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Kilka pytań o definiowanie błędu
Some Questions Relating to the Definition of błąd ('mistake')
Wołk, Mariola
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
linguistic unit
This paper aims at determining the semantic representation of the expression błąd ('mistake'). The presented deliberations focus on a few questions that need to be answered in order to fulfil this aim. The first one relates to the isolation of linguistic units that represent the notion of błąd, and additionally, the issue of the characteristic lack of summetry between the functioning (including semantic funtioning) of the expressions błąd and błądzić / zbłądzić (błądzenie / zbłądzenie) ('to make a mistake / to have made a mistake (making a mistake / having made a mistake)'). The second question is associated with, as it appears, a commonly held differentiation into systemic mistakes (spelling mistakes, calculation mistakes, etc.), and mistakes made in life (mistakes relating to the decision resulting in someone's specific behaviour, e.g. undertaking a traineeship, resigning from work, taking out a loan) that - in the light of the hetero conclusions - seem neither necessary, nor needed. The third question refers to the basic issues in determining the meaning of the expressions, that is determining the obligatory features, and at the same time, sufficient ones so that one can say about something: to (jest) błąd ('it is a mistake'). According to the presented interpretation, błąd is the result of someone's controlled, intentional activity, leading to negative consequences. A readiness to evaluate something done by someone as błąd implies the possibility of choosing a particular action by someone who makes a mistake. The fourth question develops the idea of being aware of making a mistake, introduced earlier. Acknowledging the effect of someone's action as błąd is related to the perception of the doer as someone who may know that what he is doing may lead to an adverse result. The final question is in fact a synthesis of the solutions adopted with regards to the previous questions. This synthesis proposes an explication of the expression under discussion.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2015, 12; 123-135
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czasownik stracić i jego właściwości, Analiza semantyczno-składniowa
Semantic and Syntactic Analysis of Verb stracić
Kruk, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
linguistic unit
semantic and syntactic characteristics
selectional restrictions
semantic representation
The purpose of the article is to describe semantic and syntactic characteristics of one of many linguistic units containing the form stracić (to lose). Dictionaries of contemporary Polish language consider stracić as a one, polysemous unit. Nevertheless, there are at least several units which are represented by the form of stracić, among others, [ktoś] stracił [kogoś] z oczu, [ktoś] stracił głowę, [ktoś] stracił panowanie nad sobą, as well as [coś] straciło [coś] dla [kogoś], which is very similar to the analyzed unit. The unit, which is the subject matter of the article is [ktoś] stracił [kogoś/coś]. The author, by analysis syntactic and semantic characteristics of the unit, attempts to define its selectional restrictions and tries to answer the question on what this unit might mean. As a result, a representation of its semantic content is presented.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2016, 13; 159-171
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czasownik 'mieć' – jednostka elementarna czy wykładnik operacji?
Kruk, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
linguistic unit
selectional restriction
semantic primitive
jednostka języka
ograniczenia selekcyjne
jednostka elementarna
The aim of the article is to describe a few problems with the Polish verb mieć ('to have') which is considered as a unit representing the elementary concept which is present, for example, in the verb stracić ('to lose'). However, there are problems with determining language units which are represented by the form mieć.The autor analizes only these sentences based on mieć which are related to sentences with the verb stracić, e.i. Janek ma samochód /żonę /nogę /pewność. vs. Janek stracił samochód /żonę /nogę /pewność, and she attempts to distinguish the linguistic units containing the form mieć, as well as to define the number of syntactic positions of the analyzed units.As a result, three lexical units of the following form are distinugished: [ktośi] ma [cośj] (as a candidate to the status of semantic primitive), as well as [ktośi/cośj] ma [cośk] and [ktośi] ma [kogośj] (that can be expressed in simpler concepts and, according to the author, they are the exponents of linguistic operation).
Celem artykułu jest opisanie problemów związanych z czasownikiem mieć, który przez wielu badaczy jest uznawany za jednostkę reprezentującą pojęcie elementarne, obecne na przykład w znaczeniu czasownika stracić. Ustalenie kształtu jednostek konstytuowanych przez mieć nastręcza jednak wielu kłopotów (ze względu na jego szeroką dystrybucję).Autorka analizuje jedynie te konteksty, w których mieć wchodzi w relację z czasownikiem stracić, takie jak: Janek ma samochód /żonę /nogę /pewność. vs. Janek stracił samochód /żonę /nogę /pewność, i próbuje wskazać jednostki języka zawierające formę mieć (których realizację stanowią analizowane wypowiedzi) wraz z liczbą otwieranych przez nie pozycji.Rezultatem analizy jest wyróżnienie trzech jednostek języka o następującym kształcie: [ktośi] ma [cośj] (kandydat do statusu wykładnika pojęcia elementarnego), jak również [ktośi/cośj] ma [cośk] i [ktośi] ma [kogośj] (które mogą być definiowane za pomocą prostszych pojęć i, według autorki, stanowią wykładniki operacji).
Linguistica Copernicana; 2019, 16
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wilhelm von Humboldt a Jan Baudouin de Courtenay i Ferdinand de Saussure: filozoficzne podstawy nowożytnej myśli lingwistycznej
Sobotka, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
linguistic unit
views on the nature of language
jednostka lingwistyczna
poglądy na naturę języka
The article attempts to present a synthetic and confrontational outline of views on the language theory of Humboldt, Baudouin, and Saussure. The author indicates the relationship between their ideas, as well as traces the most important relations between the scholars. Finally, a hypothesis is formulated explaining the relationships between their doctrines. The conceptions of the language of Humboldt, Baudouin, and Saussure correspond to the Kant's hypothesis that the objects of experience are the product of the mind, which should be considered as one of the forms of idealism.
Celem artykułu jest próba syntetycznego i konfrontacyjnego nakreślenia poglądów odnoszących się do teorii języka Humboldta, Baudouina i Saussure’a. Autor wskazuje na zależności między tymi koncepcjami, a także śledzi najważniejsze związki między uczonymi. Ostatecznie formułuje hipotezę wyjaśniającą relacje pomiędzy doktrynami. Koncepcje języka Humboldta, Baudouina i Saussure'a nawiązują do hipotezy Kanta głoszącej, że przedmioty doświadczenia stanowią wytwór umysłu, co trzeba uznać za jedną z postaci idealizmu.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2019, 16
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wieloaspektowość międzyjęzykowej ekwiwalencji stałych połączeń wyrazowych a ujęcie onomazjologiczne na przykładzie frazeologizmów typu tęga głowa
Multiaspectuality of crosslinguistic equivalence of fixed multiword units and the onomasiological approach on the example of phraseological units such as tęga głowa [lit. a great head]
Szerszunowicz, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
contrastive analysis
cross-linguistic equivalence
phraseological unit
The aim of this paper is to discuss the usefulness and reliability of the onomasiological approach in the cross-linguistic analysis of fixed multiword expressions based on the example of Polish phrases coined according to the model: ADJECTIVENOM FEM SING + GŁOWA ‘HEAD’ and their English and Italian counterparts. The three corpora are constituted by expressions registered in general and phraseological dictionaries of the respective languages to ensure that the units belong to the canon of Polish, English and Italian phraseological stock. The analysis of units collected for the purpose of the study clearly shows that in order to determine the true picture of cross-linguistic equivalence, the study should be focused on semantics of analysed phrases. Furthermore, the formal aspectmay be of minor significance in some cases due to the similarity of imagery of a source language idiom and the target language lexical item. On the other hand, stylistic value may have a great impact on the relation of cross-linguistic correspondence of the analysed units.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2020, 20; 333-355
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Emocjonalne przymiotniki w języku polskim i rosyjskim. Paralele i kontrasty
Emotive adjectives in Polish and Russian – similarities and contrasts
Orzechowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
emotional value of a language unit
teaching a foreign language
psychological-linguistic dictionaries
A new type of dictionary – a psychological linguistic dictionary was compiled as a result of analyzing 15918 Russian adjectives from the perspective of their relationship with emotions originating in reference to various senses. The dictionary contains information on “the emotional load” of these adjectives, that is how pleasant or how unpleasant emotions a given adjective evokes. The analyzed lexemes were assessed by respondents on the scale of emotions: slightly (un)pleasant – moderately (un)pleasant – very (un)pleasant, which was marked with an appropriate number of pluses or minuses. Although it is believed that representatives of different cultures experience universal emotions, their quality and intensity hidden behind particular linguistic units can diverge for different cultural linguistic communities. Emotions are conditioned socially, culturally and historically; they play an important role in international communication. Thus, when they are incompetently and mistakenly interpreted, this can disturb dialogue between various cultures and even lead to conflicts. In the article, considering equivalents mięsny/мясной and other counterparts, it can be said that not all the examples have a parallel emotional value. Despite the genealogical relationship between the languages and cultures in question, emotive contrasts are not rare. This leads to considering a significant issue of emotive adequacy of dictionary equivalents, which has to be addressed by translators and language teachers.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2022, 47, 2; 197-204
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fałszywi przyjaciele tłumacza i jego wierni wrogowie w praktyce bułgarsko‑polskich tłumaczeń literackich
Лъжливите приятели на преводача и неговите верни врагове в практиката на българо‑полския художествен превод
Translator’s false friends and his true enemies in the practice of Bulgarian‑Polish artistic translation
Karpińska, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
język polski
język bułgarski
języki bliskopokrewne
przekład artystyczny
homonimia językowa
kompetencja językowa
полски език
български език
близкородствени езици
художествен превод
междуезикова омонимия
езикова компетентност
Polish language
Bulgarian language
closely related languages
artistic translation
interlinguistic homonymy
phraseological unit
linguistic competence
Представените в заглавието проблеми се разглеждат от позицията на преводач-практик и са илюстрирани с примери от полски преводи на българска белетристика. Изтъква се, че за професионален преводач близостта на два езика представлява повече препятствие, отколкото улеснение. Разглеждат се различни видове лексикални апроксимати (лъжливи приятели на преводача) в съпоставка със съответните преводачески решения. Отчита се ролята на контекста и на текстовата дистрибуция на лексемите. Анализира се спецификата на фразеологизмите като обект на превод. Своеобразна група трудности представят тъй наречените от авторката „верни врагове на преводача”, към които се причисляват: проблеми породени от различията в граматическата система на двата езика (дистрибуция на предлозите; десемантизация на предлога; семантичната натовареност на двойното допълнение; спецификата на преизказаното наклонение; изобилието на местоименните форми) и субективни фактори свързани с творческото поведение на преводача (липса на необходим педантизъм; прояви на невнимание или умора; недостатъчна езикова и извънезикова компетентност). На края се изтъкват възможностите за принос на преводите и преводачите в развитието на българо-полската лексикография.
Issues presented in the title are considered from the perspective of a practicing translator and illustrated with examples from the Polish translations of Bulgarian fiction. It is pointed out that for a professional translator the proximity of two languages, is more of an obstacle than a convenience. Different types of lexical interlinguistic homonyms (translator’s false friends) are viewed in comparison with corresponding translation solutions. The role of context and textual distribution of lexical units is highlighted. The specifics of phraseology as the object of translation is analyzed. A peculiar group of difficulties is generated by the so-called by the author „translator’s true enemies”, which include: problems caused by differences in the grammatical system of the two languages (distribution of prepositions; desemanticization of prepositions; the semantic load of double object, the specificity of the imperceptive mood, the abundance of pronominal forms) and subjective factors associated with creative behavior of the translator (lack of necessary pedantism; moments of inattention or fatigue, inadequate linguistic and extra-linguistic competence). In the end of the paper the possibility of translations and translators contributing in the development of Bulgarian-Polish lexicography is emphasized.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 1; 257-271
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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