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Il Consiglio Parrocchiale per gli Affari economici nella vita della parrocchia
Story, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
Parafialna Rada do spraw Ekonomicznych
rola świeckich w życiu Kościoła
Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego
Parish Finance Council
Code of the Canon Law
role of the laity in the life of the Church
One of the main messages of the Second Vatican Council was to highlight that members of the laity not only constitue and shape the Church but, even more importantly, have joint responsibility for it. The Church wants them to willingly respond to Christ’s calling which encourages them to take responsibility for the Church (see: Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation “Christifideles laici”, 2-3). The Canon Law from 1983 mentions two advisory bodies which may help the parish priest manage the parish. These are: the parish pastoral council (Canon 536 § 1) and the parish finance council (Canon 537). The aim of this article is to discuss the competencies of the parish finance council which is obligatory in each parish, according to the Canon 537 of the Code of the Canon Law. This rule applies to every parish, both territorial and personal. The parish finance council does not have a legal identity, does not replace or cover for the parish priest in representing the parish, nor does it act on his behalf (Canon 532). It is an advisory body whose aim is to advise the parish priest on how to manage the assets of the parish. The duties and rules of membership of the council should be defined both in the common law and in the particular law issued by the bishop of the diocese.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2019, 26; 387-402
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le “pagine sempre mediocri” di un premio Nobel per la letteratura. Excursus nella critica deleddiana del suo tempo
The ‘Always Mediocre’ Writing of a Nobel Laureate in Literature: The Critical Reception of Grazia Deledda
Bordry, Marguerite
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Grazia Deledda
women’s writing
gender stereotypes
exclusion from the literary canon
scrittura femminile
stereotipi di genere
esclusione dal canone
The reception of the work of Grazia Deledda (1871–1936) is a conspicuous paradox. Although she was a successful author and a Nobel Prize winner (1926), she is little known and little studied, especially when compared with the other Nobel laureates, in particular male ones. My aim is to investigate the origins of Deledda’s ‘misfortune’ by exploring the common issues critics raised with respect to Deledda’s books in her day. One of those was, prominently, Deledda’s alleged imperfect style, a recurring theme in criticism throughout her career. Also, the Sardinian dimension of her works left no critic indifferent and led to her writing often being reduced to ‘regional’ or ‘folkloric.’ Many critics insisted that Deledda’s Sardinia, little known on the ‘Continent’ at the time, enjoyed considerable success precisely because of its ‘exotic’ quality. Finally, Deledda’s status as a woman writer was a salient factor in the reception of her work. Indeed, critics tended to adopt a condescending, or even sexist, tone, whether their assessment of Deledda’s work was favourable or detractive, which was a real commonplace in the reception of women authors back then. My aim is to investigate the role of these issues in the exclusion from the canon of a writer who has remained unique in Italian literature to this day.
La ricezione dell’opera di Grazia Deledda (1871–1936) costituisce un vistoso paradosso. Sebbene sia stata un’autrice di successo, la prima e unica scrittrice italiana ad aver vinto il Premio Nobel per la letteratura (1926), è indubbiamente oggi la meno nota dei vincitori italiani del Nobel. Fu perfino derisa da colui che avrebbe vinto il Nobel dopo di lei, Luigi Pirandello, autore di un romanzo che la ridicolizza apertamente. Grazia Deledda rimane tuttora poco nota e decisamente poco studiata, soprattutto se paragonata agli altri vincitori del Nobel – non a caso tutti maschi. In questo articolo si indagano le origini della “sfortuna” deleddiana esplorando la critica coeva e concentrandoci sui temi che accomunano i critici. Primo fra tutti il suo presunto brutto stile, un tema ricorrente nei giudizi critici. La dimensione sarda delle sue opere, poi, non lascia nessun critico indifferente e la conduce a essere spesso ridotta alla parte di autrice “regionale” o “folkloristica”. Per molti, la Sardegna di Grazia Deledda, ancora poco nota nel “continente”, riscuote un successo notevole proprio per via della propria dimensione “esotica”. Infine il suo stesso statuto di autrice entra in gioco nella ricezione della sua opera. Come spesso accadeva all’epoca, si notano in effetti ricorrenti osservazioni condiscendenti, o addirittura sessiste, da parte dei critici, favorevoli o meno, il che costituisce un vero e proprio luogo comune nella ricezione delle autrici del tempo. L’intento è dunque di indagare il ruolo di questi temi nell’esclusione dal canone di quella che rimane ancora oggi un caso unico nella letteratura italiana.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2024, 15.1; 66-84
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il consilium fabricae ecclesiae nel Codex Iuris Canonici del 1917
Story, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
board factory church
Pope Pius X
The Code of Canon Law of 1917
the role of the laity in the life of the Church
rada fabryki kościoła
papież Pius X
Kodeks prawa kanonicznego z 1917
rola świeckich w życiu Kościoła
Jednym z ważniejszych punktów programu pontyfikatu papieża Piusa X była reforma prawa kanonicznego, dlatego 19 marca 1904 wydał on mottu proprio Arduum sane munus, w którym powołał do życia Komisję Kodyfikacyjną oraz kolegium konsultorów w celu odnowienia dyscypliny koś- cielnej. Prace nad reformą prawa kanonicznego zostały ukończone przez papieża Benedykta XV, który bullą Providentissima Mater Ecclesia, wydaną 27 maja 1917 r., promulgował Codex Iuris Canonici.Według Kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1917 r., rada fabryki kościoła była organem, w skład której wchodził proboszcz, jako przewodniczący, oraz duchowni, jak i osoby świeckie nominowane przez ordynariusza lub swojego delegata. Rada nie posiadała osobowości prawnej. Jej zadaniem było admi- nistrowanie dobrami należącymi do kościoła. Należy podkreślić, że Kodeks jednoznacznie wykluczał możliwość ingerencji przez radę w sprawy dotyczące sprawowania kultu Bożego w kościele. W aktualnym Kodeksie prawa ka- nonicznego nie występuje żadne odniesienie do rady fabryki kościoła. Obecne prawo powierza administrowanie dóbr kościoła proboszczowi, wspieranemu przez parafialną radę ekonomiczną (kanon 537). Istnienie rada fabryki koś- cioła jest bez wątpienia jednym z ważnych etapów w procesie kształtowania odpowiedzialności osób świeckich za własną świątynię i parafię.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2014, 21; 413-426
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criteri di ragionamento giuridico presso sistemi legali contemporanei
The criteria of legal reasoning in the contemporary legal systems
Kryteria rozumowania prawnego na przykładzie orzecznictwa sądowego we współczesnych systemach prawnych
Michowicz, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
comparative law
civil law
common law
canon law
court sentence
reasoning of
the judgment
orzeczenie sdowe
Zamierzeniem niniejszego artykułu jest nakreślenie procesu kształtowania się ostatecznego wyroku sądowego na przykładzie współczesnych systemów prawnych jak civil law, common law wraz z uwzględnieniem prawa kanonicznego. Celem lepszego zrozumienia rozumowego procesu dochodzenia do wyroku sądowego, konieczna była synteza cech charakterystycznych dla każdej z wyżej wymienionych ordynacji prawnych wraz z lekturą wybranych wyroków sądowych, zwłaszcza Najwyższych Trybunałów określonego państwa. Pod uwagę czytelnika został poddany również proces logicznego rozumowania i argumentacji orzeczenia sądowego z uwzględnieniem ram systemowych (sensu largo) każdej ordynacji. Idea rozważań stawia sobie za cel poszukiwania możliwego wspólnego mianownika dla wybranych ordynacji prawnych w kwestii ostatecznego wyroku sądowego, wskazując istotność argumentacji (jak również jej konieczność) i użyteczność technik logicznych w dochodzeniu do odkrycia prawdy materialnej procesu i określenia praw i obowiązków stron po procesie.
This paper focuses on the process of arriving at final judgments in different legal systems of today, such as civil law, common law, and also canon law. In order to better understand this process, the Author presents the historical development of each legal order, highlighting its characteristics, providing selected court judgments, especially the highest courts of a given state. The emphasis is placed on the motivation process so as to satisfy the claims of the parties involved in a judicial dispute. Furthermore, the Author discusses the techniques of logic, represented in every system of positive rules, which favour the discovery of the objective truth. The main purpose of the paper is to find a common denominator for the selected legal systems in terms of judicial proceedings, emphasizing the weight of argumentation and usefulness of logical techniques used towards the discovery of the substantive truth in judicial process and the determination of rights and obligations of parties to a case.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2014, 24, 1; 93-108
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Story, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
Synod Diecezji Rzeszowskiej, Synod Archidiecezji Poznańskiej, Rada Parafialna do spraw Ekonomicznych, Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego, parafia, arcybiskup Stanisław Gądecki, biskup Kazimierz Górny, rola świeckich w życiu Kościoła
The Synod of the Diocese of Rzeszów, the Synod of the Archdiocese of Poznań, the Parish Economic Council, the Code of Canon Law, parish, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, Bishop Kazimierz Górny, the role of the laity in the life of the Church
In the light of the current Code of Canon Law, according to Cann. 537, the parish priest is obliged to appoint the parish economic council whose responsibility is to abide by both the common law and the regulations issued by the bishop of the diocese. This paper presents and discusses the current charter of the Parish Economic Council of the Archdiocese of Poznań which was approved on February 20, 2007 by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznań. It is not clear why the Synod of the Diocese of Rzeszów does not mention the idea of the parish economic council. There is no information on the charter of the parish economic council among the charters approved by the Synod. The Canon law, both common and particular, stresses that the parish economic council is a body providing advisory and support services to the parish priests in administering the parish resources. The council consists of 3 to 7 members depending on the size of the parish, and its term of office lasts 4 years. At the same time, it is important to mention that the only legal representative of the parish in terms of the governance of its resources is the parish priest and he is the only person that can make valid decisions in this respect.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2017, 24; 453-466
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Connotazione giuridica e teologica del diaconato permanente alla luce del Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico, del Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica e del Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’
Juridical and Theological implication of the Permanent Diaconate in the light of the New Code of Canon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the 292 Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’ .......
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Code of Canon Law
Word of God, Sacrament of Holy Orders
Grades of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Diaconate, Presbyterate, Episcopate
Common Priesthood
Acting in the person of Christ the Head
Permanent Diaconate
Diaconal Functions
Diaconal service of the Liturgy
Word and Charity, Diocesan Bishop
Extraordinary Minister
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms thatthrough the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms that through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican Council, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself toCouncil, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself to
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2020, 33, 1; 122-151
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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