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L’incenso nella liturgia.Appunti per una lettura ermeneutica della ritualità cristiana
Incense in the Liturgy. Notes for a hermeneutic reading of the Christian rituality
Kadzidło w liturgii. Uwagi do hermeneutycznej lektury rytuału chrześcijańskiego
Celiński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
historia religii
język niewerbalny w liturgii
history of religion
non-verbal language in the liturgy
Uno dei principi fondamentali della riforma liturgica promossa dal Concilio Vaticano II fu quello della partecipazione attiva dei fedeli alla celebrazione. Secondo il dettato della Costituzione liturgica Sacrosanctum Concilium questa partecipazione avviene per mezzo dei riti e delle preghiere (cf. SC 48). Ciò ricorda che l’azione rituale si serve di un doppio tipo di linguaggio: quello verbale e quello non verbale. Lo studio della liturgia, di conseguenza, non può essere ridotto alla sola ricerca riguardante i testi usati nella celebrazione bensì, deve comprendere anche lo studio dei riti. Il presente contributo, senza alcuna pretesa di essere esaustivo, intende ad offre alcuni spunti per una lettura ermeneutica della ritualità cristiana, in base all’esempio concreto dell’uso dell’incenso nella liturgia.
One of the fundamental principles of the liturgical reform promoted by the Second Vat-ican Council was that of the active participation of the faithful in the celebration. According to the liturgical constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, this participation takes place through the rites and prayers (cf. SC 48). This reminds us that ritual action makes use of a double type of language: both the verbal and the non-verbal one. The study of the liturgy, therefore, cannot be reduced to research only on the texts used in the celebration, but must also include the study of the rites. The present contribution, without any pretension of being exhaustive, intends to offer some hints for a hermeneutic reading of Christian rituality, on the basis of the concrete example of the use of incense in the liturgy.
Jedną z podstawowych zasad reformy liturgicznej promowanej przez Sobór Watykański II był czynny udział wiernych w celebracji. Zgodnie z konstytucją liturgiczną Sacrosanctum Concilium, uczestnictwo takie dokonuje się poprzez obrzędy i modlitwy (por. KL 48). Przypomina nam to, że działanie rytualne posługuje się podwójnym rodzajem języka: werbalnym i niewerbalnym. Studiowanie liturgii nie może zatem ograniczać się wyłącznie do badania tekstów używanych podczas celebracji, ale musi obejmować także studium obrzędów. Niniejsze opracowanie, nie pretendujące w żadnej mierze do bycia wyczerpującym, ma na celu zaproponowanie pewnych kryteriów hermeneutycznej lektury chrześcijańskiej rytualności, w oparciu o konkretny przykład użycia kadzidła w liturgii.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2021, Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie XVIII (2021) 18; 47-59
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La ricchezza delle tradizioni liturgiche dell’Occidente: riti latini non romani
The Richness of the Liturgical Traditions of the West: The Non-Roman Latin Rites
Bogactwo tradycji liturgicznych Zachodu: obrządki łacińskie nierzymskie
Valli, Norberto
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
riti latini non romani
libri liturgici
rito ambrosiano
storia della liturgia
latin non-roman rites
liturgical books
ambrosian rite
history of the liturgy
obrządki łacińskie nierzymskie
księgi liturgiczne
ryt ambrozjański
historia liturgii
Dopo una presentazione generale delle diverse liturgie sviluppatesi nel corso dei secoli in Occidente accanto al rito romano, l’articolo considera in modo particolare l’ambrosiano, attualmente ancora in vigore non solo in gran parte del territorio dell’arcidiocesi di Milano (nella quale il rito romano è minoritario), ma anche in alcune parrocchie delle diocesi italiane di Bergamo, Novara e nella diocesi svizzera di Lugano, per gran parte di rito romano. A una sintetica ricostruzione delle fasi che hanno contraddistinto la riforma postconciliare del rito proprio della Chiesa milanese segue una disamina dei libri liturgici in uso presso di essa. Le peculiarità che emergono consentono di apprezzare il contributo offerto dal rito della Chiesa di Milano alla bellezza pluriforme della liturgia cattolica.
The paper takes a general look at the various liturgies that have developed during the past centuries in the West, as well as the Roman rite; then it focuses on the Ambrosian rite. This one is still in use not only in much of the archdiocese of Milan, where the Roman rite is a minority, but also in some parishes of the Italian dioceses of Bergamo, Novara, and in the Swiss diocese of Lugano, where the Roman rite is a majority. After a synthetic description of the phases that characterized the post-conciliar reform of the Milanese Church, the article examines her current liturgical books. The emerging peculiarities allow to appreciate the Ambrosian Rite’s contribution to the pluriform beauty of the catholic liturgy.
Po ogólnym przedstawieniu różnych liturgii, które rozwinęły się w ciągu wieków na Zachodzie obok rytu rzymskiego, artykuł przygląda się w szczególności obrządkowi ambrozjańskiemu, który obowiązuje do dziś nie tylko na znacznej części terytorium archidiecezji mediolańskiej (w której obrządek rzymski stanowi mniejszość), ale także w niektórych parafiach włoskich diecezji Bergamo, Novara oraz w szwajcarskiej diecezji Lugano, w której w większości obowiązuje obrządek rzymski. Po krótkiej rekonstrukcji etapów, które wyznaczyły posoborową reformę własnego obrządku Kościoła mediolańskiego, następuje analiza używanych tam ksiąg liturgicznych. Wyłaniające się osobliwości pozwalają docenić wkład, jaki wniósł obrządek Kościoła mediolańskiego w wielopostaciowe piękno liturgii katolickiej.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2022, XIX/19; 277-290
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La figura e la missione del diacono permanente secondo ‘Direttorio per il ministero e la vita dei diaconi permanenti
The Figure and Mission of the Permanent Diaconate according to the ‘Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
diakoni stali
obowiązki i prawa diakonów
diakonia Słowa
liturgii i miłosierdzia
misja kanoniczna
duchowość diakońska
formacja stała diakonów
Permanent Diaconate
Obligations and Rights of Deacons
Service of the Word
the Liturgy and of Charity
Canonical Mission
Diaconal Spirituality
Ongoing Formation of Permanent Deacons
On 22 February 1998, the Congregation for the Clergy published the Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons. The document, which is divided into four parts, presents the juridical status of the Deacon, together with his ministry, spirituality and ongoing formation. According to the Directory, the diaconate has its source in the consecration and mission of Christ, wherein the Deacon is called to participate. Through the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration, he is constituted a sacred minister and a member of the hierarchy. This condition determines his theological and juridical status in the Church. At the moment of Admission to Candidacy, all prospective Deacons are obliged to clearly express, in writing, their intention to serve the Church for the rest of their lives in a given territorial or personal circumscription, or in an Institute of Consecrated Life, or a Society of Apostolic Life, who have the faculty to incardinate. Acceptance of this written request is reserved for the competent Ordinary of the candidate. Incardination is a juridical bond that has ecclesiological and spiritual value in that it expresses the ministerial commitment of the Deacon to the Church. By virtue of the Order received, Deacons are united together in sacramental fraternity. The status of Deacons also comprises specific obligations and rights, envisioned in cann. 273- 283 of the Code of Canon Law, where it speaks about the obligations and rights of clerics. The Directory recalls the tri-partite description of diaconal ministry given at the Second Vatican Council: service of the Liturgy, the Word and of Charity. Deacons can preside at the Liturgy of the Word, administer Baptisms, conserve and distribute the Eucharist, assist at and bless marriages in the name of the Church, bring Viaticum to the dying, read the Scared Scriptures to the faithful, instruct and exhort the People of God, preside at worship and prayer services, administer sacramentals, preside over funeral and burial rites, together with performing works of charity and support. The document by the Congregation for the Clergy underlines that diaconal spirituality has its foundation in the sacramental grace that is engraved in the Deacon’s soul, calling him to a complete gift of his person in the service of God in the Church. This spirituality is eminently Christological as it is intimately characterised by a spirit of service. With the diaconate, one seeks to imitate Christ who came to serve and not to be served. The Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons highlights the importance of ongoing formation for Deacons. Commitment is required here in continuity with the supernatural calling to a ministry of service in the Church, which together with initial formation, form part of a singular and organic Christian and diaconal journey. The document delineates four stages of formation: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral. The ecclesiastical norms recall that ongoing formation has the following characteristics: obligatory, universal, interdisciplinary, profound, scientific and propaedeutic of apostolic life. Deacons themselves are the primary agents of their ongoing formation, along their perennial journey of conversion. By their side stand the bishop and his Presbyterate, who have the task of helping them overcome any dualism or rupture between their secular lives and their diaconal spirituality, whilst also aiding them to respond generously to the demands and the responsibilities that the Lord has entrusted to them through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2020, 33, 2; 46-69
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Connotazione giuridica e teologica del diaconato permanente alla luce del Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico, del Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica e del Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’
Juridical and Theological implication of the Permanent Diaconate in the light of the New Code of Canon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the 292 Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’ .......
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Code of Canon Law
Word of God, Sacrament of Holy Orders
Grades of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Diaconate, Presbyterate, Episcopate
Common Priesthood
Acting in the person of Christ the Head
Permanent Diaconate
Diaconal Functions
Diaconal service of the Liturgy
Word and Charity, Diocesan Bishop
Extraordinary Minister
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms thatthrough the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms that through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican Council, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself toCouncil, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself to
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2020, 33, 1; 122-151
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Giovanniccio Bazilovič O.S.B.M. e la sua formazione monastica dei basiliani alla fine del XVIII e all’ inizio del XIX secolo nell’ eparchia di Mukačevo
George John Bazylovitch OSBM and His Monastic Formation of the Basilians from the Late 18th until Early 19th Century in the Eparchy of Mukacheve
Jerzy Jan Bazyłowicz OSBM i jego formacja monastyczna bazylianów od końca XVIII do początków XIX wieku w eparchii mukaczewskiej
Lach, Milan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Jerzy Joannikij Bazyłowicz
monastycyzm wschodni
eparchia mukaczewska
Imago vitae monasticae
komentarz do reguł zakonnych
wyjaśnienie Boskiej liturgii
George John Bazylowitch
Eastern monasticism
eparchy of Mukacheve
commentary on religious rules
an explanation of the Divine Liturgy
Artykuł ukazuje życie i dzieło bazylianina Jerzego Joannikija Bazyłowicza (1742-1821). Należy on do najbardziej zasłużonych bazylianów w historii grekokatolickiej eparchii Mukaczewo na Ukrainie. Był on protoihumenem siedmiu klasztorów bazyliańskich przez okres trzydziestu dwóch lat. Bazilovič zwracał szczególną uwagę na formację i życie duchowe zakonników, a tym samym pragnął podnieść poziom życia zakonnego ówczesnych bazylianów. Okres jego działalności uznaje się za złoty wiek eparchii mukaczewskiej, a napisane przez niego dzieła za klejnoty duchowości zakonnej tego okresu. Artykuł ukazuje szczegółowo jego trzy dzieła ascetyczne, które miały ogromny wpływ na kształtowanie się wschodniego monastycyzmu w cerkwi grekokatolickiej na Zakarpaciu na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku. Jego głównymi dziełami z zakresu duchowości zakonnej są to dwa rękopisy, dotyczące reguł i konstytucji zakonnych oraz dzieło drukowane: Imago vitae monasticae. Jest on ponadto autorem wyjaśnienia Boskiej liturgii.
This article discusses the life and legacy of the Basilian Father George John Bazylovitch (1742-1821). He is one of the most outstanding Basilians in the history of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Mukacheve. He was provincial superior of seven Basilian monasteries within the timespan of thirty two years. Bazylowitch paid special attention to the formation and spiritual life of the monks, wishing to raise the level of the monastic life of the Basilians under his supervision. The time of his supervision over the Basilian monastery is considered a golden age of the Eparchy of Mukacheve, and the works he authored are regarded as masterpieces of the monastic spirituality of that era. The article discusses in detail three of his ascetic works, which influenced considerably the shape of Eastern monasticism of the Greek-Catholic Church in Transcarpathia at the turn of the 19th century. Bazylovitch’s major contributions in the field of monastic spirituality are his two manuscripts concerning the monastic rules and constitutions; as well as one printed work, entitled: Imago vitae monasticae. He also authored a text of explanation of the Divine Liturgy.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2013, 4; 79-120
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Per una rilettura della storia della formazione e dello sviluppo del Messale Romano. Il caso del Messale di Clemente V
For a Re-reading of the History of Formation and Development of the Roman Missal. The Case of the Missal of Clement V
Ku relekturze historii powstania i rozwoju Mszału Rzymskiego. Przypadek Mszału Klemensa V
Celiński, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. św. Jana Pawła II Diecezji Siedleckiej
Mszał Rzymski
historia ksiąg liturgicznych
liturgika komparatywna
Roman Missal
history of the liturgical books
comparative liturgy
La storia della formazione e dello sviluppo del Messale Romano viene presentata a tutt’oggi come l’inversione di un procedimento diretto a cercare la fonte della fonte. In questo modo, però, si corre il rischio che possano essere annoverate tra le varie tappe del suo sviluppo anche le fonti tipologicamente diverse. Un caso di questo tipo si rinviene nella fonte conosciuta come il Messale di Clemente V (1305-1314). L’originalità di questo messale induce ad un ripensamento della questione dello sviluppo del Messale Romano. Il presente contributo è teso ad offrire alcuni orientamenti, basati sulle acquisizioni del metodo di liturgia comparata, per una rilettura della storia della formazione e dello sviluppo del messale.
The history of the formation and the development of the Roman Missal is presented until now as the reversal of a procedure to seek the source of the source. In this way, however, you run the risk that they may be counted among the various stages of its development also different typologically sources. A case of this type is found in the source known as the Missal of Pope Clement V (1305-1314). The originality of this missal leads to a rethinking of the issue of the development of the Roman Missal. This present contribution offers some guidelines, based on the acquisitions of the method of comparative liturgy, for a rereading of the history of the formation and development of the missal.
Historia powstania i rozwoju Mszału Rzymskiego aż po dziś dzień przedstawiana jest jako odwrócony proces poszukiwania źródła danego źródła. W ten sposób jednakże zachodzi ryzyko zakwalifikowania do poszczególnych etapów rozwoju mszału źródeł typologicznie różnych od siebie. Przypadek taki dotyczy źródła znanego jako Mszał Klemensa V (1305-1314). Oryginalność tego mszału nakazuje przemyśleć na nowo kwestię rozwoju Mszału Rzymskiego. Bazując na osiągnięciach metody liturgiki komparatywnej, niniejszy artykuł prezentuje niektóre spostrzeżenia służące relekturze historii powstania i rozwoju mszału.
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie; 2020, XVII/17; 47-66
Pojawia się w:
Teologiczne Studia Siedleckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il Direttorio Omiletico. Presentazione e riflessioni
The Homiletic Directory. A Presentation and Critical Evaluation
Dyrektorium homiletyczne. Prezentacja i ocena
Biscontin, Chino
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Dyrektorium homiletyczne
interpretacja Pisma Świętego
słowo Boże
lectio divina
Homiletic Directory
interpreting Sacred Scripture
the Word of God
Artykuł składa sie z trzech części. W pierwszej autor przedstawia zawartość rzeczową Dyrektorium homiletycznego uwypuklając zasadnicze tematy teologiczne tego dokumentu, a w szczególności problem natury homilii oraz kryteriów poprawnej interpretacji Pisma Świętego. Kryteria te zostały zaczerpnięte z adhortacji Verbum Domini: interpretacja perykopy w jej kontekście biblijnym, uwzględnienie zasady hierarchii prawd wiary oraz wierność Tradycji. W drugiej części autor wydobywa pozytywne aspekty Dyrektorium: stwierdzenia na temat wagi i godności homilii, przypomnienie nauki Soboru na temat homilii jako aktu celebracji liturgicznej, wezwanie do wierności nauce Kościoła poprzez odniesienie do Katechizmu Kościoła katolickiego. Część trzecia artykułu podkreśla niektóre braki i ograniczenia Dyrektorium. Zdaniem autora chodzi tu o zbyt enigmatyczne uwzględnienie adresata homilii, o brak informacji na temat aspektów komunikacyjnych przepowiadania. W dokumencie nie znalazły się także nowatorskie inspiracje papieża Franciszka zawarte w adhortacji Evangelii gaudium. Zabrakło także głębszej recepcji wskazań natury historiozbawczej obecnych w soborowej Konstytucji Dei Verbum. Il Direttorio Omiletico. Presentazione e riflessioni L'articolo comprende tre parti. La prima descrive il contenuto del Direttorio Omiletico e ne delinea i temi teologici che fanno da trama al documento e in particolare la natura dell'omelia, i criteri per una corretta interpretazione delle Scritture. Dell'omelia viene sottolineata la sua natura di mediazione sacramentale dell'evento della Parola di Dio. I criteri di interpretazione delle Scritture vengono desunti da Verbum Domini: e la comprensione di ogni pericope nel contesto dell'intera Scrittura, l'applicazione del principio della gerarchia delle verità di fede e la fedeltà alla comprensione nella Tradizione. La seconda parte mette in risalto l'apporto positivo di questo Documento: una vigorosa affermazione dell'importanza e della dignità dell'omelia, la fedeltà al dettato conciliare della sua appartenenza alla celebrazione di cui è parte integrante, l'affermazione della fedeltà alla dottrina della Chiesa, mediante il rimando al Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica. La terza parte intende segnalare alcuni limiti del Direttorio, e cioè una inadeguata attenzione ai destinatari dell'omelia e alle esigenze di una comunicazione efficace, la non incorporazione degli impulsi di novità contenuti nella Evangelii Gaudium, l'insufficiente recezione delle indicazioni storico-salvifiche della Dei Verbum.
The article is composed of three parts. In the first part, the author presents the subject contents of the Homiletic Directory while pointing out the essential theological topics contained in this document, and particularly the nature of the issues of a homily and the criteria for correctly interpreting Sacred Scripture. These criteria were taken from the exhortation Verbum Domini: interpreting a pericope in its biblical context, taking into account the principle of hierarchy of truths of the faith and faithfulness to Tradition. In the second part, the author derives the positive aspects of the Directory. This includes its statements on the topic of the homily's importance and dignity, reference to the Council's teachings on the topic of the homily as an action in the liturgical celebration and a call to being faithful to the Church's teachings by referring to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The third part of the article stresses some breeches and limitations in the Directory. According to the author, here we are referring to a rather enigmatic account of the homily's audience and a lack of information on the topic of aspects of communication in delivering. The document does not contain the unique inspirations of Pope Francis included in his exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. There is also a lack of a deeper reception of the nature of the historical and salvific recommendations present in the Council's Constitution Dei Verbum.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2016, 63, 12; 5-21
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La nuova traduzione in lingua Italiana del Messale Romano. LOpportunità di celebrare al passo col tempo
The New Italian Translation of the Roman Missal. The Oportunity to Celebrate in Step with Time
Nowe tłumaczenie Mszału Rzymskiego na język włoski
Di Marco, Emanuele Michele
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Mszał Rzymski w języku włoskim
Missale Romanum Editio Typica Tertia
Nowe tłumaczenie Mszału Rzymskiego 2020 (KEW)
Celebracja eucharystyczna
Roman Missal in Italian
New translation of the Roman Missal 2020 (KEW)
Eucharistic celebration
L'articolo parla della nuova traduzione del Messale Romano in lingua italiana. Alla prima domenica di Avvento del 2020 in tutte le comunità di lingua italiana sono entrate in vigore diverse novità: oltre ad una attualizzazione delle orazioni e dell'ordinario della Messa, si può notare una maggiore sensibilità al rapporto tempo / eternità.
Artykuł dotyczy nowego tłumaczenia Mszału Rzymskiego na język włoski. W pierwszą niedzielę adwentu 2020 r. we wszystkich wspólnotach włoskojęzycznych weszły w życie różne innowacje: oprócz aktualizacji modlitw i zwykłego porządku Mszy św., daje się zauważyć większą wrażliwość na związek między czasem a wiecznością.
This article discusses the new translation of the Roman Missal into Italian. On the first Sunday of Advent, several innovative changes were introduced for all Italian-speaking cummunities: as well as an updating of the Prayers and the Ordinary of the Holy Mass, one can also observe greater sensitivity concerning the relationship between Time and Eternity.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2021, 68, 5; 55-73
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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