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Troska o małżeństwo i rodzinę w wypowiedziach polityków w prasie katolickiej w latach 2005-2014
Care for Marriage and Family in the Words of Politicians in the Catholic Press (2005-2014)
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
catholic press
prasa katolicka
In the Catholic press we can find politicians’ words about family and marriage. This is the way to fulfill the following tasks: a) the Church has to assess the politics and politicians in their moral aspect, and cannot accept the evil, while approving of the good sides of the politicians’ work promotes the good; b) the Catholic press should help to shape the society according to the Catholic values; c) in the politicians’ work it is crucial to remember that his job is to serve the country and the people. The article presents the politicians’ words related to the following aspects of the marriage and family life: the need to defend the real concept of the marriage between a man and a woman; same-sex marriages seen as a contradiction to the natural law; the gender ideology treated as a threat to the constitutional norms of forming a marriage; the need for every Christian to engage in the defense of marriage and family; objection against abortion and euthanasia; the poverty-related threats to the family; the need to introduce the pro-family policy; the religious upbringing and the religious education at schools. The conclusion leads to the truth that in politics it is necessary to assess the situation first and then to present it openly to society. Hiding the truth is the first step to neglecting the real tasks of the Church. If the politics and the media lack the Christian voice, then the only thing that is left for the viewers and listeners is the voice of those who do not care about the Catholic values and Christ’s commandments.
Na stronach katolickiej prasy publikowane są wypowiedzi polityków na temat małżeństwa i rodziny. W ten sposób realizowane są następujące zadania: a) Kościół musi oceniać politykę i polityków od strony moralnej: nie może zachowywać milczenia wobec zła, a kiedy chwali dobre strony pracy polityków, promuje dobro; b) prasa katolicka w swej funkcji służebnej powinna pomagać w kształtowaniu życia społecznego według wartości chrześcijańskich; c) w pracy polityka najważniejsza jest nieustanna pamięć o tym, że jego zadaniem jest służba ludziom i państwu. W artykule przedstawione zostały – opublikowane w prasie katolickiej – wypowiedzi polityków dotyczące następujących aspektów życia małżeńskiego i rodzinnego: obrona prawdziwego wizerunku małżeństwa, jaki tworzą mężczyzna i kobieta, sprzeczność jednopłciowych związków z prawem naturalnym, ideologia gender zagrożeniem dla konstytucyjnych norm tworzenia wspólnoty małżeńskiej, konieczność angażowania się każdego z chrześcijan w obronę małżeństwa i rodziny, sprzeciw względem praktyki aborcji i wydawaniu pozwoleń na eutanazję, o niektórych niebezpieczeństwach grożących współczesnej rodzinie wynikających z niedostatku materialnego, o potrzebie wprowadzenia i realizowania polityki prorodzinnej, o religijnych wychowaniu dzieci i nauczaniu religii w szkołach. Konkluzją tekstu jest prawda, że w polityce zawsze najpierw trzeba ocenić sytuację i otwarcie przedstawić ją społeczeństwu, bo ukrywanie prawdy to pierwszy krok do rezygnacji z wykonania koniecznych zadań. Kiedy w polityce (i przekazie medialnym) zabraknie głosu chrześcijan, wtedy jedynymi treściami docierającymi do społeczeństwa będą takie, których autorzy nie liczą się z nauką Chrystusa i odrzucają Jego przykazania.
Studia nad Rodziną; 2015, 36; 175-192
Pojawia się w:
Studia nad Rodziną
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Repertuar muzyczny celebracji sakramentu małżeństwa. Aspekt medialny, kulturowy i liturgiczny
Musical Repertoire for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage: Media, Cultural and Liturgical Aspects
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
sakrament małżeństwa
muzyka liturgiczna
pieśni kościelne
sacrament of marriage
liturgical music
church songs
The choice of musical repertoire for the celebration of the sacramentof marriage has become the subject of more frequent and widespreaddiscussions. Media publications on the subject which provide suggestions forthe choice published in the media and promoted cultural solutions for musicattest to the existence of a problem and the urgent need to arrive at someform of resolution. In this article, the issue of music and songs at churchweddings is presented in three parts: the first clarifies the existing problem;the second shows the cultural factors which have led to the existence of theproblem; the third part demonstrates the urgent need to formulate a rightfulsolution regarding the choice of music within the context of Christian liturgy.Suggestions for this choice put forward in the mass media, together withcurrent cultural trends, do not always advocate appropriate choices.The guidelines given to the bridal couple in order to assist them intheir choice of music should always be in keeping with liturgical law.The rules and regulations which govern liturgical law lead to a deeperunderstanding among the faithful of the true meaning of sacramentalrituals and their Christian significance. Consequently, they can never besubject to personal taste alone. Observance of these regulations ensuresthe Christian authenticity of the liturgy as ordained by Christ and theChristian community, and it enhances the aesthetic aspect; indeed, everybridal couple wishes their nuptial Mass to be beautiful. Consequently, theyshould be made acquainted with the Church’s teaching on liturgical musicalsettings. Adherence to prescribed norms not only guarantees the essentialholiness of the liturgical celebration, but also ensures that their sanctity isnot undermined, and allows for inclusive participation in the liturgy.
Collectanea Theologica; 2020, 90, 1; 119-146
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Theologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
(rec.) Antonio S o r r e n t i n o, Sztuka przewodniczenia. Celebracje liturgiczne. Praktyczne wskazówki dla kapłanów, tł. P. Cembrowacz, Wydawnictwo M, Kraków 2009, ss. 183.
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2010, 19; 310-312
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rodzice chrzestni (Godparents) i opiekunowie duchowi (Sponsors) w Kościele Anglikański (Church of England)
Godparents and Sponsors in the Church of England
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Kościół anglikański
rodzice chrzestni
The role of Godparents is to speak on behalf of the infant being baptised during the baptism service itself and to support the parents in bringing the child up as a Christian within the family of the Church, so that that they will confess the faith for themselves and come in due time to confirmation. In order that they can fulfil their role Godparents need be able to make the declarations and promises in the baptism services, which is why the Church of England requires all Godparents to be baptised themselves and normally to be confirmed as well. That is also why it is not possible for a member of another faith to be a Godparent. Those who are baptised as infants normally have to have at least three Godparents. At least two of them have to be of the same sex as the infant and one has to be of the opposite sex. If it proves impossible for there to be three Godparents it is possible for a baptism to take place with one Godfather and one Godmother. Parents can be Godparents to their own children providing there is at least one other Godparent as well. Those who are older when they are baptised have sponsors rather than Godparents. The role of the Sponsor is not to speak for the person being baptised, but to formally present them for baptism and to help them in their growth as Christians after they have been baptised. There need to be at least two and preferably three Sponsors and they are chosen by the candidates for baptism themselves. Like Godparents they need to be baptised and normally also confirmed. As a Godparents, they have a special role. It’s about helping a child to come to know God, encouraging them in their spiritual life and supporting them in their membership of the local church. Godparents will be expected to be attend the child’s baptism, where they will make promises to help to bring them up in the Christian faith. It’s a role that will develop over time, as their godchild grows up and develops their own faith. The most important gifts godparents can give their godchild are their time, presence and prayers, but they will probably also want to mark the baptism or confirmation by giving a special gift. Godparents don’t have to buy expensive gifts. A simple, meaningful present is a good choice – maybe something to be used at the baptism, or a gift to be kept for later.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2010, 19; 171-184
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauka Kościoła o roli mediów w społeczeństwie
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
teaching of the Catholic Church
The Church as a community has the duty to participate in the activity of the media. This duty is enshrined in the legal codex of the community: “The shepherds of the Church are to teach the faithful that they have a duty to cooperate in the work of the media so that these become imbued with the human and Christian spirit”. Those belonging to the Church community should try to ensure that the media are a tool in the promotion of sanctity. This is only possible when the aim of the media message is to present the truth. In the context of the fight for media to present the truth one must fight to portray the freedom of an individual; Jesus taught clearly that: “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (St John 8: 32). So if the truth is to set us free, one needs to be free to accept it. The correct understanding of freedom is then the beginning of the educational attitude towards media and their duties. From the point of view of Christianity, freedom is a well-thought and discriminating choice of everything that is good, beautiful and truthful. The Catholic Church in its considered opinion of the mass media saw it, primarily, as a tool of evangelization. The new media and computerization give potentially an unlimited opportunity of proclaiming the message of salvation. The Church must remember that contemporary society most frequently bases its idea of the world and the purpose of life on the teachings of the media. That is why it is important that the message of salvation becomes part of that media experience. The priestly ministry in the world of computers should show this era, the era of faithless humanity, that God is close to every person, and that in Christ everyone belongs to each other.
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze; 2012, 55, 3; 24-34
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wzorzec dziennikarza według przekazu tygodnika katolickiego „Niedziela”
The Model Journalist according to the Niedziela Catholic Weekly
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
dziennikarz katolicki
tygodnik katolicki „Niedziela”
catholic journalist
catholic weekly “Niedziela”
W tekście przybliżono wzorzec dziennikarza przedstawiony na łamach tygodnika katolickiego „Niedziela”. Celem prezentacji jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytania: W jaki sposób powinien wykonywać on swoją pracę? Czy znajdują się objaśnienia, dzięki którym może dokładniej rozumieć dziennikarskie zadania i właściwie je realizować? Objaśnienia te autor odnalazł w tygodniku „Niedziela”; w znajdujących się tam tekstach opisane są następujące zagadnienia związane z dziennikarstwem: misja, profesjonalizm, rzetelność, otwartość, twórczość, uczciwość, etyczność, odpowiedzialność moralna, wyrażanie miłości do Boga – Prawdy, wartości chrześcijańskie. Do realizacji wskazanego celu posłużyły także znajdujące się w „Niedzieli” teksty opisujące błędne pojmowanie pracy dziennikarskiej i tworzenie złego medialnego przekazu. Dziennikarz nierozumiejący dziennikarskiej służby i odrzucający wartości odznacza się brakiem profesjonalizmu, promuje „gwiazdorski styl dziennikarstwa”, zastępuje służbę komercjalnością, posługuje się fałszywymi informacjami, zaprzestaje dążenia do prawdy i wydobywania dobra. W opracowaniu wykorzystane zostały metody: opisowa i hermeneutyczna; pozwoliły one na przedstawienie podjętego zagadnienia w świetle zgromadzonych publikacji oraz zinterpretowanie przywoływanych z nich treści. W ten sposób odnaleziono odpowiedzi na pytanie o wzorzec dziennikarza.
The article takes a closer look at the model journalist presented in the „Niedziela” Catholic weekly. The purpose of this presentation is to find answers to the following questions: in what way should a journalist perform his or her work? Are there explications thanks to which the journalist can understand professional tasks more precisely and carry them out more properly? The author found these explanations in the weekly “Niedziela.” The following issues related to journalism are described there: mission, professionalism, reliability, openness, creativity, honesty, ethics, moral responsibility, expressing love for God as the Truth, and Christian values. Texts published in “Niedziela“ describing misconceived journalistic work and the creation of poor media coverage also served the indicated purpose. A journalist who does not understand the principles of journalistic service and rejects its values is characterized by a lack of professionalism, promotion of “celebrity journalism,” replacing service with commercialism, using false information, not pursuing the truth and bringing out the good. The study uses descriptive and hermeneutic methods, which made it possible to present the issue in the light of the collected publications and to interpret the content cited from them. In this way, answers were found to the question concerning a model journalist.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2022, 38, 3; 425-442
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Liturgia uczty ofiarnej – komunia z Chrystusem i braćmi
Liturgy of sacrificial feast – the communion with Christ and brothers
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
msza święta
liturgia uczty ofiarnej
jedność z Bogiem i ludźmi
Modlitwa Pańska
The text entitled, “Liturgy of the Sacrificial Feast – the Communion with Christ and Brothers” presents an analysis of prayers and acts found in the Rite of Communion or that part of the Holy Mass which is leading from Our Father until after the Holy Communion Prayer. These Rites are imbued with the meanings connected with union with Christ, peace and union with our brothers. They allow the faithful to participate in God through the Divine Union with Him. In addition they expound the social dimension as the very word explains, that is “communio”. Separate elements of these rites represent as if steps, phases of this Communion.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2007, 16; 165-176
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obrzęd chrztu świętego w Kościele anglikańskim
The Baptism Service in the Church of England
Maciaszek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kościół anglikański
rodzice chrzestni
nowe narodziny
nowe życie
Church of England
new birth
new life
In the Church of England baptism must always be administered with water in the name of the blessed Trinity, according to Jesus Christ’s command (Mt 28,19). As regards the effect of this sacrament marks a person’s new birth into God’s kingdom. It is a death to sin and comprehends gifts that by nature people cannot have. In it they are regenerated and made members of Christ and children of God. Baptism is something that happens to someone on the outside (being dipped in or sprinkled with water) as a symbol or sign of something happening on the inside (repentance, forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit). The baptism of baby or an adult is a sign of the profound spiritual change which takes place when someone becomes a Christians. This is why this sacrament is celebrated as such an important event in the life of the Church. There are two basic types of baptism service in the Church of England. There are baptism services that follow the order of service in the Book of Common Prayer of 1662 and there are those that follow the orders of service in Common Worship that were authorised for use from 1998. In spite of the differences there are a number of core elements that can be seen in the orders of service in both the Book of Common Prayer and Common Worship, elements that are central to Christian baptism and that can be found in services of baptism from very early time. In the case of the Common Worship services there is the option for additional elements, which are also practices that go back to the early days of the Church. In the Anglican Churches godparents agree to take on three special responsibilities; to pray for the child, to set him a good example and to teach him. The Church expect parents and godparents to play their part in introducing the child to Christianity. Those who are older when they are baptized have sponsors rather than Godparents. The role of the sponsor is not to speak for the person being baptized, but to formally present them for baptism and to help them in their growth as Christians after they have been baptised.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2009, 1; 257-270
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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