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„Flower Boys” czyli feminizacja wizerunku młodego mężczyzny w południowokoreańskich mediach
“Flower Boys”, or Feminisation of the Young Man Image in the South Korean Mass Media
Diniejko-Wąs, Anna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
„flower boys”
Korea Płd.
flower boys
South Korea
Przedmiotem artykułu jest metamorfoza wizerunku współczesnego młodego mężczyzny w mediach południowokoreańskich w ciągu ostatnich dwudziestu lat. Analizie, wprawdzie dość selektywnej, poddane zostaną męskie ikony popularnych seriali telewizyjnych, filmów fabularnych oraz programów rozrywkowych. Zjawisko kkotminam, czyli pojawienie się mężczyzn-kwiatów wynika z połączenia wielu czynników: zmian w mentalności współczesnych kobiet, upadku norm konfucjańskich oraz mody na wydelikaconych, androgenicznych mężczyzn. Cokolwiek doprowadziło do jego powstania, sfeminizowany wzór urody męskiej zasługuje na poważne badania kulturoznawcze, medioznawcze i socjologiczne.
The subject of the article is metamorphosis of the image of the contemporary young man in the South Korean mass media over the last twenty years. An analysis, while quite selective, will cover the masculine icons of the popular TV series, feature films and entertainment programmes. The phenomenon kkotminam, i.e. appearance of ‘flower men’, results from a combination of many factors: changes in the contemporary women’s mentality, the fall of Confucian norms, and the fashion for delicate, androgenic men. Whatever has led to its appearance, the effeminate model of the masculine beauty deserves serious cultural studies as well as those related media and sociological ones.
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula; 2014, 34/2014 Stosunki Międzynarodowe; 79-90
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dalsze losy 100 chłopców mających sprawy o kradzieże w wieku 10-11 lat
The Follow-Up Studies of 100 Boys Charged with Theft at the Age of 10-11
Żabczyńska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieletni przestępcy
juvenile delinquents
1. This work presents the results of follow-up studies of the subsequent fate of 100 boys who had committed theft and as 10‒11-year-olds had in 1966 become the subject of research into problems involved in offences committed in childhood ‒ and what led up to them. At that time these boys were examined at the Prophylactic Centre of the State Grzegorzewska Institute of Special Education in Warsaw. All 10‒11-year-old boys charged at the Warsaw Juvenile Court were in turn brought within the scope of the survey. During research conducted in 1966 it was found that the majority (59%) of the 10‒11-year old boys examined were not first offenders and that 11% had even appeared previously in the juvenile court for theft. As many as half of the 10‒11-year-olds were retarded as school pupils. Examination as to knowledge acquired in school revealed that their ability to write was much below the average for their age; as many as 36% were poor or very poor readers. The teachers designated 80% of the boys examined as difficult pupils; approximately half of them ‒ as distinctly over-excitable and aggressive. Not less than 75% played truant, 29% stole in school. 28% of  the boys investigated ran away from home. Having regard to the boys’ age, of significance is the relatively high percentage of them (24%) who were found to drink from time to time wine and even vodka. An intelligence test (WISC) revealed in the majority of cases (61%) a normal level of intelligence (with IQs above 90). 31% of them had IQs of 70-90, and in 8% the IQs below 70. The quite substantial percentage of dullness found in the children may be related to their school retardation, particularly in view of the significant dependence found between the lowered IQ and marked shortcomings in reading and writing. Of course, a lowered intellectual level may also have been caused, as environmental interviews showed, by considerable neglect of such children, a phenomenon with which we shall deal later. Psychiatric examination revealed neurotic disorders of personality in 47% ot the children examined. As many as 35% of them were brought up in broken families (semiorphans or divorced parents). 64% of the fathers were heavy drinkers and in addition 20% of the mothers of the same children indulged too freely in alcohol. In 62% of the families the relationship between the parents was unsatisfactory; 52% of the fathers were described by the mothers as “quicktempered and nervous”. In almost one-third of the families at least one member had committed offences and had been already convicted by acourt. It was found that 39% of the families had inadequate financial situation, unable to satisfy the child’s basic needs. In 23% of the families the children suffered from extreme neglect, and even the remaining families failed to give their children adequate care. Frequently, the children investigated (61%) were subjected to severe corporal punishment. It emerged that various negative factors, typical of the family atmosphere of the children examined, were more frequent in the case of those boys who had already stolen prior to their court appearance at the age of 10‒11. These factors included: being reared in broken families, excessive drinking by fathers, unsatisfactory relationship between parents, fathers irascible and nervous, court convictions against family members, extreme neglect of the children, subjection to severe corporal punishment. Those of the children examined who had already previously stolen also revealed more frequently than the others other disturbances in the process of socialization – they ran away from home and drank alcohol. In 1972, five years after the research outlined above, follow-up investigations were made with a view to establishing the subsequent progres of the 100 10–11-year-old boys studied, how they got on in school, whether they committed offences, and what was the atmosphere in their homes. After the next five years it was possible to divide the boys investigated into three groups: I – those not convicted during the period – only 30%; II – those who during the period had one or two court appearances (37%); and III – those who went most seriously astray, being convicted at least three times – as many as 33% of the total. (Boys charged on a further 6 occasions accounted for 12% of the total.) Juvenile thieves charged at the age of 10-11 reveal distinct tendencies to rapid recidivism. Although 29 of the boys were committed to educational institutions or approved schools, their school career showed further shortcomings. There was a marked increase in the percentage of retarded boys, one-third were at least two years behind, 40% did not complete primary school, although all of them should have done so (even allowing for a slight time lag). The process of demoralization is linked with intensified shortcornings as pupils – the most intensive shortcomings were observed in group III: those with the most convictions. At the end of the five years, crimes committed by the boys’ families were also found to have increased; the percentage of families in which fathers or brothers have been convicted was up to 44. Notable in the families of 50 boys was the developing incidence of crimes committed by brothers; in as many as 60% of these families brothers had been convicted, The type of crimes committed and the type of recidivism found among members of the family indicated that about one-third of the families belong to criminal environment. The boys from group III – those with the most convictions during the follow-up period – came much more often from such families and circles than those belonging to the remaining groups. The problem of youngsters charged in court at a very early age – 10-11 years old – is above all a problem of education and care. The fact that they were reared in unsatisfactory family environments favoured recidivism in these children during the five years of follow-up period, and an especially marked concentration of negative factors (excessive drinking on the part of the parents, offences committed by the father, absolute neglect of the children) was found in the families of the most severely demoralized lads of group III. Some symptoms of social maladjustment found already at the age of 10-11 were a significant prediction of further recidivism. Boys, who had already committed thefts prior to their arraignment at 10-11 years old were during the follow-up period much more frequently found among recidivists – notably among those of group III. These recidivists differed significantly from the remaining groups in having started to steal when very young. The repeated drinking of alcohol, already at the age of 10-11, was also significant for the prediction of further criminal conduct. Moreover, the recidivists, were more frequently found among those who at the age of 10-11 had run away from home. And among juvenile recidivists of group III, clearly indicated was a greater frequency than with the remainder of running away from home, even at so early age. It is of interest that the three groups of boys (I: without further convictions, II: with one or two court appearances and III: at least three times convicted) did not differ significantly in respect to the value of property stolen at the age of 10-11. But it emerged that recidivism was more frequent among boys investigated who at the age of 10-11 had been backward at school and among those in whom tests indicated an IQ below 90. Thus the problem of school teaching, the great gaps in knowledge and objective difficulties in learning are fundamental problems in early delinquency. This suggests the need for early identification of children experiencing various types of difficulties in school. Since the majority of the homes investigated were unable to guarantee the children conditions for normal development even during the pre-school period, and since the process of demoralization of the children examined had started very early, the present survey spot-lighted a category of families in which the appropriate child-care authorities simply must intervene at a very early stage. Such official intervention should be combined with detailed medical and psychiatric examinations of the children already during the pre-school period. The early spot-lighting of such homes is of fundamental significance in the prophylaxis of social maladjustment of youngsters
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1974, VI; 128-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postawa ciała chłopców wiejskich z niedoborem i nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej w organizmie
Body posture of rural boys with deficiency or excess of body fat
Górniak, Krystyna
Lichota, Małgorzata
Popławska, Helena
Dmitruk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
body posture
postawa ciała
The aim of this study was to analyze the body posture and arches of the feet of rural boys with deficiency or excess of body fat, and to compare these parameters with those of participants with normal adiposity. The study was conducted in 2008 among rural children and adolescents from Biała Podlaska Province. Adiposity and body posture of 589 boys aged between 7 and 18 years were analyzed. Three groups of boys, with deficiency or excess of adipose tissue and normal adiposity, were identified on the basis of percentile charts of percentage body fat. Body posture was examined with Posturometr-S device and classified according to Wolański’s typology modified by Zeyland-Malawka. Arches of the feet were determined with podoscope, according to Weissflog. Analysis of the prevalence of various types of body posture revealed that the kyphotic type was most frequent among boys with normal percentage of body fat. Balanced type of body posture was more prevalent among the participants with deficiency of body fat, and the lordotic type among those with excessive adiposity. Scoliosis was documented most often among boys with low percentage of body fat, and flat feet among those characterized by high adiposity.
Celem pracy była ocena postawy ciała oraz wysklepienia stóp chłopców wiejskich z niedoborem i nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej na tle badanych o prawidłowej zawartości tej tkanki w organizmie. Badania przeprowadzono w 2008 roku wśród dzieci i młodzieży wiejskiej z powiatu bialskiego. Scharakteryzowano otłuszczenie i postawę ciała 589 chłopców w wieku 7-18 lat. Wykorzystując wartości centylowe tkanki tłuszczowej w procentach wydzielono 3 grupy chłopców: z niedoborem, z nadmiarem i o prawidłowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. Postawę ciała oceniono przy pomocy Posturometru-S, określając typ postawy ciała wg metody Wolańskiego z uwzględnieniem modyfikacji Zeyland-Malawki. Wysklepienie stóp badano podoskopem, przy zastosowaniu metody Wejsfloga. Analizując częstość występowania poszczególnych typów postawy ciała można stwierdzić, że najwięcej sylwetek kifotycznych zaobserwowano u chłopców o prawidłowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. Postawy równoważne dotyczyły w większym stopniu badanych z niedoborem, a postawy lordotyczne z nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej. Boczne skrzywienie kręgosłupa najczęściej stwierdzano u chłopców o niskim otłuszczeniu, natomiast płaskostopie u badanych o dużej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2014, 40, 2; 163-176
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i motywacje powołań kapłańskich na terenie obecnej diecezji ełckiej w latach 1945-1998
Genesis and Motivations of Priestly Vocations in the Area of the Current Diocese of Ełk in 1945-1998
Salamon, Marian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Priestly vocation
holy mass
religious groups
altar boys
For the development of priestly vocations significant impact have well organized and dynamically conducted pastoral activities. It was found in the research that almost half of the priests were interested in priesthood already in the years of primary school. The significant influence then had talks of young people with priests. The recognition of the calling was made through the participation of young people in religious groups, especially in the Oaza movement. Altar boys, as well as Holy Mass and adoration services have a beneficial effect on the roots and development of priestly vocations. In choosing a vocation, religious motives were predominant. The quality of moral life of the society and the personal authority of the priest are also important.
Studia Ełckie; 2020, 22, 1; 87-102
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy istnieje problem seksualizacji chłopców i mężczyzn?
Is there a problem of sexualization of boys and men?
Dobosz,, Dagmara
Front-Dziurkowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem seksualizacji chłopców i mężczyzn. Większość dotychczasowych raportów oraz opracowań traktuje o tej problematyce w odniesieniu do kobiet i dziewczyn, ze względu na ograniczoną ilość danych opisujących to zjawisko z perspektywy drugiej płci. Artykuł ma charakter przekrojowy, przedstawiono w nim następujące zagadnienia: komercjalizację męskiego ciała, wyidealizowanie męskiej sylwetki i sposoby portretowania męskiej seksualności przez media, wzorce męskości w pornografii oraz konsekwencje tych zjawisk. W opracowaniu wykorzystano liczne dane ukazujące aktualny stan wiedzy na prezentowany temat.
This article is intended to signal the sexualisation of boys and men. Most of the reports and studies to date deal cover this issue relating to women and girls, i.a. due to the limited amount of data describing this phenomenon from the perspective of the other sex. The presented text is cross-sectional, showing the following topics: commercialisation of the male body, idealised male silhouette and ways of portraying male sexuality through the media, masculinity patterns in pornography, and the consequences of the abovementioned phenomena. Numerous data have been used to illustrate the current state of knowledge on the subject.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2017, 16, 3; 83-102
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań 432 chłopców “nie uczących się i nie pracujących”
Findings of the Research among Boys
Kołakowska-Przełomiec, Helena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania kryminologiczne
social maladjustment
criminological research
The boys examined in the l967/68 school year (the first year in which the educational authorities registered this category of youth) were older than the subjects in the following year. As has been already indicated, 43 per cent of the boys in 1967/68 had passed their 17th birthday, compared to only 23 per cent in 1968/69. It is worth noting, however, that the number of l5-year-olds was small, only 23 and 36 per cent respectively. Since only a third of all the subjects were at least 17 at the time of registration, the question of the employment of these boys in the period preceding their referral to vocational school is not worth entering into. The basic point is connected with the course of their school attendance – the degree to which the process of education at elementary school was disrupted and the length of time these boys had been out of school (among those who had completed the 7th grade and also those who had discontinued attendance at a normal vocational school). The surveys revealed the important fact that only a small percentage of the youth described as “out of school and out of work” had in actual fact been absent from school for a period of more than six months (including the summer holiday): in the two succeeding years the number of boys of this kind was 28 and 21 per cent, while the number who had no breaks in school attendance whatsoever was 33 per cent in the first year and as much as 77 per cent in the next. On the other hand, the process of education had been highly disturbed: among the subjects attending one-year vocational schools only 21 per cent had no record of retardation at elementary school, and barely one per cent in the two-year schools. Among the boys attending the one-year schools 28 and 24 per cent had dropped two years behind, and 11 and 18 per cent three years or more. The boys in the two-year schools who had completed only 4 - 6 grades were of course even more retarded: in 1967/68 retardation of two years was shown by 28 per cent and in 1968/69 by 45 per cent, and three years or more by 52 and 39 per cent respectively. As many as 70 – 80 per cent of all the subjects had been systematically truant from elementary school, and about two-thirds had long-lasting disciplinary difficulties. In considering these boys’ failures at school, attention should be given to the results of tests of their achievement level and of their scores in the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. On the whole the subjects’ achievement level in mathematics differed markedly from that of a comparative sample of children in corresponding grades of elementary school. Bad marks in mathematics were scored by 62 and 64 per cent of the boys in the one-year schools and 83 and 86 per cent of the boys in the two-year schools. There were also considerable differences in achievement in Polish between the subjects and the control group. Particular emphasis should be given to the bad scores recorded in silent reading and comprehension tests not only by many of the boys in the two-year schools who had not completed the 7th grade but also by many of the boys in the one-year schools. This low achievement level in basic subjects was undoubtedly a serious obstacle to learning progress for the majority of the subjects, not only earlier at elementary school, but also at vocational school. Raven’s Progressive Matrices testing, first of all, reasoning ability revealed in 1967/68 a larger percentage of boys with low and very low scores than in the control group. The subjects in the one-year schools had better scores than the subjects in the two-year school. In the following year, 1968/69, however, the percentage with low and very low scores decreased, though it remained higher among the boys attending two-year schools than one-year schools. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices scores do not, however, explain all the reasons for the boys’ great degree of school retardation, since there was a fairly large group which had good and very good scores. Their failure at school must be connected with other factors than low reasoning ability. These may be deficiencies in other mental abilities, personality disorders, neglect at home, etc. In examining the degree of social maladjustment (the criteria were discussed earlier) of the boys surveyed in 1967/68 it was found that: 1) only 28 per cent of the boys could be judged seriously socially maladjusted; they displayed a number of symptoms of marked demoralization and committed offences (theft); 2) 35 per cent could be called moderately maladjusted: they had been out of school or out of work longer than six months, had been frequently truant, and some of them also displayed other symptoms of maladjustment of a less marked order: 3) a relatively large group (36 per cent) were boys who by and large displayed only symptoms of school maladjustment, and symptoms of demoralization only sporadically. It should be added that the number of seriously maladjusted boys was much smaller in the one-year schools (25 per cent) than among those who had not completed the 7th grade and had been placed in the two-year schools (33 per cent). It is worth drawing attention to the fact that boys with various Raven scores and various achievement levels in basic subjects can be found in similar percentages both among the group of boys only  slightly socially maladjusted and the group of boys moderately or seriously maladjusted. However, the more socially maladjusted boys had worse home backgrounds than the others and no doubt suffered from greater personality disorders since they had already earlier caused more serious disciplinary problems. The greater degree of maladjustment among this groups of boys who had made bad progress at school was, therefore, affected by factors connected with personality and home background. It should be noted that 34 per cent of the subjects in 1967/68 and 33 per cent in 1968/69 came from broken homes. Fathers who were excessive drinkers (alcohol addicts among them) constituted 41 per cent of the total, and the number of brothers (over ten years of age) who displayed various symptoms of social maladjustment came to 30 per cent. Bad material conditions were found in almost half the homes of the subjects. The surveys revealed that the percentage of boys “out of school and out of work” who had appeared before juvenile courts was relatively small. Among the total number of subjects (432), only 28.4 per cent had been prosecuted before being directed to vocational school. In the period of attendance to vocational school and later a total of 39 boys were convicted, but only 14 of those had previous convictions. The percentage of boys brought to court rose only very slightly to 31.7 per cent, and it should be emphasized that the percentage of recidivists with three or more cases among the total number convicted came to only 24 per cent (including juvenile court appearances). A large majority of the subjects are therefore boys who were not seriously delinquent even though they displayed a whole series of symptoms of social maladjustment. The careers of the boys after placement in vocational schools are basically contingent on the degree of their social maladjustment, and only this, and not appearance in court, forms the proper criterion for assessing the difficulties encountered by efforts to normalize these boys. Although the subjects’ attendance at the vocational schools was not regular and there was a considerable degree of absenteeism from the practical training periods, while a large percentage (53 and 41 per cent in the two succeeding years) failed to complete the vocational course on time, follow-up studies showed that only a third of the subjects in 1967/68 and a fifth in 1968/69 had not subsequently continued their education or entered employment. These boys, in the case of whom attempts at rehabilitation had been wholly unsuccessful, did not exceed 25 per cent of the total of 432. Virtually all of them came from the group of subjects with serious prior social maladjustment who had long displayed advanced symptoms of demoralization.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1972, V; 32-83
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chłopcy – nowi opresjonowani? Zwrot w genderowych badaniach edukacyjnych
Boys as the “New Disadvantaged”? The Turn in Research on Gender and Education
Kopciewicz, Lucyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
panika moralna
moral panic
W niniejszym artykule autorka skupia się na przeglądzie debat „o chłopcach” z Wielkiej Brytanii, ze Stanów Zjednoczonych i z Australii. Omawia przyczyny pojawienia się tych debat oraz podkreśla ten rodzaj polemiki, która nieprzerwanie informuje o moralnej panice dotyczącej kwestii chłopców, którzy nabyli status „nowych opresjonowanych”. Autorka bada przyczynę przedstawiania tego zagadnienia jako kryzysu edukacyjnego lat 90. XX wieku oraz to, jaki wpływ ma na niego feminizm. Najważniejsza część tego artykułu koncentruje się na retoryce ostrego sprzeciwu antyfeministycznego i jego wpływu na dyskusje na temat chłopięcej edukacji.
In this paper the author provides an overview of the debates “about the boys” in United Kingdom, United States and Australia. The ways in which these debates have emerged are discussed to highlight the type of polemic which continues to inform about the moral panic surrounding the issues of boys who have acquired the status of the “new disadvantaged”. The author explores how the issue has been portrayed as an educational crisis of the nineties and how this problem has been attributed to the impact of feminism. The most important part of the paper focuses on an anti-feminist backlash rhetoric and its impact on debates about boys’ education.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2015, 18, 2(70); 37-53
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Specyfika przystosowania społecznego uczniów zdolnych
Peculiarities of social adaptation of gifted students
Anisimova, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
social adaptation
społeczna adaptacja
W artykule omówiono aspekty teoretyczne i dowody empiryczne dotyczące adaptacji społecznej uzdolnionych uczniów. Autorka opisuje wskaźniki rozwoju psychicznego uczniów zdolnych oraz ich poziom adaptacji społecznej, także w zależności od płci.
The article discusses the theoretical views and empirical evidence about the features of social adaptation of gifted students. Describes the indicators of mental development of gifted students and their level of social adaptation. The article also discusses the features of smart indicators for gifted children with reference to gender peculiarities.
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy; 2016, 16, 9; 109-115
Pojawia się w:
Student Niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zdrowotność stylu życia uczniów szkoły zawodowej we Wrocławiu
Health behaviors high school unions students in Wroclaw
Łazorczyk, Magdalena
Domaradzki, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
styl życia
aktywność fizyczna
zachowania zdrowotne
physical activity
health behaviors
Background. Lifestyle has the biggest impact on human health. It is a set of everyday human behaviors, the standard responses and certain personality traits. Material and methods. The material includes survey data of 54 male students (aged 16) attending a vocational school in Wroclaw. The survey was conducted in April 2012. The self-made questionnaire adopted in the study was self-contained and consisted of questions relating to the boys’ lifestyle, participation in physical education lessons and extra-curricular activities, regular workouts, nutrition and ways of spending free time. Statistical analysis included calculation of: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Spearman’s correlation and percentages, taking into account the analysis of selected sports. Results and conclusions. The vast majority of 16-year-old boys associated a healthy lifestyle with physical activity and healthy food. The majority of respondents see the need for physical activity. It is manifested by their regular participation in physical education lessons, and quite often, in extra-curricular activities.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2015, 48; 127-136
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anita Gulczyńska, „Chłopaki z dzielnicy”. Studium społeczno-pedagogiczne z perspektywy interakcyjnej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2013, ss. 266
A book review: Anita Gulczyńska, Chłopaki z dzielnicy. Studium społeczno-pedagogiczne z perspektywy interakcyjnej, Publishing House UŁ, Łódź 2013
Marszałek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii
research socially engaged
life of a generation of young boys from a downtown district
The text constitutes a review of a publication of the doctoral dissertation. It is an example of the research socially engaged. The book invites the reader for a journey, during which we can discover the life conditions of a generation of young boys from the downtown district.
Parezja. Czasopismo Forum Młodych Pedagogów przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN; 2015, 1
Pojawia się w:
Parezja. Czasopismo Forum Młodych Pedagogów przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zespół Aspergera u bliźniąt – dylematy diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne. Opis przypadku
Asperger syndrome in twins – the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas. Case report
Łucka, Izabela
Pleskot-Kaczmarek, Joanna
Rynkiewicz, Agnieszka
Przybyła-Ożóg, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
Asperger syndrome
autism spectrum disorders
całościowe zaburzenia rozwojowe
zespół aspergera
The purpose of this article is to present the case of twin boys who exhibited the characteristics of Asperger syndrome (AS). The twins were initially treated at an outpatient department and diagnosed with AS. Then they were hospitalised at the Medical University of Gdansk, in the Adolescents Ward of the Clinic of Developmental Psychiatry, Psychotic and Geriatric Disorders – for rediagnosis. Due to the divorce of the boys’ parents and the breakup of their family, the boys were affected in several ways by their parental upbringing. The twins exhibited many deficits, mostly impairment in social functioning, and were “evaluated” by many specialists, but each time the diagnosis did not go beyond the tentative stage. Both twins were involved in the fights of the ex-partners (their parents), who alternately either ignored the boys’ developmental impairments or did not accept the diagnosis and therapeutic directives offered. The introduction to this article also presents and explains what Asperger syndrome is. On the basis of the current research on autistic disorders in the DSM-5™ classification, all the previously indicated diagnostic units have been combined into one common diagnosis: autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, the criteria for identifying disorders in reference to the whole spectrum of autistic disorders are controversial and cause disputes among experts. Molloy and Vasil consider the Asperger syndrome to be a neurological difference, which by current accepted social norms has been elevated to the rank of a disorder. Levin and Schlozman doubt and question the way of differentiating behaviours which are within the social norm and behaviour which should be considered as a disorder. On the other hand, Baron-Cohen claims that Asperger syndrome is not a disability, but just a different cognitive style, a different way of thinking.
Podstawowym celem pracy jest przedstawienie losów bliźniąt prezentujących objawy zespołu Aspergera (ZA). Początkowo chłopców leczono ambulatoryjnie (rozpoznanie: ZA), później trafili na Oddział Młodzieżowy Kliniki Psychiatrii Rozwojowej, Zaburzeń Psychotycznych i Wieku Podeszłego Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w celu rediagnostyki. Bliźnięta były poddawane zmiennym oddziaływaniom wychowawczym – z uwagi na rozwód rodziców, rozpad rodziny i stratę osób znaczących dla systemu rodzinnego. Z powodu licznych deficytów, zwłaszcza w funkcjonowaniu społecznym, chłopców badało szereg specjalistów, zawsze jednak kończyło się to na etapie wstępnej diagnozy. Dzieci zostały włączone w walkę między byłymi małżonkami (swoimi rodzicami), co przejawiało się negowaniem na przemian przez jednego i drugiego rodzica obserwowanych nieprawidłowości w rozwoju dzieci oraz brakiem akceptacji dla ustalonego rozpoznania i zaleceń terapeutycznych. Artykuł wzbogacono o część teoretyczną, wprowadzającą do zagadnienia określanego mianem zespołu Aspergera. Zgodnie z aktualną wiedzą na temat zaburzeń autystycznych w klasyfikacji DSM-5™ scalono wszystkie wyszczególniane uprzednio jednostki diagnostyczne we wspólne rozpoznanie: zaburzenie ze spektrum autyzmu (ASD). Kryteria identyfikacji zaburzeń należących do ASD są jednak kontrowersyjne i dzielą ekspertów. Molloy i Vasil uznają zespół Aspergera za odmienność neurologiczną, z której obecne oczekiwania społeczne uczyniły zaburzenie. Levin i Schlozman kwestionują sposób dzielenia zachowań na te mieszczące się w granicach normy i te, które należy już uznać za zaburzenie. Baron-Cohen twierdzi zaś, że zespół Aspergera nie jest niepełnosprawnością, ale innym stylem poznawczym, innym sposobem myślenia.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2014, 14, 1; 55-60
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany w sprawności motorycznej wśród uczniów klas i-III ze środowiska wiejskiego w województwie śląskim w latach 1999-2012
Changes in motor performance among 1st, 2nd and 3rd class primary school students from rural areas in silesia province in the years 1999-2012
Rodziewicz-Gruhn, Joanna
Szymanek, Marta
Połacik, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
motor performance
motor abilities
secular trend
sprawność motoryczna
uzdolnienia motoryczne
trend sekularny
The aim of the paper was to determine the level of motor development and changes in motor performance in children from rural areas from Częstochowa region (Silesia Province) examined in the years 1999 and 2012. The research included boys and girls aged 7-9 from primary schools in Wręczyca Wielka Commune in Kłobuck County (Silesia Province). The first study was conducted in November in the school year 1999/2000 and embraced 270 students (135 girls and 135 boys); the same number of students – 270 students (135 girls and 135 boys) – was examined in the school year 2012/2013. The evaluation of motor performance was done on the basis of Zuchora Physical Fitness Index following the instructions included in the manual. The results were subjected to statistical analysis and arithmetic means and measures of spread were calculated. In order to determine the directions and scope of changes in motor performance the 2012 study results were normalized to the results obtained in 1999. The assessment of the significance of differences was made with the help of t Student test. In the years 1999-2012 unambiguous significant changes in the level of motor performance in particular age groups were not observed in girls and boys aged 7-9 from rural areas. The observed changes in motor structure refer to the progress of results in agility tests and abdominal muscle strength tests as well as regression in speed in the case of girls. Other results were at similar level. In the case of boys, the authors reported a decrease in the level of results obtained in speed tests and tests of muscle strength of the arms. Whereas similar results were obtained in strength tests, abdominal muscle strength tests and jumping ability tests. The improvement in flexibility skills was also observed.
Celem niniejszego opracowania było określenie poziomu rozwoju motorycznego i zmian występujących w sprawności motorycznej dzieci ze środowiska wiejskiego z regionu częstochowskiego (woj. śląskie) badanych w latach 1999 i 2012 . W badaniach uczestniczyli dziewczęta i chłopcy w wieku 7 - 9 lat ze szkół podstawowych w gminie Wręczyca Wielka w powiecie kłobuckim (woj. śląskie). Pierwsze badanie zostało przeprowadzone w listopadzie w roku szkolnym 1999/2000 i objęto nim 270 uczniów (135 dziewcząt i 135 chłopców), podobnie kształtuje się liczba badanych w roku szkolnym 2012/2013 - 270 uczniów (135 dziewcząt i 135 chłopców). Sprawność motoryczną badanych oceniono w oparciu o próby Indeksu Sprawności Fizycznej Zuchory stosując się do zaleceń zawartych w instrukcji. Wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej wyliczając średnie arytmetyczne i miary rozsiewu. W celu określenia kierunków i rozmiarów przemian w sprawności motorycznej wyniki badań z roku 2012 unormowano na rezultaty uzyskane w 1999 roku. Oceny istotności różnic dokonano przy pomocy testu t- Studenta. W latach 1999-2012 u dziewcząt i chłopców w wieku 7-9 lat pochodzących ze środowiska wiejskiego nie odnotowano jednoznacznych istotnych zmian w poziomie sprawności motorycznej w poszczególnych grupach wieku. Zaobserwowane zmiany struktury motoryczności w przypadku dziewcząt dotyczą progresu rezultatów w próbach gibkości i siły mięśni brzucha oraz regresu w szybkości. Pozostałe wyniki były na zbliżonym poziomie. W przypadku chłopców, odnotowano obniżenie się poziomu wyników uzyskanych w próbach : szybkości i siły mięśni ramion, zbliżone wyniki uzyskano natomiast w próbach wytrzymałości, siły mięśni brzucha, skoczności. Odnotowano również poprawę zdolności gibkościowych.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2014, 40, 2; 107-120
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służba kobiet w liturgii – Tradycja Kościoła a współczesna praktyka pastoralna. Stan badań na rok 2020 przed ogłoszeniem motu proprio „Spiritus Domini”
Women’s ministry in liturgy – the Tradition of the Church and contemporary pastoral practice. State of the research in 2020 before promulgation of the motu proprio „Spiritus Domini”
Akonom, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
altar boys
altar girls
liturgical ministry
służba liturgiczna
Liturgical ministry, which has its roots in the times before Jesus Christ’s birth, has been exercised by boys and young men for thousands years. The 20th century liturgical reforms have also opened doors to girls’ and women’s liturgical ministry. The aim of the article is to present the changes in celebration throughout history and to clarify the range of possibilities and general competences of women and girls during the celebration. The article presents state of the research in 2020 and does not include the issues raised in the motu proprio Spiritus Domini. The article is divided into four chronological parts. The first one deals with the archetypes of minsters from the Old Testament. The second one characterizes the evangelical context of the liturgical ministry. The third part describes the development of the altar boys’ service over the centuries. The fourth part concerns on the times after the Second Vatican Council, therefore on the actual liturgical renewal in the Church all over the world and in Poland. The text itself is based on the Holy Bible, the Church’s Magisterium’s documents and source literature. The thesis analyzes the above texts and is of analytical and theoretical nature. The result shows specific possibilities of women’s involvement in liturgical ministry structures. It also names the roles they undertake in liturgical groups during celebrations. Based on the available sources and historical circumstances it should be enabled for women and girls to engage in ministry that includes reading and singing, whereas the traditional liturgical ministry, apart from bringing the altar gifts by the laity, should be reserved for men and boys unless the diocesan bishop decides otherwise.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2023, 32, 1; 53-67
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transmedialność „Chłopców z Placu Broni”. Fenomen popularności powieści Ferenca Molnára
Transmediality of The Paul Street Boys
Szawerdo, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Ferenc Molnár
Chłopcy z Placu Broni
opowieść transmedialna
The Paul Street Boys
transmedia novel
Powieść Ferenca Molnára Chłopcy z Placu Broni powstała ponad 110 lat temu, ale między innymi dzięki zjawisku konwergencji medialnej nie traci na popularności. Uniwersalna problematyka, propagowane w niej wartości takie jak: lojalność i odpowiedzialność, szczera przyjaźń, a także gotowość do obrony małego terytorium, które było czymś więcej niż tylko placem zabaw grupy chłopców, były wzorami do naśladowania dla wielu pokoleń młodzieży, także w Polsce. Na przykładzie opowieści transmedialnych opartych na tym utworze widać rolę, jaką odegrały one w utrzymaniu jego popularności, skłaniając jednocześnie do nowych interpretacji pierwowzoru.
Ferenc Molnár’s novel, The Paul Street Boys, was written over 110 years ago, but it is still popular, for example, thanks to the phenomenon of media convergence. Universal problems, promoted values, such as: loyalty, responsibility, honest friendship, as well as readiness to protect a small territory, which was more than just a playground for a group of boys. These qualities were followed by many generations of young people, also in Poland. Transmedia novels, based on this work, show the role they played in maintaining its popularity, at the same time stimulating new interpretations of the original.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura; 2020, 12, 3; 66-78
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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