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Natalizumab: nowa droga w terapii stwardnienia rozsianego
Natalizumab: a new way of multiple sclerosis therapy
Jałosiński, Marcin
Jatczak, Izabela
Głąbiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
stwardnienie rozsiane
leczenie immunomodulacyjne
moleku³y adhezyjne
multiple sclerosis
immunomodulation treatment
adhesive molecules
Natalizumab (Tysabri®) is the first approved for therapy, commertially available selective antagonist of integrins. Integrins are glycoproteins belonging to adhesion molecules family, which play an important role in the process of cell adhesion. Natalizumab binds to α4 chain of integrins α4β1 and α4β7 present on the surface of almost all subpopulations of leukocytes. Blockade of interaction between integrin and its ligand prevents leukocyte transmigration through endothelium to the tissue site of inflammation. The clinical efficacy of natalizumab in remitting-relapsing MS was analyzed in two multicenter, randomized and placebo controlled third phase clinical trials: AFFIRM (Natalizumab Safety and Efficacy in RR-MS) and SENTINEL [Safety and Efficacy of Natalizumab in Combination with Avonex (IFN-β-1α) in Patients with MS). In AFFIRM trial natalizumab was evaluated in monotherapy, in SENTINEL study as add on therapy to IFN-β-1α. Both trials confirmed that natalizumab is beneficial in all analyzed endpoints. There was statistically significant decrease of relapse number and the risk of the disease progression. There was also beneficial influence of natalizumab therapy on the central nervous system (CNS) MRI parameters. After two years of therapy the number of gadolinium-enhanced MS plaques, as well as the number of the new and enlarging hyperintensive T2 plaques, was decreased. Because of the rare but serious side effect (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, PML) the registration of natalizumab was suspended in June 2004. Detailed analysis of the results of both third phase clinical trials led to reapproval of natalizumab to therapy in June 2006. The strict criteria of patients’ inclusion to natalizumab therapy were established to minimize the risk of the serious side effects.
Natalizumab (Tysabri®) jest pierwszym dostępnym komercyjnie lekiem będącym selektywnym antagonistą integryn. Integryny są glikoproteinami należącymi do grupy molekuł adhezyjnych i odgrywającymi istotną rolę w procesie adhezji komórkowej. Natalizumab wiąże się z podjednostką α4 integryn α4β1 i α4β7 obecnych na powierzchni prawie wszystkich leukocytów. Zablokowanie oddziaływania pomiędzy integryną i jej ligandem zapobiega transmigracji leukocytów przez śródbłonek do miejsca rozwoju reakcji zapalnej. Skuteczność leczenia stwardnienia rozsianego (SM) natalizumabem była oceniana w dwóch wieloośrodkowych, randomizowanych i kontrolowanych placebo badaniach klinicznych trzeciej fazy. Były to badania AFFIRM (Natalizumab Safety and Efficacy in RR-MS) oraz SENTINEL [Safety and Efficacy of Natalizumab in Combination with Avonex (IFN-β-Ια) in Patients with MS]. W pierwszym badaniu analizowano skuteczność natalizumabu w monoterapii SM, w drugim oceniano jego skuteczność w połączeniu z leczeniem IFN-β-Ια. Wykazano, iż terapia natalizumabem wpływała korzystnie na wszystkie analizowane parametry końcowe obu badań. Zaobserwowano istotny statystycznie spadek ilości rzutów SM oraz spadek ryzyka progresji tej choroby. Udowodniono również korzystny wpływ leczenia natalizumabem na obraz NMR ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Po 2 latach terapii zaobserwowano spadek ilości plak Gd+, zmniejszenie liczby nowych plak oraz powiększających się plak hiperintensywnych w obrazach T2-zależnych. Ze względu na wystąpienie groźnego powikłania pod postacią postępującej wieloogniskowej leukoencefalopatii (PML) rejestracja natalizumabu została zawieszona w czerwcu 2004 r. Dokładna analiza wyników badań trzeciej fazy spowodowała przywrócenie rejestracji natalizumabu w czerwcu 2006 r. Ustalone zostały szczegółowe kryteria włączenia pacjentów do tego leczenia w celu zminimalizowania ryzyka wystąpienia poważnych efektów ubocznych.
Aktualności Neurologiczne; 2007, 7, 3; 195-201
Pojawia się w:
Aktualności Neurologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Redoksowe przemiany oscylacyjne diftalocyjanin lantanowców pod wpływem protonodonorów i elektronoakceptorów
Oscillating redox transformations of lanthanide diphthalocyanines due to proton donors and electron acceptors
Wacławek, W.
Dyrda, G.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
przemiany oscylacyjne molekuł
termodynamika nieliniowa
procesy redoks
oscillating transformation of molecules
nonlinear thermodynamics
redox processes
Diftalocyjaniny lantanowców LnPc2 (Ln = Nd, Eu, Gd lub Yb, Pc = (C32H16N8)2-) w obecności substancji elektronoakceptorowych (SE) w roztworze N,N-dimetyloformamidu (DMF) ulegają jedno- lub dwuelektronowemu utlenieniu. Reakcja w układzie LnPc2-SE-DMF jest procesem składającym się z kilku etapów, którym towarzyszą zmiany barwy układu. Początkowo niebieski roztwór (forma niebieska, [LnPc2]-) pod wpływem SE przechodzi w elektrycznie obojętną formę zieloną, LnPc2, a następnie w pomarańczową, [LnPc2]+. Po pewnym czasie następuje odtwarzanie formy zielonej. Z chwilą osiągnięcia maksimum intensywności formy zielonej następuje powrót do (niebieskiej) formy zredukowanej. Przemiany zachodzą samorzutnie. Można je opisać w ramach termodynamiki procesów nieodwracalnych. Szybkość tworzenia form przejściowych zależy od rodzaju zastosowanej substancji elektronoakceptorowej i jej stężenia.
Lanthanide diphthalocyanines LnPc2 (Ln = Nd, Eu, Gd and Yb; Pc = (C32H16N8)2-) in the presence of H+, SnCl4, SO2 or NOx in DMF(N,N-dimethylformamide) solutions undergo cyclic, spontaneous, oscillating redox transformations accompanied by colour changes. These transformations are described in terms of nonlinear thermodynamics. The rate of those transformations is determined by the nature and concentration of chemical substance used to initiate them, as well as on UV irradiation.
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2006, 11, 1-2; 21-33
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mikrospektroskopia w podczerwieni z transformacją Fouriera w diagnostyce medycznej
Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy in Medical Diagnostic
Szczerbowska-Boruchowska, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich
mikrospektroskopia w podczerwieni
analiza topograficzna
molekuły biologiczne
diagnostyka medyczna
infrared microspectroscopy
synchrotron radiation
topographic analysis
biological molecules
medical diagnostic
Mikrospektroskopia w podczerwieni z transformacją Fouriera (FTIR) łączy w sobie dwie techniki badawcze, tj. spektroskopię w podczerwieni i mikroskopię. Umożliwia tym samym jednoznaczną analizę związków chemicznych w mikroobszarach badanego materiału. Szybki postęp techniki a przede wszystkim wykorzystanie synchrotronu jako źródła podczerwieni umożliwia prowadzenie badań z rozdzielczością przestrzenną rzędu pojedynczych mikrometrów. Oprócz oznaczeń składu chemicznego próbki istnieje również możliwość analizy topograficznej związków chemicznych zawartych w badanym materiale. Dzięki temu mikrospektroskopia w podczerwieni znalzła nowe zastosowanie jako narzędzie analityczne w badaniach tkanek i pojedynczych komórek. Niejednokrotnie jest wykorzystywana przez jednostki naukowe dla celów diagnostyki medycznej. Wśród zalet techniki jako narzędzia diagnostycznego należy wymienić możliwość rejestracji anomalii składu chemicznego z mikrometrową rozdzielczością przy minimalnej preparatyce próbek, nie wymagającej utrwalania materiału ani stosowania markerów biochemicznych. Niewielka ilość materiału wymagana do przeprowadzenia pomiaru może być pozyskana w sposób małoinwazyjny np. na drodze biopsji czy endoskopii. Szeroki nurt badań z wykorzystaniem mikrospektroskopii w podczerwieni do analizy tkanek i pojeynczych komórek stanowią aktualnie prace nad schorzeniami nowotworowymi, chorobami ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (choroby neurodegeneracyjne i prionowe), układu kostnego (osteoporoza, osteoartretyzm), chorobami serca i układu krwionośnego i in.
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy combines two techniques i.e. IR spectroscopy and microscopy. Therefore it enables determining the chemical composition in small sample areas. Rapid technical advance especially application of synchrotron radiation as an infrared source allows to obtain micrometer spatial resolution in infrared spectroscopy. Apart from determination of chemical composition of specimens the topographic analysis of samples is also possible. Therefore FTIR microspectroscopy is applied as an analytical tool to investigation of tissues and single cells. This technique is frequently used as a diagnostic tool in medicine. One of the advantage of this technique is possibility of determination of abnormalities in chemical composition of specimen with minimal sample preparation i.e. without sample staining and applying biochemical markers. The small sample amount can be taken during biopsy or ednoscopy. Currently, infrared microspectroscopy is applied as a diagnostic tool in the following areas of medicine: cancer research, neurological disorders (neurodegenerations, prion diseases), bone diseases (osteoporosis, osteoarthritis), diseases of cardiovascular system and many others.
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola; 2007, R. 53, nr 9 bis, 9 bis; 444-447
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Owrzodzenia podudzi i trudno gojące się rany
Venous ulcers and difficult-to-heal wounds
Citko, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Medyk sp. z o.o.
venous ulcers
difficult-to-heal wounds
TIME strategy
TIAB molecules
owrzodzenia podudzi
rany trudno gojące się
strategia TIME
molekuła TIAB
In Poland, the most common types of difficult-to-heal wounds include: venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, ulcers associated with the diabetic foot syndrome, ischemic (arterial) ulcers and neoplastic wounds. In the local management of chronic wounds, the TIME strategy should be used (T – tissue and debridement – tissue preparation; I – infection and inflammation control – infection and inflammation control; M – moisture balance – wound moisture balance; E – edges – wound edges – no healing progress or undermining the edge of the wound and epidermization stimulation). The TIME strategy pays particular attention to reducing the risk of wound infection. The treatment of TIAB molecules [titanum argentum-benzoicum] in the treatment of chronic wound infection may be among the measures taken to reduce the risk of chronic wound infection. The introduction of nanotechnology and the combination of ionic silver nanoparticles with titanium dioxide by covalent bonds in the TIAB complex, revolutionized the effect of silver, many times increasing its antibacterial and antifungal properties, and removing its toxic effect by preventing accumulation in tissues. The precipitation of metallic silver from ionic compounds resulted in the loss of activity of the preparations and, with prolonged use, could lead to tissue damage. The patented form of TIAB silver on the titanium core has only an ionic / stable form of silver which is not reduced by exposure to light, as well as organic and inorganic compounds. TIAB silver is available in the form of a spray and cream, and has a proven effect on pressure ulcers and ulcers that heal difficult to heal. At the same time, it does not show any allergy to silver with prolonged use. The use of the TIAB molecule in the treatment of ulcers with symptoms of colonization was presented at the congress of the European Wound Treatment Society in 2012 in Vienna as a new and highly effective solution.
Lek w Polsce; 2022, 373, 06; 8-14
Pojawia się w:
Lek w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oddziaływanie elektronów z cząsteczkami o biologicznym znaczeniu
Interaction of electrons with biologically relevant molecules
Kopyra, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
dysocjacyjny wychwyt elektronów
spektrometria mas
jony ujemne
cząsteczki o biologicznym znaczeniu
dissociative electron attachment
mass spectrometry
negative ions
biologically relevant molecules
Recent years have witnessed an increase of the interest in the studies of the interaction of electrons with biologically relevant molecules. This has been mainly motivated by the seminal work, where it has been demonstrated that low energy electrons can induce single and double strand breaks in DNA in the energy range below the level of ionization. Since the damage profile as a function of electron energy showed pronounced resonances it was proposed that resonant electron capture could occur at particular molecular components of the DNA as the initial step towards strand breaks. From a series of experiments on electron attachment to DNA building blocks (nucleobases, the sugar moiety and the phosphate unit) became obvious that they effectively capture electrons leading to the formation of low energy resonances associated with the decomposition of the corresponding molecule. Recent dissociative electron attachment experiments on an entire gas phase nucleotide 2’-deoxycytidine-5´-monophosphate give also insight into the molecular mechanism involved, which comprises both direct electron attachment to the backbone and transfer of the excess electron from cytosine to the backbone resulting in single strand breaks. The results further allow an estimate of the relative contribution of these different mechanisms to single strand breaks.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2015, 69, 9-10; 893-907
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strukturalne konsekwencje wiązania wodorowego
Strustural consequences of the h-bonding
Krygowski, T.M.
Szatyłowicz, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
wiązanie wodorowe
podstawione fenole
podstawione aniliny
substituted phenols
substituted anilines
atoms in molecules
natural bond orbital
NBO analysis
Hydrogen bonding belongs to the most important chemical interactions in life and geochemical processes as well as in technologies, that is documented in many review articles [1-10], monographs [11-17] and numerous publications. Figure 1 presents how "popular" are studies concerning hydrogen bonds (the term H-bond/bonding/bonded in a title, key-words or in abstract) in the last decade. First information about H-bond formation appeared at the end of XIX and a few other at beginning of XX centuries [19-24]. Most common definition of H-bonding stems from Pauling [27], whereas the newest IUPAC definition was published very recently [26]. Most frequently H-bonding is experimentally described by geometry parameters [28, 32] - results of X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements, but NMR and IR/Raman spectroscopies are also in frequent use. Characteristic of interactions by H-bonding is usually discussed in terms of energies [29-31], with use of various quantum chemical theories [54-57] and applications of various models as AIM [35, 41, 42, 45-48] and NBO [43, 44] which allowed to formulate detailed criteria for H-bond characteristics [35, 48]. H-bonds are classified as strong, mostly covalent in nature [7, 29, 34], partly covalent of medium strength [35] and weak ones, usually non-covalent [7, 29, 34, 35]. Theoretical studies of H-bonding mainly concern equilibrium systems, however simulation of H-bonded complexes with controlled and gradually changing strength of interactions [61-71] are also performed. The latter is main source of data referring to effect of H-bonding on structural properties: changes in the region of interactions, short and long-distance consequences of H-bonding. Application of the model [61] based on approaching hydrofluoric acid to the basic center of a molecule and fluoride to the acidic one, (Schemes 2 and 3) allows to study changes in molecular structure of para-substituted derivatives of phenol and phenolate [62, 64] in function of dB…H, or other geometric parameter of H-bond strength (Fig. 2). It is also shown that CO bond lengths in these complexes is monotonically related to H-bond formation energy and deformation energy due to H-bond formation [65]. Alike studies carried out for para-substituted derivatives of aniline and its protonated and deprotonated forms [77, 78, 81] give similar picture (Fig. 3). AIM studies of anilines [77, 78] lead to an excellent dependence of logarithm of electron density in the bond critical point and geometric parameter of H-bond strength, dB…H presented in Figure 4. Substituents and H-bond formation affect dramatically geometry of amine group [66] in H-bonded complexes of aniline as shown by changes of pyramidalization of bonds in amine group (Fig. 5). Some short- and long-distance structural consequences of H-bonding are shown by means of changes in ipso angle (for amine group) in the ring and ipso-ortho CC bond lengths (Fig. 6). Moreover, the mutual interrelations are in line with the Bent-Walsh rule [84, 86]. Changes of the strength of H-bonds in complexes of p-substituted aniline and its protonated and deprotonated derivative are dramatically reflected by aromaticity of the ring66 estimated by use of HOMA index [87, 88] (Fig. 7), where strength of H-bonding is approximated by CN bond lengths. Scheme 4 presents application of the SESE [91] (Substituent Effect Stabilization Energy) for description in an energetic scale joint substituent and H-bond formation effects.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2011, 65, 11-12; 953-974
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grzyby wielkoowocnikowe jako źródło substancji bioaktywnych
Macrofungi as a source of bioactive substances
Jasicka-Misiak, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
grzyby wielkoowocnikowe
substancje bioaktywne
związki o niskiej masie cząsteczkowej
związki o wysokiej masie cząsteczkowej
bioactive molecules
low molecular weight compounds
high molecular weight compounds
From ancient times medicine and natural products have been closely linked through the use of traditional medicines and natural toxins. Macrofungi have an established history of use especially in traditional oriental medicine. Nowadays, mushrooms comprise a vast and yet largely untapped source of powerful new pharmaceutical products. In particular, and most importantly for modern medicine, they are an unlimited source of compounds that exhibit multidirectional activity: antioxidant, immuno-enhancing, immunostimulatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti- inflammatory, antidiabetic, antiallergenic and anticarcinogenic [1, 2, 5-8]. In the presented work, a substances with biological activity from mainly Basidiomycota were reviewed, including low-molecular-weight (terpenoids, polyphenols steroids, quinones, amines, cerebrosides) (Tab.1) and high-molecular- weight compounds (homo and heteroglucans, glycans, glycoproteins, glycopeptides, peptides, proteins) (Tab. 2). Selected species of toxic and hallucinogenic mushrooms were also included in the review. At present, mushrooms are considered to be functional food. Beneficial health effects may be achieved through the direct consumption of fruiting bodies or the use of dietary supplements in the form of ready-to-use preparations containing mushroom extracts. The last years is also a period of a flourishing new field of medicine - mycopharmacology. The scientific approach to compounds contained in mushrooms allowed the isolation and identification of many valuable active substances which are used in the prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2020, 74, 1-2; 71-87
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka mocy poszczególnych wiązań wodorowych w parach zasad DNA
Characterizing strength of individual hydrogen bonds in DNA base-pairs
Szatyłowicz, Halina
Sadlej-Sosnowska, Nina
Jezierska, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
wiązanie wodorowe
pary zasad Watsona-Cricka
koncepcja naturalnych orbitali wiązań
metoda atomy w cząsteczce
hydrogen bond
Watson-Crick base pairs
natural bond orbital method
atoms in molecules
The main idea of the current review is to present methods useful to characterize the strength of individual hydrogen bonds in nucleic acids base-pairs. In the paper, the Authors discuss the energy definition of intermolecular interactions taking into account the presence of one intermolecular hydrogen bond (HB) as well as the situation when several intermolecular interactions (namely intermolecular hydrogen bonds) are present. In the Section 2 of the review a general overview of methods developed to estimate the strength of the individual intermolecular hydrogen bond in DNA/RNA base-pairs is presented. Thus, the reader can find detailed information on the methods used so far: the rotational method (2003), compliance constants method (2004), the EML equation application (2006), the atom replacement method (2007), the estimation of hydrogen bond energy on the basis of electron density (calculated by using the AIM theory) at BCP values (2009), the application of NBO method (2010), the comparison of HB strength based on the last two approaches (2015) and the application of coordinates interaction approach (2017). It should be emphasized, that these methods allow to estimate the strength of intermolecular interactions both in the model base-pairs and in other systems with several intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The discussion of the presented methods is supported by Tables 1-10, containing numerical values characteristics of the strength of the particular HB, and Figures 1–2. The section 3 contains a critical comparison of results based on the presented methods. Concluding remarks are given in the last Section.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2019, 73, 1-2; 53-74
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie topologicznej analizy gęstości elektronowej do opisu oddziaływań niekowalencyjnych
The use of topological analysis of electron density in characterization of noncovalent interactions
Bankiewicz, B.
Rybarczyk-Pirek, A.
Małecka, M.
Domagała, M.
Palusiak, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
Kwantowa teoria Atomów w Cząsteczkach
gęstość elektronowa
analiza topologiczna
wiązanie chemiczne
oddziaływanie niekowalencyjne
Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules
electron density
topological analysis
chemical bonding
noncovalent bonding
All atomic and molecular properties are governed by an electron density distribution. Thus, the methods that deal with an analysis of the electron density distribution should have a particular appeal for chemists and help to understand the electron structure of molecules. The Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules gives the unique opportunity to have an insight into a region (e.g., an atom) of a given system (e.g. a molecule), delivering partitioning scheme which is defined explicitly within the rigorous quantum theory, from one side, and is applicable for experimentally available set of observables, from the other side. In that way QTAIM delivers a chemist a theoretical tool to study a small part of a molecule only, instead of dealing with the total energy of a whole system. In consequence, QTAIM has become one of the most powerful utilities of modern chemistry, forming a bridge between advanced theoretical and experimental techniques. In particular the properties of the electron density function in the so-called bond critical point (BCP, the (3, -1) saddle point on electron density curvature) seem to be valuable information for chemists, since it was proven in many papers that the chemical bonding can be characterized and classified on the basis of electron density characteristics measured in BCPs . In this review we firstly give a brief introduction to the theory, explaining most basic terms and dependences. In the main part of the review we discuss application of QTAIM in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of several various noncovalent interactions, focusing readers attention on such aspects as classification of interactions and interaction energy assessment. Both theoretical and experimental approaches are taken into account. We also discuss extensions of QTAIM to the analysis of the so called source function – the method which additionally enlarge interpretative possibilities of its parent theory. Finally, we give some examples which perhaps escape a rigorous QTAIM definition of chemical bonding. We acquaint the potential reader with arguments being pro- and against the QTAIM-based deterministic model of a chemical bond.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2014, 68, 5-6; 457-486
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiązanie wodorowe i inne oddziaływania typu kwas Lewisa-zasada Lewisa
The hydrogen bond and the other Lewis acid-Lewis base interactions
Grabowski, S. J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
wiązanie wodorowe
wiązanie halogenowe
wiązanie wodorkowe
oddziaływanie kwas Lewisa-zasada Lewisa
teoria Atomy w Cząsteczkach
hydrogen bond
halogen bond
hydride bond
Lewis acid-Lewis base interaction
atoms in molecules theory
Hydrogen bond is analyzed very often since its importance in numerous chemical, physical and biological processes is very well known. It covers the broad range of various interactions; sometimes this is the subject of discussions and polemics if some of them may be classified as hydrogen bonds. This is because there are numerous definitions of hydrogen bond interaction, often they are hardly accepted since they are not univocal. For example one can mention different types of the proton acceptors for hydrogen bonds; one center electronegative atoms, multi-center acceptors such as đ-electrons or even ó-electrons. There are the other interactions which play the key role in various processes and phenomena. All are often named as no-covalent interactions but the other term, Lewis acid–Lewis base interactions seems to be more accurate. One can mention halogen bond, hydride bond or dihydrogen bond. These interactions may be treated as counterparts or competitors of hydrogen bond. The common characteristic for them, including hydrogen bond, is the electron charge transfer from the Lewis base to the Lewis acid. It was found that the amount of this transfer corresponds roughly to the strength of the interaction. In recent years the ó-hole concept was introduced and developed and it was applied to the Lewis base–Lewis acid interactions. According to this concept the atomic centers are characterized by the presence of the regions of positive and negative electrostatic potentials; very often both regions are detected even for atoms which are commonly known as electronegative ones. In such a way halogen atoms, especially if connected by covalent bond with carbon, may act as Lewis acids and also as Lewis bases. In the first case the halogen bond is formed, recently extensively studied. In this review the characteristics of different Lewis base–Lewis acid interactions are given as well as their common features are presented.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2011, 65, 11-12; 975-1001
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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