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Cele hodowlane i ich realizacja w przebudowie drzewostanów
Silvicultural aims and their realisation in stand conversion
Bernadzki, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
przebudowa drzewostanow
cele hodowlane
stand conversion
silvicultural aim
forest succession
pioneer species
silvicultural risk
Owing to the unpredictability of changes in a habitat, a silvicultural aim should be treated as a "vision" of the future stand and adjusted in the course of its development. To meet the rational principles of stand conversion, it is necessary to fully use the natural processes occurring in forest ecosystems. More attention should be given to the species of early succession stages, which are better adapted to the changing habitat conditions, and richer species composition should be ensured to disperse silvicultural risks.
Sylwan; 2006, 150, 12; 3-11
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Weryfikacja i aktualizacja bazy klaso-użytków EGIB w oparciu o analizy chmury punktów z lotniczego skanowania laserowego na przykładzie wsi Tuklęcz w województwie świętokrzyskim
Revision and update of the EGIB land-use database using the airborne laser scanning point cloud – the case study of Tuklęcz village in świętokrzyskie voivodeship
Wężyk, P.
Gęca, T.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geodetów Polskich
sukcesja leśna
sukcesja wtórna
lotnicze skanowanie laserowe
projekt ISOK
analiza przestrzenna
forest succession
secondary succesion
Airborne Laser Scanning
ISOK project
spatial analyses
Transformacja ustrojowa, jaka miała miejsce w Polsce ponad 20 lat temu, a także przystąpienie naszego kraju do UE, pociągnęły za sobą liczne zmiany, w rolnictwie (likwidacja PGR, porzucanie upraw roli, wolny rynek zbytu czy wzrost konkurencyjności producentów) oraz w gospodarce prowadząc do głębokich przemian społeczno – ekonomicznych. Skutki tych transformacji zauważalne są także w przestrzeni rolniczej, najczęściej w przemianach krajobrazu. Zmiany te mają zazwyczaj charakter procesu wtórnej sukcesji leśnej zachodzącej na działkach rolnych. Tempo wkraczania i rozszerzający się z roku na rok zasięg terytorialny wtórnej sukcesji, najczęściej nie jest przedmiotem zainteresowania odpowiednich agencji lub urzędów. Technologią, która może wspomagać określanie zmian ilościowych (powierzchni, liczby działek rolniczych podlegających zmianom) i jakościowych (typ sukcesji – zbiorowiska roślinnego) przebiegających w krajobrazie - jest lotnicze skanowanie laserowe (ang. Airborne Laser Scanning; ALS). Prezentowane w pracy badania objęły 79.87 ha gruntów rolnych wsi Tuklęcz (gm. Rytwiany, powiat Staszów, woj. świętokrzyskie). W pracach wykorzystano dane EGiB (PODGiK w Staszowie) oraz dane ALS w postaci 2 zestawów chmur punktów ALS o gęstości: 2 pkt/m2 (RZGW Kraków; XI.2009r.) oraz 4 pkt/m2 (ISOK; XI.2012r.). Detekcję wtórnej sukcesji leśnej przeprowadzono stosując 4 warianty różniące się wysokością roślinności (odpowiednio: 0.4m, 1.0m, 2.0m oraz 3.0m ponad wygenerowanym NMT). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż w każdym wariancie, na 50% liczby działek z użytkiem rola („R”; 60.54% całego obszaru) koncentrowało się ponad 70% wtórnej sukcesji leśnej. W zależności od jej wysokości nad gruntem, pokrywała ona od 61.05% do 31.38% klasoużytku „R” oraz od 67.03% do 34.93% pastwisk („Ps”) co świadczy o dynamicznych przemianach zachodzących na tym terenie. Cykliczne pozyskiwanie danych ALS w odpowiednich porach roku (zestaw danych ISOK wykazywał znaczący brak informacji o zadrzewieniach liściastych gatunków) bądź też stosowanie alternatywnych technologii (np. stereo-matching ze zdjęć lotniczych czy zobrazowania radarowe), stwarza szanse na zarządzanie i monitorowanie zmian zachodzących na obszarach rolniczych w Polsce. Jest to istotne ze względu na sporządzanie miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego czy też wdrażanie Krajowego Programu Zwiększania Lesistości (KPZL), zakładającego osiągnięcie poziomu 30% lesistości w Polsce w roku 2020 oraz 33% w roku 2050. Nie należy zapominać o ogromnym potencjale biomasy zgromadzonej na obszarach wtórnej sukcesji nie ujętej w bazach EGiB czy LMN PGL Lasów Państwowych a stanowiącej istotny czynnik w dobie handlu emisjami CO2 czy wdrażania dyrektyw UE o energiach odnawialnych.
Dynamic economic and social changes taking place for the past 20 years in Poland, effects often of such loss of extensive agriculture and abandonment of agricultural activities particularly on small and narrow plots, usually on the soils of poor grading. Even before the Polish accession to the EU, set-aside and fallow areas cover approx. 2.3 million ha (in 2002), but in subsequent years the area drastically decreased from 1.3 million ha (in 2004), by 1.0 million ha (2005) to 0.4 million hectares (2011). As a result of cessation of mowing meadows, grazing pastures and agricultural measures, we can observed the phenomenon of secondary forest succession (plant communities of a forest properties) leading to changes in land use and land cover classes structure. Recording changes in the agro-forestry space, update reference registers of the land and building (EGiB) and control granted to farmers subsidies (direct EU payments) requires an efficient and automated technology acquisition, processing and analysis of spatial data. In addition to the used by ARiMR (in the LPIS system) vector data and aerial orthophotomaps, there is still a need to strengthen the decision-making process such as update of current ranges of land-use classes. One of the GI technologies that could be a real breakthrough is the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). The study area cover 137.17 ha in the village Tuklęcz (commune Rytwiany, Staszów County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship). The EGiB geodata came from PODGiK in Staszów. They were two ALS point cloud data sets: one provided by the RZGW in Krakow (from airborne campaign Nov. 2009; density ~2 pts/m2) and the second from ISOK project (Nov. 2012; density ~4 pts/m2). The Terrasolid and FUSION (USDA Forest Service) and ArcGIS Esri software were used in the study. Detection of vegetation was carried out in 4 variants differ in the “height above ground” of the class "succession" (thresholds: from 0.4m, 1m, 2m and 3m). The results indicate that in each scenario (variant), in the area of arable land ("R")- class (covering 60.55% of the analyzed area) were over 70% of all detected secondary forest succession polygons, covering more than 50% of agricultural land. Secondary succession occupied from 31.38% to 61.05% the land-use "R" and from 34.93% to 67.03% of the land-use Pastures’ ("Ps"), which shows the high economic transformations taking place in the area. The use of wide-scale ALS data in Poland, has been made possible by the ISOK project assuming execution to the end of 2013 for an area of about 191.000 km2 of classified ALS point cloud (cloud density: 4 pts/m2 – Standard I for agricultural areas; 12 pts/m2 - Standard II for urban areas), digital terrain model (DTM) and the digitals (topographic) surface model (DSM). In addition, the aerial photographs are obtained in the ISOK project for coloring of ALS point clouds or for orthophoto generation purpose. Observed in the years 2002 -2010 decrease by 26% the number of farms in Poland (up to 1 ha area) is some indication that the problem of abandonment of agricultural land has not yet been closed. Regular ALS campaigns or the use of alternative technologies such as stereo-matching of aerial photographs or radar technologies, it gives a good chance to manage and monitor the changes in rural areas. This retrieved data can be used in the construction of development plans of communes or management plans of Natura2000, which largely depend on properly conducted agricultural economy (Special Protection Areas - SPA) means eg mowing overgrown meadows and pastures. On the other hand, since 1995, the National Afforestation Programme (KPZL) exist, which implies achieving 30% forest cover in Poland in year 2020 and 33% in year 2050.
Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji; 2013, Spec.; 97-108
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Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biegaczowate (Carabidae, Col.) drzewostanów Puszczy Piskiej zniszczonej przez huragan - rok "zero"
Skłodowski, J.
Zdzioch, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany pokleskowe
Puszcza Piska
regeneration succession
Exceedingly violent winds can result in windbreak and in windthrow. It has happened in summer of 2002 in Pisz Forest District (north part of Poland). Strong wind damaged about 30 000 hectares of pine forest. In most situations, damaging wind resulted in windthrow rather than windbreak. In total 30 plots were selected for the studies, 15 plots in Pisz forest (damaged by wind) and 15 control plots in Maskulińskie District Forest (not damaged by wind). There were distinguished 5 age variants of stands, all of them in three recapitulations. The five age classes of stands were: I class (20−30 years old), II class (30−40 y.), III class (40−50 y.), IV class (50−70 y.) and V class (above 70 years old). In total 4 000 carabids individuals belonging to 46 species were caught during studies. The wards analy− sis showed substantial diference of carabid assemblages occurring in damaged and non damaged forest. In damaged forest, small zoophages, hemizoophages, an open area or eurtyopic species, xerophilus species were frequently observed. Substantial differences in mean individual biomass of assemblages occurring in damaged and non damaged forest were also observed.
Sylwan; 2005, 149, 05; 43-51
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zaprzestania koszenia na roślinność łąki trześlicowej (Molinietum caerulae)
Effects of mowing cessation on Molinietum caerulae meadow vegetation
Sienkiewicz-Paderewska, D.
Borawska-Jarmułowicz, B.
Mastalerczuk, G.
Chodkiewicz, A.
Stypiński, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
chronione gatunki flory
czynna ochrona
ekosystemy nieleśne
sukcesja wtórna
non-forest ecosystems
partial protection
protected species
secondary succession
Badania przeprowadzono w 2010 r. w Środkowym Basenie Biebrzy w Biebrzańskim Parku Narodowym. W celu określenia wpływu zaprzestania koszenia na roślinność, na obiekcie łąkowym Grzędy wytyczono dwa transekty - jeden w części niekoszonej od 7 lat, drugi - w części sporadycznie koszonej (raz na 2-4 lata). W ramach transektów wykonano łącznie 23 zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne metodą Brauna-Blanqueta. Obliczono wskaźniki Elleneberga: F - uwilgotnienia, N - zawartości azotu w glebie i R - odczynu gleby. Oceniono różnorodność gatunkową zbiorowisk na podstawie: łącznej liczby gatunków w transekcie, średniej liczby gatunków przypadającej na zdjęcie fitosocjologiczne oraz obliczając wskaźnik różnorodności gatunkowej Shannona-Wienera dla transektów. Wartość użytkową zbiorowisk oceniono na podstawie LWU Filipka i zadarnienia. Stwierdzono, że skład gatunkowy zbiorowisk w obu transektach jest podobny, jednak wyraźnie różni się proporcjami. Na całym obiekcie dominują fitocenozy zespołu Molinietum caerulae W. Koch 1926 (klasa Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937). W części, na której przed 7 laty zaprzestano koszenia, w płatach zaznacza się wyraźny podrost drzew: Salix cinerea L., Salix repens subsp. rosmarinifolia (L.) Hartm. i Betula pubescens Ehrh., co świadczy o postępującej sukcesji wtórnej. W porównaniu z obszarem sporadycznie koszonym większa jest średnia wysokość roślin, natomiast mniejsze - zadarnienie. Na obszarze koszonym udział gatunków drzewiastych jest znikomy. Z większą ilościowością występuje tu Carex panicea L. i Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. Zaprzestanie użytkowania spowodowało wzrost łącznej liczby gatunków w transekcie i średniej liczby gatunków w zdjęciu, ale zmniejszenie wartości wskaźnika Shannona-Wienera. Wartość użytkową roślinności obu badanych transektów oceniono jako bardzo słabą.
The study was carried out in the year 2010 in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza River in the Biebrza National Park. The aim was to find out if the cessation of mowing could have changed some parameters of the existing vegetation. And if yes - what kind of changes could be noted. The examined phytocoenoses were described by 23 relevčs made with the BRAUN-BLANQUET method (1964). Eleven of them were made within the transect where vegetation had been mowed every 2-4 years, and the other 12 - in the transect, where vegetation had not been mowed for the previous 7 years. Species diversity was assessed upon: species composition of each community, their syntaxonomic structure, species richness, floristic diversity calculated using the SHANNON-WIENER index (H') and site conditions estimated with the ELLENBERG phytoindication method (1992]. The utilization value based on the fodder value score (FVS) defined by FILIPEK (1973) and sod cover were also estimated. It was found that species composition in both transects was very similar, however, the proportion of some species and syntaxonomic groups of species was different. Generally, the whole examined area was covered by the phytocoenoses of Molinetum caerulae association. In the not mowed part the clear symptoms of secondary succession were noticed. Young trees and shrubs, mainly Salix cinerea, Salix repens subspec. rosmarinifolia and Betula pubescens, appeared in vegetation units. In comparison to the mowed area the total number of species in the phytosociological relevé and mean height of plants were higher, whereas the sod cover was lower. In the mowed area the mean cover of trees and shrubs was negligible. Carex panicea and Carex buxbaumii were numerous there. Other results of the abandonment of utilization were: a higher species richness and a lower value of Shannon-Wiener index. The utilisation value of vegetation in both examined transects was very poor.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2012, 12, 1; 167-179
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Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wtórna sukcesja lasu na polanach górskich wyłączonych z gospodarki pasterskiej
Secondary succession of forest on mountain glades excluded from pasture economy
Ciurzycki, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
sukcesja roslin
sukcesja wtorna
polany popasterskie
mountain glades
pasturage abandonment
secondary vegetation succession
forest emerging
nature protection
The paper reviews the process of secondary vegetation succession and forest emerging on mountain glades after pasturage abandonment, investigations of this problem and its importance for nature protection.
Sylwan; 2004, 148, 11; 59-66
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Biblioteka Nauki
Średnia biomasa osobnicza zgrupowań biegaczowatych w produkcyjnym cyklu drzewostanów bukowych w Dolinie Ruhry (zachodnie Niemcy)
Mean individual biomass of carabid assemblages in the productive cycle of beech forests in the Ruhr Valley (Western Germany)
Schreiner, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Dolina Ruhry
drzewostany bukowe
srednia biomasa osobnicza
beech forest
logistic growth
Number of carabid beetles, length of C. violaceus elytra and MIB of all carabids were studied subsequent to pitfall−trapping in 14 beech stands of increasing age (1−165 years) in Western Germany. The beech stands seemed to offer fairly constant feeding conditions for C. violaceus (and relatively small decrease in rather low level of degradation in the plantation). In total, 5,536 carabid individuals were trapped, which revealed significant increase of MIB (from 156.88 to 733.63 mg) following the logistic growth function. Due to incomplete degradation of the stands (on 'rich' soil and after using specific beech−harvesting techniques), there is a high baseline MIB at t=0 and an early onset of regenerative succession. The curve's gradient is steep and MIB reaches final value of about 650 mg in timber stands. Such high value may be explained by the good quality of loam soils in the area under study. In conclusion, logistic MIB function was calculated that describes regenerative beech succession on 'rich' soil and may help foresters to identify areas of disturbed succession.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 11; 833-842
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Biblioteka Nauki
Sukcesja biegaczowatych w procesie spontanicznej restytucji lasu na gruntach porolnych
Succession of carabids in the natural restitution of forest on former agricultural land
Skłodkowski, J.
Sławski, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
odnowienia lasu
grunty porolne
odnowienia naturalne
forest restitution
spontaneous succession
mib index
Investigations were carried out in 2000−2001 on the succession of carabid assemblages accompanying the spontaneous succession of pine stands on former agricultural land. Observations concerning changes in the number of carabid individuals and species, proportion of individuals in the groups: developmental, ecological, trophic, geographical, moisture preference, wing differences, as well as the mean individual biomass (MIB) indicated that the development of carabid assemblages during the spontaneous succession of stands can be compared to the regeneration process of the carabid fauna that accompany afforestation and that the direction of this development is similar to the development of carabid assemblages that accompany afforestation of farmlands.
Sylwan; 2003, 147, 05; 47-57
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Biblioteka Nauki
Las na gruncie porolnym - oczekiwania i rzeczywistość
Forest on post-agricultural land - expectations and reality
Krawczyk, R.
Kowalczuk, S.
Ksepko, M.
Sierota, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
grunty porolne
gospodarka lesna
lasy porolne
stan zdrowotny lasu
sukcesja roslin
odnowienia naturalne
post-agriculture lands
managed forests
forest health
natural regeneration
In Central Europe, deforestation led to a reduction of forest area by almost 80%, compared to the original area, by the beginning of the 20th century. At this point in time, a period of intensive reforestation began in an effort to restore forest areas. This process of reforestation, especially on post-agricultural land, continues to this day. This article examines reforestation and natural regeneration on former farmland and the factors that influence the current state as well as the future growth of the forest. Ancient and contemporary views on the functioning of stands on post-agricultural land created by both, natural and forced succession (i.e. afforestation), are recalled. In Poland, this issue primarily concerns managed state forests, which cover an area of over 2 million hectares. We discuss the differences in the development of these stands resulting from the history of agricultural cultivation, the type of afforestation, the influence of environmental factors as well as biotic threats to their development. Furthermore, the need to change the silviculture-, protection- and endowment-based approach to forest management in stands on post-agricultural land is highlighted.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2021, 82, 2; 75-86
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Puszcza Białowieska jako ostoja różnorodności biologicznej
Białowieża Forest as a biodiversity hotspot
Brzeziecki, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Puszcza Bialowieska
ochrona przyrody
ochrona bioroznorodnosci
bogactwo przyrodnicze
rosliny naczyniowe
walory przyrodnicze
active management approach
biodiversity loss
environmental change
forest management
natural succession
strict protection
Białowieża Forest (BF) is widely known for its outstanding natural values. The debate about the management/protection model, able to maintain all relevant values of BF on a sustainable basis, has a very long history. Currently, the main role in this debate is played by groups and organizations claiming that the major threat for the biological richness of BF is related to local forest management. In this paper, an attempt is made to verify this thesis. The extensive literature research reveals that vascular plants are one of the most threatened (and best documented) groups of organisms occurring in BF. It was found, for example, that in case of Serratulo−Pinetum (one of the most important woodland community type occurring in BF) the floristic diversity declines at the rate 0.6 species per year. However, similar situation concerns many other groups of species (e.g. lichens) as well. The recession of many species does not take place in the managed part of the BF only. This problem concerns also the areas which, since a long time already, have been subjected to the strict protection, like the ‘Strict Reserve' of the Białowieża National Park (comprising ca. 7% of the BF, under strict protection since ca. 100 years). Several factors and agents responsible for the general deterioration of natural values of BF were identified. Among other things, many authors underline the negative impacts of natural, successional processes taking part in areas which were ‘liberated' from the direct human impacts. Such processes are a direct cause of loss among many herbaceous species, particularly helio− and termophilous plants. Another important reasons for decreasing trends in many important elements of the local biodiversity are: strong reduction of open and semi−open areas (disappearance of the so called ‘cultural landscapes'), climate change, air pollution, deer overabundance, compositional impoverishment of many tree stands, invasive species of plants and animals. In conclusion, there are many factors responsible for decreasing diversity of BF and most of them have nothing to do with the local forest management. To preserve possibly high levels of the natural values of BF for future generations, a wise and complex conservation strategy is needed. As many other similar examples from different places over the world clearly show, the core element of such a strategy should be the principle of active management approach and not the out of action principle of ‘doing nothing'.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 12; 971-981
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wtórna sukcesja roślinności w kierunku bagiennej olszyny górskiej Caltho laetae-Alnetum (Zarz. 1963) Stuchlik na dawnych łąkach Beskidu Niskiego
Secondary succession towards grey alder bog forest Caltho laetae-Alnetum (Zarz. 1963) Stuchlik on the abandoned meadows in the Beskid Niski Mts. (Western Carpathians)
Koczur, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
Beskid Niski
laki gorskie
laki podmokle
sukcesja roslin
sukcesja wtorna
gorska olszyna bagienna
zespol Caltho-Alnetum
abandoned meadows
secondary succession
grey alder bog forest
beskid niski mts.
western carpathians
On the abandoned wet meadows in the Beskid Niski Mts. secondary succession to the community Caltho laetae−Alnetum proceeds. In the initial phases of succession significant similarity between patches of meadows communities and grey alder bog forest in floristic composition and structure of vegetation is observed. Particular stages of succession (non−forest and forest) are characterized by occurrence of big group (43.5%) of shared species.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 10; 784-791
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany w szacie roślinnej rezerwatu Grąd Radziwiłłowski (Wysoczyzna Drohiczyńska) w latach 1971−2008
Changes in the vegetation of the Grad Radziwillowski nature reserve [Drohiczynska Upland] between 1971 and 2008
Ciosek, M.T.
Chursowicz, B.
Borkowska, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Grad Radziwillowski
zbiorowiska roslinne
zmiany skladu gatunkowego
dynamics of forest stand
quantitative and qualitative proportions of the flora
southern podlasie region
drohiczyńska upland.
Studies on changes in the vegetation of the Grąd Radziwiłłowski nature reserve were carried out between 2005 and 2008. The nature reserve is situated in the southern part of the Podlasie region, near Radziwiłłówka village (Mielnik county). The results were compared with the research conducted by Sokołowski in 1971 and 1989 [Sokołowski 1993] and with data from establishment statement of the nature reserve. Structure and physiognomy of the forest stand as well as quantitative and qualitative proportions in the flora have changed in the studied period. The vegetation of the reserve ought to be monitored.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 04; 275-281
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiana powierzchni zbiorowisk o charakterze leśnym w dolinie Karpnickiego Potoku jako przykład zmian lesistości w dolnych partiach Sudetów
Changes in the area covered by woody plants communities in the Karpnicki Potok valley as an example of changes in forest area in lower parts of the Sudety Mountains
Jaworek, J.
Filipiak, M.
Napierała-Filipiak, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
wies Karpniki
dolina Karpnickiego Potoku
zmiany lesistosci
zmiany powierzchniowe
Numeryczny Model Terenu
mapy topograficzne
ewidencja gruntow
mapy ewidencyjne
zdjecia lotnicze
increase of forest area
lower parts of the mountains
seminatural succession
On the basis of historical and recent cadastral maps, topographic maps, and aerial photographs, we analysed changes in forest area within the cadastral units of Karpniki village, in the Karpnicki Potok (SW Poland). In 1823−2012, forest area increased there from about 41% to over 57% of the total area. The greatest increase has been recorded recently. Moreover, at that time over 16% of land classified officially as farmland was naturally colonized by communities dominated by woody plants. This seminatural process in the analysed case does not pose any serious threat to natural resources, but a complete lack of its control may lead to deterioration of the value of the local landscape and development of low−quality forest stands. The observed changes seem to be typical of other areas located in lower parts of the Sudety Mountains.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 09; 704-713
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Biblioteka Nauki
O przebudowie drzewostanow z roznorodnoscia biologiczna w tle
Forest conversion in the context of biodiversity
Rykowski, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lesna
przebudowa drzewostanow
regulacja prawna
Zasady hodowli lasu
przebudowa calkowita
przebudowa czesciowa
gospodarczy typ drzewostanu
roznorodnosc biologiczna
stand conversion
economic stand type
spontaneous transformation
forest of reference
Paper presents the issue of stand conversion and refers it to political and technical regulations. Different objectives and forms of stand conversion in the context of silviculture concepts were characterized. Stand economic type as a target and tool of traditional forest management practice in Poland was discussed. Paper presents examples of spontaneous stand conversion as a result of biotic or abiotic disturbances. On the background of these analyses, the need to test some scientific hypotheses has been presented. The necessity to create the network of the reference forest areas as pattern of natural conversion of forest ecosystem in changing environment to learn from and follow them by forest management practice.
Sylwan; 2010, 154, 04; 219-233
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Biblioteka Nauki
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