trinity in Strzelno has been discovered in 1953 and it is preserved in its original place. It is dated circa 1216. The tympanum is extraordinary regarding its iconographic content and its form as well. Formally it is distinguished by its trifoliate shape and the richness of sculptural meanings applied in order to reach the maximum of relief expression of the bas – relief. The bas – relief represents Christ in mandorla sitting down on the rainbow with a dove of the Holy Spirit over His head and treading the Lion and the Dragon.. Two Angels, two symbols of Evangelists and two Apostles surround Him. For its iconography the most important is the representation of two animal – headed symbols of Evangelists – Mark and Lucas instead of four Evangelists (or their symbols) surrounded Christ, which is the most common in such a representations, and two Apostles – Peter and Paul. These couples are connected since in 2nd century Christian writer Irenaus of Lyon has described their dependence in the tractate Adversus Haereses. In the same time, according to Irenaus, these Evangelists symbolize the Kingship (Mark – Lion) and the Ministry (Lucas – Ox) of Christ. The activity of treading the Dragon and the Lion (traditionally we have represented four beasts - except those ones there are also the Basilisk and the Aspis), in which we can assume symbols of the Satan and the Antichrist, point out the authority of Christ over these evil powers. The bird over Christ's head interpreted as a dove of the Holy Spirit may refer to the patrocimium of the church or shows the highest majesty of Christ by permanent presence of the Holy Spirit. The element which completes the representation is the floral twig going out from mouths of masks on the archivolt of the tympanum. This is the symbolic illustration of the popular in the Middle Ages theme of Psychomachia. In wider ecclesiastical and political context this representation may refer to the role of the Premonstratensians Order in introducing the church reform in Poland and the Papacy. In that time the Pope was famous Innocent III. During his pontificate the Papacy experienced the apogee of its significance. Innocent III put out the conception of double curacy of Christ and the idea of the Pope himself. The Pope, as a deputy of Christ on the earth was supposed to hold in his hand both spiritual (Christus Sacerdos) and secular (Christus Rex) powers. So representation from the tympanum of the northern portal pointed out the majesty of Christ by place around Him all symbols mentioned above might be the illustration of this idea. It is also very probable that the northern portal was the main entrance to the church.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2005, 53, 4; 7-36
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Choroba i śmierć za murami klasztoru panien norbertanek w Imbramowicach w świetle Korniki Zofii Grothówny z lat 1703-1741
Illness and death behind the walls of the convent of the Norbertine in Ibramowice in the light of the Chronicles of Sophia Grothówna from the years 1703-1741
Mierzejewska, Milena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The monastery
The article describes illness and death behind the walls of the convent of the Norbertine in Ibramowice in light of The Chronicle Sophia Grothówna from the years 1703-1741. Health problems and death in human life are two inevitable events. As a people we know this is unavoidable and we will meet every existence. Sisters of Mary also were afflicted with minor or major health problems. The nuns lived in damp conditions. At the monastery Imbramowice flows flows the river Dłubnia, causing a humid environment. Nuns in Imbramowice had to contend with difficult housing conditions after a fire in 1710. Norbertine's coped with the diseases in various ways:leaving for treatment to spas (with the consent of the bishop and the abbess), or waiting for assistance of a barber, doctors came less frequently. The article contains also diseases to which the sisters suffered. In the second part, the paper describes the death of sisters and everything that is associated with it. Every act of dying featured in the pages of The Chronicle abbes Grothówna was dramatic. After the death of a Norbertine followed by a funeral, if the nun exercised a high function at the monastery burial was very solemn and distinguished guests arrived. The Sisters of Mary also organized refreshments for the poor people, to help the dead and prayed for a specified period of time. The article includes a list of all the sisters residing at the monastery in Imbramowice over the years 1703-1741. The table presents information: date of commencement of the novitiate, professed, perpetual function each nun and date of death.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2015, 22; 147-156
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenie kryzysu związanego z odejściem kobiet z życia zakonnego
The Experience of the Crisis Associated with the Departure of Women from a Religious Life
Pieczyńska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
religious vocation
The aim of the article is to describe the situation of sisters leaving the religious order and the crises they experience as a result. The first part presents the theoretical background of the research subject: information about the scale of the phenomenon, the issue of discernment a vocation and the main causes of withdrawals, and also the concept of the crisis and its types. The empirical part presents the results of research conducted among former nuns. It lists various difficulties they face and describes the various dimensions of the crises experienced by them: economical, housing, existential and emotional, as well as interpersonal and religious.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2022, 21, 1; 117-143
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Noty proweniencyjne i właściciele ksiąg biblioteki klasztoru cysterek w Trzebnicy w świetle inwentarza Heleny Szwejkowskiej
Provenience Notes and Books’ Owners in the Library of the Cistercian Monastery in Trzebnica in the view of the Inventory of Helena Szwejkowska
Zielonka, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
monastery library
Cistercian nuns
provenience notes
Many of the marks of ownership were included in the inventory of the Library of the Cistercian Monastery in Trzebnica. Owners and history of individual book are known to us thanks to the provenience notes which Helena Szwejkowska recorded in her catalogue. The author of the abovementioned work gathered all provenience notes into a few groups, which allowed us to see how the book collection was growing. That was possible because of buying books and people who decided to give their books to the monastery library. Although it was forbidden, a lot of nuns were in private possession of books and when they died their books become part of library in Trzebnica. Abbesses of the monastery in Trzebnica were also listed in Szwejkowska’s catalogue as book’s owners. By provenience notes we can also see the connections between the monastery in Trzebnica and other Cistercian monasteries in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth eg. Lubiąż, Jemielnica, Przemęt. Also there was an exchange of books between Trzebnica and it’s branch in Owińska. Many of the books were brought to Trzebnica by priests who were confessors and sermonizers to Cistercian nuns. There are evidences that some of the books were brought to the monastery in Trzebnica by Eugeniusz Lenga (who later was an abbot in Jemielnica) and Benedykt Cieszkont (who used to be the confessor in Trzebnica). Kasper from Przemęt has to be mentioned as the one who brought some of the manuscripts. A lot of highly valuable information can be read by historians from margin notes and other marks that were written on the pages of books in the library in Trzebnica. Especially important are provenience marks from the period of the dissolution of the monastery when all the precious books were removed from Trzebnica by Johann Gustaw Büsching.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2018, 25; 206-221
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zjawiska niecodzienne, klęski elementarne i przemarsze wojsk w Wielkopolsce w XVII i XVIII w. i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie klasztoru benedyktynek w Poznaniu w świetle Kronik Benedyktynek Poznańskich
Extra-Ordinary Events, Disasters and Marching Armies in Greater Poland in 17th and 18th Century and Their Impact on Life of Nuns in the Benedictine Monastery in the records of the Monastic Chronicle
Lewandowska, Ada
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Nuns in the Benedictine Monastery
The Monastery in Poznań was founded in 1607 by Magdalena Mortęska - the reformer of the Benedictine Order. By analysing the monastic cornicles, the author wanted to show the influence of extra-ordinary events in Greater Poland and Poznan in 17th and 18th Century on life of enclosed nuns. The article describes what changed when people visited the monastery, what life of nuns looked like during epidemics, floods and other disasters that took place in Greater Poland. The influence of wars and quartering foreign armies in the city of Poznan on life of nuns in the Benedictine Monastery was also included.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2017, 24; 184-197
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Echa wydarzeń ze świata zewnętrznego na kartach Kroniki Zofii Grothówny z lat 1703-1741
Echoes of events from the External world in the Chronicle of Sophia Grothówna from the years 1703-1741
Mierzejewska, Milena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The monastery
weather-related disasters
The article describes the echoes of events from the outside world in an enclosed Norbertine convent in Imbramowice and is mainly based on records taken from The Chronicle of Sophia Grothówna from the years 1703-1741. Although the Norbertine monastery was (and still is) enclosed, it maintained communications with the outside world on a regular basis but unwillingly. This article discusses just such situations. Sisters had to contend with numerous military invasions, requesting ever larger contributions and looting the surroundings belonging to the nuns’ granges. During the wars of the seventeenth century a number of plague broke out, which reached the surrounding areas in Imbarmowice. The peasants contracted the plague from the army. In other events, there were the outbreak of fires, the largest broke out in 1704, and many sisters had to leave the monastery and move to other monasteries or return to their homes. The reconstruction of the monastery took almost 20 years. The article describes information about the floods, strong winds, hunger, cold and drought that ravaged the monastery and caused major damage in convent farms.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2016, 23; 181-190
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obecność sióstr zakonnych w życiu Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego w latach 1945-1989
Presence of Sisterhoods in the Life of the Catholic University of Lublin in the Years 1945-1989
Mirek, Agata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kościół; zakony; zakonnice; KUL
the Church; congregations; nuns; KUL
W historię Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego i w jego misję od samego początku była wpisana obecność sióstr zakonnych, które tworząc środowisko akademickie, były: studentkami, nauczycielami akademickimi, pracownikami naukowymi, bibliotekarkami, pracownikami administracji różnych agend uniwersytetu, między innymi: rektoratu, domu księży studentów, żeńskiego domu akademickiego, a także Towarzystwa Naukowego KUL oraz Towarzystwa Przyjaciół KUL. Władze PRL od początku lat 50. zamknęły siostrom zakonnym możliwość kształcenia się w szkołach państwowych. Dotyczyło to zarówno szkół średnich, jak i wyższych. Z tego względu przez długie lata Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski obok Akademii Teologii Katolickiej był jedyną wyższą uczelnią, gdzie zakonnice mogły studiować. Obecność sióstr zakonnych na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim miała swoje przełożenie na kształtowanie się elity zakonnej, gdyż wiele sióstr absolwentek KUL-u podejmowało obowiązki przełożonych generalnych i prowincjalnych. Uniwersytet ten był dla żeńskich wspólnot zakonnych ważnym ośrodkiem naukowym, gdzie zakonnice mogły zdobywać wykształcenie i uzyskiwać stopnie i tytuły naukowe. Zakonnice na stałe wpisały się w historię społeczności akademickiej KUL-u, który z kolei kształtował historię życia nie tylko swoich absolwentek w habitach, ale także całych wspólnot zakonnych.
The presence of nuns in the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) and its mission was written into its history since the very beginning, who while creating academic environment were students, academic teachers, research workers, librarians as well as university administration employees and its various agendas, including the rector’s office, priests’ dormitory, female dormitory as well as the Scientific Society of KUL and Society of KUL Friends. Since the beginning of the 1950s, authorities of the Polish People’s Republic prevented the nuns’ possibility to study in state schools, and this concerned both secondary schools and colleges. For this reason, the Catholic University of Lublin, apart from the Academy of Catholic Theology, for many years became the only institution of higher education where nuns could study. The presence of nuns at the Catholic University of Lublin translated into a formation of the conventual elite, since many nuns who graduated from KUL assumed the duties of general and provincial superiors. The Catholic University of Lublin was an important scientific centre for sisterhood communities, where nuns not only could acquire education but also academic degrees and titles. The nuns have become the history and academic community of KUL for good, shaping the history of life not only of its graduates in habits, but also of entire religious communities.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 2 Special Issue; 355-381
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa niedrukowane dokumenty dotyczące raciborskiej dominikanki Agnieszki
Two unprinted documents concerning Agnes, a Dominican nun from Racibórz
Kublin, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
Agnieszka z Nysy
biskup Przecław
raciborskie dominikanki,
Agnes from Nysa
bishop Przecław
Dominican nuns
Dominican nuns from Racibórz
W Archiwum Państwowym w Opolu, w zespole Akta miasta Brzegu, przechowywane są dwa dokumenty dotyczące raciborskiej dominikanki Agnieszki, profeski, córki rzemieślnika Konrada Sleussera z Nysy. Są one znane jedynie z regestów. Pierwszy z nich (sygn. 8309) został wystawiony 29 sierpnia 1365 r. i zachował się w oryginale. Drugi dokument (sygn. 14) pochodzi z 13 stycznia 1366 r. i funkcjonuje jedynie jako papierowa kopia, sporządzona zapewne w XIX w. Oba nie zostały dotąd wydane drukiem.
In the State Archives of Opole, in the Files of the City of Brzeg, there are two documents regarding Agnes, a Dominican professed nun, daughter of crafts-man Konrad Sleusser from Nysa. The documents are only known from regesta. The first one (RF 8309) was issued on August 29, 1365 and has been preserved in the original. The second one (RF 14) dates from January 13, 1366 and functions only as a paper copy, probably made in the 19th century. Both have not yet been printed.
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2019, 132; 67-77
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Pomoc nie tylko dla zgromadzenia mego…” Działalność edytorska benedyktynek wileńskich za rządów ksieni Franciszki Anny Wołłowiczówny
“Help not only for my congregation...” Editorial Activity of Vilnius Benedictine Nuns under the Reign of the Prioress Franciszka Anna Wołłowiczówna
Gwioździk, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Benedictine nuns
18th century
At the end of Saxon times and in the king Stanisław period, the Benedictine monastery in Vilnius was a community of people who used various types of prints; in accordance with the patterns of behavior and communication habits characteristic of the feminine contemplative community. The merits of Wołłowiczówna were twofold: she initialized the creation of the texts and she resumed and subsidized prints, which were published for the use of the monastery and to meet the religious needs of the society. The created texts were mainly works in the field of theology of spirituality, which certified the role of the written word in the monastery, and normative as well as formative works, which were used in the internal circulation of the monastery (and in other monasteries of various rules). The translated and native ascetical literature and brackish texts, however, were made available not only to the Benedictines, but also to the public. Also,occasional prints were published: those created and maintained the monastery’s bonds with the clergy and the local society and, at the same time,  documented important events in the life of the community.
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne; 2017, 10, 2; 68-91
Pojawia się w:
Śląskie Studia Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prymas Wyszyński - obrońca zakonów wobec prześladowań władz Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej
Primate Wyszyński - a Defender of Religious Orders against Presecutions by State Authorities in the Polish Peoples Republic
Kaczmarek, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
religious orders
Po II Wojnie światowej rozwinął się komunistyczny system wrogo nastawiony do religii i Kościoła w Polsce. Polityka anty-Kościół realizowana przez rząd oznaczała między innymi zwalczanie zakonów w celu całkowitej eliminacji życia religijnego w Polsce. W tym celu został wykorzystany szeroki wachlarz metod administracyjnych, prawnych i ekonomicznych. Były próby pozbawienia zakonów z możliwości przeprowadzania ich charyzmatów, aby przekonać społeczeństwo o nieprzydatności życia zakonnego. Prymas Wyszyński, jako głowa Kościoła w Polsce zaangażował się w obronie zakonów przeciwko złośliwym i wrogim polityki rządu.
After World War II the Communist system hostile towards religion and the Church was installed in Poland. The anti-Church policy implemented by the government meant among other things struggle against religious orders with the aim of a complete elimination of religious life in Poland. For this purpose a wide range of administrative, legal and economic methods were used. There were attempts to deprive religious orders of the opportunities to carry out their charisms and to convince the society of the usefulness of religious life. Primate Wyszyński, as head of the Church in Poland committed himself to the defense of religious orders against the malicious and hostile policy of the government. His activity aimed at ensuring religious orders with at least a minimum space needed to live and to realize their charisms. His concern for the future of religious orders was present both in documents regarding the state - Church relations dispatched from the Primate's office and in his personal meetings with representatives of the highest authorities in the country. In addition, Cardinal Wyszyński took action towards improvement of spiritual life in religious congregations and consolidation of all religious orders in Poland. Primate Wyszyński's extensive activity as well as his great authority enabled religious life to survive the time of persecution in the People's Republic of Poland and to weather the struggle strengthened.
Teologia i moralność; 2011, 6, 2(10); 155-165
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Średniowieczne klasztory żeńskie w polskiej prozie historycznej po 2000 roku (na wybranych przykładach)
Medieval female convents in a Polish historical novel after 2000 (on selected examples)
Zatorska, Matylda
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
Polish historical novel after 2000
female convents
The aim of this paper was to present the folded and dubious face of the female monastic life in the Middle Ages current in selected Polish historical novels published after 2000 – such as Gra w kości and cycle “Odrodzone królestwo” (Korona śniegu i krwi, Niewidzialna korona, Płomienna korona) by Elżbieta Cherezińska, Słowo i miecz by Witold Jabłoński and second tome of “Hussite trilogy”, Boży bojownicy, by Andrzej Sapkowski. They are included in a current named historical fantasy, combining features of the historical and fantasy prose. In the first part of the article described literary relations between female convents and the politics which Cherezińska is fixing her attention – in her novel we find references to relationships of convents with ruling families and the political role of nuns. The second part concentrates on — underlined particularly by Sapkowski — connections nuns with medieval heresies. In his vision the monastery is becoming a counterpart of the university, a place of the secular learning intended only for women. In part third explicitly a negative image of the medieval convention will be an object of analysis in the novel of Jabłoński – he creates the monastery as a place which wasn't an intellectual asylum for women. The writer described female convent only as the prison or a penal institution. A care of authors of selected novels is reconstructing the reality of the age and the creation of the rich social and cultural background. Above all a social-cultural, visible context is important for selected writers among others in connecting monasteries with the lordship, the politics and with medieval heretical movements. In analysed novels the monastery is losing sacred character, however gains a new, less known until now secular faces. The images of monasteries, created by Cherezińska, Jabłoński and Sapkowski are paying attention on their creating culture and political importance and the connections between nuns –familiar and intellectual.
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media; 2019, 3, 1; 81-99
Pojawia się w:
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konwent cysterek w Koszalinie. Część 2. Badania archeologiczne na cmentarzysku przyklasztornym
The Cistercian convent in Koszalin. Part 2. Archaeological excavations on the convents cemetery
Abramów, Joanna
Bienias, Dorota
Borkowski, Jacek
Cymek, Lidia
Kuczkowski, Andrzej
Rożnowski, Franciszek
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
cmentarz przyklasztorny
Middle Ages
Cistercian nuns
convent's cemetery
Abstract: The paper presents the results of excavations carried out on the Cistercian convent's cemetery in Koszalin. During rescue excavations, 16 inhumation burials were discovered. The dead were buried without any additional furnishings in wooden coffins. The burials were arranged in a regular row. Graves are dated to the 1280s - the first quarter of the 16th century.
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie; 2014, 10; 191-235
Pojawia się w:
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seventeenth-century chant manuscripts held at University of Warsaw Library in the context of Bernardine musical culture
Grabiec, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Bernardine nuns
liturgical-musical manuscript
Gregorian chant
Bernardine convent in Łowicz
The Music Department at Warsaw University Library is in possession of three seventeenthcentury chant manuscripts. All three were probably produced in the Bernardine community, although only two of them contain provenance notes which allow us to establish more precisely where they were compiled or used. In the present paper, the focus is on one of those manuscripts, which formerly belonged to the Bernardine nuns of Łowicz. This source provides valuable information on such subjects as the exchange of musical experiences and cooperation among various congregations.
Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology; 2012, 11; 143-154
Pojawia się w:
Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z dziejów klasztoru klarysek chęcińskich w świetle archiwaliów z Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Kielcach
Szylar, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Artykuł został przygotowany na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych znajdujących się w Archiwum Diecezjalnym w Kielcach. Stanowią go dwa tomy akt z XIX w., zawierające w większości korespondencję pomiędzy mniszkami a władzami diecezjalnymi, zakonnymi i świeckimi.Klaryski zamieszkiwały w Chęcinach w latach 1643-1902. Chociaż kasata nastąpiła w 1864 r., mniszkom pozwolono pozostać w nim do czasu wymarcia większości zakonnic.Konwent należał do niewielkich pod względem liczby zakonnic. Sytuacja materialna sióstr w XIX w. była bardzo trudna, bieda i brak funduszy stanowiły przyczynę poszukiwania różnych źródeł dochodu, które często nie były zgodne z przepisami prawa kanonicznego. Powodowało to liczne spory i kłótnie wśród zakonnic. Wizytatorzy próbowali różnymi sposobami przywrócić dyscyplinę zakonną.Konwent klarysek w Chęcinach został zamknięty w 1902 r., od 1930 r. do chwili obecnej istnieje w tym miejscu klasztor bernardynek.
The article was prepared on the basis of archival materials found in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. The archival resources consist of two volumes of 19th century files, mostly containing correspondence between nuns and diocesan, religious, and secular authorities. Poor Clares lived in Chęciny from 1643 to 1902. Even though the dissolution took place in 1864, the nuns were allowed to remain there until most of them died. The convent was small in terms of the number of nuns. The financial situation of the nuns in the nineteenth century was very difficult, poverty and lack of funds were the reason for the search for various sources of income, which were often not in accordance with canon law. This caused numerous disputes and quarrels among the nuns. Visitors tried in various ways to restore religious discipline. The convent of Poor Clares in Chęciny was closed in 1902; from 1930 to date there has been a Bernardine monastery.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2020, 27, 1; 134-150
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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