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Translating from Romanian to French the Fear in Fairy Tales
Flutur, Ionela Gabriela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Ion Creangă
cultural translation
Romanian culture
Der Artikel enthält das Abstract ausschließlich in englischer und französischer Sprache.
In this article, we undergo a comparative analysis of emotions in translation, particularly fear, in a Romanian tale rendered into French. The apparent simplicity of children's literature and its translation hides several difficulties as well on the linguistic level, as on the socio-cultural one. Our corpus is composed of a tale of Ion Creangă, a writer known for Romanian children's literature, Capra cu trei iezi [The goat and her three kids], and the collaborative version of M. Stanciu Stoian and Ode de Chateauvieux Lebel (1931) and the version of Mariana Cojan Negulescu (1996). 
Cet article envisage l’analyse comparative des émotions en traduction, en particulier, la peur, dans un conte roumain rendu en français. La simplicité apparente de la littérature de jeunesse et de sa traduction cache plusieurs difficultés autant au niveau linguistique, que socio-culturel. Le corpus d’analyse consiste dans un conte de Ion Creangă, un auteur connu pour la littérature enfantine roumaine, Capra cu trei iezi [La chèvre et les trois biquets], et deux traductions : la version collaborative de M. Stanciu Stoian et Ode de Chateauvieux Lebel (1931) et la version bilingue de Mariana Cojan Negulescu (1996). 
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature; 2020, 44, 1
Pojawia się w:
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Attendre le laitier, suivre l’ouvreuse, ces métiers d’antan ont-ils un but linguistique/didactique dans l’acquisition du FLE?
Waiting for the Milkman, Following the Usherette, Do These Old Crafts and Professions Have a Linguistic/Didactic Purpose in the Acquisition of the FLE?
Martinez, Christine
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
akwizycja; leksykultura; zawód; tłumaczenie; wiedza o kulturze; aspekt historyczno-kulturowy
acquisition; lexiculture; profession; translation; cultural knowledge; historico-cultural aspect
OCZEKIWANIE NA MLECZARZA, PODĄŻAĆ ZA BILETERKĄ, CZY TE DAWNE ZAWODY MAJĄ CEL JĘZYKOWY/DYDAKTYCZNY W AKWIZYCJI FRANCUSKIEGO JAKO JĘZYKA OBCEGO? To badanie w środowisku uniwersyteckim, w dwóch różnych instytucjach – w Warszawie i Białymstoku, z rozbieżnymi celami certyfikacji jest eksperymentalne, ale przynosi innowacyjne rezultaty. Tekst ten ma na celu wykazanie, że nauczanie i poznawanie terminologii dotyczącej dawnych zawodów, tj. terminów dawnych lub nawet archaicznych, ma cel językowy i dydaktyczny w nauce języka francuskiego jako języka obcego. Nasi uczniowie, którzy brali udział i aktywnie uczestniczyli w tym badaniu, wykazali mocne zainteresowanie tą terminologią, aby zdobyć wiedzę na temat kultury, specjalistyczne słownictwo, a także mieć przewagę językową. Attendre le laitier, suivre l’ouvreuse, ces métiers d’antan ont-ils un but linguistique/didactique dans l’acquisition du FLE? Cette étude en milieu universitaire, dans deux établissements différents – Varsovie et Białystok, avec des buts certificatifs divergents se veut expérimentale mais révélatrice quant aux résultats. En effet, ce texte vise à démontrer que la terminologie des métiers d’antan, p.ex. des termes vieillis voire archaïques ont un but linguistique et didactique dans l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère. Nos apprenants, après avoir assisté et participé très activement à cette étude, ont dévoilé un intérêt certain pour la terminologie des métiers d’antan afin d’acquérir un savoir culturel, un lexique spécialisé et aussi posséder un avantage langagier.
This study in an academic environment, in two different institutions – universities of Warsaw and Białystok, with divergent certification aims is experimental but revelatory in terms of results. Indeed, this text aims to show that the terminology of the old crafts and professions, i.e. aged or even archaic terms have a linguistic and didactic purpose in learning French as a foreign language. Our students, having attended and participated very actively in this study, have revealed a strong interest in this terminology in order that they acquire a cultural knowledge, a specialized vocabulary and also to have a lingual advantage.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 8; 171-184
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pour une approche identitaire en traduction : implications socio-culturelles
Identity approach in translation: sociocultural implications
Żuchelkowska, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Cultural and linguistic identity
Cultural and language hybridisation
The objective of this text consists in presenting how it is necessary for contemporary translators and interpreters (both literary and specialised) to acquire and develop the ability to recognize elements of identity discourse in translated texts. Nowadays, the need for inter-cultural exchange is inevitably connected with the necessity of establishing harmonious co-existence for numerous cultures and identities. Therefore, it is crucial to educate translators in a way that enables them to pay special attention to identity and cultural perturbations present in translated texts (culture and language hybridisation, multiple identity, cultural dislocation, presence in linguistic and political discourse of minority cultures), regardless of their genre or form. Such a strong emphasis on identity problems in the translation is especially relevant in the European context, where the attention of researchers and politicians directed at identity problems stemming from ethnical and cultural issues sets the framework for a new cultural paradigm that determines the future development of the EU. Becoming acquainted with this paradigm which emphasises fluency, identity unmarkedness and the new model of European collectivity is indispensable for a translator aspiring to become a true cultural mediator.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2012, 39, 2; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La sexualité, la métaphore et la différence des cultures : à l’exemple de „La Curée” d’Émile Zola et sa traduction polonaise
Sexuality, metaphor and cultural differences – example of "La Curée" by Émile Zola”
Seksualność, metafora i różnice kulturowe na przykładzie „Zdobyczy” Emila Zoli i jej polskiego tłumaczenia
Kaczmarek, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Polish translation
cultural difference
polski przekład
różnica kulturowa
W dziewiętnastowiecznej literaturze seksualność może być przedstawiona tylko w sposób pośredni – poprzez aluzje i metafory. W „Zdobyczy” Emila Zoli rośliny w szklarni wyrażają i symbolizują pragnienia postaci. Siła pierwotnego obrazu została jednak całkowicie zatracona w polskim przekładzie, powstałym w 1950 roku. Będąc wytworem komunistycznych realiów, tekst ten nie bierze pod uwagę kulturowego aspektu procesu tłumaczenia. Próba wiernego oddania warstwy leksykalnej i syntaktycznej odbywa się w nim kosztem charakterytycznej dla Zoli „malarskości” opisu, co powoduje, że najpiękniejsze fragmenty dzieła pisarza pozostają w zasadzie nieznane polskim czytelnikom.
In the literature of the 19th century, sexuality may be painted only in an indirect way, through allusions or metaphors. In Émile Zola’s "La Curée", plants in a greenhouse express and symbolize the character’s desire. However, the force of the original image is completely lost in the Polish translation, made in the 1950s. Being a product of the Communist period, this text doesn’t take into consideration the cultural aspect of the process of translation. An attempt to imitate the lexical and syntactic structure is made at the cost of pictorial description, characteristic of Zola’s prose. Therefore, the most beautiful fragments of French novel remain nearly unknown to polish readers.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2014, 009
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Les anthroponymes dans le roman Uwikłanie de Zygmunt Miłoszewski et dans sa traduction en français
Anthroponyms in Zygmunt Miloszewski’s novel Uwiklanie and its French translation
Kochanowska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
anthroponymes dans la littérature
techniques de traduction
réalités socio-culturelles
crime novel
socio-cultural reality
anthroponyms in literature
translation techniques
L’article est consacré aux anthroponymes dans le polar polonais Uwikłanie de Zygmunt Miłoszewski et dans sa traduction en français. L’analyse de la traduction des anthroponymes permet d’observer quelques techniques de traduction. Le plus souvent ce sont le transfert sans modification ou le transfert avec une modification orthographique (par exemple annulation des signes diacritiques polonais). En ce qui concerne les personnages de fiction, nous avons observé quelques particularités de la langue polonaise (un grand nombre de diminutifs, des noms de familles féminins avec le suffixe -owa, la structure ‘pan/pani+prénom’) qui ne sont pas gardées dans la traduction. En revanche, quant aux personnages réels, le traducteur ajoute toujours leurs professions, leurs fonctions ou d’autres informations en augmentant considérablement le texte traduit. Grâce à ces explications, le lecteur français approfondit sa connaissance des réalités socio-culturelles de la Pologne. Le traducteur facilite au récepteur cible la lecture de ce roman polonais, probablement à cause de son genre (polar) qui appartient à la littérature populaire.
This article is a study of anthroponyms in the French translation of the Polish crime novel Uwikłanie by Zygmunt Miłoszewski. The analysis of translated anthroponyms reveals a number of techniques applied by the translator. The most frequently used are name and surname transfers without any modifications and transfers with spelling modifications (e.g. by removing Polish diacritic marks). In the case of fictional characters most features characteristic of Polish anthroponyms (diminutive forms of names, female surnames with an -owa suffix, a Ms/Mr+first name structure) have been lost in translation. With real characters, whose role in the novel is to add authenticity to the picture of contemporary Poland, the translator always adds information such as occupation or function to their names, which contributes to the greater length of the French translation of the Polish original. This translation technique provides the French reader of the novel with an insight into the socio-cultural reality of life in Poland. Comprehension of the novel by foreign readers is facilitated by this translation technique. The rationale behind the translator’s decision to apply this technique was probably the fact that the novel belongs to popular literature.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2019, 19; 175-187
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Est-ce que la polonité est (in)traduisible ? Quelques réflexions sur la réception des éléments culturels dans le film Wesele par un Français
Is Polishness (non)translatable? Reflections on the reception of cultural elements in Wesele by the French viewer
Kochanowska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
éléments culturels
code verbal
code non-verbal
traduction audiovisuelle
verbal code
non-verbal code
audiovisual translation
cultural elements
L’article est consacré au transfert des éléments culturels dans la traduction audiovisuelle du film d’Andrzej Wajda Wesele et leur compréhension par un récepteur français. L’analyse de la traduction du film, profondément enraciné dans la culture polonaise, nous a permis de classer les éléments culturels selon quelques voies possibles du transfert. Nous essayons également de préciser si le récepteur français est capable de comprendre les références culturelles dans des scènes analysées. Cela nous mène à la constatation que la majorité des élements culturels dans le film reste incompréhensible pour un spectateur français. En effet, bien que le code non-verbal (image, musique) contribue à l’explication et à la compréhension du code verbal (sous-titres), cette fonction n’est pas remplie dans le cas du film Wesele. Par conséquent, le récepteur français ne comprendra pas plusieurs allusions, surtout celles dans les scènes privées de dialogues. Cela résulte aussi du fait qu’il n’a pas eu de possibilité de connaître la culture polonaise. Cependant, l’oeuvre de Wajda transmet un certain savoir sur la polonité ce qui constitue la valeur du film.
The article is devoted to the interpretation of cultural elements in the audiovisual translation of Wesele by Andrzej Wajda and their reception by the French viewer. The choice of the film was dictated by its strong rootedness in Polish culture. The analysis of the film translation makes it possible to group the cultural elements into several categories. In each case, we try to clarify how the analyzed scenes are understood by the French viewer. This analysis leads to the conclusion, that most of the cultural elements in Wesele remain incomprehensible. Although the role of non-verbal code (picture, music) is to explain and to complete verbal code (subtitles), this function is not completely fulfilled in the case of Wajda’s movie. Many scenes, especially images lacking words, do not induce any cultural associations amongst French viewers, which may be caused by their lack of contact with Polish culture. The film may, however, provide a lot of information about Polishness, which is its advantage.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2015, 15; 257-275
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Les représentations et la place de la littérature française/ francophone dans les pratiques de lecture des étudiants des universités européennes
The Representations and the Place of French/Francophone Literature in the Reading Practices of European University Students
Krawczyk, Dariusz
Obszyński, Michał
Smuk, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu
French literature
Francophone literature
reading practices
teaching French as a foreign language
literary translation
cultural transfers
European universities
littérature française
littérature francophone
pratiques de lecture
enseignement FLE
traduction littéraire
transferts culturels
universités européennes
The aim of this article is to present the results of research carried out within the European perspective on Literature, Culture, Language and Certification (EpoLCLC) project, according to three main axes: contemporary reading practices and the image of French literature among contemporary readers in a sociological approach; reading strategies of foreign language texts in a psycholinguistic approach; the place of translations and the representation of the role of the literary translator among contemporary readers in the light of conceptions related to cultural transfers and the global circulation of literature. The analysis and interpretation of the data collected during the course of the project will make it possible to compare the image we have of literature and the reader in our time with a set of real practices and beliefs, as defined by the people questioned during the study. More generally, it will be a question of drawing up, again from the data collected, a portrait of the European student as a reader and of defining the place that French and Francophone literature occupies in his or her daily practices.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2023, 20; 119-131
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autour de la réception de la littérature polonaise dans la belgique francophone de l’entre-deux-guerres
Some aspects of the reception of Polish literature in French-speaking Belgium between WW1 and WW2
Béghin, Laurent
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Backvis Claude
Flambeau (le)
Grégoire Henri
Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław
Journal des poètes (le)
Klupta Zenitta
Lednicki Wacław
Polish literature
Pen Club
Cultural transfer
Vivier Robert
Dwudziestolecie Międzywojenne
literatura polska
transfer kulturowy
French-speaking Belgium between WW1 and WW2 was very interested in the new states that emerged in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of the German, Austrian and Russian Empires. Poland in particular was the subject of much attention. Examples include the creation, under the auspices of the Polish government, of the first Belgian chair of Slavic studies in 1926, which was held by a Pole, Wacław Lednicki; Polish writers’ visits to Brussels (Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Jan Lechoń) as part of the activities organized by the Belgian PEN Club; the presence of Polish authors, classical or contemporary, in several French-speaking Belgian journals such as Le flambeau and Journal des poètes; the mediation work done by the writer Robert Vivier — to whom we owe some translations of contemporary Polish poets — or the hellenist Henri Grégoire, who sometimes put aside his own discipline — Byzantine studies — to translate and present Polish writers (among others Adam Mickiewicz and Juliusz Słowacki). In this article, I study and relate these events — which arguably prepared the ground for post-war years marked by the presence in Brussels of well-known polonists such as Claude Backvis and Alain Van Crugten — in order to sketch a picture of the reception, in the 1920’s and the 1930’s, of Polish literature in French-speaking Belgium.
Prace Polonistyczne; 2015, LXX; 31-50
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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