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O meandrach polskiego bronioznawstwa słów kilka
Some words on meanders of Polish studies of arms and armour
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Andrzej Nadolski
historia nauki
This paper deals with the past, the present and the future of Polish studies of arms and armour. As one of students of Professor Andrzej Nadolski, I perfectly remember the birth of the research centre in Łódź in the 1960s. It specialised in studies of weaponry, armament and military costume and in this field it was the most interesting research centre in Poland at that time. In those days, our research mainly focused on the Middle Ages. At the same time, in our activities we referred to the term of “arms and uniforms,” which was used by historians of army and military affairs in the interwar period. Present-day Polish studies of arms and armour, done by historians, archaeologists and art historians, are a significant element of the totality of processes of learning about the peculiarity of our history. Studies of arms and armour are now carried out not only in main academic centres, but also in several museums and in local environments. This field of research requires considerable knowledge and firm specialisation; on the other hand, sometimes it goes into areas with poor cognitive perspectives. In this paper I discuss two such cases. In the first one, the failure resulted from a simple lack of knowledge and historical reflection. In the other one, the fiasco of research results was determined by a preponderance of an idée fixe over calm reflection and over a need for source criticism with its necessary skills. Today, the group of researchers who define themselves as students of arms and armour are aware that the origin of this field as academic study is related to Professor Andrzej Nadolski, who died twenty years ago. The knowledge of this, however, must be continuously maintained.
Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia; 2013, 59; 13-21
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Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o budownictwie obronnym arcybiskupów gnieźnieńskich
Remarks on the defending constructions of the Gniezno archbishops
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The subject of the present paper are the remarks on the defending constructions of the Gniezno archbishops. Great properties consisting - at the break of the middle ages and modern times - of more than 300 villages and towns, as well as a significant role of the Gniezno archbishops in the Polish state, represented a sufficient basis enabling to build the defending constructions. In former literature the archiepiscopal castles were known only in Gniezno, Kamień Pomorski, Łowicz, Opatówek, Uniejów and in Źnin-Wenecja. The first five castles were erected by abp Jarosław Bogoria Skotnicki in the middle or 3rd quarter of 14th century, the latter was the knight's foundation bought by the archbishops in the 1st quarter of 15th century. There ie not satisfactory state of investigations of the archiepiscopal castles as far as both the source-research and the field archaeological and architectonical investigations are concerned. That is clearly illustrated by a situation of Skierniewice, where the archiepiscoDal palace still exists. It seems that the earlier archiepiscopal construction in Skierniewice was a castle erected in the middle of 15th century by «rchbishops Jan Sprowski on the isle surrounded by the moat. This castle, known from the incomplete archival data, was destroyed or rebuilt in the 1st half of 17th century. The Skierniewice example shows that the investigations of the archiepiscopal castles have not excesses - an inventory stage.The small and not existing presently defending constructions erected in the centers of particular demesnes are also forgotten. The paper concerns the formerly unknown manors in Kurzelów and Piątek. They (as well as the mentioned manors in Zychów, Łęgonice and Marchwacz) were small dwelling houses, sometimes a tower, accompanied by several household constructions, situated an the mounds and surrounded by meats. The essential function of. the archiepiscopal manors in question was, beyond any doubt, the dwelling purpose. They were inhabited by the administrators of properties, and periodically they played a role of the residence for archbishops travelling around the country. Besides the residential and administrative role the objects in question used to perform also the defending tasks, guarding the security of the inhabitants and material goods collected by the archibishops. The defending manors founded in the middle ages survived untill the 17th century, being frequently restored and rebuilt. It seems that here appears an urgent need to investigate - by means of archaeological methods - at least few defending archiepiscopal manors for the date enabling one to compare this kind of "rural defending seats" with the defending constructions erected by the secular feudals are missing. It seems moreover, that the investigations of the small archiepiscopal seats should be carried out in a close collaboration between the historian-expert in written sources and the field explorers-archaeologist and architect.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1983, 3
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Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pałac w Sokolnikach w świetle nowszych badań
Palast in Sokolniki im Lichte der neuer en Forschung
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1985, 7
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi na marginesie badań zamku królewskiego w Radoszycach koło Końskich
Remarks Observed During Investigations of Royal Castle in Radoszyce near Końskie
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In 1982 the castle in Radoszyce near Końskie, province of Kielce, was the subject of archeological and architectural investigations. The field-work resulted in an article (being published at the moment) devoted to the castle architecture and also in another paper (in press in our magazine no.9)dealing with the initial analysis of the movable material of relics. Whereas, the object of the present study consists of other problems resulted from investigations led in Radoszyce. The first one is related with treasure-lumber-room situated in the area of the old castle. This structure during initial examinations was said to have been erected on the turn of the XVI and X VIIth century i.e. in the period when Radoszyce became a centre of big starosty district. In spite of many significant modifications the architectural mass of this late Rennaissance castle is still readable and the treasury-lumber-room itself needs more detailed research. It is of great importance since stone treasury-lumber-rooms of the XVIth and XVIth centuries are a real rarity. The second problem stressed in this article is a description of a wooden well found in excavation no. X-XA. Dug in the second half of the XVII1th century and of shell construction it was burried on the turn of the XVIIIth and XIXth century. The third problem also resulting from the effects of studies in Radoszyce was mentioned here as well. This castle played a role of so called foreststation of the king Władysław Jagiełło (1386-1434), The monarch did not like capital Cracow and the whole period of his long ruling spent on travelling. There were established routes leading in Polish and Lithuanian territories whose "loops" started and ended in the favourite residence of Jagiełło i.e. in the castle of Nowe Miasto Korczyn» Radoszyce situated on the route of royal journeys was visited 15 times by the king during his reign Among other stations of Władysław Jagiełło the following places should be listed here: in Little Poland (Jedlnia, Niepołomice, Przyszów end Żuków), in Russia (Medyka, Gliniany , Dobrostany), In Great Poland (Brodnia and Przedbórz) lying in the border of Great Poland and Little Poland. The author analyses the knowledge about the studied buildings which have distinct residential but at the same time fortified features. He finally concludes that we know very little about them. He suggests that the better knowledge of Władysław Jagiełło's favourite castles and fortified manors the better comprehension of his ruling system.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1989, 10
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Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapomniana rezydencja w Strawczynie koło Kielc
The Residence in Strawczyn near Kielce
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The paper includes a description of finds recovered in the village Strawczyn, near Kielce. Conservatory and archaeological works conducted there in 1990 resulted in uncovering of hardly preserved relics of a masonry building raised from local lime stone. Portable relics found in cultural layers inside the building and nearby allowed to date the object to about 1600 till the mid 17th century. Poorly preserved relics of foundation walls enabled to reconstruct the projection of the building and its interior division. It was a two tract and in the utmost axles three tract house built on a plan of an elongated rectangular (19 by 33 m) clung in the corners by octahedral towers. In the northern tract, on both sides of a big room situated axially there were two smaller rooms, whereas in the southern tract there were five bigger and two small rooms. The body of the building (on the ground floor) consisted of twelve rooms on a square plan, while in the towers there were four rooms on a round plan (ca. 4 m in diameter). The building (remnant of a manor house or a palace) had two floors and was covered with roof tiles. Its southern elevation was enriched by an elongated projection which could have been a remnant of a shallow loggia or of some sort o f arcade construction stuck to the body of the building. The residence in Strawczyn was connected with investment activity of Jakub Stanisław Gawroński, Wieluń castellan in the years 1608-1624. The ground plan, the design of the described building, as well as its scale show evident similarity to an early baroque palace in Kielce, raised by Cracow bishop Jakub Zadzik (1637-1641), and consequently with a slightly bigger Tarło palace in Podzamcze Piekoszowskie, near Kielce, which was an imitation of the Kielce residence. High architectural rank of both palaces may suggest that the palace in Strawczyn may be considered as their imitation. However, the fact that the palace in Strawczyn dates to the first quarter of the 17th century excludes such a possibility. In the final part of the text the author presents his own, possibly controversial interpretation. He suggests that the palace in Strawczyn is not an imitation of the palaces in Kielce and Podzamcze Piekoszowskie, but genetically it expresses the changes which residential buildings obviously underwent in the horizon of the year 1600. At that time, typical for the 16th century, compact in plans, masonry manor houses began to take a form o f massive blocks built on elongated rectangular plans, clung in the corners by cylindrical hexahedral or octahedral towers. These changes were obviously influenced by trends in European early baroque palaces although we can not talk about a direct influence of "Italianism" of contemporary architecture. The latter formed, axially founded, symmetrical blocks of the residences of the magnates from the epoch of early baroque, which were raised in the second quarter of the 17th century, namely the palaces in Kielce and Podzamcze Piekoszowskie.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2001, 23 T.2
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Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wstępna informacja o materiałach archeologicznych z zamku w Radoszycach koło Końskich
Die Vorinformation über die archäologischen Materialien von Schloss in Radoszyce bei Końskie
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Zum Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Analyse der kleinen Fundstücke während der im Jahre 1982 geführten Terrainuntersuchungen eines Königsschlosses in Radoszyce bei Końskie Woj. Kielce gesammelt worden ist. Die Arbeiten führten zur Rekonstruktion der Geschichte des Königssitzes, dessen Hauptgebäude ein gemauerter Palast von annähernden. Ausmassen 11 x 33 m war, der am Ende des XIV Jhdt. vom König Władysław Jagiełło gebaut worden war. Während der Forschungen wurden beinahe 1900 Fundstücke gesammmelt, darin: 1019 Bruchstücke der Tongefässe, sowie auch Tierknochen, Ofenkacheln, Fenster- und Gefässglas, Baukeramik, eiserne Gegenstände u.s.w. Dieser Komplex wurde in die Jahre von der II. Hälfte des XIV. bis zur Jahrhundertwende XVIII/XIX datiert. Der deutliche Unterschied zwischen der Datierung (Zeitstellung) des gemauerten Reliktes und der Chronologie der archäologischén Fundstücke ergibt sich nicht aus den Fehlern der Methode und Unvollkommenheit eines der Forschungszweige, sondern wird durch die Geschichte des Schlosses erklärt. Bis zur Hälfte des XVI Jhdt. erfüllte es die Funktion eines 1-2 mal jährlich oder noch seltener gebrauchten Königssitzes und die ganze Zeit stand es leer und wurde nur von dem daneben wohnenden Beamten besorgt. Im dritten Jahrhundert viertel wurde er zum Starostasitz und gleichzeitig zum Zentrum eines grossen wirtschaftlichen Organismus. Deshalb weisen die dank der Analyse der kleinen Fundstücke archäologisch feststellbaren Gebrauchsspuren des Objektes auf die XI. Hälfte des XVI. Jhdt. hin. Man muss bemerken, dass es nicht infolge der Reinigung des Gebietes am Schloss, die oft zur Zerstörung der älteren Schichten führt, an mittelalterlichen Kulturschichten und kleinen Fundstücken fehlt.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1988, 9
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Folwark i stacja królewska w Brodni koło Sieradza
A Farm and a Royal Stopping-piace at Brodnia near Sieradza
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The paper discusses results of archaeological investigations conducted at Brodnia, Pęczniew commune, Sieradz province, in 1987, and financed by the Conservator of Monuments for the Province of Sieradz. The investigations are part of a broader research project the object of which is to study remains of late medieval and modern residential and defensive features of the Sieradz region. The village of Brodnia, located at the ford across the river Warta, at the road leading from Sieradz to Kalisz, has for long attracted historians because of the visits of King Władysław Jagiełło who in the years 1401-1435 stayed there 19 times and who held there courts of justice in curia, the highest court in Polar d where the verdicts were brought in by the King himself. The minutes of the court sessions held at Brodnia in 1404—1409 have survived, and the last king to visit the village was Casimir Jagiełło. Brodnia was first mentioned in written records in 1298. For the whole time it was a royal property and was part of the Sieradz district (starostwo) and later of the Szadek tenure. In the western part of the village, on the high bank of the Warta valley there was a farm complex, on the margin of which an earthen mound, over 3 m high, its base measuring 25 m in diamater and its truncated top, 9 m, has survived. In the earlier literature the mound was interpreted as a relic of a fortified residential feature. The object of the investigations was to study the stratigraphy of the mound and to establish its chronology as well as to determine the beginnings of the farm complex.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1994, 18
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O kaflach z Modliszewic czyli o piecach elity czasów wazowskich
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dwór w Modliszewicach
piec wazowski
polskie kaflarstwo
ornamentyka kafli
piece kaflowe
The contents of the present paper are considerations concerning specicity of tiles and image (and possibilities of reconstruction) of stoves coming from the 1st half of the 17th century. The author begins with general observations using views of Maria D¹browska, and then comes to, published by the same author, stove of so-called Vasa castle in Warsaw. Next, he concentrates on discussing a stove from a manor-house in Modliszewice near Koñskie. This stove in white-navy blue colouring, was built at suggestion of Jan Lipski (†1641)in the 30’s of the 17th century. Subsequently, the author discusses other similar stoves from the 1st half of the 17th century, relics of which or only collections of tiles were found during archaeological excavations of castles and other residences in: Nowe Miasto on Warta, Lubawa, Ujazd, Piñczów and Brudzew near Turek. Most of these stoves were built as a result of foundation actions of narrowly understood social elite of the Vasa times, concretely late phases of the reign of Sigismund III (†1632) and the rule of Vladislav IV (1632 – 1648). The author submits a proposition that in the times of the rst ruler mostly white – navy blue stoves with green and yellow elements were built, and since the half of the 30’s of the 17th century only stoves with tiles with blue (navy blue) background and white relief. They represent typical of the early Baroque in Poland ornamentation. Probably therefore they should be treated as artifacts created in a circle of widely understood (in respect of time and space) court of Vladislav IV, or dened as “stoves of the Vasa times elite”.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2010, 27
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O budownictwie nie tylko przemysłowym
About the Construction, not only the Industrial One
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
A significant part of youthful professional activity of the learned Addressee of this volume, Mr Władysław Baranowski, called Sławek by friends, was connected with working on and writing subsequent journals of series entitled “Catalogue of Landmarked Buildings of Industrial Construction in Poland”. The initiative of registering theses objects and publishing their catalogues emerged in the mid 1950s of the 20th century among scientists who deal with the broadly defined history of material culture as well as the history and ethnography which then as a result of disappearance of a traditional image of the Polish countryside started its movement towards ethnology. A few years earlier the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences was established in Warsaw and it was a scientific unit of basic importance for archeologists and ethnographers as well as historians who love historic processes and objects more than dates, battles, dead bodies and blood that is shed from traditional history schoolbooks.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2014, 19; 389-405
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania archeologiczne na terenie gminy Sędziejowice
Archaeological researches in Sędziejowice commune
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
This article presents some remarks on archaeological researches on the oldest traces of human settlement in Sędziejowice commune. Up to now this region has not been the object of thorough archaeological studies. Only one object i.e. a graveyard in Podule colony in Łużyce, was examined by archaeologists and this state proves that the works have been hardly advanced. In the end of XIX century there was an active local cultural circle in Sieradz province. This circle consisted of town intelligence and regional gentry. They were deeply interested in the history of their region and in remains and relics of primaeval epochs. Their activity (mainly of E. Stawiski from Podłężyce) caused the identification of many archaeological posts (places); the relics coming from thes posts were included in manorial collections. During the interwar period the commune region was penetrated by the research workers from Warsaw and Cracow. At that time in the years 1929-1930, Jan Dylik - well-known geographer and the expert of this region, examined mentioned above graveyard in Podule. But the results of these works were published only in the sixties. The eighties mark the essential development of knowledge about primaeval settlement and colonization of this region we are interested in. During that time nearly the whole area of commune was subjected to the superficial examinations (a sort of survey) which formed a part of AZP (Archeologiczne Zdjęcie Polski - Archaeological Picture of Poland). The main purpose of this undertaking is a full register of archaeological post in Poland. It was found, that there are one hundred and fifty archaeological posts in commune region. Although the data obtained during the Archaeological Picture of Poland is random, we can hope that chronological definitions included in this data allow for initial characteristic of colonial changes dynamics. In commune region only several posts from the stone age have been found. This shows, that in times of mezolit and neolit there were few settlements in this area. However, more than thirty posts can be connected with Łużyce culture, developing up from the third period of a bronze age to the early iron age (so called „halsztacki period”). In late-laten (125-0) and roman (0-375) times the population was big. It was connected with general colonial and demographic situation of this region (Sieradz province). In the fourth century came the general brake down, the first few early-mediaeval posts date from eighth, nineth centuries. From the tenth century the structure of colonization began to intensify and it lasted till the most historical moment-so that in the area of commune there were found about seventy posts with the early and late mediaeval cultural relics. Historians are mainly interested in the times from the half of thirteenth century when Sieradz province became the separate principality. Among the most interesting monuments which should be the object of archaeological researches the ruins of renaissance, brick and fortified mansion in Wola Wężykowa (formerly Wola Grabicka) should be mentioned. That was the fortified residence of the Wężyk house, which many members lived in Sieradz province (Widawa, Osiny, Siedlec). Summing up it should be stated, that the state of archaeological research works is not advanced enough. There are only few areas so scrupulously avoided by the archaeologists as the region of Sędziejowice commune.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica; 1994, 50; 3-18
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Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O długim trwaniu, czyli o kilku dworach z terenu Sieradzkiego
About the long duration, the thing about several mansion houses in the Sieradz Land
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The focus of this article are medieval and modern manor houses from the area of the Sieradz Land, which is a historical region in the central Poland. For the author the “manor houses” are not only the buildings, but also an important manifestation of the long-term historical processes – the tradition of locating the manor house in the center of a large property. Forms of the manor houses changed through the centuries. The latemedieval “fortified manors” were often built as towers on the moated earthen mounds. In modern times, comfort became more important than safety. These architectural changes reflect also the transformation of the medieval chivalry in the landed gentry. In article 12 towns and villages are analyzed. Thanks to the researches of historians and archaeologists the transformation of manor houses can be observed from the breakthrough of the13th to the 14th century until the breakthrough of the 19th to the 20th. The author believes that the research on the gradual transformation of the manor buildings, from the chivalry fortified house to the comfortable seats of gentry, is more interesting than focusing on the analysis of the monument preserved to this day, which is the last one in the series of described transformations.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2016, 22; 801-814
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Raz jeszcze o siedzibach dworskich w Wojsławicach
Once more about manor houses in Wojsławice
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
manor houses
siedziby dworskie
Wojsławice manor is generally considered to be one of the most interesting historical sites of this kind in the region of Szadek. In addition to the fortified 16th century mansion called “small castle”, about which J. Agustyniak wrote in the tenth volume of Biuletyn Szadkowski, at least two interesting residential buildings can be found there. One of them is a manor house dating from the first half of the 19th century, medium- sized With some features of Classicism. The main object on this estate is a brick, one-storey palace built around 1900. All residential buildings and the old park are associated with Sierniątkowscy family, who lived in Wojsławice for seven generations.
Biuletyn Szadkowski; 2011, 11; 23-36
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Szadkowski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z badań nad starszym założeniem obronnym w Ostromecku, woj. bydgoskie
Some Aspects of Studies on the Older Foundation at Ostromecko, District Bydgoszcz
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The manor-park complex at Ostromecko, in the province of Bydgoszcz, has been an object of interest for art and architecture historians for a long time. The list of scholars studying it includes among others: F. Schultz, J. Heise, M. Orłowicz, G. Tillmann, M. Rejmanowski, T. Mroczko, and1 B. Sadurska. The most important components of the complex preserved till today are: „the old palace", erected most probably in 18th century, and resembling in its today's stylistic shape the work of Saxonic architect — M. D. Pöppelmann, and „the new palace" built by the Schoenborn-Alveneleben family from 19th century perhaps according to K. Schinkel's design. A considerable portion of the literature of the subject mentions the presence of mediaeval „castrum" or another older brick building melted into the mass of „the old palace". This is among others confirmed by B. Sadurska, who found a short description of the Ostromecko state from 1714 testifying to the effect that in the palace mass there exist relics of the older manor. Ostromecko village appears in written sources already in 1222 and throughout the whole time, we are interested in, it was privately owned. Till the early 17th century it was a seat of the Ostromecki family (of the Pomian coat of arms), and next till the end of 17th century it was owned by the Dorpowski's (of the Junosza coat of arms). In the late 18th century or at the turn oif 16th and 19>th century following a serial changes of owners the estate was purchased by a rich grain merchant from Grudziądz — Jakub Schoenborn to become next in 19th century a seat of the Schoenborn-Alvensleben family. Insignificant relics of the older building indentified in the walls of "the old palace" could not provide sufficient material for reconstruction of the older building. A new attempt at ana ly sis , w as made possible by the inventory of the Ostromecko e state from 1718 discovered in the Chief Register of Old Acts in Warsaw in the complex of relations of Juridicial Books of Wieluń (Caistrensia Vielunensta relationes). It contains, an often quoted in this article, description of a three-story and two-tract brick manor-house erected on a quadrangular earth mound surrounded with a dike and a moat. The de fensiv e manor-house at Ostromecko was built probably in the second half of 16th or in , t h e first half of 17th century at the initiative^ of the Ostrameckis or the Dorpowskis. Despite the modern shape of the building s mass,surrounding it with a moat was connecting it with mediaeval traditions. At that time it was typical for knight seats to be located on earth mounds surrounded with dikes,moats etc. This mediaeval custom was preserved, in the light of the studies conducted by the authotr, at least till mid-17th century. The situation in which the axially and symmetrically designed building of the manox-estate iis surrounded by post-mediaeval retrenchments and not by a palace yard designed in a modern way is, however, typical for Pomerania as well as for the whole Poland in 16th and 17th centuries. Unfortunately, the absence of archeological studies hampers a more detailed analysis of surroundings of 16th— 17th century brick manors. The example of Ostromecko manor, discussed in this article, illustrates the need for performing comprehensive architectonic-archeological studies and not only studies restricted to the analysis of the preserved brick relics. Returning to the problem of Ostromecko w e are analyzing here it is worth mentioning that, in the light of the already completed studies, there are absent sufficient data confirming the thesis about the presence of the mediaeval "castrum". Tho information about an older de fensive object must have concerned the brick manor from 16th/l7th century surrounded with a fortified circle. This conclusion may be verified only by field studies.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1983, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa inwentarze zamku w Besiekierach
Two Inventories of the Castle at Besiekiery
Kajzer, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
In this article there are contained two inventories of the castle at Besiekiery near Łódź coming from 1704 and 1715. Their manuscripts are kept in the Chief Registry of Old Acts in Warsaw within a complex of relations of Juridicial Books from Łęczyca (Castrensia Lanciciensia relationes). The Blesiekiery Castle was an object of numerous field and interior surveys (see biographical notes 1—5 in this article). Both inventories included here aloing with a younger one coming from 1733 and published by the author in 1980 (see biographical note No. 5) provide a good basis for further studies on the castle's history. They describe the state of the object at the beginning of 18th century w h en following the Baroque remodelling of the castle by the starost of the district — Jan Szymon Szczawiński done in mid — 17th century a gradual decline of the ca stle began. Con se cu t iv e descriptions miss details of interior decoration and arms stored in the castle with a decreasing number of chambers being suitable for l iv in g purposes. In the second half of 18th century there was pulled down the second floor of „the big manor" and the final ruination of the ca stle began. Its largely depleted relicts hav e been preserved till today and they should become an object of the conservator’s work,
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 1983, 4
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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