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Polityczna przydatność nierówności etnicznych – nacjonalizm w prozie Dubravki Ugrešic
The Political Usefulness of Ethnic Inequalities: Nationalism in the Prose of Dubravka Ugrešic
Biernacki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Dubravka Ugrešic
ethnic inequalities
The outbreak of the civil war in Yugoslavia was the end of a certain stage in Dubravka Ugrešic’s writing. The shock experienced by the novelist and essayist in the first half of the 90s radically changed the nature of her literary work. One of the leading themes was that of Croatian and Serbian nationalism producing inequality, which was presented as a politically useful construct. The article focuses on three collections of essays by Dubravka Ugrešic: The culture of lies (1996), Nobody’s Home (2005) and Fox (2017). The article presents a detailed discussion of the author’s attitude to the wartime and post-war reality, which focused on dividing communities that had coexisted for decades in relative agreement. The pessimistic overtone of these ironic essays leaves no illusions as to the nature of nationalism as a dangerous tool in the hands of those who exercise power or wish to gain it by creating ethnic inequalities.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2022, Special Issue, 17; 17-26
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi na marginesie lektury literackich kontestacji Dubravki Ugrešić
Parenthetical Remarks on Literary Contestations by Dubravka Ugrešić
Czapik-Lityńska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Dubravka Ugrešić
literary contestation
Miroslav Krleža
intellectual revolt
postmodern aesthetics
In the article, the literary texts of the Croatian authoress are considered, since they present a critical comportment that is to remain in opposition to the crisis of the contemporary culture. The article makes an attempt to describe a specificity of the writer’s literary contestations, derived from a stance of the avant-garde and modern rebellion, adopted among others by Miroslav Krleža, and from an intellectual revolt, expressed by the postmodern aesthetics and philosophy. The growing on both contestation traditions determines a manner of thinking, perceptiveness of interpretation regarding the depicted world and life. The literary contestations of Ugrešić focus on problems of the postmodern aesthetics, ethics, sociopolitical and cultural transformations.
In the article, the literary texts of the Croatian authoress are considered, since they present a critical comportment that is to remain in opposition to the crisis of the contemporary culture. The article makes an attempt to describe a specificity of the writer’s literary contestations, derived from a stance of the avant-garde and modern rebellion, adopted among others by Miroslav Krleža, and from an intellectual revolt, expressed by the postmodern aesthetics and philosophy. The growing on both contestation traditions determines a manner of thinking, perceptiveness of interpretation regarding the depicted world and life. The literary contestations of Ugrešić focus on problems of the postmodern aesthetics, ethics, sociopolitical and cultural transformations.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2014, 6
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O strategii tłumaczenia na przykładzie powieści "Ministerstwo bólu" Dubravki Ugrešić
Strategija prijevoda u romanu Dubravke Ugrešić "Ministarstvo boli"
The translation strategy in Dubravka Ugresic’s novel "The ministry of pain"
Gostomska, Anita
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Dubravka Ugrešić
Ministarstvo boli
Dorota Jovanka CIrlić
Ovaj tekst predstavlja jedan od najnovijih romana Dubravke Ugrešić smatrani kao predmet prijevoda. Roman "Ministarstvo boli" utemeljen na jugoslavenskoj prošlosti u ponekim se djelovima pokazuje blizak nemogućnosti prevođenja. Problem se osobito odnosi na esejističke dijelove koje ocjenjuju hrvatsku književnost ili komunizam u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, kao prevoditeljica, odlučila je objasniti neke od poteškoća u odvojenoj bilješci dodanoj romanu (napomene dopunjavaju komentar autorice). Problematične riječi i fraze ostavljene bez takvog objašnjenja mogu ga naći izravno u romanu (deskriptivno komentirane) ili prepuštene su sposobnosti čitatelja. Osim kulturne osnove u romanu postoji također jezično pitanje koje s obzirom na njegovi komplicirani karakter i strategiju prevođenja u tome slučaju trebalo bi prikazati posebno na drugom mjestu.
The text presents one of Dubravka Ugresic’s latest novels perceived as the subject of translation. "The ministry of pain" founded on (ex-)Yugoslavian past turns out extremely difficult, in some parts it seems close to the untranslability. The problem concerns especially the parts which are more essayistic and estimate Croatian literature or communism in former Yugoslavia. Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, the translator, had decided to explain some of the difficulties in her special note added to the novel (the footnotes supplement the writer’s endnotes). The troublesome words and phrases left without that kind of explanation might find it directly in the novel (descriptively commented) or require reader’s self-reliance. Apart from the cultural setting there is also a language question in the novel which because of its complex character and the translation strategy shall be interpreted separately.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 84-91
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oswajanie inności w chorwackiej literaturze dla dzieci na przykładzie opowieści o domowych duchach i potworach
Taming Otherness in Croatian Children’s Literature: The Example of Stories About Domestic Ghosts and Monsters
Ślawska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Croatian children’s literature
Dubravka Ugrešić
Stanislav Marijanović
chorwacka literatura dziecięca
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza obrazów duchów i potworów obecnych w chorwackiej literaturze dla najmłodszych, zwłaszcza w utworach autorstwa Dubravki Ugrešić i Stanislava Marijanovicia. Szczególna uwaga skierowana została na aspekt inności oraz obcości. Zaprezentowany problem badawczy dotyczy w głównej mierze tego, w jaki sposób przywołani twórcy wzbudzają dziecięcą ciekawość wobec różnorodności, uczą akceptacji faktu istnienia inności, intrygują oraz zachęcają do rozważań i niedawania wiary krzywdzącym stereotypom.
The subject of this article is an analysis of literary images of ghosts and monsters present in Croatian children’s literature, especially in the books of Dubravka Ugrešić and Stanislav Marijanović. Particular attention was paid to the aspect of otherness and strangeness. The presented research problem concerns mainly how the mentioned authors arouse children’s curiosity towards diversity, teach the acceptance of the fact of being different, intrigue, encourage reflection and disbelief in harmful stereotypes.
Filoteknos; 2022, 12; 101-114
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Harmonia kakofonii, czyli co śpiewa Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia (o dialogu kultur w polskim przekładzie "Ministerstwa Bólu" Dubravki Ugrešić)
Harmonija kakofonije ili što pjeva Središnja i istočna Europa (o dijalogu kultura u poljskom prijevodu "Ministarstva boli" Dubravke Ugrešić)
The harmony of cacophony that is to say what Middle Eastern Europe sings (about culture dialogue in Polish translation of "The Ministry of Pain" written by Dubravka Ugrešić)
Majdzik, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
harmonia kakofonii
Dubravka Ugrešić
Ministerstwo Bólu
harmonija kakofonije
Ministarstvo boli
harmony of cacophony
The Ministry of Pain
Prijevod se oslanja na rekontekstualizaciju te interpretaciju originalnog teksta. Drukčiji kulturni, jezični, povijesni uvjeti su osnova prevodilačke interpretacije. Prijevod koji je pośrednik između dvije kulture i dva semantičkia univerzuma omogućava međukulturni dijalog. Cilj je takve komunikacije saznati drugačiju osjetljivost, nove načine i oblike ekspresije te najzad proširiti vlastitu interpretaciju stvarnosti. Prema mišljenju Y. Winkina komunikacija je utvrđivanje uzajamnih odnosa i zajedničkih vrijednosti te dokazivanje pripadnosti jednoj kulturi. Ovako shvaćen prijevod je otkrivanje novoga te utvrđivanje postojećega (već upoznatog, urođenog) simboličnog poretka. U članku se na osnovi poljskog prijevoda romana Dubravke Ugrešić "Ministarstvo boli" raspravlja o problematici interpretacije i komunikacije kultura „u” i „preko” prijevoda.
Translation relies on the recontextualisation and interpretation of the original text. Different cultural, linguistic and historical impacts determine the foundation of the translator’s interpretation. Translation enables cross-cultural communication as it mediates between two cultures and two semantic universes. The aim of such a dialog is to experience the understanding of different sensitivity and to learn new forms of expression as well as ways of perceiving the world. The object is to develope one’s own interpretations of reality. According to Y. Winkin communication is a confirmation of collective values and relations of the group members belonging to the same culture. his statement results in understanding translation as a new symbolic order discovery and affirmation of the existing one. The issue of interpretation and culture communication „in” and „through” the translation is discussed in the article on the basis of the Polish translation of a novel written by Dubravka Ugrešić titled "The Ministry of Pain".
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2011, 2, 1; 122-137
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uciec z Bałkanów
Stańczak, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
images of the Balkans
Ivan Čolović
Gazmend Kapllani
Ornela Vorpsi
Igor Štiks
Dubravka Ugrešić
obrazy Bałkanów
The article deals with the Balkans image in post-Yugoslavian prose. The inhabitants of the peninsula try to respond to the opinions and perceptions that are related to them, created by the Western European Balkanistic discourse. Negative ideas have become the cause of complexes, a sense of injustice and resentment. That is why the inhabitants of the Balkans are looking for a way to escape from the Balkan identity. Scientists, writers and publicists strongly oppose the invidious, one-sided image of the Balkans. They are trying to prove that it is not quite in consonance with reality, and that the process of shaping the image of the Balkans was influenced not only by the Balkan nations, but also by the West.
Artykuł dotyczy obrazu Bałkanów w prozie postjugosławiańskiej. Mieszkańcy półwyspu próbują ustosunkować się wobec odnoszących się do nich opinii oraz wyobrażeń, wykreowanych przez zachodnioeuropejski dyskurs bałkanistyczny. Negatywne wyobrażenia stają się powodem kompleksów, poczucia niesprawiedliwości i żalu. Mieszkańcy Bałkanów szukają więc sposobu na ucieczkę od bałkańskiej tożsamości. Naukowcy, pisarze i publicyści głośno i zdecydowanie przeciwstawiają się krzywdzącemu, jednostronnemu wizerunkowi Bałkanów. Próbują udowodnić, że nie jest on do końca zgodny z rzeczywistością, zaś w procesie jego kształtowania udział miały nie tylko narody bałkańskie, ale także Zachód.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia; 2015, 33, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oswajanie obcości kulturowej w przekładzie literatury dziecięcej. Przypadek Domowych duchów Dubravki Ugrešić
The Domestication of Cultural Strangeness in the Translation of Children’s Literature: The Case of Dubravka Ugrešić’s Kućni duhovi [Home Ghosts]
Ślawska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Domowe duchy
Dubravka Ugrešić
przekład literatury dziecięcej
nazwy własne w przekładzie
udomowienie w przekładzie
Kućni duhovi
translation of children’s literature
domestication in translation
proper names in translation
The case of Dubravka Ugrešić's Kućni duhovi [Home Ghosts]This article is devoted to the Polish translation of Kućni duhovi [Home Ghosts], a collection of short stories by Dubravka Ugrešić, her only book addressed to the youngest readers which has been published outside Croatia. The study focuses on the issue of cultural strangeness generated mostly by proper names that appear in the stories: ghosts' names, and the names and surnames of other characters. In her translation, Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić domesticated the source text, replacing all of them with Polish equivalents. The comparative analysis presented in this article considers translation strategies she used and illustrates them with numerous examples.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest przekładowi na język polski zbioru opowiadań Dubravki Ugrešić pt. Domowe duchy. Jest to jedyna książka pisarki adresowana do najmłodszych czytelników, która ukazała się poza granicami Chorwacji. Szczególna uwaga skierowana została na kwestię obcości kulturowej, którą w książce Ugrešić generują przede wszystkim nazwy własne (nazwy duchów, imiona i nazwiska pozostałych bohaterów). Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, autorka przekładu, dokonała udomowienia tekstu źródłowego, zastępując wszystkie nazwy własne, pojawiające się w oryginale, polskimi ekwiwalentami. Zastosowane przez tłumaczkę strategie translatorskie zostały omówione oraz zilustrowane licznymi przykładami w toku analizy porównawczej.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2020, 20
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tłumacz zdemaskowany. Wybrane teksty Dubravki Ugrešić w przekładzie Doroty Jovanki Ćirlić — spojrzenie krytyczne
Raskrinkavanje prevoditelja. Odabrani tekstovi Dubravke Ugrešić u prijevodu Dorote Jovanke Ćirlić — jedan kritički pogled
Unmasked translator Dubravka Ugrešić`s selected texts translated by Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić — a critical view
Jawoszek, Agata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Dubravka Ugrešić
Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić
kompetencije prevoditelja
prevodilačka strategija
semantičke promjene
prijevod frazema
translator’s competence
strategy of translation
semantic change
translation of idioms
kompetencje tłumacza
strategia tłumaczenia
zmiany semantyczne
przekład związków frazeologicznych
Na primjeru izabranih tekstova Dubravke Ugrešić prevedenih na poljski od strane Dorote Jovanke Ćirlić, najpopularnije ali i najčešće kritizirane od strane domaćih slavista, suvremene poljske prevoditeljice balkanske književnosti, razmotriti ćemo pitanje prisutnosti (ili odsutnosti) prevoditelja u tekstu. Na temelju prijevoda romana Štefica Cvek u raljama života i zbirke eseja Nikog nema doma analizirat ćemo prevodilačke strategije i pojedinačna translatorska rješenja kao i njihovo značenje u kontekstu prevodilačke slobode i njezinog utjecaja na postupak izgradnje pozicije autorice i recepcije njezinih tekstova u drugom kulturnom i jezičnom kontekstu.
On the selected Dubravka Ugrešić’s texts translated into polish by Dorota Jovanka Ćirlić, on the one hand the most popular on the second hand the most criticized by the local Slavists, contemporary Polish translator of Balkan literature, we can analyze the question of a presence (or absence) of translators in the text. On the example of translation of the novel Stefica Cvek in the Jaws of Life and book of essay There is no one at home, we analyze the strategies of translation and individual translator’s solutions as well as their importance in the context of “freedom of translator” and its impact on the process of building author’s position and reception of texts in different cultural and linguistic context.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2015, 6, 1; 158-171
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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