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Les editions de sources historiques et juridiques en tant que bien culturel national polonais
The Editing of the Sources of Legal History Regarded as the Values of Polish National Culture
Uruszczak, Wacław
Mikuła, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
edition of sources
values of culture
Polish legal history
Statutes of Casimir the Great
Corpus IurisPolonici
the Monuments of Old Polish Law
The sources of legal history illustrate the functioning of state structure and the society à trawers les âges. They are doubtless cultural heritage and value. One can view them through prism that is: 1) historical; 2) cognitive; 3) cultural. It is worthwhile to note that a well-prepared edition of the sources of that type facilitates smuggling their cognitive and cultural values. The editing of the sources cannot be replaced by a digitalization of the archives. Of course, the digitalization is needed (since it provides better protection of the archives than the microfilms do, and facilitates the access to the source material). However it cannot replace the function of source editing. The latter, in fact guarantees their the cognitive and cultural aspects of the source material will be brought to light. When edited, the sources material is not only the tool, it turns also into a cultural value. The first Polish editions of sources of legal history were prepared in the 18th century. These were: Volumina Legum (a collection of parliamentary acts), and the edition of international treaties compiled by Maciej Dogiel. The material they contained was still in use in legal practice of the 18th century. In the 19th century the growth of interests in the Poland’s past was stimulative of further editions of sources. They were published in several series. Thus Antoni Zygmunt Helcel established a series Starodawne prawa polskiego pomniki while the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences printed Archiwum komisji prawniczej. Both series continued publishing the main legal acts and also those illustrative of legal practice from the 13th through 18th centuries. There were also some sources printed beyond the scope of these two series. The efforts of A.Z. Helcel, R. Hube, B. Ulanowski, F. Piekosiński, M. Bobrzyński, S. Kutrzeba and O. Balzer in source exploring were continued after World War II. Those engaged in this work were above all the researchers from Kraków, Warszawa, Poznań. The second series of Starodawne prawa polskiego pomniki was due to the initiative of the Polish Academy of Science, its editor-in-chief being professor Adam Vetulani. Following 1989 it is in the Chair of Polish Legal History at the Jagiellonian University that the task of source editing is continued. It has been for 15 years now that Professor Stanisław Grodziski and his co-workers are engaged in publishing Volumina Constitutionum which is a modern version of the edition of the parliamentary acts of the old-Polish nobiliary Republic. In this millieu it was also Ludwik Łysiak and Karin Nilsen von Stryk who were responsible for publishing the court records illustrative of the cases between 15th through 16th centuries. Professor Wacław Uruszczak and his collaborators were, in their turn, busy editing criminal court records between 16th through 18th centuries.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2014, 7, 3; 405-417
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Raisons de la creation et de l’evolution des formations frontalieres polonaises dans l’entre-deux-guerres
Reasons for the Creation and Evolution of Polish Border Formations in the 20th-century Interwar Period
Zawadzki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Polish Border Guard
Polish constitution
constitutional law
institutional law
country border
In establishing the thematic scope of this work, I assumed that its subject would be the process of the formation of border services in interwar Poland. This means a deliberate and complete disregard for the essentially distinct administrative role played by the border guard. The presentation of the Border Guard from an administrative perspective changes the situation so profoundly that a thorough discussion of its implications would certainly double the volume of the publication. A superficial treatment of the administrative issue would lead to misunderstandings. Furthermore, a superficial omission of the administrative issue was deemed necessary because the formations were mainly military in nature. Before going into details and elaborations, I would like to present my main research objective, which is the following question: what was the evolution of the legal status of Polish border formations in the inter-war period? In view of this objective, it is necessary to present the work from a historical perspective. The chronology of the facts is important for the subject matter, as it serves to systematise the considerations. The structure of the work and the research method were adjusted to the above-mentioned assumptions of the publication, which shows the reasons for the creation and the process of transformation of the border formations in relation to various types of institutional solutions, up to the moment of the creation of the Border Protection Corps and the Border Guard Corps, operating under these names until 1939. The potential conclusions resulting from this chapter concern: the presentation of the institutional construction of the border formations in the years 1918–1939 and the demonstration that in the interwar period they were the main organs of the Second Polish Republic, which guaranteed the inviolability of state territory and the security of the citizens on the subordinate territory.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2021, 20, 2; 201-229
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La Pologne: la Constitution, la cour constitutionnelle et les inquiétudes de l’opinion internationale. Polska: Konstytucja, Trybunał Konstytucyjny i obawy opinii miedzynarodowej
Poland: The constitution, the Constitiutional Tribunal and the anxiety of the international opinion
Kruk, Maria
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
polskie sądownictwo konstytucyjne
kryzys konstytucyjny w Polsce 2015–2016
Trybunał Konstytucyjny
opinia międzynarodowa o polskim Trybunale Konstytucyjnym
ustawy o Trybunale Konstytucyjnym RP
sędzia TK
orzecznictwo TK
Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Constitutional Court
Polish constitutional law
constitutional crisis in Poland 2015–2016
Act on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Poland
Judge of the Constitutional Court
case law of Constitutional Court
Inspiracją i tłem dla podjętych w artykule rozważań były wydarzenia, jakie miały miejsce w Polsce w latach 2015/2016 r., związane z wielokrotnym podejmowaniem przez nową większość parlamentarną zmian w zakresie składu, trybu postępowania i podstaw prawnych sądownictwa konstytucyjnego (ustawy o Trybunale Konstytucyjnym). Artykuł omawia trzy główne wątki funkcjonowania w Polsce Trybunału Konstytucyjnego (TK). Pierwszy ukazuje jego genezę, jeszcze w okresie realnego socjalizmu (1982), co jest o tyle istotne, że jego ówczesna koncepcja, mimo konstytucyjnej deklaracji o niezawisłości sędziów, zakładała pewien stopień jego pozostawania pod „nadzorem” parlamentu (czyli hegemonicznej partii politycznej), co tym bardziej uwrażliwia na wszelkie analogiczne przejawy politycznej interwencji już w państwie demokratycznym. Pokazuje też, jak mimo to TK umiał w tamtym czasie zdobyć niezależność i utrwalić swój autorytet, a także jak ukształtowała ten organ – już zaliczony do władzy sądowniczej – Konstytucja RP z 1997 r. Drugi wątek przedstawia w skrócie „kronikę wydarzeń”, w tym pięć kolejnych ustaw (nowelizacji lub nowych ustaw o TK) i sposób, w jaki usiłują one, nawet niekiedy fortelem prawniczym, zmienić na politycznie „korzystniejszy” skład tego sądu, zablokować jego swobodę orzekania lub unieważnić wyrok, z ostatecznym uchwaleniem trzech nowych ustaw: o organizacji i trybie postępowania przed TK oraz statusie sędziów TK (a także ustawę zawierającą przepisy wprowadzające), których negatywne konsekwencje pojawiają się na bieżąco. Równolegle ukazano opinie instytucji międzynarodowych (Komisji Weneckiej, Parlamentu Europejskiego i Komisji Europejskiej) zaniepokojonych sytuacją w Polsce z punktu widzenia europejskich standardów rule of law. Trzeci wątek dotyczy kwestii może najważniejszej, a mianowicie konsekwencji doktrynalnych i konstytucyjnych oraz problemów, jakich polskiej nauce prawa konstytucyjnego oraz praktyce konstytucyjnej i politycznej wydarzenia te przysporzą.
The events that took place in Poland 2015 and 2016, concerning the actions taken by the new parliamentary majority, including changes in the composition, procedure and legal basis of the Constitutional Court (Constitutional Court Act) were an inspiration to the reflections presented in this paper. Discussed in the paper are three main points of the functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal (CT) in Poland. The first outlines the genesis of CT, starting with the period of real socialism (1982). This is quite important as the original concept of CT, despite the constitutional declaration of independence of the judges, assumed some degree of parliamentary supervision (i.e. a hegemonic political party). The text also describes how CT at the time able was to achieve independence and consolidate its authority, illustrating how this body – already included in the judiciary – was constituted in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in 1997. The second point consists of a short chronicle of events, including the adoption of the five successive legal acts (amendments or new Constitutional Court Acts), and the way in which attempts were made, sometimes even by legal tricks, to change the composition of this court to a politically more favourable and to block its freedom or to revoke the court’s ruling. With the final passing of three new laws on the organisation and the procedure of the Constitutional Tribunal and the status of its judges, whose negative consequences continue to appear. At the same time, international institutions (the Venice Commission, the European Parliament and the European Commission) announced their opinions, expressing concern about the situation in Poland from the point of view of European standards of Rule of Law. The third point touches probably the most important issue – the doctrinal and constitutional consequences, as well as the problems brought by these events to the Polish constitutional law science and the constitutional and political practice.
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem; 2017, 9, 1; 32-62
Pojawia się w:
Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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