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Biegaczowate jako zooindykatory regeneracji drzewostanów sosnowych zaburzonych przez huragan w 2002 roku - wyniki obserwacji z lat 2003-2011
Carabids as bioindicators of regeneration of Scots pine stands disturbed by a hurricane in 2002 - results of observations from 2003-2011
Skłodowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany pokleskowe
drzewostany sosnowe
drzewostany pohuraganowe
zgrupowania zwierzat
struktura zgrupowan
struktura gatunkowa
ground beetles
species diversity
forest species
During the period from 2003 to 2011 observations of carabid community regression and selected habitat indicators were conducted on 15 plots in stands that had been disturbed by a hurricane and on 15 plots in control stands. Regression of carabid communities delayed 3−4 years was observed, consisting in increases in the number of species and the proportion of xerophilous species and reductions in the percentage of forest fauna and in mean individual biomass. Only after 7 years did these indicators begin to show a tendency in the reverse direction, albeit not very strong, indicating that carabid communities had begun to regenerate.
Sylwan; 2013, 157, 05; 376-384
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Biblioteka Nauki
Mchy i wątrobowce rezerwatu przyrody Molenda (Polska Środkowa)
Mosses and liverworts of the Molenda nature reserve (central Poland)
Dobrowolska, P.
Staniszek-Kik, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
threatened species
forest communities
reserve protection
The paper presents the results of studies on bryophyte flora of the Molenda forest reserve located in the Central Poland. Fifteen species of liverworts and 73 species of mosses were found. Twenty one of these species are considered to be partially protected by law, three endangered and ten rare in the region. Epigean bryophyte constitute the largest ecological group in the bryophyte flora, consisting of 55 species (62% of total flora), followed by epixylic species which are represented by 48 species (54%). The most interesting were taxa threatened and regionally rare, such as Nowellia curvifolia (Dicks.) Mitt., Callicladium haldanianum (Grev.) H.A. Crum, Dicranoweisia cirrata (Hedw.) Lindb., Orthodicranum tauricum (Sapjegin) Smirnova, Ortho- dontium lineare Schwägr., Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunt., O. stramineum Hornsch. ex Brid., Sciuro-hypnum refle- xum (Starke) Ignatov & Huttunen, Ulota bruchii Hornsch. ex Brid. and U. crispa (Hedw.) Brid.
Steciana; 2020, 24, 2; 5-15
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany składu gatunkowego i struktury drzewostanów w Roztoczańskim Parku Narodowym w okresie 2007-2017
Changes in the species composition and structure of forest stands in the Roztocze National Park in the years 2007-2017
Łukaszewicz, J.
Zajączkowski, G.
Gil, W.
Tittenbrun, A.
Radliński, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
forest dynamics
species composition
dbh distribution
permanent plot
strict protection
The aim of the study is to analyze changes in the species composition and in the diameter structure of the main forest−building species in the Roztocze National Park (central−eastern Poland). The research was carried out on 315 permanent monitoring plots. The range of collected data included: type of protection (strict and active protection), forest site type, tree species and their dbh (>7 cm over bark). Measurements and observations were made in 2007 and repeated in 2017. There was a significant reduction in the number of all tree species, except of beech Fagus sylvatica, regardless the protection status. Despite this, the basal area for the strict and active protection zone was similar both in 2007 (37.77 and 36.39 m2/ha, respectively) and 2017 (37.17 and 37.85 m2/ha, respectively). In the whole park, the number of large trees (mainly beeches) with high individual basal area increased, while the number of young generations of all species decreased. In the strict protection zone, the admixture species (decrease by 27.3%), as well as hornbeam Carpinus betulus (decrease by 22.8%), are not particularly competitive with beech. A similar tendency, although mitigated by active silvicultural treatments, was also observed in the active protection zone, in which admixture species have lost 24.8% while hornbeam 16.2%. In the strict protection area, there was a significant reduction in the number of fir Abies alba (by 14%). In the active protection zone fir increased its range and basal area, and maintains its population practically unchanged. There was also a decrease in the number of young generations, as evidenced by changes in the frequency in the 7−16 cm dbh class. The highest level of reduction in this class was found for pine Pinus sylvestris (by 64.8%), rare species (40.4%), hornbeam (31.2%), oak Quercus robur (26.6%), and spruce Picea abies (20.5%). Only beech increased the abundance in this class (by 1.4%) as well as in the next 17−26 cm class (even by 14.2%). The presented significant changes in the species composition and structure of basal area of the stands in the Roztocze National Park that occurred in the 10−year period, indicate a significant role of tending cuts in maintaining proper species composition, appropriate diameter structure of stands, their stability of natural richness and high level of diversity of forest ecosystems.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 08; 683-694
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Biblioteka Nauki
Dzięcioł czarny jako gatunek wskaźnikowy w wielofunkcyjnej, trwale zrównoważonej gospodarce leśnej
Black woodpecker as an indicator species for multifunctional permanently sustainable forest management
Zawadzki, G.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
secondary cavity nesters
indicator species
multifunctional suitable forest management
dryocopous martius
Modern multifunctional forest management needs indicators showing the state of forest environment. Commonly used solution is monitoring of the abundance of species with specific environmental requirements. This paper analyses the possibility of use of the biggest European woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) as forest management quality indicator. The black woodpecker resides in all types of forest sites. The species prefers big thick trees as a nest trees, its cavities were mainly made in birches Betula sp. in Western and Southern Europe, Scots pines Pinus sylvestris in Middle and Eastern Europe and aspens Populus tremula in Northern Europe. The black woodpecker, excavating large−sized breeding cavities, is defined as a key species due to the creation of breeding sites for large secondary cavity−nesters. Because of the breeding requirements, black woodpecker can also be treated as an umbrella species for organisms associated with old trees. The way of feeding of that species shows a strong connection with the availability of dead wood. The black woodpecker is a sedentary species, which means that it is highly depended on the structure of the forest and quickly responds to changes caused by forest management. Because of the habitat requirements and relationships with other species, as well as the wide geographical range, it is a good indicator species for multifunctional suitable forest management. It can also act as a keystone species for secondary cavity nesters and umbrella species for organisms associated with old, dying trees.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 07; 604-615
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Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura i dynamika wielogeneracyjnych starodrzewów sosnowych występujących w obszarach ochrony ścisłej Kaliszki i Sieraków w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym. Część 1. Zróżnicowanie gatunkowe, zagęszczenie i pierśnicowe pole przekroju
Structure and dynamics of uneven−aged Scots pine−dominated old−growth stands in Kaliszki and Sieraków strict protection areas in the Kampinos National Park. Part 1. Species composition, tree density and basal area
Brzeziecki, B.
Zajączkowski, J.
Olszewski, A.
Bolibok, L.
Andrzejczyk, T.
Bielak, K.
Buraczyk, W.
Drozdowski, S.
Gawron, L.
Jastrzębowski, S.
Szeligowski, H.
Żybura, H.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
forest dynamics
long−term research
old−growth forest
permanent study plot
strict protection
species composition
The paper describes changes, which took place over the last 30 years in old−growth forest stands occupying two permanent research plots, established in the Kaliszki and Sieraków strict protection areas in the Kampinos National Park (central Poland). Both plots have a form of ecological transects. The Kaliszki plot is 20 m wide and 700 m long (1.40 ha), while the Sieraków plot (total area of 2.56 ha) consists of two parts: main (40×460 m) and side (40×180 m) transect. In the Kaliszki plot, the stand measurements were conducted in 1993, 2007, and 2017, while in the Sieraków plot – in 1989, 1994, 2006, and 2017. For every tree with breast height diameter (DBH) 5 cm, species identity, DBH and spatial coordinates were determined. Starting from the second census, all trees which had died (‘losses’), as well as trees which exceeded the DBH threshold (‘gains’) since the previous record were noted, as well. The major tree species occurring on sample plots are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), silver and downy birch (Betula sp.), and black alder (Alnus glutinosa). During the study period, the overall tree density declined by ca. 50%. The diminishing trends occurred for all dominant tree species. In contrast to major, dominant tree species, the demographic status of a group of minor tree species (lime, hornbeam and maple) was much more stable. One may even speak about some expansion in this case. Particularly, hornbeam density increased rapidly in the period 2006−2017 in some areas of the main transect located in the Sieraków plot. The future studies will show if this tendency will be maintained and will include other regions of sample plots. Assuming a lack of significant disturbances, one may expect that the stands growing on research plots will rather slowly change in the nearest future. Most dynamics will have a quantitative and not qualitative character. One may anticipate, for example, a growing role of pedunculate oak at the expense of Scots pine, however, considering that the two species are rather long−living, they will probably for a long time keep their dominant roles in the stand canopies.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 05; 392-403
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Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka florystyczna runi oraz ocena fitoindykacyjna warunków siedliskowych wybranych łąk śródleśnych
Floristic characterization of sward and phytoindicative valorisation of habitats conditions of selected forest meadows
Szydłowska, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
ocena fitoindykacyjna
łąki śródleśne
gatunki roślin
warunki siedliskowe
rating phytoindicative
forest meadow
plant species
habitat conditions
Łąki śródleśne charakteryzują się dużą różnorodnością gatunkową i pełnią wiele ważnych funkcji w przyrodzie [3]. Na ich terenie występuje znaczne urozmaicenie warunków edaficznych i wodnych oraz specyficzny mikroklimat [4], na co wpływa bliskość lasu, który decyduje zarówno o układzie warunków siedliskowych, jak i składzie florystycznym tych łąk [2, 4]. Poszczególne gatunki roślin obecne w runi użytków zielonych są często wskaźnikami określonych warunków siedliskowych panujących na danym terenie [11]. Dokładnej określić można warunki siedliskowe poddając bioindykacji całe zespoły roślinne [12]. Metoda fitoidykacji jest metodą obiektywną, a zarazem tańszą i prostszą w wykonaniu niż tradycyjne badania chemiczne [15]. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest scharakteryzowanie szaty ro-ślinnej porastającej wybrane łąki śródleśne oraz określenie, na podstawie wskaźników roślinnych, panujących w ich obrębie niektórych warunków siedliskowych.
Forest meadows are characterized by high species diversity and serve many important functions in nature. On their area, there is a considerable variety of aquatic and edaphic conditions and unique microclimate, which is affected by closeness of a forest, which determines both system of habitat conditions and floristic composition of those meadows. Individual plant species present in the grasslands sward are often indicators of specific habitat conditions in the area. It can be specified more exactly site conditions using bioindication for the whole plant associations. Fitoidication method is a objective, yet cheaper and simpler in implementation method than the traditional chemical examinations. The aim of studies was to fix floristic composition of forest meadows' sward and on this basis lay down conditions of their habitats. Investigated forest grasslands were surrendered by mixed forest, situated on north of Klodawa (Lubuskie Province). There were made botanic-gravimetric analyses to stipulate floristic composition of sward and used ecological indicators values of vascular plants acc. to Zarzycki et al. [14] to appraise habitat's conditions. Estimated moisture of habitat (W), trophic status of soil (Tr), soil acidity and light conditions in communities. On this area there were floristic types with domination of Carex riparia, Phalaris arundinacea, Phalaris arundinacea with Alopecurus pratensis, Alopecurus pratensis, Arrhenatherum elatius with Festuca rubra, Arrhenatherum elatius with Holcus lanatus, Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca ovina. On a basis of indicator species there found out that the most various were moisture conditions, characterized as from wet to dry. Soils of the largest area of investigated meadows were eutrophic with neutral to slightly alkaline pH, only soils estimated as dry were oligotrophic, and species occurred there had distinctive soil pH tolerance. There were moderate light conditions in investigated plant communities, only in community with domination of sedges recorded few species which were tolerant to partial shade.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2010, Tom 12; 299-312
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Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cele hodowlane i ich realizacja w przebudowie drzewostanów
Silvicultural aims and their realisation in stand conversion
Bernadzki, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
przebudowa drzewostanow
cele hodowlane
stand conversion
silvicultural aim
forest succession
pioneer species
silvicultural risk
Owing to the unpredictability of changes in a habitat, a silvicultural aim should be treated as a "vision" of the future stand and adjusted in the course of its development. To meet the rational principles of stand conversion, it is necessary to fully use the natural processes occurring in forest ecosystems. More attention should be given to the species of early succession stages, which are better adapted to the changing habitat conditions, and richer species composition should be ensured to disperse silvicultural risks.
Sylwan; 2006, 150, 12; 3-11
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Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza możliwości wykorzystania obrazów hiperspektralnych HySpex do inwentaryzacji drzewostanów leśnych Puszczy Białowieskiej
An analysis of use of hyperspectral images HySpex for an assessment of forest stand inventory in Bialowieza Forest
Bartkowiak, P.
Osińska-Skotak, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
Puszcza Białowieska
Spectral Angle Mapper
detekcja gatunków drzew
Białowieża Forest
tree species detection
W artykule przedstawiono analizę możliwości zastosowania zobrazowań hiperspektralnych HySpex do wykonania map rozmieszczenia poszczególnych gatunków drzewostanów leśnych, na przykładzie Puszczy Białowieskiej. W tym celu przeprowadzono kilka wariantów klasyfikacji przy użyciu metody Spectral Angle Mapper. Całą procedurę wykonano w oprogramowaniu ENVI 5.3 (Environmental for Visualizing Images), w module specjalnie dedykowanym danym hiperspektralnym. Metodyka badawcza obejmuje: wstępne przetwarzanie obrazów, tworzenie wzorców do klasyfikacji, procedurę klasyfikacji SAM i finalną ocenę dokładności uzyskanych wyników. Ostatecznie otrzymano mapy rozmieszczenia gatunków drzew w obrębie badanego szeregu hiperspektralnego. Dokładność map została oszacowana na podstawie danych pochodzących z opisów taksacyjnych. Ogólna dokładność klasyfikacji gatunków drzew na podstawie obrazów hiperspektralnych HySpex wyniosła ok. 77%. Najlepiej sklasyfikowane zostały olcha, sosna i dąb, w pozostałych przypadkach (brzoza i świerk) zaobserwowano zróżnicowane dokładności producenta i użytkownika, co może wynikać zarówno z charakteru drzewostanów leśnych, jak i pól testowych wykorzystanych do ceny dokładności wyników klasyfikacji. Na podstawie wygenerowanych map pokrycia terenu można wskazać obszary leśne o zróżnicowanym składzie gatunkowym fragmentu Puszczy Białowieskiej. Wykorzystanie danych teledetekcyjnych HySpex stanowi duży potencjał w zabiegach inwentaryzacyjnych lasu. Aktualizacja opisów taksacyjnych, modelowanie zjawisk czy symulacja scenariuszy dla obszarów leśnych technikami zdalnymi na potrzeby praktyki leśnej wydaje się technicznie i ekonomicznie uzasadnione.
This paper contains an analysis of use of hyperspectral images HySpex to create maps of tree species distribution within Bialowieza Forest. To this end, a couple of variants of image classification with the use of Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) method were carried out. Whole procedure was conducted in ENVI software environment (Environmental for Visualizing Images) intended for this kind of dataset. In the beginning, the classification process involves the hyperspectral images pre processing and training samples collection. Next, SAM algorithm as well as an estimation of precision of the classification were performed. Finally, land cover layouts for tree species distribution within the extent of hyperspectral array were generated. The accuracy of tree species detection was estimated on the basis of data derived from forest taxations. Overall accuracies of classification based on HySpex imagery were approximately 77%. The highest possible precisions were obtained for alder, pine and oak tree stands. In other cases (birch and spruce) diversified results for producer’s and user’s accuracy were achieved, which could be explained by various kinds of forest stands and characteristics of test samples used for an assessment of image classification results. On the grounds of the land cover layouts it is workable to indicate forest areas with diversified tree species distribution within Bialowieza Forest. Furthermore, remote sensing data obtained with the use of HySpex scanner has a lot of potential in forest inventory. An actualization of inventory database, woodland modelling and simulations of forest phenomena seem to be technically and economically reasoned.
Teledetekcja Środowiska; 2016, 55; 27-44
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Teledetekcja Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Puszcza Borecka jako cenna ostoja ptaków leśnych
The Borki Primeval Forest as an important forest bird area
Rakowski, G.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Puszcza Borecka
ostoje zwierzyny
ptaki legowe
wykaz gatunkow
the Borki Primeval Forest
important bird areas
forest birds
natural forests
indicator species
This paper presents an overview of bird research carried out in the Borki Primeval Forest during the last 30 years. The Borki Primeval Forest can be considered as one of the most important forest bird sites in Poland. Its avifauna comprises 139 breeding species, including 11 rare and endangered species listed in the Polish Red Data Book of Animals as well as 30 species listed in Annex I of the EU Birds Directive. Despite its relatively small area, the Borki Primeval Forest holds at least 1% of Polish breeding population of as many as 12 bird species . For seven out of these species it is one of the most important breeding sites in the country. The avifauna of the Borki Primeval Forest consists mostly of typical forest birds including 24 indicator species which are associated with natural forests. The richness of bird species in the Borki Primeval Forest and the abundance of several valuable groups of breeding species are the result of a high landscape and habitat diversity as well as a relatively small anthropopression combined with a high degree of naturalness of forest stands.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2015, 76, 1; 88-107
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany bogactwa gatunkowego runa borów sosnowych na pasach wydmowych Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego na początku XXI wieku
Changes of the herb layer species richness within Scots pine forest of the dune belts in the Kampinos National Park (central Poland) at the beginning of XXI century
Zaniewski, P.T.
Solon, J.
Ferchmin, M.
Siedlecki, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
permanent plots
semi−permanent plots
old−growth pine forest
species richness decrease
Scots pine forest are of the main economic importance to the forest management in lowland Europe. Large areas of spontaneous pine forest, including old−growths, are located on two vast dune belts of the Kampinos National Park (central Poland). These forests grow on oligotrophic sandy soils with deep groundwater level. This makes the area unique to study long−term changes in this type of pine forest communities. The aim of the work was to assess the changes in the species composition and richness of undergrowth of Scots pine forests at the beginning of the XXI century. The study was conducted on 10 permanent and 53 semi−permanent plots located within stands of Peucedano−Pinetum and Querco−Pinetum associations on both dune belts of Kampinos National Park. The fieldworks were performed in 2001 and 2002, and repeated in 2015 and 2018. Based on Ward’s cluster analysis we described five local forms of plant communities. Seven species groups were distinguished and changes in their richness assessed using one sample Wilcoxon test. Each species group included species characteristic and/or differentiating for a given set of syntaxonomical units. The results confirmed the hypothesis of gradual decrease of the total species richness. The median of species richness change was –0.308 species per year and was statistically significant. The changes were bigger within the local forms of the Querco−Pinetum association in comparison to Peucedano−Pinetum. The decrease was connected especially with dry grassland and heathland species (characteristic for syntaxons of Koelerio−Corynephoretea and Nardo−Callunetea classes) as well as with coniferous forest generalist species (characteristic for syntaxons of Vaccinio−Piceetea and Cladonio−Vaccinietalia). The results suggest that the two main processes shaping the species composition at the beginning of XXI century within pine forest located on the dune belts of Kampinos National Park may be identified as (i) fluctuation, and (ii) simplification, manifested by species richness decrease. This is probably connected with forest regeneration after past human use and disturbance.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 04; 331-342
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zagospodarowania lasu na stan zachowania sasanki otwartej Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill.
Influence of forest management on protection status of spreading anemone Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill.
Czerepko, J.
Gawryś, R.
Cieśla, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
rosliny chronione
gatunki zagrozone
sasanka otwarta
Pulsatilla patens
ochrona roslin
zbiorowiska lesne
zagospodarowanie lasu
Nadlesnictwo Myszyniec
endangered species
protection of plants
forest ecology
kurpie forest
This paper presents a study on a population of Pulsatilla patens conducted in 2012 in the Myszyniec Forest District in Natura 2000 area ‘Myszynieckie Bory Sasankowe’ in the Kurpie forest (NE Poland). The purpose of the study was to determine the population structure of Pulsatilla patens, especially with regard to abundance, density, and percentage of generative plants in the total population. Correlations were examined between these population features and selected environmental characteristics including ecological indicator values, community layer coverage, number of species group. For the evaluation of the linear relationship between the variables, Spearman's correlation coefficient was used. The research confirmed a significant effect of light availability, clear cuttings areas on all mean values of such indicators of plants as number of flowers, number of plants, share of vegetative and generative plants.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 01; 26-33
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zaprzestania koszenia na roślinność łąki trześlicowej (Molinietum caerulae)
Effects of mowing cessation on Molinietum caerulae meadow vegetation
Sienkiewicz-Paderewska, D.
Borawska-Jarmułowicz, B.
Mastalerczuk, G.
Chodkiewicz, A.
Stypiński, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
chronione gatunki flory
czynna ochrona
ekosystemy nieleśne
sukcesja wtórna
non-forest ecosystems
partial protection
protected species
secondary succession
Badania przeprowadzono w 2010 r. w Środkowym Basenie Biebrzy w Biebrzańskim Parku Narodowym. W celu określenia wpływu zaprzestania koszenia na roślinność, na obiekcie łąkowym Grzędy wytyczono dwa transekty - jeden w części niekoszonej od 7 lat, drugi - w części sporadycznie koszonej (raz na 2-4 lata). W ramach transektów wykonano łącznie 23 zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne metodą Brauna-Blanqueta. Obliczono wskaźniki Elleneberga: F - uwilgotnienia, N - zawartości azotu w glebie i R - odczynu gleby. Oceniono różnorodność gatunkową zbiorowisk na podstawie: łącznej liczby gatunków w transekcie, średniej liczby gatunków przypadającej na zdjęcie fitosocjologiczne oraz obliczając wskaźnik różnorodności gatunkowej Shannona-Wienera dla transektów. Wartość użytkową zbiorowisk oceniono na podstawie LWU Filipka i zadarnienia. Stwierdzono, że skład gatunkowy zbiorowisk w obu transektach jest podobny, jednak wyraźnie różni się proporcjami. Na całym obiekcie dominują fitocenozy zespołu Molinietum caerulae W. Koch 1926 (klasa Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937). W części, na której przed 7 laty zaprzestano koszenia, w płatach zaznacza się wyraźny podrost drzew: Salix cinerea L., Salix repens subsp. rosmarinifolia (L.) Hartm. i Betula pubescens Ehrh., co świadczy o postępującej sukcesji wtórnej. W porównaniu z obszarem sporadycznie koszonym większa jest średnia wysokość roślin, natomiast mniejsze - zadarnienie. Na obszarze koszonym udział gatunków drzewiastych jest znikomy. Z większą ilościowością występuje tu Carex panicea L. i Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. Zaprzestanie użytkowania spowodowało wzrost łącznej liczby gatunków w transekcie i średniej liczby gatunków w zdjęciu, ale zmniejszenie wartości wskaźnika Shannona-Wienera. Wartość użytkową roślinności obu badanych transektów oceniono jako bardzo słabą.
The study was carried out in the year 2010 in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza River in the Biebrza National Park. The aim was to find out if the cessation of mowing could have changed some parameters of the existing vegetation. And if yes - what kind of changes could be noted. The examined phytocoenoses were described by 23 relevčs made with the BRAUN-BLANQUET method (1964). Eleven of them were made within the transect where vegetation had been mowed every 2-4 years, and the other 12 - in the transect, where vegetation had not been mowed for the previous 7 years. Species diversity was assessed upon: species composition of each community, their syntaxonomic structure, species richness, floristic diversity calculated using the SHANNON-WIENER index (H') and site conditions estimated with the ELLENBERG phytoindication method (1992]. The utilization value based on the fodder value score (FVS) defined by FILIPEK (1973) and sod cover were also estimated. It was found that species composition in both transects was very similar, however, the proportion of some species and syntaxonomic groups of species was different. Generally, the whole examined area was covered by the phytocoenoses of Molinetum caerulae association. In the not mowed part the clear symptoms of secondary succession were noticed. Young trees and shrubs, mainly Salix cinerea, Salix repens subspec. rosmarinifolia and Betula pubescens, appeared in vegetation units. In comparison to the mowed area the total number of species in the phytosociological relevé and mean height of plants were higher, whereas the sod cover was lower. In the mowed area the mean cover of trees and shrubs was negligible. Carex panicea and Carex buxbaumii were numerous there. Other results of the abandonment of utilization were: a higher species richness and a lower value of Shannon-Wiener index. The utilisation value of vegetation in both examined transects was very poor.
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie; 2012, 12, 1; 167-179
Pojawia się w:
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka łowiecka i ostatnie carskie polowania w Puszczy Białowieskiej (1912-1913) w relacji Mitrofana Golenki
Game management and the last imperial hunts in Bialowieza Primeval Forest [1912-1913] in the report of Mitrofan Golenko
Daszkiewicz, P.
Jędrzejewska, B.
Samojlik, T.
Bańka, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gospodarka lowiecka
Puszcza Bialowieska
polowania carskie
environmental history
monarchical hunts
forest fragmentation
alien species introductions
The paper presents Polish translation of the article by Mitrofan Golenko (originally published in 1935) reporting the last imperial hunts that Russian tsar and his family held in Białowieża Primeval Forest in 1912−1913. The article gives information on the hunting techniques and organisation of monarchical hunts in the early 20th century.
Sylwan; 2008, 152, 12; 47-59
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rośliny starych lasów w wyspach leśnych na obszarze gminy Uniejów
Ancient woodland plants in forest islands in the Uniejów municipality
Chmielecki, Błażej
Kucharski, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
gatunki wskaźnikowe
stare lasy
wyspy leśne
gmina Uniejów
indicator plant species
ancient woodland
forest islands
Uniejów municipality
Gmina Uniejów to obszar rolniczy – ponad 80% jej powierzchni stanowią użytki rolne, a lesistość wynosi obecnie 10,6%. Jest to teren ubogi w lasy, które na obszarze gminy są w znacznym stopniu rozdrobnione, a ich roślinność antropogenicznie zaburzona. Brakuje większych kompleksów leśnych. W latach 2021–2022 przeprowadzono inwentaryzację flory w 33 wybranych losowo wyspach leśnych, których powierzchnia była mniejsza niż 10 ha. Oceniono przyrodniczą wartość badanych obiektów, wykorzystując gatunki wskaźnikowe („rośliny starych lasów”). W badanych wyspach leśnych odnotowano 21 gatunków roślin typowych dla starych lasów. W najbogatszym florystycznie obiekcie stwierdzono 10 gatunków wskaźnikowych dla starych lasów, a w najuboższych tylko po dwa tego typu taksony. Wyspy leśne gminy Uniejów cechują się małą liczbą gatunków typowych dla starych lasów. W większości są to obiekty wtórne na gruntach użytkowanych w przeszłości rolniczo.
Uniejów agricultural landscapes dominate in the Uniejów municipality as farmland takes up more than 80% of the area, while woodland constitutes only 10.6% and is reduced to separate small wooded patches (islands) with anthropogenically impaired flora. No larger forest tracts survived there. In the years 2021–2022, the flora of 33 randomly chosen forest islands (less than 10 ha) was examined and listed, focusing particularly on species belonging to the group of “ancient woodland indicators”. Altogether 21 species of plants typical of old forests were identified in the area, out of which 10 species were found in the “richest” forest patch and only two in the poorest one. Generally, forest islands in the Uniejów municipality contain few species confined to old forests. The islands represent mostly recent secondary woods on the formerly agricultural land.
Biuletyn Uniejowski; 2023, 12; 7-29
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Uniejowski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Awifauna lęgowa dojrzałych drzewostanów Puszczy Boreckiej i jej zmiany na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
Breeding avifauna of mature forest stands in the Borki Forest and its dynamics at the turn of the 21st century
Rakowski, G.
Czarnocki, K.
Ukalska, J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Puszcza Borecka
gatunki legowe
grupy ekologiczne
zgrupowania zwierzat
bogactwo gatunkowe
zageszczenie zwierzat
wykaz gatunkow
Borki Forest
bird assemblage structure
species richness
density changes
forest habitats
The composition and structure of the breeding bird community in the Borki Forest in north-eastern Poland were investigated during two separate periods: 1994–1996 and 2012–2014. Bird censuses were carried out in three plots located in mature oak-hornbeam, ash-alder and mixed coniferous forest stands. A standard combined mapping technique for estimating the number of breeding birds was applied. A total of 74 bird species bred at least once within any plot during 1994–1996 or 2012–2014. The structure of the bird assemblages on particular plots displayed a high degree of similarity, exceeding 75%, which means that they represent essentially the same bird community. However, the investigated assemblages have changed substantially over the 20 years. Both, the number of breeding bird species and the population densities on all plots, were much higher in 2012–2014 than in 1994–1996. The mean number of breeding species on all plots was over 50% higher in 2012–2014 than in 1994–1996, whereas the mean total density of breeding pairs increased by more than 60%. Total population densities on the plots increased as a result of an increase in population densities of individual bird species combined with an increase in the number of breeding species. Due to different rates of population growth for certain species, also the composition of dominating species group have changed. The observed changes in the avifauna of the Borki Forest were most probably due to an enrichment of the forest habitats structure, which was caused by natural factors, such as ageing of forest stands, forest succession and a change in water regime by beaver dams, as well as by forest management, including group felling within or in the vicinity of plots and uncovering of the forest edge.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2016, 77, 3
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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