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Analiza numeryczna przepływu ziaren materiału sypkiego i gazu w energetyce – studium wybranych przypadków
Zarzycki, Robert
Grajcar, Magdalena
Damasiewicz, Mariusz
Wiński, Mateusz
Smigielski, Jacek
Hepner, Wojciech
Kobyłecki, Rafał
Krawczyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
modelowanie przepływów
kocioł fluidalny
kotły energetyczne
W pracy przedstawiono problematykę modelowania przepływów materiału sypkiego i gazu na przykładzie kotła fluidalnego na parametry nadkrytyczne. Zaprezentowano podstawowe wiadomości o problematyce modelowania urządzeń energetycznych, w tym kotłów fluidalnych. Na podstawie wybranych przypadków dokonano analizy przepływu spalin i materiału cyrkulującego w leju komory paleniskowej, przepływu w komorze paleniskowej i cyklonach kotła. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można ocenić charakter przepływu materiału sypkiego i gazu w poszczególnych elementach kotła oraz zaproponować niezbędne modernizacje lub poprawę jego geometrii w celu ograniczenia występujących problemów.
Czysta energia i środowisko; 53-71
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stratygraficzne i przestrzenne aspekty zróżnicowania składu chemicznego późnoplejstoceńskich sekwencji lessowo-glebowych w Polsce – przykłady profili w Tyszowcach i Białym Kościele
The stratigraphic and spatial aspects of the differentiation of the chemical composition of the Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in Poland – a case study of the Tyszowce and Biały Kościół profiles
Skurzyński, Jacek
Jary, Zdzisław
Raczyk, Jerzy
Moska, Piotr
Krawczyk, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
gleba kopalna
wskaźniki wietrzeniowe
metoda chemostratygraficzna
weathering indices
chemostratigraphic method
Artykuł prezentuje porównanie składu geochemicznego i stopnia zwietrzenia chemicznego dwóch późnoplejstoceńskich sekwencji lessowo-glebowych, zlokalizowanych w SE i SW Polsce. Analiza chemiczna w zakresie pierwiastków głównych (Si, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Ti, P) oraz wyliczonych na ich podstawie wskaźników (CIA, Ti/Al, K/Al, Mg/Ca, K/Ca, Na/K oraz Si/Al) wykazała, że obie sekwencje są zróżnicowane zarówno w ujęciu stratygraficznym, jak i przestrzennym. Zmienność stratygraficzna związana jest ze zmianami paleoklimatu warunkującymi natężenie zarówno procesów lito-, jak i pedogenezy. Zmienność przestrzenna może wynikać z odmiennych warunków klimatycznych w trakcie tworzenia się sekwencji lessowo-glebowych, recyklingu lessów lub nawet odmiennego źródła materiału. Istotna może być też dysproporcja miąższości sekwencji, skutkująca zróżnicowanym wpływem infiltracji wód opadowych.
The article presents the comparison of the geochemical composition and the degree of chemical weathering between two Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences of SE and SW Poland. The results of major element (Si, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Ti, P) and geochemical index (CIA, Ti/Al, K/Al, Mg/Ca, K/Ca, Na/K oraz Si/Al) analyses indicate stratigraphical and spatial differentiation between sequences. The stratigraphic differentiation is connected with palaeoclimatic conditions which control the intensity of pedogenesis. The spatial variability may be attributed to different climatic conditions during the deposition of loess, the loess recycling process, or even to different source areas. The disproportion between the thicknesses of the loess covers can also be important. It can affect the rainwater infiltration effect.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2017, 106; 87-103
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Własności Przeciwarytmiczne I Hypotensyjne Nowych Analogów Teofiliny
Antiarrhythmic and Hypotensive Activity of New Analogues of Theophylline
Sapa, Jacek
Zygmunt, Małgorzata
Krawczyk, Łukasz
Dudek, Magdalena
Bednarski, Marek
Nowiński, Leszek
Knutelska, Joanna
Chłoń-Rzepa, Grażyna
Pawłowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Ośrodek Umea Shinoda-Kuracejo
hypotensive activity
theophylline antiarrhythmic activity
On the basis of our earlier studies in the group of 7,8-disubstituted derivatives of 1,3-dimetyl-3,7-dihydro-purine-2,6-dione, some new derivatives of theophylline were synthesized and tested for their electrocardiographic, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive activity as well as for α1-adrenoreceptor affinities. The performed preliminary tests indicated that new compounds did not significantly affect the normal ECG in vivo. As the result of present studies it may be concluded that all compounds did not possess hypotensive and arrhythmic activity. The results of the binding assays on α1-adrenergic receptors showed, that these derivatives display no affinity for α1-adrenergic receptors. Lack of antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive activity may result from the absence of affinity for the α1-adrenergic receptor. Performed chemical modifications lead to the loss of pharmacological activity previously observed among other derivatives in this group. Generally in comparison with the previously reported derivatives, replacing the phenoxyethylpiperazine by other moiety, changed the antiarrhythmic and hypotensive activity.
Medicina Internacia Revuo; 2013, 25, 100; 128-135
Pojawia się w:
Medicina Internacia Revuo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenia polskich ośrodków zajmujących się leczeniem pacjentów z rdzeniowym zanikiem mięśni.
Clinical, multicenter treatment of patients with spinal muscular atrophy - the experience in Poland
Ogrodnik, Magdalena
Chmielewski, Dariusz
Szwinge, Anna
Mazurkiewicz-Bełdzińska, Maria
Pruszczyk, Anna Kostera
Giza, Wojciech
Szymańska, Małgorzata
Kierkus-Dłużyńska, Karina
Łusakowska, Anna
Wójcik, Adrianna
Frączek, Anna
Czyżyk, Elżbieta
Michalska, Joanna
Krawczyk, Magdalena Chrościńska
Pilch, Jacek
Kotulska-Jóźwiak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologów Dziecięcych
rdzeniowy zanik mięśni
przebieg choroby
kopie SMN
demograficzne dane
cechy kliniczne
optymalizacja leczenia
analiza statystyczna
spinal muscular atrophy
burden of illness
SMN2 copies
clinical features
medication optimization
statistical data analysis
Rdzeniowy zanik mięśni (Spinal Muscular Atrophy, SMA) jest genetycznie uwarunkowanym postępującym schorzeniem charakteryzującym się przedwczesnym obumieraniem komórek ruchowych rdzenia kręgowego, którym szacunkowo w Polsce dotkniętych jest obecnie ok. 1200 osób. W pracy zaprezentowana jest analiza odpowiedzi na zaproponowaną przez autorów ankietę badawczą, która została rozesłana do ponad 30 krajowych ośrodków leczących SMA, zarówno u pacjentów dorosłych jak i dotkniętych nią dzieci. Zgromadzone dane o blisko 247 leczonych w Polsce pacjentów dorosłych oraz 286 dzieci, pozwoliły przy użyciu zaawansowanych narzędzi statystycznych, na wyciągnięcie istotnych wniosków dotyczących obecnej sytuacji terapeutycznej SMA w skali kraju. Ustalono rozkład wiekowy pacjentów z SMA i na jej podstawie wyznaczono zmiany wartości średniej masy ciała i jej mediany w zależności od typu SMA i liczby kopii genu SMN2. Przeanalizowano zależność występowania skoliozy oraz czynników ryzyka jej wystąpienia u pacjentów z SMA. W tym kontekście przedstawiono również dane dotyczące obecnych metod leczenia pacjentów, w szczególności z wykorzystaniem nusinersenu i wskazano główną przyczynę zaprzestania terapii tym preparatem. Dane przedstawione w pracy mogą być przydatne w optymalizacji oraz ocenie skuteczności leczenia. Jednocześnie praca nakreśla podstawowy obraz doświadczenia pacjenta i opiekuna z SMA w erze po leczeniu, w tym zmiany jakości życia z roku na rok w wyniku stosowania nowych terapii i lepszej opieki.stanu zagrożenia życia. Celem pracy jest podsumowanie informacji na temat dotychczas opublikowanych objawów neurologicznych COVID-19 w populacji pediatrycznej, ocena możliwych patomechanizmów ich powstawania oraz porównanie z objawami występującymi u dorosłych.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetically determined progressive disease characterized by the premature death of motor cells of the spinal cord, which currently affects approximately 1,200 people in Poland. The study presents an analysis of responses in the research questionnaire sent to over 30 national centers treating SMA, both in adult and children patients. The collected data on 247 adult patients and 286 children treated in Poland was processed with advanced statistical tools. The aim was to draw significant conclusions about the current therapeutic situation of SMA patients in the country. The age distribution was determined. The changes in average and median body weight were established depending on the type of SMA and the number of SMN2 gene copies. The relationship between scoliosis occurrence and risk factors for its occurrence in patients with SMA was analyzed. In this context, data on the current methods of treating patients, particularly with the use of nusinersen, was presented and the main reason for discontinuing the medication was indicated. Finally, the work outlines a basic picture of the patient’s and caregiver’s experience with SMA in the post-treatment era, including changes in quality of life, year by year, due to new therapies and better care.
Neurologia Dziecięca; 2021-2022, 31-32, 60; 11-25
Pojawia się w:
Neurologia Dziecięca
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja rozbudowy miejskiego transportu tramwajowego w Częstochowie
Concept for the expansion of urban tramway transport in Częstochowa
Krawczyk, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
transport miejski
transport zbiorowy
transport szynowy
transport tramwajowy
urban transport
collective transport
rail transport
tram transport
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję rozwoju miejskiego transportu szynowego w odniesieniu do stanu obecnie funkcjonującego w Częstochowie. Ocenie poddano nie tylko stan wykorzystywanej infrastruktury z uwzględnieniem miejskiego operatora transportu zbiorowego, ale przede wszystkim koncepcje rozwoju w formule „1+ 2+ 3+”, w odniesieniu do konkretnych linii tramwajowych. Z uwagi na najbardziej zaawansowane przygotowania do budowy nowej linii tramwajowej do dzielnicy Parkitka (3+), poddana analizie została zasadność obecnie realizowanej obsługi transportem autobusowym w dzielnicy. Przedstawiona została także ocena zastąpienia transportu autobusowego transportem szynowym z symulacją rozkładu potencjalnych nowych linii na odcinku od dzielnicy Tysiąclecie do Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w dzielnicy Parkitka. Ponadto, oceniono zapotrzebowanie na tabor, który obsłużyłby nowy układ linii tramwajowej nr 3 i obsługę nowej linii nr 4 relacji Północ-Parkitka.
The article presents a proposal for the development of urban rail transport in relation to the state of affairs at present in Częstochowa. Not only the state of the used infrastructure was evaluated with respect to the municipal public transport operator, but above all the development concepts in the formula “1+ 2+ 3+” in relation to specific tram lines. Due to the most advanced preparations for the construction of a new tram line to the Parkitka district (3+), the validity of the currently implemented bus transport service in the district was analysed. An assessment of the replacement of bus transport by rail transport was also presented with a simulation of the timetable of potential new lines on the section from the Tysiąclecie district to the Regional Specialist Hospital in the Parkitka district. In addition, the need for rolling stock to serve the new layout of tram line no. 3 and to serve the new North-Parkitka line no. 4 was assessed.
Transport Miejski i Regionalny; 2022, 3; 10--18
Pojawia się w:
Transport Miejski i Regionalny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Losy życiowe młodych mężczyzn, którzy w nieletniości popełnili co najmniej jedno przestępstwo pod wpływem alkoholu
Life Histories of Young Males Guilty as Juveniles of at Least One Offence Committed While Intoxicated
Krawczyk, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
młodzi mężczyźni
nieletni przestępcy
losy życiowe
badania kryminologiczne
young males
juvenile delinquents
life histories
criminological research
A study of two 100-person groups of juvenile delinquents born in 1959 was conducted in the years 1981‒1985 at the Department of Criminology, Institute of Legal Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. The first (experimental) group consisted of boys randomly selected from the total of 225 juveniles born in 1959 who had committed at least on offence while intoxicated. The other (control) group were 100 randomly juveniles selected from the entire population of 8196 juvenile delinquents born in 1959. None of the juveniles selected for the experimental group happened to find themselves in the control group as well. As shown by the findings, the juveniles who had committed at least one offence while intoxicated were much more demoralized as a group than the whole of juvenile delinquents. It seemed interesting, therefore, to follow the further fates of both groups as adults. The follow-up period was 7 years; until that time, all of the examined persons reached the age of 25 when the average Polish man be- comes stabilized to some extent, having graduated from university, worked for several or a dozen years (upon completion of secondary or elementary education respectively), and frequently having also established a family.  Data on the life situation of the young men from both examined groups on their 25th birthday were obtained from the following four sources: ‒ the Central Register of Convicted Persons kept  by the Ministry of Justice, and the Register of Convicted and Detained Persons where criminal records of the entire sample were checked; ‒ files of criminal cases of all men with criminal records (47.0% of the experimental and 35.0% of the control group); the files concerned criminal proceedings before common courts for offences committed after coming of age; ‒ questionnaire survey of 63.0% of the experimental and 66.0% of the control group; ‒ inquiry submitted to the sobering-up stations concerning the entire sample. As shown by the findings, 24.0% of the experimental and 13.0% of the control group established their own families before the age of 25. The proportions are high, as regards the experimental group in particular: erly in the 1980s, the newly married constituted about 10% of the total male population aged 20‒24 in Poland. The mean educational level was higher in the control compared to the experimental group; this concerns first  and foremost  cases of education higher than the elmementary technical (of which there were two in the experimental compared to ten in the control group). Moreover, no cases of illiteracy could be found in the control group, compared to one such case in the experimental group. Of all the men of the experimental group concerning whom data could be obtained, 80.4% had a regular job, and 19.6% stayed out of job or worked casually. Of the control group, 80.0% had a regular job (33% combining job with school), 18.3% stayed out of job or worked casually, and one person had entered university. The number of convicted persons in the experimental group (47) was larger compared to the control group (35) by 12.0%, the difference being significant. Also relapse into crime was higher in the expenmental group (l5 vs. 11 cases). The first offence committed by those convicted as young adults was mainly one against property: 35 cases in the experimental group (66.0% of all those convicted) and 28 cases in the control group (80.0%). The second most frequent offence of members of the experimental group was an aggressive act: against life and health, freedom, personal dignity and inviolability (10 persons, i.e. 18.8% of all those convicted). The offences of this type included: bodily injury (Art. 156 of the penal code – 3 persons, i.e. 6.4%); participation in a brawl or beating (Art. 158 and 159 – 1 person, i.e. 2.1%); infringement of bodily inviolability (Art. 182 – 3 persons, i.e. 6.4%); assault against a public functionary (Art. 233 and 234 – 1 person, i.e. 2.1%); insult against  a public functionary (Art. 236 – 1 person, i.e. 2.1%). In the control group, 6 cases of such offences could be found (9.1% of all those convicted);  yet the only offence under Art. 148 1 of the penal code, that is homicide, had been committed by a member of that goup.The other discussed figures and proportions were respectively: Art. l58, 159 – 3 persons, i.e. 8.6%; Art. 182 – 1 person (2.9%); Art. 233, 234 – 1 person (2.9%); and Art. 236 – 1   person (29%). Beside offences, the two groups manifested also other synptoms of social maladjustment. The symptoms found most often in both groups were: “contacts with persons known to the police as delinquent” and stays at the sobering-up station. As regards the experimental group, the third frequent symptom were brawls in the place of residence followed by bad opinion with neighbors, hooliganism, and avoidance of work. In the control group, avoidance of work ranked third, followed by bad opinion with neighbors, hooliganism, and brawls at the place of residence. This ranking of frequency of the symptoms of social maladjustment points to a greater aggressiveness of the young men from the experimental group. On the 63 young men from the experimental group concerning whom data  could be obtained, 62 (98.0%) drank alcohol. In the control group 59 (89.0%) of the 66 concerning whom data could be obtained were drinkers. The group of drinkers included all those who had drunk several times a week already  as juveniles, and 70% of those who had drunk once a week. In the control group, drinkers included 91.7% of those who had drunk as juvoniles (11 of 12 cases). Of those who had drunk as juveniles in the control group, 66.7% (8 cases) were convicted as adults. As shown by the discussed data, young men from the experimental group – those who committed as juveniles at least one offence while intoxicated prove much inferior in terms of the social situation  to other men who also committed offences as juveniles but did not drink alcohol. Therefore, early alcohol consumption among juvenile delinquents is an important factor of a negative prognosis as to the further fates of such persons. A number of postulates have been formulated, addressed at the prosecuting agencies, criminal justice, and institutions designed to assist persons in extraordinary situation. With respect to the present sample, all such postulates acquire special importance and must be met without fail.
A study of two 100-person groups of juvenile delinquents born in 1959 was conducted in the years 1981‒1985 at the Department of Criminology, Institute of Legal Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. The first (experimental) group consisted of boys randomly selected from the total of 225 juveniles born in 1959 who had committed at least on offence while intoxicated. The other (control) group were 100 randomly juveniles selected from the entire population of 8196 juvenile delinquents born in 1959. None of the juveniles selected for the experimental group happened to find themselves in the control group as well. As shown by the findings, the juveniles who had committed at least one offence while intoxicated were much more demoralized as a group than the whole of juvenile delinquents. It seemed interesting, therefore, to follow the further fates of both groups as adults. The follow-up period was 7 years; until that time, all of the examined persons reached the age of 25 when the average Polish man be- comes stabilized to some extent, having graduated from university, worked for several or a dozen years (upon completion of secondary or elementary education respectively), and frequently having also established a family.  Data on the life situation of the young men from both examined groups on their 25th birthday were obtained from the following four sources: ‒ the Central Register of Convicted Persons kept  by the Ministry of Justice, and the Register of Convicted and Detained Persons where criminal records of the entire sample were checked; ‒ files of criminal cases of all men with criminal records (47.0% of the experimental and 35.0% of the control group); the files concerned criminal proceedings before common courts for offences committed after coming of age; ‒ questionnaire survey of 63.0% of the experimental and 66.0% of the control group; ‒ inquiry submitted to the sobering-up stations concerning the entire sample. As shown by the findings, 24.0% of the experimental and 13.0% of the control group established their own families before the age of 25. The proportions are high, as regards the experimental group in particular: erly in the 1980s, the newly married constituted about 10% of the total male population aged 20‒24 in Poland. The mean educational level was higher in the control compared to the experimental group; this concerns first  and foremost  cases of education higher than the elmementary technical (of which there were two in the experimental compared to ten in the control group). Moreover, no cases of illiteracy could be found in the control group, compared to one such case in the experimental group. Of all the men of the experimental group concerning whom data could be obtained, 80.4% had a regular job, and 19.6% stayed out of job or worked casually. Of the control group, 80.0% had a regular job (33% combining job with school), 18.3% stayed out of job or worked casually, and one person had entered university. The number of convicted persons in the experimental group (47) was larger compared to the control group (35) by 12.0%, the difference being significant. Also relapse into crime was higher in the expenmental group (l5 vs. 11 cases). The first offence committed by those convicted as young adults was mainly one against property: 35 cases in the experimental group (66.0% of all those convicted) and 28 cases in the control group (80.0%). The second most frequent offence of members of the experimental group was an aggressive act: against life and health, freedom, personal dignity and inviolability (10 persons, i.e. 18.8% of all those convicted). The offences of this type included: bodily injury (Art. 156 of the penal code – 3 persons, i.e. 6.4%); participation in a brawl or beating (Art. 158 and 159 – 1 person, i.e. 2.1%); infringement of bodily inviolability (Art. 182 – 3 persons, i.e. 6.4%); assault against a public functionary (Art. 233 and 234 – 1 person, i.e. 2.1%); insult against  a public functionary (Art. 236 – 1 person, i.e. 2.1%). In the control group, 6 cases of such offences could be found (9.1% of all those convicted);  yet the only offence under Art. 148 1 of the penal code, that is homicide, had been committed by a member of that goup.The other discussed figures and proportions were respectively: Art. l58, 159 – 3 persons, i.e. 8.6%; Art. 182 – 1 person (2.9%); Art. 233, 234 – 1 person (2.9%); and Art. 236 – 1   person (29%). Beside offences, the two groups manifested also other synptoms of social maladjustment. The symptoms found most often in both groups were: “contacts with persons known to the police as delinquent” and stays at the sobering-up station. As regards the experimental group, the third frequent symptom were brawls in the place of residence followed by bad opinion with neighbors, hooliganism, and avoidance of work. In the control group, avoidance of work ranked third, followed by bad opinion with neighbors, hooliganism, and brawls at the place of residence. This ranking of frequency of the symptoms of social maladjustment points to a greater aggressiveness of the young men from the experimental group. On the 63 young men from the experimental group concerning whom data  could be obtained, 62 (98.0%) drank alcohol. In the control group 59 (89.0%) of the 66 concerning whom data could be obtained were drinkers. The group of drinkers included all those who had drunk several times a week already  as juveniles, and 70% of those who had drunk once a week. In the control group, drinkers included 91.7% of those who had drunk as juvoniles (11 of 12 cases). Of those who had drunk as juveniles in the control group, 66.7% (8 cases) were convicted as adults. As shown by the discussed data, young men from the experimental group – those who committed as juveniles at least one offence while intoxicated prove much inferior in terms of the social situation  to other men who also committed offences as juveniles but did not drink alcohol. Therefore, early alcohol consumption among juvenile delinquents is an important factor of a negative prognosis as to the further fates of such persons. A number of postulates have been formulated, addressed at the prosecuting agencies, criminal justice, and institutions designed to assist persons in extraordinary situation. With respect to the present sample, all such postulates acquire special importance and must be met without fail.   Niniejszy artykuł stanowi kontynuację opracowania: Nieletni sprawcy przestępstw popełnionych pod wpływem alkoholu, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 1991, t. XVIII.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1993, XIX; 17-26
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieletni sprawcy przestępstw popełnionych pod wpływem alkoholu
Juvenile Perpetrators of Offences Committed Under the Influence of Alcohol
Krawczyk, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieletni sprawcy
badania kryminologiczne
juvenile perpetrators
criminological research
For many years now, excessive drinking has been among the main symptoms of social pathology in Poland. Also the fact is beyond any doubt that  drinking is strongly related to crime: it is ussually found in over a half of offences known to the police committed by adults. The problem of drinking also plays an important part in the process of juvenile demoralization and delinquency. This fact was noticed by the legislator who, in the Act of October 26, 1982 on proceedings in cases of juveniles, situated drinking among the symptoms of demoralization. Among the juveniles found quality of offences, the proportion of those who drink alcohol is quite large, the offenders’ actual age considered. In recent  years, that proportion has been over 11,0% of all juvenile delinquents. There are also among the juveniles found quality of offences those who committed acts  prohibited by law while under the influence of alcohol. In recent years, the proportion of, such juveniles has been over 5,0% and, shows an upward trend. There is among the excessively drinking juvenile delinquents a decided majority of boys, whose proportion has always been over 91,0% in the last 20 years. The paper reports on a national empirical study of two groups of boys born in 1959. The first group consisted of 100 respondents who committed as juveniles at least one offence while under the influence of alcohol. The other group which also consisted of 100 persons (the control group) were boys selected from among the juveniles delinquents who committed offences but did not drink any alcohol before that act. The source of data on the two groups of respondents were: court files; records of implementation of the educational or corrective measures applied by the court, files of criminal cases for offences committed by those persons as adults; questionnaires sent out to sobering-up stations; as well as standarized interviews with the respondents themselves. The study has shown a number of differences between juveniles who commit offences under the influence of alcohol and the remaining juvenile delinquents. The main such differences are as follows: Different types of delinquency in the broad sense: ‒ offences committed under the influence of alcohol were frequently not the first offences of the examined juveniles (44,0% of cases, as compared to 7,0% in the control group); ‒ such offences were usually committed at the age of 15‒16 (93,0%), that is rather late in the juvenile’s career, at the threshold of statutory age: ‒ the offences committed by the first group were decidedly more aggressive and dangerous for the life and health of their victims than those committed by the control group; ‒ nearly 50,0% of the offences committed under the influence of alcohol were commitied in the streets (control group ‒ 39,3%); ‒ the juveniles who committed offences under the influence of alcohol were acting alone nearly 30 times more often than the remaining juvenile deliquents. In the case of boys who committed offences under the influence of alcohol, their state of health, family situation, and ‒ consequently ‒ also scholastic achievements were inferior to those in the control group: ‒ as few as 67,0% of boys in the first group were brought up in complete families (control group ‒ 82,0%); what is more, in 52,3% of those families disturbed functioning was found which was due to: alcoholism, excessive drinking, serious chronic diseases, disablement, mental disorders, delinquency or prostitution of one or both parents; thus as few as about one-third of the families of juveniles who committed offences under the influence of alcohol were fully efficient educational milieu; ‒ 69,0% of the boys who committed offences under the influence of alcohol were educationally neglected by their parents (control group ‒ 53,0%); ‒ 44,0% of the boys who commiited offences under the influence of alcohol (as compared to 25,0% in the control group) had as children suffered from serious diseases that affected their psycho-physical development, organic lesions or diseases of the central nervous system, or slight or minor degrees of mental deficiency; ‒ 7,0% of the boys who committed offences under the influence of alcohol did not go to school despite the fact that education is compulsory at their age (control group – 2%), and 58,0% (70,7% of those who did go to school) were educationally retarded by one to four years (control group – 51,0% that is 52,6% of the school-goers); The degree of social maladjustment was much higher in the boys who committed offences under the influence of alcohol: ‒ nearly a half of juveniles in that group were recidivists (44,0%, as compared to as few as 7,0% in the control group); ‒ 65,0% of the boys who drank (that is, by about one-third more than  among all juvenile delinqents) were cigarette smokers, and had started smoking long before their first contacts with alcohol; ‒ although the number of juveniles who ran away from home was similar in both groups, those who committed offences under the influence of alcohol did that more often and frequently drank alcohol while vagrant; ‒ 85,0% of boys in the first group (by about 20,0% more than among all juvenile delinquents) used to run the streets unsupervised, 79,0% with demoralized friends: ‒ as few as 5,0% of juveniles who committed offences under the infleunce of alcohol showed no symptoms of social maladjustment, other than those offences (23,0% among all juvenile delinquents), and at least three such symptoms were found in 69,0% (45,0% among all juvenile delinquents). In sum, the group of boys who had committed offences under the influence of alcohol in childhood was in many respects „worse'', and frequently much „worse'' than the control group selected from among all juvenile delinquents. Such boys would prove worse still were they compared with a representative sample of all Poles born in 1959. The facts discussed above prove the truth of the statement that juveniles who commit offences under the influences of alcohol are a high risk group compared to properly socialized young persons. They should therefore be submitted to special care by the competent agencies, including in particular family courts; however, no evidence of such care could be found in the study.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1992, XVIII; 183-211
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przekraczanie powietrznej granicy państwowej przez państwowe i cywilne uprawnione oraz nieuprawnione statki powietrzne
Crossing of the air state border by state and civil authorised and unauthorised aircrafts
Krawczyk, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
państwowe statki powietrzne
granica państwa
Air Policing
state aircrafts
state border
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sytuacji przekraczania powietrznej granicy państwowej przez cywilne i państwowe uprawnione oraz nieuprawnione statki powietrzne. Przedstawione są również sposoby oddziaływania na statki powietrzne, co do których istnieje prawdopodobieństwo nieautoryzowanego przekroczenia granicy państwowej. Poza tym, opisane są procedury współpracy cywilnych i wojskowych służb operacyjnych podczas realizacji misji Air POLICING. Zgodnie z Konwencją o międzynarodowym lotnictwie cywilnym przekroczenie powietrznej granicy w przestrzenia powietrznym przez cywilny statek powietrzny jest możliwe po spełnieniu konieczności dostosowania się do wymagań przestrzeni powietrznej w której statek powietrzny wykonuje operacje lotniczą. Natomiast wlot obcych państwowych statków powietrznych w przestrzeń powietrzną jest możliwy po udzieleniu specjalnego zezwolenia i musi być zrealizowany zgodnie z warunkami takiego zezwolenia. W artykule omówione są także działania podejmowane gdy statek powietrzny przekroczył granice powietrzną w sposób niezgodny z warunkami lub wykonuje operację lotniczą niezgodnie z zezwoleniem organów służb ruchu lotniczego i mogą być zastosowane w stosunku do niego procedury przyjęte przez krajowe i międzynarodowe organizacje cywilne i wojskowe.
The aim of the article is to present the situation of crossing the state air border by civil and state authorized and unauthorized aircrafts. There are also presented ways of influencing aircraft, for which there is a probability of unauthorized crossing of the state border. In addition, there are described the procedures cooperation civil and military operational services during the Air POLICING mission. In accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation, crossing of the airborne border into airspace by civil aircraft is possible once the need to adapt to the requirements of the airspace in which the aircraft performs air operations is met. However, the entry of foreign state aircraft into the airspace is possible after a special permit has been granted and must be carried out in accordance with the terms of such permission. The article also discusses the actions taken when the aircraft crossed the air borders in a manner inconsistent with the conditions or performs an air operation contrary to the permission of the air traffic services units and procedures adopted by national and international civilian and military organizations may be applied to it.
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności; 2018, 3, 6; 1-13
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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