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Islam i inne religie w Czadzie
Islam and Other Religions in Chad
Moszumański, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Chad is a country located on the border of the three great religions of the world - Islam, Christianity and traditional religions, also known as the animism. All of them have played some significant role in the history of that country, firstly involved in the beginnings of the empires of Sahel, notorious process of slave raids, subsequently associated with colonization and growing European interests in Africa, the 20th century's civil war and finally connected to the vanguard of the „war on terror". The article presents the history of the three religions in Chad and their influence on politics and society. For several hundred years Islamic domination over the followers of the other religions has caused frictions and contention. The religious differences have indirectly been responsible for the 25-year long conflict, followed by thousands of casualties. In the final part of the article the author depicts the contemporary state of inter-religious affairs and attitude of the government towards the religious issues. Due to some joint attempts of the government of Chad and international society, the religious differences and flashpoints are believed not to pose such a threat to peace and stability as it had been before. Despite of its unfortunate location in the „clash of civilization" region, Chad may set a good example that the peaceful co-existence of Islam and Christianity is possible.
Forum Politologiczne; 2006, 4 - Islam we współczesnej Afryce; 167-182
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność sojuszy: meandry politycznych elit czadyjskich
Changing alignments: meanders of the political elite in Chad
Różański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Political elite
At the outset the author shows the geographical and cultural background the country. Then he describes its creation and the most significant events of the independent state. In the presentation the author emphasizes that there are many opposing views on causes and the course of the civil strife in Chad from the first years of its independence. He summarises the most common explanations and points out that they are often based on stereotypes and subjective selected facts from the History of the country. He states that in these explanations there is much truth but they have to be taken into account in their totality and not on a selective basis. The author emphasizes the role played by France in creating colonial and independent Chad and continues to be involved by many armed interventions. He points to the changeable politics of Sudan and Libya towards the republic of Chad and also to the financial and other involvement of the USA and even Israel. He also discusses the role of „social class" and „professional classes" in the conflict, the role of Marxist ideology, cultural role of traditional communities and their segmentation. He underlines that these last ones from their nature have a limited role in the creation of state structures in the European sense. He explains many complicated interpersonal relations in the internal politics of Chad. Finally he puts the question as to whether this state is capable of existing and shows admiration for the many small local structures which allows the local people to survive.
Forum Politologiczne; 2009, 9 - Ugrupowania polityczne i ruchy społeczne w Afryce; 11-41
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i przebieg konfliktu w Czadzie 1965–1984
Origin and Course of Conflict in Chad 1965–1984
Banaś, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
wojna domowa
w Czadzie
wojna czadyjsko-libijska
konflikty w Afryce
civil war in Chad
Chadian-Libyan war
conflicts in Africa
Unpopular decisions of the first president of Chad, François Tombalbaye, quickly led to dissatisfaction, mainly among discriminated Muslim people living in the northern part of the country, for Chad’s population comprises a number of tribes. They speak different dialects and have different religious beliefs, including Islam, Christianity, and Animism. Not without significance is also the fact that the borders of the country were set artificially, with no consideration of ethnic areas or historical context. As soon as in 1965, a civil war erupted and in the following year the National Liberation Front of Chad (FROLINAT) was established. It was a rebel group aiming to overthrow the president. In 1975, in effect of internal terror and purge in the army, F. Tombalbaye was overthrown and succeeded by gen. F. Malloum. Yet FROLINAT continued the fight until 1979 when Hissène Habré took over. The subsequent years made the long-lasting period of bloody combat between the new president and his ex-collaborator Goukouni Oueddei. During that time, several countries started to intervene in Chadian internal affairs, including France, Libya, USA and neighboring countries. Foreign support for opposing politicians made the crisis in Chad even longer.
Niepopularne decyzje pierwszego prezydenta Czadu Françoisa Tombalbayego szybko doprowadziły do niezadowolenia, szczególnie dyskryminowanej, muzułmańskiej ludności na północy kraju. Państwo to bowiem składa się z wielu plemion, posługujących się licznymi dialektami i wyznających: islam, chrześcijaństwo oraz animizm. Nie bez znaczenia są również sztuczne granice, jakie posiada Czad, nieodzwierciedlające ani układu etnicznego, ani kontekstu historycznego. Wojna domowa rozpoczęła się już w 1965 r., a w roku następnym zawiązał się Front Wyzwolenia Narodowego Czadu (FROLINAT). Było to rebelianckie ugrupowanie dążące do obalenia prezydenta. Terror wewnętrzny oraz czystki w wojsku doprowadziły w 1975 r. do obalenia F. Tombalbayego i przejęcia władzy przez gen. F. Mallouma. FROLINAT kontynuował jednak walkę aż do odsunięcia prezydenta w 1979 r. przez Hissèna Habré’a. Kolejne lata przypadły na długotrwałą i krwawą walkę nowego prezydenta ze swoim byłym współpracownikiem Goukounim Oueddeim. W tym czasie w sprawy Czadu ingerowała już nie tylko Francja, ale również Libia, USA oraz państwa ościenne. Zewnętrzne wsparcie dla walczących polityków powodowało przedłużanie się kryzysu czadyjskiego.
Historia i Polityka; 2017, 21(28); 43-52
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Różnorodność w pojmowaniu granic i własności ziemi w Republice Czadu
Diversity in recognition of borders and ownership of lands in the Republic of Chad
Różański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Republic of Chad
The article shows accidentalness in construction of the borders in the Republic of Chad. On close examination to mark out the ground no one respects neither local tradition nor the cultural differences.Origin of the strong centralized country (French example) was not based of changing the mentality of understanding "our land" or "our territory" as over tribal an exclusive proprietary. At the same time there were not any trials neither to fall into line between the tribes over the land ownership nor to understanding with the preferred model of private ownership or country ownership. There is misunderstanding and conflict between the local long time honoured laws - customs - regarding ownership of lands and the law of the state. The conflict on the law of land is not the only one. We ought to count also differences based on different cultural, religious groups and their profession (shepherd and farmer) and their migration on impact of armed conflicts. The large part of the conflicts regarding the land ownerships might be resolved on the bases of the existing tribal rights as well as the state law.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce; 319-336
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół katolicki w Czadzie wobec problemów gospodarczych, społecznych i politycznych kraju
The Catholic Church in the Republic of Chad in the light of economic, social and political problems in the country
Różański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Catholic Church
Humanitarian aid
Human rights
The Catholic Church in Chad is a young community, including about 8% of the population. However from the beginning of missionary activity it has had a large input into help with development and defence of human rights. Help in development is concentrated on agriculture, since the majority of the population relies on agriculture. From 1964 missionaries have created many centres for professional training of farmers, mainly in the south of the country. A large role in the development of the countryside has been played by on the spot meetings, courses and training. One of the important elements of training has always been management and use of money. In every diocese in Chad there are diocesan health committees. The work of the church in this area includes running of hospitals, clinics and also training on a large scale (e.g. hygiene, building of latrines, access to drinking water, variation of diet, cleanliness in the home and immunisation programmes for children and adults). In some missionary centres efforts have been made to take advantage of achievements in traditional medicine. Emphasis has been also put on AIDS prevention and healing the sick. Beginning with local initiatives of help with development, covering various aspects of economic life, these have, with time, developed diocesan structures, countrywide and even linking into international organisations. Currently the work in Chad is overseen by the National Union of Diocesan Associations for Aid and Development (Union Nationale des Associations Diocesaines de Secours et de Developpement - UNAD). A particularly varied and rich activity is being lead by the Chad organisation for Catholic Aid and Development (SECADEV). It was created in 1980 in the diocese of Ndjamena to help refugees. The organisation employs 200 people and co-operates with 1000 village organisations. The Bishops in Chad often took part in issues relating to the war and lack of democracy and also tribalism and corruption. The views of the episcopate, expressed in pastoral letters, were also demonstrated in actual activities at national level and in individual regions or missions, mainly thanks to local and countrywide committees Iustitia et Pax. These committees also cooperated on issues associated with human rights with other local and international organisations.
Forum Politologiczne; 2011, 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce; 469-489
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojna toyot w dyplomacji polskiej 1986 – 1987
Toyota war in Polish diplomacy 1986 – 1987
Banaś, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
wojna domowa w  Czadzie
wojna czadyjsko-libijska
wojna toyot
dyplomacja Polski 1945 – 1989
civil war in Chad
Chadian-Libyan war
Toyota War
Polish diplomacy in 1945 – 1989
Czad był areną wojny domowej już od 1965 r. Początkowo rebelianckie ugrupowania zrzeszone w Froncie Wyzwolenia Narodowego Czadu (FROLINAT) dążyły do obalenia urzędującego prezydenta François Tombalbaye. Sytuacja jednak nie uległa zmianie, kiedy to został on obalony w 1975 r. Różnice zapatrywań poszczególnych liderów rebeliantów oraz ingerencja Francji, USA, Libii czy państw ościennych spowodowała eskalację działań wojennych. W latach 80. Czad stał się obszarem starcia wpływów francuskich oraz libijskich. Państwa te wspierały na wszelki możliwy sposób polityków im uległych. Dawna metropolia dążyła do zachowania przy władzy Hissèna Habré, z kolei Libia wspierała Goukouniego Oueddei. Rywalizacja ta doprowadziła do tzw. wojny toyot, która była ostatnią fazą konfliktu czadyjskiego. Działania te, choć nieistotne z punktu widzenia Warszawy, były śledzone z uwagą przez polskich dyplomatów. Zaskakująca jest ich duża wiedza oraz trafność spostrzeżeń i uwag, jakie czynili. Z licznych pism nadsyłanych do Warszawy wyłania się szczegółowy obraz wojny toyot oraz skomplikowanych stosunków, jakie miały na nią wpływ.
Chad has been a theatre of civil war since as soon as 1965. Initially, rebel groups united under the National Liberation Front of Chad (FROLINAT) aimed to overthrow the then president in office, François Tombalbaye, yet when it happened in 1975, the situation remained unchanged. Leaders of each rebel group differed in their opinions, which, together with intervention of France, USA, Libya and neighboring countries, brought the escalation of hostilities. In the 1980s, Chad became an area of conflicting French and Libyan influences. Both countries made every effort to support politicians in their favor. The former metropolis aimed to uphold the power of Hissène Habré, while Libya supported Goukouni Oueddei. This rivalry finally led to the, so called, Toyota War, which was the final phase of Chadian conflict. These events, despite having no importance for Warsaw, were carefully monitored by Polish diplomats, whose broad knowledge and apt remarks concerning the topic may be surprising. Numerous documents they were sending to Warsaw constitute a detailed account of Toyota War and complicated relations that affected it.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2017, 55; 165-180
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chłop polski w Europie i Ameryce jako studium inkorporacji grup społecznych i budowania wspólnoty narodowej
The Polish Peasant in Europe and America as a Study of Civil Incorporation and Nation-Building
Goldberg, Chad Alan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The Polish Peasant in Europe and America, a sprawling masterpiece co-authored by W.I. Thomas and F. Znaniecki and published in five volumes between 1918 and 1921, is a widely acknowledged classic of interwar sociology. One of its signal contributions, and a key reason for its classic status, is what James Carey, in his book on the Chicago school of sociology, calls the social disorganization paradigm. In the United States, the Chicago school of sociology subsequently applied this paradigm to interpret a variety of urban social problems in the 1920s and early 1930s, and it remains influential in studies of crime and violence in American sociology today. Chad Alan Goldberg, Chłop polski w Europie i Ameryce jako studium inkorporacji grup społecznych i budowania wspólnoty narodowej [The Polish Peasant in Europe and America as a Study of Civil  Incorporation and Nation-Building] edited by M. Nowak, „Człowiek i Społeczeństwo” vol. XLVII: „Chłop polski w Europie i Ameryce” po stu latach [Polish peasant in Europe and America after one hundred years], Poznań 2019, pp. 143–159, Adam Mickiewicz University. Faculty of Social Sciences Press. ISSN 0239-3271
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo; 2019, 47
Pojawia się w:
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zatrucia tlenkiem węgla - statystyki w ostatnim 5-leciu
Carbon monoxide poisoning - statistics in the last five years
Kocyba, M.
Glinka, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
tlenek węgla
carbon monoxide
W artykule poruszono problem tlenku węgla ulatniającego się z instalacji ogrzewania wody oraz pomieszczeń mieszkalnych. Przedstawiono proces powstawania omawianego gazu, jego wpływ na organizm ludzki w zależności od stężenia w powietrzu i we krwi. Omówiono profilaktykę, kampanie informacyjne i zabezpieczenia przed nim. Na podstawie danych udostępnionych przez Komendę Główną Państwowej Straży Pożarnej przeanalizowano ilość zdarzeń związanych z tlenkiem węgla, poziom bezpieczeństwa i świadomości Polaków w podanych okresach grzewczych. W związku z powyższym przeprowadzona analiza danych statystycznych może być pomocna przy ocenie stanu bezpieczeństwa podczas minionych sezonów grzewczych.
The article discusses the problem of carbon dioxide escaping from water heating installations and living quarters. The process of formation of the gas in question, its impact on the human body depending on the concentration in the air and in the blood was superseded. Prophylaxis, information campaigns and protection against it were discussed. Based on data provided by the Main Headquarters of the State Fire Service, the number of events related to carbon monoxide, the level of safety and awareness of Poles in the given heating periods was analyzed. In connection with the above, the analysis of statistical data may be helpful in assessing the security situation during past heating seasons.
Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Technika, Informatyka, Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa; 2018, T. 6; 691-707
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Technika, Informatyka, Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy nastąpi podział Republiki Środkowoafrykańskiej?
Will the Central African Republic Be Divided?
Cywa, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki. Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne
CAR – Central African Republic
Michel Djotodia
Francois Bozize
Idriss Deby
failed states
fragile states
humanitarian aid
religious war
Despite being a mineral-rich country, in 2012 the Central African Republic (CAR) was ranked 10th in the Fragile (formerly Failed) States Index according to Fund for Peace. The history of this country has been turbulent. Regular rebellions and disastrous state economic policies have led to economic, political and social collapses in the CAR. The most recent rebellion, conducted by Michel Djotodia and Séléka’s rebel coalition was different than previous coups, supported financially and military by France and Chad. The rebellion has had several stages and lead to the CAR being accused of cannibalism, religious war and genocide. Its conclusion is meant to be a division of the CAR into the supposedly Muslim and Christian parts, even though it does not reflect the country’s actual religious divide; the majority of the CAR’s mineral resources, however, are located in what would be the Muslim part. The article describes the events that took place between December 2012 and May 2014, which formed the basis of false accusations of genocide, religious war and cannibalism in the CAR. The article points towards the Séléka organisation, which from December 2012 has been carrying out its plan to decimate and mentally and financially impoverish the Central Africans, leading to the country’s division. The article analyses two military organisations that have been fighting each other since December 2013, describing their military aims, the course of fighting and the results of their military actions. The text presents both the consequences of aid given to the CAR by France and Chad, and their hidden agenda.
Afryka; 2015, 41; 81-98
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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