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The Concept of Russian Federation Foreign and Security Policy by Eugene Primakov
Delong, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
the security policy
the foreign policy
The aim of this article is to analyze the concept of Russian foreign and security policy by Eugene Primakov, one of the most eminent Russian politicians of the twentieth century. The article applies research methods and techniques appropriate to science about politics. These include a comparative analysis and a method of historical analysis that enabled the presentation of political events and factors shaping the foreign and security policy of the Russian Federation. In 1996, President Boris Yeltsin appointed Primakov to the post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The goals and assumptions of foreign and security policy have undergone a thorough redefinition, related to the tendencies noticeable in Russia in 1993–1995. Before, foreign policy had been dominated by neoliberal and Euro-Atlantic options, whose representative was predominantly Primakov’s predecessor as the minister of foreign affairs, Andrei Kozyrev. After the fall of Sergei Kirijenka’s government, Primakov assumed the office of Prime Minister on September 11, 1998 and held it until May 12, 1999. It was a cabinet of political compromise, which was supposed to facilitate agreement with the opposition and the continuation of reforms, although not on the same principles as before. Primakov criticized his predecessors for the wrong political line, the lack of effectiveness of the stabilization policy, which resulted in a fall in production. He stressed that his government did not give up market reform, but called for the state’s participation to be increased. Yevgeny Primakov claimed that Russia should strive to formulate a multipolar system of international relations that truly reflects the multifaceted nature of the present world with the diversity of its interests. Primakov exerted a huge influence on the Russian foreign and security policy of Putin’s day. His political line was carried out by his successors, and above all Igor Ivanov and Sergey Lavrov. The main directions and assumptions of his concepts are still repeated in official documents articulating the Russian doctrine of security and defense, and nothing indicates that this state of affairs has changed, and this in turn carries the threat of destabilization in Central and Eastern Europe.
Internal Security; 2020, 12(1); 307-318
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
South Caucasus in the Foregin Policy of the Russian Federation. Do Doctrinal Assumptions Translate into Reality?
Kardaś, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
South Caucasus
Russian Federation
the foreign policy
Russian policy in South Caucasus is not a fully effective policy, as Russia’s actions towards Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are dominated by bilateral relations rather than a single, coherent strategy towards the region. The policy towards these countries also bears the hallmarks of an imperial policy, since it boils down to rewards (in the political, economic or military sphere) for cooperation, or punishments for any action against Russian interests. In addition to enhancing bilateral relations, Russia makes efforts (in accordance with documents issued by official bodies) to integrate the CIS area, of course including the Trans-Caucasus, under its leadership. But it comes up short in these efforts, because not all the Caucasus countries are interested in Russian-led economic integration (within the Eurasian Economic Union), or political and military integration (within CIS, CSTO).
Przegląd Strategiczny; 2016, 9; 105-115
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Strategiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Western“ Israel in the system of the oriental civilization
„Zachodni” Izrael w systemie orientalnej cywilizacji
Świeca, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
the political system
constitutional conditionings
political arena
the foreign
the demography
system polityczny
uwarunkowania konstytucyjne
arena polityczna
strategia zagraniczna
Artykuł koncentruje się na definiowaniu istoty cywilizacji państwa Izrael na Bliskim Wschodzie oraz kwestii przynależności Izraela zarówno do cywilizacji zachodniej, jak i wschodniej Autor analizuje dynamikę demograficzną w państwie, a także na jego scenie partyjno-politycznej, co razem określa strategię polityki zewnętrznej W fundamentach państwa stworzonych przez Davida Ben Guriona odnajduje podwójny charakter Izraela: z jednej strony występują świeckie struktury stworzone przez aszkenazyjskie Mapai – a później Partię Pracy, a z drugiej strony mamy do czynienia z silną obecności religii w funkcjonowaniu państwa Wzrost znaczenia od połowy lat 70 Sefardyjczyków, duże znaczenie prawicowego Likudu i małych ortodoksyjnych formacji spowodowało, że Izrael – coraz bardziej nowoczesny i zmodernizowany technologicznie, więc zachodni, jednocześnie stawał się orientalny, tworząc regionalne niestabilne koalicje o podłożu religijnym W pracy położono nacisk zarówno na analizę sytuacji wewnętrznej, jak i subregionalnej, głównie w kontekście konfrontacji z Iranem i jego regionalnymi sojusznikami Autor jest przekonany, że oblicze cywilizacji podmiotów regionalnych najwydatniej objawia się w okresie kryzysów i wojen, dlatego wiele miejsca poświęcono libańskiej wojnie z Hezbollahem w 2006 roku, a później z Hamasem W nich wyszedł na jaw oportunizm elit politycznych Izraela i zminimalizowanie myślenia strategicznego Praca unika prognoz nawet dla najbliższej przyszłości Autor zaprzecza prognozowaniu jako nieodzownemu warunkowi poprawności naukowej tekstu.
The article concentrates on defining of the civilization creature of the state Israel on the Middle East scene and on conditionings belongings of Israel both to the western system as and the eastern oriental world The author gets to the bottom of the dynamics of the evolution of the demographic matter states as and into his scene of party-political which determines the external strategy and the policy Finds, with foundations of State created by David Ben Gurion, evidenced the double character of Israel: on one hand on the lay structure created by the Ashkenazic party Mapai and later Labor Party, and on the other hand on the strong presence of the religion and the synagogue to which one gave back civil cases The promotion of Sephardim from the half of years 70 , the height of the meaning of rightist Likud and small orthodox formations, caused that Israel more and more modern and technologically modernized, so western, had simultaneously stood up an oriental state, in compliance with a membership the regional and unstable authority which demanded religious coalition members that to rank The work composition focus on facts concerning both the internal situation as and subregional, mostly in the collation context with Iran and his regional allies The author is convinced, with the civilization visage of regional actors, he most put on weight manifests itself within a period of crises and wars Because many places devoted to the Lebanese war with Hezbollah in 2006 as and later with Hamas organization ( so called three-week) war In them came to light opportunism political elites of Israel and minimalized strategic thinking The work avoids prognoses even on nearest future The author denies prognosing as the indispensable condition of the scientific correctness of the text.
Przegląd Narodowościowy – Review of Nationalities; 2016, 6; 161-194
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Narodowościowy – Review of Nationalities
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In search of a reaffirmation of one’s own poetic voice through translation: contemporary Polish poetry translated into Spanish
Auf der Suche nach der Bestätigung der eigenen poetischen Stimme: moderne polnische Dichtung in spanischer Übersetzung
W poszukiwaniu potwierdzenia własnego głosu poetyckiego poprzez tłumaczenie: współczesna poezja polska w przekładzie na język hiszpański
JACKIEWICZ, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
serielles Denken
myślenie seryjne
doświadczenie obcego
serial thought
the trial of the foreign
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie możliwych trudności, jakie mogą napotkać tłumacze przystępujący do odtworzenia w tekstach docelowych obrazów rzeczywistości przedstawionych w utworach współczesnych polskich poetów, takich jak Marcin Świetlicki, Ewa Sonnenberg, Michał Sobol i Jacek Dehnel. Jest to twórczość praktycznie nieznana hiszpańskojęzycznemu czytelnikowi, stąd realizowane studium ma również za zadanie zapoznanie go z poezją opublikowaną w Polsce w ostatnich latach. Proponujemy analizę porównawczą oryginalnych wersów z ich hiszpańskimi wersjami, mającą na celu zbadanie, czy stylistyczna i formalna organizacja polskich utworów, z których wyłania się chęć „podążania ścieżkami twórczej wolności i bycia wiernym własnemu głosowi” (Antonio Colinas), została zachowana w tekstach docelowych. Myśląc o specyfice tej poezji i sposobie jej ujawnienia w procesie tłumaczenia, punktem wyjścia do naszych rozważań będzie koncepcja tłumaczenia tekstów lirycznych jako twórczej rekontekstualizacji oryginału w tworzywie języka docelowego, autorstwa Lawrence’a Venutiego. Pod uwagę weźmiemy również spostrzeżenia Antoine’a Bermana i zaproponowane przez niego pojęcie przekładu jako „doświadczenia obcego”, aby zweryfikować, czy i w jakim stopniu rozwiązania przyjęte przez tłumaczy umożliwiły docelowemu odbiorcy doznanie niekiedy odległej rzeczywistości ukazanej w tekstach wyjściowych. Wreszcie, biorąc pod uwagę ideę przekładu jako procesu twórczego, interesującym będzie odniesienie się do zagadnienia „myślenia seryjnego”, w ujęciu Umberto Eco, oraz jego zastosowania w translacji. Zaprezentowane przykłady pozwolą nakreślić hiszpańskojęzycz-nemu odbiorcy charakter najnowszej poezji polskiej i wykażą, że oddany w analizowanych tłumaczeniach zamysł estetyczny jej autorów może być częścią docelowej tradycji literackiej.
Das Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist es zu zeigen, auf welche möglichen Schwierigkeiten Übersetzer stoßen können, die die Bilder der äußeren Wirklichkeit aus den Werken polnischer Dichter wie Marcin Świetlicki, Ewa Sonnenberg, Michał Sobol i Jacek Dehnel wiedergeben wollen. Dabei handelt es sich um Werke, die den spanischen Lesern praktisch unbekannt sind, daher hat diese Untersuchung die Aufgabe, sie mit der in den letzten Jahren in Polen veröffentlichten Dichtung bekannt zu machen. Vorgeschlagen wird daher ein Ver-gleich der originalen Verse mit ihren spanischen Versionen, der sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, ob die stilistische und formale Organisation der polnischen Gedichte, aus denen der Wille „den Spuren der schöpferischen Freiheit und der Treue der eigenen Stimme zu folgen“ (Antonio Colinas) auftaucht, in den Zieltexten beibehalten wurde. Unter Berücksichtigung der Spezifik dieser Dichtung und der Art ihrer Entdeckung im Übersetzungsprozess, ist der Ausgangspunkt der Überlegungen Lawrence Venutis Konzept der Übersetzung lyrischer Texte als künstlerische Rekonstruktion des Originals in der Zielsprache. Eingebunden werden auch die Betrachtungen von Antoine Berman und der von ihm vorgeschlagene Begriff der Übersetzung als „Fremdheitserfahrung“, um zu verifizieren, ob und wie es die übersetzerischen Lösungen dem Zielrezipienten ermöglichten, die manchmal entfernte Realität, die in den Ausgangstexten gezeigt wurde, zu erfahren. In Anlehnung an die Idee der Übersetzung als künstlerischen Prozess sind schließlich der Bezug auf das Konzept „des seriellen Denkens“ von Umberto Eco und seine Anwendung in der Übersetzung interessant. Die präsentierten Beispiele zeigen dem zielsprachigen Leser den Charakter der neuesten polnischen Dichtung und beweisen, dass die in den analysierten Übersetzungen wiedergegebene Absicht ihrer Autoren ein Teil der zielsprachigen Literaturtradition sein kann.
The aim of this paper is to show the possible difficulties which might be encountered by the translators who resolve to recreate in the target texts the images related to the reality depicted in the recent Polish poets, such as Marcin Świetlicki, Ewa Sonnenberg, Michał Sobol and Jacek Dehnel. It is an artistic manifestation practically unknown to the Spanish-language reader, so the purpose of our study is also to create the possibility of familiarizing with the poetry that has been published in Poland during the last years. It is proposed to make a comparative analysis between the original verses and the Spanish versions to find out if the stylistic and formal organization of the works from which emerges “the adoption of paths of creative freedom and fidelity to one’s own voice” (Antonio Colinas) by their authors has been preserved in the target texts. When thinking about the specificity of this poetry and the way of revealing it in the translation process, it is used the idea of the translation of lyric texts as a recontextualisation of the original verses in another language put forward by Lawrence Venuti. We also take into account the observations of Antoine Berman and his concept of translation as “the trial of the foreign” to verify if and to what extent the solutions adopted by the translators have distanced the target recipient from the qualities of the original and sometimes distant reality. Finally, and thinking about the recreational aspect of the translation process, we also focus on the notion of “serial thought” described by Umberto Eco and its use in the field of translation. The presented examples sketch the Hispanic reception of the latest Polish poetry and indicate that its aesthetic inten-tionality reflected in the analyzed translations may be a part of the target literary tradition.
Transfer. Reception studies; 2018, 3
Pojawia się w:
Transfer. Reception studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Strategies and Goals of Russian Diplomacy During the Kosovo Conflict (1998-1999)
Pawłowski, Konrad Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
the Balkans, Kosovo, foreign policy of the Russian Federation, global shift of power, military intervention, NATO, the West and Russia
   The article supports the thesis that despite Cold War style oratory and criticism of the NATO's intervention against Yugoslavia, Russian policy on Kosovo armed conflict represented a realistic and pragmatic approach. It points that Russian leadership was conscious of the domestic political and economic problems as well as the unfavourable post Cold War shift of power and changes of the international system and knew that Russia could not reply to the unilateral NATO's air campaign against Yugoslavia. It argues that Moscow admittedly wanted to avoid NATO intervention at the Balkans which inevitably undermined the international position of Russia, but despite some political gestures and claims about the traditional Russo-Serbian friendship had no direct geopolitical interests at the Kosovo conflict, did not believe the Milosevic's 'truths' and actively participated at the high-level international peacemaking initiatives together with the West. It claims that Russia actually supported Western efforts aimed to stop the violence at the province and start political dialogue between Belgrade and Kosovo Albanians about the autonomy of the province. It finally argues that Russian constructive approach 'helped' the Alliance to end its war over Kosovo and stresses that peace proposals offered to Belgrade were collectively worked out and endorsed by the West and Russia.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2017, 24, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Peculiarities of Ukrainian-British Diplomatic Relations During the Ukrainian Revolution (1917-1921)
Datskiv, I.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Ukraine, Great Britain, diplomacy, the Entente, foreign policy, government
Україна, Велика Британія, дипломатія, Антанта, зовнішня політика, уряд
У статті проаналізовано зовнішню політику Великої Британії щодо України у 1917-1921 рр. Показано особливості відносин між Англією та українськими урядами за доби національно-визвольних змагань. Розкрито вплив політики Великої Британії на становлення та розвиток української державності. З’ясовано міжнародні, політичні та військові передумови українсько-британського зближення у революційну добу. Зазначено, що важливим чинником зміщення орієнтації зовнішньої політики у бік Антанти була участь української делегації під керівництвом І. Коростовця у конференції країн Антанти у Яссах на початку листопада 1918 р. Встановлено, що інтерес до України та її боротьби за державність виявляли закордонні дипломати, акредитовані урядом УНР. В Україні продовжували свою діяльність консульські установи як країн Антанти (зокрема, Великої Британії), так і нейтральних держав. Показано, що Велика Британія, як і інші держави Антанти, проігнорували законне право українського народу на державну самостійність і соборність його земель.
This article analyzes the foreign policy of Great Britain to Ukraine in 1917-1921 years. Features of relations between England and the Ukrainian governments during national liberation movement are shown. The impact of Great Britain on the political formation and the development of Ukrainian statehood is revealed International, political and military background of the Ukrainian-British rapprochement in revolutionary days is clarified . It is indicated that an important factor shifted foreign policy orientation towards the Entente was the participation of the Ukrainian delegation under the leadership of I. Korostovetzin in the conference of Entente states in Iasi in early November 1918. It is established that interest in Ukraine and its struggle for statehood was shown by foreign diplomats accredited to the government of UРR. Consular offices of the Entente (including Great Britain) and neutral states continued their activities in Ukraine. It is shown that Great Britain and other Entente powers ignored the legitimate right of the Ukrainian people for national independence and the unity of its lands.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2017, 4; 155-169
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A foreign body (a fish bone) in the esophagus translocating into soft tissues of the neck – a case report
Licznerska-Kreczko, Magda
Kuczkowski, Jerzy
Nowicki, Tomasz
Świerblewski, Maciej
Skorek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
foreign body in the esophagus
fish bone
paraesophageal abscess
Background: Patients with foreign bodies in upper digestive tract not infrequently trigger many diagnostic and treatment challenges, especially when foreign bodies translocate and are lodged outside the esophagus. Case report: We present a case of a foreign body in esophagus 56-years old woman who had developed persistent sensation of an obstacle in her throat after eating fish (Atlantic cod). She has initially dismissed her symptoms and refused medical treatment. Subsequently, a neck CT done one week later showed a 20-milimeter long fish bone in the soft tissues on the left side of her neck (between pharynx and vertebral column). Few attempts of endoscopic removal were unsuccessful. Despite antibiotic prophylaxis and due to the fish bone translocation into soft tissues of the neck and its location close to a common carotid artery and an internal jugular vein a decision was made to remove it from the external approach. The foreign body was successfully removed without any esophageal damages. Conclusions: Foreign bodies in digestive tract may result in many life-threatening complications. The fundamental management is based on the endoscopic removal of a foreign body and the antibiotic prophylaxis. In case of foreign bodies lodged in soft tissues open surgery is recommended. Key words: foreign body in the esophagus; fish bone; paraesophageal abscess ; treatment
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny; 2019, 8, 1; 59-62
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foreign economic activity activation of the region in the context of euroregional cooperation: theoretical and methodical approaches
Aktywacja zagranicznej działalności gospodarczej regionu w kontekście współpracy euroregionalnej: podejście teoretyczne i metodyczne
Pavlikha, N.
Zelinska, O.
Aliieva, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
foreign economic activity of the region
foreign economic activity activation of the region
Euroregional cooperation
Subject and purpose of work: The subject of this paper concerns theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of foreign economic activity of the region in the context of Euroregional cooperation, which is an important factor of socio-economic development of the country. The main purpose is to identify such economic categories as “foreign economic activity activation of the region”, “organizational and economic mechanism activation of foreign economic activity of the region in the context of Euroregional cooperation” as well as to develop a methodological scheme for the diagnostics of foreign economic activity of regions in the context of Euroregional cooperation. Materials and methods: In order to clarify theoretical concepts and identify similarities and differences in their definitions, the method of morphological analysis was adopted. This made it possible to systematize different options in terms of their characteristics and create new, hypothetically possible objects. Hence the research methods, of comparison, theoretical generalization and data systematization, etc. were applied. Results: Some interpretations of the key definitions of the categories “foreign economic activity activation of the region”, “organizational and economic mechanism activation of foreign economic activity of the region in context of Euroregional cooperation” were worked out and methodical principles of analysis of foreign economic activity of the region were offered. Also, foreign economic activity diagnostics of regions in the context of Euroregional cooperation was carried out and interregional differences were defined. The results of the study can help derive recommendations for the introduction of foreign economic activity activation of the regions. Conclusions: On the basis of the evaluation of Ukraine's foreign economic activity in terms of exports, imports and the trade balance in 2010-2019, three periods were identified: 2010-2012 – before the crisis, 2013-2015 – economic crisis and its consequences, and 2016-2019 – the period after the crisis recovery and of unstable developmental trends. Significant interregional differentiation in the levels of the development of foreign economic activity of the regions of Ukraine was revealed. The leading regions in terms of foreign economic activity have proved to be Kyiv city, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2020, 13, 4; 429-441
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Surprise, an Anniversary Gift or a Real Challenge? Quick View on the Election of Donald Tusk for the President of the European Council
Potorski, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Copernicus na rzecz Rozwoju Badań Naukowych
European Council
European Commission
the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Ten years after Poland’s accession to the European Union it seems right to ask the question: is our country a subject or an object in the political game in Brussels? Is our position strong enough to effectively influence the decision-making mechanisms in the European Union? Or maybe what some say about Poland’s position in the EU is true and our country is indeed “playing out of its league? In an attempt to contribute to answering these questions, in this text the author tries to identify the factors which may have had an impact on the election of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk for the President of the European Council. The aim of the conducted cognitive process is also to perform an initial analysis of the visible results of this move, both for the institutional system of the European Union and for the way in which public decisions are shaped within the organization.The author also tries to identify the most significant challenges the Union has to face, as seen from the perspective of the President of the European Council. One might hope that this will be a good starting point for learning about the mechanism of forming political decisions in the EU, which will also find their place in the hereby publication as part of an extended analysis.
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies; 2014, 2 (6)
Pojawia się w:
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Turkey’s multi-polar diplomacy on its way to the European Union
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
Turkey, European Union, role in the Caucasus, partnership, home and foreign Policy
Turkey conducts amulti-polar foreign diplomacy in order to strengthen its positions in the region, to gain control over the neighboring countries; as well as to make its way towards the European Union. Being on the EU’s waiting list, Turkey strives to get advanta-ges of its prolonged status as acandidate country.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2011, 2, 2; 80-86
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The realignment and staffing of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 1945 and 1950
Przekształcenie i obsada stanowisk w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych Węgier w latach 1945–1950
Sáringer, János
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Reorganization of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Hungarian diplomats
communist takeover
On March 19, 1944, under the German occupation, Hungary lost its sovereignty. Due to the Second World War and the fighting in Budapest, the building and organization of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs were in ruins. After the war, the reorganization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began with the employees of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs operating between 1920 and 1944. The Ministry followed the previous organizational and operational principle. Diplomats and ministry workers gained their foreign experiences before the war. In parallel with the takeover of power by the communists in Hungary, many diplomats and foreign workers emigrated due to the removal of old specialists and the open takeover of power by the communists. The communist-led Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a huge shortage of staff and specialists, which were replaced on the one hand by communist cadres of working and peasant origin, and on the other hand the Foreign Academy was established whose curriculum consisted of the classics of Marxism-Leninism. In 1950, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was reorganized, and a horizontal and vertical operating structure was established.
DOCTRINA. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne; 2022, 19, 19; 9-30
Pojawia się w:
DOCTRINA. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foreign direct investment in transition economies: the regional structure and peculiarities of development in Belarus
Pirozhnik, Ivan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
debt instruments
distribution network
export investment
foreign direct investment
geo-economic structure
index of investment activity
investment expansion
the rating business
the regional structure of foreign investment
The spatial structure of the world economy is divided into countries of economic center, semi-periphery and periphery. Changes of the spatial structure of the world economy and globalization trends are marked. A key element of the growing of globalization process is foreign direct investment(FDI) and activities of transnational corporations. Declining trend in foreign direct investment is marked in conditions of instability of world economic development, shifts in FDI regional structure and their impact on countries with developing market economies. On the basis of the regional monitoring of the foreign direct investment the CIS market is described, in particular of the countries of the Customs Union and Belarus. The volumes of the Belarusian direct investment abroad are outlined, the forms of presence in foreign markets are indicated, the development of the commodity distribution networks, created by Belarusian enterprises and geography of inflow and outflow of FDI, is analyzed. The directions of improving the investment climate in Belarus and improve its position in the world rankings are marked.
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego; 2015, 29, 1; 113-125
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Personnel policy of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance in the Kingdom of Poland in the years 1850-1862
Latawiec, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Kingdom of Poland
customs administration
Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance
In 1851 the Kingdom of Poland was placed under the Russian customs jurisdiction, which resulted in the emergence of the Russian customs administration. For the system to function properly, the selection of appropriately trained clerical staff was needed. Moreover, the functioning of the customs administration in the consecutive years was only possible thanks to permanent full staffing of customs offices. The research into archival sources made it possible to analyze the personnel policy conducted in the Kingdom of Poland by the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance in the Russian Empire. As it turned out, the customs administration, despite being Russian in structure, was dominated by clerks of Polish origin and Roman Catholic denomination. Furthermore, the Russian authorities tried to rely on employees experienced in working for the customs offices operating in the Kingdom of Poland before 1851.
Historia i Świat; 2021, 10; 283-299
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Świat
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Żywicka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
credit in foreign currency
the consumer
The subject of the article is the problem of the legal construction of loans denominated and indexed with a  foreign exchange rate (CHF), which were incurred by Polish consumers in 2005-2017 and their repayment. The main problem analyzed in the article is the issue of repayment of franc loans noticed and analyzed both in scientific circles (by lawyers, economists, sociologists) and by politicians, which testifies to the significance and size of the phenomenon. This article will present individual views and proposals of the author in relationto Polish conditions, primarily from the legal point of view, the author firstly presents the legal construction of the loan, then presents the positions of banks and courts and proposes the cancellation of the contract and the conversion of some of its provisions.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2018, 33, 2; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Personality factors as predictors of foreign language aptitude
Biedroń, Adriana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Five Factors
foreign language aptitude
gifted foreign language learners
The study addresses a problem which is inadequately investigated in second language acquisition research, that is, personality predictors of foreign language aptitude. Specifically, it focuses on the Five Factor model which includes Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992) as traits differentiating gifted and nongifted foreign language learners and predicting results of foreign language aptitude tests. Although contemporary researchers generally agree that affect is an important variable in second language acquisition, most empirical studies demonstrate that personality factors are weakly correlated with cognitive abilities and that their contribution to the ultimate attainment is minor (cf. Robinson & Ellis, 2008). On the other hand, these factors constitute an integral part of cognitive ability development (cf. Dörnyei, 2009); therefore, neglecting them in research on foreign language aptitude would be unjustified. The following study is an attempt to analyze the Five Factors in two groups of learners: gifted and nongifted. In order to answer the question as to which and to what extent personality factors have a predictive effect on foreign language aptitude, the results were subjected to a multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study are presented and discussed in a wider context of research on cognitive abilities.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2011, 1, 4; 467-489
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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