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Narody w integrującej się Europie
Nations in Europe in Conditions of Integration
Sztalt, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
The paper presents a thesis that European integration and globalization are causes of the erosion of national identities. Attributes which are commonly tied with nation: language, separate territory, confession become less and less important. People who can in their everyday activity have profits of unlimited flows of capital, service and can chose their place of living, lose interest in their identifica- tion through those factors; they can speak fluently not only in their native language but in other languages as well; they can leave their territory without political barriers; their traditional confession is not as strong as it used to be earlier. Their identity - especially on higher strata of social stratification - is no more given them, but rather chosen now.
Forum Politologiczne; 2005, 2 - Wielokulturowość w dobie globalizacji oraz integracji europejskiej; 41-59
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzina i ochrona życia poczętego na sesjach nadzwyczajnych ONZ (Kair +5, Pekin +5, Stambuł +5)
The Family and the Protection of Conceived Life at the UN Special Sessions (in Cairo +5, Beijing +5 and Istanbul +5)
Kropiwnicki, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
conceived life
United Nations
For me the history of the battle for fundamental values of our civilization began in the mid-1990s. At that time three major conferences took place: the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994, the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing and the Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul in 1996. Surprisingly to most governments and international public opinion they became the battlefield of the war of ideas, which was especially significant during the conferences in Cairo and Beijing. The liberal circles fiercely attacked traditional values which constitute the basis of the international order. Among others, it was the right to live and the institutional family which were especially attacked. There was even an attempt to replace the word family with partnership. The Polish delegation for the conference in Cairo was instructed not only to support the idea of strengthening the family as a basic unit of society, but also to insist on accepting the common definition of marriage as a union of a man and women and defend the position that abortion cannot be treated as a method of family planning or birth control. The discussion at the Cairo conference evolved into a battle for the right to kill unborn children as a method of family planning. Among the Holy See and Poland, it was the countries of Latin America and Muslim countries including African Muslim countries that spoke in defence of traditional values. At the Istanbul conference, also thanks to the Polish delegation, the family was acknowledged as a natural subject of housing policy. In the years 1999, 2000 and 2000 three UN special sessions were held: Cairo +5, Beijing +5 and Istanbul +5. The Polish representation played an important role and the instruction for the Cairo delegation was fulfilled and remains valid.Although the documents of UN Special Sessions are not legally binding for the UN member states they are important for UN policy agendas e.g. economic help for third world countries. It is possible to define the problem of famine as a one of the overpopulation and think of sending condoms to the starving as a solution. There is another consequence of such documents and their language: they influence the public opinion and, after some time, they have an impact on rules of law in the UN member states. That consequence indicates the importance of that battle for the quality of life in the contemporary world.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2008, 11, 2; 183-190
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola podmiotów trzecich w kształtowaniu relacji wewnętrznych suwerennego państwa - ONZ wobec Rwandy (1959-2010)
The role of third parties in shaping internal relations withing a sovereign country - the UN towards Rwanda (1959-2010)
Bar, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
United Nations
Internal relations
In the period 1959-1962 the United Nations actively assisted Rwanda in the process of gaining independence. Their mutual relations continued after Rwanda became an independent country and were based on the UN providing economic support to Rwanda and Rwanda's representatives taking part in the UN's initiatives and statutory work. In the early 1990»s, after the outbreak of a civil war in Rwanda, the UN presided conciliatory actions. Those actions ended up in a failure, both moral - which resulted in a breakdown of the peace process in April 1994, and military - which resulted in a dramatic decision of withdrawing the UN forces from Rwanda in face of genocide ravaging the country. After 1994 the UN took part in humanitarian actions helping Rwandans to rebuilt their country.
Forum Politologiczne; 2012, 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne; 649-676
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pochodzenie etniczne a tożsamości narodowe. Narody pluralistyczne na przykładzie krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Ethnicity and National Identity: On Pluralist Nations, Using the Example of Countries in East Central Europe
Sadowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
East Central Europe
national identity
ethnic nations
political nations
pluralistic nations
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
tożsamość narodowa
narody etniczne
narody polityczne
narody pluralistyczne
This article presents a typology of the transformation of ideas about nations and national identity in East Central Europe, with particular consideration of Poland. The author claims that in consequence of accelerating processes affecting the choice of national identity the structure of ethnic peoples is undergoing qualitative changes. Ethnicity is increasingly less likely to determine national identity. However, in spite of manifestations of supranational integration and globalization, individual nations are not declining; on the contrary, national ties primarily turn out to be more important than supra-national interests, which are diluted and not based on strong community ties. At the same time, nations are acquiring pluralist traits.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2018, 62, 2; 135-153
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chińska Republika Ludowa wobec reformy Rady Bezpieczeństwa Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych
The Peoples Republic of China and the Reform of the United Nations Security Council
Gawroński, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
United Nations
Security Council
The reform of the United Nations Security Council is the core of the overall UN reform because of the Council s main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security that is the major goal of the UN activity. Countries shall especially focus on strengthening the Council s status, authority and enhancing its capacity towards new threats and challenges that increased in international relations (mainly counter-terrorism, non-proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction, combating transnational crimes and human rights violations and mitigating local conflicts). So far, almost all of the recommendations of the Security Council s reform have been focused on one problem - the enlargement of this UN body. The only proposal concerning the working and voting manner, is project presented by the S-5 Group, which shows, that the priorities of the reform presented by countries aren’t in accordance with the High-level Panel and Koffi Annan’s suggestions. According to the opinion of China, first of all, the reform has to be multidimensional and covering not only Security Council s enlargement by new countries, but also shall base on improvement of its working methods and transparency. Secondly, the Security Council enlargement should assure the representation of developing countries (especially African countries) which constitute over 2/3 of the overall number of members of the UN. Thirdly, the enlargement must be connected with ensuring small and medium-sized countries possibilities to participate in process of decision-making in Security Council. Moreover, the membership enlargement should be negotiated within regional groups, then discussed on the United Nations forum. Furthermore, the new composition must reflect fair representation of different cultures and regions and uphold geographical balance. The reform should be carried out in a democratic way and be based on mutual consultations in order to achieve consensus and have gradual character. The People s Republic of China rejects time- frame to make common decisions, because the member states of the UN may not reach common agreement and they would be enforced to take decisions, which have not been discussed yet. So far, neither did China present its own draft of the UN Security Council membership enlargement and voting manner after the reform, nor join the proposals of the above groups of countries. They only prepared a general plan of the reform.
Forum Politologiczne; 2008, 8 - Współczesny Daleki Wschód w stosunkach międzynarodowych - rywalizacja i mocarstwowość; 337-366
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka Turcji wobec narodów i państw bałkańskich na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Rubacha, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
The Balkans
politics of Turkey
Balkan nations
Turkey’s policy towards the Balkan nations and states at the turn of 19th and 20th centuryTurkey’s policy towards the Balkan peoples, since the attack on the Peninsula, was characterized by a desire to dominate and the total subordination of the local population. Therefore, immediately after the conquest, the Turkish authorities have pushed them to the margins of social life. Extensive system of benefits and duties, and thereafter the draconian taxes had ruined Balkan villages and towns, contributing to the decline of agricultural production and handicrafts. Any form of resistance were ruthlessly suppressed by the Turks, and the raging terror during the occupation had consumed hundreds of thousands of lives. Despite these actions the Ottomans were unable to break the spirit of resistance. Neither persecution nor attempt Islamisation of Balkan populations did not produce any effect, because one of the main reasons was attachment to the traditions and faith of their ancestors.When the Turkish state has slowed and European powers had began to intervene in the internal affairs of the state, Greeks, Serbs, Montenegros, Bulgarians, Romanians, also Albanians, began efforts to throw off foreign domination. These activities were indirectly ended by the Congress of Berlin in 1878, and the so-called final solution of the Turkish issues  occurred during the Balkan wars of the years 1912–1913.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2011, 11
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Liga Narodów w publicystyce Bolesława Koskowskiego na łamach „Kuriera Warszawskiego”
The League of Nations in the journalism of Bolesław Koskowski in Kurier Warszawski
Chrószcz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu
Bolesław Koskowski
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Liga Narodów
Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych
League of Nations
United Nations
Jeszcze podczas trwania II wojny światowej alianci zobowiązali się do powołania uniwersalnej międzynarodowej organizacji, która będzie stała na straży utrzymania międzynarodowego pokoju i bezpieczeństwa za pomocą zbiorowych i pokojowych wysiłków. Rocznica wejścia w życie Karty Narodów Zjednoczonych – 24 października 1945 r. jest obchodzona jako Dzień Narodów Zjednoczonych. Idea, jaka przyświeca powołanej do życia Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych, to służba dla ludzkości oraz stanie na straży porządku międzynarodowego, aby po dramatycznych doświadczeniach wojennych, wszelkie spory i konflikty rozwiązywać na drodze dyplomatycznej. Jak pokazuje historia ONZ, instytucja ta nie do końca jest w stanie sprostać roli do jakiej została powołana. Wręcz jest krytykowana przez środowiska polityczne za dysfunkcyjność. Bywa, że jest areną sporów, „gry dyplomatycznej”, na której ścierają się interesy mocarstw i ich sojuszników, co czyni niekiedy tę organizację nieefektywną, często bezradną. Sytuacja, w której toczy się wojna w Europie, uwidoczniła jej wady. Wówczas często porównuje się ONZ do jej poprzedniczki, jakim była Liga Narodów. Liga Narodów była pierwszą w historii organizacją międzynarodową powołaną do życia po okrucieństwach z czasów I wojny światowej. W myśl sygnatariuszy organizacja ta miała za zadanie czuwać nad bezpieczeństwem zbiorowym, a wszelkie spory rozstrzygać przy stole negocjacyjnym, a nie na polu bitwy. Niestety, Liga Narodów nie sprostała zadaniu, skompromitowana nie zapobiegła wybuchowi II wojny światowej, chociaż oficjalnie funkcjonowała w czasie trwania działań wojennych. Warto pamiętać, że działalność Ligi Narodów miała ogromne znaczenie także dla losów państwa polskiego. Informacje na temat działalności tej instytucji publikowano na łamach gazet. Przedstawiciele „czwartej władzy” ze wszystkich stron świata na bieżąco analizowali i komentowali podejmowane przez Ligę Narodów decyzje. Zatem nie powinno dziwić, że Bolesław Koskowski, wybitny publicysta i redaktor polityczny „Kuriera Warszawskiego”, również analizował w swoich artykułach, działalność i funkcjonowanie tej organizacji międzynarodowej, nie tracąc z pola widzenia interesów polskich omawianych na posiedzeniu Ligi Narodów.
During World War II, the Allies pledged to establish a universal international organization that would uphold the maintenance of international peace and security through collective and peaceful efforts. The anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations – October 24, 1945, is celebrated as United Nations Day. The idea behind the life of the United Nations and the United Nations was to serve humanity and to uphold the international order, so that after the dramatic experiences of war, all disputes and conflicts may be resolved through diplomatic channels. As the UN history shows, this institution is not fully able to meet the role for which it was established. Indeed, it is criticized by political circles for its dysfunction. Sometimes it is an arena of disputes, a "diplomatic game" in which the interests of the great powers and their allies clash, which sometimes makes this organization ineffective, often helpless. The situation in which the war is being waged in Europe has highlighted its shortcomings. At that time, the UN is often compared to its predecessor, the League of Nations. The League of Nations was the first international organization in history to be established after the atrocities of World War I. According to the signatories, this organization was to watch over collective security, and settle all disputes at the negotiating table, not on the battlefield. Unfortunately, the League of Nations did not meet the task, discredited did not prevent the outbreak of World War II, although it officially operated and functioned during the war. It is worth remembering that the activity of League sand Nations was of great importance also for the fate of this Polish state. Information on the activities of this institution was published in newspapers. Representatives of the "fourth power" from all parts of the world analyzed and commented on the decisions taken by the League of Nations on an ongoing basis. Therefore, it should not be surprising that Bolesław Koskowski, an outstanding publicist and political editor of "Kurier Warszawski", also analyzed in his articles the activities and functioning of this international organization, without losing sight of it. Polish interests discussed at the meeting of the League of Nations.
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development; 2022, 2(103); 129-141
Pojawia się w:
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola narodów w religijnej formacji Izraela u proroków pisarzy
Homerski, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
obce narody
foreign nations
The author deals with the problem of the role played by foreign nations in the religious life of Israel as the people of  Yahwe . He examines the prophetic oracles of the Old Testament where the foreign nations were mentioned in a general way i. e. without their names (about 530 vs.). His conclusions are as follows: The idea that the alien nations were a tool of punishment i the hand of God appeared earlier in the prophetic writings than the idea that the alien nations were an object of Yahwe’s salvific care. Punishments and calamities sent by heaven upon sinful nations were a warning or a kind of instruction for Israel that Yahwe was the upright judge of all mankind. The nations, since they witnessed the special care of Yahwe toward the chosen People, exercised a greater or a lesser impact on the implementation of the convenant of Israel. This happened in two ways: negatively (bringing about in Israel feelings of horror, shame or fear of God) and positively (awaking an awarness of the duty to give a good example and to witness for God). In the later prophetic writings the idea emerged that the alien nations were to be gained for Yahwe, but this was more a passive than an active attitude. The prophetic utterences about the nations not mentioned by name were moral and religious admonitions and were not concerned with political affaires. Those admonitions, down the centuries, became more and more eschatological and at the time, they tended to stress the importance of cult.
The Biblical Annals; 1975, 22, 1; 15-23
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcje geopolityczne Iwana Dusińskiego
Geopolitical concepts of Ivan Dusinsky
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Ivan Dusinsky
Slavic nations
W treści artykułu przedstawiono dokonania twórcze rosyjskiego myśliciela Iwana Dusińskiego. Był on autorem interesującej książki opublikowanej w 1910 r. w Odessie, poświęconej problematyce geopolitycznej Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego. To prekursorskie dzieło naukowe zostało zaprezentowane i poddane interpretacji. Zwrócono uwagę na jego propozycję związaną z utworzeniem imperium słowiańskiego pod patronatem i zwierzchnictwem Rosji. Wymagało to opracowania zaprogramowanej i celowej polityki aneksyjnej, określono jej zakres terytorialny i konsekwencje geograficzne i polityczne. W zakończeniu zawarto stanowisko autora dotyczące przyszłości Polski.
The paper presents the achievements of one of the pioneers of the Russian geopolitics, Ivan Dusinski. He was the author of the book, published in 1910 in Odessa, entitled Fundamental problems of the foreign politics of Russia in connection with the program of its military and maritime policies. This book was brought back to the public memory and published again in Moscow in 2003 under a mode adequate title of Geopolitics of Russia. The paper tries to demonstrate that this book, in view of the novelty of ideas and interesting interpretations is indeed worth considering and deserves a critical assessment. The contemporary Russian analysts consider Dusinski, side by side with Ratzel, Kjellén, Mackinder or Haushofer, among the great founders of the modern geopolitics. The paper presents the biography of Ivan Dusinski, as well as his political and philosophical views. He was a representative of the extreme nationalist and imperialist views. He aimed at the establishment of a great Russian empire through military conquests and territorial annexations. In order to render the ideological views of Dusinski and his territorial program only two most essential substantive questions were subject to analysis. The first of these is associated with the concept of Dusinski, stipulating the necessity of establishment of the great Slavonic community. The next one concerns the proposal and the program of annexations with respect to the Russia’s neighbours. The territorial reach of this program, along with its geographical and political consequences, are shown. Further, the opinion of Dusinski, concerning the future of Poland and Poles, has also been outlined. It is also indicated in the final remarks that the foundations of the modern Russian geopolitics have been established in the same period with the bases of the geopolitics in the world.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2012, 1; 39-59
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologiczne skutki pychy władców i narodów w Biblii greckiej
Theological Effects of the Pride of Rulers and Nations in the Bible
Nawrot, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Old Testament
biblical ethics
The article argues that anyone who sins with any of the attitudes denoted by the verb hypsoō w will not evade adequate punishment. When an individual commits this sin the punishment is loss of the ability to rule, illness or even death. If nations succumb to pride their fate is destruction as punishment for impenitence and disobedience to God. Punishment is inflicted on heathen rulers and nations as well as on the kings and the chosen people. Then God is the ultimate punishing instance and the foundation of justice. In turn the attitude of those who bravely oppose the pride of the rulers and whole communities encourages others to persevere in the conduct that pleases God.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2011, 25; 85-106
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność za naruszenie międzynarodowego prawa humanitarnego przez siły pokojowe Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych
The Liability Of The United Nations Peace Operations For Violation Of International Humanitarian Law
Stochel, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
International Humanitarian Law
United Nations
Peacekeeping Operations
International Responsibility
Operations under the auspices of the Security Council mandate span over 70 years. Repeatedly involved in resolving armed conflicts, they have made a significant contribution to ensuring security and stability around the world. In practice, they have taken the form of operations by individual states, coalitions, other international organizations or simply as United Nations missions composed of contingents provided by Troop Contribution Countries (TCC). While operations under the auspices of the United Nations have been involved on several occasions in offensive activities under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, and the question of responsibility for these actions has been the subject of many legal analyses and judgments, missions organized by the United Nations are always recognized as neutral, and their activities as conciliatory and focused on monitoring the cessation of hostilities, or supervising the disengagement between the parties of the conflict, with the use of force limited to self-defence. Thus, such operations benefited from legal protection, and any action against them was considered a violation of international law. The current engagement of United Nations goes far beyond the traditional understanding of peacekeeping operations. UN missions are frequently authorized to employ all necessary means, up to and including the use of lethal force or even neutralization of the armed group. This creates a situation where in the light of International Humanitarian Law, such actions can be recognized as involvement in armed conflict. This article is intended to show the problems that the international community will soon face to in using United Nations’ missions as an instrument for resolving armed conflicts and as a tool for restoring peace and providing stability and securityin the area of operations. It presents the processes of decision-making and subordination, which in some circumstances might result in the United Nations missions being deprived of legal protection and, in addition, made liable for non-compliance with the provisions of International Humanitarian Law.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2020, 1, 29; 49-69
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Członkostwo Polski w Lidze Narodów – aspekty prawne
Poland’s Membership in The League of Nations – Legal Aspects
Przyborowska-Klimczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Liga Narodów
Pakt Ligi Narodów
organizacja międzynarodowa
organy Ligi Narodów
stałe przedstawicielstwo
the League of Nations
Covenant of the League of Nations
international organization
bodies of the League of Nations
permanent delegation
Polska należała do pierwotnych członków Ligi Narodów, która rozpoczęła działalność sto lat temu – w 1920 r. Podstawę prawną funkcjonowania organizacji stanowił Pakt Ligi Narodów, włączony do traktatów pokojowych, zawartych po I wojnie światowej. Członkostwo w organizacji miało duże znaczenie dla odrodzonego państwa polskiego, które kształtowało swoje stosunki w społeczności międzynarodowej. Polska była pierwszym państwem, które ustanowiło przy Lidze swojego stałego delegata. Polscy przedstawiciele uczestniczyli w pracach głównych organów Ligi: Zgromadzeniu i Radzie. Polska starała się o uzyskanie stałego miejsca w Radzie, natomiast była w niej członkiem półstałym. Była też państwem, które często uczestniczyło w postępowaniach przed Stałym Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej. W latach 30. XX w. w kręgach polskiej dyplomacji wzrastało rozczarowanie działalnością Ligi Narodów spowodowane jej nieskutecznością w zakresie zapobiegania konfliktom międzynarodowym i rozwiązywania sporów międzynarodowych.
Poland belonged to the original members of the League of Nations, organization that began its activity a hundred years ago – in 1920. The legal basis for the organization’s functioning was the Covenant of the League of Nations, incorporated into peace treaties concluded after the First World War. To a recently reborn Polish state aspiring to shape its relations in the international community, the membership in this organization was of great importance. Poland was the first state to establish the permanent delegation to the League of Nations. Polish representatives participated in the works of the main League’s bodies: the Assembly and the Council. Poland sought to obtain a permanent seat in the Council, while it was a semi-permanent member there. Poland was also a state that often participated in proceedings before the Permanent Court of International Justice. However, in the 1930s, due to organization’s ineffectiveness in preventing the international conflicts and resolving international disputes, has grown disappointment with the activities of the League of Nations among the Polish diplomacy.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2020, 2; 235-254
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza specjalnych składów sędziów ds. poważnych zbrodni w Timorze Leste
Milik, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
Timor Leste
Timor Wschodni
United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
United Nations Mission in East Timor
Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych
Specjalne Składy Sędziów
East Timor
United Nations
Special Judges
Wiedza Obronna; 2011, 3; 106-117
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Peacekeeping in the Mediterranean as an Ongoing Challenge for International Organizations: the EU Case
Marcinkowska, Paula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
European Union,
United Nations,
Peace Operations
The Southern Mediterranean has always been a problematic region for the international community. After many years of instability in the Middle East and an ongoing impasse in relations between Israel and Palestinians, there came the question of the “Arab Spring” which emerged in 2011. The paper examines peacekeeping (operations) in the Middle East and North Africa. The main goal is to analyze the complexity of the threats and challenges emerging from the Mediterranean region, as well as the institutional framework for peacekeeping operations, with a focus on EU involvement in the Mediterranean. The article attempts to answer the question of whether a regional organization such as the EU has effective instruments to improve security in its southern neighbourhood.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2017, 1; 79-97
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między Polską a Niemcami. Nieunikniony konflikt o Wolne Miasto Gdańsk
Between Poland and Germany. Inevitable conflict over the Free City of Gdańsk
Bochaczek-Trąbska, Joanna
Sterczewska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
Free City of Gdańsk
Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
The Weimar Germany did not accept the consequences of losing the First World War, thus it did not accept the border line with Poland. This border ran along two disputed areas: Pomerania in the north and Upper Silesia in the south-west, crossing many commu-nication routes. The return of Pomerania to Poland was one of the fundamental issues for the reborn Polish state, which was considered the basis of international prestige and facili-tation of military contacts with its western allies. The Free City of Gdansk was created on the basis of the Treaty of Versailles as a com-promise between the need for Poland to gain access to the Baltic Sea and the interests of the city's majority German-speaking population. It was an independent entity of interna-tional relations, connected by a special relationship of dependence with the League of Nations and an administrative protectorate with Poland. The international legal status of Gdańsk and its system was shaped by the aforementioned treaty, the Constitution of the Free City of Gdańsk and agreements concluded by the Gdańsk authorities with the Polish state. This complicated legal anchor and the granting of the power to decide on public matters to various decision-makers, whose interests often conflicted, has become the basis for serious conflicts and one of the hotspots in the still not easy German-Polish relations. The situation that developed in the Free City of Gdańsk also placed special tasks for Po-lish border formations and Polish customs service posts. The powers granted to Poland in the Free City of Gdańsk were extensive. The problem was their enforcement. Poland's relations with the Free City of Gdańsk were usually the result of Polish-German relations, and along with the war threat from Germany, they sys-tematically deteriorated. Gdańsk gradually took on the features of a German base for Poland. The difficult Polish-Gdańsk relations were affected by issues such as the Gdańsk consti-tution, the city's military defense and the problem of determining the place of transhi-pment of war materials.
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media; 2021, 7, 1; 57-72
Pojawia się w:
Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media
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Biblioteka Nauki

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